LLS :: Volume #7

#1341: World of Scale and Protector of the Divine Mountain

Who are you?” Supreme looks up at the sky, the vision by white cloud, looks layer upon layer to the person of that summit. “你又是谁?”至尊仰视天空,目光透过层层白云,向那山巅之人望去。 I, I forgot that who quickly I was, my slumber was too here long too for a long time...... Young Miss, in your body, one type made me feel that very kindly very familiar flavor, perhaps, you and I were the same, from same place. Present Heaven Stairway, but also full of vitality, Hundred Flowers bloomed, birdsong and fragrant flowers like before? Good to fondly remember, remembered the past years, I most liked with Little Sister together, pursued to play in the flowering shrubs, the gentle breeze that time, in the air blew day after day also filled the sound incomparable feeling of laughing heartily......” the top of white cloud generally. “我,我都快忘记我是谁了,我沉眠在这里太久太久了……小姑娘,在你的身上,有一种让我感到非常亲切非常熟悉的味道,也许,你和我一样,都来自同一个地方。现在的天梯,还像以前那样生机勃勃、百花绽放、鸟语花香吗?好怀念啊,记得当年,我最喜欢和妹妹们一起,在花丛中追逐嬉戏,那时间,就连天空中吹来的和风也充满了欢笑……”白云之顶的声音无比感概。 Beforehand Heaven Stairway, I do not know that is how, but, present Heaven Stairway, remembers in me, turned into a desolated world. Sky broken, Earth Split and lake are dry, all did not exist.” Supreme shakes the head, although is not cruel enough to tell opposite side this result, but the fact is the fact. “以前的天梯,我不知道是怎么样的,不过,现在的天梯,早在我记忆起,就变成了一个荒芜的世界。天空破碎大地崩裂、湖泊干涸,一切一切都不复存在了。”至尊摇头,虽然不忍心告诉对方这个结果,但事实就是事实。 Right? Most beautiful Heaven Stairway, destroyed at the flames of war?” The sound of top of white cloud was low-spirited, stays well long time, long to sigh. “是吗?最美丽天梯,也毁于战火了吗?”白云之顶的声音黯然,呆了好半晌,才长长叹息。 Senior Jue Shi had not told you, Heavenspan Tower has perished, no longer in the past?” Supreme looks very much strangely to Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, on the face of Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi was wooden, he did not acknowledge , not negative. “难道绝世前辈不曾跟你说,通天塔早就沉沦,不复往年?”至尊很奇怪地看向无双皇绝世,无双皇绝世的脸上毫无表情,他既不承认,也不否定。 He comes to here, mainly accompanies me, was I was saying mostly, he is hearing......” the top of white cloud sound to mention Jue Shi (peerless), especially gentle. “他来这里,主要是陪我,多半是我在说,他在听呢……”白云之顶的声音提到绝世,就会格外的温柔。 Where is this?” Supreme is very curious, why oneself, do not know also after having this single layer Gate of Gods and gate, existence of the world? Even if oneself do not know, then, that Guardian in temple ruins entrance continuously by Mirage slumber ‚did your majesty, she never raise? This place, has become mystical place that is lost ten million years? “这是什么地方?”至尊很好奇,为什么就连自己,都不知道还有这一重神门和门后世界的存在呢?就算自己不知道,那么,那位镇守在神殿废墟入口一直以海市蜃楼沉眠的‘陛下’,她怎么也从来不曾提起?难道这个地方,已经成了失传千万年的秘境? Here, is World of Scale.” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi has not turned head, his vision still only looks at Divine Mountain, but in the mouth actually returned to Supreme one unintentionally. “这里,是天平世界。”无双皇绝世没有回头,他的目光仍然只看着神山,但口中却有意无意地回了至尊一句。 World of Scale?” 天平世界?” Supreme or first time hear this World of Scale. 至尊还是第一次听说这个天平世界 In Heavenspan Tower, in Heaven Stairway, what World of Scale legend never has, what's all this about? 通天塔,在天梯,从来没有什么天平世界传说啊,这是怎么回事? Is it possible that here, this is World of Scale, the corner/horn of temple ruins? Otherwise, will the outside world know nothing? 莫非,这里,这个天平世界,就是神殿废墟的一角?要不然,外界怎会一无所知? Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi silent period of time, seems forming in one's mind to say a word, long time opens the mouth to say slowly: Here, is actually place of seal, god the place of seal. Does not know starting from what age, perhaps exists in Ancient Era, here, this World of Scale, Heavenspan Tower and Heaven Realm, all suspects evil conduct gods, by the antiquity Great God seal here, will be imprisoned in Gate of Gods, can never leave!” 无双皇绝世沉默了一阵子,似乎在构思言语,良久才缓缓开口道:“这里,其实是一个封印之地,神的封印之地。不知什么年代开始,也许在远古时代就存在,就在这里,这个天平世界,通天塔天界,所有犯下恶行的‘神明’,都会被上古大神封印在这里,禁锢在神门之内,永远也不能离开!” Supreme hearing this is astonished by it. 至尊闻言为之愕然。 God the place of seal? The gods committed the crime, didn't have Nirvana Godsealing? How can also establish Gate of Gods to imprison specially? 神的封印之地?神犯下了罪行,不是有寂灭封神吗?怎么还要专门设置神门来禁锢呢? Perhaps saw puzzled of Supreme, the top of white cloud sound, a belt/bring happy expression explained: Perhaps Young Miss, you have not known, to seal/confer God actually also divides two types, one type is Nirvana Godsealing, mainly aims at these not to have comprehend Divine Throne Divine Tier Ranker, but, once comprehend Divine Throne, had the self- principle and unique Divine Spark gods, then Nirvana Godsealing was not quite effective, therefore, must establish one type to seal the place of god like World of Scale specially like this, imprisons these suspects the evil conduct unable the gods of complete seal.” 也许是看到了至尊的不解,白云之顶的声音,带点笑意地解释道:“小姑娘,你也许还不知道,封神其实还分两种,一种是寂灭封神,主要针对那些还没有参悟神座神阶强者,但是,一旦参悟神座,拥有了自我法则和独特神格的神明,那么寂灭封神就不太管用了,所以,得专门设置一种像天平世界这样的封神之地,来禁锢那些犯下了恶行又无法完全封印的神明。” Supreme when heard, in the heart flashes through Fei Wenli and difference of Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi both seal immediately. 至尊一听,心中顿时闪过费雯丽无双皇绝世两者封印的区别。 Fei Wenli this Conquering Queen, is Nirvana Godsealing. 费雯丽这个征服女王,是寂灭封神 Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, then seal in Black Pagoda. 无双皇绝世,则封印在黑塔 Therefore is not the Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi crime is small or the ability is low, on the contrary , because the Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi ability is more powerful, to was unable to limit with Nirvana Godsealing powerful, can only its imprisonment in Black Pagoda. Even so, this Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi also leaves Black Pagoda frequently, like the present this, comes Gate of Gods later World of Scale. 由此看来并非是无双皇绝世的罪行较小或者能力较低,相反,是因为无双皇绝世的能力更加强大,强大到已经无法用寂灭封神来限制,只能将其禁锢在黑塔。纵然如此,这个无双皇绝世还经常离开黑塔,就像现在这样,前来神门之后的天平世界 Person but who the senior above Divine Mountain, not too does all kinds of evil probably. 可是神山之上的这位前辈,不太像是作恶多端的人。 Why can also the seal in this World of Scale? 又为什么会封印在这个天平世界呢? Made a mistake? 搞错了? Has the secret facts? 还是另有隐情? In the Supreme heart read and this, endured to be out of control from the heart to float the fresh curiosity again: Then the senior, you are because what stops over in this world?” 至尊心中一念及此,再也忍禁不住自心底浮生的好奇:“那么前辈,您又是因为什么羁留在这个世界呢?” As if saw the Supreme thoughts, that sound of top of white cloud, has a happy expression: I indeed by the person seal in this, on the contrary, I am not voluntary slumber here. Because, here is World of Scale!” 仿佛看出了至尊的心思,白云之顶的那个声音,带着一丝笑意:“我的确不是被人封印在这的,相反,我是自愿沉眠在这里。因为,这里是天平世界啊!” World of Scale, seal, not only has Heavenspan Tower successive generations Ranker, Heaven Realm, even Upper Heaven Realm as well as Radiant Light Mountain. Many Ranker, after the ascetic practices of long years, washed, Gate of Gods regarding them, no longer imprisons, then, they can also extricate, leaves one after another. But some here obstinate deep not spirit villains, they have not been willing to examine the view, are not willing to withstand the ascetic practices, on the contrary, they seize the chance to assemble, in this World of Scale , to continue to do evil to continue to make war, intense, even does compares outside happy!” The sound of top of white cloud, wind light cloud Dan smiles: „The many Heavenspan Tower senior, they saw such situation, some can extricate Ranker that leaves, remained voluntarily, changes to Divine Mountain, Guardian here, by their Will, continued to balance this to lose balanced World of Scale......” 天平世界,封印的不仅有通天塔历代强者,还有天界,甚至天上界以及光明山的。诸多强者,经过漫长岁月的苦行,洗涤了自我,神门对于他们,不再是禁锢,那么,他们也就得以解脱,相继离开。可是这里还有一些顽冥不灵的凶徒,他们不愿意审观自我,更不愿意承受苦行,相反,他们趁机纠集起来,在这个天平世界,继续作恶继续开战,变本加厉,干得甚至比在外面都要欢!”白云之顶的声音,风轻云淡地笑了笑:“许多通天塔前辈,他们看见了这样的情况,有些可以解脱离开的强者,都自愿留了下来,化作神山,镇守在这里,以他们的意志,继续平衡这个原来失去了平衡的天平世界……” Seniors are not willing to fight, is only willing to change to Divine Mountain, forever slumber gets down. But Heaven Stairway successive generations has Protector of the Divine Mountain, is one's turn my generation, is my Little Sister, is she because of some accident/surprise, unfortunately fell from the sky. My this makes Elder Sister, to complete her wish, comes voluntarily......” “前辈们不愿战斗,只愿化作神山,永远沉眠下去。而天梯历代都有神山守护者,轮到我那一代,原是我一位妹妹,可是她因为某个意外,不幸陨落了。我这个做姐姐的,为了完成她的心愿,自愿前来……” Heaven Stairway does successive generations have Protector of the Divine Mountain? 天梯历代都有神山守护者? Supreme cannot rack one's brains. 至尊苦思不得。 This point, simply has not recorded in the history, therefore, the middle had the many accident surely, causing such important inheritance not to continue. Perhaps, this Protector of the Divine Mountain senior, in counting ten thousand years ago, starting from Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi that time, the lonely person, has protected on this Divine Mountain, following Heaven Stairway, the inheritance had the fault/chasm, no one knows these , behind creates does not have second Protector of the Divine Mountain to take over her position...... 这一点,根本没有记录在历史中,由此看来,中间必定是发生了许多变故,导致如此重要的传承都没有得到延续。也许,这位神山守护者前辈,早在数万年之前,在无双皇绝世的那个时代开始,就已经孤独一人,守护在这座神山上,后面的天梯,传承发生了断层,根本无人知晓这些,也就造成后面再没有第二个神山守护者来接任她的位置…… For several tens of thousands of years defend a place here, are very certainly bitter! 数万年如一日地守在这里,一定很苦吧! Perhaps. 或许。 Cultivation bitterly in Heaven Stairway lonely one person...... 比自己在天梯孤独一人修炼更苦…… That senior of between Supreme on top white cloud to Divine Mountain as well as Divine Mountain, bends the waist to salute upon meeting: good work, senior. As a later generation, I was always criticized arrogant impolite, never shows the respect to the senior heart, here, I am willing to change my custom, salutes to you sincerely!” 至尊神山以及神山顶上白云之间的那位前辈,弯腰见礼:“辛苦了,前辈。作为一个后辈,我一向被人批评傲慢无礼,从来不对前辈心表敬意,在此,我愿意改变我个人的习惯,真诚地向你致敬!” Not pain, as Protector of the Divine Mountain, is my being honored!” The sound of top of white cloud is gentle, absolutely does not have the least bit lonely Guardian complaint. “不苦,作为一个神山守护者,是我的荣幸!”白云之顶的声音非常温柔,完全没有半点孤独镇守的怨念。 As Protector of the Divine Mountain, can turn into the stone?” Supreme has Divine Eye that understands clearly the world, layer upon layer white cloud and lofty sky, are certainly impossible to be cut off her line of sight. In her eye pupil, there is a beautiful appearance indescribable Flower Fairy, wears flower crown, dies content to stand, she stands in the top of Divine Mountain alone, below the body slender waist, turned into the stone, both feet is firmly and a Divine Mountain adhesion body, shares everything. “身为神山守护,一定要化成石头吗?”至尊拥有洞悉天地的神目,层层白云以及高远的天空,当然不可能阻隔她的视线。在她的眼眸中,有位美貌得难以言喻的花仙子,头戴花冠,瞑目而立,她一个人孤零零地站在神山之顶,身体纤腰以下,化成了石头,双足更是牢牢地神山粘连一体,不分彼此。 No, Protector of the Divine Mountain has no limit, I turn into this, because only is not good at fighting, is fighting the failure with the Radiant Light Mountain Evil God ratio, received their curse, changes to the stone of Divine Mountain.” That Flower Fairy stretch/leisurely face/color smiles, but the eye of beautiful still had not opened. “不,神山守护没有任何的限制,我变成这样,只是因为不擅长战斗,在与光明山恶神比斗失败,受到了他们的诅咒,才化作神山之石的。”那位花仙子舒颜一笑,但美丽的眼睛仍然没有睁开。 „For several tens of thousands of years, continuously this?” Supreme looked at Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, looked at summit Flower Fairy, as if understood anything. “数万年来,一直这样吗?”至尊看了看无双皇绝世,又看了看山顶的花仙子,仿佛明白了些什么。 Only if can defeat them, otherwise, the curse could not relieve, after all was god's curse, I bet approximately am defeated, receiving a little Divine Punishment was very reasonable, I have not hated, is not discontented. Although the action is not quite convenient, is doesn't matter, as Protector of the Divine Mountain does not need any action also yes, I also like quietly. Also this appearance also not bad, turned into the stone total ratio to turn into the disfigured to be better, I have been used to it, Young Miss, you do not need any idea.” Flower Fairy beckoning with the hand of gently that beautiful, she does not seem to hope that Supreme sees own appearance, has the mental burden. “除非能够把他们战败,否则,诅咒解除不了,毕竟是神的诅咒,我又赌约失败,受到一点儿神罚是非常合理的,我没有怨恨,也没有不满。虽然行动不太方便,可是没关系,身为神山守护不需要任何行动也是可以的,我也喜欢清静。再说这个样子也不错,变成石头总比变成丑八怪要好呢,我早就习惯了,小姑娘,你不需要有任何的想法。”那个美丽花仙子轻轻的摆手,她似乎不希望至尊看见自己的样子,产生思想负担。 They also in? These Evil God?” Supreme asked suddenly like this. “他们还在吗?那些恶神?”至尊忽然这样问。 In.” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, turns around fiercely, looks to Supreme, the livelihood eye pupil, the lasing has ten million zhang (3.33 m) radiance: Now is just right, there are three people. I need a person now, to the top of Divine Mountain, stands her side, simultaneously haunches the World of Scale vault of heaven, starts the War of the Gods principle again. If, you can comply, then, no matter the victory and defeat, I will intend to do a matter for you, in my area of competence, no matter what you told. Heavenspan Tower current Human Supreme, I in this not as senior, but by a man, requested you for the male status of sweetheart revenge, please promise me, gave me the opportunity of opening War of the Gods......” “在。”无双皇绝世,猛地转身,看向至尊,日月般的眼眸,激射出千万丈光芒:“现在正好,有三个人。我现在需要一个人,到神山之顶,站到她的身边,同时撑起天平世界的苍穹,再次启动神战法则。假如,你能够答应下来,那么,不管胜负,我都会出手替你做一件事,在我能力范围之内,任你吩咐。通天塔现任人类至尊,我在此不中以一个前辈的身份,而是以一个男子,一个为了恋人复仇的男子身份请求你,请你答应我,给予我一个开启神战的机会……” No.” Supreme flatly refuses: I had pledged, except for my younger brother, I will not promise to the world second man again, that fears like you for the request of sweetheart revenge.” “不。”至尊一口拒绝:“我发过誓,除了我的弟弟,我不会再对世间第二个男子许诺,那怕是像你这样为了恋人复仇的请求。” The Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi complexion becomes bitter and astringent, his fist gets hold. 无双皇绝世脸色变得苦涩,他的拳头握紧。 Even if has unsurpassed Divine Power. 纵然拥有一身无上神力 Even if Divine Tier. 纵然位列神阶 What's the big deal? 那又如何? Is impossible for own sweetheart revenge, even, bringing down on Divine Mountain comes her, making her stroll on the lawn freely, is impossible! 就连替自己的恋人复仇都不可能,甚至,就连将她在神山带下来,让她在草地上自由地漫步,都不可能! He deeply inspires, looks again to Supreme: I am not requirement, I am willing to exchange by Divine Throne secret. You study independently Divine Tier Ranker that matures like this, should no one tell you Divine Throne secret, no one evolves Divine Throne for you, if you agree to help, haunches Heavenly Vault for me, I am willing to swear, uses the full power surely, for your achievement biggest most magnificent bright flash magnificent Divine Throne!” 他深深地吸了一口气,再次看向至尊:“我不是请求,我愿意以神座秘密来交换。你这样自修成才的神阶强者,应该没有人告诉你神座秘密,也没有人替你演化神座,如果你同意帮忙,替我撑起天穹,那我愿意立誓,必定倾尽全力,替你成就一个最大最璀璨闪华的辉煌神座!” Supreme, was silent. 至尊,沉默了。
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