LM :: Volume #4 神秘入侵

#1119: Occult pineapple fort

Was too difficult, wants regions to turn?” “太难了,难道要一个一个区域去翻?” Did not say that these strange Divinity Entity, this dance party location is also giant, was discharged the infinite incantation surely and so on magic.” “不说那些稀奇古怪的神性实体,这舞会场地也过于巨大,必定被施放了无限咒之类的魔法。” Crude or is opportunistic, does not work unexpectedly.” “粗暴或是取巧,竟然都行不通。” On Fool's Ship, Tang Qi sends out to sigh woefully. 愚人船上,唐奇发出哀叹。 Although the ship under his body can go to any universe plane, divine arts that Tang Qi has can also discharge freely, converts Divine Power is equal to ordinary God position standard „the Fool's Ship husband actually is not limited. 尽管祂身下的船可以去往任何一个宇宙位面,唐奇拥有的神术也可以自由施放,换算神力等同于普通神灵位格的“愚人船夫”其实并未受到限制。 But It places oneself at this moment, is actually the special world. 但祂此刻置身的,却是个特殊世界。 Tang Qi has tried many methods, no matter with self- perception, is prophecy in the future, or peeps at with Understanding All. 唐奇已经尝试过多种方法,不管是用自我感知,还是预言未来,或是用万物通晓进行窥视。 Without exception, ends in failure completely. 无一例外,全部以失败告终。 And in the process, Tang Qi encounters many troubles. 且在过程中,唐奇遭遇多种麻烦。 In this world piles up Divinity Entity, the guests who were also invited by the starfish are too really many. 这世界内堆积的“神性实体”,也就是被海星邀请来的客人们实在太多。 They are very mostly weird, had Divinity Authority is also quite special. 祂们大多很怪诞,拥有的神性权柄也比较特殊。 What is most essential, and has nothing to dread the thought regarding Dominion Grade Ten-thousand Spirits. 最关键的是,对于主宰级万灵并无任何畏惧念头。 Tang Qi as Dream Dominion, in the past a half hour seeks for in the starfish process, there are many marvelous experiences: 唐奇作为“梦幻主宰”,在过去半小时的寻找海星过程中,又有了多种奇妙经历: By Divinity Entity of one crowd of jellyfish contours was recognized for same clan, and tries to haul back the lair recommendation It is the king. 被一群水母外形的神性实体认定为“同族”,并试图将祂拖回巢穴推举为王。 By one crowd said as writer, is wielding actually Divinity Entity that narrated Authority surrounded, after the tedious exchange, after the bedding bag took massive experience stories, withdrew. 被一群自称为“作家”,实则执掌着叙事权柄神性实体围住,经过繁琐交流,被套取走了大量经历故事之后才脱身。 Has powerful God position standard by one, Goddess that the hobby draws drags to be model, this/should Goddess luckily what likes is the image of Fool's Ship husband unpolished rice vicissitudes, has not taken off Tang Qi clothing forcefully, otherwise Tang Qi is worried about the safety of opposite party very much. 被一位有着强力神灵位格,嗜好画画的女神强拖去当了“模特”,幸好该女神喜欢的是愚人船夫这种粗粝沧桑的形象,没有强行脱去唐奇身上的衣物,否则唐奇很担心对方的安危。 Divinity Entity is drawn by one crowd has various types transportation vehicle was attending the competition, the Fool's Ship speed is quick, but only took in this/should competition third from the bottom. 被一群有着各种“交通工具”的神性实体强拉着参加了比赛,愚人船速度很快,但在该比赛中却只拿了倒数第三。 By origin Occult, the Tang Qi suspicion is Dominion Reality Distortion, the invitation participates in some secret play class activity, the content is to spy the suspense, Tang Qi acts one corpse, the case can solve finally, the corpse that Tang Qi acts wins the best male supporting actor prize. 被一位来历神秘,唐奇怀疑是主宰现实扭曲者,邀请参加某种秘密戏剧类活动,内容是侦探悬疑,唐奇在其中扮演一具“死尸”,案件最终得以侦破,唐奇扮演的死尸获得最佳男配角奖。 ...... …… Meow “喵” When Tang Qi sighed and recalled these experiences, in the bosom the noble lazy black cat exudes the cry of approval. 唐奇感叹并回忆那些经历时,怀中高贵慵懒的黑猫发出认同的叫声。 Right, after a Tang Qi's effort, although cannot find the funny starfish, but at least looked for the cat god. 没错,经过唐奇的一番努力,虽然没能找到滑稽海星,但至少将猫神找了回来。 The It's experience is actually very ordinary, that by to rub. 祂的经历倒是很普通,那就是被撸。 No one can resist „the to rub cat seduction, even at funny dance party. 没人能抵挡“撸猫”的诱惑,即便是在滑稽舞会的现场。 The clone of pitiful cat god, converts the Divine Power words, position standard must lower compared with Tang Qi. 可怜猫神的这一具分身,换算神力的话,位格唐奇还要低一点。 In the dance party has ability forcefully to rub It's Divinity Entity, simply everywhere is. 舞会内有能力强行撸祂的神性实体,简直到处都是。 Even to rob the right of to rub cat, numerous God also erupted short War, until Tang Qi descends, discharges the cat god who divine arts rescued almost weeded out the bare cat wool quietly. 甚至于为了抢夺撸猫的权利,一众神灵还爆发了短暂战争,直到唐奇悄悄降临,施放神术解救了差点被薅秃猫毛的猫神。 Meow meow “喵喵” Nest in the Tang Qi bosom, noble meow the god is complaining the oneself pitiful bitter experience unceasingly. 窝在唐奇怀中,高贵的喵神不断控诉着自己的悲惨遭遇。 The good and evil It is also Dominion Grade Divinity Entity, although the reputation is unable and rot these powerful pantheon wielding to compare with Radiance, but position standard is real has not actually counterfeited. 好歹祂也是一尊主宰级神性实体,虽然声名无法与“光明”、“腐烂”这些强大神系执掌者相比,但位格却是货真价实并未作假。 May since descends this dance party, the advantage not take, bumps into is actually the rare and beautiful flowers. 可自从降临这舞会,好处没拿到手,碰上的却都是奇葩。 The It's strength is very powerful, even if only clone, is still powerful. 祂的实力很强大,即便只是分身,也依旧强大。 But here is truly different, including cat god and Tang Qi, Dominion mighty force loses the effectiveness entirely. 但这里确实很不一样,包括猫神和唐奇在内,主宰们的“伟力”统统失去效用。 Let alone seeks for the room that the funny starfish hides, is avoids that innumerable unnatural Divinity Entity is also a difficult matter. 别说寻找滑稽海星躲藏的房间,就是避开那数不清的怪异神性实体也是一件艰难的事。 The reason is very simple, Dominion are clone, other guests mostly are main body. 缘由很简单,主宰们都是分身,其他客人则大多是本体 In inverse proportion, in addition the special condition of dance party, the final result is Dominion...... Authority weaken! 此消彼长,加上舞会的特殊环境,最终的结果是主宰们……权柄弱化 Can have the method of effect, entirely expiration. 原本可以起效的手段,统统失效。 I can break real barricade directly, summoned the starfish dwelling directly the room...... or used Forced Narrative Authority, compiled a story that astrayed the room...... even I as by the person of Destiny Goddess looking upon with favor, should then hold in lucky halo in addition, opened behind a leaf of gateway casually is the funny starfish......” “我本可以直接打破真实壁障,直接召唤出海星宅着的房间……又或者使用强制叙事权柄,编造一个误入房间的故事即可……甚至我作为被命运女神垂青之人,本该在幸运光环加持下,随便打开一扇门户后面就是滑稽海星……” These cannot happen, mighty force that Authority derives, when touching Supreme Divinity domain announced the expiration.” “这些都没能发生,权柄衍生出的伟力,在触及‘至高神性’的领域时宣布失效。” Since I am this, other Dominion bitter experiences can be imagined.” “既然我是这样,其他主宰的遭遇可想而知。” Now must find that room, possibly really must use the clumsy way......” “现在要找到那个房间,可能真的要使用笨拙的方式……” The Tang Qi mind thought twinkle, how It is thinking is seeking for the funny starfish. 唐奇脑海念头闪烁,祂正思索着如何寻找滑稽海星。 In the meantime, near the It's ear resounds chapter of fish head that half-dead, reluctant sound without the omen. 就在此时,祂的耳边毫无预兆响起章鱼头那半死不活,不情不愿的声音。 Congratulations Professor praised us is the Talent corps, Four players had found the dance party master housing Occult pineapple fort, this/should corps are summoning the trump card card ‚the Fool's Ship husband......” “恭喜【教授夸我们是天才战队】,四位玩家已找到舞会主人居住的‘神秘菠萝堡’,该战队正在召唤王牌卡‘愚人船夫’……” Goes?” “是否前往?” Un?” “嗯?” The Tang Qi look stagnates slightly, obviously It has not thought that will have such expansion. 唐奇神色微微一滞,显然祂也没想到会有这样的展开。 First found funny starfish dwelling the room, unexpectedly is that funny guy four people of groups. 最先找到“滑稽海星”宅着房间的,居然是那活宝四人组。 Luck? 运气? Obviously is not, Luck Goddess' Authority is pointless facing the funny starfish. 显然并不是,幸运女神的权柄面对滑稽海星是没有意义的。 Tang Qi does not have the luck that earnest four people of group this go against heaven's will, is hugging the cat god, the response summon. 唐奇也没有较真四人组这逆天的幸运,抱着猫神,响应召唤。 „” “唰” Fool's Ship is carrying the vicissitudes boatman just descends, sizes up that so-called Occult pineapple room without enough time. 愚人船载着沧桑船夫刚一降临,来不及去打量那所谓的神秘菠萝屋。 Actually sees in the Tang Qi eye pupil, four people of group singing and dancing celebrations. 却见唐奇眼眸内,四人组正在载歌载舞的庆祝。 Four fellows as if think that the victory has grasped in the hand, does not need to conceal Joy completely again. 四个家伙似乎认为胜利已经握在手中,完全不需要再掩饰快乐 Besides Tang Qi this trump card card, other such as Alan · slope orchestra and cute bear, ice cream Master, maid wait/etc. supernatural beings, were all summoned altogether. 除了唐奇王牌卡之外,其他诸如爱伦·坡乐队、可爱的熊、冰淇淋大师、女仆等等超凡生物,一股脑全被召唤了出来。 Let Tang Qi not feel the accident/surprise, these combine in together, happen to form the lively and happy party. 唐奇一点也不感觉意外,这些组合在一起,正好形成热闹、欢乐的派对。 Food, music and partner, do not lack. 食物、音乐与伙伴,丝毫不缺。 But their is unable to conceal, without impurity Joy also has the astonishing power. 而他们这无法掩饰,没有杂质的“快乐”似也有着惊人感染力。 All around other Divinity Entity, in hearing the music, smell the gourmet flavor, after feeling the range, surrounded as if by prior agreement. 周遭其他的神性实体,在听到音乐,嗅到美食味道,感受到范围后,不约而同围拢了过来。 This forms a chain-reaction quickly, more and more Divinity Entity cast the vision that pays attention. 这很快形成一种连锁反应,越来越多的神性实体投来关注的目光。 That Barbie warrior, blurry succubus, lucky Secret Medicine Master and god god talked on endlessly Psychic to rush simultaneously, then offer valuable advice said: 芭比战士、迷糊魅魔、幸运秘药师和神神叨叨灵媒同时奔了过来,而后献宝般道: Professor, your vision was really accurate, we were really Talent......” “教授,你的眼光真是太精准了,我们果然是天才……” The words that Secret Medicine Master boasts have not said, suddenly sky over the vault, that octopus Claye Warder's reluctant voice resounds again. 秘药师自夸的话未说完,忽然穹顶上空,那章鱼克莱沃德不情不愿的声音再次响起。 However this time, brought is actually not the good news. 不过这次,带来的却不是好消息。 Feels Occult pineapple fort Nearby sound, the abyss corps are catching up.” “感受到【神秘菠萝堡】附近的动静,深渊战队正在赶来。” Nearby the sound attraction by pineapple fort, was shouted our father corps are catching up.” “被菠萝堡附近的动静吸引,喊我们爸爸战队正在赶来。” Hears the sound of celebration, the happy corps are catching up.” “听到庆祝的动静,甜蜜战队正在赶来。” Our gods are eating the excrement corps to catch up......” “我们的神在吃屎战队正在赶来……” ...... …… Movement simultaneously of four people of groups solidified, turns the head to look stiffly to all around. 四人组的动作齐齐凝固了,僵硬转头看向周遭。 They discovered pineapple fort, under this starry sky vaults rare somewhat spacious, not too Divinity Entity accumulation. 原本他们无意间发现的“菠萝堡”,这片星空穹顶之下难得有些空旷,并无太多神性实体聚集。 But now, here looks like a special vortex, attracts unceasingly various Divinity Entity. 但现在,这里就像是个特殊的旋涡,不断将各种神性实体吸引过来。 This inside naturally also includes was seeking for the funny starfish corps, Dominion. 这里面自然也包括本来就在寻找着滑稽海星的战队们,主宰们。 Therefore, four people is quite generous, toward all corps shared oneself discovery. 于是在无意间,四人极为慷慨的,向着所有战队分享了自己的“发现”。 Short after several seconds, all corps members, as well as their thighs are also numerous Dominion, gathered outside that pineapple fort completely. 短短数秒后,所有战队成员,以及他们的大腿也就是一众主宰们,全部都汇聚在了那菠萝堡之外。 Really is the Talent corps, was too generous.” “果然是天才战队,太慷慨了。” Really is four fills wisdom, is glad to the share Talent human, the words that later has free time, can come my God Country to be a guest.” “真是四个充满智慧,乐于分享的天才人类,以后有空的话,可以来我的神国做客。” Thank you, four Talent.” “感谢你们,四位天才。” Really is Origin Star's human, impressive selfless idea.” “果然是起源星的人类,让人惊叹的无私理念。” At this moment, four people of groups are in peak condition in a special life. 此刻,四人组处于一种特殊的人生巅峰状态。 They essentially are in Origin Star, four not powerful dense school new students, emaciated like ants. 他们本质上是起源星内,四个并不强大的密校新生,孱弱如同蝼蚁。 But now, four people were coming from the different universe and race powerhouse to praise, even has Dominion Grade God. 但现在,四人正被来自不同宇宙、种族的强者夸赞着,其中甚至有主宰级神灵 Naturally, this cannot change the awkwardness and nuisance of four people of groups. 当然,这改变不了四人组的尴尬和懊恼。 Only comfort, their respected professors do not seem to be angry. 唯一的“安慰”,他们敬爱的教授似乎并没有生气。 Suppressed to smile to pat their shoulders, sighed spookily: 只是憋着笑拍了拍他们的肩膀,幽幽一叹道: My vision not necessarily is very accurate, sometimes will make a mistake.” “我的眼光也不一定都很精准,有时候还是会出错的。” The voice falls, Tang Qi has not comforted four funny guys again. 话音落下,唐奇也没有再安慰四个活宝。 The vision looks directly to the front, It must first satisfied oneself curiosity. 目光直接看向前方,祂要先满足自己的好奇心。 Short distance and Supreme Divinity face-to-face? 近距离和一位至高神性面对面? Tang Qi recalled the past, has never had. 唐奇回忆过去,从未有过。 most powerful Occult Monarch, in the strict sense is not true Supreme Divinity. 最强大的“神秘君主”,严格意义上并不是真正的至高神性 Perhaps the present was, when met in the past was not. 或许现在是了,但过去见面时不是。 But at this moment, in Tang Qi front that strange incomparable construction, existence true, ancient and old Supreme Divinity. 而此时此刻,唐奇前方那古怪无比的建筑内,正存在着一尊真正的,古老至高神性 Is the Tang Qi heart is incessantly curious, other Dominion are also so. 不止是唐奇心底好奇汹涌,其余主宰也都是如此。 Naturally, they actually care make a vow to reward. 当然,祂们其实更在意“许愿奖励”。 Dominion Grade position standard, is not the way end point. 主宰级位格,并不是路径终点。 Including Tang Qi, most Dominion Grade God, if possible, are willing to attempt to attack Supreme Divinity. 包括唐奇在内,大多数主宰级神灵,如果可以的话,都愿意尝试冲击至高神性 Front, is an incomparably rare and precious opportunity. 前方,正是一个无比稀罕、珍贵的机会。 The Dominion mind, resembles resounds that octopus Claye Warder's voice: 主宰们的脑海,似又响起那章鱼克莱沃德的声音: Found It, and makes It leave the room.” “找到祂,并让祂离开房间。” Bang “轰” Dominion that first cannot endure patiently appeared, is living a lot of wings and heads, terrifying incomparable red dragon, lord of Appodoras Ophelia flesh. 最先忍耐不住的主宰出现了,一头生着大量翅膀与头颅,恐怖无比的红龙,血肉之主阿波多拉斯·奥菲利亚 This in fact is female Dominion, is stepping on the fierce step, within the body fearful Divine Power turbulently. 这位实质上是雌性的主宰,踩踏着凶恶步伐,体内可怕的神力汹涌而出。 It seems like destroys together all blood light, hōng lóng lóng steamroll along the way all, including hindering some It's Divinity Entity. 祂像是一道摧毁所有的“血光”,轰隆隆碾压沿途一切,包括阻碍祂的一些神性实体 With the It's charge, numerous crowds also see clearly the construction of front that unnatural officially. 随着祂的冲锋,一众围观群众也正式看清楚前方那怪异的建筑。 Under the quiet peaceful starry sky vault, a giant and withered and yellow castle is towering. 静谧安宁的星空穹顶下方,一座巨大、枯黄的城堡耸立着。 Castle front, way that covers entirely the every large or small circular pothole. 城堡前方,有一条布满大大小小圆形坑洞的路径。 Unexpectedly is really a pineapple.” “竟然真的是一颗菠萝。” Is sizing up Tang Qi of castle, suddenly whispered. 正打量着城堡的唐奇,忽然嘀咕道。 The person who hears the notice mostly thinks that Occult pineapple fort is only a name, who can think, is really one towers the big pineapple under starry sky. 大部分听到通知的人都会以为“神秘菠萝堡”只是一个称呼,谁能想到,就真的是一颗耸立在星空下的大菠萝。 ps: Also. ps:还有。
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