LM :: Volume #5

#62: Assignment

After several minutes, Klein and Miss Justice of Audrey Gehrman Sparrow appearance went out of 39 Buckland Street, went by the place line of Parasite housing toward other. 几分钟后,格尔曼.斯帕罗样子的克莱恩“正义”小姐奥黛丽走出了伯克伦德街39号,往其他被寄生者居住的地方行去。 After walked several silent, Klein looks at the front to open the mouth to say suddenly: 沉默地走了几步后,克莱恩忽然望着前方开口道: Such situation is not rare in wild Extraordinary, without the appropriate guidance often means that has walked in the cliff edge, possibly drops momentarily.” “这样的情况在野生非凡者里并不少见,没有合适的引导往往就意味着一直走在悬崖的边缘,随时可能跌落下去。” Audrey agreed, separated several seconds of say/way: 奥黛丽“嗯”了一声,隔了几秒道: I know, I already not like before that then......” “我知道,我已经不像以前那么,那么……” She considered, slightly cancels the corners of the mouth, seems laughing at itself the same as discover the appropriate adjective: 她斟酌了一下,略勾嘴角,仿佛在笑话自己一样找出了合适的形容词: Naive.” “天真。” ......” her not to conceal sighed immediately, similarly looked at the front saying that returned to June of last year, if my clear mysterious world were such brutal and fearful, that very possible not to set to become the request of Extraordinary again.” “呼……”她随即没有掩饰地吐了口气,同样望着前方道,“回到去年六月份,如果我清楚神秘世界是这样残酷和可怕,那很可能不会再提出成为非凡者的要求。” The Klein leaning head, looked at eye aristocrat young lady's face slightly, resembles asks at will: 克莱恩略微侧头,看了眼这位贵族小姐的脸庞,状似随意地问道: That present gives you an opportunity, can thoroughly get rid of the mysterious world, will you accept?” “那现在给你一个机会,能够彻底摆脱神秘世界,你会接受吗?” Audrey was startled, the pursing the lips lip of said slowly: 奥黛丽怔了一下,缓慢地抿了抿嘴唇道: Cannot......” “不会……” After giving such reply, she as if relaxed a point, smiles, said: 给出这样的回答后,她似乎放松了一点,笑了笑,自顾自说道: Under the clear mysterious world brutal and fearful this premise, I will give up to become Extraordinary in June of last year, but this year's I cannot. “在清楚神秘世界残酷和可怕这个前提下,去年六月之前的我会放弃成为非凡者,而今年的我不会。 This, perhaps is the price of growth.” “这,或许就是成长的代价。” I understand your meaning.” The Klein step continues not so fast but so slow neither, then said, these by Parasite after obtaining radical purification, there are partially can put out Insect of Time, this can be used to manufacture Luck Stealer talisman, is the half God level, can exchange player and enemy destiny in a short time, when the time comes, I will give you one, as today's doctor's fee.” “我明白你的意思。”克莱恩步伐不快不慢地继续前行,转而说道,“那些被寄生者在得到彻底的净化后,有部分会吐出‘时之虫’,这能够用来制作‘窃运者’符咒,属于半神层次,可以调换敌我双方较短时间内的命运,到时候,我会给你一枚,作为今天的诊金。” Audrey just about to opens the mouth to reject, suddenly was also silent, then lightly nodded and said: 奥黛丽刚要开口拒绝,忽然又沉默了下来,接着轻轻颔首道: Good.” “好。” She finishes speaking, suddenly lives, side looked at Gehrman Sparrow one, the expression slightly said with a smile complex: 她话音刚落,突然顿住,侧头瞄了格尔曼.斯帕罗一眼,表情略显复杂地笑道: I understand why you must ask that question a moment ago.” “我明白你刚才为什么要问那个问题了。” Klein smiled one lowly, has not done directly replied. 克莱恩低笑了一声,未做正面回答。 Audrey took back the line of sight vividly, mood as if many, chat said: 奥黛丽收回视线,情绪似乎一下轻快了不少,闲聊般说道: At noon participated in the disciplinary punishment action, in the afternoon processed Amon related following, today is really ‚the tarot day......” “中午才参与了惩戒行动,下午又来处理阿蒙相关的后续,今天真是‘塔罗日’啊……” She has double meaning, sighed with emotion one implicitly. 她一语双关,非常含蓄地感慨了一句。 In her opinion, noon is Tarot Society Moon, The Star, Justice, Judgement and Magician five members by the different way joint operations, in the afternoon is Tarot Society World and Justice participates in the clone of Amon elimination plan from the different angles, on this day really has the commemorative significance very much, in some sense calculates tarot day. 在她看来,中午是塔罗会“月亮”“星星”“正义”“审判”“魔术师”五位成员以不同方式联合行动,下午则是塔罗会“世界”“正义”从不同的角度参与阿蒙分身清除计划,这一天确实很有纪念意义,算某种意义上的“塔罗日”了。 Klein nods, approved the Miss Justice words, but has not told her, in afternoon action, Leonard the Star also has the participation, and is the main force. 克莱恩点了点头,认同了“正义”小姐的话语,但没告诉她,下午的行动里,“星星”伦纳德也有参与,且属于主力。 „Should Amon’s clone be very formidabe?” Audrey finally found the turning point, asked this issue. 阿蒙的分身应该很难对付吧?”奥黛丽终于找到契机,提出了这个问题。 She is staring at Gehrman Sparrow, curiosity that in deep green pupils has not concealed. 她盯着格尔曼.斯帕罗,碧绿的眼眸里是没有掩饰的好奇。 Klein smiled saying with a smile: 克莱恩笑了笑道: If only depends on me, Gehrman Sparrow that you see, essentially perhaps was Amon.” “如果只靠我自己,你见到的格尔曼.斯帕罗,本质上也许就是阿蒙了。” Steals the destiny and status?” Audrey has the institute to ask suddenly. “窃取命运和身份?”奥黛丽有所恍然地反问道。 Klein agreed: 克莱恩“嗯”了一声: Detailed later said that in brief, this time to eliminate Amon in Beckland all clone, we set out Angel. “详细的之后再说,总之,这次为了清除阿蒙贝克兰德的所有分身,我们出动了天使 Later you, if met Amon’s clone, absolutely do not think have the means to deal with, immediately finds the opportunity to implore, un, his characteristics are, likes wearing the monocle, likes making frightened practical joke......” “以后你若是遇到了阿蒙的分身,绝对不要想着自己有办法应付,立刻找机会祈求,嗯,祂的特点是,喜欢戴单片眼镜,喜欢做惊悚型的恶作剧……” Set out Angel...... not to know that was that Death Consulate, was Destiny domain Angel, or...... Audrey looked up a midair, saw only there clouds to stagnate, without slightly movement, the item under as if dark background. 出动了天使……不知是那位“死亡执政官”,还是“命运”领域的天使,或者……奥黛丽抬头看了眼半空,只见那里云朵凝滞,没有丝毫移动,就仿佛幽暗背景下的道具。 She listens to the student who the teacher teaches probably, seriously and nods to say earnestly: 她像是听老师讲课的学生,郑重而认真地点头道: I will remember.” “我会记住的。” Two people footsteps keep, from time to time is silent, from time to time resembles is chatting at will, until entering 160 Buckland Street. 两人脚步不停,时而沉默,时而状似随意地闲聊着,直至进入伯克伦德街160号 Also crossed for several minutes, in living room of Harula. 又过了好几分钟,海柔尔家的起居室内。 Congressman Macht and the others suddenly had the intense impulsion, in the position that oneself sit, lifts both hands, the junction grasps to arrive before mouth and nose, starts to pray devotionally, read aloud reads Goddess of the Night esteemed name. 马赫特议员等人忽然有了强烈的冲动,就在自身坐的位置上,抬起双手,交握抵于嘴鼻前,虔诚地开始祈祷,诵念“黑夜女神”尊名 Has not known how long, their simultaneously cough, the fierce cough, coughed the tears nasal mucus to flow out. 不知过了多久,他们齐齐咳嗽,剧烈咳嗽,咳得眼泪鼻涕都有流出。 Cough! Cough! Cough! 咳!咳!咳 They coughed respectively an insect that had a 12 translucent link. 不知不觉间,他们分别咳出了一条有十二个半透明环节的虫子。 This insect just fell in the place, vanishes does not see, no one detected. 这虫子刚一掉落于地,就消失不见,以至于无人察觉。 Same matter also happened in other Buckland Street places, but quickly returned to normal, but the darkness of midair does not know when has gone pale, the clouds flow again with the wind. 同样的事情还发生在伯克伦德街其余地方,但都很快恢复了正常,而半空的幽暗不知什么时候已然淡去,云朵重新随风流淌。 Parents' cough sound, Harula awoke to transfer slowly, very much why confuses itself in the afternoon tea, fell asleep on the sofa. 父母的咳嗽声,海柔尔慢慢醒转了过来,很迷惑自己为什么会在下午茶中,于沙发上睡着。 She thought that oneself today's should be very happy, but how actually unable to squeeze the smile, as if has an indescribable sad and painful horizontal zhi in the heart. 她觉得自己今天的心情应该很好,可却怎么都挤不出笑容,似乎有种难以言喻的悲伤和痛苦横峙于心头。 Sees the father and mother casts the concerned vision, she has not only been moved, instead slightly shrank, shivered, the probably reserved self-closing was not familiar with that person who others contacted. 看见父亲和母亲投来关切的目光,她不仅没有感动,反而略有畏缩,颤抖了一下,像是内敛自闭不习惯与他人接触的那种人。 Harula was clear that this is not own character, but she cannot control oneself response. 海柔尔清楚这不是自己的性格,但她控制不住自己的反应。 However, she has not found it strange, has not felt the doubts , to continue to enjoy the afternoon tea the dessert. 不过,她也没觉得奇怪,没觉得疑惑,继续享用起下午茶的点心。 Congressman Macht and Madame Liana equally, always thought that something are fuzzy, is unable to remember. 马赫特议员莉亚娜夫人同样如此,总觉得有些事情模模糊糊,无法想起。 ............ ………… 160 Buckland Street, pulled open in master bedroom of window curtains. 伯克伦德街160号,拉开了窗帘的主卧室内。 The person's shadow outlined opposite of the tea table together suddenly, wore the crude long gown, was the bark waistband, is red head ascetic of both feet, Monastery of Night head, Church of the Night 13 archbishop's Arianna of heads. 一道人影突然勾勒于茶几对面,正是身穿简陋长袍,系着树皮腰带,赤着双脚的苦修士首领,黑夜修道院院长,黑夜教会十三位大主教之首的阿里安娜 In this lady's eyes, the gray-haired Dawn Dantes body leans forward leaves the sofa slightly, on front tea table is placing entire nine transparent bug that has the link. 这位女士的眼中,鬓角斑白的道恩.唐泰斯正身体略微前倾地离开沙发,面前的茶几上摆放着整整九条有环节的透明小虫。 Good afternoon, Arianna Your Highness.” Klein serious good a ritual said, benefits from the help that you provide, Amon in Beckland clone the full scale clearance, you can the choice from these spoils of war be your.” “下午好,阿里安娜殿下。”克莱恩郑重行了一礼道,“得益于您提供的帮助,阿蒙贝克兰德分身已全部清除,您可以从这些战利品里挑选属于您的那份。” He was arranged Secret Puppet in each by Parasite by before, takes carry back these Insect of Time using illusion spell. 他之前在每个被寄生者旁边都安排了一个秘偶,利用幻术将这些“时之虫”拿了回来。 Heard his words, Arianna selected in the chest clockwise four, responded devotionally: 听到他的话语,阿里安娜在胸口顺时针点了四下,虔诚回应道: praise the Goddess.” 赞美女神。” It has not declined, not polite, extends the right hand, making two Insect of Time fly, fell into the palm. 祂没有推辞,也没有客气,伸出右手,让两条“时之虫”飞起,落入了掌中。 Amon will definitely guess, you following are also careful.” Arianna said simply, form cuns (2.5 cm) vanish, such as was deleted. 阿蒙肯定会有所猜测,你后续同样要小心。”阿里安娜简单说了一句后,身影寸寸消失,如被擦去。 Gazes after this archbishop to depart, Klein sits down, takes advantage of opportunity to take the written records, writes a letter to Leonard Mitchell. 目送这位大主教离去,克莱恩边坐下,边顺势拿起纸笔,给伦纳德.米切尔写信。 He must inquire that Insect of Time except for can manufacture Luck Stealer talisman, but can also cause what effect! 他要询问“时之虫”除了能制作“窃运者“符咒,还能弄出什么效果来! He believes, cannot make Luck Stealer surplus Insect of Time completely, such was too monotonous, aimed at easily, is unable to process the different situations, therefore, must consider other application mode. 他认为,不能将剩余的“时之虫”全部制成“窃运者,那样就太单调了,容易被针对,也无法处理不同的情况,所以,必须充分考虑别的应用方式。 Uses Insect of Time as the carrier, with being different from the pattern and marking of Fool symbolic sign inspires the strength, the corresponding effect can be different from Luck Stealer mostly, but this aspect, Pales Zarathustra is an expert. “时之虫”为载体,用有别于“愚者”象征符号的花纹、标识来引动力量,相应的效果多半会与“窃运者”有所不同,而这方面,帕列斯.索罗亚斯德是专家。 Writes the correspondence, Klein puts out adventurer harmonica, collects to the mouth, blew one. 写好书信,克莱恩拿出冒险家口琴,凑至嘴边,吹了一声。 Is raising Renette Tinichole of four blond hair, red eyes heads from void, eight eyes have the stop slightly, looks on simultaneously to surplus seven Insect of Time that on the tea table placed. 提着四个金发红眼脑袋的蕾妮特.缇尼科尔从虚空中走了出来,八只眼睛稍有停顿,就齐齐望向了茶几上摆放的剩余七条“时之虫” This messenger young lady looked for enough three seconds, takes back the line of sight, bites letter paper and gold coin that Klein handed over. 这位信使小姐看了足足三秒钟,才收回视线,咬住了克莱恩递来的信纸和金币。 7 Pinster Street.” Klein said succinctly. “还是平斯特街7号。”克莱恩简洁说道。 The Renette Tinichole surplus three heads responded in turn: 蕾妮特.缇尼科尔剩余三个脑袋依次回应道: Later......” this type......” matter......” “以后……”“这种……”“事情……” Also......” can......” look for me......” “也……”“可以……”“找我……” Reward......” is......” spoils of war......” “报酬……”“就是……”“战利品……” Klein gawked evil ways: 克莱恩愣了一下道: Good.” “好的。” When the messenger young lady returns to spiritual world, vanishes in the room, he frowns slightly, silent talked to oneself: 等到信使小姐重归灵界,消失于房中,他才微微皱起眉头,无声自语道: She, since recognizes Insect of Time, should understand that perhaps such fight will develop the Angel level...... “她既然认得出‘时之虫’,就应该明白这样的战斗说不定会发展到天使层次…… She is not afraid...... “她一点也不害怕…… „Does messenger young lady imagine strongly compared with me?” “信使小姐比我想象得更强?” ............ ………… 7 Pinster Street, Leonard received the Klein's letter/believes from the Renette Tinichole mouth. 平斯特街7号,伦纳德蕾妮特.缇尼科尔口中接过了克莱恩的信。 He also remains excitedly, impatient launches the letter paper, speed reading. 他还残留着一点兴奋,迫不及待就展开信纸,快速阅读。 When that messenger leaves, he pulls down the throat sound said immediately: 等到那位信使离开,他立刻压低嗓音道: old man, should have other talisman method of manufacturing?” “老头,应该还有别的符咒制作方法吧?” A moment ago, Pales Zarathustra gave him two from Amon’s Insect of Time as the today's risky reward. 刚才,帕列斯.索罗亚斯德给了他两条来自阿蒙的“时之虫”作为今天冒险的奖励。 In the Leonard mind, that slightly old voice happy expression replied in a tone with: 伦纳德的脑海内,那略显苍老的嗓音语带笑意地回答道: Naturally, when my deep sleep some time, digests this harvest, taught you, this soon , recently do not go to Buckland Street again.” “当然,等我沉睡一段时间,消化掉这次的收获,就教导你,这用不了多久,还有,最近不要再去伯克伦德街。” Why?” Leonard slightly feels the surprise to ask. Pales Zarathustra laughed: “为什么?”伦纳德略感诧异地问道。帕列斯.索罗亚斯德呵呵笑道: Amon had been extinguished in Beckland clone completely, this is not a minor matter, but can achieve this degree of suspect only possibly is one of the that few, you said, It can guess?” 阿蒙贝克兰德分身已全部被灭,这不是一件小事,而能做到这种程度的嫌疑者只可能是那么寥寥几个之一,你说,祂会不会有所猜测?” This...... the Leonard spirit tied tight. 这……伦纳德的精神又紧绷了起来。 Pales continues saying: 帕列斯继续说道: But, does not need too to be worried, his main body is impossible to enter Beckland, but now restored many me, did not worry that his clone . Moreover, I turned a news that Flora Jacob mentioned from his few clone memory: In some Beckland place, is hiding the Jacob family buried treasure. “不过,也不用太担心,他本体是不可能进入贝克兰德的,而现在恢复了不少的我,也不是那么担忧祂的分身了,另外,我从他少量分身记忆里翻到了弗罗拉.雅各提到的一个消息:在贝克兰德某个地方,隐藏着雅各家族的宝藏。 Waits till the end of the year, we at that meeting, seek for other Jacob family descendant cooperation, opens that buried treasure, divides equally inside item, when the time comes, even if Amon gathered massive clone, enhances to close to the Sequence One level, is unable to beat me truly, hehe, to balance, can make Dawn Dantes participate in this matter.” “等到年底,我们就在那个聚会上,寻找雅各家族另外的后裔合作,开启那个宝藏,平分里面的物品,到时候,即使阿蒙聚集了大量的分身,提高到接近序列1的层次,也无法真正击败我了,呵呵,为了平衡,也可以让道恩.唐泰斯参与这件事情。”
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