LM :: Volume #5

#181: „Origin Castle”

When that two groups are burning, dark red flame from Forgan's dog place swaying whereabouts before the Klein's body, he sobers, has doubts another to rejoice: 等到那两团燃烧着的,暗红色的火焰从福根之犬处晃荡着落向克莱恩的身前,他才清醒过来,一阵疑惑又一阵庆幸: Their why initiative autonomy, will collect a pair of eye to me, the surroundings are also flowing the blood of rich viscous as if paste...... “它们为什么会主动自残,凑了一对眼睛给我,周围还流淌着浓郁粘稠仿佛糨糊的血液…… If this is their traps, I had stepped into a moment ago, gawked unexpectedly dull for several seconds, this in the fight of Crafty Mage, is the fatal mistake...... “如果这是它们的陷阱,我刚才已经踏入,竟呆愣了好几秒钟,这在‘诡法师’的战斗里,是致命的错误…… But, anyone, meets this matter for the first time, will have similar response unavoidably- deliberately plans the fearful enemy who wants to deal with see you kneel beg for mercy, wag the tail flatter, simply like happening in dream...... “不过,无论是谁,第一次遇上这种事情,都难免会有类似的反应-处心积虑想要对付的可怕敌人一见到你就跪地求饶,摇尾讨好,简直就像发生在梦中…… This performance and Arrods resemble very much, could it be that above the spiritual world can great existence really show specially in spiritual world?” “这表现和阿罗德斯很是相像啊,难道灵界之上伟大存在’真能于灵界展现出特异?” Among the thought phonographs, Klein looked at eye two to crawl in void, is swinging Forgan's dog of tail, extended the left hand, caught that two groups of dark red flame and viscous dark red significant blood. 念头电转间,克莱恩看了眼两条匍匐于虚空,摇着尾巴的福根之犬,伸出左手,接住了那两团暗红色的火焰和粘稠深红的大量血液。 Just contacted these things, the Klein ear bank resounded talking during sleep and shouting of seeming to have met before suddenly, they were incisive from time to time, from time to time was low and deep, from time to time manic, from time to time was attractive, from time to time the crazy, was indistinct from time to time. 刚一接触到这些事物,克莱恩耳畔就陡然响起了似曾相识的呓语和嘶吼,它们时而尖锐,时而低沉,时而狂躁,时而诱人,时而疯癫,时而飘渺。 He appears at present illusory a piece, grayish white mist. 紧接着,他眼前浮现出了一片虚幻的,灰白的雾气。 This mist fills the air in all around, cannot see the boundary, the above can see one indistinctly palatially grand the palace like God residence. 这雾气弥漫于四周,看不到边际,上方隐约能见一座巍峨雄伟如同神灵居所的宫殿。 This is the Klein very familiar scene, when enters above the grey mist that mysterious space each time, he will penetrate similar place. 这是克莱恩非常熟悉的场景,因为每次进入灰雾之上那片神秘空间时,他都会穿透类似的地方。 Most starts, after he goes against four, is very difficult to notice the surrounding situation, but with own the promotion of adaptation and sequence, has been able quite to seize the opportunity to make certain observation with ease. 最开始,他逆走四步后,很难注意到周围的情况,但随着自身的适应和序列的提升,已能较为轻松地抓住机会做一定的观察。 But at this moment, Klein has not read aloud blessings of the Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable lowly and other given names, does not have to go out anti-clockwise four steps. 而此时此刻,克莱恩并没有低诵“福生无量天尊”等名号,也没有逆时针走出四步。 This makes Klein exceptionally vigilant, then sees in limitless grey mist, several forms fuzzily presented that they overlap with grey mist from time to time, from time to time separates, is in the eye burns the dark red flame, the whole body is covering the jet black short wool Forgan's dog. 这让克莱恩异常警惕,然后看见无边无际的灰雾里,好几道身影模模糊糊地呈现了出来,它们与灰雾时而重叠,时而分离,皆是眼中燃烧着暗红火焰,周身覆盖漆黑短毛的福根之犬 Forgan's dog that before that two lost an eye returned to the side of companions, integrated in grey mist in the color deep mottling. 之前那两条失去了一只眼睛的福根之犬回到了同伴们的身旁,融入了灰雾之中颜色较深的斑块里。 All phenomenon also vanished, floats in Klein of spiritual world deep place found that periphery no longer had Forgan's dog, was only left over own two Secret Puppet and wanders in unusual spiritual world lifeform of distant place. 所有的异象随之消失,浮于灵界深处的克莱恩发现“周围”不再有福根之犬,只剩下自己的两个秘偶和游荡于远处的奇特灵界生物 ...... Klein lowers the head, looked in the hand „the eyeball and blood, through feeling their existence confirmed a moment ago oneself experienced is not a illusion. ……克莱恩低下头,看了看手中的“眼珠”和血液,通过感受到它们的存在确认自己刚才经历的不是一场幻境。 Forgan's dog was called Origin Castle watchmen...... they to survive in the hole of history in spiritual world...... I saw them to enliven in grey mist a moment ago, melted with the color deep mottling for a body...... the union experience, Klein gradually had a bold judgment: 福根之犬又被称为源堡看守者……它们生存在灵界中历史的孔隙里……我刚才看见它们活跃于灰雾内,与颜色较深的斑块融为了一体……结合所见所闻,克莱恩逐渐有了一个大胆的判断: Perhaps Origin Castle finger/refers is above the grey mist that mysterious space, referred to is that leaf of strange light gate...... “也许源堡指的就是灰雾之上那片神秘空间,指的就是那扇古怪的光门…… However grey mist is the symbolic thing that in spiritual world all history interweave, has the hole...... “而灰雾灵界之中所有历史交织成的象征事物,其中存在孔隙…… I enter the mysterious space through grey mist each time, will leave certain trace there, making Forgan's dog no longer strange, regarded as the Origin Castle master me, therefore, sees me, they offer item that I needed immediately, fawns and obsequiouss? “我每次通过灰雾进入神秘空间,都会在那里留下一定的痕迹,让福根之犬不再陌生,将我视为了源堡的主人,所以,一看到我,它们就立刻奉上了我需要的物品,摇尾乞怜? Planned for day, gave regards the situation, invited the helper, the result since the idea of family/home guard?” “计划了一天,问好了情况,邀请了帮手,结果是在打自家守卫的主意?” Thinks of here, Klein had some absurd feelings inexplicably, extends the evil behind-the-scenes manipulator like above the grey mist Fool, tries to weed out point wool, finally weeded out itself on to be the same. 想到这里,克莱恩莫名产生了些荒谬感,就像灰雾之上“愚者”伸出黑手,试图薅点“羊毛”,结果薅到了自己身上一样。 ...... Origin Castle......, although such development made me even more frightened, no matter what, to the grey mist master, to that mysterious space, started certainly to have eventually understood, unknown was most fearful after......” was situated in the spiritual world deep place moment silent, Klein sighed, summoned two Secret Puppet slowly. “呼……源堡……虽然这样的发展让我愈发恐惧,但不管怎么样,终究对灰雾的主人,对那片神秘空间,开始有一定了解了,未知才是最可怕的……”沉默地立于灵界深处片刻后,克莱恩缓慢地吐了口气,将两个秘偶召了回来。 He planned that and other Crafty Mage magical medicine digest thoroughly, tries to seek the Origin Castle related knowledge from Arrods the Magical Mirror and other places again, when the time comes, really had/left what accident/surprise, he can resist through the promotion. 他打算等“诡法师”魔药彻底消化完,再试着从“魔镜”阿罗德斯等地方寻求源堡相关的知识,到时候,真出了什么意外,他可以通过晋升来对抗。 ............ ………… eastern district, in a rented room in two-bedroom. 东区,一个两居室的出租屋内。 Withstand/Top Forsi of deep eye socket to come back from outside, took the newspaper and letter of today's share conveniently. 顶着较深眼圈的佛尔思从外面回来,顺手取了今天份的报纸和信件。 What kind of?” Just goes home to raise the head to ask with lunch Quinn. “怎么样?”刚好回家用午餐的抬头问道。 Forsi puts out a hand to cover the mouth, had a yawn saying: 佛尔思伸手捂住嘴巴,打了个哈欠道: Also good, that editor's theme and mode of writing that to my new book I know is very satisfied, decides to arrange to serialize as soon as possible. “还不错,我认识的那位编辑对我新书的题材和写法很满意,决定尽快安排连载。 You do not know, the terrifying legend of Hospital Beckland was very recently popular, has best-selling Author to obtain spiritual sense, started to serialize similar story, I unexpectedly was not the first batch!” “你不知道,贝克兰德的恐怖传说最近很受欢迎,已经有畅销作家从中获得灵感,开始连载类似的故事了,我竟然不是第一批!” „...... This is the good deed.” Quinn thinks one second, nods earnestly. “……这是好事。”想了一秒,认真点了点头。 This means that similarly writes Forsi of Hospital Beckland terrifying legend is not noticeable, her new pen name will not be tested. 这意味着同样写贝克兰德恐怖传说的佛尔思不会那么引人瞩目,她新的笔名也不会遭受考验。 I know.” Forsi throws down the newspaper, extracts inside several letters, read fast. “我知道。”佛尔思丢下报纸,将里面的几封信抽出,快速翻看了起来。 Quick, she discovered the reply of teacher Dorian Gray Abraham. 很快,她发现了老师多里安.格雷.亚伯拉罕的回信。 The Forsi expression enforced immediately much, tears down the envelope fast, launches the letter paper, starts the browsing: 佛尔思的表情顿时严肃了不少,飞快拆掉信封,展开信纸,做起浏览: „...... Benjamin. Abraham is Intisian, lives in the Russell period...... except for the knowledge and few heritages in mysticism aspect, he has not left behind what valuable thing...... afterward, that all were destroyed by Aurora Union, I have no way to provide the corresponding material......” “……班杰明.亚伯拉罕因蒂斯人,生活在罗塞尔时期……除了神秘学方面的知识和少量遗产,他没有留下什么有价值的事物……后来,那一切被极光会摧毁了,我没法提供相应的资料……” Mr. Gehrman Sparrow wanted disappointedly...... the Forsi pursing the lips lip, played a trick, fired the ashes the letter paper in hand. 格尔曼.斯帕罗先生要失望了……佛尔思抿了抿嘴唇,玩了个戏法,将手中的信纸烧成了灰烬。 Then, she starts to write the reply, inquired whether the teacher knows the "Blood Emperor" Arista Tudor secret vestige. 然后,她开始写回信,询问老师是否知晓“血皇帝”亚利斯塔.图铎的秘密遗迹。 ............ ………… Benjamin. Abraham this clue was cut off...... is Aurora Union that group of lunatics wrong...... Klein arrived at above the grey mist, listened respectfully to the Miss Magician prayer. 班杰明.亚伯拉罕这条线索断掉了……都是极光会那帮疯子的错……克莱恩来到灰雾之上,聆听了“魔术师”小姐的祷告。 He knew the Hospital Beckland terrifying legend the news that simultaneously starts to serialize. 他同时知晓了贝克兰德恐怖传说开始连载的消息。 Returns to the real world, Klein to be just about to go out to dine, suddenly sees the messenger young lady to take four heads, from void, a mouth is nipping a letter/believes. 回到现实世界,克莱恩正要外出用餐,忽然看见信使小姐提着四个脑袋,从虚空中走了出来,其中一张嘴巴咬着一封信。 Who sends?” Klein slightly feels the doubts inquiry to say. “谁寄的?”克莱恩略感疑惑地询问道。 The Renette Tinichole remaining three heads replied in turn: 蕾妮特.缇尼科尔剩下三个脑袋依次回答道: Was seduced......” „......” fool......” “被诱惑……”“的……”“笨蛋……” Who this was...... Klein is even more vacant, received that letter/believes, launched to look at one: 这是谁……克莱恩愈发茫然,接过那封信,展开看了一眼: „The secret murderers/culprits of these things are George III, his goal is to become Dark Emperor, are you interested in destroying this matter?” “那些事情的幕后真凶是乔治三世,他的目的是成为‘黑皇帝’,你有兴趣破坏这件事情吗?” Triss.” 特莉丝。” Triss? This demoness dares to write to me unexpectedly, did not fear that caught in the act by the messenger young lady? Right, the messenger young lady said a moment ago the sender was seduced fool...... Triss seduced a man, making him help summon the messenger, oneself hid, waited for the opposite party to contact through the mirror? It is wise......, she at tracing this matter is very dedicated, was not worried that kills by me or George III? That man should be Extraordinary, the average person , to hold to summon the ceremony of messenger is very difficult, after all mainly relies on own spirit with spirituality...... Klein first is a surprise, at once has clearly to become aware. 特莉丝?这个魔女居然敢给我写信了,不怕被信使小姐当场抓住吗?对了,信使小姐刚才说寄信者是“被诱惑的笨蛋”……特莉丝诱惑了一个男人,让他帮忙召唤信使,自己则躲得很远,等待对方通过镜子联络?还是很有头脑嘛……嗯,她在追查这件事情上真的很执着啊,不担心被我或者乔治三世干掉吗?那个男人应该是非凡者,普通人要想举行召唤信使的仪式还是很困难的,毕竟主要依赖自身的灵和灵性……克莱恩先是一阵诧异,旋即有所明悟。 Why he starts doubts Triss to guess correctly that George III wants to become Dark Emperor. 紧接着,他开始疑惑特莉丝为什么能猜到乔治三世想成为“黑皇帝” Enough mysticism knowledge, has not grasped Dark Emperor apotheosis ritual, without the understanding corresponding history, half God, still is very even difficult to guess correctly, did not say like the Red Angel evil spirit is so relaxed! 没有足够的神秘学知识,没掌握“黑皇帝”成神仪式,没了解相应的历史,就算半神,也很难猜到,绝不像“红天使”恶灵说的那么轻松! could it be that does Triss have other helper? Or she obtained many from the Primordial Demoness’ strength, including various knowledge and secrets? Klein frowns, even more thought that side issue is big. 难道特莉丝还有别的帮手?或者说她获得了更多的来自“原初魔女”的力量,包括各种知识和隐秘?克莱恩微皱起眉头,愈发觉得那边问题不小。 If there is an opportunity, he will certainly remove demoness Triss. 如果有机会,他一定会除掉魔女特莉丝 Pondered more than ten seconds, he puts out the paper and pen from the clothing pocket, brushed to write sealed the reply: 思考了十几秒,他从衣物口袋里拿出纸和笔,刷刷刷写了封回信: Has certain interest, but does not know how you want to do.” “有一定的兴趣,但不知道你想怎么做。” ............ ………… The Beckland bridge district territory, a 30 -year-old man sees that headless that presented some time ago panic-stricken, no, four female monsters highlight in front of oneself, abandoned a letter/believes. 贝克兰德桥区域,一位三十来岁的男子惊恐地看见不久前出现的那个无头,不,四头女妖凸显于自己面前,扔下了一封信。 „Are the messengers in mysticism world so fearful?” When Renette Tinichole leaves for nearly five minutes, the man gasps for breath, picks up the letter, disassembled to look at one. 神秘学世界里的信使都这么可怕吗?”等到蕾妮特.缇尼科尔离开近五分钟,那男子才喘了口气,捡起来信,拆开看了一眼。 In this process, his vision gradually becomes fiery, because can meet with that dream beautiful woman. 这个过程中,他的目光逐渐变得火热,因为又能与那个梦幻的美人儿见面了。 According to instruction , he when discovers one group of starch black things in the evening, separation little, smudged on a mirror evenly. 按照吩咐,他等到傍晚才找出一团浆糊般的黑色事物,分离少许,均匀涂抹到了一面镜子上。 After several seconds, that mirror becomes dark, as if connected another world. 几秒后,那镜子变得幽暗,仿佛连通了另一个世界。 Also winked a time of eye, in the mirror presented with a current environment entirely different room, there set up one to wear the pitch-black long skirt, the polite fine young girl, was demoness Triss. 也就是眨了一下眼睛的工夫,镜中呈现出了与当前环境截然不同的一个房间,那里立着一个穿深黑长裙,温文纯美的少女,正是魔女特莉丝 Completed that man of ceremony to reveal several points of infatuated immediately, the sound did not put the light say/way voluntarily: 完成仪式的那名男子顿时流露出了几分痴迷,声音不自觉放轻道: Reply said certain interest.” “回信说有一定的兴趣。” By the Triss cheeks shallow whorl bloomed little, making inside and outside the mirror as if bright little. 特莉丝脸颊两侧的浅涡一点点绽放了开来,让镜子内外都似乎明亮了少许。 Her facial features stretch said: 她眉眼舒展地说道: I will mail a letter/believes to come to you, you transmit to Gehrman Sparrow, cannot look at inside content absolutely.” “我会给你寄一封信过来,你转交给格尔曼.斯帕罗,绝对不能看里面的内容。” After obtaining that man pledged without hesitation, Triss extends the right hand, wipes in the mirror surface, making that dark water glare vanish does not see. 得到那名男子毫不犹豫的承诺后,特莉丝伸出右手,在镜面上一抹,让那幽暗的水光消失不见。 She looks for the written records at once, considered for several seconds, wrote fast: 她旋即找来纸笔,斟酌了几秒,飞快写道: Secret tomb that „ the George III ceremony needs should come from "Blood Emperor" Arista Tudor, but exist understood, could help us sneak smoothly, makes the destruction when the ceremony. 乔治三世仪式所需的秘密陵寝应该来自‘血皇帝’亚利斯塔.图铎,而有一位存在对此非常了解,或许能帮助我们顺利潜入,在仪式时做出破坏。 I have the means to contact that to exist, when must wait till the next full moon, but you need to do is provides Abraham family descendant's some blood, to send the silk, flesh lump or the white bones to me. “我有办法联络那位存在,但必须等到下次满月时,而你需要做的就是提供亚伯拉罕家族后裔的一些血液、发丝、肉块或者白骨给我。 Triss.” 特莉丝。” PS: Monday asked the monthly ticket and recommendation ticket ~ PS:周一求月票、推荐票~
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