LM :: Volume #5

#123: „Seabed”

That tears and bites the person leg, vertical eye is filling the giant of blood threads actually not to exist truly, his essence is the strong mood that some or certain lives have. 那撕咬着人腿,竖眼充满血丝的巨人其实并不真正存在,他本质是某位或某些生灵产生的强烈情绪。 This stemmed from the extreme deep impression the mood to enter in the subconscious, spread from mind islands to surrounding illusory sea, gradually precipitated, changed into a brand mark- not all mood and consciousness can precipitate finally, overwhelming majority will be obliterated by the time, washed out by sea water, that only then extremely intensely or presented again and again repeatedly, can preserve. 这源于极端深刻印象的情绪进入了潜意识里,从本身的心灵岛屿蔓延向周围的虚幻“海洋”,逐渐沉淀下来,化为了一个烙印-并不是所有的情绪、意识最终都能沉淀,绝大部分会被时光磨灭,被“海水”冲散,只有极为强烈或反复多次出现的那种,才能存留。 Once becomes the brand mark, is water drop fluid of collective unconscious sea, can affect the surrounding homogeneous life reverse, becomes them common, inscribes into ancient of bloodlines memory. 而一旦成为了烙印,也就是集体潜意识海洋的一滴水液,就能反向影响周围的同种生灵,成为他们共同的,铭刻入血脉的古老“记忆”。 Therefore, Legendary Creature Form that this illusory giant form shows not only insufficiently clear, but also has depending on the wrong part that the subjective consciousness complements, normal will not let Leonard and Audrey is unable to look straight ahead, spirituality is chaotic, nervous breakdown, but, that crazy feeling that follows it to come, does not know that who stems from extreme sense of fear, just like the essence, can infect wisdom body of each life, stellar spirit body, and even mental body! 所以,这虚幻的巨人身影展现的神话生物形态不仅不够清晰,而且还有许多凭主观意识补全的错误部分,正常来说不会让伦纳德奥黛丽无法直视,灵性混乱,精神崩溃,但是,那种伴随它而来的疯狂感,不知源于何人的极端恐惧感,都宛若实质,可以感染每一个生灵的心智体,星灵体,乃至精神体 This is in the collective unconscious sea the essences of these dangers, it does not originate from the strength, level and position Georgia, but from, therefore produces, mood and feeling that the brand mark gets down. 这就是集体潜意识大海内那些危险的本质,它不来源于力量、层次、位格本身,而是源自因此产生的,烙印下来的情绪与感觉。 Naturally, which God legacy if meets high position living creature or brand mark, that is really can see one or more Legendary Creature Form directly, will be only the result will not be definitely good, either the nervous breakdown, direct will fall insanely, either by God or the high position living creature mood and feeling thorough pollution, whom will turn into what appearance not to be able to guess correctly ahead of time. 当然,如果遇到高位生物或者哪位神灵遗留的“烙印”,那是真的可以直接看到某种或某几种神话生物形态,只是结果肯定不会太好,要么精神崩溃,直接疯掉,要么被神灵高位生物的情绪、感受彻底污染,变成什么样子没谁能提前猜到。 In brief, here, in this collective unconscious sea, the way and outside world of fight is not same, sometimes, you more are destroying phantom anxiously, more may be transferred because of the mood is infected. 总而言之,在这里,在这片集体潜意识大海中,战斗的方式与外界并不相同,有的时候,你越是急着摧毁虚影,越是有可能因情绪被调动遭受感染。 Because of this, Klein saw that 7-8 meter high ash blue giant to clash, immediately first controls own mood. 正因为如此,克莱恩一看见那七八米高的灰蓝巨人冲了过来,立刻就抢先控制住了自己的情绪。 Then, he used one illusion spell. 然后,他用了一个“幻术”。 This illusion spell the object is Leonard and Audrey. 这个“幻术”的对象是伦纳德奥黛丽 In the Extraordinary eyes of these two Sequence Five, that two house which has three row of building room high giants no longer have that crazy, tyrannical, lets feeling that the person is from the heart to shiver, appearing ordinary and ordinary. 这两位序列5非凡者眼里,那两三层房屋高的巨人不再有那种疯狂,暴虐,让人发自内心颤抖的感觉,显得平常而普通。 Therefore, before the true extreme feeling pollutes, Leonard and Audrey are calm, has not experienced the fluctuation of mood. 于是,在真正的极端感受污染过来前,伦纳德奥黛丽都非常冷静,没有出现情绪的波动。 Leonard inserts the pocket single-handed, extended the right hand forward and opened the mouth slightly. 紧接着,伦纳德单手插兜,向前伸出了右手并微微张开了嘴巴。 After he wants to urge oneself become Spirit Shaman, taking advantage of the archbishop helps the first spirit of seal on tooth, the alarmed and afraid female monster( this is powerful spiritual world lifeform, has beautiful face and rotten body, is having a giant eagle wing, is good at taking others' consciousness, instills into frightened mood), but quick recalls the present is not only stellar spirit body, but also experienced the grey mist baptism, how possibly to have other exists in within the body spirit. 他原本想驱使自己成为“灵巫”后,借大主教帮忙封印于牙上的第一个灵,惊惧女妖(这是一种强大的灵界生物,有美丽的脸庞和腐烂的身躯,长着一对巨大的老鹰翅膀,擅长吸食别人的意识,灌输恐惧的情绪),但很快就记起自己现在不仅是星灵体,还经历了灰雾的洗礼,怎么可能有别的灵存在于“体内”。 Unavoidablily, he changed to the Soul Calmer ability, deep green pupils deep and quiet. 不得已,他改用了“安魂师”的能力,碧绿的眼眸一片幽邃。 Giant phantom slowed down the footsteps immediately, the mood as if obtained certain alleviation. 那巨人虚影顿时放慢了脚步,情绪似乎得到了一定的缓解。 At this time, the Audrey also slightly both arms, used 'calming' tranquilly auspiciously. 这个时候,奥黛丽也平静祥和地微张双臂,使用了“安抚” The invisible wind has blown, giant phantom stagnated, weakened instantaneously much to the surrounding infection. 无形的风吹过,那巨人虚影出现了停滞,对周围的感染瞬间减弱了不少。 In this process, Klein put out that green copper, has crucifix that the point punctures, will be loaded with the jar of blood to open, pours several drops to come up, the expression opens the mouth to say solemnly and respectfully: 这个过程中,克莱恩拿出了那根铜绿色的,多有尖刺的十字架,边将装有自身血液的瓶子打开,倒了几滴上去,边表情肃穆地开口道: Light!” “光!” The bright, pure, busy ray bursts out, in the Klein's black windproof coat swings slightly, submerged that giant phantom. 灿烂,纯净,无暇的光芒迸发,在克莱恩的黑色风衣微微摆动中,淹没了那个巨人虚影 Almost has not made anything to revolt, that gray-blue giant melts to disappear fast. 几乎没做什么反抗,那灰蓝色的巨人飞快消融不见了。 One of Radiant Cross main abilities is to eliminate or purification residual mental imprint! “无暗十字”的主要能力之一就是清除或净化残留的精神烙印 This is also Klein takes this sealed item reason. 这也就是克莱恩带上这件封印物的原因。 But when uses this came from ancient times Sun God crucifix, Klein has to relieve illusion spell, let Leonard the Star and Audrey the Justice can look to that giant phantom real appearance intuitively, to strengthen their stories, promoted them the experience in this aspect. 而使用这来自远古太阳神十字架时,克莱恩有解除幻术,让“星星”伦纳德“正义”奥黛丽能直观地“看”到那个巨人虚影的真实模样,以增强他们的阅历,提升他们在这方面的经验。 Although is only less than one second, giant phantom was submerged by the inexhaustible light, but Audrey and Leonard is a dizziness, the deep place gushed out panic-stricken that was hard to contain from the bottom of the heart, the spirit nearly collapsed. 虽然只是一秒钟不到,那巨人虚影就被无穷无尽的光淹没了,但奥黛丽伦纳德还是一阵眩晕,从心底深处涌出了难以遏制的惊恐,精神险些崩溃。 This has not maintained too for a long time, the Audrey instinct used 'calming' to oneself, returned to normal the mood, then treats Mister Star and Mister World mental issue in turn. 这没维持太久,奥黛丽本能就给自己用了个“安抚”,平复了情绪,接着依次治疗起“星星”先生“世界”先生的心理问题。 Really is fearful...... this is the giant of half God level?” When the ray dissipates, Audrey the Justice looks all around, says with emotion heartfeltly. “真是可怕呀……这就是半神层次的巨人吗?”等到光芒消散,“正义”奥黛丽环顾一圈,由衷感慨道。 This instantly, she deeply understood a few words: 这个刹那,她更为深刻地理解了一句话: Cannot look straight ahead the god!” “不可直视神!” Saint level, only then in others memory half God of image surviving, cannot feel actually seeing directly, let alone real God? 就连圣者层次,只有别人记忆里影像残存的半神,都不能直接去感受却“看见”,更何况真的神灵 Leonard also calculates the experience to be rich, self-ridiculed that said with a smile: 伦纳德也算经验丰富,自嘲一笑道: Sequence Four truly is the level of life qualitative change, but, a moment ago that fear also such, when without me faced a pregnant woman mood to come initially intensely.” 序列4确实是生命质变的层次,不过,刚才那种恐惧也就那样,还没有我当初面对一位孕妇时的情绪来得强烈。” Is the essence of poet to boast? You can also control itself at that time, had been close to collapse a moment ago......, but, if Megusi gave birth to that child smoothly, perhaps we have a liking for one, will collapse to lose control the monster...... Klein unstated criticism Leonard, because of bringing back recollection, has sobbed. 诗人的本质都是吹牛吗?你那个时候还能控制自己,刚才已经接近崩溃了……不过,要是梅高欧丝顺利生下了那个孩子,我们恐怕只是看上一眼,就会崩溃失控成怪物……克莱恩边腹诽伦纳德,边因勾起回忆,有所唏嘘。 „Is that the half God pregnant woman?” Audrey quite a little asked curiously. “那是位半神孕妇吗?”奥黛丽颇有点好奇地问道。 No.” Leonard shakes the head, „what she bosom is the Evil God heir.” “不。”伦纳德摇了摇头,“但她怀的是邪神子嗣。” Like this...... Audrey had not asked again, because she clearly knows that the risk and exploration had not ended, the waste time is the unrecommendable behavior. 这样啊……奥黛丽没再多问,因为她清楚地知道冒险和探索还未结束,浪费时间是不可取的行为。 She looks immediately to taking green copper crucifix and metal small bottle, is throwing over Gehrman Sparrow of black windproof coat, shows some smiling faces: 她随即看向拿着铜绿色十字架和金属小瓶,披着黑色风衣的格尔曼.斯帕罗,露出些许笑容道: Thank you a moment ago the effect on our senses. “感谢你刚才对我们感官的影响。 „, Where then shouldn't we toward walk?” “唔,接下来我们该往哪里走?” Around as senior Audience, she passes contrasts, was not difficult to obtain had fact that a moment ago received the Mister World help. 作为一名资深的“观众”,她通过前后对比,不难得出刚才有受到“世界”先生帮助的事实。 Klein controls the subconscious movement that frowns, about looked saying: 克莱恩控制住微皱眉头的下意识动作,左右看了看道: „Doesn't this collective unconscious sea have the core region?” “这集体潜意识海洋没有核心区域吗?” No.” Audrey shakes the head to say earnestly, „, so long as has the place of life, has the collective unconscious sea, whom does not have the matter that who is nobler. This illusory sea will not really surge, the situations in zone of different mainly rely on the surrounding environment, we call it precipitation effect, simply speaking is, the Ruen domestic collective unconscious sea can with Intis has in a big way different, because it precipitates is mainly the generations of Ruenian strong mood and feeling, in turn, this is also affecting the two countries people, making them have the different makings or the characters to a certain extent......” “没有。”奥黛丽认真摇头道,“只要有生灵的地方,就有集体潜意识海洋,不存在谁比谁高贵的事情。这片虚幻的海洋不会真的涌动,不同区域的情况主要依赖于周围的环境,我们称之为‘沉淀效应’,简单来说就是,鲁恩国内的集体潜意识海洋会与因蒂斯的有较大不同,因为它沉淀的主要是一代代鲁恩人的强烈情绪和感受,反过来,这也影响着两国民众,让他们在某种程度上有着不同的气质或者性格……” Explained slightly after one next, Audrey the Justice gave the conclusion: 稍微解释了一下后,“正义”奥黛丽给出了结论: Since is this, how possibly to have a recognized collective unconscious sea core region?” “既然是这样,怎么可能有一个公认的集体潜意识海洋核心区域?” Klein nods, asked one looking pensive: 克莱恩点了点头,若有所思地反问了一句: In other words, where do you have no way to should toward to walk to provide the effective suggestion?” “也就是说,你没法对该往哪里走提供有效建议?” Mister World good direct......, if changes a woman or the mister in mind vulnerable point, is very definitely embarrassed, felt harmed...... among a Audrey thought revolution, saw Gehrman Sparrow the World that pair of deep brown near black pupils, they are not crazy, is less indifferent, is tranquil and profound. “世界”先生好直接……要是换一个心灵脆弱点的女士或者先生,现在肯定很不好意思,感觉受到了伤害……奥黛丽念头一转间,看见了“世界”格尔曼.斯帕罗那双深棕近黑的眼眸,它们一点也不疯狂,更不冷漠,平静而幽深。 This...... Audrey has clearly to become aware instantaneously, knows Mister World is making similar performance intentionally, can realize by oneself all sorts of detail problems that in a combined action has, saves to many experiences. 这……奥黛丽瞬间有所明悟,知道了“世界”先生是在故意做类似的表现,让自己能体会到一次共同行动中存在的种种细节性问题,积攒到更多的经验。 Yes. „ She nods confidently, not embarrassed. “是的。“她坦然颔首,一点也没有难为情。 Klein nods in secret, looked to Leonard the Star. 克莱恩暗中点头,随之望向了“星星”伦纳德 Do not visit me, my domain in dreamland, not in this strange collective unconscious sea.” Leonard swings immediately the palm. “别看我,我的领域在梦境,不在这奇怪的集体潜意识大海。”伦纳德当即摆动起手掌。 Compared with Miss Justice, he has participated in the combined action is countless, knows when should not show off power cannot show off power absolutely. 比起“正义”小姐,他参与过的共同行动不计其数,知道不该逞强时绝对不能逞强。 You follow I.” Klein takes back the line of sight, will catch green copper Radiant Cross to give to shake that hand of metal small bottle, put out a gold coin. “那你们跟着我。”克莱恩收回视线,将重新染上了铜绿“无暗十字”交给握金属小瓶的那只手,拿出了一枚金币。 Zheng! 铮! During the gold coin tumblings, he holds, then has not looked at the result, took one's bearings, started to walk the footsteps. 金币翻滚间,他一把抓住,然后没看结果,辨别方向,迈开了脚步。 This is the divination means...... Audrey one suddenly. 这是占卜的办法……奥黛丽一阵恍然。 Her looks at Gehrman Sparrow the World serious calm profile and wears the black windproof coat, wears silk top hat, with the green copper crucifix form, had the feeling of opposite party likely missionary inexplicably. 看着“世界”格尔曼.斯帕罗严肃冷静的侧脸和穿黑色风衣,戴丝绸礼帽,拿铜绿十字架的身影,莫名有了种对方像个传教士的感觉。 Leonard recalled past events spontaneously. 伦纳德则油然回忆起了一件往事。 That is the first case that he and Klein cooperate- looks for the kidnapped child, at that time, is Klein with divination the means show the way, he follows in side. 那是他和克莱恩合作的第一起案子-寻找被绑架的小孩,那个时候,也是克莱恩用“占卜”的办法领路,他跟在旁边。 Compared with the initial jerkiness, present he is skilled seems like has entered the mysterious world to surpass for ten years...... yeah, actually...... Leonard both hands inserted the pocket over more than past year, slightly had follows closely sigh with emotion in the Klein rear. 比起当初的生涩,现在的他熟练得像是已经进入神秘世界超过十年……哎,其实才过去一年多……伦纳德双手插兜,略有感慨地紧随在克莱恩侧后。 Audrey looked at his one eyes, detected the change of his mood. 奥黛丽瞄了他一眼,察觉到了他情绪的变化。 Mister Star and Mister World are the reality understanding are not so only simple, they likely relate the quite good friend, un, that in the next one or two years will meet rare...... Audrey makes the judgment at the same time, without slowing down own footsteps, and in light of studying the knowledge, observes all around detail, which places distinguishes possibly to hide vortex, possibly is ambushing risky living creature. “星星”先生“世界”先生不仅仅是现实认识那么简单,他们很可能还是关系相当不错的朋友,嗯,最近一两年内少有见面的那种……奥黛丽做出判断的同时,没有放慢自己的脚步,并结合学过的知识,观察起四周的细节,分辨哪些地方可能潜藏着“漩涡”,可能埋伏着“危险性生物”。 Under her assistance, Klein shows the way to receive is very smooth, had not encountered giant phantom like such again a moment ago directly the brand mark. 在她的辅助下,克莱恩领路领得很顺利,没再像刚才那样直接遭遇“巨人虚影”这样的烙印。 From time to time goes straight, from time to time turns round, how long has not known, three people at present suddenly open. 时而直走,时而拐弯,不知过了多久,三人眼前霍然开朗。 What appears before them is one deep sea endocrater, the endocrater center has a city of islands size. 出现在他们面前的是一个“深海巨坑”,巨坑中央有一座岛屿大小的城市。 The ground of this city is the iron grey, above is setting upright the one after another dozens over a hundred meters high grand stone columns, they or stand alone there, or haunched palatial unadorned palaces together, overall not only strange, and broad, cannot construct like ordinary living creature. 这城市的地基呈灰白色,其上竖着一根根几十上百米高的宏伟石柱,它们或孤零零地立在那里,或共同撑起了一座座巍峨的古拙宫殿,整体既奇异,又恢弘,不像普通生物能够建造。 Although Audrey does not know this city, but in the mind actually had an idea instantaneously: 奥黛丽虽然不认识这座城市,但脑海内却瞬间冒出了一个想法: City of Miracles, Levished......” 奇迹之城,利维希德……” Lord of Mysteries 诡秘之主 https://
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