LISIL :: Volume #6 胡马度阴山

#527: Heroic vagabond source of trouble young person (First Part)

Sun hangs in the western horizon, from sets completely also early, in Lüliang the mountain ridges, full is the sound of battle. 太阳挂在西边的天际,距离完全落山还早,吕梁的这片山岭间,已满是厮杀之声。 Horse caravan that more than 400 people start to retreat in the mountain ridges turbulently on, extends the front in this piece many are the rock short wooden ravine, the blood is thick, the bloody air/Qi fills the air in the air of moving restlessly. 四百多人朝着山岭间开始撤退的马队汹涌而上,将战线拉长在这片多是怪石矮木的山间,鲜血浓稠,血腥气弥漫在躁动的空气里。 Regarding Lüliang Mountain(s), the such situation sometimes happened, by no means is extraordinary. In the domain of young highwayman, although strength already starts to expand, starts to speak the custom unavoidably, but outward, this kind of slaughter was still the normal state. The Lüliang Mountain(s) internecine strife, methodicalness by no means are many, has somewhat greeted, is the total charge, what are more is greeting does not hit rushes, then with the courage, a side was killed the collapse, the other side starts to slaughter. Today is also this, after the speeches of Zhao four simple, more than 400 people run out loudly, encircle in the ranges, just like opens the sluice gates the later wicked pack of wolves, has not encountered, murderous aura already filling the heavens. 对于吕梁山而言,这样的情况时有发生,并不出奇。小响马的地盘中,虽然力量已经开始壮大,免不了开始讲规矩,但对外,这类屠杀仍旧是常态。吕梁山的火拼,章法并不多,有些打过招呼,便是全数冲锋,更多的是招呼都不打就冲上去,然后凭着勇力,一方被杀到崩溃,另一方开始屠杀。今天也是这样,与赵四简单的说话之后,四百多人轰然冲出,围向岭间,犹如开闸之后的恶狼群,还未交锋,杀气已经弥天而起。 Kills “杀” head stays behind!” 人头留下!” I must eat them, ate them!” “我要吃了他们,吃了他们!” Wah Aaaaahhhhhhhh 啊啊啊啊啊 The turbulent crowd, pinches almost to make the frantic call of person moral battle approach! 汹涌的人群,挟着几乎令人心战的疯狂呐喊逼近而来! Lüliang Mountain(s) and other places are different, in this kind of place, engaging in speculation space of coward usual without too many survival. Even the person is from the beginning timid, will still be compelled crazily in the ferocious survival struggle. Young highwayman Qiu Meng Tang mountain fort can rush to the big reputation, in which is not an untalented person. At least from imposing manner, these people, if outside area, mostly is the reckless desperados, particularly in the charge of this kind of slaughter, in the crowd the look hyperemia is stimulated. The people cried out that hiss the number scene, makes people who under the peace year's harvest survive directly scared sufficiently. 吕梁山与其他地方不同,在这类地方,投机倒把的胆小鬼通常没有太多生存的空间。即便人一开始胆小,在激烈的生存斗争中也会被逼得疯狂。小响马裘孟堂的山寨能闯下偌大的声名,其中的喽啰也并非庸手。至少从气势上来说,这些人若在外地,大多都是不要命的亡命之徒,尤其是在这类屠杀的冲锋当中,人群之中眼神充血亢奋。众人呐喊嘶号的场面,足以让和平年景下生存的人们直接胆寒。 The merchant who wants to take risks crosses on Lüliang this say/way, meets the such rival, the thoughts that the look of that bloodthirsty, even revolts against cannot be popular. In that type of stimulated atmosphere, the person is crazy, said that will eat the person really to eat the person, will then be the timid person, was being coerced by this kind of atmosphere, was cut blade two blades. Also does not damage the battle efficiency completely. Even the army of small stock, does not want with the such enemy proceed boldly. 一些想要铤而走险的商户过吕梁这条道上,遇上这样的敌手,那种嗜血的眼神,很多甚至连反抗的心思都兴不起来。在那种亢奋的气氛下,人是疯狂的,说吃人就真的会吃人,便是胆子小些的人,被这类气氛裹挟着,被砍上一刀两刀。也是完全不损战斗力。即便是小股的军队,都不会想跟这样的敌人硬干。 However in this afternoon, they meet had not met for a long time the hard idea. 然而在这个下午,他们遇上了许久没遇到过的硬点子。 Greets on the mountain ridge their, is not the reef in high sea. But is more like one group of giant absorbing water sponges. The manpower of young highwayman all over rushes. Like was stucked, then starts to wither away in that lopsided frantic strangely. 在山岭上迎接他们的,并非是怒涛中的礁石。而更像是一团巨大的吸水海绵。小响马的人手漫山遍野的一冲上去。就像被黏住了一样,然后便开始在那一面倒的狂热中诡异地消亡。 These was brought Lüliang by Ning Yi time, altogether has more than 170 people probably. And adds on except for some special technicians and artisans probably also about 120, was divided into 13 squads that again two reckless chefs can hit. When discovers the enemy comes, people already packs the baggage that put, part catches up with the horses preparation to shift, another part kept off in the squad scattered form in the mountain ridges, probably was 70-80 people of appearances, topography sticking together of various squad use ravines, each other can echo, but the distances between each batch of people, were still separated by several feet. 这一次被宁毅带来吕梁的,一共大概有一百七十余人。其中除了一些特殊的技师和匠人再加上两个不要命的厨子能打的大概也就一百二左右,共分成了十三个小队。发现敌人过来时,众人已经收拾起原本放下来的行李,一部分赶起马匹准备转移,另一部分则以小队分散的形式挡在了山岭间,大概是70-80人的样子,各小队利用山间的地势抱团,彼此能够呼应,但每一批人之间的距离,仍旧相隔数丈。 The mountain bandits vanguard, then ran upon such a tattered and torn line of defense, during according to the past convention, they are slaughtering should look like the mercury to flow swiftly charges into the core of team generally, but this time, unexpectedly no one overruns, looking like by ravine ** a squad stucked directly was the same. 山匪的前锋,便是撞上了这样一条千疮百孔的防御线,按照以往的惯例,他们在厮杀当中应该像水银泻地一般冲向队伍的核心,但这一次,竟然没什么人冲过去,就像是被山间的**个小队给直接黏住了一样。 Blooming that the blood non-stop, explodes, the slogan has not extinguished, the person's shadow has then dropped down. Because the horse caravan is withdrawing, each squad also after being been slaughtering actually moves, in the flash of contact, the front on mountain ridge seems like wave is swinging gently. Young highwayman subordinate mountain bandits at first sight, are slaughtering with the call in proceeds to advance. 鲜血不停的绽放、爆开,呐喊声未熄,人影便已倒下。由于马队正在后撤,各个小队其实也是在厮杀中后移的,以至于在接触的第一瞬间,山岭上的战线像是波浪般的柔和摆动着。小响马麾下的山匪们乍看起来,正在杀戮与呐喊中往前推进。 Strange feeling, after battling several breath, in the heart appears in Qiu Meng Tang and the others. 诡异的感觉,是在交战数个呼吸之后,才在裘孟堂等人的心中出现的。 Kills to me! Overruns! Holds the above that two people! Having dares to be in the way divided their corpse to me! Hurry up! Hurry up!” Young highwayman Qiu Meng Tang this year is 30 years old over, his appearance is handsome, however in all the year round battle, more turned into the sinister and vicious and ominous offense, arrives under the such situation, his roar sufficiently scared, however had been shouting these words a moment later, his then vision shining smiled: Ha, met the hard idea unexpectedly...... good.” “给我杀!冲过去冲过去!抓住上头那两个人!有敢挡路的给我分了他们的尸!快点!快点!”小响马裘孟堂今年三十岁出头,他的样貌原本英俊,但是在长年的厮杀当中,更多的变成了阴鸷与凶戾,一到这样的场合下,他的吼声足以让人胆寒,然而在喊过这些话的片刻之后,他便目光发亮的笑了起来:“哈,竟然遇上了硬点子……不错。” In the field of vision, that side the opposite party, has not presented too many slogans unexpectedly. 视野之中,在对方那边,竟然没有出现太多的呐喊声。 If the common expert one vs. one martial arts contest, the loud call can only lose the strength of person, even if some shout coordinate the law of breath to send, certainly not as big as the degree of Eh person. But above the battlefield, or in battles of many people, shout nevertheless is important, it can blur the reason of person, making people frantic, forgets the ache and timid. However in this time fight, in the team of opposite party, although also has to cry out to send out, but has not presented the wide scope unexpectedly the sound wave, this can only explain, the opposite party has not borne the too tremendous pressure, is dealing with all these completely probably methodically. 若是一般的高手单挑比武,大声的呐喊只能损耗人的力气,一些喝声就算配合着呼吸之法发出来,也绝不会大到人的程度。但在战场之上,或是多人的厮杀中,喊声却是非常重要的,它能模糊人的理智,使人狂热,忘记疼痛和胆怯。然而这次的交手中,对方的队伍里虽然也有呐喊发出,但竟然没有出现大范围的声浪,这只能说明,对方没有承受到太大的压力,完全像是有条不紊地在应对这一切。 Battlefield type of thing, the game of by no means likely later generation, several hundred people, once gathers, whose must divide to be clear about is who, is actually a difficult matter. The young highwayman slaughtered the so many year, the eyesight naturally has, but he also can only see soldier/weapon front that pounces upon suddenly then to be stopped and stucked. But if looks is clearer, he will then discover, that online that the oneself subordinate person throws, only then stops, has not had the rebound , methodical slaughtering that naturally produces immediately. Here person on, is crying out turbulently frantically, however the first group of people fight on already drop down, or disabled or fatal. The pitiful yell sound coerces to cry out, making the rear person crazily throw, but the horse caravan started to retreat toward the rear area immediately, after the entire front also started drew, leaves behind the corpse and blood, was flushed the person who to drip by the rear area. 战阵这种东西,并不像后世的游戏,几百人一旦聚集在一起,要分清楚谁是谁,其实都是一件难事。小响马厮杀了这么多年,眼力自然还是有,但他也只能看见猛扑上去便被阻拦、黏住的兵锋。但若是看得更清楚些,他便会发现,自己手下人扑上去的那条线上,只有阻拦,没有产生反弹,那是在第一时间产生的、有条不紊的杀戮。这边的人汹涌而上,狂热的呐喊着,然而第一批人一交手就已经倒下,或是伤残或是致命。惨叫声裹挟在呐喊中,令得后方的人疯狂扑上,而马队在第一时间开始往后方撤退,整个战线也开始后拉,留下尸首与鲜血,被后方冲来的人淌了过去。 The crevice of squad and in squad, without many people to/clashes, because they will suddenly discover, nearby companion already drops down. Even if some minority mountain bandits put down nearby murderous aura to charge into inside, crossbow bolt rapid solution that will still be flown. 小队与小队的空隙中,没有多少人去冲,因为他们会忽然发现,旁边的同伴已经倒下。即便有少数山匪放下旁边的杀气冲向里面,也会被飞来的弩箭迅速的解决。 This is the condition of immediately battling, the young highwayman sees with own eyes this grade of situation, pair of eyes already is initiating the bright to come, the warhorse of crotch is moving restlessly, is quite unexpectedly excited. However crosses shortly, he will then feel, the terrible business in the world, really many come by the woman, after naturally...... he regrets truly . Psychology that can feel. 这是在第一时间交战的状况,小响马眼见着这等局势,双眼已经发起亮光来,胯下的战马躁动着,竟然颇为兴奋。然而过得不久,他便会感受到,世界上的麻烦事,果然多由女人而来,那是……他真正后悔后。才能感受到的心理。 Because in the end of front, except for mood stimulated Qiu Meng Tang, his behind also has several forms, is riding on the horseback observes. The Lou Shūwan form binds in the cape, in the expression cannot see many fluctuations, however gathers together both hands in sleeve, actually already shivered in faint, the blood-like heat, is also rolling in the eyeground. 因为就在战线的这端,除了心情亢奋的裘孟堂,他的身后还有几道身影,正骑在马背上观战。楼舒婉的身影裹在斗篷里,表情之中看不出多少波动来,然而拢在袖子里的双手,其实已经微微颤抖了,鲜血般的热量,也在眼底滚动着。 Her throat faint moved, although already handled many things under the Tian Hu tent/account. But regarding true battlefield preying. She can understand are not many. At this time was surrounded by some moving restlessly mood merely, was infected by the call of mountain bandits bloodthirsty, vision distant is looking at that side that form, after repressing the state of mind . Asked in a soft voice: what kind of?” 她的喉咙微微动了一下,虽然已经田虎帐下做了不少的事情。但对于真正的战阵搏杀。她能够看懂的还是不多。此时仅仅是被某种躁动的情绪所包围,被山匪们嗜血的呐喊所感染,目光远远的望着那边那道身影,按捺心绪后。轻声问道:“怎么样?” She thought that the own sound seems like by no means to be tranquil. But others have not as if discovered anything. In her side, in Yulin the figure is tall and straight, faint frowns. Tajitsu's warhorse tumult walked several steps. Was forced the reins by Tajitsu, just now stood firm. 她觉得自己的声音似乎并不平静。但别人似乎也没有发现什么。在她的身旁,于玉麟身形挺拔,微微蹙眉。田实的战马骚动地走了几步。被田实勒了勒缰绳,方才站定了。 Ha!” young person smiled that this is called three Crown Prince, these person of some abilities, seem like do not hit easily.” “哈!”这位被称为三太子年轻人笑了笑,“这些人有些本领,看起来不容易打啊。” Is...... Lou Shūwan was as far as possible peaceful replied one at will. “是……是吗。”楼舒婉尽量安静随意地回答了一句。 The slightly front point, Qiu Meng Tang also already with something of nearby subordinate confession, making the opposite party go back to continue the convener, soon after whish inspires the double blade: Small, along with me kills!” The warhorse flushed toward the front front illness/quick. 稍前方一点,裘孟堂也已经身边的手下交代的一些事情,让对方回去继续召集人,随后哗的一振双刀:“小的们,随我杀!”战马朝着前方战线疾冲了出去。 *************** *************** The front dashes in together, that side frantic compared to opposite party, Ning Yi, obviously is somewhat strangely tranquil. 战线冲撞在一起,相对于对方那边的狂热,宁毅这边,却显然平静得有些诡异。 actually is not no one makes noise, in this need frantic battle, no one shouted that two basically are not possible, however resounds by fits and starts, actually many are coordinates to spit the breath some shout, the call when or cuts to kill rival erupts, some people Hahahaha after cutting kills several people, starts to laugh wildly to show off, but submerged insanely in the opposite party in same shouting, here on really appeared extremely calm. 倒也不是没人出声,这种需要狂热的厮杀中,没人喊上两句基本是不可能的,然而一阵一阵响起的,却多是配合吐息的一些喝声,或是斩杀敌手时爆发的呐喊,也有人“哈哈哈哈”的斩杀几人后开始狂笑炫耀的,但淹没在对方疯了一样的嘶吼里,这边就实在显得太过淡定了。 „...... Walks!” “……走!” Stops! Aids the seventh team!” “停!接应第七队!” Mong Sang, you a bit faster “孟山,你们快点” not allowed to comes 不许过来” Gets the hell out to me “给我滚蛋” Zhao four wield the steel knife, wants to rush to go all out, but soon after then held on by Ning Yi and the others: Zhao Fourth Master, here also shows the way by you.” soon after stays, in the rear area looks this accomplishing a task with ease withdrew to slaughter. In fact, now in this team, either is on Nie mountain this Liangshan the mourner, either is the Tiandong man (Han) and so on originally famous expert on rivers and lakes / Jianghu, even middle martial arts is worst, the skill is not actually weak. 赵四手挥钢刀,原也想冲上去拼命,但随后便被宁毅等人拉住:“赵四爷,这边还靠你领路呢。”随后就呆在后方看着这一幕游刃有余的后撤厮杀了。事实上,如今在这支队伍里的,要么是聂山这种梁山上下来的忏悔者,要么是田东汉之类原本就在江湖上有名气的高手,就算是当中武艺最差的,身手其实都不算弱。 By Nie mountain and the others, after Solitary Dragon Ridge experiences these things, their slaughtering instinct, however were still being slaughtered pleasant sensation actually already obtained not to have. Has experienced such concentration camp general transformation, they were twisted in the character some things of most core, three views were destroyed to remould forcefully, what trend was another extreme, less than half already in these people started to read the Buddhist literature, usually liked helping the person and doing good deeds, exercise many on martial arts use the autonomy unexpectedly the way. This person's simple when the murder, will not shout what words on the mouth. 以聂山等人而言,在独龙岗经历那些事情以后,他们的杀戮本能仍在,但是在杀戮中获得的快感其实已经没了。经历过那样集中营一般的改造,他们算是扭曲了性格中最核心的一部分东西,三观被强行摧毁重塑,走向的是另一个极端,这些人中的小半都已经开始读佛经,平素爱出去帮人、行善,武艺上的锻炼多数竟采用自残的方式。这种人在杀人时简简单单,根本就不会在嘴上喊出什么话来。 Ning Yi is not considered as that any big good man, naturally does not hope that teaches a number of Monk to come, therefore during usually ideological education, the people discussed that extremely attached great importance to various truth. What we must treasure is anything, what must protect is anything, why must kill people, why must battle this kind of speculation is the core. Also is therefore, retained most people's battle efficiency. 宁毅也不算是什么大善人,当然不会希望教出一批和尚来,因此平素的思想教育,众人讨论当中,对于各种道理是极为重视的。我们要珍视的是什么,要保护的是什么,为何要杀人,为何要与人作战这一类的思辨才是核心。也是因此,保留了大部分人的战斗力。 But on Tiandong man (Han) and the others, they in martial arts (social) circles is expert, really meets the big battlefield, the person like the ants, may be unable to repress the mood, but , the issue lay in this battlefield too is at present small. 而就田东汉等人来说,他们在武林之中本就已是高手,真遇上大的战场,人如蝼蚁,或许会按捺不住心情,但在眼前,问题就在于这战场实在太小了。 If is really in the battlefield, several thousand people of knot, in a charge, can be the person from all sides left and right, except for forwarding, are you have no space of organizing, the horse stance grip steady, this blade goes out to be fatal, is the only standard, must maintain a livelihood, except for some subtler maintaining life method, can only look at the God the meaning. But at present, the charges of more than 400 people, seem like the already duplicate full mountain range, in fact is a big internecine strife, so long as there is a space of organizing, will not meet that type to let the blade that the person finds it hard to cope with like the raging tide of emotion light/only, expert on expert. 若真是在战场上,几千人的一个结阵,一次冲锋中,前前后后左左右右都会是人,除了向前,你根本没有任何腾挪的空间,马步扎得稳不稳,这一刀出去能不能致命,就是唯一的标准,要活命,除了一些更微妙的保命手段,只能看老天爷的意思。而眼前,四百多人的冲锋,看起来已经覆满山岭,实际上不过就是一场大火拼,只要有腾挪的空间,不会遇上那种如怒潮般让人应接不暇的刀光,高手就还是高手 Without the branch of the services coordination, does not have any outflanks the encirclement, without arrow covers, opposite party that hysteric shouting wildly, regarding here person, basically is also the stupid act that wastes the strength. Courage vigor and courage no doubt praise worthy, but really must say that the life and death wrestles, meets this kind of skirmishers to charge, here truly cannot feel the too tremendous pressure. 没有兵种配合,没有什么包抄合围,没有箭矢覆盖,对方那种歇斯底里的狂喊,对于这边的人来说,基本上也就是浪费力气的愚蠢行径。血气与勇力固然可嘉,但真要说生死相搏,遇上这类散兵冲锋,这边确实感受不到太大的压力。 It‘s nothing methodicalness.” Ning Yi obstructs the awning above the eye with the hand, „is this first group of people?” “没什么章法嘛。”宁毅在眼睛上方用手遮起凉棚,“这是第一批人吧?” If really only then this person, can keep this them directly.” Zhu Biao also strains the neck is looking. “若真只有这点人,直接就可以把他们留在这了。”祝彪也扯着脖子在看。 strong dragon can't suppress the local snakehead, Zhao Fourth Master just now also said that in Zhaizi (stockaded village) of young highwayman, 1,000-2,000 people have. Killed them to fear, the shift...... I quite what was as far as possible strange, why this made a sound Brother Ma to me start suddenly, whom did I offend?” 强龙不压地头蛇,赵四爷方才也说了,小响马的寨子里,1,000-2,000人还是有的。杀得他们怕了,尽量转移吧……我比较奇怪的是,这位响马哥为什么忽然要对我下手,我又得罪谁了?” Uh, by the matter that you have handled, is not quite really good to guess that......” Zhu Biao is thinking, the expression is somewhat awkward, has the heroic spirit to wave, no matter in any case what kind of, they come many, we receive many. This going north, Brother Ning don't you have to make everyone exercise the idea?” ,以你一直做的事情来说,实在不太好猜……”祝彪想着,表情有些为难,只得豪气地挥一挥手,“反正不管怎么样,他们来多少,我们就收多少。这次北上,宁大哥你不也有让大家锻炼一下的想法吗?” tch, although said that the brain pulls out has certainly the reason, but...... Haha, considers as finished, I cannot think that meets is who......” ,虽然说脑抽一定有原因,不过……哈哈,算了,我也想不到会是谁……” That side slaughters intensely, the attitudes of here two people, really somewhat are strange, Zhao four is listening to two people dialogue, has a look at that side execution ground again, the vision confusing difficult solution. Field of vision that head, was seeing with own eyes the small highwayman illness/quick to/clashes to come, in his hand the double blade like the electricity, the direct impact on a dead ahead small team, slaughters. Zhu Biao looks at this, extended finger to refer to that side: „Is that the young highwayman?” 那边厮杀激烈,这边两个人的态度,就实在有些诡异,赵四听着两人的对话,再看看那边的杀场,目光迷惑难解。视野那头,眼见着小响马疾冲而来,他手中双刀如电,直冲向正前方的一个小队伍,厮杀起来。祝彪看着这一幕,伸手指了指那边:“那就是小响马?” Zhao four nods: Right, his sharp knife, is fierce, in the two years......” 赵四点头:“没错,他一手快刀,非常厉害,这两年中……” He was still introducing, team already that then fights with the young highwayman washed out, withdraws beyond several feet to stop, some people are injured, however Qiu Meng Tang does not dare to clash toward this ripping open opening in even suddenly. But here, the Zhu Biao trail arms started, turned the neck: Also good, I go to kill(ed) him.” 他还在介绍,那与小响马交手的队伍已经被冲散,撤出数丈之外才停下来,有人受伤,然而即便是裘孟堂一时间也不敢往这个撕开的口子里冲。而这边,祝彪提枪上马,扭了扭脖子:“也好,那我去杀了他。” His bending down shape , the warhorse vigorous sped along, oppression of the people, entered side the front. First preventing mountain bandits to/clashes, soon after whole person high flew, the speed of that warhorse has not been weaken unexpectedly, just like from the mountain ridge one side of cleaves the waves to rip a piece of bloodshed, rushes over toward Qiu Meng Tang. 他俯下身形,战马疾冲、铁蹄飞驰,杀入了战线侧面。第一个阻挡的山匪冲上来,随后整个人都高高的飞了起来,那战马的速度竟没有丝毫减弱,自山岭一侧犹如劈波斩浪般的撕出一片血海,朝着裘孟堂冲了过去。 Zhao four looks at this dumbfoundedly, although he had also once participated in the internecine strife in Qingmu stronghold, Lu Hongti martial arts be higher than a level compared with Zhu Biao, however must say momentum that above the battlefield progresses to slaughter, Hongti after all is a female, is unable more rampant the two youth much to compare with Zhu Biao this. 赵四目瞪口呆地看着这一幕,虽然他也曾参加过青木寨的火拼,陆红提武艺又要比祝彪高出一个层次,然而要说战场之上策马厮杀的声势,红提毕竟是女子,也是无法跟祝彪这个正嚣张得一塌糊涂的中二青年比的。 Qiu Meng Tang!” Zhu Biao Haha shouted, just like the child to play, gives me your head “裘孟堂!”祝彪哈哈大喊,犹如孩童嬉戏,“把你的人头给我” Qiu Meng Tangda: X your mothers!” 裘孟堂答:“x你娘!” Ning Yi looks at this, patted the Zhao four shoulders: Zhao Fourth Master, this is your lowering the head, I want to ask you to think, the nearby does have the such terrain......” 宁毅看着这一幕,拍了拍赵四的肩膀:“赵四爷,这是您的低头,我想请你想一想,附近有没有这样的地形……” Battlefield another end, in Yulin looks at the change of entire battlefield, the vision enforces. His leading experiences are more, can see the entire situation the condition, at this time said in a low voice: This war simple, three Crown Prince, Young Lady Lou, I have not thought, our called to be good the own person.” 战场另一端,于玉麟看着整个战场的变化,目光严肃起来。他的领军经验更多,更能看到整个事态的状况,此时低声道:“此战没那么简单了,三太子,楼姑娘,我想,我们该把自己的人叫来才行。” Their this walking into the mountain, more than 300 people of belt/bring are under the Tian Hu tent/account elite, this is the strengths on their hand, Lou Shūwan looks at his one eyes, the vision doubts. Tajitsu nevertheless is good to show off, saw with own eyes that Qiu Meng Tang as if a little admits defeat, was quite happy: Good, should make these highwaymen experience our strengths.” 他们这次进山,带的三百多人都是田虎帐下精锐,这才是他们手上的实力,楼舒婉看他一眼,目光疑惑。田实却是个好炫耀的,眼见裘孟堂似乎有点吃瘪,颇为高兴:“好,该让这些响马见识见识咱们的实力。” Lou Shūwan does not clarify the condition in battlefield, pondered, at this time said: If real such pricks the hand, is...... considers as finished?” 楼舒婉弄不清楚战场上的状况,想了想,此时才道:“若真这么扎手,是不是……算了?” in Yulin looks at her one eyes, nevertheless smiles proudly: Pricks the hand naturally somewhat pricks the hand, but gives up halfway can it be that the heroic behavior, Young Lady Lou does not need to consider thoroughly, since has decided to act, the matter in battlefield, I have the minute/share to teach with three Crown Prince.” 于玉麟看她一眼,却是傲然一笑:“扎手自然是有些扎手,但半途而废又岂是英雄所为,楼姑娘无需多虑,既然已决定出手,战阵上的事情,我与三太子自有分教。” Tajitsu Haha smiles: Right . Moreover, making this Qiu Meng Tang experience our strength, is very necessary, idea such pricks the hand, is a unexpected happiness is right. Young Lady Lou, no matter you have anything to celebrate a holiday with this person, before naturally begins the matter, after beginning, was the matters of our these men, you allowed to pass to look on the line!” 田实哈哈一笑:“没错,另外,让这裘孟堂见识一下咱们的实力,是很有必要的,点子这么扎手,是意外之喜才对。楼姑娘,不管你跟这人有什么过节,那是动手前的事情了,动手之后,就是我们这些爷们的事,你放行看着就行!” They speaking of this degree, Lou Shūwan are no longer good to speak. Is listening to their expression, has a look at that side battle situation again, the feeling of in the heart, is more complex......( to be continued......) 他们说到这个程度,楼舒婉不再好说话。只是听着他们的言辞,再看看那边的厮杀情况,心中的感觉,更加复杂起来……(未完待续……)
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