LLS :: Volume #7

#1348: Sends out, Sword of Wings

Gold Ancient Slayer of giant god return to original state main body received a heavy hammer, the mind feels dizzy, but quickly gets back, roars lowly, protects body Divine Power like astral, shakes Yue Yang directly flies. 巨神还原本体的黄金远古屠戮者受了一记重锤,头脑发晕,但很快恢复过来,低吼一声,护体神力如罡,直接将岳阳震飞。 Hammer of Destiny Destiny Divine Power, then also entrains? 中了命运之锤命运神力,还那么拽? You think that who you are? 你以为你是谁? Even if Radiant Light Mountain suffered such a hammer, perhaps still collapse drop an corner/horn! 就算是光明山挨了这么一锤,说不定也得崩掉一角! Yue Yang knows, effect not only this of this hammer, only opposite side dead chicken supports food lid to carry forget it/that's all for face countenance certainly hardly. 岳阳知道,这一锤的效果绝不仅此,只是对方为了颜面‘死鸡撑饭盖’硬扛着罢了 The Hammer of Destiny might, just started! The boy from another world waiting for a long time, acts, Nine Weapons of Destiny several other soldiers will soon display. Passes through from Heavenly Vault on behalf of Sword of Destiny of just trial, deeply spike in the head of Gold Ancient Slayer. But Divine Power storm that giant god erupts, is all caught by present Shield of Destiny later, under Shield of Destiny of eternal protection, sweeps across Divine Power storm first time of the world to expire, the idle work disperses......, represents the evil disciplinary punishment Whip of Destiny, [Coiling Roots] lives in the neck of enemy, but Yue Yang, but also grasps on behalf of the Staff of Destiny crack of life judgement pounds down spatially. 命运之锤的威力,才刚刚开始呢!穿越男等待已久,一出手,即将命运九兵的其余几兵施展出来。代表正义审判的命运之剑天穹贯下,深深深地钉入黄金远古屠戮者的头颅之内。而巨神喷发出来的神力风暴,则全由随后而现的命运之盾接住,在永恒守护的命运之盾下,席卷天地的神力风暴第一次失效,无功而散……紧接着,代表邪恶惩戒的命运之鞭,缠绕住敌人的脖子,而岳阳,还手持代表生命裁决的命运之杖裂空砸下。 Suddenly, the main body that Gold Ancient Slayer this Protector of the Radiant Light god reveres was hit battered and exhausted by Yue Yang, loses one's voice again and again, the pain shouted continues. 一时间,黄金远古屠戮者这个光明守护神尊的本体被岳阳打得狼狈不堪,连连失声,痛呼不止。 With enemy at risk of life test of strength Black Dragon, actually looks at the perspiration dead, bans does not stop talking to spit the criticism/human language: idiot, do you hit him to do? He is not that gorilla that does not have the brain, the god of his only that gorilla shape, has Divine Throne, a while restored, you hit him to be useful!” 正与敌人拼死角力的‘黑龙’,却看得汗死,禁不住口吐人言:“笨蛋,你打他干什么啊?他不是那种没脑子的大猩猩,他只是那种大猩猩形态的神,又拥有神座,一会儿就恢复了,你打他有什么用!” Yeah? Right!” Yue Yang likes is enlightened, suddenly realize what has happened. “哎?对啊!”岳阳有如醍醐灌顶,恍然大悟 opposite side is not Ancient Slayer. 对方并非是远古屠戮者 He is gods. 他是一位神明。 The only initial main body is Ancient Slayer image forget it/that's all, even if hits again injures, his quick self-recovery, what vigor oneself will also still hit? 只是最初的本体是远古屠戮者的形象罢了,就算打得再伤,他也会很快自愈,自己还打个什么劲儿? Read insightful boy from another world, immediately turned around the goal, pounded Staff of Destiny in hand to these planet densely covered rapid revolving element Divine Throne. In the explosion of hong long long, a planet crushes, the shock-wave affected the surrounding planet revolution, is assisting Divine Throne that Master restores, was disturbed, stagnated for one second. The attack has such effect, really makes some Third Young Master delighted , temporarily gives up Staff of Destiny in hand, changes to another Divine Weapon of Destiny. 一念通透的穿越男,立即掉转目标,将手中的命运之杖砸向那些行星密布飞速旋转的元素神座轰隆隆的爆炸中,一颗行星粉碎,冲击波影响了周围的行星运转,正在辅助主人恢复的神座,受到干扰,停滞了一秒钟。攻击有如此奇效,真让某三少喜出望外,紧接着,又暂时放弃手中的命运之杖,改用另一种命运神兵 Staff of Destiny lord over life ruling, it regarding the attack of element Divine Throne, although effect not bad, but cannot achieve best. 命运之杖主生命裁决,它对于元素神座的打击,虽然效果不错,但并不能达到最佳。 Hammer and sword in hand. 锤、剑在手。 Yue Yang throws by the potential of illness/quick fierce tiger descending the mountain. 岳阳猛虎下山之势疾扑下来。 Decides!” Returns to original state Gold Ancient Slayer giant god, hurries to abandon the fight with Devil Dragon, copes with this Yue Titan that full power has Divine Weapon of Destiny. He fills entire Ancient Passage Divine Power, here antiquity Will fusion, by half Master status, sent out the instruction again, the order time stagnates, space imprisonment. “定!”还原成黄金远古屠戮者巨神,赶紧抛开与魔龙的战斗,全力对付这个拥有命运神兵岳泰坦。他将神力弥漫整个远古通道,再将这里的上古意志融合,以半个主人的身份,发出指令,命令时间停滞,空间禁锢。 Howling!” Black Dragon of Devil Dragon incarnation has not stagnated completely, but speed is slow like the turtle. “嚎嚎嚎!”魔龙化身的黑龙没有完全停滞,但速度慢得像乌龟一样。 Compared with Divine Power, already seal 100,000 years, he who also has not returned to the peak, at all is not the opponent who the Protector of the Radiant Light god reveres. 神力,已经封印了十万年,又还没有回到巅峰的他,根本不是光明守护神尊的对手。 Let alone here is the opposite side home game. 更何况这里是对方的主场。 Entangles Black Dragon of enemy to be ripped to take off/escape by the great claw of opposite side quickly, pounds to fall by far. 缠敌的黑龙很快被对方的巨爪撕脱,远远砸摔出去。 Although the middle struggles, but the sharp claws of Gold Ancient Slayer rip everywhere blood splash in Black Dragon body directly, in that terrifying blood-stained mouth, erupts Divine Power bombs that endures compared with small Sun, explode Black Dragon are completely muddled, is incapable of counter-attacking radically...... 中间虽有挣扎,但黄金远古屠戮者的利爪直接在黑龙身上撕出漫天血花,那恐怖的血口中,又喷发出一颗堪比小太阳的神力爆弹,将黑龙炸得晕头转向,根本无力反击…… Ate you! Even you are a talent, has Divine Sword and Divine Weapon of Destiny, what's the big deal? Here, I am Master!” Gold Ancient Slayer of great God Transformation body wields the claw to fish directly to the stagnation in sky Yue Yang. “吃了你!就算你是个天才,有神剑命运神兵,那又如何?在这里,我才是主人!”巨神化身的黄金远古屠戮者直接挥爪捞向停滞在天空的岳阳 Has a dream!” “做梦!” Yue Yang moved suddenly. 岳阳忽然动了。 From situation of time and in space completely stagnation, inconceivable earth movement. 自时间和空间都完全停滞的情况下,不可思议地动了。 In his finger, has since the birth represents free Will Ring of Destiny in sparklingly, so long as there are it, then its wearing as well as Master, will never be taken into custody and imprisoned. This is biggest Will of Yue Yang comprehend in training Divine Grimoire, destroys the biggest achievement that creations and eternal three Divine Envoy give him to teach and enlighten. 在他的手指,有枚自诞生起就代表自由意志的‘命运之戒’在闪闪发光,只要有它在,那么它的佩戴者以及主人,将永远不受羁押和禁锢。这是岳阳试炼神典参悟的最大意志,是毁灭、创造和永恒三位神使给他传授和启迪的最大成果。 Under Yue Yang eternal Will, no one's destruction can destroy, no one's creation can be eternal. 岳阳永恒的意志下,没有任何人的毁灭可以破坏,也没有任何人的创造可以永恒。 This, is Ring of Destiny regarding the biggest annotation of free Will. 这,就是命运之戒对于自由意志的最大诠释。 „To destroy my Divine Throne? Goes to the confused world to enjoy the travel of your inexhaustibleness!” giant god does not look wonderfully, this boy can also move, hurries to fill entire Ancient Passage Divine Power and Ancient Code unifies, instantaneously, the entire world, turns into a in chaos incredible unfounded strange world, here, the bird under hovers under water, the fish soars in the sky, the labyrinth and wrong densely covered entire world, nowhere does not have the barrier and confuses...... is not only sees clearly, soul, truly feels the surrounding change. “想毁坏我的神座?去迷乱世界享受你的无尽之旅吧!”巨神一看不妙,这小子还能动弹,赶紧将弥漫整个远古通道神力远古法则结合,瞬间,将整个天地,变成一个乱七八糟荒诞无稽的古怪世界,在这里,鸟在水底下游动,鱼在天空飞翔,迷宫和错误密布整个天地,无处不有障碍和迷惑……不仅仅是眼晴看见的,就连灵魂,也确确实实地感受到周围的变化。 This is War Beast!” Devil Dragon wants to remind Yue Yang, but he shouted the sound that actually turned weird: This is the delicious delicacy!” “这是战兽!”魔龙本来想提醒岳阳,可是他喊出来的声音,却怪诞地变成了:“这是好吃的美味!” Moves mountains the good wine and towered such as the flesh lump of mountain to submerge Devil Dragon. 排山倒海般的美酒和耸立如山的肉块淹没了魔龙 Yue Yang actually opposite. 岳阳这边却相反。 He entered a world of piece of mirror. 他进入了一片镜子的世界。 The endless refraction and reflection, making Yue Yang unable to completely understand the genuine road to passage . Moreover, in each leaf of mirror, has Vengeful Spirit or the mischievous little rascal, in making Ghost Face or is directing the direction wrongly, during plays tricks on desperately is falling into confuses Yue Yang. 无尽的折射和反光,让岳阳根本看不透真正的路向通道,而且,在每一扇镜子里,都有一个怨灵或者调皮的小鬼,在做鬼脸或者在错误地指引着方向,拼命地戏弄着陷入迷惑之中的岳阳 Yue Yang also knows, this is War Beast special skill, in addition assistance of opposite side Divine Power. 岳阳也知道,这是战兽的特殊技能,再加上对方神力的辅助。 But turns over to understand at heart clearly, the eye is actually not able to look through the truth. 可是心里明白归明白,眼睛却无法看破真相。 That feared that is Heavenly Eye Divine Vision is not good, because, here is the home game that the Protector of the Radiant Light god reveres, is his Will fusion Ancient Passage. Here, the truth can have innumerable, can not have, great Divine Will intent, then the truth can appear momentarily, can dissipate at any time. Before Yue Yang Divine Power and Will are unable to crush opposite side, before special War Beast restrains opposite side confused War Beast, then this world, radically is ‚the world of fan an inexhaustible nowhere may break. 那怕是天目慧眼也不行,因为,这里是光明守护神尊的主场,是他意志融合其中的远古通道。在这里,真相可以有无数个,也可以一个都没有,只有巨神愿意,那么真相随时可以出现,也可以随时消逝。在岳阳神力意志无法压倒对方之前,在没有特别的战兽克制住对方的‘迷乱战兽’之前,那么这个世界,根本就是一个无穷无尽无处可破的‘迷之世界’。 Is you compel me to have the unique skill......” Yue Yang has not moved, he knows, oneself that feared moves one step, may fall into the mouth that the enemy opens. “是你迫我出绝招的……”岳阳没有动,他知道,自己那怕移动一步,也有可能掉入敌人张大的嘴巴里。 Under little rascal's ridicule in ten million mirrors. 在千万个镜中小鬼的嘲笑下。 Yue Yang handful of Jewel. 岳阳捧出一颗宝珠 Destiny Divine Pearl! 命运神珠 This, similarly is also in Nine Weapons of Destiny one, is representing the wisdom direction, extinguishes bonds the broken fan! 这,同样也是命运九兵中的之一,代表着智慧指引,灭障破迷! It not only has Yue Yang oneself comprehend, Xue Wuxia wisdom, as well as many Artifact for example Book of Truth and Twelve Zodiac Temples Gemini *, Virgo Temple Will and Mother knowledge inheritance and ten passes test of training Divine Grimoire wait wait/etc. etc., Pearl of Destiny that becomes by the innumerable wisdom fusions, is a higher boundary points to the truth until eternal Divine Pearl. 它不仅有岳阳自己的参悟,还有雪无瑕智慧,以及诸多宝物比如真相之书黄道十二宫双子*、处女宫意志妈妈知识传承试炼神典十关考验等等等等,由无数的智慧融合而成的命运之珠,是一颗更高境界直指真相直至永恒的神珠 In the sky, dangles together Light of Wisdom. 天空中,垂下一道智慧之光 Spread road of the destiny. 铺出了一条命运之路。 Gently like rainbow. 轻柔如虹。 The Yue Yang screen has the distracting thoughts, the mind such as place steps this destiny trail, only steps three steps, entire space barrier and confused on complete destruction, vanishes, does not exist. 岳阳屏起杂念,心神如一地踏上这条命运小径,仅迈三步,整个空间的障碍和迷乱就完全覆灭,消失,不复存在。 giant god saw own confused Divine Beast to turn into wisp of light smoke, returned to Grimoire, called out in alarm. 巨神看见自己的迷乱神兽化成了一缕轻烟,回归宝典,不禁惊呼起来。 If not that is Guardian Spirit War Beast, does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, perhaps this confused Divine Beast annihilated under Pearl of Destiny Light of Wisdom! 若非那是生命守护战兽,不死不灭,恐怕这个迷乱神兽都在命运之珠智慧之光下湮灭了! Such being the case, that looks to incur!” giant god also wants to continue to intend to prevent Yue Yang, is the Yue Yang expression, actually imitates such as bright lake water to be light: You think that I sew in the sword of your top of the head, only then lets your pain might?” “既然如此,那就看招吧!”巨神还想继续出手阻止岳阳,可是岳阳的表情,却仿如一池明湖水般平淡:“你以为我钉在你头顶的剑,只有让你痛一下的威力?” What?” giant god is stunned, wasn't that sword shaken by oneself flies? The only mosquito bit, has what sequela to be inadequate? “什么?”巨神错愕,那剑不是让自己震飞了吗?只是蚊子般叮了一下,难道还有什么后遗症不成? My Sword of Destiny, is to the enemy just trial!” Yue Yang turns around, does not look at giant god one: If a justice of person is excessively strong, Sword of Destiny to him, not only has not killed, then instead one type increases blesses auxiliary, but, if on the contrary, then by Judge, must dual withstands all evils by the soul and physical body! That feared that you are a god, is no exception!” “我的命运之剑,是对敌人正义的审判!”岳阳转身,再不看巨神一眼:“假如一个人的正义过强,命运之剑对他非但没有杀伤,那么反而有一种增辅助佑,但,假如相反,那么被审判者,必须以灵魂和肉体双重承受完自己所有的罪恶!那怕你是神,也不会例外!” Trivial pain, how could affects this Venerable hairsbreadth!” giant god not only feels the body at this time, the soul also stabbing pain is incomparable, but he relies on Divine Power to be vast, in addition has Divine Throne to restore, does not fear completely, persists in fighting. “区区痛楚,岂能影响本尊分毫!”巨神此时不仅感到身体,就连灵魂也刺痛无比,但他恃着神力浩瀚,再加上有神座恢复,完全不惧,坚持战斗。 Right?” Yue Yang turns around, suddenly holds Divine Seal. “是吗?”岳阳转身,忽然捧一尊神印 This and are this?” giant god looked, is out of control to have a scare. “这、这是?”巨神看了,也禁不住吓了一大跳。 This Divine Seal is condensed by Destiny Divine Power, is extremely similar to legendary Nirvana Godsealing that existence, the only prestige can slightly small and weak little. 神印命运神力凝聚,与传说中寂灭封神那种存在极其相似,只是威能稍微弱小了一点点。 If makes this Divine Seal hit directly, if makes this terrifying Destiny Divine Power draw own soul, oneself will involve Nirvana Godsealing Black Hole Dimension, then...... giant god hurries to restore from main body Gold Ancient Slayer , the too huge body, is unable to avoid a Divine Seal body, but after turning into eight meters giant, all were simpler. 假如让这尊神印正面击中的话,假如让这种恐怖的命运神力拉动自己的灵魂,将自己牵扯进寂灭封神黑洞空间,那么……巨神赶紧自本体的黄金远古屠戮者中恢复过来,太巨大的身躯,根本无法躲避神印袭体,可是变成八米巨人之后,一切就简单多了。 giant god sneers: Does not pound, your Divine Seal is equal to the scrap!” 巨神冷笑:“砸不中,你的神印等于是废品!” Yue Yang looked at the distant place to restore self- Devil Dragon, looked at front giant god: „Does that give a try?” 岳阳看了看远处恢复自我的魔龙,又看了看面前的巨神:“那试试看?” Devil Dragon sees this Divine Seal also scalp tingles, although oneself are Boss of this boy, but this Divine Seal does not recognize people, who was intimate who has bad luck! He stands now by far, does not dare to approach. He also understands, Yue Yang looks at that the meaning by oneself standing distant point, this boy should unable completely to control the Divine Seal seal prestige energy, acts, definitely does not divide the enemy and ourselves attack. 魔龙看见这尊神印也头皮发麻,虽说自己是这小子的老大,但这尊神印可是不认人的,谁挨上了谁倒霉!他现在站得远远的,根本不敢靠近。他也明白,岳阳看那一眼,意思就是让自己站远点,这小子应该还没有能完全控制神印的封印威能,一出手,肯定不分敌我地攻击。 Link and being linked together!” giant god also summoned War Beast conveniently, is not the animal shape, but is special War Beast of ring-like shape. “环、环环相扣!”巨神又随手召唤了一只战兽,并非动物形态,而是一只环状形态的特殊战兽 This War Beast. 战兽一出。 Horizontally in Yue Yang and Master front. 就横在岳阳主人的面前。 Revolves, Devil Dragon has a strange feeling, how regardless of Yue Yang acts, that Divine Seal will not pound in head on top that the Protector of the Radiant Light god reveres, but will only pound this slowly revolving link. 旋转起来,魔龙有种诡异的感觉,无论岳阳如何出手,那尊神印都不会砸在光明守护神尊的头顶上,而只会砸中这个缓缓旋转的‘环’。 This War Beast clarifies is a sacrificial victim, the complete function, bears the deathblow for Master. 这个战兽摆明就是一个牺牲品,全部作用,就是替主人承受致命的打击。 All attacks of enemy, wrap/sets enters in the link. 将敌人的一切攻击,都‘套’进环里去。 Yue Yang sees so strangely so effective War Beast, is out of control to stay for one second. Speaking of using War Beast, these lived do not know that many ten thousand years of Old Ghost was indeed fearful, they were genuine summon expert, easily did not summon War Beast to enter the war, once summoned, must be subdues or reverses disadvantageous battle initial. just now confused Divine Beast, is present strange ring, Yue Yang has to plant special sensibility that learns the fight experience. 岳阳看见如此诡异又如此有效的战兽,也禁不住呆了一秒。说到使用战兽,这些活了不知多少万年的老鬼的确可怕,他们才是真正的召唤高手,轻易不召唤战兽参战,可是一旦召唤,必是制胜或者扭转不利战局的初始。无论是刚才的迷乱神兽,还是现在的奇环,岳阳都有种学到战斗经验的特殊感悟。 War Beast I have . Moreover, not only!” Yue Yang other perhaps are not many, but his War Beast are absolutely many. 战兽我也有,而且,不只是一只!”岳阳别的也许不多,但他的战兽绝对不少。 Wonderful Divine Light projects together. 一道美妙之极的神光射出。 Holds up in the Yue Yang hand changes, changes into Sword of Wings, separates the spatial thorn, most profound, wonderful pierced that wonderfully link, Sword Qi jabbed into the heart of giant god directly. 岳阳手中擎变,化为比翼之剑,隔空一刺,玄之又玄,妙之又妙地刺穿了那个‘环’,剑气直接刺进了巨神的心脏。 In the giant god pupil is astonished greatly. 巨神眸中大讶。 Human Divine Weapon? 人神兵 Moreover probably Eastern Immortal Beast Human Divine Weapon? What is this? legendary Pair of Lovebirds? 而且好像是东方仙兽所化的人神兵?这是什么?传说中比翼鸟吗?
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