LM :: Volume #6

#78: Wish

Newest website: Does not wait for Gehrman Sparrow the World to respond, maintained Audrey of straight sitting posture also to say several words slowly: 最新网址:不等“世界”格尔曼.斯帕罗回应,保持着端正坐姿的奥黛丽又缓慢说出了几个单词: Heavy...... “沉重…… Stabbing pain...... “刺痛…… Ashamed......” “羞愧……” Klein secure listens quietly, has not expressed the opinion to the Miss Justice words, to be close the Dawn Dantes image the modest tone to ask: 克莱恩安静听完,未对“正义”小姐的话语发表意见,以更接近道恩.唐泰斯形象的温和语气问道: Why suddenly wants to make such test?” “为什么突然想做这样的测试?” „It is not the test.” Audrey the Justice shakes the head, usually deliberately covers desirably some details of circumvention me presents, sees clearly real me in others eyes is what appearance.” “不是测试。”“正义”奥黛丽摇了摇头,“只是把我平时刻意掩盖刻意规避的一些细节呈现出来,看清楚真实的我在别人眼里是什么样子。” paused a bit, she does not have the happy expression to move the corners of the mouth saying: 顿了一下,她不带笑意地动了动嘴角道: „ After previous dialogue, I am really attempting to make the plan, plans to make some operations in secret, letting the aristocrat, merchant, royal family and church to put out enough much grain. “上次对话之后,我真的在尝试制定计划,打算暗中做一些操纵,让贵族、商人、王室、教会能拿出足够多的粮食。 This matter, said purely, is very easy, actual does, I discovered, I have no way to imagine like me firm, is so decisive. “这件事情,单纯只是说,很容易,实际去做的时候,我才发现,我没法像我想象中那样坚决,那样果断。 Some of them are my uncle and paternal aunt, some are my cousin and younger male cousin, some are the friends who I know since childhood, some take care of my elder, some are various banquet various charity events can meet frequently, the quite friendly person, they constituted my childhood, giving me too many were too many, is part that I grow, carrying/sustaining I to the past glorious memory...... “他们有的是我姑父、姑母,有的是我表姐、堂弟,有的是我从小认识的朋友,有的是非常照顾我的长辈,有的是各种宴会各种慈善活动上经常能见面,相当友善的人,他们构成了我的童年,给了我太多太多,是我成长的一部分,承载着我对过去美好的回忆…… Moreover, the grain that they save is not robs, their explanations actually have certain rationality. “而且,他们积攒的粮食都不是抢夺来的,他们的解释其实有一定的合理性。 Makes me aim at them like this, the attempt eliminates their some wealth, I really cannot start, at least the present is this.” “让我就这样以他们为目标,尝试剥夺他们的部分财富,我真的下不了手,至少现在是这样。” Said these words time, the Audrey’s sound did not increase voluntarily, seemed arguing with whom. 说这些话语的时候,奥黛丽的声音不自觉变大了一些,仿佛在和谁争辩。 She detects at once own small rude, silent two seconds continued saying: 她旋即察觉到了自己的小小失态,默然了两秒才继续说道: Therefore, I want to clearly recognize itself thoroughly, strips the tender feeling the false appearance, under different vision gazes, asks truly what oneself want is anything, the past idea was impulsive, hypocritical, naive, the intense thought of the heart.” “所以,我想更加深入地认清自己,剥离掉温情的假象,在不同的目光注视下,问一问自己真正想要的是什么,过去的想法是冲动,伪善,天真,还是发自内心的强烈意念。” At this point, Audrey the Justice smiles suddenly: 说到这里,“正义”奥黛丽忽然笑了笑: This, although did not have the result, “这虽然还没有结果, But the attempt has brought some extra harvests. 但尝试本身已经带来了一些额外的收获。 I have felt before oneself strictly observed that you in acting criterion, but discovers now, I almost wallowed in acting. “我以前一直觉得自己严格遵守了那条‘你只是在扮演’的准则,但现在才发现,我差点就沉迷于扮演。 Needs to act the different status different occupations the images to be different from other path, the part of Audience path acts is the usual daily life unifies completely, is sometimes very difficult a minute of clarity. “和其他途径需要扮演不同身份不同职业的形象不一样,‘观众’途径的部分扮演是和自己平时的日常生活完全结合的,有的时候很难分清楚。 „The simplest example, who doesn't long for receiving everyone's affection? Therefore, I when facing the different people will take the different personality masks, molds one to conform to the image that the opposite party hopes using the Audience path ability, when such matter are getting more and more, when you do it facing everyone, actually has wallowed in acting, soon lost itself.” “最简单的例子,谁不渴望受到所有人的喜爱?于是,我在面对不同人时会带上不同的人格面具,利用‘观众’途径的能力塑造出一个最符合对方希望的形象,当这样的事情越来越多,当你面对每一个人都这么做时,其实已经沉迷于‘扮演’,快要迷失自己了。” Klein nods gently: 克莱恩轻轻点头: This harvest is good.” “这个收获非常不错。” Before he has not appraised Miss Justice, that words. 他并未评价“正义”小姐之前那番话语。 Audrey silent, said slowly: 奥黛丽默然了一阵,缓缓又说道: „ Before I saw my father, these days again looks eastern district report that the person makes, had and past different experiences to the matter. “我这段时间重看了我父亲之前找人做的东区调查报告,对许多事情有了和以往不一样的体会。 Before the war, actually many poor, workers and farmers crosses is being similar today's difficult life, is in the hunger and pain for a long time. The revision of Poor Relief Law, compulsion of the working time and environment stipulated, the control of air pollution, truly brought some improvements, but also is only some...... “在战争之前,其实许多贫民、工人和农夫都过着类似今天的艰难生活,长期处在饥饿和痛苦中。济贫法的修改,劳动时间和环境的强制规定,大气污染的治理,确实带来了一些改善,但也只是一些…… When the war ended, if, if we defeated doomsday, similar matter is will also perform repeatedly?” “等到战争结束,如果,如果我们击败了末日,类似的事情是不是还会重复上演?” Was saying to be saying, Audrey sips the lip tightly, fell into silent. 说着说着,奥黛丽紧抿住嘴唇,陷入了沉默。 Klein can feel the confusedness and confusion of Miss Justice, considered, had not said the own answer, the voice opens the mouth to say low and deep: 克莱恩感觉得出来“正义”小姐的迷茫和困惑,斟酌了一下,未说自己心里的答案,嗓音低沉地开口道: Your these issues, including the most real idea of a moment ago saying, needs to look for the answer, others are unable to replace you. “你的这些问题,包括刚才说的自己最真实的想法,都需要自己去寻找答案,别人无法代替你。 I can only suggest to you, goes to the paddies to have a look at the practical training the farmers, goes to the factory to have a look at the laborious workers, goes to eastern district to experience thoroughly, went to the library to glance through the past newspapers and various types of related work earnestly.” “我只能给你一些建议,去田地里看看劳作的农夫们吧,去工厂里看看辛苦的工人们,去东区深入体验一下,去图书馆认真翻阅过去的报纸和各种相关的著作。” Audrey listens dedicated, earnest nodded and said: 奥黛丽专注听完,认真点了下头道: I will attempt to do.” “我会尝试去做。” She stands up at once, salutes to say goodbye toward on motley long table most-, although Mister Fool has left, but Audrey believes that It is gazing here. 她旋即站起身来,向着斑驳长桌最上首行礼告辞-虽然“愚者”先生已经离开,但奥黛丽相信祂正注视着这里。 In she waits for Mister Fool will return to the real world, Gehrman Sparrow the World suddenly opens the mouth saying: 就在她等待“愚者”先生将自己送回现实世界时,“世界”格尔曼.斯帕罗忽然开口道: Waits for.” “等一下。” Un?” Audrey the Justice had the question with the nasal sound. “嗯?”“正义”奥黛丽用鼻音发出了疑问。 Klein looks at she, had to appear a paper: 克莱恩看着她,具现出了一张纸: This is a legendary creature character and behavioral description, I hope that you can provide the help, based on this analyzes It in that in the different situations can react.” “这是一个神话生物的性格和行为描述,我希望你能提供帮助,据此分析祂在不同情况下会做出的反应。” Good.” Audrey has not shirked, complied. “好的。”奥黛丽没有推脱,答应了下来。 When she received the paper, read the content, Klein considered was also saying: 等她接过纸张,阅读完内容,克莱恩斟酌着又说道: Regarding your words, my also suggestion: “对于你刚才的那些话语,我还有一个建议: Your doubts and issue were actually divided into two types, some are truly urgent, some do not worry, can wait for the matter to subside, does the thorough investigation again, un, the person worries, is easy to make mistakes, your best minute of clarity.” “你的疑惑和问题其实分为了两种,有的确实很紧迫,有的却不是那么着急,可以等待事情平息下来,再做深入的调查,嗯,人一着急,就容易犯错,你最好分清楚。” Audrey thinks, the serious nod said: 奥黛丽想了想,郑重点头道: I understood.” “我明白了。” After the response, she smiled one suddenly: 回应之后,她忽然笑了一声: I also think that you stop by calling me finally, is to bless me, after wishing me to see clearly is real, as before deep love this world.” “我还以为你最后喊住我,是要祝福我,愿我看清楚所有真实后,依旧热爱这个世界。” Klein first stares, at once asks back with a smile: 克莱恩先是一愣,旋即笑着反问道: „Did you as if look at many Great Emperor Russel's?” “你似乎看了不少罗塞尔大帝的?” He is an outstanding family/home, is a very complex very contradictory person.” The Audrey the Justice faint smile said. “他是一位杰出的家,也是一个很复杂很矛盾的人。”“正义”奥黛丽浅笑说道。 Klein slightly nodded, the language fast does not open the mouth to say obviously slowly: 克莱恩微不可见地点了下头,语速较慢地开口道: If I must bless you, will not say. “如果我要祝福你,不会这么说。 I will say, after wishing you to see clearly is real, deeply loves your family member and friend as before.” “我会说,愿你看清所有真实后,依旧热爱你的家人和朋友。” Audrey one is startled, the lip moves slightly, seems repeating that two words. 奥黛丽一下怔住,嘴唇微动,仿佛在重复那两个单词。 Crossed for several seconds, she shut the eye, the voice slightly said hoarsely: 过了几秒,她闭了闭眼睛,嗓音略显沙哑地说道: Thanks......” “谢谢……” ............ ………… Sunya Sea, Rhosid Archipelago sea area. 苏尼亚海,罗思德群岛海域。 The Serene Blue Avenger is leading a pirate fleet, shuttles back and forth in the battlefield of cloud of smoke float over. “幽蓝复仇者号”率领着一支海盗舰队,穿梭于硝烟弥漫的战场。 Suddenly, one group of giant fireballs do not know where flew, the silver white sharp glow of entanglements separate the sea level, makes channel that an originally did not have, under the both sides boundless ocean waves crowding around, points to The Serene Blue Avenger. 忽然,一团巨大的火球不知从哪里飞了过来,一道道纠缠的银白锐芒分开海面,制造出了一条原本不存在的通道,于两侧磅礴的海浪簇拥下,直指“幽蓝复仇者号” Was built on Argel Wilson of bow to see this, the expression invariably lifted the right hand. 立于船头的阿尔杰.威尔逊看到这一幕,表情不变地抬起了右手。 The wild tornado towering appearance, curled up the deep blue sea water, curled up that silver white sharp glow, lets their as if large snake, the direct impact horizon, hit with the giant fireball in one. 狂暴的龙卷风突兀出现,卷起了蔚蓝的海水,卷起了那一道道银白的锐芒,让它们仿佛一条长蛇,直冲天际,与巨大的火球撞在了一起。 Bang! 轰隆! The water splash blasts out, same crash-bang falls like the rainwater. 水花炸开,如同雨水一样哗啦落下。 Argel locked a battleship immediately, opens the mouth, exuded one to angrily roar. 阿尔杰随即锁定了一条战舰,张开嘴巴,发出了一声怒吼。 Of bang, that ships were raised by the fierce wave suddenly to the midair. 轰的一下,那条船只被突然凶猛的波浪掀向了半空。 Seizes this opportunity, the The Serene Blue Avenger side artillery stimulates, bang sound continuously. 抓住这个机会,“幽蓝复仇者号”的舷炮自行激发,轰隆之声连续不断。 Sees Extraordinary on opposite party battleship also to use the recoil of fireball, making the ships shift, Argel right hand fierce underground. 见对方战舰上的非凡者还想利用火球的反冲,让船只横移,阿尔杰的右手猛地下拉。 The thick silver white lightning also chops to fall together, chops that Extraordinary body burned black, shivers unceasingly. 一道粗大的银白闪电随之劈落,劈得那位非凡者身体焦黑,不断颤抖。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰隆!轰隆!轰隆! Shells hit, that ships disintegrate in the midair directly. 一枚枚炮弹命中,那条船只在半空直接解体。 This instance, Argel looks somewhat absent-minded, could not bear lower the head to carefully examine under own right hand. 这个瞬间,阿尔杰看得有些恍惚,忍不住低头审视了下自己的右手。 This is Priest of Disasters strength, is this feeling of half God and half human? He slightly immersed obviously was sighing with emotion one at heart, then came rapidly soberly, making The Serene Blue Avenger pursue the enemy. 这就是“灾难主祭”的力量,这就是半神半人的感觉?他略显沉醉地在心里感慨了一句,接着迅速清醒过来,让“幽蓝复仇者号”追击起敌人。 After one hour, this intense naval battle ended, a Ruen side defended Rhosid Archipelago again. 一个小时后,这场激烈的海战结束,鲁恩一方再次守住了罗思德群岛 Argel is quite happy, after The Serene Blue Avenger returns to the harbor, greeted Sailor to disembark, one of several bars the first dealings started doing business drank to heart's content. 阿尔杰的心情相当不错,在“幽蓝复仇者号”返回港口后,招呼水手们下船,前往还开业的几个酒吧之一痛饮。 Ruen has promulgated the wartime prohibiting alcohol command, by saving grain, but to Sailor, the liquor is indispensable, therefore, in Church of the Storms leadership place, the ban execution in this aspect is not too strict . Moreover the Rhosid Archipelago product is rich, the population does not calculate too, the sea line of communication is also controlling, the grain can also supply at present on. 鲁恩已颁布战时禁酒令,以节约粮食,但对水手们来说,酒是不可或缺的,所以,在风暴教会主导的地方,这方面的禁令执行的不是太严,而且罗思德群岛物产丰富,人口又不算太多,海上交通线也在掌控中,粮食目前还能供应得上。 Walked a distance, the Argel vision solidified suddenly. 走了一段距离,阿尔杰的目光突然凝固。 His front street was shelled, many houses have collapsed , a cement drill ground presented the giant pits, nearby four story of buildings only had the wreckage. 他前方的街道受到轰击,不少房屋已经坍塌,其中,一个水泥操场出现了巨大的坑洼,旁边的四层楼房只剩下了残骸。 The smile on Argel face disappeared little. 阿尔杰脸上的笑容一点点消失了。 ............ ………… Monday in the afternoon, Beckland time at exactly 3 : 00. 周一下午,贝克兰德时间三点整。 Dark red rays rise by the bronze long table, solidifies for quite fuzzy forms. 一道道深红的光芒在青铜长桌两侧蹿升而起,凝固为了一道道较为模糊的身影。 When all members salute to Mister Fool, because does not have the Russell diary, the issue that also has not saved, the flow of meeting directly entered traded the link. 等到所有成员向“愚者”先生行礼完毕,因为没有罗塞尔日记,也没有积攒的问题,聚会的流程直接进入了交易环节。 Emlyn the Moon sits straight the body immediately, looks all around one saying: “月亮”埃姆林立刻坐直了身体,环顾一圈道: Ladies, the gentlemen, I have an request.” “女士们,先生们,我有一个委托。” „Do you want to hunt which Wizard King?” Cattleya the Hermit according to oneself the understanding Mister Moon, points to the core to ask. “你想狩猎哪位‘巫王’?”“隐者”嘉德丽雅根据自己对“月亮”先生的了解,直指核心地问道。 „......” Emlyn used for two seconds to digest the issue of opposite party, maintained the graceful smile saying that you guessed well.” “……”埃姆林用了两秒钟才消化对方的问题,保持住优雅的微笑道,“你猜得不错。” Cattleya the Hermit lightly nodded and said: “隐者”嘉德丽雅轻轻颔首道: What reward can you pay?” “那你能支付什么样的报酬?” Emlyn is at a loss for words again, is a little bashful in saying prepares the good words. 埃姆林再次语塞,有点羞于说出准备好的话语。 At this time, bronze long table most below Gehrman Sparrow the World opened the mouth to say suddenly: 就在这个时候,青铜长桌最下方的“世界”格尔曼.斯帕罗忽然开口道: „Did you look for the person cooperation of Rose School Temperance faction?” “你找了玫瑰学派节制系的人合作?” Emlyn the Moon relaxed said in secret: “月亮”埃姆林暗中松了口气道: Right.” “对。” I can meet this request.” Because this is the messenger young lady and Miss Sharon, Maric their things, therefore Klein operates stuffed dummy World, orders on own initiative, naturally, this needs certain medium.” “那我可以接这个委托。”因为这是信使小姐和莎伦小姐马里奇他们的事情,所以克莱恩操纵假人“世界”,主动接单,“当然,这需要一定的媒介。” Does not wait for Emlyn to give the response, he makes Gehrman Sparrow look to Miss Magician said: 不等埃姆林给予回应,他让格尔曼.斯帕罗望向“魔术师”小姐道: You prepare ahead of time.” “你提前准备一下。” ? The entire journey watches the play condition a Forsi the Magician face delay. ?全程观看戏剧状态的“魔术师”佛尔思一脸呆滞。 Nine deity sovereign 九天神皇
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