LM :: Volume #4 神秘入侵

#991: A joke( 6000 character chapters!)

hōng lóng 轰隆 In the howling sound, the red light is falling together to the land. 呼啸声中,一道红光正坠向大地。 The ray is binding person's shadow, is Hall · Lodge. 光芒内部裹着的人影,正是哈尔·洛奇 He lived finally, but also regained the freedom. 他最终活了下来,还恢复了自由。 That non- human, and shape strange divinity Life body Messenger is forcing him to hand over massive Life essence, and after its transformation, returns the hometown Hall. 那位非人类,且形态诡异的神性生命体“信使”在强迫他交出大量生命精华,并将其改造之后,将哈尔放回家乡。 Present Hall · Lodge, has is close to the True God strength infinitely, nearly Perpetual Life undying. 如今的哈尔·洛奇,拥有无限接近于真神的力量,近乎永生不死 Many complex divinity aura fuse in his body, Hall felt that the oneself unprecedented great strength, he believes firmly even strongest variant Hero Quaid is unable to beat him again, even Hall is more powerful. 多种复杂的神性气息在他躯体里面融合,哈尔感觉自己前所未有的强大,他确信就算是最强变种英雄奎德也无法再击败他,甚至哈尔还更加强大一些。 This harvest regarding any variant person is pleasantly surprised, but he actually only feels at this moment sadly. 这种收获对于任何一个变种人来说都是惊喜,但此刻他却只感觉悲伤。 Hall · Lodge, was despondent. 哈尔·洛奇,抑郁了。 After understanding clearly the truth, brings serious attack almost must rout him, the past crazy and optimism, somewhat collapsed at the first blow faced with the brutal fact. 洞悉真相之后带来的“沉重打击”几乎要将他击溃,过去的疯癫与乐观,在残酷事实面前有些不堪一击。 However since he will be selected by Infancy Creator, indeed has the special place. 不过他既然会被幼年造物主选中,的确有着特殊的地方。 Sad despondent temporary, he returns to the hometown at the maximum speed. 悲伤抑郁只是暂时,他以最快速度回归家乡。 The transformation is Divinity Creature later Hall · Lodge, naturally can disregard remote Space and distance, in his Mind deep place despondent before grievance floods, he returns to oneself that to have been through repeatedly repeatedly the combat family/home, in pushes aside the window to enter, then sees the form that on the bed has sticks out together quickly. 蜕变为神性生物之后的哈尔·洛奇,自然可以无视遥远的空间与距离,在他心灵深处的抑郁与“委屈”满溢出来之前,他回到了自己那历经多次战斗的家,扒开窗户入内,很快便看见床上有一道隆起的身影。 Hall shouting was more relaxed, secretly thought: Does not have the second person fortunately, I not green.” 哈尔“呼”的轻松了些,暗道:“还好没有第二个人,我没绿。” The cold wind blew to awake Anna · Armas, several years later, she finally saw the oneself boyfriend, did not know is the misconception, first felt that this fellow became very weak, eye inside is combining sad, Wrath, despondent as well as a vague awkwardness. 冷风吹醒了安娜·阿玛斯,时隔数年,她终于又见到了自己的男友,不知道是不是错觉,第一眼就感觉这家伙变得很“虚弱”,眼睛里面混杂着悲伤、愤怒、抑郁以及一丝隐晦的尴尬。 She very familiar that awkward color origin, the fellow steals food after each time outside, can have the short indication that. 她很熟悉那尴尬之色的来源,每次那家伙在外偷吃之后都会有的短暂征兆。 May according to Quaid's view, Hall should roam about in the universe deep place, is withstanding the lonely torture. 可根据奎德的说法,哈尔应该正在宇宙深处流浪,承受着孤独的酷刑。 Also can steal food in the universe of dark nihility? 在黑暗虚无的宇宙也能偷吃? The Anna · Armas thought separates immediately, the imagination had/left two possibilities: 安娜·阿玛斯思维立刻脱钩,想象出了两种可能: When roams about met the foreign lands female? 流浪时遇上了异域雌性? With can locate only his Quaid? 或者,和唯一能定位他的奎德? Is giving free reign to the imagination Anna · Armas, without caring has not prevented the bed sheet to fall, the scene that familiar and incomparably fondly remembers appeared in Hall · Lodge at present, his eyes are immediately green, cried to throw at the same time that did not forget to sigh: 正畅想着的安娜·阿玛斯,没在意也没阻止被单滑落,熟悉又无比怀念的景象出现在了哈尔·洛奇的眼前,他的双眼立刻就绿了,哭着扑上去的同时,不忘感叹道: Dear, you are in this false world finest and most perfect xx doll.” “亲爱的,你是这虚假世界中最精致、最完美的xx娃娃。” Knows the world truth Hall · Lodge, puts out the highest praise to the oneself girlfriend. 知晓世界真相的哈尔·洛奇,对自己的女友吐出最高赞美。 Then he then noticed that a pair of white and tender foot steps on to his face, is away from several years familiar regards: Fxxx...... Hall, licks my xxx.” 然后他便看到一双白嫩的脚踩向他的脸,隔着数年的熟悉问候:“fxxx……哈尔,过来舔我的xxx。” ...... …… One after tossing about that continues three days of Time, water shortage serious Anna · Armas let off oneself finally after the misery and torture boyfriend who returns. 一番持续三天时间的折腾之后,缺水严重的安娜·阿玛斯终于放过了自己历经苦难与酷刑后归来的男友。 Then, she also learned „the world truth from the latter mouth. 然后,她也从后者口中获知了“世界真相”。 New method regular one, Messenger has not forbidden Hall · Lodge to inform all that he knows anybody. 新玩法的规则之一,信使并没有禁止哈尔·洛奇将他知道的一切告知其他任何人。 As this world's most believes Hall · Lodge person, after Anna · Armas listens , the delay for a long time, the brow wrinkles one group, said scruple: 作为本世界最相信哈尔·洛奇的人,安娜·阿玛斯听完之后呆滞许久,眉头皱成一团,迟疑道: Hall, you will be regarded the lunatic.” “哈尔,你会被当成疯子的。” You in each faction eye are the lunatic variant person, especially you also made such matter to Quaid some time ago, if you told them these, will be considered as in the universe will only roam about lonely is too long, therefore thorough was insane.” “你在各个阵营眼里都是疯子变种人,尤其你不久前还对奎德做出了那样的事,如果你将这些告诉他们,只会被认为是在宇宙中孤独流浪太久,所以彻底的疯了。” You want to assemble these Hero and villains, looks for that with you Creator projection, saves this world?” “你想集结那些英雄以及恶棍,和你一起去找那‘造物主投影’,去拯救这个世界?” You will not succeed, if you said the truth, you will be considered as the lunatic, you not only need to resist these so-called Witztonian, but also needs to slaughter with Hero and villains, even resistance the whole world...... you will die, died does not have the value.” “你不会成功的,你如果说出真相,你会被认为是疯子,你不但需要对抗那些所谓的维茨顿人,还需要和英雄、恶棍们厮杀,甚至于对抗整个世界……你会死的,死得毫无价值。” Anna · Armas puts out one every time, Hall's complexion on the dispirited point. 安娜·阿玛斯每吐出一句,哈尔的脸色就颓丧一分。 Although his character unnatural, usually was also used to it very much unscrupulously, but he was not a fool. 他的性格虽然很怪异,平时也习惯了肆无忌惮,但他并不是蠢蛋。 Hall is very clear, all that the oneself girlfriend said that will become the reality in the near future, if he really decides to do. 哈尔很清楚,自己女友所说的一切都会在不久的将来成为现实,如果他真的决定那么做。 His whole face sad helpless looks at out of the window, he sees Nero under curtain of night, in the mind glitters many pictures, the next door likes putting on Kevin of women's wear, the hamburger dining car that outside several streets most likes, weeded out the wool the mining company...... to continue to spread by him repeatedly again, he thinks. 他满脸悲伤无奈的看着窗外,他看到夜幕下的德尼洛市,脑海中闪烁诸多画面,隔壁爱穿女装的凯文,数个街道外最喜欢的汉堡餐车,被他多次薅羊毛的矿业公司……再继续蔓延,他想到更多。 Hall · Lodge is mixes the ball, but he still has many good friends, disperses in each city, some are Hero, some are the villains. 哈尔·洛奇是个混球,但他仍旧有着不少好朋友,分散在各个城市,有些是英雄,有些是恶棍。 Once he also remembers had participated in events, has killed people, has saved others, has destroyed many landmarks, he has even saved the world. 他还想起曾参与过的一个个事件,杀过人,救过人,毁坏过很多标志性建筑,他甚至拯救过世界。 Without a doubt, in Hall · Lodge angle of view, this world is very real. 毫无疑问,在哈尔·洛奇的视角里面,这世界无比真实。 But a more brutal truth is actually, it is false. 但更加残酷的真相却是,它就是虚假的。 All were fictionalized, was fabricated to design, moreover it will be destroyed. 一切都是被虚构的,被捏造设计出来的,而且它将被毁去。 It looks like in the laboratory trash, after all use values squeezed out, by brutal destruction. 就像是实验室中的“垃圾”,在所有的利用价值被榨取出来之后,被无情的销毁。 As a member in trash, can he accept such Destiny? 作为垃圾中的一份子,他能接受这样的命运么? This issue, gives birth in Hall · Lodge Mind deep place instantly, instantly also has the answer. 这问题,即刻在哈尔·洛奇心灵深处生出,即刻也有了答案。 He lifts the head fiercely, looking straight ahead that fully is the bright starlight starry sky, hoarse say/way: I do not have the second choice, dear, I possibly really must go to to become Savior.” 他猛地抬起头颅,直视那满是灿烂星光的星空,嘶哑着道:“我没有第二个选择,亲爱的,我可能真的要去成为一位救世主了。” Has saying that Hall · Lodge is the handsome mixing ball, this also lets his Charm explosion. 不得不说,哈尔·洛奇是个英俊的混球,这一幕也让他魅力爆炸。 The next second, he turns the head suddenly, looks to Anna · Armas, smiles incomparably ripples saying: 只是下一秒,他忽然又转头,看向安娜·阿玛斯,笑得无比荡漾道: Dear, now you know that I was lofty to your praise, in this false world, no xx doll can compared with you.” “亲爱的,现在你知道我对你的赞美有多么崇高了吧,这个虚假世界里,没有一个xx娃娃能和你相比。” Before its ruin, I wants crisp enough.” “在它毁灭之前,我要爽个够。” The voice falls, this fellow fell down Anna. 话音落下,这家伙扑倒了安娜 In room that the violent sports starts, transparent person Tang Qi face somewhat black shaking the head. 激烈运动又开始的房间内,透明人唐奇脸有些黑的摇着头。 At this moment he has been able to guess correctly that the most advancements of this Epic tragicomedy world, he also understood clearly this world conceal Occult information. 此刻他已经能猜到这个史诗悲喜剧世界的大部分进程,他也洞悉了这世界隐藏着的神秘信息。 But as single people, he has no interest in follow the angle of view of fellow Hall · Lodge this can only the interest outbreak momentarily throughout, that will obviously not be any happy experience. 而作为一位单身人士,他没什么兴趣始终跟随着哈尔·洛奇这只随时都会兴致发作的家伙的视角,那显然不会是什么美好的体验。 Time acceleration!” 时间加速!” The current Epic, tragicomedy and declining god, exercised oneself Divinity Authority. 现任史诗、悲喜剧与衰亡之神,行使了自己神性权柄 Starting from the next second, the picture that he gazes at starts to jump by the multiple. 从下一秒开始,他所注视的画面开始以倍数跳跃。 Later a real story, in some laboratory in Boundless Occult, once existence, the world that withered away, started completely presents. 一个真实的故事,在无垠神秘中某个实验室内,曾存在过,之后又消亡的世界,开始完全呈现。 Hall · Lodge was loathed by the innumerable Hero villains as one, likes practical joke, the conduct has no mixing ball that dreads, the accident/surprise becomes Savior. 哈尔·洛奇作为一个被无数英雄恶棍厌恶,喜欢恶作剧,行事没有任何忌惮的混球,意外成为了“救世主”。 The truth that he understands clearly, lets the strongest Hero direct self- collapse sufficiently. 他洞悉的真相,足以让最强英雄直接自我崩溃。 But Hall supported, he starts to try to save the world. 但哈尔支撑了下来,他开始试图拯救世界。 His first attempt, shares the truth publicly, is oneself collects lots of teammates, not the accident/surprise ends in failure, speaking that in all directions he takes great pains illustrated, finally is actually recognizes as for the whole world by almost all Hero villains for the lunatic, including his several good friends. 他的第一次尝试,将真相公开分享,为自己募集大量队友,毫无意外以失败告终,他不厌其烦的四处宣讲解说,结果却是被几乎所有英雄恶棍乃至于整个世界认定为疯子,其中包括了他的几位好朋友。 The second attempt, the lunatic starts to obtain using oneself, close to the True God strength, spreads...... this not to violate the rule the experience in mind, but encounters the unknown strength to extinguish, is Engineer, it has not even come out to meet with Hall, but changed several hypotheses in the laboratory. 第二次尝试,疯子开始利用自己获得的,接近真神的力量,将脑海中的经历扩散出去……这没有违反规则,但遭遇未知力量消弭,是工程师,它甚至没有出来与哈尔见面,只是在实验室中改了几个设定。 The third attempt, Hall · Lodge has to resort to some extreme methods, for example kidnaps President, forcing the Global People to listen to him to tell story, this incurs the attack of heroes naturally, the strength that because freely he rises suddenly, Hero cannot do to him completely, but in the process Hall loses several good friends again. 第三次尝试,哈尔·洛奇不得不动用一些过激的手段,比如绑架总统,逼迫全球民众听他“讲故事”,这理所当然招致英雄们的打击,尽管因为他暴涨的力量,英雄完全奈何不了他,但过程中哈尔再度失去几个好朋友。 The fourth attempt, Hall uses the oneself new strength reasonably, he starts to look for evidence, false after all is false, when presents seeking knowledge, the lie must be broken through...... this to conform to the rule, Engineer has not revised the setting again, but dispatched some powerful experiment bodies to prevent him. 第四次尝试,哈尔更合理的使用自己的新力量,他开始寻找“证据”,虚假的毕竟是虚假的,当出现求知者,谎言必被攻破……这符合规则,工程师没有再修改设定,只是派遣了一些强大实验体去阻止他。 This time he succeeded, found some to prove evidence that the world fictionalizes, but he fell into most extreme suffering, he lost Anna · Armas, in this world and woman of his Soul incomparable conjunction. 这次他成功了,找到了一些能证明世界虚构的证据,但他陷入了最极端的痛苦中,他失去了安娜·阿玛斯,这个世界上与他灵魂无比契合的女人。 She exhaust ability helps Hall, finally dies in an accident/surprise. 她竭尽所能的帮助哈尔,最终死在一次意外中。 The emergence of evidence, pried open a slit finally, some had wisdom Hero, villain and average person to believe Hall · Lodge, appeared finally many insider. 证据的出现,终于撬开了一丝缝隙,有些更具智慧英雄、恶棍、普通人相信了哈尔·洛奇,终于出现更多的“知情者”。 But Hall oneself falls into depressed, he chooses to give up. 但哈尔自己陷入消沉,他选择放弃。 Replaced him to save the people in the world to turn into these insiders, they were considered as false, they also know that oneself was fabricated to design, but their not deficient courage, here bread included strongest variant Hero Quaid, but they had a fatal flaw. 替换他去拯救世界的人变成了那些知情者们,他们被认为是虚假的,他们也知道自己是被捏造设计出来的,但他们并不缺乏勇气,这里面包括了最强变种英雄奎德,只是他们有一个致命的缺陷。 Their saving actions, do not conform to the game rule. 他们的拯救行动,并不符合游戏规则。 Therefore, regardless of they make anything, final result one, becomes the fireworks. 于是,不论他们做什么,最终的结果都只有一个,成为烟花。 Time and time again, they save finally, will change to Blood and Flesh Fireworks, explodes...... this setting to be unmodifiable at present in depressed dispirited Hall · Lodge. 一次又一次,他们拯救到最后,都会化作血肉烟花,在消沉颓废的哈尔·洛奇眼前爆开……此设定不可更改。 More and more insider knows this setting, they made the similar choice. 越来越多的“知情者”知道这设定,他们都做出了同样选择。 Self-sacrifice! 自我牺牲! Everyone, had punished Hall's Quaid, has nothing to evade, after saves the failure one time, explodes at present in Hall. 所有人,曾经惩处过哈尔的奎德,也没有任何逃避,在一次拯救失败之后,在哈尔眼前爆开。 ...... …… The speed that in the Tang Qi eye pupil, the world picture jumps, slowed down suddenly. 唐奇眼眸内,世界画面跳跃的速度,忽然变慢了一些。 He at this moment not in reading with We are Light household related books, but he had the same feeling. 他此刻并不是在阅读与“我们是光家族有关的书籍,但他却有了相同的感受。 These human, in real existence principle Chad · Captain Parker unlike that Boundless Occult, they are the products of laboratory, is Witztonian designs. 这些人类,与那位无垠神秘中真实存在的理查德·帕克船长不一样,他们是实验室的产物,是维茨顿人设计出来的。 Only God that may contact, is that Supreme unsurpassed Infancy Creator. 唯一有可能接触的神灵,是那位至高无上的“幼年造物主”。 But Tang Qi also saw light on them, weak, actually Eternity existence. 唐奇同样在他们身上看到了“光”,微弱,却永恒存在 The speed slows down, the world that but this has withered away, was still close to its end point fast. 速度变慢,但这已消亡的世界,仍旧快速接近它的终点。 The familiar or strange people, know that unmodifiable setting obviously, but chose in front of oneself sacrificed, this awakened Hall · Lodge finally. 一个个熟悉或是陌生的人,明明都知晓那不可更改的设定,但都选择在自己面前牺牲,这最终唤醒了哈尔·洛奇 Conforms to the rule Savior stands, brings to the lover, to longing of all fall guys, he starts to do utmost, even needs combustion Soul, he must save this to be fictionalized, played with repeatedly, is used for the entertainment so-called Creator world. 符合规则的“救世主”重新站起来,带着对爱人,对所有牺牲者的怀念,他开始竭尽全力,即便需要燃烧灵魂,他也要挽救这个被虚构出来,被玩弄多次,用来娱乐所谓造物主的世界。 Freedom, this world needs to be free.” “自由,这世界需要自由。” Hall · Lodge sends out to angrily roar, his behind, forms follow. 哈尔·洛奇发出怒吼,他的身后,一道道身影跟随。 But more shadows, stood in their opposite. 但更多的阴影,站在了他们的对立面。 Anna · Armas's prophecy does not have the mistake, Hall must resist Witztonian incessantly, he also needs to resist other experiment bodies, resistance the whole world. 安娜·阿玛斯的预言没有错误,哈尔不止要对抗维茨顿人,他还需要对抗其他的实验体,对抗整个世界。 He wants to save the world, the world actually wants to erase his foreigner, this lunatic. 他想拯救世界,世界却想抹除他这个“异类”,这个“疯子”。 combat! 战斗 Big event! 大事件! Astonishing frigid, sad suffering, bloody cruel...... picture twinkles in the past. 惊人惨烈,悲伤痛苦,血腥残忍……一幕幕画面闪烁过去。 Time in experiment world passes fast, the 100 year or is longer, nearly Perpetual Life undying Hall · Lodge in combat, was still struggling. 实验世界内的时间快速流逝,一百年或者更长,近乎永生不死的哈尔·洛奇仍旧在战斗,在挣扎。 Initial followed his insiders dead, naturally did not pass away, died in battle without exception. 初始跟随着他的知情者们都死光了,不是自然老死的,无一例外都是战死的。 But Hall · Lodge behind, always has the form to follow. 但哈尔·洛奇身后,始终有着身影跟随。 Truth, will infect. 真理,是会传染的。 When the first slit was chiselled, the glimmer scatters the darkness, all are not then able to be covered up again. 当第一道缝隙被凿开,微光驱散黑暗,一切便无法再被遮掩。 ...... …… The starry sky of dark nihility, universe most deep place, Tang Qi is maintaining the shape of transparent person as before, is gazing at the front. 黑暗虚无的星空,宇宙最深处,唐奇依旧保持着透明人的形态,注视着前方。 Finally the curtain, came. 最终幕,来了。 In this experiment world, existence long years, that incomparably deep and dark theater curtain was being torn little. 这个实验世界内,存在了漫长岁月,那无比深沉、幽暗的“幕布”正在被一点点撕裂。 Weak light are breaking through the blockade, they like the emaciated actually incomparably tenacious brook, cross the impediments of these terrifying shadows, although in the process has many light thorough extinguishments, but they have not stood still. 一道道微弱的光正在突破封锁,它们如同孱弱却无比坚韧的溪流,越过那些恐怖阴影的阻隔,尽管过程中有很多光彻底的熄灭,但它们并未停歇。 Last shadow, is a palm of pair of silver black. 最后一道“阴影”,是一双银黑色的手掌。 It is the Life body that these are not only able to imagine, it has caressed gently, massive luminous spots are unable to revolt was erased permanently. 它是那些光根本无法想象出来的生命体,它轻轻抚过,大量光点无法反抗的被永久抹除。 In this, included Hall · Lodge. 这里面,包括了哈尔·洛奇 As if, finished? 似乎,都结束了? No, not. 不,并没有。 That dies general silent and dark only continued incomparably short Time, another side of universe, more huge flame shines. 那死一般的寂静与黑暗只持续了无比短暂的时间,在宇宙另一侧,更多更加庞大的“火光”亮起。 As if in this flickers, all experiment bodies had, their Soul are whooshing, the incomparably marvelous strength will be away from vast Star Sea to transmit. 似乎就在这一瞬,所有的实验体都有了自我,他们的灵魂嘶吼着,将无比奇妙的力量隔着浩瀚星海传递过来。 The ray, shines again. 光芒,再度亮起。 Hall · Lodge as well as his behind Adherent, they resurrected. 哈尔·洛奇以及他身后的追随者们,他们复活了。 Like jumps together, but spray, crosses that to erase all both hands, after arriving at the theater curtain . 如同一道跳跃而起的“浪花”,越过那可以抹除一切的双手,来到幕布之后。 Tears the front all hindrance Hall · Lodge, he stared in a big way the eyes, sent out to angrily roar from the Soul deep place: 撕裂前方所有阻碍的哈尔·洛奇,他瞪大了双眼,从灵魂深处发出怒吼: Visits me, visits me quickly, don't you want to look at each other?” “看着我,快看着我,你不是想要对视么?” dog shit same Creator, fxxx your fart...... turns around to give great Hall to lie quickly, greets this round of most delicious Hall essence.” 狗屎一样的造物主,fxxx你的屁……快转身给伟大的哈尔趴好,迎接这一发最美味的哈尔精华。” According to the world rule, Hall · Lodge is unable to blaspheme Infancy Creator. 原本按照世界规则,哈尔·洛奇无法亵渎幼年造物主 Hall but who at this moment, tears that theater curtain broke the rule, the first matter that he does blasphemes Creator. 但这一刻,撕裂那幕布的哈尔突破了规则,他做的第一件事就是亵渎造物主 game, arrives at the final node. 游戏,来到最后节点。 The entry, then makes the world gain the freedom. 通关,即可让世界获得自由。 Hall · Lodge welcomed fruitfully one time gaze, no, gaze not totally. 哈尔·洛奇如愿以偿的迎来了一次“注视”,不,并不是完全的注视。 Tang Qi closed the eyes in this moment , that endless dark deep place that the Understanding All's split vision sees surpasses existence that any Life knows to think, ground Supreme existence of all concept and logic to open an eye suddenly. 唐奇在这一刻闭上了双眼,万物通晓的余光所看到的,那无尽黑暗深处超出任何生命所知所想的存在,碾碎所有概念、逻辑的至高存在陡然睁开了一双眼睛。 It seems like to look after the present toys, It has not opened the eye of oneself completely. 似乎是为了照顾眼前的玩物,祂并未完全睁开自己的眼睛。 A slit, small to the slit that can ignore. 只是一道缝隙,微小到可以忽略不计的缝隙。 But is this slit, ruin all. 可就是这道缝隙,毁灭了一切。 When that came from Creator projection „when mighty force from the tiny slit inner leakage, front all existence, all experiment bodies in Hall · Lodge as well as this experiment world, evaporated. 当那来自造物主投影的“伟力”自渺小缝隙内泄漏出来时,前方的所有存在,哈尔·洛奇以及本实验世界内的所有实验体,都蒸发了。 Has not reversed! 没有反转! Without the accident/surprise! 没有意外! The comedy is also good, the tragedy is also good, or universe Epic, finished in this moment. 喜剧也好,悲剧也好,亦或是宇宙史诗,都在这一刻结束。 After the theater curtain, ice-cold was full of the mechanicalness sound to conduct the illustration for this result together: game finished, numbers the sf1725 experiment world to be destroyed.” 幕布后,一道冰冷充满机械性的声音为这结局进行了注解:“游戏结束,编号sf1725号实验世界已被销毁。” What announcing is Engineer, one of several members the main designer in this world, great race Witztonian only remains. 报幕的是工程师,这世界的主要设计者,伟大种族维茨顿人仅剩的数个成员之一。 In its sound should have certain fluctuations, after all when Hall · Lodge was evaporated together the picture together with the world, when should also look like the Witzton civilization to be evaporated initially the scene. 它的声音里面本该有着某些波动,毕竟哈尔·洛奇连同世界一起被蒸发时的画面,应该也像极了当初维茨顿文明被蒸发时的景象。 But it does not have, this time Engineer is the great Creator incomparably loyal servant, one such as several other. 但它没有,此时的工程师是伟大造物主无比忠诚的仆人,一如其他的几位。 Essentially, this is only a joke, exceptionally bad joke.” “本质上,这只是一次玩笑,异常恶劣的玩笑。” In illusory domain, Tang Qi looks at the final curtain, the eye pupil hangs down to say slightly. 虚幻领域之中,唐奇看着最终幕,眼眸微微低垂道。 Actually before the final curtain approaches, Tang Qi has estimated this result. 其实在最终幕来临前,唐奇已经预想到了这个结局。 This from managing the Chad · Parker's story is different, the nameless god evil and Infancy Creator projection, that is existence of two dimensions. 这与理查德·帕克的故事不一样,无名神孽与“幼年造物主投影”,那是两个维度的存在 Even if Hall · Lodge is close to True God infinitely, has many wisdom brave Adherent. 即便哈尔·洛奇无限接近真神,身后有着许多智慧勇敢的追随者 But existence that he faces, is the non-solution. 但他面对的存在,是无解的。 projection and main body, regarding Hall · Lodge with this experiment world, are nondistinctive, they are unable to withstand complete looking at each other. 投影本体,对于哈尔·洛奇与这个实验世界来说,并无区别,他们根本无法承受一次完整的对视。 What is most essential, this is withered away timeline. 最关键的是,这原本就是已消亡的时间线 In other words Hall · Lodge and world were evaporated together, how long event this has passed does not know. 也就是说哈尔·洛奇与世界一起被蒸发,这是已经过去不知多久的事件。 Now Tang Qi experiences, gazes, is only the record in some books, for example experiments journal Epic and tragicomedy world. 唐奇如今所经历的,所注视的,只是记录在某本书籍,比如“实验日志”中的史诗与悲喜剧世界。 Real, is false. 既是真实的,也是虚假的。 Result terrifying is also sad, but this story indeed conforms to the definition of tragicomedy and Epic very much. 结局恐怖又悲伤,但这个故事的确很符合悲喜剧与史诗的定义。 When to here, Tang Qi as if also arrived departs. 到了这里,唐奇似乎也来到离去之时。 Front together Infancy Creator projection, by the words that Understanding All peeps, has the opportunity to obtain more secrets, but also has the enormous risk, is not worth doing that.” “面前只是一道幼年造物主投影,以万物通晓窥视的话,有机会获得更多隐秘,但同样有着巨大风险,不值得这么做。” I should walk, Epic, tragicomedy and declining Authority, has integrated Dream Country perfectly, this is a good harvest.” “我应该走了,史诗、悲喜剧与衰亡权柄,都已完美融入梦幻国度,这是一次不错的收获。” But, why do I always have to plant to make what impulsions?” “不过,为什么我总有种想做些什么的冲动?” Should departure Tang Qi, following the impulsive idea, look to by some corner of evaporation universe. 本该离开的唐奇,循着冲动想法,看向正在被蒸发宇宙的某个角落。 There, presented a familiar form. 那里,出现了一道熟悉的身影。 Messenger! 信使 Was allowed to be retained multiplication bloodline ability existence as Witztonian several members in only, she seemed to be also allowed to retain some emotions. 作为维茨顿人数位成员中唯一被允许被保留繁衍血脉能力存在,她似乎也被允许保留了一些情感。 She is says goodbye, attracts the angel shape of when to initially forcefully exchanging transformation leaves with Hall · Lodge. 她是来告别的,以当初与“哈尔·洛奇”强行交流时变化出的魅惑天使形态。 Before being evaporated, Hall · Lodge also indeed looked at her one eyes, then with the mouth that can also move, incomparably kind regards she. 在被蒸发前,哈尔·洛奇也的确看了她一眼,然后用还能动弹的嘴巴,无比“亲切”的问候了她。 However before radical disappearance, Hall's look becomes gentle. 不过在彻底消失前,哈尔的眼神又变得温柔。 That naturally not because of Messenger, because of Messenger behind, counts 10 by the silver light membrane is wrapping the small form. 那当然不是因为信使,而是因为信使身后,数个被银色光膜包裹着的小小身影。 That counts a 10 form is the immature child, in huge, and is full of the unnatural style in the room to play. 那数道身影都是稚嫩孩童,在一个巨大且充满怪异风格的房间内玩耍。 Each child, has the different shapes. 每个孩童,都有着不同的形态。 They are Hall · Lodge with Messenger child, because in father mother body has complex divinity, and is not the normal Life shape, the child who breeds naturally also becomes complex, their shape and ability not existence overlaps, presents the different evolved directions. 他们都是哈尔·洛奇与“信使”的孩子,因为父母体内都有着复杂神性,且都不是正常生命形态,孕育出的孩子自然也变得复杂,他们的形态、能力都不存在重叠,呈现出不同的演化方向。 Tang Qi starts to move, his not existence form, then appears in the Messenger body side instantly. 唐奇开始移动,他那不存在的身影,即刻便出现在信使身侧。 Messenger without doubt is very powerful Witztonian, but if conducts „the Authority showdown, she disastrous defeat in Tang Qi. 信使无疑是一位非常强大的维茨顿人,但若进行“权柄对决”,她将惨败于唐奇 Although this is one already withering away timeline, because of related to Infancy Creator, even if Tang Qi is the current Epic, tragicomedy and declining god, superimposes Dream Dominion again, still still had an anxiety. 尽管这是一段已消亡时间线,但因为涉及“幼年造物主”,就算唐奇是现任史诗、悲喜剧与衰亡之神,再叠加梦幻主宰,也仍旧有一丝紧张。 In detecting Messenger after these child existence, Tang Qi thinks that oneself must make anything. 在发觉信使与这些孩子存在之后,唐奇想好了自己要做什么。 He is unable to change Destiny of Hall · Lodge and this world obviously, but can actually change some not by Infancy Creator gaze Destiny of child's. 他显然无法改变哈尔·洛奇和这个世界的命运,但却能改变某个并未被幼年造物主注视的孩子的命运 His vision, locking counts one in 10 child directly. 他的目光,径直锁定数孩童中的一个。 human!” 人类!” Number 10 child who Hall · Lodge and Messenger give birth, even existence 10 several powerful Life that is born is Half-God, but the human shape, only has one. 哈尔·洛奇信使生下的数个孩子,其中甚至存在几个降生便是半神的强大生命,但人类形态的,却只有一个。 That is a roughly 5~6 year, full golden curly hair, cute such as ocean doll girl. 那是一个约莫五六岁,满头金色卷发,可爱如洋娃娃般的女孩。 When Hall · Lodge was evaporated, in this room only then a few children, palpitation because of bloodline deep place look to that position. 当“哈尔·洛奇”被蒸发时,这房间内只有少数几个孩子,因为血脉深处的悸动而看向那个方位。 This girl, is one of them. 这女孩,便是其中之一。 She felt the incomparably intense sadness in that flash, because of inherent wisdom, she suppressed the impulsion of bursting into tears. 她在那一瞬间感受到了无比强烈的悲伤,但因为与生俱来的智慧,她强忍住了流泪的冲动。 In she wants to pretend to integrate the brothers sisters, her Mind deep place suddenly are many some strange sounds. 就在她想要假装融入兄弟姐妹们时,她的心灵深处忽然多出一些奇怪的声响。 As if existence some sound, is letting her involuntary, staggering along walks toward the room corner, is quick her figure „the giant-scale toy to be covered up by one, she arrives in front of the silver-white wall, the subconsciousness stretches out the palm to touch. 仿佛存在着某种声音,让她不由自主,跌跌撞撞的往房间角落里走去,很快她的身形就被一个“巨型玩具”遮掩,她来到银白色的墙壁面前,下意识伸出手掌去触碰。 Let her open the appearance of eyes, her immature palm passed through the wall suddenly. 让她睁大双眼的一幕出现,她那稚嫩的手掌忽然穿过了墙壁。 The next second, the girl felt oneself to touch something. 下一秒,女孩感受自己碰触到了某种物事。 That seems like the living creature, has incomparably soft touch. 那似乎是活物,有着无比柔软的“触感”。 Those who let the girl unable to believe that when she is grasping with that soft thing, she was sad incomparable Mind to be comforted, she as if saw incomparable beautiful and Dream mysterious world. 让女孩不敢相信的是,当她与那柔软物握着时,她原本悲伤无比的心灵得到抚慰,她仿佛看到了一个无比美丽梦幻的神奇世界。 Is grasping with the girl, is a section of tentacle. 与女孩握着的,是一截触手。 Dream tentacle of illusory as if not existence, only then this thing, can not detected by Messenger and Infancy Creator projection. 虚幻仿佛不存在梦幻触手,也只有这物,才能不被信使幼年造物主投影发觉。 When Tang Qi with Dream divinity comforts the girl, Understanding All also saw girl's Info Fragment. 唐奇梦幻神性安抚女孩时,万物通晓也看到了女孩身上的信息碎片 Divinity Entity: Hall's daughter.】 神性实体:哈尔之女。】 Status: infancy phase.】 状态:幼年期。】 Info Fragment 1: She already Death experiment body Hall · Lodge and great race Witztonian member Messenger the child of common breeding, she has half Witztonian bloodline, half human bloodline, she inherited Hall · Lodge some divine arts strengths, inherited Messenger some bloodline Divine Power.】 信息碎片一:她是已死亡实验体哈尔·洛奇与伟大种族维茨顿人成员“信使”共同孕育的孩子,她拥有一半维茨顿人血统,一半人类血统,她继承了哈尔·洛奇的部分神术力量,也继承了信使的部分血脉神力。】 Info Fragment 2: Because some unknown factor, her within the body brand mark makes 1/3rd Life equation.】 信息碎片二:因为某种未知因素,她的体内烙印着约三分之一的“生命方程式”。】 ...... …… ps: Was disinclined to analyze two chapters to unite, does not calculate that in the No. 1 Gengxinli, during the daytime will have. Sought to guarantee a minimum the monthly ticket! ps:懒得拆分两章合一了,不算在一号的更新里,白天还会有。求一下保底月票!
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