LISIL :: Volume #10 长夜过春时

#964: All sea surges rain gets angry ( 8 )

In mid May, Fúzhou. 五月中旬,福州 Sun rises slowly from the harbor direction, fished fleet already to go to sea early, along with the wharf beginning work people shout, in city everywhere streets and alleys, rural fair, square and work site, crowded crowd already at present the scene becomes lively. 太阳从港口方向冉冉升起来,捕鱼船队早已经出海了,伴随着码头上工人们呼喊声,城市一处处街巷、集市、广场、工地间,拥挤人群已经将眼前景象变得热闹起来。 Puts on simple people to have the breakfast on the roadside stall, in a hurry however is good, trades the newsprinting paper child to run in the middle of the crowd. already became obsolete brothel clear/pain Guan, the teahouse wineshop, in recently this period of time, already business, while starts to overhaul, in these used constructions, the Scholar poets gathers here, came from far away the commerce to start to talk day of human relations and...... 穿着朴素人们在路边小摊上吃过早餐,匆匆而行,贩卖新闻纸孩童奔跑在人群当中。原本已经变得陈旧青楼楚馆、茶楼酒肆,在最近这段时日里,也已经一边营业、一边开始进行翻修,就在这些半新半旧建筑中,文人骚客们在这里聚集起来,远道而来商贩开始进行一天交际与商谈…… Floods into the refugee and new Imperial Court massively establishes provisionally that the capital position, brought to Fúzhou so prospered the scene. Similar situation, more than ten years ago had also once continued several years of time in Lin'an, but compared to that time Lin'an prosperous confusion and refugee died, various case frequencies to send the scene massively, Fúzhou this seemingly chaotic lively, has the order guidance indistinctly. 大量涌入流民与新朝廷暂定首都位置,给福州带来了这般繁荣景象。类似情形,十余年前在临安也曾持续过好几年时间,只是相对于那时临安繁荣中混乱、流民大量死去、各种案件频发景象,福州这看似混乱繁华中,却隐约有着秩序引导。 In these months of time, lots of Imperial Court petty local officials job breakdown several main directions, on the one hand, they encourage the Fúzhou local area indigenous people to participate in the livelihood of the people business activities as far as possible, for example has the house hiring dwelling, has cook to sell the breakfast, has the shop qualification extensive operating, in the crowd flows in the situation massively, various types increase with the livelihood of the people related market segment demand, as long as has a stall to sell the mouth breakfast commerce in the street, every day in the jobs can rise several. 这几个月时间里,大量朝廷吏员们将工作细分了几个主要方向,一方面,他们鼓励福州本地原住民尽量地参与民生方面经商活动,例如有房屋出租住处,有厨艺贩卖早点,有店铺本钱扩大经营,在人群大量流入情况下,各种与民生有关市场环节需求大增,但凡在街头有个小摊卖口早点商贩,每日里营生都能翻上几番。 Guides and encourages local people extensive operating responsible livelihood of the people simultaneously, the Fúzhou east side starts to build up the new wharf, the expanded shipyard and placement technical staff, in the city north city west expansion house and workshop area, Imperial Court takes the government order to encourage from the outside fugitive commerce to build up the new workshop and wigwam as the resources hence, the absorption already no family belongings refugee work and providing work as a form of relief, at least guarantee most refugees are insufficient the wandering about destitute street, can find stuttering . 引导和鼓励本地民众扩大经营负责民生同时,福州东面开始建起新码头,扩大造船厂、安置技术员工,在城北城西扩大住宅与作坊区,朝廷以政令为资源鼓励从外地逃亡至此商贩建起新厂房、棚屋,吸收已无家当流民做工、以工代赈,至少保证大部分难民不至于流落街头,能够找到一口吃 Meanwhile, participates in the patrol by the unnecessary soldier, coordinating the lower layer government official to deal as quickly as possible regarding the order issue severely, has violating the law and commit crime to be detained to Caishikou almost every day decapitates, making many people surround. Then, although killed the criminal to be many, many times also had unavoidably are unjust to innocent, but actually play overall punish one as a warning to others the effect, made the people from other place and native in unexpectedly do not have too big conflict suddenly. 与此同时,以多余士兵参与巡逻,配合下层官吏对于治安问题从严从速处理,几乎每一日都有作奸犯科者被押至菜市口杀头,令大量民众围观。如此一来,虽然杀罪犯多了,许多时候也难免有被冤枉无辜者,但在整体上却起到了杀鸡儆猴效果,令得外地人与本地人在一时间竟没有起太大冲突。 If, new Monarch shows handling capacity of in Fúzhou macroscopically at this time in the political thin service, the more than ten years ago ruling Lin'an your father, must be higher than innumerable times simply. When on the other hand, Lin'an had place of original half Wu Dynasty under the heavens and entire Central Plains to take the nutrient in the past, now Fúzhou can attract to nourish, nevertheless was well below in the past Lin'an. 若从宏观上来说,此时新君在福州所展现出来在政治细务上处理能力,比之十余年前执政临安乃父,简直要高出无数倍来。当从另一方面来看,当年临安有原本半个武朝天下、整个中原之地作为养分,如今福州能够吸引到滋养,却是远远不如当年临安了。 By May/five months, the huge vibration was sweeping across this to peep prospers the city. 到了五月,巨大震动正席卷这座初现繁荣城池。 If as not the royal government common people, people can notice that is in May/five months 2 nd Imperial Court starts to announce southwest when war victory shocks, shocks back new Monarch to display the breadth of spirit and magnanimous with this. During this period, railed Wu Dynasty no doubt also to have , but following , many recent news and new things flooded people vision. 若是作为不涉朝政普通百姓,人们能够看到是五月初二朝廷开始宣布西南之战战果时震撼,与这震撼背后新君所表现出来气魄与大度。在这期间,谩骂武朝者固然也是有,但随之而来,许许多多新消息、新事物充斥了人们目光。 The Li Pin newspaper starts to explain natural sciences to study the idea according to the southwest Wangyuanqiao victory, after that every day, newsprinting paper general natural sciences studied the idea look, to extend the Mohist school to ancient Lu Ban, the storytelling gentlemen started to discuss Lu Ban that to be possible when the Alehouse teahouse to fly three days not to fall the wooden kite, started to concern the three countries Zhuge Kongming ancient transport vehicle...... this are the common people love the thing. 李频报纸开始根据西南望远桥战果解读格物之学理念,此后每一日,新闻纸上将格物之学理念眼神到古代鲁班、延伸到墨家,说书先生们在酒楼茶肆中开始谈论鲁班那可飞三日而不落木鸢、开始论及三国时诸葛孔明木牛流马……这都是普通百姓喜闻乐见事物。 Studies to travel together with natural sciences is the Li Pin new Confucianism discussion, these ideas somewhat were then far regarding the ordinary common people, but in the middle of lower layer Scholar(egghead), there are to start about the concentration of power and loyal Monarch patriotic discussion becomes a lot. Until mid May, «Spring and Autumn Period Ram Biography» on has about Guan Zhong, some week emperor story already appears repeatedly in the intellectual discussion, but these story core ideas belong to four characters finally 格物之学同行李频儒学探讨,这些理念对于普通百姓便有些远了,但在中下层书生当中,有关于权力集中、忠君爱国讨论开始变得多起来。及至五月中旬,《春秋公羊传》上有关于管仲、周天子一些故事已经频频出现在读书之人谈论中,而这些故事核心思想最终都归于四个字 Honoring the emperor and repel the barbarians. 尊王攘夷。 The Science divine tool halo expands unceasingly simultaneously, most people have not been able to see clearly to hide under this undercurrent surge. In May/five months 5 th, Fúzhou Imperial Deliberation Hall removes the old Ministry of Labor High Official Li dragon duty, soon after reorganizes Ministry of Labor, seems only new Emperor takes seriously artisan thought to continue all along, but conducts with it simultaneously, also has carries Wei army to attack Quanzhou and other cities a series of movements , in secret, had about new emperor Junwu and Crown Princess Zhou Pei once studied natural sciences and arithmetic hearsay to disappear without a trace in Nanning demon subordinate. 格物学神器光环不断扩大同时,大部分人还没能看清掩藏在这之下暗流涌动。五月初五,福州朝堂解除老工部尚书李龙职务,随后改组工部,似乎只是新皇帝重视工匠思维一贯延续,而与之同时进行,还有背嵬军攻泉州等一系列动作,同时在私下里,有关于新帝君武长公主周佩一度在西南宁魔头手下学习格物、算术传闻不胫而走。 In the past, Ning Yi kills one's sovereign the rebellion, the definite number treason and heresy, but of his ability, under the heavens nobody has been able now negative, after Jing Han Emperor dies, Jing Ping Emperor Zhou Ji is taken prisoner to go north, at that time a Jiangnan powerful official chose by no means outstanding Zhou Yong in the middle of numerous royalty, in fact was then counting on this to sister and brother after inheriting the Ning Yi mantle, may strive to turn the tide , initially Jiangning Crown Princess mansion, emperor's son-in-law Kang Xian and the others, made many to promote, was anticipating some day, made something by this to the sister and brother...... 在过去,宁毅弑君造反,确数大逆不道,但他能力之强,当今天下无人能够否定,景翰帝死后,靖平帝周骥被掳北上,当时江南一众权贵在众多皇族当中选择了并不出众周雍,实际上便是指望着这对姐弟在继承了宁毅衣钵后,有可能力挽狂澜,这其中,当初江宁长公主府、驸马康贤等人,也做出了不少推动,便是期待着某一天,由这对姐弟做出一些事情来…… These half real , half fake views, caused a strange atmosphere in the folk, actually also dispelled the people to think of oneself because of the southwest tactical situation indirectly the issue pessimistic sentiment. 这些半真半假说法,在民间引起了一股奇异氛围,却也间接地消解了众人因西南战况而想到自己这边问题消极情绪。 In May/five months 9 th, under carries the Wei armed forces' spy in the city to collaborate from outside with the inside, only four days of time, captures Quanzhou, the news transmits, lifts the city to rouse. 五月初九,背嵬军在城内细作里应外合下,仅四天时间,攻取泉州,消息传来,举城振奋。 These, are the average person can see the Fúzhou sound, but if walks upward, then can discover, huge storm already roared in the Fúzhou city sky for a long time. 这些,是普通人能够看见福州动静,但若是往上走,便能够发现,一场巨大风暴已经福州天空中咆哮许久了。 From the big direction, any Imperial Deliberation Hall change, will have a new boss brings in a new staff phenomenon, this by no means is extraordinary. The new Emperor character how, idea how, his favor and trust, alienates anyone, this is in the each time king normal replacement process, people must pay attention, adapt to the thing. 从大方向上来说,任何一次朝堂更替,都会出现一朝天子一朝臣现象,这并不出奇。新皇帝性格如何、理念如何,他宠信谁、疏远谁,这是在每一次君王正常更替过程中,人们都要去关注、去适应东西。 The wuhan construction new moon toward leaves Lin'an with Zhou Yong, is almost equal to survive in name only, during following Crown Prince Junwu, has jolted situated in the chaos caused by war centers and innumerable . After he succeeds to the throne, promotion Imperial Deliberation Hall, in frigid slaughtered with fugitive in came to a stop with great difficulty half heel, the Wu Dynasty national strength has faded, but if from the principle of righteousness, he could still be said as most had valid Wu Dynasty new Monarch, once he stood firm, called from a high place, at this time place of half wealthy and powerful families Jiangnan will still choose to support him. This is the status strength. 武建朔朝随着周雍离开临安,几乎等同于名存实亡,随之而来太子君武,一直处于战乱中心、无数颠簸当中。他继位后“振兴”朝堂,在惨烈厮杀与逃亡中好不容易站稳了半个脚跟,武朝国势已衰,但若从大义上来说,他仍旧可以说是最具合法性武朝新君,一旦他站稳脚跟,登高一呼,此时江南之地半数豪族仍旧会选择支持他。这是名分力量。 Wu Dynasty overall truly already was a broken ship, but the broken ship also three points of nails, under this broken ship amount of space occupied huge incomparable premise, this principle of righteousness basically lent money let alone in this time compete for in the under the heavens stage, still appears extremely huge , at least compared with Lin'an iron, Wu and the others, compared with Liu Guang shi, wears Mengwei and the others, even compared with promote that group of bandits, must surpass overall. 武朝在整体上确实已经是一艘破船了,但破船也有三分钉,更何况在这艘破船原本体量庞大无比前提下,这个大义基本盘放在此时争夺天下舞台上,依然是显得极为庞大,至少比临安铁、吴等人,比刘光世、戴梦微等人,甚至比晋地那帮土匪,在整体上都要超过许多。 The innumerable large clans are waiting for this new Emperor to clear off the train of thought that makes the sound, to judge how oneself must to the form make the support. Gathers in the all parties strength starting from two March/three months toward Fúzhou, there is many is actually these still held strength place influence to represent or the envoy, has even is hierarch. 无数大族正在等待着这位新皇帝理清思绪,发出声音,以判断自己要以怎样形式作出支持。从二三月开始朝福州聚集各方力量中,也有不少其实都是这些仍旧保有力量地方势力代表或是使者、有甚至就是掌权者本人。 In May/five months, Emperor the plot revealed that made the sound officially, this sound sends out, is one makes the innumerable large clans be caught off guard the disaster. 五月里,皇帝图穷匕见,正式发出了声音,这声音发出,便是一场让无数大族措手不及灾难。 Honor the emperor and repel the barbarians! 尊王攘夷! From the second half of last year, this in the most frigid environment has been slaughtering named Zhou Junwu new Emperor, he was sieged by 1 million soldiers in Jiangning, cut off all means of retreat goes forth to battle personally, auxiliary routs the sect slightly, after routing, he succeeds to the throne in Jiangning, soon after must be forced to give up Jiangning, goes through fugitive in Jiangnan, behind his , countless people was slaughtered. He reorganizes the army, once chose the centralized power, the organization takes being with one's family broken up and decimated the floor soldier as the backbone supervision team and military law team, these movements, are excusable. 从去年下半年开始,这位名叫周君武皇帝一直都在最为惨烈环境中厮杀,在江宁他被百万士兵围困,破釜沉舟亲自上阵,才将宗辅稍稍杀退,杀退之后他在江宁继位,不久之后就要被迫放弃江宁,在江南辗转逃亡,在他背后,无数人被屠杀。他整改军队,一度选择集中权力,组织以家破人亡底层士兵为骨干监察队、军法队,这些动作,都情有可原。 People are waiting for him to calm down, stands regards the full thing in higher general situation direction, from essentially, many people are waiting for offering official posts and making lavish promises, many families wait for are rendering meritorious service from the dragon within the framework of new politics, these families had the resources reserve, to have the strength, to have talent these talents to train in the past system framework tentative plan, so long as new Emperor displayed his to be magnanimous, the Wu Dynasty entire broken ship, was still in this sea ranked among the best ferry. 人们在等待着他冷静下来,站在更高大局方向看待全盘事物,从本质上来说,许多人等待着封官许愿,许多家族等待着在新政治框架下从龙立功,这些家族有资源储备、有力量、有人才这些人才是在过去体系框架设想中培养只要新皇帝表现出他大度,武朝整艘破船,仍旧是这片海洋中数一数二大船 Starting from February/two months, already had countless people in operating from a strategically advantageous position under the entire framework gives Fúzhou Imperial Deliberation Hall to hand over to outline and suggest one after another, Jin people walked, the wind and rain stopped, since tidied up this broken ship to start to patch, in this direction, must achieve perfectly is not no doubt easy, but if only strove for passing an examination, that was really the ordinary political wisdom can achieve the matter. 从二月开始,已经有无数人在高屋建瓴整体框架下给福州朝堂递了一篇又一篇勾画与建议,金人走了,风雨停下来,收拾起这艘破船开始修补,在这个方向上,要做到完美固然不容易,但若只求及格,那真是普普通通政治智慧都能做到事情。 But high-level people discovered with amazement, stupid Emperor seems to be attempting to smash the ship, the preparation constructs a laughable small junk. 但高层人们惊讶地发现,愚蠢皇帝似乎在尝试砸船,准备重新建造一艘可笑小舢板。 Waited for three months, when this result, the resistance almost starts immediately. Some large clan strengths start to attempt to flow out, on Imperial Deliberation Hall, various type or the vague or explicit suggestion and opposition folding booklet unceasingly, some people start to delimit after that the pitiful possibility to the Emperor construction diversely, some people of already start to disclose that such and such large clans feel discontented, Fúzhou Imperial Deliberation Hall must lose some local support information. The new Emperor by no means vitality/angry, he do best to convince persuaded and comfort, but did not let loose the promise. 等待了三个月,等到这个结果,对抗几乎立刻就开始了。一些大族力量开始尝试外流,朝堂上,各种或隐晦或明确建议、反对折子纷纭不断,有人开始向皇帝构划此后悲惨可能,有人已经开始透露某某大族心怀不满,福州朝堂就要失去某个地方支持信息。新皇帝并不生气,他苦口婆心地劝说、安抚,但绝不放开许诺。 at this time Fúzhou Imperial Deliberation Hall, Emperor to the aspect control is almost , officials can only threaten and cry to ask absolutely, but by no means can in make big to keep in balance in fact to his movement. Especially after Junwu, Zhou Pei and Ning Yi have the old news spreads, the Imperial Deliberation Hall face lost, the Emperor face was picked part on the contrary, in some people folds the petition, said that the such minor path news harms the Imperial Family clear reputation, should stop, Junwu is only one rumor stops in the wise man, We am not willing to handle common people because of the word, then kept off. 此时的福州朝堂,皇帝对局面掌控几乎是绝对,官员们只能威胁、哭求,但并不能在实质上对他动作做出多大制衡来。尤其是在君武周佩宁毅有旧消息传出后,朝堂面子丢了,皇帝面子反倒被捡回来了一部分,有人上折请愿,道这样的小道消息有损皇家清誉,应予制止,君武只是一句“谣言止于智者,朕不愿因言处置百姓”,便挡了回去。 Intention anxious officials is therefore connecting in secret, prepares to raise large-scale to protest in later, but carries Wei army to capture Quanzhou news to transmit immediately, in the coordinate city the public opinion, disappear and hit stopped hundred officer discontents. Until May/five months 15, a fermentation the news spreads for a long time quietly 心怀忧虑官员于是在私下里串联起来,预备在之后提起大规模抗议,但背嵬军攻取泉州消息随即传来,配合城内舆论,连消带打地制止了百官牢骚。及至五月十五,一个酝酿已久消息悄然传出 For the change Wu Dynasty army emaciated phenomenon, Emperor will coordinate by Han Shizhong, Yue Fei and the others in the past 200 years, starts construction „the Jiangnan military to prepare school, to train in the army military officer and officials, in the military prepares in the school to be loyal Monarch to educate much, to replace the passing self- castration type official to supervise the army system, at present already is choosing the manpower. 为改变过去200年间武朝军队孱弱现象,皇帝将以韩世忠、岳飞等人牵头,兴修“江南武备学堂”,以培养军中将领、官员,在武备学堂里多做忠君教育,以取代过往自我阉割式文臣监军制度,眼下已经在挑选人手了。 This news spreads in Imperial Deliberation Hall, although has not carried out suddenly, but people can determine, new Emperor regarding honoring the emperor and repel the barbarians the faith, several is a foregone conclusion. 这消息在朝堂中流传开来,尽管一时间并未落实,但人们愈发能够确定,新皇帝对于尊王攘夷信念,几成定局。 When national stability, must temper the serviceman strength, the monarchy strength also needs to keep in balance ; When to country in peril, the power then must concentrate, army then to promote. The such idea seems like simple, but the nevertheless for 200 years governing policy shifts in fact suddenly. Wants honoring the emperor and repel the barbarians is not then impossible altogether to govern under the heavens with scholar-official, wants altogether to govern under the heavens then with scholar-official to have the direct conflict with honoring the emperor and repel the barbarians. 国家安定时,要削弱军人力量,君主力量也需要得到制衡;待到国家危亡,权力便要集中、军队便要振兴。这样的想法看起来简单,但实质上却是两百年来治国方针陡然转向。要“尊王攘夷”便不可能“与士大夫共治天下”,要“与士大夫共治天下”便会与“尊王攘夷”发生直接冲突。 As for late May, the Emperor entire reform will starts becomes clear, innumerable remonstrate with the lobby continuously appears in the Fúzhou city, sometimes these remonstrate hand nearby Junwu , sometimes hands in front of Crown Princess Zhou Pei , part of personality intense Old minister approved new emperor to innovate, in the middle of lower layer Scholar scholars , many people expressed the support for the new Emperor boldness, but in bigger place, worn-out ferry started its avalanche...... 至于五月下旬,皇帝整个改革意志开始变得清晰起来,无数劝谏与游说在福州城内不断地出现,这些劝谏有时候递到君武跟前,有时候递到长公主周佩面前,有一部分性格激烈老臣认同了新帝革新,在中下层文人士子当中,也有不少人对新皇帝魄力表示了赞同,但在更大地方,破旧大船开始了它崩塌…… At the end of May, Ning Yi in Jiange, knew Fúzhou Imperial Court to start in Lin'an probably innovates a series of news, on this day also passed by Jiange just when Zuo envoy team, at this time took the envoy team leader, Zuo No. 2 character left Xiuquan sought an interview Ning Yi. 五月底,宁毅在剑阁,大概知晓了福州朝廷临安发动革新一系列讯息,这一天也正值左家使者队伍路过剑阁,此时作为使者领队,左家二号人物左修权求见了宁毅 After left side blesses passed away, now Zuo Patriarch is left Jijun, but left Jijun the ability stops in maintaining the accomplishments of one's ancestors, in recent years, managed Zuo most things as Zuo collateral branch left Xiuquan, at last inherited in fact left side blessed the will successor. This is one age over 50 years old, appearance proper outstanding, makings polite scholarly traditional scholar, the right volume hangs one to wind the white hair, after seeing Ning Yi, exchanged the related Lin'an news with him. 左端佑去世之后,如今左家家主是左继筠,但左继筠能力止于守成,这些年来,作为左家旁系左修权主理了左家大部分事物,算是实质上继承了左端佑意志传人。这是一位年龄五十多岁,样貌端方俊逸、气质温文儒雅传统士人,右额垂有一络白发,见到宁毅之后,与他交换了有关临安讯息。 The place is separated by more than 2000 li (0.5 km), although Jin people withdraws later high-level news channel already to start unobstructedly, but the first-hand material often also has many are false , the overlapping contrast, can see a relatively clear outline. 地方相隔两千余里,尽管金人撤去之后高层讯息渠道已经开始通畅,但第一手资料往往也有许多是假,交叉对比,才能看到一个相对清晰轮廓。 „...... Small Emperor this set disappear and hits, is somewhat unexpected.” The information only arrives at the Jiangnan military to prepare school hearsay to emit on hand, after contrasting one probably, Ning Yi is saying, actually quite somewhat sighed, previously Yue Fei bing compelled Quanzhou, to encircle not to attack, who should in connect and contacts the spy, induce somebody to capitulate the planted agent with the city in...... to be able in secret to think that he attacks Quanzhou, nevertheless is the Fúzhou public opinion prepares, interesting, owed he to attack promptly......” “……小皇帝这套连消带打,有些出人意料啊。”手头信息只到江南武备学堂传闻放出,大概对比一番之后,宁毅如此说着,倒也颇有些感叹,“先前岳飞兵逼泉州、围而不攻,私下里应该就是在与城内串联、联络奸细、劝降内应……谁能想到他进攻泉州,却是在为福州舆论做准备呢,有意思,亏他及时攻下来了……” left Xiuquan said with a smile hears Mr. Ning in the past in Jiangning, once had had the friendship of masters and disciples with new Monarch, does not know that today knew this news, somewhat was whether gratified?” 左修权笑道“听闻宁先生过去在江宁,曾与新君有过师徒之谊,不知今日知此消息,是否有些欣慰呢?” These years come, he with Zhou Pei, supports not easy .” Ning Yi said, initially Jin people went south, we kidnap Liu Yushuai pot to Wu Dynasty, he flings the topic through the Xuzhou aspect, actually does well. Fights cut off all means of retreat to Jiangning, he was really grows into to be indomitable spirit the man...... actually his Elder Sister character to be stronger in the past, the Junwu character was quite weak , was not easy, laborious......” “这些年过来,他跟周佩,挺不容易。”宁毅道,“当初金人南下,我方绑架刘豫甩锅给武朝,他通过徐州方面把题目甩回来,其实就做得很不错。到江宁一战破釜沉舟,他是真的长成顶天立地男人了……其实当年他姐姐性格要强一些,君武性格是比较弱,不容易,辛苦了……” Because for a long time, left side blesses the reason, Zuo has been maintaining and Huaxia army and with the Wu Dynasty good relations simultaneously. In the past with that old person discussion during, Ning Yi also knows repeatedly, although left side blesses vigorously supports Huaxia army against Jin, but in his essentially and bone have an emotional tie with Wu Dynasty to have an emotional tie with Confucian orthodoxy Confucian scholar, before he at the point of death, perhaps regarding Zuo arrangement, favors Wu Dynasty . But Ning Yi by no means minded. 长久以来,由于左端佑原因,左家一直同时保持着与华夏军、与武朝良好关系。在过去与那位老人多次讨论当中,宁毅也知道,尽管左端佑大力支持华夏军抗金,但他本质上、骨子里还是心系武朝心系道统儒生,他临死前对于左家布置,恐怕也是倾向于武朝。但宁毅对此并不介意。 He also knows, oneself spoke the words here, very through left Xiuquan the mouth, will soon after possibly enter inside and outside several thousand in that small Emperor ear, is therefore, his actually was liberal to past that child said here several encouraged the words. 他也知道,自己在这里说话,不久之后很可能会通过左修权嘴,进入几千里外那位小皇帝耳朵里,也是因此,他倒也不吝于在这里对当年那个孩子多说几句鼓励话。 Can arrive this step, was truly laborious. 能走到这一步,确实是辛苦了。 left Xiuquan nods. 左修权点了点头。 That Mr. Ning felt, new Monarch this decision, how does do?” “那宁先生觉得,新君这个决定,做得如何?” .
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