LLS :: Volume #7

#1360: Liberty Divine Throne

Originally, this is Divine Throne secret!” “原来,这就是神座秘密!” Yue Yang in models in the body process for Liberty Queen, discovered that in half Divine Body, lost the control consciousness but prestige to be able still in slumber Divine Throne. 岳阳在替自由女王重新塑体过程中,发现在半截神躯内,有一个失去支配意识但威能仍在的沉眠神座 Initially when extremely small is weak, Yue Yang also doubts is the misconception. When the instinct consciousness and Divine Power principle of Liberty Queen under the direction of Yue Yang, integrate gradually, that Divine Throne starts to awaken immediately, and fed back various information to the Yue Yang mind unceasingly, for example achievement Divine Throne secret and precondition. When this lets dazzling Yue Family Third Young Master nice surprise, another is thrown into confusion. This slumber Divine Throne prestige can dissipate many, is most probably incomplete, what is encouraging, the foundation , the shape was still complete, cannot let boy from another world big relaxing of how to evolve. 初时极微弱,岳阳还疑是错觉。当自由女王的天性意识和神力法则在岳阳的指引下,渐渐融入其中,那神座立即开始觉醒,并向岳阳脑海不断反馈了各种信息,比如成就神座秘密和先决条件。这让眼花缭乱的岳家三少惊喜之余,又一阵手忙脚乱。此沉眠神座的威能消散了许多,大半已经残缺,但可喜的是,基础仍在,形态俱全,让不懂如何演化的穿越男大大的松了一口气。 Condenses Divine Throne except for Divine Insignia, is the essential foundation, but also needs one type Divine Might packing. 凝聚神座除了神徽,是必不可少的基础,还需要一种‘神威’填充。 This Divine Might. 这种神威 Can refine the transformation by Master main body Divine Power. 可以由主人的本体神力提炼转化。 Also can transforms by Master the devout strength of heart or the belief of follower, even can experience by Master its life the phenomenon, influence and prestige that the many grand occasion has can so on transformation. 也可以由主人的追随者的虔诚之心或者信仰之力转化,甚至可以由主人其一生经历过的许多盛举所产生的现象、影响、威能等等转化。 For example like Liberty Queen. 比如像自由女王 Her main body has no Divine Power, had all inherits or half Divine Body surviving. 她本体没有任何神力,拥有的全是遗传或者半截神躯残存。 After Yue Yang within her body heredity Divine Power as well as half Divine Body surviving Divine Power refining up completely, nice surprise discovers her Divine Power light pillar, already over 215 meters, although is unable to achieve 300 meters request above Superior Divine Throne, but achievement 100 – 300 metres Ordinary Divine Throne seems very relaxed. But when Yue Yang makes a move to implement, when prepares to awaken Liberty Queen slumber Divine Throne and integrates brand-new Divine Power discovered, oneself this understanding, a only wrong understanding, a only very fearful start...... 岳阳她体内的遗传神力以及半截神躯的残存神力全部炼化后,惊喜地发现她的神力光柱,已经超过两百一十五米,虽然无法达成三百米要求以上的‘上位神座’,但成就一个百米以上三百米以下的‘正位神座’似乎很轻松。但岳阳等到出手实施,准备重新唤醒自由女王沉眠神座和融入全新神力时才发现,自己这个认识,只是一个错误的认识,只是一个很可怕的开始…… Yue Yang had known from the fishing old man's mouth, slumber Divine Throne feedback information also however, if wants achievement Divine Throne, to promote to become the upper-level world all approval Divine Tier, must first extricate with Divine Power! 岳阳已经自钓鱼老头的口中得知,沉眠神座的反馈信息亦然,要想成就神座,要想晋升成为上层世界全体认可的神阶,必须先用神力去解脱自我! Then, surplus taking away achievement Divine Throne. 然后,剩余的拿去成就神座 Some altitude and rank situated in step that the Divine Throne accomplishment, its presentation came out,...... this was one lets Yue Yang on behalf of the altitude of Divine Throne boundary for the speechless severe condition simply. But must like this, not have the second road again, only then this can genuine unique physical body every, promote become a God. 神座大成了,它呈示出来的高度和位于某个品阶的等级,才是代表神座境界的高度……这简直是一个让岳阳为之无语的苛刻条件。可是又必须这样,再没有第二条路,只有这样才能真正地超脱肉体凡身,晋升成神 Very troublesome?” A Liberty Queen belt/bring apology looks to Yue Yang. “很麻烦是吗?”自由女王带点歉意地看向岳阳 All right, but genuine become a God was so difficult!” Student Yue Yang until now, discovered, originally the genuine promotion Divine Tier did not say how long cultivated, saved many Divine Power, or uses what Divine Equipment, Divine Beast and Grimoire to achieve, at all is not such. Any external object, although has the subsidiarity, but that also extricates a self- object. “没事,不过真正成神原来这么困难啊!”岳阳同学直到现在,才发现,原来真正晋升‘神阶’不是说修炼了多久,积蓄了多少神力,或者使用什么神器神兽宝典就能达成的,根本不是那样。任何外物,虽然都有辅助作用,但同时那也是解脱自我的一个对象。 Wants become a God, must first pay. 成神,必须先付出。 First repays clear world all with pure Divine Power. 先用纯净神力去偿还清世间的一切一切。 Waited to complete this, the whole person had no limit again, no barrier, that called the extrication again, that can become a God. 等完成了这个,整个人再无任何限制,再无任何障碍,那才叫解脱,那才能成神 Liberty Queen is very good, has not killed people, even seldom takes a life, the small ant has not stamped several, repaying the demand is very small, but in her life also many experiences, these come entirely clear with pure Divine Power, moreover she shoulders destiny, is the successive generations hard to solve fast knot, this she must pay Divine Power to rest this wave of enmity, but the follower and follower who these are big and hungry, need to pay Divine Power to respond to their wishing. Only if Liberty Queen is willing to take over control of Heavenly Splendour Territory these people, otherwise, she must by disposable the Divine Power transformation god graciousness, can genuine extricate the destiny that self- and that has shouldered. 自由女王很善良,没有杀过人,甚至很少杀生,小蚂蚁也没有踩死几只,偿还需求很小,但她一生中也有不少经历,那些统统得用纯净神力来清一遍,而且她背负的‘命运’,是历代纠缠不清的死结,这个她也得付出神力去化解这一波仇怨,而那些饥肠辘辘的追随者和信徒,更需要付出神力来回应他们的祈愿。除非自由女王愿意接管天华域那些人,否则,她必须以一次性将神力转化神恩,才能真正解脱自我和那个一直背负的命运。 These, return one time. 这些也罢,一次性清还。 Approximately disappeared next more than 30 meters Divine Power is also similar, Liberty Queen extricated self- does not need five meters to be enough, was mainly the destiny that shouldered. 大约消下三十多米的神力也就差不多了,其中自由女王解脱自我不需五米就已经足够,主要是背负的命运。 Those who let Yue Yang unable to imagine, that half Divine Body also needs to repay. 岳阳想像不到的是,那半截神躯也需要偿还。 Moreover Divine Power that repays, is many that is inconceivable. 而且偿还的神力,是难以想象的多。 fuck, over 200 meters high Divine Power light pillar ended all of a sudden.” Yue Yang discovered that Divine Power light pillar vanishes instantaneously, if it were not for remaining faint trace approximately several centimeters high light pillar, Yue Yang will almost think Liberty Queen because of repaying but insufficiently must ruin her Divine Spark. 卧槽,超过两百米高度的神力光柱一下子就完了。”岳阳发现神力光柱瞬间就消失,要不是剩下一丝丝约几厘米高度的光柱在,岳阳差点以为自由女王会因为偿还不够而要毁掉她的神格 Luckily, because of the extrication destiny , to promote become a God, Liberty Queen starts from the ancestor, in Heavenly Splendour Territory has executed various philanthropic undertaking right remembrances, follower's pray and irreverence, wait wait/etc. etc.. 幸好,因为解脱命运,晋升成神,自由女王自祖先就开始,在天华域施行过的各种善举正念,追随者的祈祷和虔诚,等等等等。 Also Water Spring general return. 源泉一般回归。 Innumerability. 多不胜数。 These transform the blessing and Divine Power entirely, again the Divine Power light pillar rise. 这些统统转化成祝福和神力,重新将神力光柱升起来。 And is pure. 而且非常纯净。 Yue Yang purifies with Nirvana Fire, ten go to one or two, saves it **, restored 60 meters altitude again. 岳阳涅盘之火净化,十去一二,存之**,重新又恢复到了六十米的高度。 Achievement Ordinary Divine Throne do not think, is achievement Initial Divine Throne also so-so is qualified, in the Yue Yang heart the highest hope, can fuse slumber Divine Throne surviving Divine Might, achieves is close to hundred meters infinitely highly Initial Divine Throne, do not repulse...... Yue Yang these 60 meters pure Divine Power, slowly integrates in slumber Divine Throne, mental stress to the limit, was worried that both will repulse the explosion, creates big destruction that falls short! Sweat profusely, a little bit, drops above snow jade naked body that Liberty Queen just Reconstruction ended. 成就正位神座不要想了,就是成就个初位神座马马虎虎合格,岳阳心中最大的希望,能够融合沉眠神座的残存神威,达成无限接近百米高度的‘初位神座’,千万不要相斥……岳阳将这六十米的纯净神力,缓缓的融入沉眠神座之内,其中精神紧张到极限,担心两者会相斥爆炸,造成功亏一篑的大毁灭!大汗淋漓,一滴滴,滴落自由女王刚刚重塑完的雪玉胴体之上。 And, the most tense moment, Yue Yang felt that at present a flower, mind/energetic seems lax. 其中,最紧张关头,岳阳感觉眼前一花,精神似有松懈。 Frightening the fine hair is vertical, thinks that must have an accident. 吓得汗毛倒竖,以为要出事。 Discovered luckily only has a false alarm. 幸好发现只是虚惊一场。 Again dedicated, mind/energetic guides pure Divine Power in every possible way, melts with slumber Divine Throne Divine Power. 重新专注,精神百般地导引纯净神力,与沉眠神座神力相融。 Under waits for it to hold completely, Yue Yang discovered that Divine Throne still by far insufficient, as if still had enough potential, can hold Divine Power, exterior Divine Power has exhausted completely. When the dilemma, suddenly, boy from another world of when good luck comes the wits are sharpened, once shouldered temporarily boldly, but is unable to use Divine Power of Destiny Giant, extracts one from Holy Grimoire, posts. 等它完全容纳下,岳阳发现神座仍然远远不够,似乎仍有足够的潜能,可以容纳更多神力,偏偏外部神力已经完全耗尽。就在进退两难之际,一时间,福至心灵的穿越男,大胆将自己曾经背负但暂时无法使用的‘命运巨人神力’,自圣典中抽出一份,置入其中。 weird light. 奇光 Erupts from slumber Divine Throne, bright penetrating entire Grimoire World...... 沉眠神座内爆发,亮彻整个宝典世界…… The destiny of two person, in this flash, tight connected, inseparable! 两个人的命运,亦在这一刹那,紧紧相连,密不可分 The Liberty Queen Divine Throne instantaneous achievement to the perfect boundary, oneself also promotes become a God immediately, the body rebirth becomes immortal Divine Body, according to her own Will and main body original memory, forms one brand-new Goddess of Liberty. In her pure victory jade is also eternal behind immortal Divine Body, brilliance myriad wonderful peerless Liberty Divine Throne raises slowly...... 自由女王神座瞬间成就至完美境界,自身也立即晋升成神,身躯重生成为不朽神躯,按照她自己的意志以及本体原来的记忆,形成一位全新的‘自由女神’。在她洁净胜玉又永恒不朽的神躯后面,一个光华万千美妙绝伦的‘自由神座’冉冉升起…… Sees at this time Divine Might, and holy Goddess of Liberty, even if evolution Yue Yang, gives birth to the sense of awe that one type does not dare to blaspheme unrestrainedly. 看见此时神威且圣洁的自由女神,纵然是演化者岳阳自己,也情不自禁地生出一种不敢亵渎的敬畏之心。 Any gods are born, so outstanding. 任何一位神明诞生,都是如此的殊胜。 So dignified. 如此的庄严。 , Will never receive the fetters and fetter Goddess of Liberty on behalf of free Will, official birth! 代表自由意志、永远不受羁绊和束缚的自由女神,正式诞生了! This!” Liberty Queen, no, Goddess of Liberty Ying Luo actually stroked in a volume gently between the eyebrows emblem decoration, that is a special emblem decoration that represents the god wife, when Yue Yang posts that flash in her body and starting from Divine Throne with own Destiny Divine Power, this small point appears in her between the eyebrows simultaneously, and will mark eternal. “这个!”自由女王,不,自由女神璎珞却轻轻的抚摸了一下额中眉心的‘徽饰’,那是一个代表神妻的特殊徽饰,当岳阳用自己的命运神力置入她的身体和神座之内的那一刹那开始,这一小点就同时出现在她的眉心,并且将永恒地标识下去。 I do not know like this......” the Yue Yang a little perspiration, if after Goddess Huan Yue pā pā pā had this, that said fortunately, after all has done, but this Goddess of Liberty has not started! “我也不知道会这样子……”岳阳有点汗,如果说跟幻月女神啪啪啪之后有了这个,那还好说,毕竟是做过了,可是这个自由女神还没有开始呢! Actually he does not know, this emblem played the part has. 其实他不知道,这个徽饰早就有。 Including Yue Yu and Liu Ye they. 包括岳雨柳叶她们。 only does not have to be like that obvious now, after Divinity, plays the part of the first time of mark like that under World Tree presents, along with the Master Will blanking. 只是没有如今那般明显,那般神性,饰纹在世界树第一次呈现过后,又随主人意志消隐了。 Since our destinies are linked to each other, then life, will blend a body.” Goddess of Liberty kneels down and bow respect with both hands clasped to Yue Yang gracefully, the bright eyes shine through incomparably gentle Divine Light: Although the confidence is a little insufficient, but Ying Luo will certainly try hard, in the future endless years, Ying Luo will perform the wife biggest responsibility, making the life of husband fill the freedom and happiness.” “既然我们的命运连在一起,那么生命,也将交融一体。”自由女神岳阳盈盈下拜,明眸透射出无比温柔的神光:“虽然信心有点不足,但璎珞会一定会努力的,在未来无尽的岁月里,璎珞会尽妻子最大的责任,让夫君的人生充满自由和欢愉。” Really? I mean really well, Liberty Divine Throne of achievement is really attractive!” Student Yue Yang sees front fully naked Divine Body, must say that no point crooked thoughts that is false, when heard saw Ying Luo such saying that was in the heart wild with joy, but he ran into a wall after Supreme that was careful many, the mind could also control reluctantly, is insufficient a flying to throw, big Old Tiger ate the young pig pig. “真的?啊,我是说真好,成就的自由神座真漂亮!”岳阳同学看见面前赤果果神躯,要说没的点歪心思那是假的,一听璎珞那样说,更是心中狂喜,但他在至尊那碰壁后小心了许多,心神还勉强控制得住,不至于一个飞身扑上去,大老虎般把小猪猪吃掉。 Please do not say that the speech of this violation will , the heart of Ying Luo now and you are completely interlinked.” Goddess of Liberty could not bear smile. “请不要说这种违背心志的说话,要知道,璎珞的心现在和你是完全相通的。”自由女神忍不住笑了。 „, We first have a look at Divine Throne!” Student Yue Yang is greatly embarrassed, the chest varies is the boy from another world characteristics, usually some seldom people see through him, including Snow Girl Tigress even Yue Yu them, everyone knows that what person he is, but everyone saves a small face for him secretly. But is not good Goddess of Liberty Ying Luo here, she is accustomed to the sincere and honest spoken language, before was rather silent to the enemy , not lie, seeing the Yue Yang chest to vary, that feared that is the Predator psychology, cannot help correcting him. Yue Yang does not dare to look straight ahead the Ying Luo vision, in that Ming Lake beautiful eyes sees Predator will for fear that produce an inverted image, hurries to shift the topic. “啊,我们还是先看看神座吧!”岳阳同学大窘,心口不一是穿越男的特色,平时很少有人拆穿他,包括雪妞虎妞甚至岳雨她们在内,每个人都知道他是个什么样的人,但每个人都偷偷地替他留点小面子。可是在自由女神璎珞这里却不行,她习惯于真挚又坦诚的言语,以前对敌人宁可闭口不言,也绝不谎言,看见岳阳心口不一,那怕是狼狼心理,也忍不住要纠正他。岳阳不敢直视璎珞的目光,生怕会在那明湖般的美眸中看见一个狼狼的倒映来,赶紧转移话题。 only Initial Divine Throne.” Goddess of Liberty hearing this smiles, she a little understands that now Princess Qianqian their action, as the wife, a good wife, really to learn to contain particularly. 只是初位神座。”自由女神闻言一笑,她现在有点理解茜茜公主她们的举动了,作为妻子,尤其是一个好妻子,真的要学会包容。 She demonstrates oneself Divine Throne, immediately, in entire Grimoire World brilliance erupts, holy Wuxia. 她将自己的神座展示出来,顿时,整个宝典世界光华大作,圣洁无瑕 Goddess of Liberty Divine Throne product Jie, is most low rank Initial Divine Throne. But Yue Yang noticed a point, this Liberty Divine Throne, had unlike previously slumber Divine Throne greatly. Liberty Divine Throne gives the feeling of Yue Yang, is perfect! Is much more perfect! This Liberty Divine Throne as if still had very big progressive space, as if still had half of potential to be for the promotion. 自由女神神座品阶,是最低阶的初位神座。但岳阳注意到了一点,这个自由神座,与此前沉眠神座大有不同。自由神座岳阳的感觉,是完美!完美得难以言喻!这个自由神座似乎尚有很大的进步空间,似乎仍带有一半潜力可供提升。 Previously slumber that Divine Throne did not have this feeling. 此前沉眠的那个神座则没有这一种感觉。 Does this really do? 难道这真是自己做的? All does? 全是自己做的? Suddenly. 一时间。 Yue Yang had the suspicion to own hand. 岳阳对自己的手产生了怀疑。 Although knew perfectly well that is the achievement, but he still does not dare to believe that always felt, in using Destiny Divine Power integrates, there is a one type mystically and indetectable power, in behind quietly for own achievement, is not the complete behavior, oneself do, perhaps in a only surface drives...... 尽管明知是自己成就的,但他仍然不敢置信,总觉得在用命运神力融入其中时,有某一种神秘且不可察觉的力量,在背后悄悄地替自己成就,并非是自己全部所为,自己所做的,也许只是一个表面上的带动…… Sword Spirit Onee-san! Certainly is she, certainly is she acts in behind quietly, evolves this Liberty Divine Throne for oneself. 剑灵御姐!一定是她,一定是她在背后悄然出手,替自己演化这个自由神座 Otherwise, this Liberty Divine Throne is impossible is so perfect! 否则,这个自由神座不可能这么完美! Is more impossible also to have half of improvement potential. 更不可能还带有一半的提升潜力。 The fishing old man has said that after achievement Divine Throne, cannot have again progressed greatly, almost achieved the end point, even if there is progressive, was still slow, but Liberty Divine Throne actually surpasses his caution now, why? 钓鱼老头说过,成就神座后就不能再有大的进步了,几乎就达到终点了,就算有进步,也非常慢,可是现在自由神座却超出了他的警示,为什么? Perhaps, is this, Ying Luo makes bold guessing to estimate.” Goddess of Liberty and Yue Yang intention is interlinked, she is unable to find out by secret inquiry existence of Sword Spirit Onee-san, only knows that indistinctly has a mysterious protection, is her Divine Spark and existence of Divinity extremely awe, but Yue Yang this time psychology fluctuates, she can induce clearly. Sees Yue Yang to sink into confuses, she hurries to comfort saying: Has the possibility, in achievement Divine Throne, that holy spirit protects, evolves with your hand, is you give Ying Luo to evolve, because you still did not have achievement Divine Throne, has not formally entered the peak, therefore Ying Luo also arranges the boundary under half, when later you reached completely, promotes.” “也许,是这样,璎珞作一个大胆的猜估。”自由女神岳阳心意相通,她无法探知剑灵御姐的存在,只隐隐约约知道有个神秘的守护,是她神格神性都极其敬畏的存在,但岳阳此时的心理波动,她是可以清晰感应的。看见岳阳陷于迷惑,她赶紧安慰道:“有可能,在成就神座中,那位圣灵守护,借你之手演化,也算是你给璎珞演化而成,因为你尚没有成就神座,没有正式进入巅峰,所以璎珞也安排在一半之下的境界,等以后你完全登顶了,同时提升。” According to this logic, but also somewhat truth.” Yue Yang remembers Supreme, she also prepares achievement small Divine Throne, that was better, Liberty Divine Throne this, compares now with Ruler Divine Throne of her own achievement, is childish. Perhaps Supreme, obtained some enlightenment or the secret, she also had previously said probably like this. “这样说来,还真有点道理。”岳阳想起至尊,她还准备自己成就一个小神座呢,那就更牛了,自由神座现在这样,跟她自己成就的主宰神座比起来,算是小儿科。也许至尊,也得到了某种启示或者秘诀吧,她此前好像也这样说过的。 Supreme lets your achievement Divine Throne, should Divine Throne, possibly be have above two or two incessantly!” Goddess of Liberty guessed boldly. 至尊让你成就神座,应该神座不止一个,可能可以有两个或者两个以上吧!”自由女神更加大胆地猜测。 Achievement is Divine Throne related with Grimoire?” Yue Yang thinks, thought of some possibility. “难道成就神座还跟宝典有关?”岳阳想得更远,想到了某种可能性。 Has this possibility, Grimoire can achievement Divine Throne......” the Goddess of Liberty bright eyes look to Yue Yang, if so, Divine Throne that then Yue Yang can condense, at least can have three. “有没有这种可能,一本宝典就可以成就一个神座……”自由女神的明眸看向岳阳,假如真是这样,那么岳阳可以凝聚的神座,最少能有三个。 Supreme repairs, she tries itself to condense grasps the life and death Ruler Divine Throne. If I must condense my Divine Throne, what Divine Throne that can be one or? If can have several Divine Throne, first, what attribute what special characteristics Divine Throne is also?” Yue Yang fell into thinking deeply, he has after crossing over has accompanied continuously growth Holy Grimoire, through training Divine Grimoire that ten passes training obtains, even has not summoned successfully Sacred Grimoire. Own Divine Throne special characteristics, should with their intimately related. 至尊重修,她尝试自己凝聚掌握生死的‘主宰神座’。如果我要凝聚自己的神座,那会是一个或者一种什么样的神座?假如能有几个神座,第一个,又将是什么属性什么特质的神座呢?”岳阳陷入了深思,他有自穿越后就一直相伴一直成长的圣典,还有通过十关试炼获得的试炼神典,甚至还有一本没有成功召唤过的神圣宝典。自己神座的特质,应该跟它们息息相关 Direction that the achievement evolves, should take them as the basic point. 成就演化的方向,也应该以它们为基点。 By first is Holy Grimoire. 以先是圣典 training Grimoire attempt? 还是试炼宝典尝试呢? Everyone is good, gives me to prompt again little! Yue Yang worries at heart specially, he felt that oneself broke through the barrier quickly, was almost, little, the inspirational tentacle may, but is actually not able genuine to grasp in the palm...... this feeling makes one go wild, did no one , how tell himself to do clearly directly? 无论是谁都好,再给我一点点提示吧!岳阳心里特别着急,他感觉自己就快冲破障碍了,可是就差一点,一点点,灵感触手可及,但却无法真正把握在手心……这感觉太让人抓狂了,就没有谁,明明白白地,直接告诉自己该怎么做吗? All guesses a riddle! 全是猜谜! Own destiny must decode in the riddle same advancement, can have an achievement? Can achieve training effect? 难道自己的命运必须在迷团一样进程中破解,才能有所成就?才能达到试炼效果 Sword Spirit Onee-san did not say, Mother did not say, later after First Class Female Attendant together Empress Fei Wenli your majesty Fourth Mother, they did not even say, anything did not say! 剑灵御姐不说出来,妈妈也不说,后期经常在一起的费雯丽女皇陛下甚至四娘,她们都不说,什么都不说! Good! 好吧! In this, definitely has the reason! 这里面,肯定是有原因的! Perhaps cracked this riddle, this bureau, the entire destiny and battle will be easily solved...... I not to disappoint you, just wait, a comprehend Divine Throne only start, later, are more, I can one by one decode, meets achievement Sacred Supreme, such as you look! 也许破解了这个迷团,这个局,整个命运和战局就会迎刃而解……我不会让你们失望的,等着吧,参悟神座只是一个开始,以后,还有更多更多,我都会一一破解的,一定会成就神圣至尊,就如你们所望! Goddess of Liberty hugs from the back, hugs him gently in the bosom, gives him as far as possible a comfort and support.. 自由女神自背后搂过来,温柔地将他搂在怀里,尽量给他一点安慰和支持。。 She does not know how oneself should do. 她也不知道自己该怎么做。 Can help him. 才能帮助他。 But she hopes this, can share the worry with him together, takes to him a mind to comfort. 但她希望这样,可以与他一起分担烦恼,带给他一丝心灵抚慰。 Yue Yang awakens from the ponder, discovered how long she accompanies when oneself side does not know, but is patient and gentle, seeing him to turn away to look, even also sweet smiles, changes beforehand Liberty Queen that type chilly and lives simply. Had the body, although is promoted to the goddess, but actually instead adds gentle and charming that a female was in sole possession, boy from another world looked, the heart movement is difficult to ban, the claw of Predator searches to extend secretly, climbs that snow jade fragrant peak: Deeply understands Divine Throne secret in your body!” 岳阳自沉思中惊醒,发现她陪在自己身边已经不知多久,但耐心又温柔,看见他转脸看过来,甚至还甜甜一笑,一改以前自由女王时那种清冷和淡泊。有了身体,虽然晋升为女神,但其实反而添了一份女性独有的娇柔,穿越男看了,心动难禁,狼狼之爪偷偷探伸过去,攀登那雪玉香峰:“还是在你身上深入了解一下神座秘密吧!” Deeply understood that is the affirmation, but goal whether or not Divine Throne? 深入了解那是肯定的,但目标是不是神座呢? This is very dubious. 这个很值得怀疑。 Goddess of Liberty has no way to protest, because of her cherry lips, early by some boy from another world barbarically stopping up...... 自由女神没法抗议,因为她的樱唇,早被某穿越男野蛮地给堵住了……
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