LM :: Volume #4

#214: 1 gracious gift, 1 curse

Ice-cold magical medicine has slid the throat, brought some paralyses to Klein, enters the paralysis in innermost soul. 冰冷的魔药滑过喉咙,给克莱恩带来了些许麻痹,直入灵魂深处的麻痹。 His dance step has stopped, his spirit raises inexplicably, the whole person as if one arrived at the upper air, is overlooking the broken resurrecting square, is overlooking because of thunder strikes, but flurried Cokova City. 他的舞步已然停止,他的精神莫名拔高,整个人似乎一下来到了高空,正俯视着残破的复活广场,俯视着因一次次雷击而慌乱的库克瓦城 At this moment, his mood moved restlessly inexplicably, only thinks each pedestrian who below communication, has an invisible line to connect in own, is following own direction, or happy or anger, or sorrow Huole, is performing all kinds of behaviors. 这一刻,他的情绪莫名躁动了起来,只觉下方来往的每一个行人,都有一根无形之线连接到自己手里,正跟着自己的指挥,或喜或怒,或哀或乐,表演着各种各样的行为。 Similar feeling, Klein will often have these days, understands this is director the angle of view, regarded as Secret Puppet matter all participants, regarded as the actor, tries to operate or guides them put up a grand play. 类似的感觉,克莱恩这段时间常常会有,明白这是“导演”的视角,将事情所有参与者视作了秘偶,视作了演员,试图操纵或引导他们上演一出盛大戏剧。 Holds that to wipe familiar, Klein adjusted the mentality hastily, pulled out the mood to completely, is gazing at all with the stance of indifferent onlooking, not in emotion influence by play. 抓住那一抹熟悉,克莱恩连忙调整了心态,将情绪完全抽离了出来,以冷漠旁观的姿态注视着一切,不被戏剧里的情感影响。 As one director, when relies on the script, refers to the reality, the rationality makes the analysis, has choices, lets the the transfer of advancement and clue of accumulation and event of mood during oneself control. 作为一名“导演”,当依循剧本,参考现实,理性做出分析,有所取舍,让情绪的累积、事件的推进和线索的调用都在自身掌控之中。 The mentality is certain, the Klein spirit precipitates immediately, at once feels the magical medicine strength to diverge in within the body, like silk stub root sharp being caught. 心态一定,克莱恩精神立刻沉淀,旋即感受到魔药的力量在体内发散开来,如同一张丝线根根锋利的落网。 , Klein only thinks suddenly own mental body together with the flesh, was divided the innumerable thin, was also hard to endure patiently again, sent out an acoustic source in the pitiful yell of innermost soul: 霍然间,克莱恩只觉自己的精神体连同血肉,被分割成了数不清的细小部分,再也难以忍耐,发出了一声源于灵魂深处的惨叫: No!” “不!” His train of thought does not divide immediately, becomes fragments, with the different flesh unions, had own consciousness: 他的思绪随即也不分割,成为了一个个碎片,与不同的血肉结合,有了自己的意识: This has ache Klein, this has arrogant Klein, this has callous Klein, this has gentle Klein, this has entertaining Klein, this also has Zhou Mingrui, Sherlock Moriarty, Gehrman Sparrow, Dawn Dantes! 这有疼痛的克莱恩,这有傲慢的克莱恩,这有冷酷的克莱恩,这有温柔的克莱恩,这有自娱自乐的克莱恩,这还有周明瑞,还有夏洛克.莫里亚蒂,还有格尔曼.斯帕罗,还有道恩.唐泰斯 His entire spiritual body, as if put in the mixer by whom. 他的整个灵体,似乎被谁放入了搅拌机。 Leonard that not far away, on the cheeks a little bit tears unconsciousness falls first is sees to support Daly Simone captain Dunn, changed the Klein Moretti appearance, at once notices the opposite party face, neck, back of the hand and other places, light granulations highlighted, as if had oneself vitality, the growth, turned into the transparent worm unceasingly outward, but under the clothing, had creeping motion trace fluctuate. 不远处,脸颊上一滴滴泪水无意识滑落的伦纳德先是看见拥着戴莉.西蒙妮队长邓恩,变回了克莱恩.莫雷蒂的样子,旋即注意到对方脸庞、脖子、手背等地方,一个个淡色的肉芽凸显了出来,仿佛有了自己生命力,不断往外生长,化成透明的蠕虫,而衣物底下,同样有蠕动的痕迹起起伏伏。 This makes Leonard have the opposite party next second to break up one group of transparent worms, rushes to the feelings of different place respectively! 这让伦纳德有种对方下一秒就会崩解成一团透明蠕虫,各自奔向不同地方的感觉! He just wants to make anything, suddenly dizzy, the instinct closed the eye, does not dare to look again. 他正想做点什么,突然脑袋一晕,本能就闭上了眼睛,不敢再瞧。 These transparent worm that grows from the Klein body, under the sunlight, sparkles the mysterious symbols of three-dimensional stack-up, they linked up a higher level, is connecting the law of bottom level, is displaying strangely, crazy, change, strength, knowledge intuitively and other abstract concepts. 那些从克莱恩身体内长出的透明蠕虫,在阳光底下,闪耀出一个又一个立体层叠的神秘符号,它们贯通了更高的层次,连接着底层的定律,直观地表现着诡异、疯狂、变化、力量、知识等抽象的概念。 In the gloomy and cold wind, Klein all around appears one after another illusory black fine lace, they mix in the same place, formed one after another strange tentacle. 呜的阴冷之风里,克莱恩四周浮现出一条又一条虚幻的黑色细线,它们搅和在一起,形成了一根根奇异的“触手”。 The tentacle makes widely known, mental body, stellar spirit body, wisdom body and ethereal body turn into the fragment completely, integrates various Klein trains of thought of different worm to be noisy respectively, chaotic, contradictory, is light, as if erect to infinite high place, there has the innumerable illusory images to crowd around the distortion huge construction, or plays, either speech, either shouts, either talks during sleep. 触手张扬间,精神体星灵体心智体以太体全部变成碎片,分别融入不同蠕虫的克莱恩各种思绪嘈杂,混乱,矛盾,轻轻飘飘间,似乎正飞向无穷高处,那里有无数的幻影在簇拥着扭曲巨大的建筑,或吹奏,或演讲,或嘶吼,或呓语。 In the Klein disorderly innumerable senses, the surrounding all stack-ups, as if turned into spiritual world, but also some live people communicated, had the star to shine. 克莱恩凌乱的无数感官里,周围的一切层叠了起来,仿佛变成了灵界,但又有活人来往,有恒星照耀。 At this time, in his thought fragments, presented same memory, bright memory. 这个时候,他一个又一个思维碎片里,出现了同样的记忆,鲜明的记忆 That is King of Angels Adam closes eyes the pray, shocks one that arrives ; 那是天使之王亚当闭目祈祷,震撼登场的一幕; That is resists Ince Zangwill with the Death's Knell revolver, opens fire to hit to explode one of his head ; 那是用“丧钟”左轮抵住因斯.赞格威尔,开枪打爆他脑袋的一幕; That shows the Clown smile, said „this gun, was the captain’s” one low and deep ; 那是露出“小丑”的笑容,低沉说出“这一枪,是队长的”一幕; That is Audience Adam is looking on one of the play ending with limpid pure pupils ; 那是“观众”亚当用清澈单纯眼眸旁观着戏剧结尾的一幕; That is turns into the Dunn Smith appearance, 那是变成邓恩.史密斯的样子, Invited Daly Simone to jump dance of ending one. They so bright, especially the Audience vision, like having the essence feeds back, attractive, making Klein gradually retrieve the self- cognition. 邀请戴莉.西蒙妮跳落幕之舞的一幕。它们是如此的鲜明,尤其“观众”的目光,更如同有实质反馈,有吸引力一样,让克莱恩逐渐找回了自我认知。 I...... 我…… Who am I? 我是谁? This issue, Klein has the reply in the Faceless Man stage, does not need to think again, ravelled rapidly the status: 这个问题,克莱恩“无面人”阶段就有回答,无需再多想,迅速弄明白了身份: A man from Earth, reconstructed from a memory fragment of Klein ; 一个来自地球,被克莱恩记忆碎片有所重塑的人; A man profoundly influenced by a Night Watcher ; 一个被“值夜者”经历深刻影响着的人; Not sticks one's neck out, the fear danger, can actually to persist in paying all people ; 一个明哲保身,害怕危险,却又能为坚持付出一切的人; a Guardian, a pitiful creature. 一个守护者,一个可怜虫。 Non- stemmed from mental body and wisdom body points of strange sense from the fragment of fission to pull out to leave, condenses the Klein new train of thought that indifferent, tranquil, the onlooking, the overlooked train of thought that can see the world real train of thought from the multiple perspectives variously. 非源于精神体心智体的奇异感官从分裂的碎片里一点点抽离,凝聚出了克莱恩新的思绪,冷漠,平静,旁观,俯视的思绪,能从更多角度更多方面看见世界真实的思绪。 He understands, this perhaps is divinity, does not make the resistance, the original spiritual body fragment will establish contacts with the black silk thread taking advantage of this, changed a whole slowly. 他明白,这或许就是神性,不做抗拒,借此将原本的灵体碎片用黑色丝线一个个串连起来,缓慢地重新变回了一个整体。 Only then, he understood the function of promotion ceremony. 直到此时,他才明白了晋升仪式的作用。 This is a brand mark, is Anchor Point, compares other path early, Crafty Mage that mental body can split needs Anchor Point! 这是一个烙印,也是锚点,相比其他途径,精神体会分裂的“诡法师”更早地就需要锚点 However, this has not needed to believe to support, on the contrary, the belief is too numerous and disorderly, is too chaotic, too many individual emotions, very easy in the divided state of this ceremony, erases the essence temporarily also only then Sequence Five the human nature of promotion, only leaves behind divinity. 不过,这还无需信仰来支撑,相反,信仰太庞杂,太混乱,太多个人的情感,很容易在这个仪式的分裂状态下,抹掉本质暂时还只有序列5的晋升者的人性,仅留下神性 A magnificent profound play, the gazes of numerous Audience, become Anchor Point sufficiently! 一场华丽深刻的戏剧,众多观众的注视,足以成为锚点 Although this scene Audience is few, but as Audience path peak existence, Adam can arrive at tens of thousands of ordinary Audience, he even can fantasize to have Audience of theater to make the effect. 虽然这次现场观众很少,但作为“观众”途径最顶尖的存在,亚当一个能抵成千上万的普通观众,他甚至可以空想出一剧场的观众来制造效果。 The whole forms finally, all kinds of knowledge gush out from the half God and half human spiritual body deep place, is sweeping across the Klein's mind, brought the indescribable impact on him, the head as if soon exploded. 整体终于成形,各种各样的知识从半神半人灵体深处涌出,席卷着克莱恩的脑海,给他带来了难以言喻的冲击,脑袋都似乎快要爆炸。 However, has him who divinity and has experienced repeatedly initially, to overlook stance of onlooking, passed this stage relatively with ease. 不过,已初具神性并有过多次经历的他,以俯视旁观的姿态,相对轻松就度过了这个阶段。 On on under his face, hand, neck, the clothing transparent worm retracted his within the body, he changed black hair brown pupil Klein Moretti. 他脸上、手上、脖子上、衣物下方的透明蠕虫缩回了他的体内,他又变回了黑发褐瞳的克莱恩.莫雷蒂 Looked in a bosom gradually icy cold Daly Simone, Klein hugged this woman, arrived in front of Leonard Mitchell step by step, bent the waist seriously, put the ground her. 看了眼怀中逐渐冰凉的戴莉.西蒙妮,克莱恩抱起这位女士,一步步走到伦纳德.米切尔面前,郑重地弯腰,将她放到了地面。 At this time, Daly does not have the jet black scale and pure white down, restored the original appearance, her eye is shutting gently, the corners of the mouth go up slightly, like having a deeply sweetest fond dream. 此时,戴莉已没有了漆黑的鳞片和洁白的绒毛,恢复了原本的样子,她眼睛轻轻闭着,嘴角微微上翘,就像在做一场最深最甜的美梦。 The Klein standing body, looks to opens Leonard of eye, said low and deep: 克莱恩站直身体,望向重新睁开眼睛的伦纳德,低沉说道: She returned to Country of the Goddess , like captain.” “她回归了女神的国度,就和队长一样。” He stopped reversing the Daly mutation with Secret Puppet a moment ago, making her elapse like individual, then relieved the control. 他刚才用“秘偶化”中止逆转了戴莉的异变,让她像个人一样逝去,然后又解除了控制。 Un.” Leonard wants to smile forcefully, actually did not shed tears voluntarily. “嗯。”伦纳德想强行笑一笑,却不自觉流下了眼泪。 Klein gently nodded: 克莱恩轻轻点了下头: To her, this perhaps is not the too bad result, returned to belief the bosom of God with the stance of person, but there also has captain they.” “对她来说,这或许不是太坏的结局,以人的姿态回到了信仰的神灵的怀抱,而那里还有队长他们。” During the speeches, his subconsciousness the true feelings true feelings lift the right hand, selected in the chest clockwise four. 说话间,他下意识又真情实感地抬起右手,在胸口顺时针点了四下。 The Leonard instinct follows to draw scarlet moon, at once is startled, the expression becomes quite strange. 伦纳德本能跟着画出绯红之月,旋即怔了一下,表情变得颇为古怪。 Klein looked all around one saying: 克莱恩环顾了一圈道: You bring Miss Daly to return to East Balam, said that she dies of the attack of Ince Zangwill, and made the remarkable contribution to the death of Ince Zangwill. “你带着戴莉女士返回东拜朗,就说她死于因斯.赞格威尔的袭击,并对因斯.赞格威尔的死亡做出了卓越的贡献。 Relax, some people will not trace your, naturally, you can also leave Red Gloves while this opportunity.” “放心,不会有人追查你的,当然,你也可以趁这个机会离开‘红手套’。” I, I am familiar in church.” Leonard silently said. “我,我习惯在教会。”伦纳德沉默了下道 Klein takes off silk top hat immediately, good farewell ritual. 克莱恩随即摘下丝绸礼帽,行了个告别礼。 He takes the hat, turns around to move toward the body of Ince Zangwill, took a card from the top, a card portraying a chariot and a crimson priest. 他拿着帽子,转身走向因斯.赞格威尔的身体,从上面取走了一张牌,描绘着一辆战车和一个深红祭司的牌 The face of that crimson priest, just like is Russell Gustav. 那个深红祭司的脸孔,俨然便是罗塞尔.古斯塔夫 The Leonard lip opening and closing, opened the mouth to say suddenly: 伦纳德嘴唇翕动了一下,忽然开口道: You, won't you return to church?” “你,你不会回归教会吗?” Klein has not turned around, puts on silk top hat, goes toward square another exit|to speak line. 克莱恩没有转身,将丝绸礼帽戴上,向着广场另一个出口行去。 Walked several steps, he paused a bit, turns away from Leonard to reply: 走了几步,他才顿了一下,背对伦纳德回答道: Could not go back......” “回不去了……” Could not go back...... Leonard looks at that familiar back to be increasingly estranged, gradually vanished. 回不去了……伦纳德怔怔看着那熟悉的背影渐行渐远,逐渐消失。 Also after a while, in the resurrecting square flew several Extraordinary , wore the long gown of Church of the Night ordinary clergy, beautiful black hair, there is a fine face. 过了一阵,复活广场上飞来了好几位非凡者,其中一位,身穿黑夜教会普通神职人员的长袍,有一头秀丽的乌发,有一张精致的脸孔。 No one can see her age, because without whom cares about this, will only pay attention to her pair to hide innumerable stars deep and quiet pupils. 没人看得出她的年纪,因为没谁在乎这点,只会去注意她那双藏着无数繁星般的幽邃眼眸 This woman floats in the midair, calmly looks to the square, saw only the Ince Zangwill wreckage almost unable to see the original appearance, the head of disruption covered common tarot card. 这位女士浮于半空,静静望向广场之上,只见因斯.赞格威尔的残骸几乎看不出原本的样子,碎裂的头部盖了张常见的塔罗牌 That is The Star card. 那是星星牌 ............ ………… above the grey mist, Klein puts Red Priest card near the left hand, closed eyes rest. 灰雾之上,克莱恩“红祭司”牌放于左手边,闭目休息了一阵。 Regarding the Crafty Mage ability, he has the preliminary understanding and grasping: 对于“诡法师”的能力,他已有了初步的了解和掌握: At the same time, when he can turn into the build disparity is not the too big animal, the spiritual body condition can disregard this, he can or others 's wound and disease shifts himself to substitute person paperman, and obtains near kilometer Flame Leap of, the might of air bullet also upgraded the shell level ; 一方面,他能变成体型差距不是太大的动物,灵体状态时则可以无视这点,他可以将自己或他人的伤口和疾病转移给替身纸人,并获得近千米的“火焰跳跃”距离,空气子弹的威力也提升到了炮弹层次; On the other hand, he can complete the preliminary control of spiritual body string in three seconds, in 15 seconds thoroughly transform the goal as the puppet, the manipulated range is 150 meters, in the meantime, uses interactive spiritual body string, he can make Secret Puppet use his complete extraordinary capability, can in one kilometer range of validity, change the position with Secret Puppet freely. 另一方面,他能在三秒内完成“灵体之线”的初步控制,十五秒内彻底将目标转化为傀儡,操纵范围是150米,同时,利用交互的“灵体之线”,他可以让秘偶使用他全部的非凡能力,可以在一千米的有效范围内,自由地与秘偶调换位置。 Worm that-based this and Legendary Creature Form separates, and camouflage on spiritual body string, Klein can achieve the substitute person use of higher level, in other words, so long as there is any Secret Puppet also to live, Crafty Mage will not die! 基于这点和自身神话生物形态分离出的蠕虫,以及在“灵体之线”上的伪装,克莱恩可以做到更高层次的替身使用,也就是说,只要有任何一个秘偶还活着,“诡法师”都不会死! The enemies will be very difficult to know, the killed outcome is Crafty Mage, is his Secret Puppet, the mixture of truth and deceit, the genuine and fake, is unable to judge. 敌人将很难知道,杀死的究竟是“诡法师”,还是他的秘偶,虚虚实实,真真假假,无法判断。 Certain condition, after rest, Klein moves toward the above the grey mist mysterious space immediately the deep place, moves toward that to lead to the steps of heaven light. 确定状态,休息了一阵后,克莱恩立刻走向灰雾之上神秘空间的深处,走向那通往天国般的光之阶梯。 As he expected, there were also many a stair, the stair that the ray condenses. 不出他所料,那里又多了一层台阶,光芒凝聚的台阶。 This time, Klein believes firmly, oneself can draw support from this giant respective six steps, mounts grey cloud that condenses. 这一次,克莱恩确信,自己可以借助这巨人所属般的六层阶梯,登上那凝聚的灰云。 One step, two steps, three...... he comes to the end, jumps to leap, steps on clouds that in grey mist formed. 一步,两步,三步……他走到尽头,纵身一跃,踩在了灰雾形成的云朵上。 Those who map his view is, contaminated some azure black bright light gates together, this comprised of the innumerable overlapping light ball, distortion worm that each light ball main body piles of joint hold the agglomerate, some of them are transparent, some translucent. 映入他眼帘的是,一道沾染了些许青黑的灿烂光门,这由数不清的层层叠叠的光球组成,每一个光球的本体则一堆堆合抱成团的扭曲蠕虫,它们有的透明,有的半透明。 This is Klein through the picture that "Winner" Enzo sees, but the material object is fuzzy, as if had anything to cover his line of sight. 这就是克莱恩通过“赢家”恩佐看见的画面,但实物非常模糊,似乎有什么遮挡了他的视线。 Moreover, above the light gate, dangled black fine laces, they are hanging nearly transparency "Silkworm Cocoon". 另外,在光门之上,垂下了一条条黑色的细线,它们悬挂着一个又一个近乎完全透明的“蚕茧” These "Silkworm Cocoon" sway gently, is wrapping the different soul bodies respectively, some black skin, some yellow races, some are the Caucasians, some wear the jeans, some take the cell phone, some clothing are gorgeous, five senses are attractive, all has living the aura, is actually shutting tightly the eyes. 那些“蚕茧”轻轻摇晃,分别包裹着不同的魂体,有的黑肤,有的黄种,有的是白人,有的穿着牛仔裤,有的拿着手机,有的衣物艳丽,有的五官漂亮,皆有活着的气息,却又紧闭着双眼。 The Klein vision one solidifies, as if returned to Earth, is walking on race complete street. 克莱恩目光一下凝固,就仿佛回到了地球,正走在人种齐全的大街上。 Then, he notices, three "Silkworm Cocoon" have broken, inside is empty, is swinging with the wind. 然后,他注意到,有三个“蚕茧”已经破开,里面空无一物,正随风摆动。 Lifts Klein that the head looks up to gaze at all these silently, calmly is gazing. 抬起脑袋仰望的克莱恩默然注视着这一切,静静地注视着。 ( Fourth ends) (第四部完) PS: First after changes, asks the monthly ticket! PS:先更后改,求月票!
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