LM :: Volume #5

#21: „order from God”

The night platform cold wind howls, blows the gas lamp that is hanging to sway. 夜晚的站台冷风呼啸,吹得悬挂的煤气灯摇摇晃晃。 In such scene, the pale yellow ray elongates from time to time, from time to time shortens, lets calmly stop the steam train on track to get rid of the darkness once in a while, once in a while falls into the shadow, even more has the indescribable gloomy deathly stillness feeling. 这样的场景里,昏黄的光芒时而拉长,时而变短,让静静停在轨道上的蒸汽列车间或摆脱黑暗,间或陷入阴影,愈发有种难以言喻的阴森死寂感。 At this time, one team the black and white standard uniform police are entering the platform, under the influence of railway company manager on duty, moved toward that slightly obsolete giant train. 这时,一队着黑白格制服的警察进入站台,在铁路公司值班经理的引领下,走向了那辆略显老旧的巨大列车。 Why does not know, after the passenger all leaves, including the vehicle commander, all train attendants returned to the compartment, again without coming out, I send, send people to look for them, making them come out a bit faster, sooner rest, finally, finally, the sent that person ran quickly the compartment, like suffering from disease, will only shout that hysteric died died!” Wears the railway company manager on duty of blue jacket to raise a lantern, walks introduction situation. “不知道为什么,乘客全部离开后,包括车长在内,所有列车员都返回了车厢,再没有出来,我有派人,派人去找他们,让他们快点出来,早些休息,结果,结果,被派去的那个人很快就跑出了车厢,像罹患了疾病一样,只会歇斯底里地喊‘都死了’‘都死了’!”身穿蓝色外套的铁路公司值班经理提着一盏马灯,边走边介绍着情况。 Slightly reveals the body that words that stutter and shivers slightly from him, the police are not difficult to see he to hide the enormous fear, so long as if some people pat suddenly his shoulder, he will jump fiercely, throws down all, rushes to the platform to export. 从他略显结巴的话语和微微颤抖的身体,警察们不难看出他内心潜藏着极大的恐惧,似乎只要有人突然拍一下他的肩膀,他就会猛地跳起,丢下一切,奔向站台出口。 Such mood also infected the police, all of them placed the waist the hand, held down the hoister. 这样的情绪也感染了警察,他们所有人都将手放在了腰间,按住了枪袋。 , , , the leather boots step on a sound intermittent reverberation in hard ground, the police following manager on duty, entered a front of compartment vigilantly. 哒,哒,哒,皮靴踩在坚硬地面的声音一阵阵回荡,警察们跟着值班经理,警惕地进入了一节车厢的前方。 In this compartment, each row sits two people, they are placed about, all far away from window, after at this time, leans against the chairback to be motionless. 这节车厢内,每一排都坐着两个人,他们分列左右,皆是远离窗户,此时正后靠住椅背一动不动。 In shining of lantern ray with out of the window gas lamp and hand, is the supervisor of head saw clearly the present scene quickly. 借着窗外煤气灯和手中马灯光芒的照耀,为首的督察很快看清楚了眼前的景象。 Here is the staff on steam train, they put on the design to divide the blue uniform/subdue of men and women, calmly by sitting in different positions, face is pale, the eye is opening the eyes, although does not have the breathing, but the corners of the mouth obviously go up, revealed eight teeth. 这里的都是蒸汽列车上的工作人员,他们穿着款式分男女的蓝色制服,静静靠坐在不同的位置上,脸庞青白,眼睛睁着,虽然已没有呼吸声,但嘴角明显上翘,露出了八颗牙齿。 Was mapped pupils by these nearly consistent smiling faces, everyone fine hair on the scene also towers, the subconsciousness turned very quiet. 被这一张张近乎一致的笑容映入眼眸,在场的所有人汗毛同时耸立,下意识屏住了呼吸。 Them, such scene was too strange was too terrifying, only wants to turn around immediately, leaves here, waited for dawn again the inspection! 于他们而言,这样的场景实在太诡异太恐怖了,只想立刻掉头,离开这里,等天亮再来检查情况! Was the supervisor of head made two deep breath secretly, the instruction setting out side police officer: 为首的督察暗自做了两次深呼吸,吩咐起身侧的警员: Confirmed them, had died......” “去确认他们是不是,是不是都已经死亡……” At this point, he looked at that railway company manager on duty one eyes: 说到这里,他又看了那位铁路公司值班经理一眼: You follow, looks whether few people, or many people.” “你跟着过去,看是否少人,或者多人。” Good, good, Police officer.” That manager on duty trembles was saying. “好,好的,警官。”那值班经理颤栗着说道。 He and several police officer thorough compartments at the same time, other personnel pull out the take action spear/gun, enhanced the alert. 他和几位警员深入车厢的同时,其余人员都拔出手枪,提高了戒备。 In the unendurable peace, the time is passing slowly, finally, several police officers stopped end of the compartment, turns around to shout: 让人难以忍受的安静里,时间缓慢地流逝着,终于,几位警员在车厢末尾停了下来,转身喊道: Confirmation had died!” “确认已全部死亡!” Railway company that manager on duty follows close on was saying tremblingly: 铁路公司那位值班经理紧跟着颤颤巍巍道: Was short of two people, a head of train crew, a pilot......” “少了两个人,一个列车长,一个驾驶员……” Sees such long time not to have the accident/surprise to happen, was the supervisor of head calm many, thinks, said to all police officers: 见这么久时间都没有意外发生,为首的督察镇静了不少,想了想,对所有警员道: Protection corpse original condition, waits for the cause of death inspection. “保护尸体原状,等待死因检查。 Meanwhile, branches out two groups, one group goes to other compartments to look for the head of train crew and pilot, one group of exploration traces, collect the corresponding material, when Sun raises, makes the investigation from the road men and beforehand passenger two aspects, seeks for the common ground and feature.” “同时,分出两组,一组去其他车厢寻找列车长和驾驶员,一组勘探现场痕迹,搜集相应的资料,等到太阳升起,就从列车人员和之前乘客两方面做排查,寻找共同点和特殊点。” When many passengers buy tickets has not shown the identification document, but is first supervisor believes that can always find some to register oneself situation person truthfully, then inquired whether they have on the train discover the unusual situation or the noteworthy passenger. 虽然许多乘客购票时并没有出示身份证明文件,但为首督察相信总能找到一些如实登记了自己情况的人,然后询问他们是否有在列车上发现不同寻常的情况或值得注意的旅客。 He finishes speaking, icy cold piercing cold wind does not know that from where, howled was passing the compartment. 他话音刚落,一阵冰凉刺骨的冷风不知从何而起,呼啸着通过了车厢。 Waits for all these to return to normal, was first supervisor is just about to emphasize the words, 等这一切平复下来,为首督察正要强调刚才的话语, Actually suddenly discovered is not right: 却忽然发现了点不对: By sitting the steam train staff in position is opening the eye as before, the complexion is pale, but the mouth does not know when has closed up, has not revealed eight teeth again. 靠坐在位置上的蒸汽列车工作人员依旧睁着眼睛,脸色青白,可嘴巴不知什么时候已是合拢,未再露出八颗牙齿。 ............ ………… In a luxurious room in hotel, the wall lamp on wall complements mutually, will spread the rug to suspend the region of furniture to illuminate exceptionally brightly. 一家旅馆的豪华房间内,墙上的壁灯互相映衬,将铺着地毯摆着桌椅的区域照得异常明亮。 Klein has turned into the Gehrman Sparrow appearance, sits on the single-seat sofa, lifted on the left leg the right leg. 克莱恩已变成格尔曼.斯帕罗的样子,坐在单人沙发上,把左脚跷到了右腿上。 His side is standing local native "Winner" Enzo, the front stood row of evil cult Secret Puppet. 他的身边侍立着本地土著化的“赢家”恩佐,前方站了一排邪教秘偶 Before this is, tries to offer sacrifices some personnel of all passengers on the steam train, is headed by the face side to have the man and head of train crew and pilot inflamed scrap. 这正是之前在蒸汽列车上试图献祭所有乘客的部分人员,以脸侧有红肿小块的男子和列车长、驾驶员为首。 They by the different appearances, detour to come from the different blocks, converges here. 他们以不同的模样,从不同的街区绕道而来,于这里汇合。 Is who makes you do to offer sacrifices?” The Klein low and deep opens the mouth said. “是谁让你们做献祭的?”克莱恩低沉开口道。 Promotes Sequence Four, after becoming Crafty Mage, he no longer can only consciousness to read out the thought from the Secret Puppet shallow layer merely, but can also use the spiritual body string control of promotion, achieves similar spiritism matter directly. 晋升序列4,成为“诡法师”之后,他不再仅仅只能从秘偶的浅层意识里读出念头,还可以利用提升的“灵体之线”掌控,直接做到类似通灵的事情。 Naturally, Secret Puppet level is higher, the spiritism effect is worse. 当然,秘偶本身的层次越高,通灵的效果越差。 After short silentness, that obviously is Ruenian, the pili quite rich head of train crew wooden opens the mouth said: 短暂的静默后,那位明显是鲁恩人,体毛较为丰厚的列车长木然开口道: Is commanding of god.” “是神的谕令。” Which god?” Klein received the bone China teacup that "Winner" Enzo hands over, sipped tastes. “哪个神?”克莱恩接过“赢家”恩佐递来的骨瓷茶杯,抿了一口道。 The head of train crew delay responded: 列车长呆滞回应道: God is a god, without other.” “神就是神,没有其他。” Klein puts down the cup, then asked: 克莱恩放下杯子,转而问道: How does It lower order from God? What specifically said?” “祂是怎么降下神谕的?具体说了什么?” That head of train crew one becomes respectful: 那位列车长一下变得毕恭毕敬: It gives to command through the divine object, making us offer sacrifices to try to please It who uses a massive life to compose, but It will make us obtain the eternal life in his state.” “祂通过神物给予谕令,让我们用一场大量生命组成的献祭取悦祂,而祂将让我们在祂的国度得到永生。” Massive lives offer sacrifices...... compared with Spiritual Religion Society, Rose School to like similar matter, they are well-known by the bloody sacrificial offering all along...... may obtain eternal life view in Country of Gods, is approximate with certain ideas of Spiritual Religion Society, naturally, did not remove arranged to deceive these people intentionally...... Klein to ponder over a say/way: 大量的生命献祭……比起灵教团,玫瑰学派更喜欢类似的事情,他们一贯以血腥祭祀闻名……可在神的国度得到永生这种说法,又和灵教团的某些理念近似,当然,不排除是故意编出来骗这些人的……克莱恩琢磨了一阵道: What divine object?” “什么神物?” That head of train crew had not replied, looked at the face side to have male one of the inflamed scrap. 那位列车长没有回答,看了脸侧有红肿小块的男子一眼。 This man put out one thing from the clothing inside pocket immediately: 这男子随即从衣物内侧口袋里拿出了一样东西: This is a work common cloth doll, has the curved eye and mouth. 这是一个做工一般的布娃娃,有着弯弯的眼睛和嘴巴。 Empathize in specific, issues the order through it to us. This is I buys in the grocery market.” The face side has the man of inflamed scrap to balance said, the tone has not fluctuated. “神会在特定的时候,通过它向我们下达命令。这是我在杂货市场买的。”脸侧有红肿小块的男子平衡说道,语气没有起伏。 This...... the Klein flash thinks many possibilities, then make "Winner" Enzo take that cloth doll, starts carefully the inspection, but what exceptionally place had not discovered. 这……克莱恩一瞬间想到了多种可能,然后让“赢家”恩佐拿过那个布娃娃,仔细做起检查,但什么异常之处都没有发现。 With his experience, this means that the issue in the baby, that situation cannot be divided into two kinds: First, who in not the far place, takes the cloth doll as to cover up, disguises as God ; second, really has some hidden existence, marked this thing specially, lowers order from God. 以他的经验,这意味着问题不在娃娃本身,那情况可分为两类:一是有谁在不远的地方,以布娃娃为遮掩,假扮神灵,二是真有某位隐秘存在,特殊标记了这件事物,借此降下神谕 If the former, that affirmation had found that the death of train attendants, has guarded...... perhaps, if the latter, anything had not detected that......” Klein considered, making "Winner" Enzo suspend on the desk before window that cloth doll. “如果是前者,那肯定已发现列车员们的死亡,有所防备……若是后者,或许什么都还没察觉……”克莱恩考虑了一阵,让“赢家”恩佐将那布娃娃摆到了窗前的书桌上。 He sets out immediately, turned into another train staff instantaneously, arranges the evil cult disciple to stand with that in the same place. 他本人随即起身,瞬间变成了另一个列车工作人员,与那排邪教徒立在一起。 After "Winner" Enzo returns, there is a similar change. The time does not know how long, the dim light of night is getting deeper and deeper. “赢家”恩佐返回后,也有了类似的变化。时间不知过去了多久,夜色越来越深。 Suddenly, is bathing on the scarlet moonlight desk, that has the cloth doll of curved eye and mouth moved under the four limbs, stood slowly. 突然,沐浴着绯红月光的书桌上,那有着弯弯眼睛和嘴巴的布娃娃活动了下四肢,缓慢站了起来。 PS: This chapter of number of words is a little few , because air/Qi to fundamental having no way symbol, I write about half, must have the correspondence with on Zhang ju words, therefore the point operates the homepage, opened the previous chapter, as a result, with offering sacrifices the related description was deleted.. Such verification and deletion are unable to say simply, without that who could also understand that plot, I cannot understand! Moreover, does that plot have the place that what breaks a prohibition? Writes the unprincipled person to do the misdemeanor, whips uglily must be deleted? I have not made concrete the process that the description offers sacrifices, letting the person can imitate, I do not understand the certification standards of completely now reading the article what were, can change the incomprehensible nonsense the book? PS:这章字数有点少,是因为气到根本没法码字,我写到一半,要和上一章某句话有对应,于是点开网页,打开了上一章,结果发现,与献祭有关的描述被删了。。这样的审核和删改简直无法可说,没有了那一段,谁还看得懂那段情节,我自己都看不懂!而且,那段情节有什么违禁的地方?写坏人做坏事,鞭挞丑陋都要被删?我也没具体描述献祭的过程,让人能够模仿啊,我完全不明白现在阅文的审核标准是什么了,要把书改到狗屁不通吗? I am unable to accept my turning this to break, the structure is broken, the thing that the article does not express one's ideas, turns into the thing that lets unable to understand bewilderedly, before chapter revised place, I have responded , the approval the environment is now difficult, everyone forgave mutually, therefore did not speak, but revises the anomaly to letting the plot now is incoherent, is unable to write out clear/pain, I really could not endure, secretive was what main key, was what atmosphere, later will also write anything, everyone had certainly sentenced in advance, as the matter stands, I could not write afterward. 我无法接受我的变成这样前后断裂,结构残破,文不达意的东西,变成莫名其妙让读不懂的玩意,之前章节很多被修改的地方,我反应过了,也认可现在环境艰难,大家互相体谅,所以不说话,但现在修改变态到让剧情都不连贯,都无法写清楚,我真的忍不了,诡秘是什么基调,是什么氛围,以后还会写什么,大家都有一定的预判,这样一来,我后来根本写不下去啊。 I now increased the previous chapter erased content, but does not know when will be deleted, later was also, I do not know that can also create again this book, when wrote, un, compared with front one hour, I am now tranquil, did not speak any extreme words, and everyone looked and treasures, I will continue to write, until writing, wrote motionless, I will not punish my reader with others' wrong, un, on like this. 我现在自己把上章被删掉的内容又添加上去了,但不知道什么时候又会被删,以后也是,我不知道还能不能再把这本书创作下去,写到什么时候,嗯,比起前面一个小时,我现在已经平静下来,也不说什么过激的话语,大家且看且珍惜吧,我会继续写,直到写不了,写不动,我不会用别人的错误惩罚我的读者,嗯,就这样。
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