LM :: Volume #6

#79: Profiting by opinions from various sources

Newest website: Sees Miss Magician not to respond completely, Klein made stuffed dummy World make up one: 最新网址:见“魔术师”小姐还未完全反应过来,克莱恩又让假人“世界”补了一句: You do not need to arrive at the scene, ahead of time summoned my Historical Projection will be fine.” “你不需要到现场,提前召唤出我的历史投影就行了。” „...... Good!” Forsi the Magician is too busy nods to say. “……好的!”“魔术师”佛尔思忙不迭地点头道。 At this time, because Gehrman Sparrow received own duty, Emlyn the Moon obviously relaxed. 此时,因为格尔曼.斯帕罗接下了自己的任务,“月亮”埃姆林明显放松了下来。 In his cognition, this means that the success rate straight line of matter rises. 在他的认知里,这就意味着事情的成功概率直线上扬。 The next second, Gehrman Sparrow the World looked to him, the voice hoarse asked: 下一秒钟,“世界”格尔曼.斯帕罗望向了他,嗓音嘶哑地问道: What reward can you pay?” “你能支付什么样的报酬?” Emlyn the Moon silent two seconds, the vision on said slightly floating: “月亮”埃姆林默然了两秒,目光略微上飘地说道: I became Wizard King, free help commitment in a similar matter. “等我成为了‘巫王’,一次类似事情上的无偿帮助承诺。 Also, the spoils of war I want Wizard King Extraordinary characteristics, the Rose School Temperance faction person should also to have the clear goal, remaining turns over to you.” “还有,战利品我只要‘巫王非凡特性,玫瑰学派节制系的人应该也有明确的目标,剩下的都归你。” Mister Moon is very afraid, no energy...... Audrey the Justice through the movement and words of opposite party, drew the definite conclusion. “月亮”先生很心虚,没什么底气呀……“正义”奥黛丽通过对方的动作和话语,得出了确定的结论。 Emlyn this fellow also studied others loan expense...... Klein to laugh in one's heart, making stuffed dummy World weaken to respond: 埃姆林这家伙也学别人“贷款消费”了啊……克莱恩暗笑一声,让假人“世界”淡漠回应道: „It seems like you only to invite my half God.” “看起来你只请得起我这一位半神。” If Mister Moon can provide a lot of grain, I did not mind that the participation...... Audrey the Justice was also muttering one at heart. 如果“月亮”先生能提供大量的粮食,我不介意参与……“正义”奥黛丽随之在心里咕哝了一句。 However, she does not need to open the mouth to know that what kind of reply Mister Moon will make: 不过,她无需开口就能知道“月亮”先生会做出怎样的回答: Why our can blood race store up so many between-meal snack? 我们血族为什么要囤积那么多零食? To blood race, the staple food is the spirituality abundant human race blood, bread and meat product and other food is the non- essential item. 血族而言,主食是灵性充沛的人类血液,面包和肉制品等食物都属于非必需品。 Sees the condition that Gehrman Sparrow the World has not refused itself to pledge, Emlyn the Moon relaxed said in secret: “世界”格尔曼.斯帕罗没有拒绝自己开出的条件,“月亮”埃姆林暗中松了口气道: What do you have to request? I am as far as possible satisfied.” “你还有什么要求?我尽量满足。” Gehrman Sparrow thinks saying: 格尔曼.斯帕罗想了想道: Provides one to strengthen holder spirituality magical item or sealed item in a short time significantly. “提供一件能短时间内大幅度增强持有者灵性神奇物品或者封印物 This lends Miss Magician, letting her to maintain the historical hole image that several minutes summoned, but the Moon domain had this aspect extraordinary capability without a doubt, for example, Crimson Scholar can make the full moon condition, making spirituality multiply, making spiritual sense strengthen. 这是借给“魔术师”小姐的,让她能多维持几分钟召唤来的历史孔隙影像,而“月亮”领域毫无疑问是有这方面非凡能力的,比如,“深红学者”可以制造满月状态,让灵性滋生,让灵感增强。 ...... the Emlyn the Moon fast nod saying: 呼……“月亮”埃姆林快速点头道: Good, without issue.” “好,没问题。” Saw person of Vampire to reach the agreement, Forsi the Magician has hurried to lift started saying: 见一人一吸血鬼已达成了协议,“魔术师”佛尔思赶紧举了下手道: Does not want full moon.” “不要‘满月’。” Such let alone strengthened spirituality, did not die a violent death her luck to be even good at the scene, after all sequence was higher, the heard Mister "Gate" talking during sleep effect was better, but Forsi from the Transcriber promotion of Sequence Six has been Sequence Five Traveler. 那样别说增强灵性了,不当场暴毙就算她运气不错,毕竟序列越高,听见的“门”先生呓语效果就越好,而佛尔思早就从序列6“记录官”晋升为序列5“旅行家” Emlyn is also knows that Miss Magician full moon curse matter, does not have the question, agreed , indicating oneself will pay attention. 埃姆林也是知道“魔术师”小姐“满月诅咒”事情的,对此没有疑问,“嗯”了一声,表示自己会注意。 At this time, Argel the Hanged Man of audit complete pen transaction thought is opening the mouth saying: 这时,旁听完整笔交易的“倒吊人”阿尔杰思索着开口道: Although Rose School Indulgence faction these Extraordinary easily control by their mood and instinct, but this did not express that their brains have vanished with Living Corpse, even if really vanishes, their interior still has Moon domain Extraordinary. “虽然‘玫瑰学派放纵系的那些非凡者容易被自身的情绪和本能控制,但这不表示他们的脑子已经随着活尸化消失,就算真的消失,他们内部也是有‘月亮’领域非凡者的。 Since their half God directly participated in the southern continent war, exposed position, that will not consider that blood race, Temperance faction and other enemies attack in secret, I think that is hiding possible big of trap.” “既然他们的半神直接参与了南大陆的战争,暴露了本身的位置,那就不会不考虑到血族节制系等敌人暗中的袭击,我认为藏着陷阱的可能不小。” Right.” Leonard the Star echoes saying that many dossiers demonstrated that although Rose School Indulgence faction Extraordinary by bloody, cruel, indulges in sensual pleasure to be well-known, but on working, has the plan very much, will manifest certain deceit and sinister.” “对。”“星星”伦纳德附和道,“多份卷宗显示,玫瑰学派放纵系非凡者虽然以血腥,残忍,纵欲闻名,但在做事上,还是很有规划的,会体现出一定的狡诈和阴险。” Quinn the Judgement looked at good friend one eyes, with saying: “审判”休看了好友一眼,跟着说道: I two months ago met one related to the Rose School unusual event, the goal obviously had is deceived, to step on the trap.” “我两个月前遇到了一起涉及玫瑰学派的超凡事件,目标明显有受到欺骗,踩中了陷阱。” Gehrman Sparrow the World listens dedicated, smiled one, then said to Emlyn the Moon: “世界”格尔曼.斯帕罗专注听完,笑了一声,转而对“月亮”埃姆林道: Which Wizard King is your goal?” “你的目标是哪位巫王?” Emlyn has not done to conceal: 埃姆林未做隐瞒: Leads local native to besiege of Ruen main colonial city in the East Balam Beiao Litt nation Wizard King.” “在东拜朗北奥利特邦率领当地土著围攻鲁恩主要殖民城市的那个‘巫王’。” Heard these words, Klein flashed through a thought inexplicably: 听到这句话,克莱恩莫名闪过了一个念头: Tree of Desires as if not want to see Goddess grasps Death God path uniqueness, It is urging native, uses the war, vacillates Church of the Night in the southern continent doing missionary work foundation. “欲望母树”似乎也不想看见女神掌握“死神”途径的“唯一性”,祂在驱使土著,利用战争,动摇黑夜教会南大陆的传教基础。 Among the thought phonographs, Klein lets Gehrman Sparrow the World looks at Emlyn the Moon, smiles to say lowly: 念头电转间,克莱恩“世界”格尔曼.斯帕罗看着“月亮”埃姆林,低笑说道: My goal is another Wizard King, this and your actions irrelevant.” “那我的目标将是另外一位‘巫王’,这和你们的行动无关。” Did not need him to say too straightforwardly, Emlyn the Moon and Cattleya the Hermit and the others understood his plan rapidly. 无需他说得太直白,“月亮”埃姆林“隐者”嘉德丽雅等人都迅速明白了他的计划。 This is a simple plan: 这是一个简单的计划: Gehrman Sparrow hunts another Wizard King, steps on the trap on own initiative, attracts the strength of Rose School ambush, but at this time, Moon and Rose School Temperance faction person seized the opportunity, besieged the real goal. 格尔曼.斯帕罗狩猎另外一位“巫王”,主动踩中陷阱,将玫瑰学派埋伏的力量吸引过去,而这个时候,“月亮”玫瑰学派节制系的人抓住机会,围攻真正的目标。 „Can this be too dangerous?” Emlyn the Moon returned to one subconsciously. “这会不会太危险了?”“月亮”埃姆林下意识回了一句。 The danger refers certainly to detonating the Gehrman Sparrow danger of trap. 危险当然是指引爆陷阱的格尔曼.斯帕罗危险。 Gehrman Sparrow the World responded calmly: “世界”格尔曼.斯帕罗非常平静地回应道: That is only Historical Projection.” “那只是一个历史投影。” Died also died...... 死了也就死了…… Hears such reply, the Emlyn the Moon, Leonard the Star and other Tarot Society members a little does not know that what expression should by deal, does not know that should sigh with emotion Sequence Three half God is different, envies Ancient Scholar to have this extraordinary capability. 听到这样的回答,“月亮”埃姆林“星星”伦纳德塔罗会成员都有点不知该以什么样的表情来应对,也不知是该感慨序列3半神就是不一样,还是羡慕“古代学者”有这种非凡能力。 Klein continuation makes stuffed dummy World say: 克莱恩则继续让假人“世界”说道: If Rose School has the suspicion to my sudden attack, only branches out part of strengths to prevent, retains the quite complete trap as before, I will try to hunt forcefully that Wizard King, turns into the real goal the false target, you want corresponding item in any case, and who does not care about original self is.” “如果玫瑰学派对我突然的袭击有怀疑,只分出一部分力量来阻止,依旧保留较为完整的陷阱,那我会试着强行狩猎那位‘巫王’,将虚假目标变成真实的目标,反正你们只是想要相应的物品,并不在意原主是谁。” Simple but the effective plan...... the key point lies in Gehrman Sparrow must have strength that goes beyond the limit, even if facing Angel, can revolt against...... Audrey the Justice conscientiously to make the study, and appraised two in the innermost feelings. 简单但有效的计划……关键点就在于格尔曼.斯帕罗必须有超出限度的实力,哪怕面对天使,也能反抗……“正义”奥黛丽认真地做着学习,并在内心评价了两句。 Emlyn the Moon no longer has the doubts, pondered evil ways: “月亮”埃姆林不再有疑惑,思考了一下道: Before officially the action, it is necessary and Rose School Temperance faction person meets, decides the detail.” “在正式行动前,有必要和玫瑰学派节制系的人见一次面,敲定细节。” Gehrman Sparrow the World nods saying: “世界”格尔曼.斯帕罗点了点头道: You arrange.” “你来安排。” After this matter exchanges finished, Klein makes stuffed dummy World appear one pack of papers, distributes to the Tarot Society members: 这件事情交流结束后,克莱恩让假人“世界”具现出一叠纸,分发给塔罗会众位成员: I with certain exist will cope with legendary creature, you can offer an opinion, says the idea.” “我和某些存在将对付一个神话生物,你们可以提提意见,说说想法。” On that paper writes the dark gloom demonic wolf Cotar's personality and specific behavior, various analyses that as well as Miss Justice makes based on this. 那张纸上写着乌黯魔狼科塔尔的性格和具体行为,以及“正义”小姐据此作出的各种分析。 Klein hopes that seeks for spiritual sense through the different opinions that the people of different character different experience provide. 克莱恩希望通过不同性格不同见识的人提供的不同意见来寻找灵感 legendary creature...... has the World goal aimed at legendary creature? Was more silent than many Argel the Hanged Man unable to bear look up in the past bronze long table most below one. 神话生物……“世界”的目标已经瞄准神话生物了?比往常沉默了不少的“倒吊人”阿尔杰忍不住抬头看了青铜长桌最下方一眼。 Although he has certain preparation, felt, even if Gehrman Sparrow the World says Angel suddenly, will not make itself surprised, but discovered opposite party really legendary creature after hunting goal, is is a little unavoidably stunned, some vibrations. 虽然他对此已有一定的心理准备,觉得哪怕“世界”格尔曼.斯帕罗突然自称天使,也不会让自己惊讶,但发现对方真的将神话生物作为狩猎目标后,还是难免有点错愕,有些震动。 Cattleya the Hermit also has similar feeling, but she remembers that Snake of Destiny at once, remembered Death Consulate, remembered „the ancient evil thing. “隐者”嘉德丽雅也有类似的感受,但她旋即想起了那条“命运之蛇”,想起了“死亡执政官”,想起了“古代邪物”。 This with the Gehrman Sparrow the World words in certain exists tallies. 这与“世界”格尔曼.斯帕罗话语里的“某些存在”吻合。 Three Archangel add Sequence Three God favored one to hunt legendary creature is very normal things! 大天使加一位序列3神灵眷者狩猎一个神话生物是非常正常的事情! Vision most under received from the motley long table immediately, since read the material in hand earnestly. 一道道目光随即从斑驳长桌最下方收了回来,认真地阅读起手中的资料。 At this moment, because does not involve requirement, does not involve the transaction, is not the share of information, the Tarot Society members had the type inexplicably together is a matter feeling diligently, had the loose meeting to start a feeling of resembles organization. 这一刻,因为不涉及委托,不牵扯交易,也不算信息的分享,塔罗会成员们莫名有了种共同为一件事情努力的感觉,有了松散聚会开始像一个组织的感受。 Looks the content that on the paper writes, Argel the Hanged Man takes the lead to open the mouth saying: 看完纸张上书写的内容,“倒吊人”阿尔杰率先开口道: According to the analysis that Miss Justice makes, any bait will not make that oversuspicious legendary creature swallow the bait, will only make It hide. “按照‘正义’小姐做出的分析,任何诱饵都不会让那个多疑的神话生物上钩,只会让祂躲得更远。 In takes in the Sequence One Extraordinary characteristics situation doubtful, It truly does not need to pursue other , to promote is in itself most important, if must cope with It, can only consider from this aspect.” “在疑似拿着序列1非凡特性的情况下,祂确实没必要追逐其他,提升自己才是最重要的,如果要对付祂,只能从这方面考虑。” Hears here, Quinn the Judgement said from own specialty: 听到这里,“审判”休从自己的专业出发道: But this legendary creature is discrete, has not left behind a clue, but the information indicated, It prepares the place of Sequence One ceremony in Land Abandoned by God that environment is actually unzoned.” “可这个神话生物非常谨慎,没有留下一点线索,而情报显示,祂准备序列1仪式的地点在神弃之地那种环境下其实是不受限制的。” Right, has too many monsters to use for It.” Derrick the Sun confirmed the view of Miss Judgement. “对,有太多的怪物供祂使用。”“太阳”戴里克确认了“审判”小姐的说法。 The scene immediately seems depressed, Leonard the Star thought evil ways: 场面顿时显得沉闷,“星星”伦纳德想了一下道: Whether can depend upon Extraordinary Characteristics Intermixing Principle?” “是否可以依靠非凡特性聚合定律?” He said while looked to Klein Moretti: 他边说边看向了克莱恩.莫雷蒂: That legendary creature as if with you in same path.” “那个神话生物似乎和你在同一条途径。” Purely depends upon this level the Extraordinary characteristics polymerizing power, wantsto find that legendary creature throughmeeting by chance, perhaps one year, two years, even is longer . Moreover the opposite party is complete legendary creature, is capable of making certain disturbance.” Klein denied the suggestion of Leonard. Naturally, if he Origin Castle the polymerizing power also attaches to oneself on, perhaps random transfer can bump into dark gloom demonic wolf with „the stick of star next time directly, but the issue is, in that case, meeting by chance the probability of Amon main body will be bigger, is bigger, this is standard delivering goods to the doorstep. “单纯依靠这种层次的非凡特性聚合能力,想通过‘偶遇’来找到那个神话生物,也许得一年,两年,甚至更久,而且对方是完整的神话生物,有能力对此做一定的干扰。”克莱恩否定了伦纳德的建议。当然,他如果将“源堡”的聚合能力也附加到自己身上,说不定下一次用“星之杖”随机转移就能直接碰到乌黯魔狼,但问题在于,那样一来,“偶遇”阿蒙本体的概率会更大,大很多,这就是标准的送货上门。 The Cattleya the Hermit hear everyone's discussion, according to the taboo of queen, thought was saying: “隐者”嘉德丽雅听完了大家的讨论,根据女王的忌讳,思索着说道: Whether can use this legendary creature esteemed name to make the contact?” “是否可以利用这个神话生物尊名来建立联系?” If dark gloom demonic wolf had not been traced by Amon, this is not necessarily good, but, should think that now, Amon can definitely think, in this case, dark gloom demonic wolf has not fallen from the sky explained It has the matter that inevitably guards against this aspect...... Gehrman Sparrow the World shakes the head slowly: 如果乌黯魔狼没被阿蒙追踪过,这未必不行,但现在嘛,该想到的,阿蒙肯定能想到,这种情况下,乌黯魔狼还没陨落就说明祂必然有提防这方面的事情……“世界”格尔曼.斯帕罗缓慢摇了摇头: With his oversuspicious character, will definitely not make the automatic response.” “以祂多疑的性格,肯定不会做自动响应。” Finishes speaking, Klein produced spiritual sense suddenly: 话音刚落,克莱恩突然产生了一个灵感: dark gloom demonic wolf does not react not to express that It will not pay attention to the corresponding pray luminous spot! 乌黯魔狼不做回应不表示祂不会关注相应的祈祷光点!
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