LFAW :: Volume #11

#1116: Obtains the proper penalty

In the world-famous King Arthur legend, Knights of the Round Table Gawain has the military force is being as good has name of most Knights of the Round Table the reputation of Lancelot completely. 在闻名世界的亚瑟王传奇中,圆桌骑士高文拥有着武力完全不逊于拥有着最圆桌骑士之名的兰斯洛特的美誉。 His Sword Skill is excellent, the military force is outstanding, and received Blessing of Sun, obtained the blessing of Saint, may be called invincible under the high noon sunlight, even if till will have Lancelot of name of most Knights of the Round Table to result will fight to delay to Sun will descend the mountain, can have the opportunity to defeat him. 剑技高超,武力超群,且还受到了太阳的恩惠,得到了圣者的祝福,在正午的阳光下堪称无敌,哪怕是拥有着最圆桌骑士之名的兰斯洛特都必须得将战斗拖延至太阳下山为止,才能有机会战胜他。 Such Gawain, was once same as King Arthur, obtains Holy Sword that in the lake Spirit/Elf granted. 这样的高文,也曾和亚瑟王一样,得到了湖中精灵赐予的圣剑 That is with Sword of the King same Holy Sword that King Arthur holds, is the Sword of the King sisters sword, with receiving moon/month of Divine Protection King Arthur Holy Sword corresponds, has Blessing of Sun, even in the sword hilt place on receive artificial Sun, is genuine the sword of sun. 那是与亚瑟王所持的王者之剑相同的圣剑,是王者之剑的姐妹剑,与受到月之加护亚瑟王圣剑相对应,有着太阳的恩惠,甚至在剑柄处就收纳了拟似太阳,是一把货真价实的日轮之剑。 This is Knights of the Round Table Gawain Holy Sword of the Sun —— Galatine. 这就是圆桌骑士高文太阳圣剑——卡文汀 But Demon Sword that Barghest holds, precisely by Knights of the Round Table Gawain Holy Sword that own 『Horn』 simulation manufactures, is called combustion antenna —— Fairy Sword Galatine. 巴格斯特所持的魔剑,正是以自身的「角」模拟制作出来的圆桌骑士高文圣剑,被称为燃烧的触角——妖精剑·卡文汀 Although is not true Holy Sword, but long the antenna on Barghest forehead is actually it as the proof of atavism A-Rei, it has been suppressing Barghest own Spiritual Foundation growth, once captures it, the Barghest rationality then meets the total to vanish, has the true atavism, becomes active duty A-Rei, his body and power will also expand under planet power enchant/enhancement unceasingly, finally turns into monster in the true sense, strikes conveniently is powerful enough to destroy the land. 那虽然不是真正的圣剑,可长在巴格斯特额头上的触角却是其身为返祖亚铃的证明,其一直抑制着巴格斯特自身的灵基成长,一旦把它拔掉,巴格斯特的理性便会全数消失,发生真正的返祖现象,成为现役的亚铃,其身体及力量也会在星球力量加持下不断扩大,最终变成真正意义上的怪物,随手一击就足以摧毁大地。 With Fairy Sword Galatine that such 『Horn』 simulation manufactures, perhaps its standard cannot compare true Holy Sword of the Sun Galatine, perhaps but by the words of power scale, will not only have any inferior. 用这样的「角」模拟制作出来的妖精剑·卡文汀,其位格或许比不上真正的太阳圣剑卡文汀,可只论力量规模的话,或许并不会有任何的逊色。 However, is such demonic Fairy Sword, today, was actually given a blade to cut off by others. 然而,就是这样的一把魔性妖精剑,却是在今天,被别人给一刀斩断。 Pēng! 砰! With the sound of glass shatter as, the Fairy Sword Galatine breaking blade that was cut disrupts. 随着玻璃破碎似的响声,被斩下的妖精剑·卡文汀的断刃碎裂开来了。 Coughs......!” “咳……!” If the shape rabid dog Barghest knelt down on one knee cannot help but, in the hand only has the half Galatine to insert in the ground, is supporting her body, actually appears creakies. 状若疯犬般的巴格斯特不由自主的单膝跪地,手中只剩下半截的卡文汀插在地上,支撑着她的身体,却显得摇摇欲坠。 At this time, the Barghest whole body bleeds, in mouth also spitting blood in gulps, before the body, had a fierce fearsome huge knife wound, almost must cut in half her, deep obvious bone. 此时,巴格斯特浑身喋血,口中亦大口大口的吐着血,身前更是出现了一道狰狞可怖的巨大刀伤,几乎是要将她切成两半,深可见骨。 The surrounding flame seemed lost power because of the Barghest severe wound, extinguished at the visible speed, making trim surges sea of fire slightly subside finally. 周围的火焰好似都因为巴格斯特的重伤而失去了力量,以肉眼可见的速度熄灭,令得整片翻腾不已的火海总算稍稍平息了下来。 Sir Barghest!” 巴格斯特大人!” How can......!?” “怎么会……!?” These have a lingering fear because of subsiding of sea of fire, but was still paying attention to here tactical situation Fang Clan Fairies, sees this, immediately eyes opened wide, showed the unbelievable facial expression. 那些因为火海的平息而心有余悸着,但仍旧注意着这边的战况的牙之氏族妖精们,一看到这一幕,立即睁大了眼睛,露出了难以置信的神情。 Áo! 嗷! Áo! 嗷! spread all over all around Black Dog just like is enraged was the same, reckless flushed toward here, the intention will stand in Riegel of Barghest front not far away submerges with the dog sea tactic. 遍布四周黑犬则犹如被触怒了一样,不顾一切的向着这边冲来,意图将站在巴格斯特面前不远处的黎格用犬海战术淹没。 However —— 然而—— !” !” !” !”...... “噗呲!”“噗呲!”“噗呲!”“噗呲!”…… The big piece blood that sprinkles from Barghest body lived suddenly probably came to be the same, changed to the sharp sharp thorn, at an exceptional pace turned toward sticks out suddenly in all directions, changes to giant blood-color sea urchin, only Black Dog that will attack instantaneously gave at the scene the puncture above blood thorns. 巴格斯特身上洒下的大片鲜血忽然像是活了过来一样,化作锐利的尖刺,以惊人的速度向着四面八方暴起,化作一只巨大的血色海胆,瞬间将来袭的一只只黑犬给当场穿刺在一根根的血刺之上。 Bang!!!” “轰!!!” Meanwhile, magnificent Magic Power light beam drops from the clouds, came from distant violently shoots, is ordinary like the laser cannon, conducted one wave to wash in around Riegel's body, the ground to raising shatter flew upwards loudly at the same time, will also encircle in all around Fang Clan Fairies gives to blow off entirely, emptied Riegel and Barghest peripheral all mixed soldiers. 与此同时,一道壮观的魔力光束从天而降,自远方暴射而来,像激光炮一般,于黎格的身周进行了一波洗地,将地面给掀得轰然破碎飞扬的同时,还将围在四周牙之氏族妖精们通通给炸飞,清空了黎格巴格斯特周边所有的杂兵。 Came?” “来了吗?” Riegel has not felt for this reason surprised, the corners of the mouth bring back on the contrary slightly. 黎格并没有为此感到惊讶,反倒嘴角微微勾起。 Riegel!” 黎格!” At the same time , a complex summon sound that contained the pleasant surprise, depressing, helpless and other mood, not only spread to Riegel's ears, spread to the ear of Barghest. 同一时间里,一个蕴含了惊喜、压抑、不知所措等各种情绪的复杂呼唤声响了起来,不仅传入了黎格的耳中,也传入了巴格斯特的耳中。 Wears the school wind Magus Uniform, grasped the Staff of Selection Fairy young girl then finally to arrive in this side battlefield, entered randomly. 身穿学院风的魔术师制服,手持选定之杖妖精少女便终于是抵达了这一方战场,乱入了进来。 Only pitifully, she came lately. 只可惜,她来得太迟了。 Bageko? You......?” 巴格子?你……?” Originally in the eyes only then Riegel Artoria kneeling that notices the whole body to be bathed in blood there, before the body, has the fierce fearsome knife wound, Fairy Sword Galatine in hand is only left over half of Barghest together, to/clashes figure that to stagnate toward here immediately, the eye also cannot help but opened some, just like these Fang Clan's Fairy, cannot believe own eye. 原本眼中只有黎格阿尔托莉雅注意到了浑身浴血的跪在那里,身前有一道狰狞可怖的刀伤,手中的妖精剑卡文汀则只剩下一半的巴格斯特,向着这边冲来的身形顿时一滞,眼睛也不由得睁大了些许,和那些牙之氏族的妖精一样,不敢相信自己的眼睛。 Let alone was she, was following rushes to Fujimaru Ritsuka, Mash, Oberon, Da Vinci and Percival that and the others one face the scene came one after another astonished looks at this. 别说是她了,就是后续接连赶到现场来的藤丸立香玛修奥伯龙达·芬奇帕西瓦尔等人都一脸惊愕的看着这一幕。 Yo-you're Riegel-san?” 你、你是黎格先生?” Mash looks to stand in Barghest front Riegel, showed the facial expression of being pleasantly surprised. 玛修看着站在巴格斯特面前的黎格,露出了又惊又喜的神情。 „Did you come back?” “你回来了?” Da Vinci somewhat is also pleasantly surprised, somewhat understands that actually to have anything. 达·芬奇同样有些惊喜,同时也有些明白究竟都发生了些什么了。 Originally was you comes back? Riegel!” “原来是你回来了吗?黎格!” Oberon exaggerating made a big fuss. 奥伯龙夸张的大呼小叫着 , Grasps the Fairy young girl as well as petite as young girl's of Knight spear/gun Fairy Woman as for Percival, is responds various. 至于帕西瓦尔、手持骑士枪的妖精少女以及娇小似幼女的女妖精,则是反应各不相同。 He was previous generation for Artoria, enlivened by the Child of Prophecy status in Britain, but also becomes Queen's husband, received the "that person" approval human? ” “他就是之前代替了阿尔托莉雅,以预言之子的身份活跃在不列颠中,还成为了女王的丈夫,受到“那个人”认可的人类?” Percival looks at Riegel's look to change several times, on the face is the exclamation. 帕西瓦尔看着黎格的眼神变化了数次,脸上全是惊叹。 He and are he Artoria-san continuously in looking human?” “他、他就是阿尔托莉雅小姐一直在找的人类吗?” Grasps the Fairy young girl of Knight spear/gun surprisedly incomparable looks at Riegel. 手持骑士枪的妖精少女惊奇无比的看着黎格 Well?” small fairy woman was actually surprised one, was the doubts is strange mumbled: How to feel that his body does have a familiar flavor?” “咦?”小个子的女妖精却是惊疑了一声,又是疑惑又是古怪的嘟哝道:“怎么感觉他的身上有股熟悉的味道?” Finally, even Fujimaru Ritsuka astonished incomparable looked to Riegel, had a being pleasantly surprised feeling. 最后,连藤丸立香都惊异无比的看向了黎格,有种又惊又喜的感觉。 Naturally, compares matter that Riegel returns , the matter that at present has makes them care. 当然,相比起黎格回归的事,眼前发生的事更让他们在意。 Even the slow person, this can still look. 即便是再迟钝的人,这会也能看出来了。 The Queen's Army military compound will arise suddenly the unusual condition, because of suddenly return Riegel. 女王军的军营之所以会突发异状,就是因为突然归来的黎格 He becomes the military compound trespasser, moreover hit make a move with Fairy Knight Barghest greatly an appearance. 他成为了军营的侵入者,而且还和妖精骑士巴格斯特大打出手了一场的样子。 This is also not most important. 这还不是最重要的。 The most important thing is did, look at this condition, Riegel seemingly also wins at present? 最重要的是,看眼前这状况,黎格貌似还打赢了? That brought back True Name, the incarnation is Dog of Calamity Barghest, unexpectedly by Riegel being defeated? 那个取回了真名,化身为灾厄之犬巴格斯特,竟是被黎格给打败了? Looks Riegel that the whole body returns safe and sound, looks at the whole body dripping with blood again, severely wounded kneeling place Barghest, the people are not willing to acknowledge even, still has to acknowledge at present this fact. 看着浑身毫发无伤的黎格,再看着浑身鲜血淋漓,重伤跪地的巴格斯特,众人就算再不愿意承认,也不得不承认眼前这个事实了。 cough cough......” 咳咳……” Bathes in the people do not dare to believe under vision, Barghest coughs up blood, while clenches teeth, stood up strongly the body. 沐浴在众人不敢置信般的目光下,巴格斯特一边咳血,一边咬牙,竭力的站起了身。 The result of even if like this showing off power was to let her wound further cracks, the blood that dripped still moistened the ground, dyed red more dust, she did not permit herself as before again like just, knelt to bend down in the Riegel front. 即使这样逞强的结果是让她的伤口进一步开裂,淌出的血也大片大片的打湿了地面,染红了更多的尘土,她依旧不允许自己再像刚刚那样,跪伏在黎格的面前。 Just that blade......” “刚刚那一刀……” At this moment , before Barghest disregarded itself, Child of Prophecy entire group as well as Round Table Army that the fee/spent completely wants to take painstakingly, stubbornly is staring at Riegel, is hoarse the opens the mouth. 这一刻里,巴格斯特无视了自己之前费尽苦心想要拿下的预言之子一行人以及圆桌军,死死的盯着黎格,沙哑着开口。 What positive result does that blade...... have?” “那一刀……有什么名堂吗?” Regarding this issue, Riegel was did not give the reply parsimoniously. 对于这个问题,黎格是毫不吝啬的给予了回答。 That is my newly developed style, can cut open space slash —— 【Dimensional Slash】.” “那是我新开发的招式,能够切开空间斩击——【次元斩】。” Riegel's reply, lets not see that just Riegel defeated Barghest scene Artoria and the others to be cannot help but startled. 黎格的回答,让没有看到刚刚黎格击败巴格斯特的光景的阿尔托莉雅等人都不由得吃惊了。 【Dimensional Slash】?” 【次元斩】?” Can cut open space...... slash?” “能够切开空间的……斩击?” This......” “这……” The people heard any inconceivable matter to be the same probably, one after another stunned. 众人好像听到了什么不可思议的事情一样,纷纷愕然 Can cut open space slash......” “能够切开空间斩击……” Barghest also changes countenance slightly, shortly afterwards actually smiled. 巴格斯特也微微动容,紧接着却是笑了。 Smiles very much feels relaxed. 笑得很是释然。 Originally is the so peerless technique, defeats under this move, is not owes.” “原来是如此绝伦的技艺,败在这一招之下,也不算亏。” Then, Barghest received the smile, stared at Riegel's look to become vicious. 说完,巴格斯特收起了笑容,盯着黎格的眼神变得凶厉了起来。 Evidently, even if I do not hesitate all recaption True Name, brings back this to receive the curse power, could not defeat you as before.” “看样子,就算我不惜一切的取回真名,拿回这受到诅咒的力量,依旧还是战胜不了你。” This time, I lost.” “这一次,我又输了。” You, killed me.” “你,杀了我吧。” Barghest admitted defeat, has not actually discarded Fairy Sword Galatine in hand, has not closed the eye, probably was expressing oneself will revolt against last minute, reveals the fang and antenna, aura as before vicious. 巴格斯特认输了,却没有扔掉手中的妖精剑卡文汀,也没有闭上眼睛,像是在表示自己会反抗到最后一刻似的,露出獠牙及触角,气息依旧凶恶 Bageko!” 巴格子!” Artoria responded, has transferred the line of sight, looks to Barghest, just wants to say anything, actually by Riegel breaking. 阿尔托莉雅反应了过来,转过视线,看向巴格斯特,刚想说点什么,却是被黎格给打断了。 I will not kill you.” In the Riegel hand the black blade dangles slightly, serenely said: You walk, returning to Morgan's side to go.” “我可不会杀你。”黎格手中黑刀微微垂下,风轻云淡的道:“你走吧,回到摩根的身边去。” Such remarks, how for the time being regardless of Artoria's response, others was one after another startled. 此话一出,姑且不论阿尔托莉雅的反应如何,其余人是纷纷惊了。 This is the senior generals of enemy side! 这可是敌方的大将啊! Unexpectedly does the plan bleed off directly? 居然打算直接放走吗? Your what meaning?” Barghest seemed like angry, got angry: I do not need pitying of enemy!” “你什么意思?”巴格斯特似乎生气了,怒道:“我不需要敌人的怜悯!” Regarding the speech of Barghest, Riegel only indifferent replied. 对于巴格斯特的这句发言,黎格只是漠然的回了一句 This does not pity, but is official declaring war.” Riegel is gazing at Barghest, said: You help me have the words to go back to give Morgan.” “这不是怜悯,而是正式的宣战。”黎格注视着巴格斯特,道:“你就帮我带话回去给摩根吧。” Said, I will stand this side Child of Prophecy and Foreign Magus, according to the prediction of Mirror Clan, making the real king beat the false king, liberated this Britain thoroughly.” “就说,我会站在预言之子异邦的魔术师这一边,按照镜之氏族的预言,令真王击败伪王,彻底解放这个不列颠。” At the appointed time, her rule can end, her obsession will also dissipate.” “届时,她的统治会结束,她的执念也将消散。” However I......” “而我……” Vision that Riegel's vision and Artoria when good luck comes the wits are sharpened casts to one. 黎格的目光阿尔托莉雅福至心灵般投来的目光对在了一块。 I will put an end to the missions of the two Fairies of Paradise, gives the Fairies redemption of this Fairy Kingdom.” 我会让前后两任乐园的妖精的使命终结,给予这个妖精国妖精们救赎。” The Riegel light sound reverberation on the plain, spread to the ear of everyone. 黎格淡淡的声音回荡在平原上,传入了每一个人的耳中。 Fairies Original Sin receives Judgement in me and Artoria hand, and obtains the proper penalty.” 妖精们原罪将在我和阿尔托莉雅的手中受到审判,并得到应有的惩罚。” These words, as if reached in the heart of each Fairy to be the same, make regardless of which side of enemy and ourselves, in all Fairy hearts rippled uncontrolled throbbing sensation. 这句话,仿佛传进了每一个妖精的心中一样,令得无论敌我的哪一方,所有的妖精心中都荡漾起一股不受控制的悸动感 That is the crisis that in the instinct feels. 那是本能上感受到的危机。 That is the primitive resistance. 那是原始的抗拒。 Meanwhile, that is also a hope, a hope, a hope. 同时,那也是一种希望,一种期盼,一种渴望。 The sunset glow in sky just right vanished in this moment, causes entire Britain since night. 天空中的晚霞就在这一刻里恰到好处的消失了,使整个不列颠进入夜晚时分。 As if in silent announcement, had anything soon to end generally...... 仿佛是在无声的宣告,有什么东西即将落幕了一般…… ............ ………… Soon, Barghest is leading Queen's Army Fairies, chose retreating. 不久之后,巴格斯特率领着女王军妖精们,选择了撤退。 She will return to Camelot, goes back to give Morgan the belt/bring that Riegel's words is left intact, told her, in history the most brutal war, will soon approach. 她将回到卡美洛,将黎格的话原封不动的带回去给摩根,告诉她,有史以来最为残酷的战争,即将来临。 Recalls Riegel that declaration, Barghest's mood also extremely heavily. 回想起黎格那一句句的宣言,巴格斯特的心情也是极为的沉重。 She knows, decided Britain a life or death war, could launch in the future. 她知道,决定不列颠未来存亡的一战,可能就要展开了。 Holds the complex mood, Barghest has not been choosing to go to outrageously, but is the decision retreats Camelot. 抱着复杂的心情,巴格斯特才没有选择悍然赴死,而是决定撤退回卡美洛 But Riegel, naturally after Queen's Army retreats, reunited with Artoria and the others truly. 黎格,自然是在女王军撤退以后,与阿尔托莉雅等人真正的团聚了。 I should say that doesn't see for a long time?” “我应该说一声好久不见吗?” Looks to stand in oneself front Artoria, the Riegel chuckle, said such words. 看着站在自己面前的阿尔托莉雅,黎格轻笑了一声,说出了这样的话。 „...... Your this bastard!” “……你这个混蛋!” Artoria the look that uses anybody unable to understand gazed at Riegel some little time, shortly afterwards holds up Staff of Selection, been able to bear brandished toward Riegel's direction. 阿尔托莉雅用着任何人都看不懂的眼神注视了黎格好一会,紧接着才举起选定之杖,忍不住的朝着黎格的方向抡了过去。 Hey hey hey! When did you become such violent?” 喂喂喂!你什么时候变得这么暴力了?” Riegel light is sideways, then contains ones anger Artoria strikes avoiding. 黎格轻飘飘的一个侧身,便是将阿尔托莉雅含怒的一击给避开。 You added!” Artoria does not know that was really complaining in angry, shouted: You know how long I did look for your? Just a mere Riegel...... who do you think you are?” “你还说!”阿尔托莉雅不知是真的在生气还是在埋怨,嚷嚷着道:“你知道我找了你多久吗?区区一个黎格……你以为你是谁啊?” This is creating a scene. 这已经算是在无理取闹了。 I did not mean that I can look your?” Riegel naturally cannot be used to this countryside Fairy, is pressing her forehead, said: Just a mere Artoria, how could you possibly find me? You should obediently wait for me to look for you!” “我不是说了,我会来找你的吗?”黎格自然不会惯着这个乡下妖精,按着她的脑门,道:“区区一个阿尔托莉雅,怎么可能找得到我?你就应该乖乖等着我来找你!” hearing this, Artoria exploded with rage. 闻言,阿尔托莉雅都气炸了。 May before she acts crazy, held down that hand of her forehead then to change to touching, confused her hair. 可在她发飙之前,按住她脑门的那只手便改为了摸,将她的头发搅乱。 Aiya! Do not mess up my hair!” 哎呀!别弄乱我的头发!” The resistance that Artoria dances with joy, is actually having little effect. 阿尔托莉雅手舞足蹈的抵抗着,却收效甚微。 „Haven't you sounded five Bell of the Pilgrimage?” Continuation of Riegel happy Hehe touches chaotic Artoria's hair, said: Also thinks that your many a little progresses, now looks like, you're still like that.” “你不是已经敲响了五口巡礼之钟吗?”黎格呵呵的继续摸乱阿尔托莉雅的头发,道:“还以为你多少有点长进呢,现在看来,你还是那个样子嘛。” Responded to Riegel these words was not Artoria, but arrived in front of two people others. 回应黎格这句话的不是阿尔托莉雅,而是来到两人面前的其余人。 That is you have not seen beforehand Artoria.” On the Oberon face brings the gratified smile of seeing old acquaintance, said: „Before seeing you, she is not now this appearance.” “那是你没有见到之前的阿尔托莉雅。”奥伯龙脸上带着看到老熟人似的欣慰笑容,道:“在没有见到你之前,她可不是现在这个样子的。” After Oberon, Chaldea entire group also one after another opens the mouth. 奥伯龙之后,迦勒底一行人纷纷开口了。 Can see you happily again, Riegel-san.” “很高兴能够再次见到你,黎格先生。” Mash showed a happy smile from the bottom of the heart, said. 玛修露出发自内心感到开心的笑容,如此说道。 You come back also is really the time.” “你回来的还真是时候呢。” The Da Vinci also very happy appearance, as if saw powerful reinforcements are the same. 达·芬奇也很高兴的样子,仿佛看到了一个强而有力的援军一样。 Before was really lucky your attendance.” “之前真的多亏了你的照顾了。” Fujimaru Ritsuka toward Riegel big good a ritual. 藤丸立香向着黎格大大的行了一礼。 Riegel's vision then transferred to body of these people, one by one took a fast look around the past. 黎格的目光这才转至这些人的身上,一一扫视了过去。
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