LLS :: Volume #7

#1349: Fate Showdown

Sword Qi shows from Divine Throne, although Yue Yang this sword penetrated wonderful link, but still had not played the role, giant god back Divine Throne, substituted and reduced and solved this surprise attack completely. only, Pair of Lovebirds is one pair, Yue Yang's attack, is together Sword Qi is not so only simple! 剑气神座透出,岳阳此剑虽然穿透了‘奇环’,但仍然没有发挥作用,巨神背后的神座,完全替代并化解了这一次突袭。只是,比翼鸟可是一对,岳阳的攻击,也不仅仅是一道剑气那么简单! In giant god overlooks itself in stunned the instance of sword heart, another Divine Light in Yue Yang's hand, turned into Bow of Wings. 巨神错愕俯视自己中剑心脏的瞬间,另一道神光岳阳的手中,化成了比翼之弓 A meteor cuts the horizon. 一点流星划破天际。 Has slid from wonderful link lightly leisurely, puts on to sew in the giant god volume between the eyebrows. 自‘奇环’中轻逸地滑过,穿钉在巨神的额中眉心 not bad, but this is insufficient!” giant god laughs, his back Divine Throne influence, a sword arrow has not all shown in solar Divine Pearl, still four color element Divine Pearl were revolving, the entire Divine Throne prestige can, although reduces slightly some, actually does not affect to revolve normally and function. A Yue Yang sword arrow, although is sharp, raids the enemy effect, but the might previously six dragons looked back on compared with it Devil Dragon the unique skill, actually still had a big disparity. 不错,但这是不够的!”巨神哈哈大笑,他背后的神座没有影响,一剑一箭俱在太阳神珠中透出,尚有四色元素神珠在运转,整个神座的威能虽然稍微削减些许,却不影响正常运转和机能。岳阳一剑一箭,尽管犀利,袭敌奇效,但威力比之魔龙此前‘六龙回首’的绝招,其实尚有不小的差距。 fuck, this tortoise shell was also too hard.” Devil Dragon looked, the low-spirited sigh, has projected on this grade of degree, what a pity cannot defeat this Protector of the Radiant Light god to revere, non- is Yue Yang is ineffective, but is that damn Divine Throne, too abnormal. 尼玛,这龟壳也太硬了。”魔龙看了,黯然叹息,都已经打到这等程度了,可惜还是没能打败这个光明守护神尊,非是自己和岳阳不力,而是那个该死的神座,实在太变态 Scolds!” In giant god smiles proud most, heard suddenly tenderly shouted resounds. “叱!”就在巨神笑得最得意之际,忽闻一声娇叱响起。 Had pleasing Serpent Demon little loli to flash to jump. 有个惹人喜爱的蛇妖小萝莉闪跳了出来。 She holds up the fresh-faced small hand. 她举起粉嫩小手。 Wields warblade. 挥动战刃 Is cutting to front giant god mysteriously, wonderful link frozen lives in that War Beast instantaneously. 对着面前巨神玄妙一斩,瞬间将那个战兽‘奇环’冰封住。 In her back, Stone Element Medusa, Storm Mermaid, Thunder Naga and snake frost Serpent Demon all flash before, they make a move early impatiently, erupts the biggest attack to giant god, hopes that can give to help Master helping hand. 在她的背后,石化美杜莎风暴美人鱼雷霆娜迦和蛇霜蛇妖全体闪现,她们早迫不及待出手,向巨神爆发最大的攻击,希望能够授助主人一臂之力。 giant god does not fear, but Heavenly Vault has six arm Serpent Demon Idol to overlook. 巨神丝毫不惧,但天穹有个六臂蛇妖神像俯视下来。 Stares to the giant god angry glare. 冲着巨神怒目而瞪。 Then. 这下。 Even if there is Divine Throne, giant god is unable to resist, the entire body as well as Divine Throne, entirely certain stagnation under [Binding] Inherent Skill and principle live. 纵有神座,巨神也无法抵御,整个身躯以及神座,统统在束缚天赋和法则下‘定滞’住。 Go away, goes away entirely!” giant god discovered oneself anger in that Serpent Demon Idol stared to stagnate merely for a half second, but was these a half second, the opponent has completed all attacks. Devil Dragon that distant place buy soy sauce surrounds, makes a move of alectrosaurus to ascend to heaven. giant god does not know oneself had received many attacks, only knows that in Seal of Destiny that the forehead pounds down is the pain, the soul difference a wee bit by Nirvana Godsealing, Divine Throne still , the substitution withstood certainly the greater part Power of Destiny luckily, making the soul danger strategic place avoid a tribulation. “滚开,统统滚开去!”巨神发现自己在那个蛇妖神像的怒瞪下仅仅是停滞了半秒,可是就是这半秒,对手已经完成了所有的攻击。就连远处打酱油围观的魔龙,也打出一招独龙升天。巨神不知道自己已经受了多少攻击,只知道在额头砸下的命运之印最是痛苦,灵魂差一丁点就被寂灭封神,幸好神座还在,替代承受了绝大部分命运之力,让灵魂险之又险地躲过一劫。 Your idiot!” Devil Dragon looked Yue Yang also wants specifically to be used to pound Prison Sovereign Divine Seal of chestnut to pound with that it is said that cannot bear bellow: Said that pounded him to be useless, pounded that damn Divine Throne quickly!” “你个笨蛋!”魔龙一看岳阳还想用那个据说专门用来砸栗子的狱皇神印来砸,忍不住大吼:“都说砸他没用了,快砸那个该死的神座!” „, You did not say early!” Student Yue Yang kills to get angry, almost this forgetting. “靠,你不早说!”岳阳同学杀红了眼,差点把这个给忘掉。 just now had said is good......, if the father has Divine Throne, your boy 100 lives also ended!” Devil Dragon sighed the close call secretly, was the Protector of the Radiant Light god reveres this fellow luckily is the enemy, if were Hall Supreme Tian Yu, excuse me, simply did not have the second opportunity, move of inadequate, the next move of direct second you, where had so three opportunities to display to you? 刚刚才说过好不好……要是老子有神座,你小子一百条命也完了!”魔龙暗叹好险,幸好是光明守护神尊这个家伙是敌人,假如是神殿至尊天御,不好意思,根本没有第二次机会,一招不成,下一招直接秒了你,哪有如此三番的机会给你发挥? this Young Master is first time hits boss of such blockhouse to be good, the operate miss is essential, you think me to want like this? Without the group extinguished on not bad!” Yue Yang is pounding giant god Divine Throne with Nine Weapons of Destiny crazily. 本少爷第一次打这么碉堡的boss好不好,操作失误是必不可少的,你以为我想这样的啊?没有团灭就不错了!”岳阳疯狂地用命运九兵砸着巨神神座 But Devil Dragon, is holding the fist of giant god, constrains him stubbornly, does not make giant god shake the fist instant kill this wordy boy. 魔龙,则抱着巨神的拳头,死死地拖住他,不让巨神挥拳秒杀这个罗嗦的小子。 Devil Dragon was hit remnantly. 魔龙被打残了。 giant god angrily incomparably bombardment his body. 巨神愤怒无比地轰击着他的身体。 He could not hit skidding Yue Yang, in the heart regarding diverts oneself Devil Dragon at risk of life, was burning with anger, while Yue Yang bombardment Divine Throne, was dispersed the full anger heartily in Devil Dragon body. Yue Yang attacks his Divine Throne, he retaliates the bombardment Devil Dragon ten fists. 他打不了滑溜的岳阳,心中对于拼死牵制住自己的魔龙,怒火中烧,在岳阳轰击自己神座的同时,尽情地将满腔的怒火渲泄在魔龙身上岳阳攻击他的神座一下,他就报复地轰击魔龙十拳。 But Devil Dragon flees grasps a fist of giant god, whatever he thousand hammer ten thousand to strike not to let loose. 魔龙亡命地抱住着巨神的一只拳头,任凭他千锤万击也不放开。 if it were not for Little Wenli is powerful, promptly giant god raindrop heavy blows certain stagnation several times, then Devil Dragon has hung...... Little Wenli Divine Beast Will and fetter principle, had been inferior compared with giant god, but giant god is not totally without the influence, after all Little Wenli also has not traversable eternal Will, one second or a half second of certain stagnation, may let Devil Dragon and Yue Yang fully, escaped the birth day under the heaviest killing fist. 要不是小文丽给力,及时将巨神雨点般的重拳定滞了几次,那么魔龙早就挂掉了……小文丽神兽意志以及束缚法则,较之巨神有所不如,但巨神并非完全没有影响,毕竟小文丽同样有不可否定的永恒意志,一秒或半秒的定滞,足可让魔龙岳阳,在最重的杀拳下逃出生天。 That side Devil Dragon is clenching teeth to support, entangles to hold the enemy fist. 那边的魔龙在咬牙支撑,缠抱敌拳。 Here. 这边。 The Yue Yang attack method is full. 岳阳攻击手段百出。 Nine Weapons of Destiny, Divine World Creation Pearl, Prison Sovereign Divine Seal, Wheel of Eternity, Wheel of Destruction as well as person soldier god wing to wing Yao and Yu Sisters wait/etc fell in torrents, is unretentive. 命运九兵,创世神珠,狱皇神印,永恒之轮,毁灭之轮以及人兵神比翼遥羽姐妹等等倾泄而出,毫无保留。 Even Yue Yang continually only then Summoning Grimoire handles jointly with present that ‚the world, summoning. 甚至岳阳连只有召唤宝典才会同现的那个‘世界’,都给召唤出来了。 Exhausts all means that exhausts all power. 穷尽一切手段,穷尽一切力量 Goal. 目的。 Wants rumbling broken opposite side Divine Throne. 就是想轰碎对方神座 Very pitifully, this goal, fought to finally, only realized one less than half. giant god back Divine Throne indeed was the bang broke to pieces, but it has not destroyed, the only breakage could not withstand...... Yue Yang not to have the means to achieve, did well, because was responsible for diverting Devil Dragon of enemy, really could not support. 很可惜,这个目标,直战至最后,只实现了一小半。巨神背后的神座的确是轰碎了,但它并没有毁灭,只是破损不堪……岳阳没有办法做到更多,做得更好,因为负责牵制敌人的魔龙,真的撑不下去了。 Devil Dragon by the giant god bang but actually, he clenched teeth to throw, is to fight again. 魔龙巨神轰倒,他咬牙扑上,意欲再战。 But his footsteps staggers. 但他的脚步一个踉跄。 Body straightly servant but actually. 身体直挺挺地仆倒。 This, is he in all fights, the first time consciousness loses control, first time is unable to control the body. 这,是他在所有的战斗中,第一次意识失控,第一次无法支配身体。 So long as giant god makes up Thunderbolt heavy blows again, believes that his the soul flies away and scatters, will turn into the fragment powder, annihilates invisible......, but giant god does not have, he raises the giant fist, seeing the rejection to continue to attack Divine Throne closely to grasp Devil Dragon Yue Yang and protection in Yue Yang's side Serpent Demon little loli, the dead will such as the prison is staring itself, for a very long time, under restrains by force the heart anger: Yue Titan, really worthily is the hope of Heavenspan Tower! this Venerable has not thought you can fight this degree, did not stand in hostile perspective and standpoint, this Venerable should say that admired! Just wait, this Venerable will come back quickly, you will not wait too for a long time......” 只要巨神再补上一记雷霆重拳,相信他就会魂飞魄散,化成齑粉,湮灭无形……可是巨神没有,他扬起巨大的拳头,看见舍弃继续攻击神座紧紧抱住魔龙岳阳以及守护在岳阳身边蛇妖小萝莉,死志如狱地瞪着自己,久久,才强压下心底的愤怒:“岳泰坦,果然不愧是通天塔的希望!本尊从来没有想过你能够战斗到这个程度,不站在敌对的角度和立场,本尊应该说一声佩服!等着吧,本尊很快就会回来,你不会等太久……” giant god brings breakage Divine Throne, turns into Divine Light to vanish in profound endless Ancient Passage together. 巨神带着破损的神座,化成一道神光消失于深邃无尽的远古通道 Sees the powerful enemy to leave. 看见强敌离开。 Yue Yang relaxes, the whole person, the soft surface collapses suddenly likely generally. 岳阳松了一口气,整个人,忽然像软面一般瘫倒下来。 He has actually reached the limit, just now only the dying brace. If giant god insisted again many one minute, wields many fist again, he could not support. giant god is luckily oversuspicious, moreover Divine Throne damages, is unable to provide again increases auxiliary auxiliary, lets desire that giant god lost to fight again. 他其实早就达到了极限,刚才只是在死撑。要是巨神再坚持多一分钟,再挥多一拳,他就撑不下去了。幸好巨神多疑,而且神座破损,无法再提供辅助增辅,让巨神失去了再战下去的欲望。 Little Wenli hurries to hold Yue Yang, his battle efficiency has exhausted completely, now power of gearing a single finger head does not have, compared with just sobered Devil Dragon that restores the intelligence to clench teeth to sit up, but must be inferior! 小文丽赶紧抱起岳阳,他的战斗力已经完全耗尽,现在连动一根手指头的力量也没有了,比起刚刚清醒一恢复神智就咬牙坐起的魔龙,还要不如! Really disappointing, your boy also falls far short!” Devil Dragon was dyed the blood person by the blood, the wound of his body are more than nighttime sky star. “真差劲,你小子还差得远哪!”魔龙被鲜血染成了血人,他身体的创伤比夜空的星星还要多。 I cultivation for several years!” Student Yue Yang is very speechless. “我才修炼几年!”岳阳同学很无语。 Now for the first time manages?” Devil Dragon did not think that stays in this Ancient Passage again is good thing, the Protector of the Radiant Light god reveres possibly returns momentarily, even if giant god does not go to return, if Hall Supreme Tian Yu, casual faction several subordinates come, can still pick greatly cheaply. Now heavily injured Devil Dragon takes off/escapes the strength Yue Yang, lost the battle efficiency, if not Little Wenli , their Ancient Passage could not even have gone out certainly. “现在乍办?”魔龙不觉得再呆在这个远古通道是一件好事,光明守护神尊随时都可能重返,就算巨神不去而复返,万一神殿至尊天御,随便派几个手下前来,也能捡到大便宜。现在无论是重创魔龙还是脱力的岳阳,都失去了战斗力,若非还有小文丽在,他们俩铁定连这条远古通道也走不出。 You asked that whom my I did ask? Aren't you Boss?” Yue Yang decides to throw to Devil Dragon this difficult issue. “你问我我问谁啊?你不是老大吗?”岳阳决定将这个棘手的问题抛给魔龙 fuck, please eat meal you not to remember my Boss for the first time!” Devil Dragon is angry, but he knows now is not bearing a grudge time, is disinclined to quarrel, uses not the commonly used brains desperately, hopes before giant god comes back, finds out a good way. 卧槽,请吃饭你乍不想起我这个老大呢!”魔龙大怒,不过他知道现在不是呕气的时候,懒得争吵,拼命地开动不常用的脑筋,希望在巨神回来之前,想出一个好办法来。 Or finds a place to hide, first restores to rest the strength?” Yue Yang discovers the blood of Devil Dragon body like fountain, or treats, even this Boss thick blood cannot shoulder again. “要不找个地方躲躲,先恢复一下休力?”岳阳发现魔龙身上的血就像喷泉似的,要不治疗一下,就算是这位老大再厚血也扛不住。 Heaven Realm where has where is safe!” Devil Dragon incomparably goes wild. 天界哪有什么地方是安全的!”魔龙无比抓狂。 Where can hide to go? 能躲到哪里去? In Heaven Realm, in this Ancient Passage, the Protector of the Radiant Light god reveres that goods is genuine Master, even if hides is good and useful? What does here have is not under the eyelid of opposite side? Hiding is definitely incorrect, must die without doubt! Spells to restore not to spell absolutely, opposite side has Divine Throne...... proposition that but, Yue Yang has no intention, makes Devil Dragon nearly desolated in the overgrown with weeds mind the miraculous glow to flash. 天界,在这条远古通道里,光明守护神尊那货才是真正主人,就算躲得再好又有什么用?这里有什么不在对方的眼皮底下?躲是肯定不行的,必死无疑!拼恢复绝对拼不过,对方神座……不过,岳阳无意的提议,还是让魔龙近乎荒芜杂草丛生的脑海中灵光一闪。 What a pity, at once, cannot hold is anything. 可惜,一时之间,没能抓住是什么。 He grasps back of the head, puts out a hand to pat the Yue Yang shoulder: Pulls several idle talk again, father just now nearly thought that was so little!” 他抓抓后脑,伸手一拍岳阳肩膀:“再扯几句废话,老子刚才险些就想起来了,还有那么一点点!” Yue Yang is speechless. 岳阳无语。 your younger sister, you cannot remember, making others speak to enlighten, when the father directs world the god of wisdom? Cannot remember you to go all out to think that what meaning making others wrangle is? Is this must blame others' prelude? 尼妹啊,你想不起,让别人说话来启迪,当老子是指引世人的智慧之神吗?想不起你拼命想啊,让别人扯皮是什么意思?难道这是要责怪别人的前奏? Devil Dragon is also speechless, does not need to speak, your boy is incessant, like thing river rolls east. 魔龙同样无语,不用说话吧,你小子滔滔不绝,有如大江东去。 Now needs you to open the mouth, making you pull several to entice the inspiration casually, you are booing, one does not come out...... 现在需要你开口,让你随便扯几句勾引一下灵感吧,你倒好,一个屁也嘣不出来…… Yue Yang sees the depressed expression that Devil Dragon soon feels stifled, hurries to open the mouth: Or we go to Gods Ruins, should be safe there. Does not know how to leave Kai Tian, do not visit me, I am not ripe regarding Heaven Realm, if returns to Heavenspan Tower, goes to Gods Ruins, I can direct the direction but actually. Good, I know that said not credibly, but don't you want me to speak to remind you? I shut up, now it's your turn, you are Boss you decide!” 岳阳看见魔龙快要憋死掉的郁闷表情,赶紧开口:“要不我们去众神废墟,在那里应该安全。就是不知怎么离开天界,别看我,我对于天界一点儿也不熟,要是回到通天塔,去众神废墟,我倒可以指点一下方向。好吧,我知道说得不靠谱,但你不是要我说话来提醒你吗?我闭嘴,现在轮到你来说,你是老大你说了算!” Although the suggestion of Yue Yang is useless, but Devil Dragon mind miraculous glow, made him successfully seize. 虽然岳阳的建议无用,但魔龙脑海的灵光,还是让他成功逮住了。 Devil Dragon first reorganizes the expression. 魔龙先是整理一下言词。 Beckons with the hand again: Going to Gods Ruins is a great idea, but we do not understand the direction, in addition is far away, difficult to protect does not make the Protector of the Radiant Light god revere to catch up, Hall Supreme Tian Yu, is also waiting for us in the halfway mostly, really must take that road, it is estimated that is more dangerous. But finally goes to Gods Ruins is right, our final battlefields, should place Gods Ruins, here, is the home game of enemy, we fight to suffer a loss.” 再摆摆手:“去众神废墟是个好主意,但我们不懂方向,再加上路途遥远,难保不让光明守护神尊追上,神殿至尊天御,多半也在半路等着我们,真要走那条路,估计更危险。但最后去众神废墟是对的,我们最后的战场,应该放在众神废墟,这里,是敌人的主场,我们战斗起来太吃亏。” Yue Yang nods assent: We first leave this Ancient Passage, first makes to escape the Gods Ruins false appearance, then returns to the Grimoire rest.” 岳阳点头同意:“那我们先离开这条远古通道,先做出逃亡众神废墟的假像,再返回宝典休息。” Devil Dragon shakes the head: No, cannot return to Grimoire absolutely. The conspiracy of enemy.” 魔龙摇头:“不,绝对不能回宝典。一回,就中敌人的阴谋了。” boy from another world hearing this greatly is puzzled: „?” 穿越男闻言大是不解:“?” Demon Dragon God color dignifiedly looks at Yue Yang: You guess Hall Supreme Tian Yu, why doesn't enter the war? If there are him to act, both of us do not have Xing reason certainly, why does he discard such good opportunity?” 龙神色凝重地看着岳阳:“你猜神殿至尊天御,为什么不来参战?如果有他出手,我们俩绝无幸理,他为何舍弃这么好的机会?” Yue Yang suddenly realize what has happened: You said, Hall Supreme Tian Yu, what conspiracy is conducting at this moment, is important continually makes a move to strike to kill us unable to attend to?” 岳阳恍然大悟:“你是说,神殿至尊天御,此刻正在进行一个什么阴谋,重要得连出手击杀我们都顾不上?” Devil Dragon suspects saying: Right! If so, that only has a possibility, is legendary...... Supreme Fate Showdown!” 魔龙怀疑道:“对!如果真是那样,那只有一个可能,就是传说中的……至尊宿命对决!”
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