LM :: Volume #6

#71: Message

Newest website: If dark gloom demonic wolf really in preparation Servant of Mysteries the ceremony, his whereabouts was not the complete no mark may seek......” Klein nodded, in the heart has some fuzzy ideas slowly, but was unable to comb the forming truly. 最新网址:“如果乌黯魔狼真的在准备‘诡秘侍者’的仪式,那祂的行踪就不是完全的无迹可寻……”克莱恩缓慢地点了下头,心中已是有了些模糊的想法,但还无法真正地梳理成形。 His instinct wants to draw support by that theater curtain the soil of invasion, direct divination this item whereabouts, thus locks dark gloom demonic wolf at present the hiding place, but considering the opposite party is Angel, this way big probability will alarm It, making It have a vigilance, made the circumvention, Klein gave up this idea sanely, returned to the real world, with hardship the plan of thinking whole thing. 他本能就想借助被那块“幕布”侵染的泥土,直接占卜这件物品的下落,从而锁定乌黯魔狼目前藏身之处,但考虑到对方是天使,这种方式大概率会惊扰到祂,让祂有所警觉,做出规避,克莱恩又理智地放弃了这个想法,返回现实世界,苦苦思索整件事情的规划。 Next day, when the lightning frequency gradually changes high , under one group of Moon City residents lead in a priest named Duke, arrives by the Gehrman Sparrow bonfire, listening to him to do missionary work, enjoys the mushroom, the waiting purification. 第二天,闪电频率逐渐变高时,又有一批月城居民在一位叫做杜克的祭司率领下,来到格尔曼.斯帕罗的篝火旁,听他传教,享用蘑菇,等待净化。 Accepts the baptism in Moon City residents, after having tears streaming down the face, Klein looked all around, resembles asks unknowingly: 在一位位月城居民接受洗礼,泪流满面后,克莱恩环顾了一圈,状似不经意地问道: Sun God makes you defend here, pays attention whether some people do go out from the mist?” 太阳神让你们守在这里,注意是否有人从雾气里走出?” Yes.” Was cured whole body swollen illness Duke to know that High Priest has raised this matter to present Envoy of God, quite replied confidently. “是的。”被治好了浑身浮肿病症的杜克知道大祭司已对眼前的神使提过这件事情,相当坦然地回答道。 Klein nods gently, asked one following this topic: 克莱恩轻轻颔首,顺着这个话题又问了一句: If really discovered that some people go out from the mist, how you will do?” “如果真的发现有人从雾气里走出,你们会怎么做?” Duke hesitant, had not said straightforwardly: 杜克没有犹豫,直截了当地说道: Immediately reads aloud reads great Sun God esteemed name, this matter...... reported that reported It......” “立刻诵念伟大太阳神尊名,将这件事情……禀报祂……” Was saying to be saying, his tone becomes very low, and finally, even was unable the definite agreement, because of that Sun God and Creator, not to give the response more than 2000 years ago again, even if Moon City times hold the most complete ceremony, read aloud repeatedly reads esteemed name, has not received a feedback. 说着说着,他的语气变得非常低落,到了最后,甚至已无法成言,因为那位太阳神造物主,在两千多年前就没再给予回应,哪怕月城一次次举行最完整的仪式,反复诵念尊名,也没得到一点反馈。 Except for this?” Klein pursues keenly asks. “除了这个呢?”克莱恩敏锐地追问道。 This is not only the enlightenment of spiritual intuition, is inference result to a certain extent- is very obvious, ancient times Sun God and Silver City Creator will not consider an issue, a possibility, that is that person who in the grayish white mist walks is careful, is discrete, does not like gazing, does not like being monitored, discovered after Moon City patrol squad, favors affects their minds with own extraordinary capability, making them forget to see his matter, does not remember that must read aloud reads esteemed name. 这既是灵性直觉的启示,也是某种程度上的推理结果-很明显,远古太阳神白银城造物主不会不考虑到一个问题,一个可能,那就是灰白雾气内走出来的那个人非常小心,非常谨慎,不喜欢被注视,不喜欢被监控,发现月城巡逻小队后,倾向于用自身的非凡能力影响他们的心灵,让他们遗忘掉见过他的事情,不记得要诵念尊名 Facing this situation, ancient times Sun God should have to make certain arrangement. 面对这种情况,远古太阳神应该有做一定的安排。 Naturally, 当然, This is not absolute, if Amon his father can foresee that person who goes out of the grayish white mist accurate is a novice, that definitely does not need to say many in order from God. 这也不是绝对,如果阿蒙祂父亲能精准预见到从灰白雾气内走出的那个人是新手,那就完全没必要在神谕里说得太多。 However considering that this ancient times Sun God and Silver City Creator from which place of grayish white mist came out to predict including oneself wrongly, Klein was skeptical about above that possibility. 不过考虑到这位远古太阳神白银城造物主连自己从灰白雾气的哪个地方出来都预言错误了,克莱恩对上面那种可能持怀疑态度。 Duke thinks, hesitated before saying in a low voice: 杜克想了想,犹豫了下道: Greets that person, told him a word.” “迎接那个人,告诉他一个单词。” Klein the spirit inspires immediately, the surface asked calmly: 克莱恩顿时精神一振,表面却不动声色地问道: What word?” “什么单词?” Duke lip moved several, as if pronounced in the simulation, then, he used a strange tune saying: 杜克嘴唇动了几下,似乎在模拟发音,然后,他用一种古怪的腔调道: Chernobyl.” “切尔诺贝利。” ...... The Klein's mind solidified for one second, at once sends out the silent sigh. ……克莱恩的脑海凝固了一秒,旋即发出了无声的叹息。 ............ ………… Ruen Kingdom, East Chester County, in a stretch of forest land. 鲁恩王国,东切斯特郡,一片林地里。 The farmers in nearby village gather here, picks these to be covered with the tree root, is covered with the rotten wood, is covered with the unusual mushroom of shrubbery. 附近村庄的农夫们汇聚到这里,采摘着那些长满树根,长满朽木,长满灌木丛的奇特蘑菇。 Under the law of kingdom, all that this stretch of forest land and its interior grow should be its master, Miss Audrey Hall, but extending of war, the collection of grain, the high taxes and fees, making the farmers unable to attend to being against the law, that is the matter that lives to need to consider . Moreover the person who participates in more than one, the courage will naturally increase. 按照王国的法律,这片林地和它内部生长的一切都应该属于它的主人,奥黛丽.霍尔小姐,但战争的延绵,粮食的征收,高昂的税费,让农夫们已顾不得触犯法律,那是活下来才需要考虑的事情,而且参与的人一多,胆子自然就会变大。 They form the squad, is making picking very much effective, and or will cover entirely Venus or has the mushrooms of fat pattern to be divided into two parts, small some personally used edible, prepared to sell to the grain merchant of waiting mostly outside forest land, received in exchange for gold pound, purchased the salt, cotton material to item. 他们组成小队,很有效率地做着采摘,并将或布满金星或有脂肪花纹的蘑菇们分成两个部分,小部分自留食用,大部分预备卖给等待在林地外的粮食商人,换取金镑,购买盐、布料等必须物品 These farmers have not done too excessively, except for the mushroom, only took away part to bear the fruit on tree, left behind the harvest that delivered sufficiently to watchmen of forest land. 这些农夫并没有做得太过分,除了蘑菇,只拿走了一部分结在树上的果实,给林地的看守者们留下了足以上交的收获。 Also is 2-3 hours of time, the farmers sold out massive mushrooms and fruits, holds good gold pound, at the back of the grain ration, smiled returned to the respective village. 也就是2-3个小时的工夫,农夫们卖掉了大量的蘑菇和果实,揣好金镑,背着口粮,满脸笑容地返回了各自村庄。 To them, today all are want to do, and served the scheduled purpose. 对他们来说,今天发生的一切都是自身想做的,并且也达到了预定的目的。 That keeps the grain merchant of whiskers is also happy, because these are the unexpected harvests, under the current situation, can make very big sum of money for him. 那留着络腮胡的粮食商人同样高兴,因为这些是意料之外的收获,在目前的局势下,又能为他赚很大一笔钱。 He leads the worker, massive mushrooms and fruits moved to the working point outside city, made corresponding processing, then, put in the warehouse completely. 他带着工人,将大量的蘑菇和果实搬到了城外的加工点,做了相应的处理,然后,全部放入了仓库。 Works the careful merchant as one, he after sending the worker inspected a warehouse, until the confirmation is unmistakable, closes to cage personally. 作为一个做事细致的商人,他在打发走工人后又检查了一遍仓库,直至确认无误,才亲自关门上锁。 At this moment, he saw the ground to be many one pack of thick cash, all was 10 pounds currency value. 就在这时,他看见地上多了一叠厚厚的现金,全是十镑面额的。 When did I fall so much money?” This grain merchant rejoices curved under back, picked that pack of bills. “我什么时候掉了这么多钱?”这位粮食商人庆幸地弯下腰背,将那叠钞票捡了起来。 In the points, he recalled the origins of these money suddenly: 点数之中,他突然记起了这些钱的来历: They were sell out these mushroom powders and mushrooms to do with the income of candied and preserved fruit a moment ago! 它们是自己卖掉刚才那些蘑菇粉、蘑菇干和果脯的收益! Really is rich!” This whiskers merchant sighed with emotion one satisfiedly, turned the head to leave the warehouse. “真是丰厚啊!”这位络腮胡商人满足地感慨了一声,转头离开了仓库。 The warehouse, puts on Audrey of light blue long skirt to relieve psychology stealth, put out a black pocket. 仓库内部,穿着浅蓝长裙的奥黛丽解除“心理学隐身”,拿出了一个黑色的口袋。 This is she „the travel bag of travel rents from Quinn the Judgement there. 这是她从“审判”休那里租赁来的“旅者的行囊”。 Then, the golden hair is pulling simply Audrey relaxed poured into bag grain the black pocket. 接着,金发简单挽着的奥黛丽轻松将一袋袋粮食倒入了黑色口袋内。 Completes all these, she put out outer covering hard green copper notebook, turned the record to have teleportation one page. 做完这一切,她又拿出了一本外壳坚硬的铜绿色笔记,翻到了记录有“传送”的一页。 This came from Forsi the Magician Limano’s travel notebook. 这是来自“魔术师”佛尔思“莱曼诺旅行笔记” But before the matter, was Audrey operates in secret. 而之前发生的事情,都是奥黛丽暗中操纵的。 She first gives in the fast reproduction mushroom that Miss Hermit provides the forest land the one after another animal, with the aid of their help, completely type to right place, then, large expanse of influence the farmer in surrounding village, strengthens their hope, letting them to defeat the fear to the regulation, but that grain merchant and his employee just passed by, discovered this matter. 她先是将“隐者”女士提供的快速繁殖蘑菇给予林地内一只只动物,借助它们的帮忙,全部“种”到了合适的地方,接着,成片地“影响”了周围村庄的农夫,增强他们内心的渴望,让他们能战胜对律法的恐惧,而那个粮食商人和他的雇工“刚好”路过,发现了这件事情。 This type to the will of the people operation makes one wallow, is similar to ten thousand spirit ruler, but Audrey has not actually shown a smile, sighed on the contrary gently: 这种对人心的“操纵”让人沉迷,就如同万灵的主宰,但奥黛丽却没露出一点笑容,反倒轻轻地叹了口气: Insufficient...... also misses many, many......” “还是不够啊……还差很多,很多……” The mushroom that she attains is not can take the type that the monster flesh growth that little Sun said multiplies, needs the environment to give enough nutrient to be able the rapid-growth, therefore, in this forest land short-term has no way to plant the second mushroom again, otherwise may turn into the wilderness very much. 她拿到的蘑菇不是小“太阳”说的能吸食怪物血肉成长繁衍的类型,需要环境给予足够的养分才能快速生长,所以,这片林地短期内没法再种第二次蘑菇,否则很有可能变成荒漠。 Is staring at that hollow and sunken in the cloth sack, Audrey deep green pupils glittered, is hard to contain wants saying: 凝望着那一条条空瘪下来的布袋,奥黛丽碧绿的眼眸闪烁了一下,难以遏制地想道: A lot of grain centralized in church, royal family, military, government, aristocrat and big merchant there...... “大量的粮食集中在教会、王室、军方、政府、贵族和大商人那里…… Fusac, Intis and Fenpot there also has, but only depends on ‚the travel bag of travel, does not know that must move many talents enough...... 弗萨克因蒂斯费内波特那里也有,但只靠‘旅者的行囊’,不知要搬多少次才够…… Operation the people of aristocrat, big merchant and military are very dangerous, an under heart will not be discovered...... “‘操纵’贵族、大商人、军方的人很危险,一不下心就会被发现…… If were not the situation deteriorates this degree, perhaps I never know that some people will have such side...... “如果不是局势恶化到了这种程度,我也许永远不会知道有的人会有那样的一面…… Environment and situation are different, the personality mask that everyone puts on is different, I later must pay attention to this......” “环境和处境不同,每个人戴上的人格面具就不同,我以后得注意这点……” Among the train of thought phonographs, lacked the Audrey plan of processing similar matter experience to consult Mister World over the two days, what suggestion looked at him to have. 思绪电转间,缺乏处理类似事情经验的奥黛丽打算这两天请教一下“世界”先生,看他有什么样的建议。 Because Gehrman Sparrow the World walks in unmanned Land Abandoned by God for a long time alone, the surroundings are the dark desperate environment, Audrey suggested that he asks himself to make the psychology consulting regularly, this not necessarily really must treat anything, says at will the words can also effectively alleviate that type depressing, lonely and depressed. 由于“世界”格尔曼.斯帕罗长期独自行走于无人的神弃之地,周围是黑暗绝望的环境,奥黛丽建议他定期找自己做心理咨询,这不一定真要治疗什么,随意说一说话也能有效缓解那种压抑、孤独和苦闷。 Gehrman Sparrow complied with the doctor's advice, but Audrey knows from chat, this powerful adventurer except for looking for oneself makes the psychology consulting, once for a while in above the grey mist and Mister Star idle talk, the motion appearance will maintain quite well. 格尔曼.斯帕罗遵从了医嘱,而奥黛丽从聊天里知道,这位强大的冒险家除了找自己做心理咨询,也会时不时在灰雾之上“星星”先生闲话,情绪状态保持得相当不错。 Had the resolution, Audrey must stimulate travel immediately ability, returned to Beckland. 有了决断,奥黛丽当即就要激发“旅行”能力,返回贝克兰德 May change mind, she also had little depressed. 可转念之间,她又有了少许的沮丧。 Because she knows, even if collected a lot of grain , can only let the Beckland residents calmly and steadily some time, if the war did not end, the aspect will also deteriorate. 因为她知道哪怕自己筹集到了大量的粮食,也只能让贝克兰德的居民们安稳一段时间,战争如果不结束,局面还会恶化。 War......” Audrey shut the eye, does not know how completely oneself can prevent. “战争……”奥黛丽闭了闭眼睛,完全不知道自己能怎么阻止。 She listened to Miss Hermit saying that the essence of this war was very possible is Battle of Gods, but the Battle of Gods prelude was very consistent, that was expenditure some time and strength, vacillated the anchor of opponent. 她听“隐者”女士说过,这次战争的本质很可能是神战,而神战的前奏都很一致,那就是花费一定的时间和力量,动摇对手的锚。 Thinks, Audrey sipped the lip, decides first matter that can achieve from oneself to start. 想了想,奥黛丽抿了下嘴唇,决定先从自己能做到的事情做起。 As that page of notebook send out the misty brilliance, her form is fast transparent, disappears does not see. 随着那页笔记发出濛濛的光辉,她的身影飞快透明,消失不见。 ............ ………… By the bonfire of static combustion, sent off Moon City guest Klein cannot bear remember Amon, the Blasphemer had spoken some words. 静静燃烧的篝火旁,送走了月城“来客”的克莱恩忍不住想起了“渎神者”阿蒙曾经说过的一些话语。 It said that Chernobyl buries the history that It is wanting to inquire about, the clues of many things. 祂说切尔诺贝利内部埋藏着祂想探寻的历史,有许多事情的线索。 Ancient times Sun God also emphasized specially Chernobyl...... train of thought numerous, Klein suddenly had explored the impulsion of Chernobyl. 远古太阳神也专门强调了“切尔诺贝利”……思绪纷呈间,克莱恩突然有了去探索切尔诺贝利的冲动。 This is not considered as impulsive, is matter that he always wants to handle, is only concerned about Amon, does not dare to be put into practice. 这也不算是冲动,是他一直以来都想做的事情,只是碍于阿蒙,才没敢付诸实践。 I toward east, walked more than half a year, without whom can think that I can the present arrive at Chernobyl...... Amon to attain last Insect of Time Extraordinary characteristics suddenly, is preparing the ceremony, the main body is impossible also the nest in Chernobyl......, It is one has patience King of Angels very much, perhaps had clone to wait in Chernobyl...... Klein to analyze under the current situation, decided that made the image in historical hole try. 我一路往东,走了大半年,没谁能想到我会现在突然降临切尔诺贝利……阿蒙拿到了最后一份“时之虫”非凡特性,正在准备仪式,本体不可能还窝在切尔诺贝利……嗯,祂是一个很有耐心的天使之王,也许有分身一直等在切尔诺贝利……克莱恩分析了下当前情况,决定让历史孔隙里的影像去试一试。 His main body is will not go in any case absolutely directly! 反正他本体是绝对不会直接前往的! After setting firm resolve, Klein first went to above the grey mist to make divination, then, returned to the real world, searched the hand to grasp, pulled off five minutes ago. 下定决心后,克莱恩先去灰雾之上做了次占卜,然后,回到现实世界,探手一抓,拖出了五分钟前的自己。 This Historical Projection vanished with the main body, obtained the consciousness, then, he grasped continually several, put out that black cane that is mounting many gems. 历史投影随着本体消失,获得了意识,接着,他连抓了几下,拿出了那根镶嵌着诸多宝石的黑色手杖。 „The stick of star! “星之杖”! Klein must use „the stick of star the ability, flickers to move directly arrives in Chernobyl! 克莱恩要利用“星之杖”的能力,直接“瞬移”到切尔诺贝利! PS: First, changes. PS:先更后改。 Nine deity sovereign 九天神皇
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