LM :: Volume #5

#121: Elf annal

This...... second era subordinate God are really hidden dragons and crouching tigers, first has Dragon of Wisdom Herabergeen, latter has God of the Undead Salinger, this becomes Sequence Zero finally, ascends a height to get a broad view God's throne influential figure, naturally, Dragon of Wisdom was unable to affirm, but said possibly big...... 这……第二纪从神们真是藏龙卧虎啊,前有“智慧之龙”赫拉伯根,后有“亡灵之神萨林格尔,这都是最终成为序列0,登临神座大人物,当然,“智慧之龙”还不能肯定,只是说可能不小…… Un, "God of Dawn" Badheil and Goddess of Harvest Oniella, did not remove them to live fifth era, moreover lived well...... does not know very much God of Artefatcs Telzin and Goddess of Misfortune Amanyss did escape end of second era Silver City Creator reclamation Battle of Gods of authority? If evaded, what role they are even playing in third era fourth era? After Klein is astonished, in one's mind sighed several. 嗯,还有“晨曦之神”巴德海尔“丰收女神”欧弥贝拉,不排除祂们都活到了第五纪,而且活得很好……不知道“灵物之神托尔兹纳和“厄运女神阿曼妮西斯有没有逃过第二纪末尾白银城造物主“收回”权柄的神战?如果躲过了,祂们在第三纪甚至第四纪又扮演着什么的角色?克莱恩一阵惊愕后,于心里感叹了几句。 mental association to the betrayal of third era King of Angels, he could not bear the unstated criticism again: 再联想到第三纪天使之王们的背叛,他忍不住腹诽了一句: Protects from fire security against subordinate God! 防火防盗防从神啊! At this time, has not had the mood to fluctuate Audrey the Justice that the subordinate God real name and authority too have not understood much, is acting female elves in Shatas memory, chitchatted with her unceasingly, lets the second era past events that she mentioned her to experience to know. 此时,对于从神们真名和权柄都没太多了解的“正义”奥黛丽未有情绪浮动,扮演着夏塔丝记忆中的一个又一个女性精灵,不断地和她攀谈,让她自行讲出了她所经历所知道的第二纪往事。 According to the Shatas lecture, in an annal of elf clan, still did not have first era and second era this concept, at first does not know many years are chaos, dark, crazy, lack writing material legacy, when the extraordinary species clans gradually obtained certain reason, had own writing, the life started to have certain cognition to the history. 夏塔丝讲,在精灵一族的编年史里,尚没有第一纪第二纪这个概念,最初不知多少年是混沌的,黑暗的,疯狂的,缺乏文字资料遗留,等到超凡种族们逐渐获得了一定的理智,有了自己的文字,生灵才开始对历史有一定的认知。 That age, the ancient God present world, the sky, land, sea and place the bottom transited to have certain order from the absolute disorder one after another slowly, ancient God that but except for tyrannically and coexisted crazily, without whom can clarify this stage actually to use many years, only knows that for a long time was very very long, was called seed age by the major extraordinary species clans. 那个年代,古神相继现世,天空、大地、海洋、地底从绝对的无序慢慢过渡到了有一定的秩序,但除了暴虐和疯狂并存的古神们,没谁能弄清楚这个阶段究竟用了多少年,只知道很久很久,被各大超凡种族称为“萌芽年代”。 „After seed age, is eight big ancient God divides at the beginning of fire that the camp resists shining age, this was also remote from the birth of Shatas, she can only in the annal understanding through the clan by that time be flood human race resistance inhuman race, resisted the pollution and corrosion of Devil and demonic wolf , human race existed as the giant, elf and blood race dependency even slave. “萌芽年代”之后就是八大古神分阵营对抗的“火之初耀年代”,这距离夏塔丝的出生同样久远,她只能通过族内编年史了解到那时候是“泛人类”对抗非人种族,抵御恶魔魔狼的污染和侵蚀,其中,人类是作为巨人、精灵、血族附庸甚至奴隶存在的。 At the beginning of fire the time that shining age maintains has come and gone out in the different records, but the common ground is less than the millenniums, because the ancient God essence is crazy, tyrannical, cruel, callous, every so often will be urged by the instinct. “火之初耀年代”维持的时间在不同记载上有所出入,但共同点是不到千年,因为古神的本质是疯狂,暴虐,残忍,冷酷,很多时候会受本能驱使。 In blood race primogenitor Lilith and King of the Strange Races Kvastun, Demonic Wolf of Destruction Flegrea in a betrayal falls from the sky, at the beginning of fire shining age ended, the war frequency sends, the world is damaged, several hundred years have not ceased. 血族始祖莉莉丝异种王克瓦希图恩、“毁灭魔狼弗雷格拉在一场背叛里陨落后,“火之初耀年代”结束,战争频发,世界受损,好几百年都未曾停息。 Because this period giant and giant dragon relative domineering, is called twin age. 由于这段时期巨人和巨龙相对强势,被称为“双生年代”。 When five big races formed the new balance, northern continent, southern continent, eastern continent and five big sea regained certain peace, Shatas on the birth and growth in this age, until entering 《Grossel's Travel Notes》. 等到五大种族形成了新的平衡,北大陆南大陆东大陆、五大海洋恢复了一定的和平,夏塔丝就出生、成长在这个年代,直至进入《格罗塞尔游记》 In these history that she described, the most important information had two points ; first, truly had eastern continent, was Royal Court of Giants is at ; second, „after seed age, the major extraordinary species clans had own civilization in fact, is not unreasoning like the later generation suspected, naturally, tyrannical, cruel and callous, the tendency of bloodthirsty generally existed, seemed at least half out of control completely the condition, after twin age, the giant of elf and new generation of new generation was quite sane, has the emotion, such as Shatas and Grossel were the same. 在她描述的这些历史里,最为重要的信息有两点,一是确实存在东大陆,是“巨人王庭”所在,二是“萌芽年代”之后,各大超凡种族实质上有了属于自己的文明,不像后世怀疑的那样毫无理智,当然,暴虐、残忍、冷酷、嗜杀的倾向普遍存在,似乎全部处于至少半失控的状态,直到“双生年代”后,新生代的精灵、新生代的巨人才较为理智,拥有情感,如夏塔丝格罗塞尔一样。 eastern continent seems Land Abandoned by God...... in Great Cataclysm, was it given up?” Similar idea was born in Klein, Leonard and in the Audrey mind simultaneously. 东大陆似乎就是‘神弃之地’……大灾变中,它被放弃了?”类似的想法同时诞生在了克莱恩伦纳德奥黛丽脑海中。 They are interested, what a pity Shatas has lived in the King of the Elves god courtyard, occasionally goes out also goes on patrol in the sea, simply has not gone to eastern continent, insufficient understanding. 他们对此都非常感兴趣,可惜夏塔丝一直生活于精灵王的神庭,偶尔出门也只是在海上巡游,根本没去过东大陆,缺乏足够的了解。 Affected by Audrey the Justice, the Shatas dreamland starts to present living habits and language origin of elf clan. “正义”奥黛丽影响,夏塔丝的梦境开始呈现精灵一族的生活习俗和语言起源。 In this queen maidservant has heard in legend, Elven language is the king in seed age creation, the emergence of each word follows a birth of first generation elf, many Elven language words have many first generation elves. 在这位王后侍女听过的传说中,精灵语是王在“萌芽年代”创造的,每一个单词的出现都伴随一位初代精灵的诞生,有多少精灵语单词就有多少位初代精灵。 But the living habits of elf are not a too unified thing, heavily relies on the surrounding environment- the difference of elf in elf and forest in sea in various customs is without a doubt enormous. 而精灵的生活习俗并不是一个太统一的东西,严重依赖于周围的环境-海洋里的精灵和森林内的精灵在各种习俗上毫无疑问差别极大。 They quite common place is, the belief as ancient God king and his queen ; The affection uses the blood manufacture food of prey ; Widely exists to roast this cooking technique, even if sea elf, will often arrive at the reef bonfire party ; Is intimate with the nature, excels in applying various types of spicy taste materials ; Advocates expert, action quick ponder proud...... 他们较为共同的地方是,信仰身为古神的王和祂的王后;喜爱用猎物的血液制作食品;广泛存在烤这种烹饪手法,哪怕海精灵,也时常会到礁石上来一场“篝火晚会”;亲近自然,擅于应用各种辛香料;崇尚强者,以行动快过思考而骄傲…… The myth and reality mixed in one, which being hard to distinguish is real, which were false before...... living habits was shattered actually me guess...... the Klein expression seemingly had no change to listen, in the mind analyzed each few words that Shatas told fast. 神话与现实混在了一起,难以分辨哪些是真的,哪些是假的……生活习俗这块倒是破灭了我之前的一些猜测……克莱恩表情看似没什么变化地听着,脑海里飞快地分析起夏塔丝讲述的每一句话。 After clarifying the related matter, Audrey regarding western continent this keyword, making the Shatas dreamland change, reflected some memory that in the subconscious had. 弄清楚相关的事情后,奥黛丽围绕“西大陆”这个关键词,让夏塔丝的梦境发生改变,反映出了潜意识里存在的一些记忆 That coral palace returned to the Klein three people of eyes, Shatas follows in Queen of Natural Disasters Gasnum behind, before arriving at a crystal window . 那座珊瑚宫殿又回到了克莱恩三人眼里,夏塔丝跟随于“天灾女王”高希纳姆身后,走到了一扇水晶窗户前。 She looked at the queen fine complicated long skirt, looked under this secretly wields Calamity God, slightly feels asks curiously: 她看了眼王后精致繁复的长裙,偷瞄了下这位执掌天灾的“神灵”,略感好奇地问道: Your Highness, you in looking at the west?” 殿下,您是在看西面吗?” To a elf clan, without feeling the oppression of violence, has what question to ask at the scene. 对精灵一族来说,只要没有感受到暴力的压迫,有什么疑问当场就会问。 Why thinks?” Gasnum has not turned head, the expression asked faintly. “为什么这么认为?”高希纳姆没有回头,表情淡漠地问道。 I just know a legend, our elf clan stems from western continent.” The Shatas response said, Your Highness, really does have western continent? Is there really the birthplace of first generation elf?” “我刚知道了一个传说,我们精灵一族起源于西大陆。”夏塔丝回应道,“殿下,真的存在西大陆吗?那里真的是初代精灵的诞生地吗?” The Gasnum corners of the mouth bring back slightly, the voice slightly said indistinctly: 高希纳姆嘴角微微勾起,嗓音略显飘渺地说道: Perhaps western continent exists, perhaps also does not exist. Each race needs to give a prominent origin, a hometown of mind. 西大陆或许存在,也或许不存在。每个种族都需要给自己一个显赫的起源,一个心灵的故乡。 Shatas, the hometown in your heart where?” 夏塔丝,你心中的故乡在哪里?” My hometown?” Shatas repeated this issue, somewhat replied at a loss, was the place that king and Your Highness was, was this palace, that forest that is it can lead to my parents who survive......” “我的故乡?”夏塔丝重复了一遍这个问题,有些茫然地回答道,“是王和殿下所在的地方,是这片宫殿,是它能通往的我父母生存的那座森林……” Said these words time, the Shatas mood gradually becomes low and deep, loses, disconsolate. 说这句话的时候,夏塔丝的情绪逐渐变得低沉,失落,惆怅。 Obviously, she received in oneself subconscious the infection of corresponding memory. 很显然,她受到了自身潜意识里相应记忆的感染。 She enters the travel notes, far away from the hometown, has 2,000-3,000 years. 她进入游记,远离故乡,已有2,000-3,000年。 Therefore, to you, western continent does not exist, but some elves, that is absolutely real.” Queen of Natural Disasters Gasnum made the final reply tranquilly. “所以,对你们来说,西大陆是不存在的,但于有的精灵而言,那是绝对真实的。”“天灾女王”高希纳姆平静地做出了最后的回答。 Shatas had not asked again, because she recalls suddenly, the queen is not the first generation elf. 夏塔丝没有再问,因为她突然记起,王后不是初代精灵。 Such replying makes Klein even more confuse with puzzled, is good because of second era to fifth era, western continent has not had the feeling completely, will not involve anything and his related important secret, he understands while convenient, has not had the too great anticipation. 这样的对答让克莱恩愈发迷惑和不解,好在从第二纪第五纪,西大陆都完全没有存在感,不会涉及什么和他相关的重要隐秘,他只是顺便了解一下,没抱太大的期待。 Finished to the guidance of Shatas subconscious, when near at noon, the nearby did not have other dreamland to jump, Audrey and Klein and Leonard left directly, appear in Mobate and Shatas bedroom. 结束掉对夏塔丝潜意识的引导,由于时近中午,附近没另外的梦境可以跳跃,奥黛丽克莱恩伦纳德直接离开,出现在了莫贝特夏塔丝的卧室里。 Looked at the eye to tie down by the elf stubbornly, presses the hands and feet, rolled up in a that Viscount fourth era of asymmetrical bed corner/horn, the Audrey facial expression suddenly became gentle, several points of happy expression said in a tone with: 看了眼被精灵死死缠住,压上了手脚,蜷缩于不对称床铺一角的那位第四纪子爵,奥黛丽神情忽然变得柔和,语带几分笑意地说道: They now this as if also good......” “他们现在这样似乎也不错……” no, no, no, has such a violence, directly, imagination, wife who also dares to act, is simply fearful! Also only then Mobate this talent will like and enjoy......” does not have the poet talent to have Leonard both hands of poet free tendency to insert to the pants pocket, shakes the head earnestly. 不不不,有这么一个暴力,直接,想象力强,又敢于行动的妻子,简直可怕!也就只有莫贝特这种人才会喜欢并享受吧……”没有诗人才华却有诗人自由倾向的伦纳德双手插至裤兜里,认真地摇了摇头。 At this point, he whispered looking pensive: 说到这里,他若有所思地低语道: In turn said that senior thief also truly needed Shatas this type of female to manage well, un...... does not know the person who old boss nationality what opposite sex will like...... “反过来讲,一个资深的‘小偷’也确实需要夏塔丝这种类型的女性才能管好,嗯……不知道老头家族别的人会喜欢什么样的异性…… Yeah, they do not need us to envy or oppose, this was their being together ways, Great Emperor Russell once some poems wrote, the life was honest, the love price was higher......” ( 1 ) “哎,他们也不需要我们羡慕或者反对,这就是他们的相处方式,罗塞尔大帝曾经有首诗写道,生命诚可贵,爱情价更高……”(注1) Klein listens to two people to discuss, opens mouth, shut, had not said that Shatas and Mobate had actually died, until death at that moment felt each other affections truly, what here living was only world in a book creates the replica that. 克莱恩听着两人讨论,张了张嘴,又闭了起来,没说夏塔丝莫贝特其实已经死去,直到死亡的那一刻才真正感受到了彼此的爱意,这里活着的只是书中世界创造出来的复制体。 After the family/home that leaves this couple, one line of three people walk toward the Grossel blacksmith's shop. 离开这对夫妻的家后,一行三人往格罗塞尔的铁匠铺走去。 On the way, after a street, Klein sees was called philosopher Ronzel, Audrey the Justice also recognizes the opposite party is Ruenian. 途中,经过一条街道时,克莱恩看见了被称为“哲学家”的龙泽尔,“正义”奥黛丽也一眼认出对方是鲁恩人 „Is that more than 100 years ago that soldier?” Audrey slows down the footsteps, opens the mouth to ask. “那是一百多年前的那位士兵?”奥黛丽放慢脚步,开口问道。 Klein remembered the Ronzel's missing to the hometown, remembered him to be put the bone ash in Beckland graveyard by oneself, silent two seconds, the nod said gently: 克莱恩想起了龙泽尔对家乡的思念,想起了他被自己放于贝克兰德墓园内的骨灰,沉默了两秒,轻轻点头道: Yes.” “是的。” Some Mister World recollections...... he like the superficial tranquil river, under has many turbulent flow and vortex...... Audrey slightly not obviously nodded and said: “世界”先生有些感怀……他就像表面平静的大河,底下有许多湍流和漩涡……奥黛丽微不可见地点了下头道: Can enter his dreamland? I want to attain Judge and Disciplinary Knight magical medicine formula.” “能进入他的梦境吗?我想拿到‘法官’‘惩戒骑士’魔药配方。” Does not have the issues.” Klein replied at the same time, looked at Leonard. “没问题。”克莱恩回答的同时,瞄了眼伦纳德 Leonard both hands insert the pockets as before, was only pupils instantaneous deep and quiet. 伦纳德依旧双手插兜,只是眼眸瞬间幽邃了下来。 Sat Ronzel on profession chair also falls into sank the dormancy. 坐在行道椅上的龙泽尔随之陷入了沉眠。 Three people appeared in his dreamland. 紧接着,三人出现在了他的梦境中。 Here is a lively city, has the house of wooden structure, the pedestrian of coming and going is almost Ruenian. 这里是一座繁华的城市,多有木制结构的房屋,来来往往的行人几乎都是鲁恩人 Ronzel of black bluing eye stands outside a house, does not dare to approach is looking there, comes out until inside a woman who wears the obsolete long skirt, he moves forward to meet somebody excitedly, launches both hands, tries to hug. 黑发蓝眼的龙泽尔站在一栋房屋外,不太敢靠近地望着那里,直到里面出来一位穿陈旧长裙的妇女,他才激动地迎了上去,展开双手,试图拥抱。 His hug passed through that woman, two people have not had any happening together. 他的拥抱穿过了那名妇女,两人未有任何交集。 Ronzel stood rigidly in same place, shouted one wooden lowly: 龙泽尔僵立在了原地,木然地低喊了一声: Mother......” “妈妈……” To guide the dreamland Audrey to look at this directly peacefully, then sizes up all around, discovered that symbolic bell. 本想直接引导梦境的奥黛丽安静地看完了这一幕,然后打量四周,发现了那座标志性的大钟。 Beckland......” Audrey sipped the lip, leans the head, pupil light restraining looks at Klein had said, they aren't able to leave world in a book? ” 贝克兰德……”奥黛丽抿了下嘴唇,侧过脑袋,眸光收敛地看着克莱恩道,他们无法离开书中世界吗?” Time has passed is too long, if they leave, direct senile, death, even makes decent.” The Klein's tone like the rivers that calmly surges, I have Ronzel's item return to Beckland.” “时间已经过去太久,他们如果离开,会直接衰老,死亡,甚至风化。”克莱恩的语气如同静静涌动的河流,“我有把龙泽尔的一件物品送回贝克兰德。” This...... takes Audience, Audrey detected keenly the cruel reality that behind these words hid, could not bear lift the head, looked to the dreamland, looked to the place that Mobate and Shatas were. 这……作为“观众”,奥黛丽敏锐察觉到了这些话语背后隐藏的残酷现实,忍不住抬起了脑袋,望向梦境之外,望向莫贝特夏塔丝所在的地方。 Leonard wants to ask that is what item, after may control to look at one, maintained silent. 伦纳德本想问是什么物品,可左右看了一眼后,又保持住了沉默。 Then, Audrey guides the dreamland earnestly, outside obtaining two magical medicine formula, in making Ronzel go home, lived with his parents, brothers and sisters happily in one. 接下来,奥黛丽认真地引导梦境,在获得两份魔药配方外,让龙泽尔回到家里,和他的父母、兄弟、姐妹幸福地生活在了一起。 This is a fond dream. 这是一场美梦。 Leaves position that Ronzel, Klein, Leonard and Audrey saw the Grossel family/home quickly. 离开龙泽尔所在的位置后,克莱恩伦纳德奥黛丽很快看见了格罗塞尔的家。 This is their this exploration last station, after obtaining the information in giant Grossel subconscious, they will enter this world in a book collective unconscious sea from there, searches secret that this book can have. 这是他们本次探索的最后一站,等获得了巨人格罗塞尔潜意识里的信息后,他们就将从那里进入这个书中世界的集体潜意识大海,寻觅这本书能存在的秘密。 Note 1: Quoted from Hungarian Poet Petofi's «Freedom And Love» 注一:引自匈牙利诗人裴多菲的《自由与爱情》 PS: Monday asked monthly ticket recommendation ticket ~ PS:周一求月票推荐票~ Lord of Mysteries 诡秘之主 https://
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