LM :: Volume #5

#187: Read aloud reads

The Beckland bridge district territory, Klein found according to the localization that the messenger young lady provided is seduced by Triss , helping her receiving and dispatching the man of letter. 贝克兰德桥区域,克莱恩根据信使小姐提供的定位找到了被特莉丝诱惑,帮她“收发”信件的男子。 However, Klein has not entered that apartment, has not disturbed the goal, both hands insert in the black windproof coat pocket , to continue to proceed to walk. 不过,克莱恩没有进入那栋公寓,也未打扰目标,双手插在黑色风衣口袋里,继续往前行走。 Under the gas street light ray shines, he has arrived at intersection, turned to other block. 煤气路灯光芒照耀下,他一直来到十字路口,拐向了别的街区。 In this process, in some building, is shivering suddenly in the mouse of larceny food. 这个过程中,某栋建筑物内,正在偷窃食物的一只老鼠突然颤抖了一下。 It discards that cheese at once, with Klein dislikes the line along channel that” goes through regularly, is approaching the target sector. 它旋即舍弃了那块奶酪,沿惯常穿行的“通道”与克莱恩背向而行,靠近着目标区域。 Then, this mouse in the covert corner, opens the mouth, made the human race sound: 然后,这老鼠于隐蔽的角落里,张开嘴巴,发出了人类的声音: favored one of the seas and spiritual world, Protector of the Rhosid Archipelago, Controller of the creatures on the seabed, Controller of Tsunamis and Storms, Almighty Kavetun......” 大海与灵界的眷者,罗思德群岛的保护者,海底生物的支配者,海啸与暴风的掌控者,伟大的卡维图瓦……” The mouse finishes speaking, is turns into Klein of another street to vanish, is only left over one to wipe the flame to diverge same place fast. 老鼠话音刚落,已是拐入另一条街道的克莱恩消失了,原地只剩下一抹火光飞快散去。 He used Flame Leap, but does not hurry along by this, but enters the scheduled hotel room, met with Secret Puppet, therefore, will not need too to be worried to be induced by Zarath, will therefore be taken by surprise, after all the goal will be clear, the distance will be very short, and there is a protection. 他用了“火焰跳跃”,但并不是以此赶路,而是进入预定的旅馆房间,和自己其中一个秘偶会合,所以,倒不用太担心会被查拉图感应到,因此遭遇意外,毕竟目标明确,路程很短,且有保护。 In the room, Klein under the Secret Puppet Eniyuni gaze, goes against four steps, arrived at above the grey mist. 房间内,克莱恩秘偶恩尤尼注视下,逆走四步,来到了灰雾之上 He sits to the bronze long table most head, absorbs Sea God Scepter, with the aid of pray luminous spot, through real field of vision, observes the situation of goal- that man of help/gang demoness Triss relay news. 他边坐至青铜长桌最上首,边摄来“海神权杖”,借助“祈祷光点”,通过“真实视野”,观察起目标的情况-帮魔女特莉丝中转消息的那个男人。 Several minutes later, Renette Tinichole appears according to the agreement in that apartment, takes the gold coin, kept on the envelope the table. 过了几分钟,蕾妮特.缇尼科尔按照约定出现于那栋公寓内,取走金币,将信封留在了桌上。 The man was frightened once again trembles, but overcame own fear finally, takes up the correspondence, thought over. 那男人又一次被吓得瑟瑟发抖,但最终还是克服了自己的恐惧,拿起书信,掂量了一下。 After the quarter of an hour, but his Jane|treasure the heavy place puts out that group of black starch shape things, separated a scrap, smudges in the mirror surface. 一刻钟后,他珍而重之地拿出那团黑色浆糊状事物,分离了一小块,涂抹于镜子表面。 Quick, he saw that to occupy all fond dreams young girls in the dark mirror, the busy opens the mouth said: 很快,他在幽暗的镜中看见了那占据着自己所有美梦的少女,忙开口说道: That crazy adventurer just mailed a letter, inside seems loaded with other thing, according to your instruction, I have not opened looks.” “那个疯狂冒险家刚寄了信过来,里面似乎装有别的事物,按照你的吩咐,我没打开看。” At this time, the picture that above the grey mist Klein saw started to present the place of gods and ghosts. 这个时候,灰雾之上克莱恩看见的画面开始出现神异之处。 In his line of sight, mirror's condition has become fuzzy, approaches to a dark illusory insufficiently real channel, its similar thing connection with the peripheral region, formed complex and abstract spider web, interwove piece of profound strange World. 他的视线里,镜子本身的状态已然变得模糊,更接近于一条幽暗虚幻不够真实的通道,它与周围区域的类似事物连接,形成了复杂而抽象的“蛛网”,交织出了一片深邃奇诡的“世界” Klein can see clearly the approximate condition by grey mist obtains real field of vision reluctantly, but is unable to distinguish the detail, does not know in that World as if to hide strange fearful living creature. 灰雾获得“真实视野”的克莱恩勉强能看清楚大致的状态,但无法分辨细节,不知那“世界”里面似乎有潜藏奇异可怕的生物 In mysticism, the mirror was often given state to another ‚’ the symbolic significance, and many and terrifying frightened related...... is this in mirror the world? My extraordinary capability does not involve this domain completely...... is not, if some people prayed to me, tries magical mirror divination, that in mirror the world naturally can have an illusory channel to aim at me, aims at grey mist...... “在神秘学里,镜子往往被赋予通往另一个‘国度’的象征意义,且多与恐怖惊悚相关……这就是‘镜中世界’?我的非凡能力完全不涉及这个领域啊……也不是,如果有人向我祈祷,尝试‘魔镜占卜’,那‘镜中世界’自然会有一条虚幻通道指向我,指向灰雾…… Strict, in mirror the world is not the true world, it is close to gate the aggregate, is connecting the different mirrors and different mysterious states, if becomes lost in inside, perhaps will appear in 'Abyss' directly, even the starry sky...... naturally, has half God of this aspect ability to be able to make an inverted image world, hides in inside...... “严格来讲,‘镜中世界’并不是真正的世界,它更接近‘门’的集合体,连通着不同的镜子、不同的神秘国度,若是在里面迷路,说不定会直接出现于‘深渊’,甚至星空……当然,有这方面能力的半神应该可以借此制造一个倒影世界,躲藏于里面…… Gate does the aggregate...... except for demoness and Resentful Soul, Apprentice path high sequence expert have similar ability? Whether Hidden Mage Peru has, on the one hand is representing in mirror the world, this is mystical enough, enough secret...... normally, even if through real field of vision, is unable to see in mirror directly the world, only if who stimulates......” Klein to nod it looking pensive, hearing the demoness Triss voice to respond delightfully: “‘门’的集合体……除了魔女怨魂,‘学徒’途径高序列强者也有类似的能力?‘秘法师’的‘秘’是否有一方面就代表着‘镜中世界’,这足够神秘,也足够隐秘……正常情况下,哪怕通过‘真实视野’,也是无法直接看见‘镜中世界’的,除非有谁将它激发……”克莱恩若有所思地点了点头,听见魔女特莉丝嗓音甜美地回应道: Throws into the letter/believes the mirror.” “把信扔进镜子里。” Can throw?” As low sequence Extraordinary, the man has not experienced such mysterious matter, hesitant, takes that letter/believes, it according to mirror. “能扔得进去?”作为低序列非凡者,那男子还没见识过这么神奇的事情,犹豫了一下,拿着那封信,将它按在了镜子上。 The mirror surface, dark swings suddenly layer upon layer, like producing the water glare of ripples. 镜子表面,幽暗忽然层层荡开,如同产生了涟漪的水光。 The men just think that solid touch one light, saw that letter/believes to penetrate the glass surface mysteriously, enters interior that swayed illusory. 男子刚觉坚实的触感一轻,就看见那封信神奇地穿透了玻璃表面,进入了虚幻晃荡的内部。 This letter/believes like by the huge vortex attraction, was continued to fall toward the deep place, falls to that room that Triss is. 紧接着,这封信如同被庞大的漩涡吸引,继续坠往深处,坠向特莉丝所在的那个房间。 above the grey mist Klein raised Sea God Scepter, is tracing that letter/believes with single-hearted devotion, tries to lock the demoness position. 灰雾之上克莱恩抬高了“海神权杖”,专心地追踪着那封信,试图锁定魔女的位置。 At this time, his real field of vision, dark profound in mirror the world experienced the violent fluctuation, making all fuzzy. 就在这个时候,他的“真实视野”里,幽暗深邃的“镜中世界”出现了剧烈的波动,让一切都变得模糊。 When this shake returns to normal, Klein had lost the letter and demoness Triss trail. 等到这震荡平复,克莱恩已失去了信件和魔女特莉丝的踪迹。 „The Primordial Demoness aura can also disturb...... the Klein silent moment this gaze unexpectedly, sent out a sigh. ‘原初魔女’的气息竟然连这种注视也能干扰……”克莱恩沉默片刻,发出了一声叹息。 Because Triss has all sorts of strange, he has not taken risk to mix in the material oneself sending silk, by this localization opposite party, this was cursed very much easily fearfully, perhaps dies a violent death at the scene. 正是因为特莉丝有种种奇异,他没有冒险将自己的发丝混入材料里面,以此定位对方,这很容易遭受可怕的诅咒,说不定当场暴毙。 Klein, died a violent death also died a violent death, so long as in any case the corpse had not been crushed, should be able to resurrect, but such means that he is unable to seize the opportunity to lock Triss- the opposite party will definitely make the shift quickly, wasn't this equal to wasting a precious resurrecting opportunity in vain? 克莱恩而言,暴毙也就暴毙了,反正只要尸体没被粉碎,就应该能复活得过来,可那样就意味着他无法抓住机会锁定特莉丝-对方必然会很快做出转移,这不等于白白浪费了一次宝贵的复活机会吗? Suffers Klein of setback to return to the real world rapidly, was separated from the Beckland bridge district territory. 遭受挫折的克莱恩迅速返回现实世界,脱离了贝克兰德桥区域。 ............ ………… Next morning, Klein is going against the ordinary ordinary face, takes the carriage to go to Church of Saint Samuel. 第二天上午,克莱恩顶着张平凡普通的脸孔,乘坐马车前往圣赛缪尔教堂 He plans through reading aloud the demoness Triss matter reads esteemed name, prayed in a low voice, considers Goddess of the Night, when the time comes, the night of full moon really had/left what accident/surprise, at least has God to gaze at Beckland, and ahead of time has certain preparation. 他打算将魔女特莉丝的事情通过诵念尊名,低声祈祷,告之“黑夜女神”,到时候,满月的夜晚真出了什么意外,至少有神灵注视着贝克兰德,且提前有一定的准备。 Initially sent into exile and seal Mister "Gate" had Goddess of the Night, the trick of his definitely very clear opposite party. 当初放逐和封印“门”先生的就有“黑夜女神”,祂肯定很清楚对方的伎俩。 In similar aspect, Klein always does not show off power, has clearly the cognition to oneself: 在类似方面,克莱恩一向不逞强,对自己有非常清楚地认知: Since oneself could not solve troublesome, that looked for the ability to solve the troublesome person help! 既然自己解决不了麻烦,那就找有能力解决麻烦的人帮忙! Why as for does not handle this matter at home, must run up to Church of Saint Samuel , because Klein must observe the situation in Buckland Street and peripheral region while convenient, seeks slight trace that Amon arrives. 至于为什么不在家里做这件事情,非得跑到圣赛缪尔教堂,是因为克莱恩要顺便观察一下伯克伦德街及周围区域的情况,寻找阿蒙到来的细微痕迹。 Harula and her family member once had the dispute with Amon, but she also belongs to Thief path, regardless of happening together of destiny, is the polymerization of characteristics, will make her meets by chance the Amon’s risk group, Klein does not dare to have the slight negligence and general idea/careless regarding this, to own reminder and arrangement is, once in a while comes to make an inspection. 海柔尔和她的家人都曾经与阿蒙发生纠葛,而她本人还属于“偷盗者”途径,无论命运的交集,还是特性的聚合,都会让她成为偶遇阿蒙的高危人群,克莱恩对此不敢有丝毫的疏忽和大意,给自己的提醒和安排是,每隔一段时间过来做一次检查。 Similarly, because Miss Justice following several help/gang Harula treat the psychological trauma, once Harula has problems, is very easy to affect her, therefore, Klein was also worried that very much the safety of this aristocrat young girl, thinks it is necessary once for a while under confirmation the condition through „the dark red stars, naturally, he will avoid quite awkward time. 同样的,由于“正义”小姐后续好几次帮海柔尔治疗心理创伤,一旦海柔尔出了问题,很容易波及到她,所以,克莱恩也很担心这位贵族少女的安全,认为有必要时不时通过“深红星辰”确认下状态,当然,他会避开比较尴尬的时间段。 The train of thought flies fast to fly, has been close to Percival Street Klein being ahead of time the carriage, was read aloud to the hiding place by own Secret Puppet Eniyuni has a thought Sea God esteemed name. 思绪翩飞间,已接近佩斯菲尔街克莱恩提前下了马车,让自己的秘偶恩尤尼到隐蔽处诵念起“海神”尊名 He exchanged the position with Secret Puppet Quinas, in a closed room that 《Distort》 comes out, goes against four steps, enters above the grey mist. 他本人则与秘偶丘纳斯互换了位置,在“扭曲”出来的一片封闭空间内,逆走四步,进入灰雾之上 Then, he with the aid of Sea God Scepter to real field of vision the enlargement, carefully observes situation in Buckland Street and Ruen Charity Foundation. 然后,他借助“海神权杖”对“真实视野”的放大,仔细观察起伯克伦德街“鲁恩慈善助学基金”内的情况。 Harula ’...... Miss Justice had not had...... their maids, pets and bodyguard do not have...... the Buckland Street resident and charitable assistance fund the staff not to have...... this piece of region various streets unable to find the Amon activity byparasitic the trace......” Klein relaxed, returned to the real world. 海柔尔没被‘寄生’……‘正义’小姐也没有……她们的女仆、宠物、保镖同样没有……伯克伦德街的居民和‘慈善助学基金’的工作人员也没有……这片区域各条街道都找不到阿蒙活动的痕迹……”克莱恩松了口气,返回了现实世界。 Then, he close to Church of Saint Samuel, through the front door, looked for a position to sit down in the dark tranquil big pray hall. 接着,他靠近圣赛缪尔教堂,通过大门,在幽暗宁静的大祈祷厅内找了个位置坐下。 Read aloud to read Goddess of the Night esteemed name in a low voice, Klein describes simply: 低声诵念好“黑夜女神”尊名,克莱恩简单描述道: „...... demoness Triss attained the Abraham family bloodlines descendant's sending silk, planned that contacts some secret existence at the night of full moon, the specific objective is unable to affirm......” “……魔女特莉丝拿到了亚伯拉罕家族血脉后裔的发丝,打算在满月的夜晚联络某位隐秘的存在,具体目的无法肯定……” secure sat in meditation a while, sees Goddess not to respond, the archbishop has not come out, Klein puts on silk top hat, gradually went out of the church. 安静坐了一会儿,见女神没有回应,大主教也未出来,克莱恩戴上丝绸礼帽,缓步走出了教堂。 During the night, he changed a place, controls a mouse to make Secret Puppet, read aloud has a thought another esteemed name: 到了夜里,他换了个地方,控制一只老鼠做秘偶,诵念起另外一位的尊名: Great God of War, the symbol of iron and blood, the ruler of turmoil and dispute, I want to see with you at the same time......” “伟大的战争之神,铁与血的象征,动乱和纷争的主宰,我想与您见一面……” Just like before, that mouse just ended the pray, lost the life, Klein also spread out. 和之前一样,那老鼠刚一结束祈祷,就失去了生命,克莱恩随之拉开了距离。 He wants to meet with Red Angel, chats Mister "Gate" and "Dark Angel" Saslier matter. 他想与“红天使”见面,聊一聊“门”先生“暗天使”萨斯利尔的事情。 Waited for several minutes, Klein with the aid of another mouse Secret Puppet, seeing the beforehand that only to burn steep, gushed out outward flaminged the white flame. 等待了几分钟,克莱恩借助另一只老鼠秘偶,看见之前那只陡地燃烧起来,往外涌出了炽白的火焰。 This flame outlined a short phrase in the ground fast: 这火焰飞快于地面勾勒出了一个短句: Does not want to see you.” “不想见你。” ...... The Klein face muscle slightly did not twitch obviously. ……克莱恩脸庞肌肉微不可见地抽动了一下。 He slightly made the ponder, the reason gives up, left this region. 他略作思考,理智放弃,离开了这片区域。 Separated for dozens seconds, surviving flaminged the white flame formation the new word: 隔了几十秒钟,残存的炽白火焰形成了新的单词: Asked me.” “求我啊。” But at this time, Klein has gone far away. 而这个时候,克莱恩已经远去。 In some house in some Beckland region, wore the black bottom red mark long gown, face pale Sauron Einhorn Medici stood from the sofa. 贝克兰德某个区域的某栋房屋内,穿着黑底红纹长袍,脸庞苍白的索伦.艾因霍恩.梅迪奇从沙发上站了起来。 He frowns, thought aloud that said: 他微皱眉头,自言自语般说道: Who is disturbing me......” “谁在干扰我……” ............ ………… In an instant, Beckland welcomed the night of full moon. 转眼间,贝克兰德迎来了满月之夜。 In a room that the red red light glow shines, demoness Triss stands in a altar, the surroundings are placing the ruby, sapphire and emerald, diamond, pearl, lapis lazuli and other ceremony materials. 红光芒照耀的一个房间内,魔女特莉丝立在一个祭坛内,周围摆放着红宝石、蓝宝石、祖母绿、钻石、珍珠、青金石等仪式材料。 After the quite complex preparation, she lights the sending silk in hand, puts in the big cauldron it. 经过较为复杂的准备,她点燃手中的发丝,将它放入大釜。 When the flame caught a darkness, Triss withdraws two steps, the expression reads aloud with Giant language solemnly and respectfully discussed: 等到火光染上了一层幽暗,特莉丝退后两步,表情肃穆地用巨人语诵念道: Great ten thousand gates ; “伟大的万门之门; „ The guide of endless starry sky ; “无尽星空的领路者; „The keys of all mysterious world......” “所有神秘世界的钥匙……” Dear, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said gave the perfect score newly finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给新打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address:, The data and bookmark and computer station synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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