LLS :: Volume #7

#1359: Harmony of nature and man?

Goes back well comprehend.” Supreme flashes before Yue Yang behind, when he turns around surprisedly, a finger light point in his between the eyebrows. “回去好好参悟。”至尊闪现岳阳身后,待他惊讶转身,一指头轻点在他的眉心 That, is one group of mysterious infinite miraculous glows. 那,就是一团玄妙无穷的灵光。 Meteor air-splitting. 流星破空般。 Flashes in Yue Yang's mind. 闪现在岳阳的脑海里。 Inside belt/bring Supreme her complete brightness is becoming aware, there is a mysterious inheritance to her unique enlightenment, all, as if the fireworks blooms, overflowed instantaneously completely the Yue Yang entire mental lake. Yue Yang previously to Divine Throne all sorts of puzzled and guess, obtained clear comprehension in this flash completely, but Supreme has not limited the understanding of Yue Yang in own boundary, on the contrary, she by oneself wisdom, directing Yue Yang to continue the boundary advance...... Yue Yang to high on is almost more excited to hold into the bosom all her of a sudden, but does not wait to open both hands, realizes immediately offensively, hurrying steps back. 里面带着至尊她全部的慧悟,也有神秘传承给她的独特启示,一切,仿佛烟花绽放般,瞬间溢满了岳阳的整个心智之湖。岳阳此前对神座的种种不解和猜测,在这一刹那完全得到了明悟,可是至尊又没有将岳阳的理解局限在自己的境界中,相反,她以自己的智慧,指引岳阳继续向更高更上的境界前进……岳阳激动得差点想一下子将她抱入怀中,可是不等张开双手,就马上意识到唐突,赶紧退后一步。 This battle hit again did not have the victory and defeat for several days and several nights, you here, only added to the chaos temporarily, goes back to study hard well, you must do, before the enemy determined the final outcome, superego, was completely unique.” Supreme hopes that Yue Yang returns to Grimoire World, while this opportunity, well comprehend Divine Throne as well as new realm. “这一仗再打几天几夜也决不出胜负,你在这里,暂时只是添乱,回去好好用功,你要做的,就是在敌人决胜之前,超越自我,完全超脱。”至尊希望岳阳返回宝典世界,趁此机会,好好参悟一下神座以及新境界。 How do I want to do?” Yue Yang does not know how should do, is the best promotion. “我要怎么做?”岳阳不知道该怎么做,才是最好的提升。 You have a look at your innermost feelings, regardless the distracting thoughts, will perhaps get the answer.” Supreme never thought that the perception of this boy can be an issue. “你看看你的内心,抛开杂念,也许会得到答案。”至尊从来不觉得这小子的悟性会是个问题。 Indeed, the boy from another world body shortcoming has more. 的确,穿越男身上的缺点有很多很多。 But stupidly absolutely is not one of them. 但笨绝对不是其中之一。 So long as this boy is earnest, regardless of makes anything, difficulty how the big challenge, that did not call the matter! Limits this boy to be progressive only, is the personality lazy weary, does not arrive at the most tense time, to make this boy tighten, that was too difficult! Naturally, this must look at the person, for example present Supreme is his Nemesis, as soon as she opens the mouth, he will be immediately honest. 只要这小子认真起来,无论做什么,多么的困难或者多大的挑战,那都不叫事!唯一限制这小子进步的,就是性情的懒疲,不到最紧张时刻,要想让这小子着紧起来,那太难了!当然了,这也得看人,比如现在的至尊就是他的克星,她一开口,他立马就会老实起来。 Yue Yang returns to Grimoire World, in remains the young slave who does not participate in the fight to open the circle beautiful big eyes. 岳阳回到宝典世界,留在里面不参与外界战斗的小奴睁圆了美丽的大眼睛 How to come back? 怎么回来了? Moreover what expression this sad is? 而且这一脸苦相是什么表情? She asked, Yue Yang like telling of one's hardships and oppressions said a Datong, finally hopes that young slave within the body coexistent Pandora gives him an opinion: „Weren't you before strong Divine Tier? Should have Divine Throne to be right, you told me, how must do, can achievement best Divine Throne! No, I do not request is so high now, so long as can the achievement have Divine Throne then it will be alright.” 她一问,岳阳就像倒苦水似的说了一大通,最后希望小奴体内共存的潘多拉给他个意见:“你以前不是超强的神阶吗?应该也有神座才对,你告诉我,要怎么做,才能成就最好的神座!不,我现在不要求那么高,只要能够成就出一个神座就行。” Student Yue Yang also thinks that casual entire Divine Throne deals with Supreme, but this is not other thing, even to assemble, cannot assemble. 岳阳同学还想随便整个神座应付至尊,可是这不是别的东东,就算想凑合,也凑合不来。 The young slave does not have the understanding of Divine Throne, the appearance that Pandora is also confused: What is Divine Throne? Delicious?” 小奴对神座毫无认识,潘多拉也一头雾水的样子:“神座是什么?好吃吗?” This reply, making Yue Yang almost one fall down on the ground. 这个回答,让岳阳差点一头栽倒在地上。 Yeah, asked the wrong person! 哎,问错人了! rather than asked that this was muddled own past to forget a none entirely Pandora, might as well oneself found the way...... to see the Yue Yang depressed appearance, Pandora to cover the mouth titter, she most liked seeing the Yue Yang quite disappointed embarrassed type, felt provokes laughter, the actually good young slave was a little tenderhearted, hoping Pandora can help Master. 与其问这个糊涂得就连自己的过去统统忘个精光的潘多拉,还不如自己想办法……看见岳阳沮丧的样子,潘多拉掩口偷笑,她最喜欢看见岳阳颇受打击的囧样,觉得非常逗趣,倒是善良的小奴有点心软,希望潘多拉能够帮帮主人 Pandora under begging of young slave, decides to try, looked that can recall to be up a points anything. 潘多拉在小奴的央求下,也决定试试,看能不能回忆起一点什么来。 Finally effect is very obvious. 结果效果很明显。 Student Yue Yang after finishing eating sumptuous feast, discovered that took over control of Pandora of young slave body to fall asleep, moreover rested to be attractive. 岳阳同学在吃完一顿丰盛大餐后,发现接管小奴身体的潘多拉已经睡着了,而且睡相还非常诱人。 Rare diligently, but own studying hard made one disregard unexpectedly, can this also? boy from another world that the pent-up anger ascends Awooooo, changes to become under moon/month the wolf, holds down some goddess, pā pā pā, beats severely the buttocks 30 doltishes. Starts some Third Young Master Will to be firm, the family discipline carries out very strictly, but He goddess will act like a spoiled brat, moreover her body also co-exists cute incomparably usually not to hate to hit the young slave, therefore behind fight, the family discipline carries out, pā pā pā pā pā pā, only has also turned into another shape the family discipline. 难得努力一回,但自己的用功竟然让人无视了,这还得了?心火升腾的穿越男嗷呜’一声,变身成月下之狼,按住某女神,啪啪啪,重打屁屁三十大板。开始某三少意志非常坚定,家法执行得非常严格,但奈何某女神会撒娇,而且她身体还共生着一个可爱无比平时根本舍不得打一下的小奴,所以打到后面,家法还是执行,啪啪啪也还是啪啪啪,只是已经变成另外一种形态的家法了。 After a carefree dripping fierce battle, boy from another world discovered, some goddess not only has Divine Throne, but also boundary extraordinary high. 经过一番畅快淋漓的酣战后,穿越男发现,某位女神不仅有神座,而且境界出奇的高。 Also at least, can find out by secret inquiry compared with him must be higher than the frontline that at present can understand. 最少,比他目前所能探知能所理解的还要高出一线。 But this Calamity Divine Throne got up by deeply the seal, consciousness of Pandora, like forgets intentionally, absolutely when does not have corresponding resonance, the if it were not for body and mind blends the thought of Yue Yang, has a fluctuation with her seal, then Yue Yang was unable to find out by secret inquiry its existence. 但这个灾厄神座被深深深地封印起来了,就连潘多拉的意识,也像故意遗忘一样,完全没有相应的共鸣,要不是身心交融时岳阳的思维,与她的封印产生一丝波动,那么岳阳还无法探知它的存在。 „Do I have Divine Throne? Where my is Divine Throne at? Can I sit above?” The Pandora words make Student Yue Yang one be incapable, making this young girl help achievement Divine Throne seem like hopeless, in turn, oneself later had the ability, helped her released Divine Throne, actually not not possibly. Moreover now looks like, this Calamity Divine Throne is not others seal, but is Pandora, she should not like a oneself this anybody contamination by Divine Power curse Calamity Divine Throne the self- seal. “我也有神座吗?那我的神座在哪?我可以坐在上面吗?”潘多拉的话让岳阳同学一阵无力,让这小妞帮自己成就神座看来是没指望了,反过来,自己以后有能力了,帮她解封神座,倒不是没有可能。而且现在看来,这个灾厄神座并非是别人封印,而是潘多拉自己,她应该是不喜欢自己这个任何人一沾染就会被神力诅咒的灾厄神座才自我封印的。 Supreme comprehend, in 1 million steps mysterious inheritance to the enlightenment of Supreme, Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi personally to the annotation of Divine Throne, Divine Throne boundary that the Pandora deep deep seal gets up, all these, blend in the heart of Yue Yang. 至尊参悟,百万阶上神秘传承给至尊的启示,无双皇绝世个人对神座的诠释,还有潘多拉深深深封印起来的神座境界,这一切,都在岳阳的心中交融。 He finds out by secret inquiry to understand many. 他探知了解到许多 only, but also is unable to use Divine Power, concentrates to make. 只是,还无法使用神力,自行凝造。 The most important precondition does not have Divine Insignia, must not have this gadget, concentrates to make, on that did not acknowledge. Meanwhile, without this, oneself should condense in that direction? What Supreme condenses is she from Ruler Divine Throne of control life and death samsara Gate of Life and Death comprehend comes out, what Pandora condenses is her inherent can curse Everything In This World Calamity Divine Throne...... that? Can fiddle with pervert Divine Throne? Passes through Divine Throne? 最首要的先决条件就是没有神徽,要没有这玩意儿,凝造出来,那上面也不承认的。同时,没有这个,那自己到底该往那个方向凝聚呢?至尊凝聚的是她自生死门参悟出来的掌控生死轮回的主宰神座,潘多拉凝聚的是她个人与生俱来的可以诅咒世间万物灾厄神座……那么自己呢?难道要捣鼓一个色狼神座?穿越神座 Worried good long while, Student Yue Yang decided that requests reinforcements to multipurpose Sword Spirit Onee-san, she definitely knows. 苦恼了好半天,岳阳同学决定向万能的剑灵御姐求援,她肯定是知道的。 Under some Third Young Master in the gentleness of young slave serves, went to sleep very much comfortably. 三少在小奴的温柔伺候下,很舒服地入眠了。 Only pitifully. 只可惜。 Sword Spirit Onee-san is not at home. 剑灵御姐不在家。 Not only she is not, that Sword Qi Lolita is not , the entire Dream Realm nobody left, disappointing the intention anticipation some Third Young Master. 非但她不在,就连那个剑气大萝莉都不在,整个梦境世界空无一人,让心怀期待的某三少好不失望。 Waking up, Yue Yang discovered that the small slave kitty is curious, repeatedly a sparkling thing in looks at hand, when Yue Yang looks like, white orchid small hand, immediately that flash star, jubilant hands over: When you fall asleep, training Divine Grimoire departed the rainbow light, Pandora says together possibly to you.” 醒来,岳阳发现小奴猫咪般好奇,正翻来覆去地看着手中的一个闪闪发光的东东,待岳阳看来,白兰花似的小手,立即将那闪光的‘星星’,喜气洋洋的递过来:“在你睡着的时候,试炼神典飞出一道虹光,潘多拉说可能是给你的。” training does Divine Grimoire fly?” Yue Yang hearing this is greatly surprised. 试炼神典飞出来的?”岳阳闻言大愕。 Thing that Divine Grimoire departs? Does not fly not to fly to fly early late now, is it intentionally? 神典飞出的东西?早不飞迟不飞现在才飞出来,难道它是故意的? Thinks again, definitely is creation, destruction and eternal that three little loli behaviors, they seemingly were also missing, could not find the person everywhere, is really strange, how to this important joint time, their one by one to play to be missing? 再想想,肯定是‘创造、毁灭和永恒’那三个小萝莉所为,她们貌似也失踪了,到处找不到人,真奇怪,怎么到了这种重要的关节时间,她们一个个都玩失踪? Received the star flash, Yue Yang discovered, really above had their pure Divine Power. 接过星星般的闪光,岳阳发现,果然上面有她们的纯净神力 This Divine Power pure to what degree, makes Yue Yang shock simply. 这种神力纯净到什么程度,简直让岳阳为之震惊。 How to refine? 到底是怎么炼出来的? Can Divine Power also like Nirvana Fire eternal and pure? Too inconceivable, this is the fact! Yue Yang very carefully holds the star type flash in palm, feeling this thing should be legendary the foundation of Divine Throne, the core of achievement, Divine Insignia of above specially approval. Without it is not easy-to-use, now had it, Yue Yang is confused, such pure does Divine Insignia, what attribute Divine Power want to give support above? If must pure Divine Power like it come achievement Divine Throne completely, that may be finished, oneself complete attribute Divine Power adds, finally also the achievement how many...... wanted achievement Divine Throne, how many Divine Power needed? 神力也能像涅盘之火一样永恒和纯净吗?太不可思议了,偏偏这又是事实!岳阳小心翼翼地捧着手心中的星形闪光,感觉这东东应该就是传说中神座之基础,成就之核心,上面特别认可之神徽了。没有它不好使,现在有了它,岳阳还是一头雾水,这么纯净的神徽,到底要加持什么属性的神力在上面呢?假如全部都要像它一样纯净的神力来成就神座,那可完蛋了,自己全部属性的神力加起来,最后也成就不了多少……要成就一个神座,到底需要多少神力呢? Student Yue Yang thinks Supreme, remembers that she absorbed the two ten thousand years of Old Ghost Divine Throne prestige energy probably, only the Divine Throne black and white world in black, added is little! Then vast Divine Power prestige energy, after the evolution, seemingly is only left over little. 岳阳同学想想至尊,记得她好像吸收了两个万年老鬼神座威能,也只将神座黑白世界中的‘黑’,添加了一点点!那么浩瀚的神力威能,演化后,貌似只剩下一点点。 fuck! 卧槽 Oneself do not have Supreme that type controls others Divine Throne evolution prestige to be able the method, depending on oneself, this is must explode itself completely, then oil completely lamp dry rhythm! 自己没有至尊那种主宰别人神座演化威能的手段,光凭自己,这是要炸尽自己,然后油尽灯枯的节奏啊! „Will you have many worried?” Liberty Queen passed by, discovered that this boy as if miserable appearance, could not bear ask one very much. “你也会有很多苦恼吗?”自由女王路过,发现这小子似乎很苦逼的样子,忍不住问了一句。 Who will not have worriedly, do I look like the fellow who that mindless laughs foolishly all day very much?” Yue Yang too does not agree. “谁会没有苦恼,难道我很像那种没心没肺整天傻乐的家伙吗?”岳阳太不同意了。 You are!” The Liberty Queen holy small face is smiling, is shining. “你就是!”自由女王圣洁的小脸在笑,在发光。 Now do not annoy me.” Student Yue Yang is very depressed, knows perfectly well this Young Master bad mood, you do not kiss one to express the comfort, but also teased intentionally, was really does not make sense. Turns over to depressed depressed, he does not have the means to hit Liberty Queen small buttocks, because this little girl half-length, the previous time must help her continue the lower part, but drags now, had not begun. “现在别惹我。”岳阳同学很郁闷,明知本少爷心情不好,你不亲一口表示安慰,还故意取笑,真是太不像话了。郁闷归郁闷,他没办法打自由女王小屁屁,因为这妞只有半身,上次要帮她续下半身,可是拖到现在,一直也没动手。 see again/goodbye.” Liberty Queen beckons with the hand gently, the small face happy expression continues, is really rare, her today's will be so happy? 再见。”自由女王轻轻摆手,小脸笑意不止,真难得,她今天的心情怎会这么好? wait a moment!” Yue Yang pursues. 等一下!”岳阳追上去。 Wants me to help dispel doubt? Sorry, my Divine Tier is not!” Liberty Queen knows the Yue Yang worry, but she is also helpless, Divine Throne anything, far exceeds her cognition. “要我帮忙解惑?抱歉,我连神阶也不是!”自由女王知道岳阳的烦恼,但她也无能为力,神座什么的,远远超出了她的认知。 Who said this, what I said is helps you recover.” Yue Yang now like Great Grey Wolf of imminent small lamb. “谁说这个,我说的是帮你恢复身体。”岳阳现在就像一个迫近小羊羔的大灰狼 Perhaps, I also arrange.” Liberty Queen realized the danger. “啊,我还没准备好。”自由女王意识到危险了。 I have prepared, do not reject, because rejects uselessly, don't talk nonsense, this Young Master wants to tidy up your young girl to be very long!” Student Yue Yang holds Liberty Queen, ignores her opposition, takes to one's heels to dash to that side bedroom. The young slave who just tidied up held basin water to come out, she was very tactful, but Pandora said with a smile: Aiyaya, others anything has not seen!” “我已经准备好了,不要拒绝,因为拒绝无用,别废话,本少爷想收拾你这个小妞已经很久了!”岳阳同学一把抱起自由女王,不顾她的反对,撒腿飞奔向那边的卧室。刚刚收拾完的小奴捧一盆水出来,她很知趣,可是潘多拉却笑道:“哎呀呀,人家什么都没有看见!” boy from another world is thick-skinned, treats as has not heard. 穿越男皮厚,当作没听见。 Liberty Queen is not good, shames the small face to like to burn down, wishes one could immediately to faint. 自由女王却不行,直羞得小脸有如火烧,恨不能立即晕过去。 She covers the face charmingly, evades with the ostrich means that although knew perfectly well that will then have anything, but still does not dare directly to face. 她娇羞地掩面,用驼鸟办法来逃避,虽然明知接下来会发生什么,可是依然不敢直接面对。 The clothing and personal adornments completely go, lose half-length Liberty Queen, although the incomplete half body, is similarly beautiful suffocatingly, snow jade crispy, the gem cherry red, the perfect physique and forms a shocks the eye, astonishes the heart inverse proportion incompletely...... Liberty Queen until now, realized oneself is a female, has the type femininely unique charming awakens in the soul. 衣饰尽去,失去半身的自由女王,尽管残缺半躯,可是同样美丽得让人窒息,雪玉香酥,宝石樱红,完美的形体与残缺形成一种触目惊心的反比……自由女王直到现在,才意识到自己是一个女子,才有种女性特有的娇羞在灵魂内觉醒。 boy from another world usually is big pervert, but starting proper matter also be considered well. 穿越男平时是个大色狼,但做起正经事还算好。 mind/energetic strongly concentrates on. 精神集中专注起来。 Especially places half Divine Body gently under the Liberty Queen body, was more anxious seeped out the First Floor thin perspiration. 尤其是将半截神躯轻轻安放在自由女王身下,更是紧张得渗出了一层细汗。 This absolutely not simple links or splices, this is a regeneration that exceeds the life, the fusion of Divine Tier and mortal, most difficult, is Liberty Queen also pure Divine Power, by the atavism of former Water Hall Hall Master, two different attribute Divine Power, will coexist in body of the mortal, and perfect integration, transforms her vital function and wisdom Will, this difficult degree, is simply higher than the mountain! If Yue Yang does not have Nirvana Fire and it the blood, does not dare to vainly hope for this unrivalled miracle. 这绝对不是简单的连结或者拼接,这是一种超越生命的再生,神阶与凡人的融合,最最最困难的,是自由女王本身还有一种洁净的神力,由前水殿殿主的隔代遗传,两种不同属性的神力,将在一个凡人之躯里共存,并且完美融合,转化成她的生命机能和智慧意志,这一种困难程度,简直比山还高!岳阳若没有涅盘之火和本身之血,根本不敢梦想这种旷世奇迹。 God every same body, harmony of nature and man. 神凡同体,天人合一。 This, is existence of entire world one and only. 这,也将是整个世间独一无二的存在。 Must start!” Yue Yang sweat all over the face, actually cannot attend to cleaning, his complete mind, centralized in that connection above, must have the one in a billion mistake, two conflicts of Divine Power, will produce the destroy the Heaven and exterminate the Earth large explosion, this Liberty Queen , the fragrant disappearing jade perishes surely. “要开始了!”岳阳满头大汗,却顾不得擦拭一下,他的全部心神,都集中在那连接之上面,要有亿分之一的差池,两种神力的冲突,将会产生毁天灭地的大爆炸,这个自由女王,也必定香消玉殒。 Un!” Liberty Queen also knows that needs own thought coordination, that feared that shames again embarrassedly, cannot let his painstaking care, casts to the winds, cannot look on him to place oneself in the danger. “嗯!”自由女王也知道需要自己的意念配合,那怕再羞再窘,也不能让他的心血,付之流水,更不能坐视他置身危险之中。 finger that she covers the face opens slightly. 她掩面的手指稍稍打开。 entire life first time. 生平第一次 So brave, so opens the heart to look to him...... 是如此的勇敢,是如此敞开心扉地看向他……
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