LISIL :: Volume #6 胡马度阴山

#526: Be continuous mountain road being bathed in blood bodhi

The rainwater crash-bang, the knocking down eaves, on the long street in rain, are cuping one hand in the other across the chest to the horse caravan, is a middle-aged man who is throwing over the rain clothes. 雨水哗啦啦的,打落屋檐,雨中的长街上,对着马队拱手的,是一位披着蓑衣的中年男子。 „...... brothers surnamed Zhao, Zhao four, is indebted on the say/way everyone/various to surface, delivers brothers AKA(Also-Known-As), can cover. As long as area Lüliang this has the matter, looks for my Zhao four, generally can speak words. Since several are takes the greatly path to come, the following matter then wrapped in Zhao's body. May I ask numerous position brothers, how to call Ah? “……兄弟姓赵,赵四,承蒙道上诸位给面儿,送兄弟一个匪号,罩得住。吕梁这一带但凡有事情,找我赵四,一般都能说上句话。几位既然是走大当家的路子过来,接下来的事便包在赵某的身上了。敢问众位兄弟,怎么称呼啊? Can cover, this name rather complicated.” Scholar(egghead) on horseback arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest, below Ning Yi, the rivers and lakes / Jianghu person delivers AKA(Also-Known-As) Blood Slaughterer, side burns city spear/gun Zhu Biao, as well as below numerous brothers, has seen Zhao.” “罩得住,这个名字不简单哪。”马背上的书生拱了拱手,“在下宁毅,江湖人送匪号血手人屠,旁边这位乃是焚城枪祝彪,以及在下的一众兄弟,见过赵公了。” That young Scholar(egghead) sound was leisure, actually also says follows a prescribed pattern, filled with the strange rivers and lakes / Jianghu aura. After nearby is called immediately Zhu Biao small young has greeted lowers the head, in the eye shines: Burns the city spear/gun...... the good nickname.” That can cover to say submissively: well met.” 年轻书生的声音慢条斯理,说得却也是一板一眼,充满了古古怪怪的江湖气息。旁边一匹马上名叫祝彪的小年轻打过招呼之后低下头,眼中发亮:“焚城枪……好外号啊。”那“罩得住”拱手道:“久仰。” He took a walk in Lüliang in those days, unexpectedly has not listened to Zhao this genteel name. Has taken a look at two people, in the heart said: Probably several young......” 他往日在吕梁走动,倒是没听过“赵公”这种文绉绉的称呼。打量过两人,心中道:“像是几个雏儿……” The Lüliang Mountain(s) influence ecology is complex, although the Qingmu stronghold opens the door to do business, now also already has the certain scale, but must take Lüliang this smuggling path, still very rather complicated. The average people have not related, could not find the person to bring both sides together, basically is also hard its to enter. This Zhao four are the Qingmu stronghold in one of the outside guides, his it seems like 30-40 years old age, the back carries one slightly to have the broadsword of rusty stain, during the vision twinkle. Also the somewhat astute look, belonging to that martial arts perhaps is not very high, but quite popular the person on the say/way, this perhaps is also the Qingmu stronghold chooses his reason. 吕梁山一带势力生态复杂,青木寨虽然打开门做生意,如今也已经有了一定规模,但要走吕梁这一条走私道路,仍旧很不简单。一般人没有关系,找不到人牵线搭桥,基本上也是难以得其门而入。这位赵四便是青木寨在外面的引路人之一,他看来三四十岁的年纪,背后背一把略有锈迹的大刀,目光闪烁之中。也有几分精明的神色,属于那种武艺或许不是很高,但在道上比较吃得开的人,这或许也是青木寨选择他的原因。 Here Ning Yi and the others came, leaves behind all large carts in nearby already, changes to the horse caravan to conduct the back the cargo to walk into the mountain. What they use was Hongti once left behind the contact way and margin that. Although is the greatly relations, but also has nothing extraordinarily, was very difficult to say relations where looked. 宁毅等人过来这边,在附近已经将所有的大车留下,改成马队驮着货物进山。他们使用的是红提曾经留下的联络方式与切口。虽然属于大当家的关系,但也没什么出奇的,很难说是什么地方找过来的关系。 In Zhao Siyi Road sizes up the caravan, soon after in the heart then haggles over, at present this group of people obviously from south certain respected families who have the background. Only looked several that leads return young. Knows that should be in the respected family comes out the informed and experienced successor. The caravan should be for the first time walks here, but looks at man physiques and martial arts in rear team is not weak, walking vigor perhaps with becoming a soldier also some relations, at least south of Lüliang Mountain(s). Should can be half hadrosaurus. 那赵四一路上打量商队,不久之后心中便有计较,眼前这帮人显然是来自南面某些有背景的大家族。只看领头的几个都还年轻。就知道该是大家族里出来历练的接班人。商队该是第一次走这边,但看后方队伍中的汉子一个个身板、武艺都不弱,走起路来的精气神或许与当兵的也有些关系,至少在吕梁山以南。该算得上是半尾强龙了。 Just. This kind of hadrosaurus. Once crossed the mountain, often can not even anything. Doing business of travelling frequently and extensively, has Lüliang particularly. Wanted is not the sharp qi, but can discover adapting to changing circumstances that the means come in any environment. Otherwise once the mountain, in the situation of good and bad people mixed up, is really the dragon also the plate, the tiger must lie, 100-200 people of teams, are also no better again, feared is team leader young person and firm changed/easy fold/break. 只不过。这类强龙。一旦过了山,往往也就算不得什么了。南来北往的做生意,尤其是出吕梁的。要的不是锐气,而是在任何环境里都能找出办法来的随机应变。否则一旦过山,鱼龙混杂的情况下,真的是龙也得盘着,虎也得趴着,100-200人的队伍,再强也强不到哪里去,怕的就是年轻人领队、刚强易折。 Zhao four in the heart are so thinking, but as the guide, this matter of doing must do to arrive. Although the Qingmu stronghold develops from Lüliang Mountain(s), outward looked like is still the bandit stronghold, but internal already spoke the well-mannered award and punishment extremely. In Zhao four and the others in eye, this is manages a household greatly blood Bodhisattva toward the south army in study the custom, actually does not know that sets these customs to them, is rear area young person in carriage. 赵四心中如此想着,但作为领路人,该做的事情还是要做到位的。青木寨虽是从吕梁山中发展出来,对外看来仍旧是匪寨,但内部已经极讲规矩赏罚。在赵四等人眼中,这是大当家“血菩萨”往南面军队里学来的规矩,却不知道给他们定下这些规矩的,就是后方马车里的年轻人 After both sides converge, in the rain is also good the half day, enters the Lüliang Mountain(s) range truly. This place appearance of the mountain extends, path to be rugged, habitat are few gradually, with south already was the different two places. 双方汇合之后,雨中又行得半日,才算真正进入吕梁山的范围。这一片的地方山势延绵、道路崎岖、人居渐少,与南面已经是不一样的两个地方了。 Situated in the border above, Lüliang Mountain(s) is not only in the middle of the chaos caused by war all the year round, another issue is barren. Huangtupo vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, the sparse vegetation, plants the crops here, the crop is not usually good, the later generation suits in the potato that this grows relatively has not spread to China at this time, water by no means lacks very much, but if meets the heavy rain, is then easy to transfer the flooding. 位于边境之上,吕梁山不仅长年处于战乱当中,另一个问题还是贫瘠。纵横的黄土坡,稀疏的植被,种在这里的作物,收成通常都不好,后世相对适合在此种植的土豆此时尚未传入中国,水并不很缺,但若遇上大雨,便容易转成洪涝。 Is occupied by people in this kind of place, either walked, either died, stays behind hates to leave one's native land, rather is the idea of the start not having moved. 200 years ago here also calculates the relative peace, after that chaos caused by war with hitting Grass Valley year by year has combed here, some people died, some people hide to walk into the mountain, seeks for the new place survival. The total of grain were not many, was robbed part, remains, then can only similar eat. 居住在这类地方的人们,要么走了,要么死了,留下的与其说是故土难离,不如说是压根就没有迁徙的想法。两百年前这边还算相对太平,此后战乱与打草谷一年一年的将这里梳过一遍,有些人死了,有些人躲进山中,寻找新的地方生存。粮食的总数本就不多,又被抢走一部分,剩下来的,便只能同类相食。 Among the hungry famine years, in the mountains and plains, eating person of also by no means is any strange matter. After Wu Dynasty gradually develops, outside Lüliang, the grain is enough, although was very difficult saying that helped the Lüliang Mountain(s) anything matter directly, but in these years, hungrily to eating famine unexpectedly of person situation were not many, but the starving to death person, actually was still the normal state. In the total quantity limited situation, must support few people, another part will then certainly starve to death. This is the most brutal survival principle, the mercy likes and dislikes of irrelevant person. 饥荒年间,山野之中,吃人也并不是什么奇怪的事情。武朝逐渐发展起来之后,吕梁以外,粮食算是够的,虽然很难说直接帮助到了吕梁山什么事,但这几十年来,饿到吃人地步的饥荒倒是不多,但饿死人,却仍旧是常态。总量有限的情况下,要养活一部分人,另一部分便一定会被饿死。这是最残酷的生存法则,无关人的慈悲好恶。 If the people to by the condition of starving to death, anything will be quickly. This places convenient like raising the place of gu, gradually, order mostly was broken, morality and justice become, if has to resemble not to have, the morals also no one said that only had the survival becomes clear. In people who under this environment survive, extremely cruel, extremely pure, or both all have...... by no means are no one want to establish the order, but is this diligence, usually failed, made the knot by the blood and death. 人若是到了快被饿死的状态,什么事情都是会做的。这一片地方便如同养蛊之地,久而久之的,大多的秩序被打破了,道义变得若有似无,道德也没什么人去讲,唯有生存本身变得清晰。在这种环境下生存起来的人们,有极其残忍的,也有极其单纯的,又或是两者皆有……并不是没有人想要建立秩序,但作此努力者,通常都失败了,以鲜血与死亡做结。 Occasionally they can have some conflicts with the outside world, occasionally, the army thought that in the profitable situation will come, finding the way to kill a group of people, then gives the country as the banditing suppression achievement. this kind of affair, except for by killing it, nobody was basically also paid attention. 偶尔他们会与外界发生一些冲突,也偶尔,外界军队觉得有利可图的情况下会进来,想办法杀上一批人,然后交给国家作为剿匪成果。这样的事情,除了被杀者本身,基本上也无人理会。 In the such situation wants to survive, the pack of wolves in person and mountain, actually also differs not in a big way. 这样的情况下想要生存,人与山中的狼群,其实也相差不大。 „...... In this mountain, no matter where is not peaceful. The bystanders basically cannot come.” Rain already stopped, along process that in the mountain road leads the way, Zhao four points at periphery was introducing, here toward the west, before there is a mounted bandit called the opening stomach, the scenery after a period of time, probably...... two years, then died, in the second in command by stronghold was killed, the corpse hung for several months on the mountain, the second in command met the position less than a half year, Zhaizi (stockaded village) did not have, now several groups of people hit, was reckless. One group of hunting households in that side to bind a camp, were rampant, whose face does not give, therefore we must detour now.” “……这个山里,不管哪里都不太平。外人基本上进不来。”雨已经停了,沿着山道前行的过程里,赵四指着周围介绍,“这里往西,以前有个马贼叫张大肚,风光过一段时间,大概……两年吧,然后就死了,被寨里的二当家杀的,尸体在山上挂了几个月,二当家接位不到半年,寨子也没了,现在几拨人打来打去,都是不要命的。有一帮猎户在那边扎了个营,嚣张得很,谁的面子都不给,所以我们现在得绕道。” „...... Must say that can be the number, north-east point. What is quite famous is the young highwayman Qiu Meng hall, heard that relates with tiger king somewhat, now the subordinate person are many, a little momentum. After the past, there is a Chen Family ditch chaotic mountain king Chen Zhenhai, skeleton stronghold black ku king Luan three wolves. Crossed our Qingmu stronghold, probably is Fang Family side Yiyang several brothers...... other, the north side also one group of Liao person, heard recently was Liao Nation perished the later routed troop, had more than 2000 people fully. With our Qingmu. Had to conflict several times......” “……要说能算得上号的,东北边一点。比较有名的是小响马裘孟堂,听说跟虎王有些关系,如今手下人不少,很有点声势。过去以后,有陈家渠的‘乱山王’陈震海,骷髅寨的‘黑骷王’栾三狼。过了咱青木寨,大概就要数方家的方义阳几兄弟……另外,北边最近还来了一帮辽人,听说是辽国亡了以后的溃兵,足有两千多号人。跟咱们青木。起过几次冲突了……” Zhao four are the local bullies, in the big influence regarding Lüliang Mountain(s) is familiar with. Sometimes the mountain road presents one group of troops, he then can pass to negotiate, after hitting the period of time margin . The opposite party also on silent allow to pass. In fact in the such mountain. Troublesome actually is not big influence. But is some did not speak the custom completely slightly dials the highwayman. Influence one big, often then has the custom saying that only then these finished eating no matter next. The wicked wolf of keeping changing one's goals makes one puzzle over. Even if the Qingmu stronghold negotiated the custom with them, perhaps after several days, this group of people on the already dying an untimely death mountain top, exchanged another group of people. Therefore, the walking into the mountain path that to maintain one crookedly seven eight turned, the Qingmu stronghold also took the enormous effort. 赵四是地头蛇,对于吕梁山中的大势力如数家珍。有时候山道边出现一拨人马,他便会过去交涉,打了一阵子切口之后。对方也就无声放行。事实上在这样的山中。麻烦的倒不是大势力。而是一些完全不讲规矩的小拨响马。势力一大,往往便有规矩可讲,只有那些吃完上顿不管下顿。打一枪换一个地方的恶狼非常让人伤脑筋。青木寨即便跟他们讲定了规矩,说不定过了几天,这帮人就已经横死山头,换上了另一拨人。因此,为了维持一条七歪八拐的进山道路,青木寨也费了极大的力气。 Many times, Ning Yi and the others can see nearby this mountain road is inserting the wooden stake, on some wooden stakes still has the corpse and skeleton head. The white bones and corrosion insert on the high loess distinctly, this is the most barbaric caution line, but corpse already are not many, obviously recently killed people are few gradually, what are more is only does not know how long spatial pillar set up. 不少时候,宁毅等人都能看到这条山道附近插着的木桩,有的木桩上犹有尸体、骷髅头在。历历白骨、腐蚀插在高高的黄土上,这是最为野蛮的警示线,但尸体已经不多,可见最近杀人渐少,更多的只是不知立了多久的空柱子。 A moment ago that group of people, named yellow ape of lead, dials the wicked wolf, but also to us the face...... these places, managed a household to lead us to hit one initially greatly, at that time one row was head, the blood flows from above, the entire soil bank was red.” After having sent one group of blocking the way, Zhao four comes back, waves to introduce the surroundings, the vision takes a look at Ning Yi and the others, on the face has the contented color, „the present must walk into the mountain, Young Master Ning has the oneself team like this, naturally is Zhao someone brings, if some private investors, then make them and others enter together, we must send dozens to follow personally, now this, this road is more chaotic initially......” “刚才那拨人,领头的叫做黄猿,是拨恶狼,但也得给咱们面子……这些地方,都是当初大当家带着咱们打过一遍的,当时一排都是人头,血从上面流下来,整个土坡都红了。”打发过一拨拦路者之后,赵四回来,挥手介绍着周围,目光打量着宁毅等人,脸上颇有自得之色,“如今要进山,宁公子这样有自己队伍的,自然是赵某一个人带,若是一些散户,便让他们等一批人一起进,咱们还是得派几十个人跟着的,现在都这样,当初这条路就更乱了……” In Zhao four said that when was the Qingmu stronghold just made these things conditions. Although Lüliang Mountain(s) is chaotic, but smuggles the situation of passing through from here, consistently has, either is several groups of true boldness because of one's skill bodyguards who walk the black dart, either is the merchant who some are opportunistic to risk danger wrestles, although Lüliang is chaotic, after all vast territory with a sparse population, once passed, can gain a big pen. When Qingmu stronghold and the others just consulted with these merchants is not very easy, even if the native, past one must slaughter several times. 赵四口中说的,是青木寨刚刚做这些事情时的状况。吕梁山虽然乱,但从这里走私过关的情况,一向是有的,要么是真正艺高人胆大的几路走黑镖的镖师,要么是一些投机取巧行险一搏的商人,吕梁虽乱,毕竟地广人稀,一旦过去了,也就能赚上一大笔。青木寨等人刚刚接洽这些商户时很不容易,纵然是本地人,过去一趟也得厮杀好几次。 Started to do afterward in a big way to this business, the Qingmu stronghold can provide the income and food, inflates rapidly, to maintain a relatively stable path, Hongti and the others almost run through each mountain top. Discussed the condition, greeted, fought and kills people, or slightly dialed killing that slightly dialed, dialed the internecine strife of greatly dialing greatly, in the end, on the entire road inserted many wooden clubs, basically many head. 到得后来这生意开始做大,青木寨能提供收入和饭食,也迅速膨胀起来,为了维持一条相对稳定的道路,红提等人几乎跑遍各个山头。谈条件,打招呼,交手、杀人,或是小拨小拨的杀,或是大拨大拨的火拼,到头来,整条路上插了多少木棍,基本就有多少的人头 During this, naturally also has to slice, but in fact, only then the Qingmu stronghold will relate to make a connection with the entire road truly, the average person wants to lead to pass, often became defends in the roadside pack of wolves the food in mouth. Also there are fearless, runs to block the road, or destroyed, wants to extort Qingmu stronghold —— this extremely to be naturally stupid, was soon after then led to kill to visit. 这期间,自然也有想要分一杯羹的,但事实上,只有青木寨真正将关系打通了整条路,一般人想要带队通过,往往就成了守在路边的“狼群”口中的食物。也有天不怕地不怕的,跑去把路堵住,或是毁了,想要勒索青木寨——这自然极其愚蠢,不久之后便被人带队杀上门来。 „...... Then is this, sweeping repeatedly, by the present, raised our Qingmu stronghold manages a household greatly blood Bodhisattva the given name, who dares not to yield and withdraw!” The horse caravan vanguard, Zhao four said that while looks at Ning Yi, he wants to use these brutal matter Eh Eh this pampered young master, said for quite a while, unexpectedly thought that was somewhat senseless. “……便是这样,一遍一遍的扫,到了现在,提起咱们青木寨大当家‘血菩萨’的名号,谁敢不退避三舍!”马队前行,赵四一边说一边看着宁毅,他本想用这些残酷的事情公子哥,说了半天,倒是觉得有些无趣起来。 Ning Yi hears to these things with great interest, Hongti in saw him in those days, will not mention these matters, anything kills rivers of blood, various internecine strife. This becomes AKA(Also-Known-As) of Eh person regarding blood Bodhisattva in Lüliang gradually, has not naturally raised. The blood Bodhisattva...... the murder kills what degree to have such nickname Ah…... compared to Rivers and Mountains Iron Sword this type the nickname, blood Bodhisattva anything, clarifying is the dragon embroidered costume name, met must ridicule her is not possible. 宁毅对这些事情听得津津有味,红提往日里见他,是不会提起这些事的,什么杀得血流成河啊,各种火拼啊。对于“血菩萨”这个渐渐在吕梁变得人的匪号,自然也没有提过。血菩萨……得杀人杀到什么程度才会有这样的外号啊……相对于“河山铁剑”这种好外号,“血菩萨”什么的,摆明是个龙套名嘛,见面了非得嘲笑她不可。 Because of this, last year to this year's this time, the people in Zhaizi (stockaded village) has not had an empty stomach. Sharing benefit because of our Qingmu stronghold, the nearby mountain top also feels better much.” Zhao four after all are also the simple and honest inhabitants, at this time has a look at Ning Yi, „hasn't Young Master Ning from the south, seen the matter of starving to death person?” “也是因为这样,去年到今年这时候,寨子里的人都还没饿过肚子。因为咱们青木寨的分润,附近山头也好过不少。”赵四毕竟还算是淳朴的山里人,此时看看宁毅,“宁公子从南面来的,没看见过饿死人的事情吧?” Last year south also noisy famine.” Ning Yi smiled, like this said, recently said the upload, your females manage a household the matter that must live with the bride's family......” “去年南面也闹饥荒啊。”宁毅笑了笑,“这样说起来,最近道上传的,你们那位女当家要招亲的事……” Zhao four vision cold: Young Master Ning regarding this is it possible that also interested?” 赵四的目光冷了下来:“宁公子对此莫非也有兴趣?” Truly wants to experience.” “确实是想见识一下。” What he said is to experience, rather than wants to participate. The Zhao four facial features stretch/leisurely launches slightly: Snort, that is on the say/way the rumor, does not know that is who in the chaotic biography, made secretly recent one group of people in catch up toward Zhaizi (stockaded village). Manages a household greatly martial arts tall Jue, a sword in the hand, hundred people are difficult to be near the body, these mediocre people can compare can it be that! The martial arts contest lives with the bride's family, thing that one crowd does not know......” 他说的是想见识,而不是想参加。赵四的眉眼才稍稍舒展开:“哼,那不过是道上谣言,不知道是谁在暗地里乱传,弄得最近一帮人都在往寨子里赶。大当家武艺高绝,一剑在手,百人都难近身,岂是那些庸人可以比的!比武招亲,一群不知死的东西……” He was verbose: From the past years to the present, manages a household greatly person of sword vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered several hundred li (0.5 km) Lüliang, many vagabond cruel methods wanted the hearing a rumor look changes. The year before last Shang. Ruthless person in ruthless person. martial arts superior, kills people to refuse to acknowledge family, goes into our Qingmu stronghold to disturb, had not been pursued day of Throughout the night then to kill by Fort Master. In the winter of last year. West Lüliang the lineage/vein, the most powerful old wolf opinion our Qingmu stronghold potential was vertically and horizontally big. The design must bend down to kill greatly. In the mountain chases down, manages a household greatly a person of sword, a flare. Also met in the winter most awfully the wicked pack of wolves, managed a household to have a bloody road actually greatly, seven days later, the old wolf Lord also thinks that managed a household dead greatly, finally when greatly the family belongings everyone's surface was cutting the head. also has farther time, that side Fenyang has a mounted bandit......” 他絮絮叨叨的:“从当年到现在,大当家一人一剑纵横数百里吕梁,多少好汉狠手都要闻风色变。前年的吕裳。狠人中的狠人。武艺高强,杀起人来六亲不认,跑到咱们青木寨捣乱,还不是被寨主追了一天一夜然后杀了。去年冬天。纵横吕梁西脉、最有势力的老狼主见咱们青木寨势大了。设计要伏杀大当家。山里一路追杀,大当家一人一剑,一支火把。还遇上了冬天里最要命的恶狼群,硬是被大当家杀出了一条血路,七天之后,老狼主还以为大当家死了,结果被大当家当着所有人的面砍了脑袋。还有更远的时候,汾阳那边有一支马匪……” Seeing Ning Yi hears to be interested to this kind of matter, Zhao four mentioned managed a household greatly these matters, was quite contented. After being verbose, detected that the facial expression of side this young Young Master eyeground seemed like some changes, saw only him still to smile, the gentle voice asked one: By this time, but also wants your Fort Master to run outside? You?” 宁毅对这类事情听得有兴趣,赵四说起“大当家”的这些事,也是颇为自得。只是絮叨一阵之后,才察觉到身旁年轻公子眼底的神情似乎有些变化,只见他仍旧笑着,柔声地问了一句:“到了这个时候,还要你们寨主在外面跑吗?你们呢?” Fort Master nearby, naturally some people.” Zhao four waves, Lüliang Mountain(s) is too chaotic, some people spoke the custom, some people did not say, these things, very difficult with...... . Moreover, our Fort Master martial arts that you talked clearly high, told you, my Zhao four studied three types to kill to incur in Fort Master subordinate, after coming out worked, has the cover this name, these very difficult to tell you, if came not to enlarge ones vision, you knew......” 寨主身边,自然是有人的。”赵四挥了挥手,“不过吕梁山太乱,有人讲规矩,有人不讲,这些事情,很难跟你说清楚的……而且,我们寨主武艺有多高,告诉你,我赵四只在寨主手下学过三式杀招,出来做事以后,才有罩得住这个名字,这些很难跟你们说,要是来个不开眼的,你就知道了……” Was accused only makes Fort Master go out to work, obviously makes Zhao four feel that some were not comfortable, supplemented many words. Ning Yi smiled no longer closely examines. One, the front is the level area, in the level area the first team troops looks again together from afar toward here. Zhao four makes hand gesture, soon after clamps the barrel, continued to make the negotiation the matter. 被指责只让寨主出去做事,明显让赵四觉得有些不自在,补充了不少话。宁毅笑了笑不再追问。再行得一阵,前方又是一道山坳,山坳中一队人马远远地朝这边望过来。赵四做个手势,随后一夹马腹,继续去做交涉的事情了。 At this time is in the afternoon, is good, the people pitch camp in nearby ravine. This hill does not seem barren, swarming has the rock short tree and bush thick patch of grass of by no means cover, a small stream winds from the ravine. Under the setting sun west, the people elect is also the field of vision open place, distant can see a remnant wall of village, now obviously was the nobody housing. Ning Yi stands on the foothill, looks direction that Sun falls. 此时已是下午,又行得一阵,众人才在附近一处山间扎营。这山丘倒不显得贫瘠,远远近近的有怪石矮树、并不茂密的灌木草丛,一条小溪自山间蜿蜒而过。夕阳西下,众人选的也是视野开阔处,远远的可以看见一处村落的残垣,现在显然是无人居住了。宁毅站在山麓上,看着太阳落下去的方向。 Zhu Biao shoulders a rifle never the distant place to walk: A moment ago with that cover several moves, here martial arts and south was different, was in life and death preying practices, what was heavy was the imposing manner. If general expert cannot shoulder that desperate making an all-out effort, two blades will be killed, but if shouldered, matter was difficult to say.” 祝彪扛着枪从不远处走过来:“刚才与那罩得住过了几招,这边的武艺与南方不同,都是生死搏杀中练出来的,重的是气势。一般的高手若是扛不住那股拼命的狠劲,两刀就会被杀,但若是扛住了,事情就难说。” Ning Yi actually also smiled: Here practices the blade is not the martial arts contest, if you shouldered, they naturally turned the head to run, retaliation that then stopped at nothing.” 宁毅却也笑了笑:“这边练刀不为比武,你若是扛住了,他们自然转头就跑,然后无所不用其极的报复回来。” The Zhu Biao Martial Arts attainments be much higher than Ning Yi, naturally understands to these. In fact, what although in the mouth said is that Zhao four imposing manners, but by cultivation of Zhao four these people, there is an imposing manner, in true contest of strength, to Zhu Biao is nothing difference, this mainly is also because the disparity is too big. He smiles, said: Matter that Brother Ning, is thinking the land senior?” 祝彪武学造诣要比宁毅高得多,对这些自然明白。事实上,虽然口中说的是那赵四的气势,但以赵四这些人的修为来说,有没有气势,在真正的过招中,对祝彪而言是没有任何差别的,这主要也是因为差距太大。他嘿嘿一笑,道:“宁大哥,在想陆前辈的事情吧?” Initially considered Lüliang Mountain(s) time, what hit is the idea of smuggling.” Ning Yi shoulders both hands, knits the brows, opens the door to do business, looked is the benefit. However is centered on the benefit, is very difficult to train enough loyalty. Feared that feared several Eldest Child for the benefit link, usually develops very well, really to must make a move, everyone fraught with uncertainty.” “当初考虑吕梁山的时候,打的是走私的主意。”宁毅背负双手,皱了皱眉,“打开门来做生意,看的就是利益。但是以利益为核心,很难培养出足够的忠诚心。怕就怕几个老大为了利益结合在一起,平时发展很好,真到要出手的时候,大家就都畏首畏尾。” he paused: Therefore reminded her initially, grasps the armed core in hand is most important, the person who can hit must control with the most tight rein, when the training cohesive force, her individual martial arts and charm must use, so long as Martial Arts Grandmaster meets a management slightly, betrayed may be much smaller. But now looks like...... her charm, was a little trains crosses.” 他顿了顿:“所以当初就提醒她,掌握在手里的武装核心是最重要的,能打的人要用最严格的纪律控制好,而在培养凝聚力的时候,她的个人武功和魅力要用起来,一个武学宗师只要稍微会一点管理,被人背叛的可能就会小得多。但现在看来……她这个人魅力,是不是培养得有点过了。” During the Ning Yi speech, the tone is quite complex. Just when walked into the mountain heard various things no doubt to find it interesting, the Lu Hongti blood Bodhisattva nickname also only regarded the laughingstock. As for killing and so on matter, Ning Yi no doubt yearns for the gentle point life, but in the dark side regarding world, is the understanding of the depth. In that Zhao four is pleased with oneself boasted that heard the long time. Will separate out the complex state of mind to come truly. 宁毅说话之中,语气颇为复杂。刚进山时听到各种事情固然是觉得有趣,陆红提的血菩萨外号也只当成笑料。至于杀来杀去之类的事情,宁毅固然向往平和一点的生活,但对于世上的黑暗面,是了解至深的。只是那赵四口中沾沾自喜的吹擂听得久了。才会真正从中析出复杂的心绪来。 „...... What Shang, what old wolf lord. That cover the words have certainly the discount, but is definitely insufficient is too false. What person of sword flare, in the world of ice and snow to one flock of wolves, the behind also has person chases down, wish brothers, how do you think?” He remembers in that woman world of ice and snow to the scene of pack of wolves, suddenly thought unexpectedly has the aesthetic sense, but soon after, sighed the one breath. “……什么吕裳,什么老狼主。那个罩得住的话当然有折扣的,但肯定不至于太假。什么一人一剑一火把,冰天雪地里面对一群狼,后面还有人追杀,祝兄弟,你怎么想?”他想起那女人冰天雪地里面对狼群的景状,一时间竟觉得颇有美感,但随后,又不免叹一口气。 Zhu Biao shrugs: Um. I thought that...... the wolf also passes humane. If only 1-2 wolves, perhaps I can also Eh run they. The land senior is so fierce, the common wolf, it is estimated that does not dare to nip her.” 祝彪耸了耸肩:“。我觉得吧……狼也通人性的。如果只是1-2狼,我说不定也能跑他们。陆前辈那么厉害,一般的狼,估计根本不敢咬她。” But naturally world of ice and snow. Hungry a winter pack of wolves......” Ning Yi waved. Her martial arts originally high. Said individual charm, every year showed on the line. Other...... the coercive policy and mysticist anything are not easy-to-use, but also likes doing it yourself. Let her raise one group of people to work for her, could it be is raising attractively. This past, was attractive her mountain fort appearance the line......” “可那是冰天雪地。饿了一个冬天的狼群了……”宁毅挥了挥手。“她武功本来就高。说个人魅力,每年作作秀就行了。其余的……高压政策、神秘主义什么不好用,还喜欢亲力亲为。让她养一群人就是要替她做事的,难道养着好看的么。这次过去,得好好看看她山寨的样子才行……” Zhu Biao worked already in Ning Yi subordinate is not a day two days, Ning Yi also taught his many thing, at this time curled the lip to smile, actually knows that oneself does not need to say anything. Also in this time, he detects anything suddenly, the vision looks toward not far away, among that side sparse Yang Shulin, whish has the bird to depart, is bang a sound, the sound is not then big, has made a sound one, along with even belongs to peacefully. 祝彪宁毅手下做事已经不是一天两天的时间,宁毅也教了他不少的东西,此时撇嘴笑笑,却知道自己没必要说些什么。也在此时,他陡然间察觉到什么,目光朝着不远处望去,那边稀疏的杨树林间,哗的有鸟儿飞出,然后便是砰的一声响,声音不大,响过一声,随即便归于安静。 Just likes has stroked gust of foothill suddenly, in more than hundred people who start to pitch camp swarmingly, half was alarmed in this flash, looked toward that side. 犹如陡然拂过山麓的一阵风,远远近近开始扎营的百多人中,有半数的都在这一瞬间被惊动,朝那边望了过去。 That is almost the suffocating peace. In the camps, Zhao four dashes, jumps onto a big stone, loosens the steel knife, another hand rearward wields: Do not fluster!” Naturally, actually no one flusters radically. 那几乎是令人窒息的安静。营地之中,赵四飞奔而出,跃上一颗大石,解下钢刀,另一只手向后方一挥:“别慌!”当然,其实根本没人慌。 and attracts, among Yang Shulin, there is a person's shadow to flash suddenly, handed over in the skewer, exuded the „Ah” short pitiful yell sound , on the tree presented the person's shadow, the weapon hands over the sound of striking. Here only hears the simple sound. 呼、吸,杨树林间,又有人影陡然一闪,交串中,发出“啊”的短促惨叫声,紧接着,树上出现人影,兵器交击之声。这边只听见简单的声音。 Who!” “谁!” Comes out —— “出来—— Kyah—-” 呀啊——” Everyone is careful, the idea grips —— “大家当心,点子扎—— These sound some shouted, some stopped suddenly. In Yang Shulin caught the bloodstain, head has rolled the field of vision of people, then the chest broken out corpse was thrown. Obviously, in just now, this grove, two slightly dials the person silent to meet, soon after launched short actually fatal battle. 这些声音有的喊出来了,有的戛然而止。杨树林中染上了血迹,一颗人头滚过众人的视野,然后又有一具胸口被劈开的尸体被扔了出来。显然,就在方才,这片小树林中,两小拨人无声地相遇,随后展开了短促却致命的厮杀。 Zhao four also thinks that was not clear this actually what's the matter, he turn head has a look. In setting sun, the rear people disperse in this mountain ridges, some people hold the blade, some people to hold a gun, some people to hold the crossbow, silent exhibited the array, few spoke, murderous aura with deep veneration. Several people still size up to him on big stone in the doubts. Before having, with he has had the conversation, hides in stone following young person leaning the leaning head, silent said to him: Do you have not gotten down, stand do on that. 赵四还想不清楚这到底是怎么回事,他回头看看。夕阳之中,后方众人一片一片地散开在这山岭间,有人持刀、有人持枪、有人持弩,无声地摆开了阵列,几乎没有人说话,杀气肃然。有几个人还在疑惑地向大石头上的他打量。有个之前与他有过交谈的、躲在石头后面的年轻人偏了偏头,无声地向他表示:你还不下来,站在那上面干嘛。 The place of distant place, two young person also already of team leader transformed the position slightly, silent and is sizing up below all peacefully, in the vision, almost does not have the extremely accidental/surprised look. In fact, with the Ning Yi character, the Lüliang Mountain(s) such chaotic place, he is impossible only to hope that guiding safely in Qingmu stronghold, has some accidents/surprises suddenly, has the human brain to pull out, seems like perhaps troubles, but is also insufficient to make him make much ado about nothing. 更远处的地方,领队的两个年轻人已经稍稍转换了位置,沉默而安静地打量着下方的一切,目光之中,几乎没有太过意外的神色。事实上,以宁毅的性格,吕梁山这么乱的地方,他怎么也不可能只将安全寄望于青木寨的一个带路者,忽然出些意外,有人脑抽,看起来或许麻烦,但还不至于令他大惊小怪。 Again turn head, near Yang Shulin, as that corpse was thrown, the form withdraws from the grove together slowly. A naturally tall man, Zhao four today had once seen him in the horse caravan. This person of surface has the scar of knife wound, tall and powerfully built, the step is steady, the skill looked like equivalent, in addition the facial expression was silent and serious, even in Lüliang Mountain(s), perhaps were still the hard idea that others do not dare to annoy randomly. In the Ning Yi team, he holds the post of a squad team leader responsibility. At this time in this man hand the steel knife bloodstained, hit several hand gesture toward the above, then arrives at behind a quarry stone, covered up the figure, soon after, in the forest several people withdrew one after another, was his subordinate the squad member who was responsible for admonishing. 再回头,杨树林边,随着那具尸体被扔出,一道身影缓缓退出林子。那是一名身材高大的汉子,赵四今天就曾在马队中见过他。这人面有刀疤,身材魁梧,步伐稳健,身手看来就相当了得,再加上神情沉默而严肃,即便在吕梁山,恐怕也是旁人不敢乱惹的硬点子。在宁毅的队伍中,他是担任一个小队队长职责的。此时这汉子手中钢刀染血,朝着上方打了几个手势,便走到一处乱石后方,掩住了身形,随后,林中相继有数人撤出,是他手下负责警戒的小队成员。 Three to 400 people, comes...... Zhu Biao to explain the news that the opposite party is transmitting from the southeast, said to Ning Yi, Ning Yi nods: Aids Nie mountain they to come up.” “有三到四百人,自东南来……”祝彪解读着对方传来的讯息,跟宁毅说了一下,宁毅点头:“接应聂山他们上来。” Nie mountain in his mouth, was the name of below that man. This Nie mountain is the group leader in Liangshan, the natural disposition was flagitious, murder quite a lot, afterward in the Solitary Dragon Ridge camp, on martial arts received Lu Hongti direction —— mainly to come under attack, after the confession, martial arts then strives. Actually most techniques, the martial arts also good art, after to arriving at the bottleneck, can promote the breakthrough often is the philosophy comprehension, is quenching in disposition. These confessions in Solitary Dragon Ridge no doubt have its distortion side, but also brought some extreme crazy letter/believes factor. The such person added on took the squad as the training of team afterward specially, standing sentry -type small range preying in the woods, they was almost nightmare existence, the opposite party entered the outpost in woods elite almost just to contact secretly, then killed off. 他口中的聂山,便是下方那汉子的名字了。这聂山原本乃是梁山之中的小头目,生性凶残,杀人颇多,后来在独龙岗的营地之中,武艺上受过陆红提的指点——主要是挨了打,忏悔之后,武艺便有精进。其实大部分的技艺,武艺也好艺术也罢,到达瓶颈之后能推动突破的往往是哲学领悟,也就是心性上的淬炼。独龙岗中的那些忏悔固然有其扭曲的一面,但也带来了某种极端的狂信因素。这样的人加上后来专以小队为团队的训练,在树林之中放哨式的小范围搏杀,他们几乎就是噩梦一般的存在,对方偷偷进入树林的前哨精锐几乎甫一接触,便被杀光了。 The movement between mountain ridges is peaceful and ordered, some people stand guard, some people pack the thing, Nie mountain and the others also already, from under comes., The first group of people appear when the field of vision by far, Zhao four then sees here two to pull the bow nocking, brushes shot to turn several person's shadows continuously, the opposite party drew back hastily, but soon after became more and more, revolved to come from the southeast. 山岭间的运动安静而有序,有人警戒,有人收拾东西,聂山等人也已经自下方过来。远远的,第一批人出现在视野中时,赵四便看见这边有两人挽弓搭箭,刷刷刷的连续射翻了几道人影,对方连忙退下,但随后又变得越来越多,自东南围绕过来。 Zhao Fourth Master.” Ning Yi approached, this time can have 300-400 people to come, you thought that is who?” “赵四爷。”宁毅靠近了过来,“这个时候能有300-400人过来的,你觉得是什么人?” His mother.” Zhao four rubbed doing a lot of talking, here is of small the domain highwayman, just now when crosses that level area also has notified their people. His Qiu Meng Tang, began to us not awfully, how to think that his mother!” “他娘的。”赵四磨了磨牙,“这里还是小响马的地盘,方才过那山坳时还跟他们的人打过招呼。他裘孟堂不要命了,对咱们动手,怎么想的,他娘!” In the mouth was saying this saying, around the Zhao four dynasties looked at one, was seeing with own eyes more than 100 people gather and move, each person vigor of does not see the disorder unexpectedly, confirmed this group of person background really rather complicated finally. Clenches teeth, presented that side to clash toward the person's shadow. 口中说着这话,赵四朝周围看了一眼,眼见着这一百多人聚集、移动,每一个人身上的精气神竟丝毫不见紊乱,也终于确认了这帮人来头委实不简单。一咬牙,往人影出现那边冲了出去。 Qiu Meng Tang! Fur garment Fort Master!” He drinks to that side person's shadow one greatly, I am Qingmu Zhao four, today belt/bring numerous brothers pass through, is the greatly meaning! The safe passage money your already received, does this is do! You took the wrong medicine! Dares to break a promise —— with my Qingmu stronghold “裘孟堂!裘寨主!”他冲着那边人影一声大喝,“我乃青木赵四,今日带众兄弟过关,乃是大当家的意思!买路钱你们已经收了,这是干什么!你们吃错药了!敢与我青木寨毁约—— Little Brother in his mountain fort then dares to speak the last words with the opposite party, here is the power and influence that the Qingmu stronghold stranguria with hematuria comes out. In the middle of warm yellow setting sun, that side sound sends, indeed vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered Lüliang young highwayman. 他一个山寨中的小弟便敢跟对方叫板,这边是青木寨血淋出来的威势。暖黄的夕阳当中,那边一个声音发出来,正是纵横吕梁的小响马。 Zhao four. That group of people who you lead, my today must stay behind, the subsequent matter, my young highwayman explained things to the blood Bodhisattva from the personally.” That intonation listens to be somewhat sluggish, however is promoted by inner strength, is because here the atmosphere withers peacefully, suddenly resounds through the entire mountain ridge unexpectedly, curls up cold clear the residual sound, words only one, you, can walk.” “赵四。你带的那批人,我今日要留下,此后的事,我小响马自会亲向血菩萨分说。”那语调听来有些懒散,然而由内力推动,也是因为这边气氛肃杀安静,一时间竟响彻整个山岭,卷起冷澈的余音,“话只一遍,你,可以走。” On the mountain ridge, Ning Yi knits the brows: Always meets the matter, is really bewildered......”( to be continued......) 山岭上,宁毅皱了皱眉:“总是遇上事,真是莫名其妙……”(未完待续……)
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