LM :: Volume #5

#182: Produces the achievement finally

eastern district, in a rented room in two-bedroom. 东区,一间两居室的出租屋内。 Klein received the reply of demoness Triss from the messenger young lady Renette Tinichole mouth, pulled a chair to sit down, launches to read. 克莱恩从信使小姐蕾妮特.缇尼科尔口中接过了魔女特莉丝的回信,拉了张椅子坐下,展开阅读起来。 This knows existence of Mister "Gate", and there is means to relate with the aid of the bloodlines of Abraham family with that dialogue...... Triss has been able to withstand calling for help of Mister "Gate", wasn't afraid therefore loses control? Moreover, her as if very definite Mister "Gate" status...... she really obtained more knowledge and secrets from Primordial Demoness there...... may , if this situation, why White Demoness Caterina can capture her? In the Klein looks at letter/believes the short content, in the mind emerged questions. 这是知晓“门”先生的存在,并且有办法借助亚伯拉罕家族的血脉联系与那位对话……特莉丝已经能承受“门”先生的呼救,不害怕因此失控了?而且,她似乎非常确定“门”先生的身份……她真的从“原初魔女”那里获得了更多的知识和隐秘……可如果是这种情况,“白之魔女”卡特琳娜为什么要追捕她?克莱恩看着信上短短的内容,脑海内涌现了一个又一个疑问。 The matter that because Triss mentioned ambiguously in he understood in the range, therefore he believes that the opposite party has not lain in this aspect, and truly provided one to have the feasible means. 因为特莉丝含糊提及的事情都在他了解范围内,所以他相信对方在这方面并没有撒谎,且确实提供了一个非常有可行性的办法。 Naturally, the premise that this means can succeed is, grasped the correct ceremony, has the Abraham family bloodlines descendant corresponding thing to make the medium, is willing to take the enormous risk. 当然,这办法能成功的前提是,掌握了正确的仪式,有亚伯拉罕家族血脉后裔相应事物做媒介,愿意承受极大的风险。 In these three points, the Klein defect the first point, had a big anxiety to the third point, tried to find can hide own way safely, but demoness Triss seemed like only the few second point. 这三点里,克莱恩缺失了第一点,对第三点还有不小的疑虑,试图找到更安全更能隐蔽自身的方式,而魔女特莉丝看起来只少第二点。 To me, the Abraham family bloodlines descendant is actually easy to seek, can directly through the Miss Magician contact, but once their sending silk, blood, flesh lump and bone to demoness Triss, will make them take the cursed risk......” Klein quite knew about Demoness path, knows they are good at cursing extremely. “对我来说,亚伯拉罕家族的血脉后裔倒是容易寻找,可以直接通过‘魔术师’小姐联络,可一旦把他们的发丝、血液、肉块和骨头给魔女特莉丝,就会让他们承受被诅咒的风险……”克莱恩“魔女”途径颇为了解,知道她们极擅长诅咒。 The train of thought rotates fast, he gradually had a countermeasure, that using the sending silk, slough or bone dead. 思绪飞快转动间,他逐渐有了个对策,那就是利用死者的发丝、腐肉或者骨头。 He remembers that Miss Magician has raised to Fool, she once buried old mister named Lawrence, that without a doubt is the Abraham family bloodlines descendant. 他记得“魔术师”小姐“愚者”提过,她曾经安葬了一位叫做劳伦斯老先生,那毫无疑问是亚伯拉罕家族的血脉后裔。 Hope is not the cremation......, although this somewhat blasphemed the corpse, but with the Mister 'Gate' dialogue was also relieved the Abraham family ancient curse must by the procedure/program, with the dead always compared with involving the living well...... to give in the reply of Triss to attach this when the time comes, claiming to be was the Abraham family descendant provides the request of ceremony medium...... “希望不是火葬的……虽然这有些亵渎尸体,但与‘门’先生对话也是解除亚伯拉罕家族古老诅咒的必经程序,用死者的总比牵连生者好……到时候给特莉丝的回信里附加这一条,假称是亚伯拉罕家族后裔提供仪式媒介的要求…… Also, must first confirm that Triss must talk with Mister 'Gate', rather than tries to pull back the real world It...... they or it is the high position standard, or involves the high position standard, with divination the means are very difficult to be inspired effectively, but Great Emperor has said that the return ceremony that Mister 'Gate' needs is very complex, is not few bloodlines descendant's item can arrange, can ask Queen of Mysteries and Miss Sharon they to monitor the Beckland underground trading market, looks at not the normal material and undertake transfer of personnel......” the Klein slight nod, decided to look for Miss Magician, urges her draft while convenient. “还有,必须先确认特莉丝是要与‘门’先生对话,而不是试图将祂拉回现实世界……他们或本身是高位格,或涉及高位格,用‘占卜’的办法很难得到有效启示,但大帝说过,‘门’先生需要的回归仪式很复杂,绝不是少量血脉后裔的物品就能布置的,可以请‘神秘女王’莎伦小姐她们监控贝克兰德地下交易市场,看有没有不正常的材料和人员流动……”克莱恩微微点头,决定等会就去找“魔术师”小姐,顺便催一下她的稿子。 ............ ………… northern district, Percival Street. 北区,佩斯菲尔街 On a profession chair, wears the black windproof coat, wears silk top hat, face is thin, the forehead wide young man is sitting there, looks at Intis parasol tree of faded and fallen withered and yellow leaf to be lost in thought. 一张行道椅上,一位穿黑色风衣,戴丝绸礼帽,脸庞瘦削,额头较宽的年轻男子正坐在那里,望着飘零枯黄叶子的因蒂斯梧桐树怔怔出神。 His right eye wears the monocle that a crystal carves, seems quite refined. 他右眼戴着个水晶雕成的单片眼镜,显得颇为斯文。 At this time, an old man who goes to Church of Saint Samuel passes through, looked that his condition is not right, then lives in the footsteps, the gentle voice asks: 此时,一位前往圣赛缪尔教堂的老者经过,看他状态不对,遂顿住脚步,柔声问道: Young people, what are you in anxious? For thing that in this war loses?” “年轻人,你在忧虑什么?为这场战争中失去的事物?” He suspected the relative, lover and friend who opposite party died in the beforehand air raid or died in battle in the fierce battle of frontline, therefore met the sitting alone in boredom street, the facial expression was confused. 他怀疑对方的亲属、恋人、朋友死在了之前的空袭里或者阵亡于前线的激烈战斗中,所以才会枯坐街边,神情迷茫。 That year the light man lifted the hand to pinch the monocle, the sigh shook the head saying: 那年轻男子抬手捏了捏单片眼镜,叹息摇头道: I am pondering some quite complex issue.” “我只是在思考一些较为复杂的问题。” „Are you a philosopher?” The old man gawked, blurts to ask. “你是哲学家?”那老者愣了一下,脱口问道。 No, but I give others to ask the issue in philosophy frequently, who like me is, where I, I will go where.” That year the light male attitude smiled gentle , to continue own ponder, often the opening and closing lip, nearly silent whispered. “不,但我常常给别人提哲学方面的问题,就像我是谁,我在哪里,我将前往何方。”那年轻男子态度平和地笑了笑,继续起自己的沉思,不时翕动嘴唇,近乎无声地低语。 The old man is really unreadable, has to shake the head, on the wild dog by the say/way and tree in the house sparrow, the ground ant and air under the gazes of some small living creature, departs gradually. 那老者实在难以理解,只好摇了摇头,在道旁野狗、树上麻雀、地面蚂蚁、空气里部分微小生物的注视下,缓步离去。 That year the light man had not turned the head, on the monocle shone upon the withered and yellow leaf that one fell gently piece by piece, the mouth mutters: 那年轻男子没有转头,单片眼镜上映照出了一片片飘落的枯黄叶子,嘴里喃喃自语道: Parasitism......” does not parasite......” parasitic......” not to parasite......” “寄生……”“不寄生……”“寄生……”“不寄生……” „The looks at bait......” swallows the bait......” „the looks at bait......” to swallow the bait......” 看着诱饵……”“吞掉诱饵……”“看着诱饵……”“吞掉诱饵……” ............ ………… Attains the Lawrence remains to send the silk from Forsi the Magician there, and after seeing «Tasok newspaper» starts to serialize the Hospital Beckland terrifying legend, Klein entered the condition of patient waiting, and will pledge to deliver to the new place Miss Magician next week, will record the new scenery folk customs. “魔术师”佛尔思那里拿到劳伦斯遗骸发丝,并看见《塔索克报》开始连载贝克兰德恐怖传说后,克莱恩就进入了耐心等待的状态,并承诺下周将“魔术师”小姐送到新的地方,记录新的风景民俗。 In an instant, the new week approaches, Klein has used the lunch, plans the taking a nap moment, is three points Tarot Society prepares. 转眼间,新的一周来临,克莱恩用过午餐,打算小睡片刻,为三点的塔罗会做准备。 At this time, raised Renette Tinichole of four blond hair, red eyes heads to walk from the void deep place, a mouth is nipping a linen burden. 就在这个时候,提着四个金发红眼脑袋的蕾妮特.缇尼科尔从虚空深处走了出来,其中一张嘴巴咬着一个亚麻布包袱。 Who sends?” Klein suddenly had inexplicably some, the complex premonition, has not put out a hand to meet the messenger young lady is holding in the mouth that burden for a while unexpectedly. “谁寄的?”克莱恩突然有了些莫名的,复杂的预感,一时竟没有伸手去接信使小姐叼着的那个包袱。 The Renette Tinichole idle three heads open the mouth to say one after another: 蕾妮特.缇尼科尔空闲的三个脑袋相继开口道: Variation......” „......” true......” “变异……”“的……”“真正……” „......” Mushroom......” king......” “的……”“蘑菇……”“大王……” This one after another cultivates the expression that the excuse...... I yes what's the matter...... Klein controlled itself not to show to grimace probably, has taken that burden slowly. 这一连串修饰词……我大概明白是怎么回事了……克莱恩控制住自己不露出呲牙咧嘴的表情,缓慢拿过了那个包袱。 Disassembles that burden, he unsurprisingly saw massively, all kinds of devils, no, mushroom. 拆开那个包袱,他不出意外地看见了大量的,各种各样的魔鬼,不,蘑菇。 Some of them are pure white, as if will poke will spout the milk, some black will be the bottoms, is mounting the blood-color filament and fat pattern, some will cover entirely the golden star, the pileus, if will have the palm in a big way...... 它们有的洁白饱满,似乎一戳就会喷出牛奶,有的黑色为底,镶嵌着血色细丝和脂肪花纹,有的布满金色星星,菌盖如有手掌大…… At this time, these mushrooms are still wriggling slightly, as to disseminate the hypha, spore. 此时,这些蘑菇还在轻微蠕动,仿佛想将菌丝、孢子等散播出去。 Klein swallowed a saliva, will be bothered is crowding around a letter/believes to take, launches reading: 克莱恩吞了口唾液,将被蘑菇们簇拥着的一封信拿了起来,展开阅读: My dear friend Gehrman: “我亲爱的朋友格尔曼: I completed your commission finally, invented can in the mushroom that under the dark adverse circumstance planted, they depended upon to swallow the flesh growth of monster to reproduce, did not need other condition...... “我终于完成了你的嘱托,发明了可以在黑暗恶劣环境下种植的蘑菇,它们依靠吞噬怪物的血肉成长繁殖,不需要别的条件…… Their descendants are divided into two kinds, a kind will agglomerate various toxicity, cannot eat, but can be the toxin to originate, so long as another kind steams, boils, fries and explodes after the high temperature, can be food, must remember, cannot eat uncooked, cannot eat when the immaturity, otherwise they in your within the body multiplication, will use your flesh as the hotbed...... “它们的后代分成两类,一类会积聚各种毒性,不能食用,但可以作为毒素来源,另一类只要经过高温蒸、煮、煎、炸,都能作为食物,必须记住,不能生吃,不能在未熟时吃掉,要不然它们会在你的体内繁衍,以你的血肉为温床…… Considering taste matching, I invented 11 mushrooms- some contain the milk, this can drink directly, some like the beef, hehe, fries their times does not need to provide the fat again additionally, some seem like the fish exquisitely, does not have the sharp thorn, my suggestion is roasts or boils...... “考虑到口感搭配,我共发明了十一种蘑菇-有的富含牛奶,这可以直接喝,有的如同牛肉,呵呵,煎它们的时候不需要再额外提供油脂,有的细腻像是鱼肉,却没有尖刺,我的建议是烤或者煮…… All these achievements cannot leave your help, I have promoted am Druid, perhaps must several years, even more than ten years be able to solve in the experiment various issues...... “这一切的成果都离不开你的帮助,要不是我已经晋升为‘德鲁伊’,也许还得几年,甚至十几年才能解决掉实验中遇到的各种问题…… If you have anything to suit my idea, please must share with me, your forever friend, Frank Lee.” “如果你还有什么适合我的想法,请务必和我分享,你永远的朋友,弗兰克.李。” Klein takes the letter paper, silent period of time, raised the head, actually discovered that the messenger young lady is still waiting. 克莱恩拿着信纸,沉默了好一阵子,抬起头来,却发现信使小姐还在等待。 ...... He silent sighed, arrived in front of the desk, turned out the paper and fountain pen, wrote slowly: ……他无声叹了口气,走到书桌前面,翻出纸张和钢笔,缓慢写道: „...... Very happy that you can obtain the success, these mushrooms helped me enormously, they will reduce the famines of certain areas effectively...... “……很高兴你能取得成功,这些蘑菇极大地帮助了我,它们将有效减少某些地区的饥荒…… „...... I bustle about at something at present, temporarily does not have the enough novel idea...... “……我目前忙碌于一些事情,暂时没有足够新奇的想法…… „...... Your friend, Gehrman Sparrow......” “……你的朋友,格尔曼.斯帕罗……” Folded the letter paper, Klein saw the messenger young lady, is hesitating asking: 折好信纸,克莱恩看了看信使小姐,犹豫着问道: Frank Lee present condition how?” 弗兰克.李现在的状态怎么样?” Before Renette Tinichole, that head that cannot speak first opens the mouth saying: 蕾妮特.缇尼科尔之前未能说话的那个脑袋抢先开口道: Stimulated......” “亢奋……” Other three added in turn: 其余三个依次补充道: Active......” happy......” satisfies......” “活跃……”“高兴……”“满足……” Then, that four heads also said: 接着,那四个脑袋又说道: „......” Fear......” was no longer buried......” in earth......” “不再……”“害怕……”“被埋……”“土里……” Why?” Klein closely examined one subconsciously. “为什么?”克莱恩下意识追问了一句。 Renette Tinichole is proposing four blond hair, red eyes head word words spat: 蕾妮特.缇尼科尔提着的四个金发红眼脑袋一个单词一个单词地吐了出来: He......” can......” derive......” in soil......” “他……”“能……”“汲取……”“泥土里……” „......” Nutrient......” and......” oxygen......” “的……”“养分……”“和……”“氧气……” After Frank becomes Druid, really some big evolution...... Klein does not know for a while unexpectedly should be happy for the friend, is the The Future crew pays silent tribute. 弗兰克成为“德鲁伊”后,果然有了不小的进化……克莱恩一时竟不知该为朋友高兴,还是为“未来号”的船员们默哀。 Gazes after the messenger young lady, Klein forces itself to go to sleep with the meditation way, then wakes up in 2 : 30 pm, prepares this week of Tarot Meeting. 目送走信使小姐,克莱恩冥想的方式强迫自己入睡,然后于下午 2 点半醒来,准备这一周的塔罗聚会 When three points, dark red rays leap to result from the above the grey mist ancient palace, solidifies for the corresponding person's shadow. 等到三点,一道道深红的光芒腾起于灰雾之上的古老宫殿内,凝固为相应的人影。 Audrey the Justice stands up immediately, empty raises the skirt swayed, toward on bronze long table most first line a ritual: “正义”奥黛丽随即站起身来,虚提裙摆,向着青铜长桌最上首行了一礼: Good afternoon, Mister Fool ~ “下午好,‘愚者’先生~” As senior Psychiatrist, she in regulating oneself mood has the extremely strong ability, moreover this week has not truly come across anything, mainly in the fund-raising offering, the contact pharmaceutical factory, the medical personnel who the organization volunteers. 作为一名资深的“心理医生”,她在调控自己的心情上有着极强的能力,而且这一周确实也没遇到什么事情,主要在募捐善款,联络药厂,组织志愿的医护人员。 However, compared with the past, she sent regards when the lively sense of joy that brings clearly was weaken much. 不过,和以往相比,她问候时自带的轻快愉悦感还是明显减弱了不少。 Klein the Fool nodded the head gently, responded to giving regards of Tarot Society numerous position member, then looked at Hermit. “愚者”克莱恩轻轻颔首,回应了塔罗会众位成员的问好,接着将目光投向了“隐者” He also owes this woman eight issues. 他还欠这位女士八个问题。 Cattleya the Hermit buries the low head, the attitude opens the mouth to say perfectly: “隐者”嘉德丽雅埋低脑袋,态度完美地开口道: esteemed Mister Fool, this time is two issues.” 尊敬的‘愚者’先生,这次还是两个问题。” After having been agreed that she continues saying: 得到首肯后,她才继续说道: „The first issue is, what condition the Devil present in 'Abyss' is?” “第一个问题是,‘深渊’里的恶魔们现在是什么状态?” Queen of Mysteries first suspected that Great Emperor's tomb hides in 《Abyss》...... this and Great Emperor's mentality is consistent, worthily is one's own...... was a pity there cannot urge people „...... Fool Klein talked to oneself in the heart two, the expression does not have the change to respond: “神秘女王”首先怀疑大帝的陵寝藏在“深渊”内啊……这和大帝的思路一致,不愧是亲生的……可惜那里没有可以驱使的“民众“……愚者克莱恩在心中自语了两句,表情没有变化地回应道: Present 'Abyss', most Devil are not even able to survive.” “现在的‘深渊’,连大部分恶魔都无法生存。” PS: Monday asked recommendation ticket monthly ticket ~ PS:周一求推荐票月票~
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