LM :: Volume #7

#78: Human nature

Sees the Secret Puppet cities to have nothing unusually, Klein starts to think to have the Miss Justice bitter experience: 秘偶城镇没什么异常,克莱恩又开始思索起“正义”小姐的遭遇: In view of the action of Arien Hogue this giant spirit dragon is not the Adam arrangement, but is the Hermes leadership? “针对艾瑞霍格这条心灵巨龙的行动不是亚当安排的,而是赫密斯主导的? Otherwise, Adam must Godly Descent, Arien Hogue not be possible to escape easily, must draw support from second City of Miracles, has certain hope. “否则,亚当不可能不神降,艾瑞霍格也不可能那么容易就逃掉,必然要借助第二个‘奇迹之城’,才有一定的希望。 „ If the Hermes leadership, the development of whole thing conforms to the logic...... Hermes simply not to think actually holds or strikes to kill Arien Hogue, but the hope knows some information from this ancient giant spirit dragon place, when Arien Hogue said Adam not necessarily is Adam, the action naturally ended. “如果是赫密斯主导的,整件事情的发展倒是符合逻辑……赫密斯根本没想过抓住或击杀艾瑞霍格,只是希望从这条古老的心灵巨龙处知道一些信息,当艾瑞霍格说出‘亚当不一定就是亚当’时,行动自然就结束了。 Un, it seems like, Hermes has certain suspicion to the Adam real condition, is only concerned about the limit of own status, having no way makes Arien Hogue appear on own initiative, went through many places used Miss Justice. “嗯,这么看来,赫密斯亚当真实的状态早就有一定的怀疑,只是碍于自己身份的限制,没法让艾瑞霍格主动出现,才辗转利用了‘正义’小姐 Adam is Adam, Arien Hogue not necessarily is Arien Hogue...... these words is very not necessarily interesting, the Audience path top level is more mystical than Divinator, initially “Dragon of Fantasies” Ingreweed is in the Sequence Zero position obviously, the side also has son with path Sequence One, Dragon of Nightmares Alisford...... 亚当不一定就是亚当,艾瑞霍格不一定就是艾瑞霍格……这句话真的很有意思,‘观众’途径的高层次比‘占卜家’还要神秘啊,当初‘空想之龙’安格尔威德明明已占据了序列0的位置,身边却还有个同途径序列1的儿子,‘噩梦之龙阿勒苏霍德…… If Adam is really not Adam, who It can be? Before is first era, in the legend that is Adam, a part of 'Primordial'? Related with the resurrecting arrangement of ancient times Sun God? Such it seems like, Medici called It paranoia real meaning to be profound......” “若亚当真的不是亚当,那祂会是谁?是第一纪之前神话传说里那个亚当,还是‘原初’的一部分?或者,与远古太阳神的复活布置有关?这么看来,梅迪奇称呼祂‘偏执狂’真的含义深远啊……” Klein has to appear a gold coin rapidly, shoots it to the midair, made divination. 克莱恩迅速具现出一枚金币,地将它弹向半空,做了个占卜 The divination result showed, today's matter has no harm. 占卜的结果显示,今天的事情没什么危害。 Klein diverges the gold coin immediately, prepares to drop the consciousness, returns to the deep sleep in the main body of Saint Arianna church. 克莱恩随即散去金币,准备下降意识,回归沉睡于圣阿里安娜教堂的本体内。 At this time, his movement presented a slowness: 就在这个时候,他的动作出现了一丝迟缓: Miss Justice meets Arien Hogue, Hermes, returns to the Utopia the courtyard to testify with that MI9 personnel, almost also happened. “正义”小姐遇上艾瑞霍格、赫密斯,与那位军情九处人员回乌托邦上庭作证,几乎同时发生。 , The two sides have no issue alone, but simultaneously this word makes Klein somewhat vigilant. 单独来看,两边都没有什么问题,可“同时”这个单词让克莱恩有些警惕。 He and simultaneously and almost is exactly sensitive to „” and coincidence, this was in the past all sorts of experiences in the mark that in his mind left behind. 他对“恰好”、“巧合”、“同时”、“差不多”都非常敏感,这是过去种种经历在他心灵内留下的印记。 The finger tapped under the motley long table edge, Klein decided that made a preparation for own worry. 手指轻敲了下斑驳长桌边缘,克莱恩决定为自己的担忧做一点准备。 He condenses to contain certain words and some will ray fast together, invested in it a pray luminous spot. 他飞快凝聚出一道包含某些话语和某种意志的光芒,将它投入了一个祈祷光点内。 Completes this matter, the Klein submersion consciousness, leaves Origin Castle, making the spirit return to the main body. 做完这件事情,克莱恩下沉意识,离开源堡,让精神回归了本体。 He starts to affect the Utopia, planned that lets at present the outsiders through various arrangements temporarily departure in city. 紧接着,他开始影响乌托邦,打算通过各种安排让目前在城内的外乡人暂时“离开”。 As the matter stands, even if really has what accident/surprise to happen, is still insufficient to affect the innocent person. 这样一来,即使真有什么意外发生,也不至于波及无辜者。 But this also means, Klein completed gave up the Utopia, changed a place to rebuild the preparation of Secret Puppet cities, after all the ceremony can come again many times, the person died can only resurrect again one time. 而这也就意味着,克莱恩做好了放弃乌托邦,换个地方重建秘偶城镇的准备,毕竟仪式可以重来许多次,人死了只能再复活一次。 ............ ………… Over the two days rest, on the courtyard must wait for some time well.” Byles delivered to iris flower Windle the entrance of hotel. “这两天好好休息,上庭还要等一段时间。”拜尔斯将文德尔送到了“鸢尾花”旅馆的门口。 Windle responded with a smile: 文德尔笑着回应道: I currently have been stranded intent.” “我现在已经有了困意。” At this time, when midnight, he before was because was extremely anxious and anxious, really could not fall asleep, is thinking transferred one revolution in the MI9 headquarters everywhere, the affable under mood, heard the standing night watch colleagues' conversation finally, the mood is detonated thoroughly, decides to return to the Utopia, faced directly the issue. 此时,正值半夜,他之前是因为太过焦虑和紧张,实在睡不着,才想着在军情九处总部到处转一转,舒缓下心情,结果听到了守夜同事们的交谈,情绪彻底被引爆,决定返回乌托邦,直面问题。 Handles to move, with the Windle footsteps lively ground of baggage to third floor, has not entered the room. 办好入住,没拿行李的文德尔脚步轻快地上至三楼,进入房间。 When through entrance, periphery he has to plant the exceptionally gloomy feeling indistinctly. 通过门口时,他隐约有种周围异常阴暗的感觉。 In order to rest well, Windle moves toward near the window, won over the curtain arrange/cloth. 为了睡得更好,文德尔走向窗边,拉拢了帘布。 In this process, he thought inexplicably the scenery of out of the window is exceptionally familiar. 这个过程中,他莫名觉得窗外的景色异常熟悉。 However, under the dim light of night covers, he has no way to distinguish too clearly, is thinking possibly before is, in the Utopia has seen scene, lifts the hand to cover the mouth, had a yawn, takes off the clothing moves toward the bed. 不过,夜色笼罩下,他也没法分辨得太清楚,想着可能是自己之前在乌托邦见过的场景,抬手捂住嘴巴,打了个哈欠,边脱衣物边走向睡床。 ............ ………… Monica rests midnight, suddenly the urgency of urination. 莫妮卡睡到半夜,忽然尿急。 She suppressed for quite a while, really cannot suppress, finally turned over/stood up to get out of bed, moved toward the room bringing washroom. 她憋了半天,实在憋不下去,最终还是翻身下床,走向了房间自带的盥洗室。 When promotes the washroom door, she had to plant this changes sank a point feeling. 推动盥洗室房门时,她有种这变沉了一点的感觉。 Rubs the eye that almost could not open, Monica has not cared about this small change, the quick solution the personal hygiene issue, rushed to the washroom, to bed. 揉了揉几乎睁不开的眼睛,莫妮卡没有在意这一点微小的变化,快速解决了个人卫生问题,奔出盥洗室,冲回了睡床。 When gets into bed, she thought that inside temperature reduced, has to bind tightly oneself layer by layer. 钻进被窝时,她觉得里面的温度降低了很多,只好将自己一层又一层裹紧。 Useless how long, she goes to sleep successfully. 没用多久,她重新入睡成功。 ............ ………… After general quarter of an hour, rubbed starting in Byles who on the street goes on patrol, turns to that street that the police authorities are , the preparation and colleague connects with. 大概一刻钟后,于街上巡逻的拜尔斯搓了下手,拐向警局所在的那条街道,准备和同事交接。 Suddenly, his body stood rigidly in alley entrance. 忽然,他的身体僵立在了巷子口。 On him that empty black close spiritual body string also falls off, hikes up toward the above. 他身上那一条条虚黑细密的“灵体之线”同时脱落,向着上方飘起。 Tailor fine paperman falls, with these spiritual body string connections in one, turned into another Byles fast. 一张剪裁精致的纸人落下,与那些“灵体之线”连接在了一起,飞快变成了另一个拜尔斯。 Meanwhile, the numerous and disorderly knowledge turn into the information one after another mighty current, welled up, the reorganization is one wears the magnificent clothing, keeps the man of maroon long hair. 与此同时,一股又一股庞杂的知识化成信息的洪流,涌了过来,重组为一位穿华丽衣物,留栗色长发的男子。 This male blue eyes, the high nose, the thin lip, is Russell Gustav Sequence One Historical Projection. 这男子蓝眼睛,高鼻梁,薄嘴唇,正是罗塞尔.古斯塔夫序列1历史投影 This projection grasps the hand, attracted to gather the palm surroundings all information, congealed one group of illusory light balls. 紧接着,这投影将手一抓,把周围所有的信息都吸聚到了掌心,凝成一团虚幻的光球。 In these information includes all sorts of details that Byles has problems. 这些信息里面就包括拜尔斯出了问题的种种细节。 The next second, Russell Gustav Historical Projection fabricated all normal information, lets it along with the spiritual body string Saint Arianna church of biography that paperman connects to Shizheng Plaza, the biography to the place bottom of church. 下一秒,罗塞尔.古斯塔夫历史投影伪造了一段一切正常的信息,让它沿着与纸人连接的“灵体之线”传向市政广场的圣阿里安娜教堂,传向教堂的地底。 After this series of operates, in the midair also has the information mighty current to well up, the reorganization with the Russell help is three person's shadows: 这一系列操作之后,半空之中又有信息洪流涌来,在罗塞尔帮助下重组为三道人影: Wears the black long gown, wears the hood, on the face white Xu is long and dense old man ; Is throwing over the overcoat, black bluing eye, facial features side, makings dignified middle-aged man ; In a pouring the petroleum giant trees, above that trees, extended one after another arms of various bulge types of strange things, is rolling black and white eyeball that covers entirely the blood threads. 一位穿着黑色长袍,戴着兜帽,脸上白须又长又密的老者;一位披着大氅,黑发蓝眼,脸型较方,气质威严的中年男子;一株浇上了石油般的巨大树木,那树木之上,延伸出了一条又一条凸起各种奇怪事物的手臂,滚动着一个又一个布满血丝的黑白眼珠。 They are as follows: 祂们分别是: Captain Secret Religious Order, Zarath! 密修会首领,查拉图 Ruen protector, initial king, William. The historical hole image of Augustus first! 鲁恩保护者,最初的国王,威廉.奥古斯都一世的历史孔隙影像! God's Sin Syah Historical Projection! 神孽斯厄阿历史投影 After preparing corresponding, with the aid of the localization that beforehand Historical Projection provides, Zarath submerged the Utopia quietly, 做好相应的准备后,借助之前历史投影提供的定位,查拉图悄然潜入了乌托邦, It has nothing to delay, the right hand searches, uses Extraordinary Characteristics Intermixing Principle, attracted Byles within the body that Insect of Spirit. 祂没有任何耽搁,右手一探,利用非凡特性聚合定律,将拜尔斯体内那条“灵之虫”吸了出去。 Another side, God's Sin on in which palm of Syah Historical Projection, were many palm of the hand size, quite ugly human puppet. 另外一边,“神孽斯厄阿历史投影的其中一只手掌上,多了个巴掌大小,相当丑陋的人偶 This human puppet wet dá dá, mounts the flour gruel, without the eye, without the ear, without the nose, has a hole mouth of turnover grayish white mist. 人偶湿哒哒的,黏糊糊的,没有眼睛,没有耳朵,没有鼻子,只得一个吞吐灰白雾气的孔洞式嘴巴。 As Insect of Spirit and this human puppet approach, these black and white eyeballs that on the Syah tree trunk roll looked simultaneously to them. 随着“灵之虫”和这个人偶靠近,斯厄阿树干上滚动的那些黑白眼珠同时望向了它们。 Silent within, Insect of Spirit integrated ugly human puppet, a human puppet distortion, wriggled was growing the eye and nose, and ear, became seems like Klein Moretti. 无声无息间,“灵之虫”融入了丑陋人偶,人偶一阵扭曲,蠕动着长出了眼睛、鼻子、和耳朵,变得像是克莱恩.莫雷蒂 Arrived this step, Zarath no longer concealed, is unable to conceal, puts out a dark shroud, wrapped Klein human puppet fiercely! 到了这一步,查拉图不再掩饰,也无法掩饰,拿出一张黑乎乎的裹尸布,猛地将克莱恩人偶包了起来! In the entire Utopia, all Secret Puppet spiritual body string are also cut off, is unable to connect the main body again. 整个乌托邦内,所有秘偶“灵体之线”同时断掉,无法再连接本体。 This is not they have problems, but was the main body isolates with them. 这不是它们出了问题,而是本体与它们隔绝了。 In an instant, the value defender in police station, the resident in hotel, Tracy and thieves of detaining room, different the house Anderson, Aristu and other residents in interrupted the breath simultaneously, becomes stiff. 刹那之间,警察局内的值守者,旅馆内的住客,关押室的翠西和小偷们,不同房屋中的安德森、阿勒苏等市民同时中断了呼吸,变得僵硬。 No matter they are sleeping, is handling other things, at this moment, seemed pressed down the suspension key. 不管他们是在睡觉,还是在做其他事情,这一刻,都仿佛被按下了暂停键。 Bottom of Saint Arianna church Klein one wakes, knows that accidental/surprised truly approached. 阿里安娜教堂底部的克莱恩一下醒了过来,知道意外确确实实来临了。 He not hesitant, a thought revolution, must return to Origin Castle, has revealed the enemies who the water surface and has not surfaced by the King of Angels position standard and strength resistance. 他没有犹豫,念头一转,就要回归“源堡”,以天使之王的位格和实力对抗已露出水面和还未露出水面的敌人们。 This is the optimal choice under current scene. 这是当前情景下的最优选择。 Even if cannot protect the main body, opportunity that Klein also resurrects one time. 哪怕没能守护住本体,克莱恩也还有一次复活的机会。 At this time, the consciousness that he broke surface bumped into invisible, the deep dark barrier, was hard to penetrate the past, entered Origin Castle. 就在这个时候,他上浮的意识碰到了无形的,深暗的屏障,难以穿透过去,进入“源堡”。 This...... Klein spirit one tight, thinks trouble that enemy possibly imagine. 这……克莱恩精神一紧,认为敌人可能比自己想象的更麻烦。 He can not use the ceremony, read returned to Origin Castle the matter, known high position existed are not many! 他能不用仪式,一念回到“源堡”的事情,知道的高位存在并不多! The next second, in that pouring the viscous petroleum giant trees had arrived at sky over the Saint Arianna church. 下一秒,那浇上了粘稠石油般的巨大树木已来到圣阿里安娜教堂上空。 Moreover, the low and deep dignified voice reverberated together layer upon layer: 另外,一道低沉威严的嗓音层层回荡了开来: This place forbids to roam! “此地禁止漫游! This place forbids teleportation! “此地禁止传送 „......” “……” Klein had not been led by the mood, sees is unable to return to Origin Castle for a while, immediately changed the strategy, jumps to leap to the historical dense fog. 克莱恩没被情绪主导,见一时无法回归“源堡”,当即改变了策略,纵身跃向历史迷雾。 That grayish white mist just mapped his view, turned into one by the vortex of innumerable transparent worm constitution, the vortex extended creamy, covered entirely the tentacle of strange pattern. 那片灰白的雾气刚映入他的眼帘,就变成了一个由无数透明蠕虫构成的漩涡,漩涡则延伸出了一条条滑腻的,布满奇异花纹的触手。 Unlike the passing that time, this time vortex sent out the strong suction, making the Klein's form accelerate to throw, was twined by the innumerable tentacle layer upon layer. 与过往那次不同,此时的漩涡散发出了强大的吸力,让克莱恩的身影加速投了过去,被数不清的触手层层缠绕。 Extraordinary Characteristics Intermixing Principle! 非凡特性聚合定律 Extraordinary Characteristics Intermixing Principle between Angel! 天使之间的非凡特性聚合定律 The subtle dim light flashes through together, is turned into paperman by Klein that Zarath Legendary Creature Form firmly controls. 一道微妙的幽光闪过,被查拉图神话生物形态牢牢控制住的克莱恩变成了一个纸人 This is not only Paperman Substitution Angel level application, there is grafting help. 这既是“纸人替身”的天使级应用,也有“嫁接”的帮助。 Although Klein is unable to return to Origin Castle, but can affect the value to defend above the grey mist Insect of Spirit, making them absorb theater curtain, provides the help. 克莱恩虽然无法回归“源堡”,但能够影响值守灰雾之上“灵之虫”们,让它们摄来“幕布”,提供帮助。 Evades Zarath after fatal strikes, Klein dashes about wildly in the historical dense fog, has run away toward the first era beforehand Old One metropolis. 躲过查拉图的致命一击后,克莱恩狂奔于历史迷雾内,一直向着第一纪之前的旧日都市逃去。 At this time, in Utopia many death very long Secret Puppet in the situation, in losing spiritual body string maintaining, or the flesh was rapidly rotten, either the stump residual limb fell in abundance, either by Extraordinary characteristics influence, had all sorts of mutations, the incarnation was the different shapes, exceeded the terrifying monster of imagination. 这个时候,乌托邦内不少死亡很久的秘偶在失去“灵体之线”维持的情况下,或血肉急速腐烂,或残肢纷纷掉落,或被本身的非凡特性影响,出现了种种异变,化身为不同形态的,超越想象的恐怖怪物。 Their swallowed own head, some only remain the flesh that one group wriggles, some grew the dense and numerous eyes...... 它们的吞掉了自己的脑袋,有的只剩一团蠕动的血肉,有的长出了密密麻麻的眼睛…… Quick, Klein dashed about wildly in the Old One metropolis in historical dense fog. 很快,克莱恩狂奔到了历史迷雾内的旧日都市中。 This to him, is the safe house that can trust, because must Ancient Scholar add prehistoric human race to be qualified. 这对他来说,是一个可以信赖的安全屋,因为必须“古代学者”加史前人类才有资格进入。 Klein not hesitant, after routine looks all around one, on the overlapping metropolis ruins, starts to pray to Goddess of the Night. 克莱恩没有犹豫,习惯性环顾一圈后,就在层层叠叠的都市废墟上,开始向“黑夜女神”祈祷。 ! 噗! The slight sound spreads together, ancient, the cross wooden stake of residual bloodstain penetrated the Klein's heart from the back. 一道轻微的响声传出,一个古老的,残留血迹的十字木桩从背后穿透了克莱恩的心脏。 The person's shadow also outlined in together his behind, was the position wears half high silk top hat, put on the solemn man of black windproof coat. 一道人影随之勾勒于他的身后,是位戴半高丝绸礼帽,穿黑色风衣的冷峻男子。 Gehrman Sparrow. 格尔曼.斯帕罗 The Klein's pupil one enlarges, but that crazy adventurer low and deep opens the mouth said: 克莱恩的瞳孔一下放大,而那位疯狂的冒险家低沉开口道: Adam gave me the human nature.” 亚当给了我人性。” PS: First after changes, finally quite a while asked the monthly ticket PS:先更后改,最后半天求月票 PS2: Before dawn will have renews ahead of time, but after should also first be changes, un, after all is the hairy baboon birthday, must a little ceremony feeling. PS2:凌晨会有提前更新,但应该也是先更后改,嗯,毕竟是卷毛狒狒们的生日,还是得有点仪式感。 High-speed writing hits the Lord of Mysteries chapter list 高速文字手打诡秘之主章节列表
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