LLS :: Volume #7

#1342: Big tree and stone

While Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, thinks when the matter has a favorable turn, Supreme actually shakes the head unshakeable. 正当无双皇绝世,以为事情有所转机之际,至尊却不可动摇地摇了摇头。 Has Supreme eternal Will her, is anything is unable about. 拥有至尊永恒意志的她,是任何东西都无法左右的。 Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi clenches teeth, when the opens the mouth, promised the condition to convince Supreme again, Supreme actually beckoned with the hand, said with a solemn look: No matter what did you say, I will not nod. Because, I am I, my Will does not shift by any man, this is I! However, my own Will, actually acts voluntarily, not because of you, but for the Guardian senior here has saluted to for several tens of thousands of years!” 无双皇绝世咬了咬牙,正待开口,再次许下条件来说服至尊,至尊却摆手,肃容道:“不管你说什么,我都不会点头的。因为,我是我,我的意志不以任何一个男人转移,这就是我!不过,我自己的意志,却自愿出手,不是因为你,而是为了向数万年来一直镇守在这里的前辈致敬!” So long as you have Heavenly Vault for me in the crown stay of Divine Mountain, regardless of your Will because of anything, I wants, for your achievement Divine Throne!” The Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi hearing this great happiness, he cannot think absolutely, this callous such as ice any spoken language is unable to change the will Human Supreme, makes a move to help unexpectedly voluntarily. “只要你替我在神山之顶撑起天穹,那么无论你的意志是因为什么,我都愿意,为你成就神座!”无双皇绝世闻言大喜,他万万想不到,这位冷酷如冰任何言语都无法改变心志的人类至尊,竟然自愿出手帮忙。 Does not use.” Supreme opened the mouth to reject the Jue Shi (peerless) good intention: I will not accept a man to evolve Divine Throne for me ‚’. Moreover, before then, I in the positions of World Tree 1 million steps, have a person early, told my secret about Divine Throne . Moreover, has deferred to secret method that person leaves behind, started to evolve my own Divine Throne.” “不用了。”至尊开口拒绝了绝世的好意:“我不会接受一个男子替我演化‘神座’。而且,早在此之前,我在世界树百万阶的位置上,已经有了一个人,告诉了我关于神座秘密,而且,已经按照那个人留下的秘法,开始演化我自己的神座了。” What?” The Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi innermost feelings shake crazily, this is how possible, Divine Throne at all not possible self- evolution! “什么?”无双皇绝世内心狂震,这怎么可能,神座根本不可能自我演化啊! Evolving Divine Throne must meet various requirements. 演化神座必须具备各种条件。 Extremely complex. 极其复杂。 That difficult degree, does not study independently the talent later generation that becomes a useful adult to handle! 那种困难程度,根本不是自学成材的天才后辈就能搞定的! Front this Young Miss, actually this does Human Supreme how achieve? Who is also, in the World Tree 1 million steps, told her Divine Throne secret method of secret as well as evolution? 面前这个小姑娘,这个人类至尊究竟是怎么做到的?又是谁,在世界树百万阶上,告诉她神座秘密以及演化的秘法 Supreme has not gone to look at the Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi expression, her upward flying upwards slowly, penetration white cloud, goes directly to the top of Divine Mountain layer upon layer, before arriving at height kilometer Giant Transformation to become Divine Stone and Flower Fairy of Divine Mountain body, deeply bows to express best wishes: Although I am unable to promise, replaces you to become next Protector of the Divine Mountain, but senior the heart of protection, I can actually feel that experiences personally.” 至尊并没有去看无双皇绝世的表情,她缓缓的向上飞升,穿透层层白云,直达神山之顶,来到身高千米之巨化神石神山一体的花仙子之前,深深鞠躬致意:“虽然我无法许诺,接替你成为下一位神山守护,但前辈的守护之心,我却能感到身受。” Haunches Heavenly Vault, I am impatient, must drink the blood of these fellows thirstily!” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi fighting intent such as solar wind spraying, trillion times of places erupt. “撑起天穹吧,我已经迫不及待,要渴饮那些家伙的鲜血了!”无双皇绝世战意如太阳风喷射,亿万倍地爆发出来。 No, the one who haunches Heavenly Vault is you, Heavenspan Tower and Radiant Light Mountain War of the Gods, now is our generation of responsibility.” Supreme has the different opinions. “不,撑起天穹的是你,通天塔光明山神战,现在已经是我们这一代的责任。”至尊有不同的意见。 Young Miss, do not show off power, you make that bloody fool begin!” Flower Fairy hurries to advise. 小姑娘,别逞强了,你还是让那个大傻瓜动手吧!”花仙子赶紧劝阻。 By strength that Supreme now presents. 至尊现在呈现出来的实力。 At all not possible with the World of Scale horizon opposite, these Evil God place on a par. 根本不可能与天平世界的天际对立面,那些恶神相提并论。 She said on such as just now, just evolved Divine Throne soon her, how possibly with the genuine gods to war? Moreover opposite Evil God quantity, the wickedness of its nature, at all is not......, even if changes into Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi such Ranker that a later generation can contend to act, does not have enough assurance, under can deal with the opposite side fight in which several people take turns fighting one person so as to wear the opponent out. 就如刚才她所说,刚刚演化神座不久的她,又怎么可能与真正的神明对战呢?而且对面的恶神数量之多,其性之恶,根本不是一位后辈可以抗衡的……就算换成无双皇绝世这样的强者出手,也没有足够的把握,可以应付下对方的车轮战。 Supreme, shakes the head gently. 至尊轻轻地,摇了摇头。 She insists oneself Will. 她坚持自己的意志 When Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi and Flower Fairy surprise looks to her, Supreme corner of the mouth emerges a faint trace curved arc, seems smiling. 无双皇绝世花仙子诧异地看向她的时候,至尊唇角浮出一丝丝弯弧,似乎正在微笑。 I, will not fall from the sky. Because, I have complied with Mother and aunt, must make world first Ranker, before that anyone, anything, cannot become my hindrance.” Supreme said, descends the mountain floating. “我,是不会陨落的。因为,我答应过妈妈小姨,要做世间第一的强者,在那之前,无论是谁,无论是什么,都不能成为我的阻碍。”至尊说完,飘然下山。 She changes to together the rainbow light, to the Divine Mountain opposite, flutters to go. 她化作一道虹光,直向神山的对面,飘飞而去。 Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, arrived at the summit, first looks at turns into Divine Stone Flower Fairy gently, puts out a hand, as if must caress her soft hair lightly, but raises high slowly, crosses the top, erupts Divine Power, haunches top of Divine Mountain Heavenly Vault diligently. By his Will, Divine Spark as well as Power of Law, once again, undermine the balance of World of Scale, opening does not know several time was War of the Gods principle. 无双皇绝世,来到了山顶,先是温柔地看着化成神石花仙子,伸手,仿佛要轻抚下她的柔发,但缓缓地高抬起来,过顶,爆发神力,努力地撑起神山之顶的天穹。以他的意志神格以及法则力量,又一次,将天平世界的平衡打破,开启不知是第几次了的神战法则。 Fossil Flower Fairy, is shivering the long eyelash, opened the double pupil without substance, looked up above the top of the head to hold up to lift Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi of the whole world, the sound filled gently: She is intentionally, that Young Miss......” 化石的花仙子,颤抖着长睫,睁开了空洞无物的双眸,仰视头顶之上擎举整个世界的无双皇绝世,声音充满了温柔:“她是故意的,那个小姑娘……” I know.” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi light. “我知道。”无双皇绝世淡淡一句。 She has certainly the special ability, saw your heart of asking dying, therefore rejected your request, although the surface is cold, but this Young Miss innermost feelings are not aloof like the surface like that.” Flower Fairy without substance blind reveals a gratitude suddenly, her elongated fine arm, first lifts up high the top of the head, then the circle gathers together exquisitely in the top of the head, the dangling chest front: That feared that is the extrication of a while, but I had felt very satisfied. Not is only your bloody fool, that good at understanding others Young Miss!” “她一定拥有特殊的能力,看出了你的求死之心,所以才拒绝了你的请求,虽然面冷,但这位小姑娘内心倒也不像表面那般拒人千里。”花仙子空洞无物的盲目忽然流露出一种感激,她伸长纤臂,先是高举头顶,再优美地圆拢在头顶,垂下胸前:“那怕是一会儿的解脱,可是我已经感到很满足了。不仅是你这个大傻瓜,还有那位善解人意小姑娘!”” Now the Heavenspan Tower junior is very interesting, not only there is this very cool Human Supreme, a stubbornly disobedient boy, the courage is wild, young actually dares to run up to Radiant Light Mountain challenge Tian Yu, really does not know that should say anything is good!” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi nods. “现在通天塔的小辈挺有意思的,不仅有这个酷酷的人类至尊,还有个顽劣小子,胆子野得很,岁数不大却敢跑到光明山叫板天御,真不知该说什么才好!”无双皇绝世点了点头。 Hee hee, according to this logic, poured is a bit like some running up to Upper Heaven Realm reckless Dao to pester the result in the past to hit a badly beaten bloody fool!” Flower Fairy smiled. “嘻嘻,这样说来,倒有点像当年某个跑到天上界胡捣蛮缠结果让人打个头破血流的大傻瓜!”花仙子笑了。 I am different from him, I compared with him.” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi hurries to deny. “我跟他不同,我比他强多了。”无双皇绝世赶紧否定。 Perhaps now naturally compared with him, is in the past, did not have others 10%!” Flower Fairy covers the mouth to be happy. “现在当然比他强多了,可是当年,说不定还没有人家十分之一呢!”花仙子掩口而乐。 I...... sorry compared with him in any case, I had said that must lead you to go out, is, to the present, had not kept the promise.” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi has not gone to look at own sweetheart, but, his low and deep sound was actually full of the apology. “反正我比他强……对不起,我说过要带你出去的,可是,一直到现在,都没有兑现诺言。”无双皇绝世没有去看自己的恋人,不过,他低沉的声音却充满了歉意。 Doesn't matter.” Flower Fairy beckons with the hand gently: You also know, I had died, the body did not have, Divine Spark did not have, in soul also Divine Curse and slumber the dissipation is few, is only left over fine single protection Will to persevere here. The body of Divine Stone now still has, is my responsibility, is not original that I. The bloody fool, I understands that you want to say anything, but that is unimportant, is really unimportant. Actually you, Radiant Light Mountain that Hall Supreme, that military lunatic has Tian Yu, become that powerful? Always are confident you, how full of the dead will now?” “没关系。”花仙子轻轻地摆手:“你也知道,我早就已经死了,身体没有了,神格也没有了,就连灵魂也神咒沉眠中消散无几,仅剩下一丝一缕的守护意志坚守在这里。现在仍然存在的神石之躯,是我的责任,不是原来那个我。大傻瓜,我明白你想说什么,但那个不重要,真的不重要。倒是你,光明山的那位神殿至尊,那个武疯子天御,已经变得那么强大了吗?向来信心满满的你,怎么现在充满了死志?” No, is not Tian Yu!” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi smiled. “不,不是天御!”无双皇绝世笑了。 Smiles in the pupil the livelihood. 笑得眸中日月。 Sends out to say radiance Golden Arrows ten million/countless. 散发出千万道光芒金箭 On the face of Flower Fairy was full of the surprise, her asked: Isn't Tian Yu?” 花仙子的脸上充满了诧异,她奇问道:“不是天御?” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi laughs to continue, for a long time shakes the head slowly, said: „It is not Tian Yu! I had asked Upper Heaven Realm Mr. Divine Mystery, he said me, if continues to insist, then fated dies in the hand of another man, but is not Tian Yu!” 无双皇绝世大笑不止,好久才缓缓地摇头,道:“不是天御!我问过了天上界神机老人,他说我如果继续坚持下去,那么命中注定死在另一个男人的手中,但不是天御!” Who is that?” Flower Fairy hardly can believe that entire Heaven Realm except for Hall Supreme Tian Yu, but also anyone, has ability killing to stand in own side only holds up the both arms to hold up to hold up the man in the whole world. “那是谁?”花仙子几乎不敢相信,整个天界除了神殿至尊天御,还有谁,有能力杀死站在自己身边仅举起双臂就能擎举起整个世界的男人。 I don't know either, perhaps, is that person.” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi laughs: Small seedling seed, it must grow, the big tree cannot block from its sunlight, otherwise, the natural law will devastate the torso of big tree surely, is on the wane its branches and leaves, finally reverses in the under foot of small seedling, becomes manure that it grows. This is the rule of nature change! The big tree lives enough for a long time, it was also the time return naturally!” “我也不知道,也许,是那个人。”无双皇绝世哈哈一笑:“小树苗萌芽,它要成长,大树可不能遮住它的阳光,否则,自然法则必定会摧残大树的躯干,凋零它的枝叶,最后翻倒在小树苗的脚下,成为它成长的肥料。这就是大自然更替的规律啊!大树活得够长久,它也是时候回归自然了!” Really doesn't regret?” The Flower Fairy side asked excessively. “真的一点儿也不后悔吗?”花仙子侧过头来问。 In the past, I also depended upon the manure that the big tree reverses to grow like this, these provide the big tree that I grow not to regret, I also do hold true by the regret?” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi laughs. “当年,我也是这样依靠大树翻倒下来的肥料成长起来的,那些提供我成长的大树没有后悔,我又有什么理由后悔呢?”无双皇绝世哈哈大笑。 If you have made reparations in Black Pagoda, should not have today's destiny.” Flower Fairy sighs. “如果你一直在黑塔里赎罪,应该不会有今天的命运。”花仙子叹了一口气。 Has nothing to do with you, this is my wish. If hides in Black Pagoda, can indeed live, but such does not have the meaning, what definitely not the life of person always has to make as to waste in vain, what pleasure otherwise lives for tens of thousands years also to have again? Moreover, that small seedling may be World Tree, grew up extraordinarily, does not know that many big trees are willing to provide the nutrient for it, I want to provide, perhaps did not have that qualifications!” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi holds up to lift Heavenly Vault, the facial countenance is leaning slightly, gently looks at foot below Flower Fairy: Big tree, if reverses, perhaps it can turn into another stone, as the matter stands, the stone on Divine Mountain had the partner, not?” “与你无关,这是我个人的意愿。要是躲在黑塔里,的确能活,但那样没有意思,人的生命总有做点什么才不至于白白浪费,要不然再活几万年又有什么乐趣呢?而且,那颗小树苗有可能是一种世界树,长大了不得了,不知道有多少大树愿意为它提供养分,我就是想提供,说不定还没有那个资格呢!”无双皇绝世擎举着天穹,头脸微微侧下来,温柔地看着脚下边的花仙子:“大树如果翻倒下来,说不定它能化成另一块石头,这样一来,神山上的石头就有伴了,不是吗?” Two stone that has the partner? Good, I like such destiny very much!” Flower Fairy nods gently: Pitifully I do not have the means that goes back to look at Heaven Stairway again, looked again valley of that Wennuan Home life and takes to me the life innumerable inspirations World Tree......” “两块有伴的石头吗?挺好的,我很喜欢这样的命运!”花仙子轻轻点头:“可惜我没有办法,再回去看一眼天梯,再看一眼那个温暖家园般的生命之谷和带给我生命无数启迪的世界树……” Perhaps, shortly, will have the small seedling that draws to receive the World Tree nutrient to run over, at the appointed time, you see it, was equal to seeing the homeland, the surroundings of that small seedling, many Hua'er, one by one looks was vigorous, not happen to like the situation in the past garden?” The Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi soft voice consolation said. “也许,不久后,会有颗正在汲收世界树养分的小树苗跑过来,到时,你看见它,就等于看见家园了,那棵小树苗的周围,还有许多花儿,一个个长得生气勃勃,不正好就像你当年花园的情况吗?”无双皇绝世温声劝慰道。 But this is Gate of Gods later World of Scale!” Flower Fairy when heard, cannot believe that will have that change. “可是这是神门之后的天平世界!”花仙子一听,可不太敢相信会有那种变化。 According to the arrangement of our destiny, should be such right.” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi smiled. “按照我们命运的安排,应该是那样没错。”无双皇绝世笑了。 Right, the World Tree root, can infiltrate the whole world, no matter in that corner, will have its existence!” Flower Fairy also smiled. How long crossed did not know, she stopped to smile, a belt/bring spookiness, the eye pupil without substance looked up to holding up day Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi: You are intentionally, is right?” “对呀,世界树的根,是可以渗透整个世界的,不管在那个角落,都会有它的存在!”花仙子也笑了。过了不知多久,她才止住笑,带点幽幽,空洞无物的眼眸仰视向擎天的无双皇绝世:“你是故意的,对不对?” Big tree it does not have the means to change the stone the destiny, then hurrying makes another small seedling grow, making it grow into World Tree, isn't this good?” “大树它没有办法改变石头的命运,那么赶紧让另一颗小树苗成长起来,让它长成世界树,这不好吗?” Good. However, the small seedling possibly does not know that the big tree once gave its many sunlight......” “好。不过,小树苗可能不知道大树曾经让给它许多阳光……” Doesn't matter, the big tree wants with the stone well in together.” “没关系,大树只要和石头在一起就好。” World of Scale divides two to be extreme. 天平世界两个极端。 Side is Divine Mountain. 一边是神山 beautiful such as picture Divine Mountain, place of detailed and incomparable life. 美丽如画的神山,一个详和无比的生命之地。 Another side is Dead Sea, death place of destruction, any life, any Lower Realm life, was impossible to exist here, only if were transcended the mortal world to exceed the life essence gods, can survive in this bad environment. 另一边是死海,一个只有死亡的毁灭之地,任何生命,任何下界的生灵,都不可能在这里存在,除非是超凡入圣超越了生命本质的‘神明’,才能在这种恶劣的环境中存活。 Divine Mountain and Dead Sea middle, having is giant is hard to describe the mortal is unable to span balance canyon. 神山死海的中间,有个巨大得难以形容凡人根本无法跨越的‘天平峡谷’。 Is it, was cut off the oppositions and conflicts of two sides polar regions. 是它,阻隔了两边极地的对立和冲突。 On balance canyon. 在天平峡谷上。 Has a bridge. 有一道桥。 Like lever of balance, in centre. 就像天平的杠杆那样,架在中央 Does not know many ten thousand li (0.5 km) steadily, width, is hundred li (0.5 km) away fully. 长不知有多少万里,横宽,也足有百里之遥。 Supreme flies to fall on the bridge, discovered that under the abyss like the prison, is too deep to see the bottom, but here cold wind blade, blowing the person all over the body. 至尊飞降在桥上,发现底下深渊如狱,深不见底,而这里的寒风似刃,吹得人遍体生疼。 Well?” The one who makes her most unexpected is, some people are not waiting for her in centre of bridge, but is this person, seems one acquaintance! “咦?”让她最意想不到的是,不是有人在桥的中央等着她,而是这个人,似乎还是一个‘熟人’!
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