LISIL :: Volume #10 长夜过春时

#1095: The ruling of life and death ( 8 )

In September 8 th in the afternoon, Jiangning, not the junction of Shanghai. 九月初八下午,江宁,未申之交。 After the extended autumn rain stops, afternoon weather became bright, the ancient city, the Qinhuai River water turned wells up the spume to be through cities. 延绵的秋雨停下之后,下午的天气变得明朗了一些,古老的城池,秦淮河水翻涌着浮沫穿城而过。 Since the chaos caused by war starts to appear, lively old city Jiangning then removed the passing color gradually, the streets and alleys that was once decorated with lanterns and colored streamers take a broad view to look mostly to be primarily now grey, black. Broken nobody cleaning up that the chaos caused by war brings, the flooded into refugee builds up a wigwam everywhere , in slaughtering destroys thoroughly them in the soon after internecine strife, the ashes wash out in the rain, then becomes in the middle of this chaos caused by war city the most important dyeing. 自从战乱开始出现,原本繁华的古城江宁便渐渐褪去了过往的颜色,曾经张灯结彩的街巷如今放眼望去大多以灰、黑为主。战乱带来的残破无人清理,涌入的流民建起一处处的棚屋,又在随后的火拼与厮杀中将它们毁得更为彻底,灰烬在雨里冲刷,便成为了这战乱城池当中最重要的染色。 However, after that afternoon rain stopped the scene, unexpectedly has large carts to move to various place important nodes in old city, a basin basin golden yellow perianth person held —— many from the car(riage) is the chrysanthemum, there is a part variety flower —— that was used to make up the number to start in the city to conduct the decoration and embellishment, even there is the magnificent lantern and a lavish colored silk also to be hung. 不过,到得这日下午雨停后的光景里,倒是有着一辆辆的大车驶向了古城之中的各处重要节点,一盆盆金黄的花被人从车内捧出来——多数是菊花,也有部分用来凑数的花色花儿——开始在城市之中进行装饰与点缀,甚至有华丽的灯笼、阔气的彩绸也被挂了出来。 The city slightly northern point, a house of attractive and plain named Yiyuan, with the arrival of what article, starts to conduct to decoration of this house inside and outside. 城市稍北一点,一座漂亮而古朴的名为“怡园”的宅子,随着何文的到来,对这宅子内外的装点也开始进行起来。 Tomorrow was Double Ninth Festival......” “明日便是重阳了……” A fair king Hewen azure clothes of this day, obviously is black with the facial features, appearance rough „the high Son of Heaven high smooth comes in together, sometimes they, Baofeng and Zhou business have greeted with permits Zhaonan who arrives at ahead of time, outside the soon after five people looked at a while servant to embellish the scene of courtyard under the eaves. 这一日的公平王何文一袭青衣,是与面容显黑,容貌粗犷的“高天王”高畅一道进来的,他们与提前到达的许昭南、时宝丰、周商打过招呼,随后五人在屋檐下看了一会儿下人点缀外头院落的景象。 what writing explained with a smile: „...... Does an atmosphere, celebration.” 何文笑着解释:“……搞点氛围,庆祝一下。” What atmosphere Ah? permits Zhaonan said. “何谓氛围啊?”许昭南道。 Is the meaning of atmosphere..” Opposite what writing looks, leaning leaning head, „before , in the southwest, the Black Flag Army actually crosses hard, the living expenses are few, but at holidays, surnamed Ning that art makes everyone move, celebration. He nothing dignity before the person, runs in front, making one grip the flare, in the evening point all over, makes sings to dance, he most often the person told that at that time , doing an atmosphere, does an atmosphere...... to be very interesting.” “就是气氛的意思。。”何文看着对面,偏了偏头,“以前在西南的时候啊,黑旗军其实过得紧巴巴的,吃用都少,不过每到逢年过节,姓宁的那位都讲究让大家动起来,庆祝一下。他在人前没什么威严,都是跑在前头,让人扎起火把,晚上漫山遍野的点起来,又弄些唱歌跳舞,他那个时候最常跟人说的,啊,搞点氛围、搞点氛围……很有意思。” If all over is a flare, is insufficient to catch fire and lose control, could be training one.” “若漫山遍野都是火把,又不至于失火、失控,原本也算得上是练兵的一种。” Has a such meaning, afterward what that side Mr. Ning said that the situation is difficult, more must move, the aspect is dead situation, more must make an effort to be muddy this dead atmospheric conditions just before a rain. To dying to live.” “有这么个意思,不过宁先生那边后来说的是,情况越是艰难,越要动起来,局面越是一潭死水,越要用力把这死水搅浑。向死而生。” what writing is so saying, passes the moment, on the face smiles, beckons with the hand. 何文这般说着,过得片刻,脸上一笑,摆了摆手。 „...... river Hanqiu the shadow wild goose flies initially, with the guest's in green hills with pot. This mortal world is difficult to meet to open the mouth to smile, the chrysanthemum must insert full Tougui. But the dead drunk reward festival, does not need to ascend a height to get a broad view to hate to fall the sunshine......, no matter what kind of, Double Ninth Festival, we took Jiangning so long, outside was very chaotic, now carries out the martial arts contest, to hold the congress, was very lively, that such big festival, cannot miss, will let everyone well a little later.” “……江涵秋影雁初飞,与客携壶上翠微。尘世难逢开口笑,菊花须插满头归。但将酩酊酬佳节,不用登临恨落晖……不管怎么样,重阳了嘛,咱们拿下江宁这么久,外面还是挺乱的,如今搞比武、开大会,很热闹,那这么大的节,也不能错过,让所有人好好过一过。” What hates to fall the sunshine? What thing?” Under the eaves, tall Changpian toward nearby permits Zhaonan, asked in a low voice. “什么恨落晖?什么东西?”屋檐之下,高畅偏头往一旁的许昭南,低声问道。 Du Mu poem.” permits Zhaonan replied in a low voice. 杜牧的诗。”许昭南低声回答。 Still had the residual waterdrop to drip into the pond following the dark blue tile, another side, the stature slightly short week business shouldered both hands: „Does Mr. Hé like this poem?” 仍有残留的水滴顺着藏青的瓦滴入池塘,另一边,个子稍矮的周商背负双手:“何先生喜欢这首诗?” How Zhou does Ye feel?” “周爷觉得如何?” I like another.” “我喜欢另外一首。” Oh?” ?” When to the autumn in September eight, after I spends, Baihua (hundred flowers) kills. Soars to the heavens fragrant to pass Chang'an, Curse of the Golden Flower.” Zhou business looks to what writing, how does Mr. Hé feel? today eight, my do for the occasion in September.” “待到秋来九月八,我花开后百花杀。冲天香阵透长安,满城尽带黄金甲。”周商看向何文,“何先生觉得如何?今日九月八,我的更应景啊。” „...... Hahahaha.” what Wenleng gawked, soon after smiled, that Zhou Ye liked was too ominous, except for the time was in September eight, other where did for the occasion? You look at our five brothers, meets, will open well, cannot play shortly, the week master you recited this poem suddenly, is it possible that was takes easy your flower, suddenly got rid of our four inadequate?” “……哈哈哈哈。”何文愣了愣,随后笑起来,“周爷喜欢的这首太凶了,除了时间是九月八,其他的哪里应景了?你看咱们五兄弟,过来开会,会开得不错,眼看着打不起来了,周爷你突然吟这种诗,莫非是想开了你那朵花,突然干掉我们四个不成?” Haha......” 哈哈……” Hahahaha......” 哈哈哈哈……” Several other people then smiled. 其余几人便笑了起来。 Week master he poses as a cultured person, he understands what poem.” “周爷他就是附庸风雅,他懂什么诗。” Meets and meet.” “开会、开会。” ...... …… The fair party five kings gather after Jiangning, from early September from the beginning, in various representatives the congress on one-day city, on the even-numbered days, several people then holds a small meeting to Yiyuan. By this day, already was fourth. 公平党五位大王聚于江宁之后,从九月初一开始,每逢单日城内各代表开大会,每逢双日,几人便到怡园这边开一场小会。到得这日,也已经是第四场了。 Outside representative congress is broad in scale, and scene is serious, five people get together in secret, was livelier and optional. Several people teased mutually, occasionally spoke some jokes, or each other scolded several, but in these date and time of past, atmosphere not extremely anxious. 外头代表大会的规模宏大,且场面严肃,五个人私下里的聚会,则更为活泼、随意了一些。几人相互调侃,偶尔说些笑话,或是彼此骂上几句,但过去的这些时日里,气氛都没有太过紧张。 In several people, always wears the long gown, hand by no means convenient fair king what article scholarly, but not jitter is heavy ; 几人之中,总是身穿长袍,一只手并不方便的“公平王”何文儒雅而不失稳重; „The high Son of Heaven high smooth appearance is rough, but the words are not many, when the eye narrows the eyes feels the constriction, once the opens the mouth, is often optional ; “高天王”高畅样貌粗犷,但话语不多,眼睛眯起来时充满压迫感,然而一旦开口,往往非常随意; Transfers buddha permits Zhaonan the figure such as tall tower, as managing the cults, he has great learning, often smooths over differences ; “转轮王”许昭南身形如高塔,作为办邪教的,他学识渊博,常和稀泥; When Baofeng likes smiling, the manner somewhat slender presses slightly, occasionally looks at the person to have the difference, instigated two actually also to calculate that had the discretion ; 时宝丰爱笑,为人稍有些狭促,偶尔看人产生分歧,挑拨两句却还算有分寸; Zhou business tastes the board stretch/open face, all day long kills attitude intense him to be discussed by the people in this situation, actually is far from angrily, sometimes can also follow a prescribed pattern argued, frequently a person with other four people to spurting, soon after was felt the senseless four people to put down the topic, no longer chatted with him. 周商则尝尝板着张脸,成天打打杀杀态度激烈的他在这种场合被众人议论,倒也谈不上气恼,有时候还会一板一眼的与人论辩,常常一个人与其余四人对喷,随后被颇觉无趣的四人搁下话题,不再跟他多聊。 Because is the neutral situation, here when several people arrives also had certain bodyguard accompanying, the negotiations lots of bodyguards stay in the surrounding, part was ordered about to arrange the flowers and plants lantern by what writing, encircles since is each person two staff of along. 由于是中立场合,几人来到这边也带了一定的保镖随行,谈判之时大量的保镖都停留在外围,其中一部分被何文支使去布置花草灯笼,进入内围的则是每人随身的两名幕僚。 On this day with several people of taking a seat, in the main hall looks as before is the relatively harmonious atmosphere. Some every large or small subjects and demands in smiling the Hehe atmosphere were proposed, somewhat tried the decision after the discussion of simple, because some several idea still had the difference, then only after arguing or ridiculing temporarily puts aside. Five kings headed by what Wenwei seem superficial, follows to come, to be responsible for the staff who serve, records, carries and manages the material appears serious and peaceful, although the unemotional nevertheless heart ancient banner vacillates, because they know, here, is decided that the most important place of following entire Jiangnan important matter, but they see these superficial, is in this world the power of highest rank fights. 这一日随着几人的落座,厅堂里看着依旧是相对融洽的氛围。一些大大小小的议题、诉求在笑呵呵的氛围中被提出,有些在简单的商议后尝试了拍板,有一些则因为某几位的想法仍有分歧,便只在争论或笑骂后暂时搁置。以何文为首的五位大王都显得轻描淡写,跟随而来,负责伺候、记录、携带和管理资料的幕僚们却都显得严肃而安静,虽然面无表情却是心旌动摇,因为他们都知道,这里,便是决定接下来整个江南大事的最重要的地方,而他们所看到的这些轻描淡写,都是这世上最高级别的权力争锋。 When follows two staff who Baofeng comes know, today the master will make a short rope/obstruction, dig a big hole to the fair king. 跟随时宝丰而来的两名幕僚知道,今天东家这边将会给公平王使个绊子、挖个大坑。 Naturally, this is not any strange matter. 当然,这也并非是什么奇怪的事情。 From first in secret meets to start, in five sides of sitting, is then attempting each other to feel embarrassed. Each household seemingly proposed with ease helps own propose, smiles the Hehe opposition to fall others' idea. Is full of the words of language trap, sowing dissension and strategic maneuvering of maintaining composure possibly appears on the round table in this house anytime and anywhere. But generally speaking, a at this time consensus is, the big conflict is insufficient to produce in this time but actually. 从第一场私下里的碰面开始,在坐的五方,便都在尝试着给彼此为难。各家各户看似轻松地提出有益于自己的提议,又笑呵呵地反对掉别人的想法。一些充满语言陷阱的话语,不动声色的挑拨离间、合纵连横随时随地都可能在这间房屋内的圆桌上出现。但总的来说,此时的一个共识是,大的冲突倒不至于在这个时间段上产生。 Ten staff anxiously and are feeling all these peacefully, and prepared to hand over to prepare some good topic proof at any time. 十名幕僚既紧张而又安静地感受着这一切,并且随时准备递上早已准备好的一些话题凭据。 3 to 5 p.m two quarters, people after discussing Lin'an iron Yan's some amusing things, mentioned Nong Xian Zhao Jingci, what writing Shunshi praised a Zhao Jingci merit, permits Zhaonan said: „When heard that side boss with Nong Xian's person had some discord yesterday......” 申时二刻,众人在谈论了临安铁彦的一些趣事后,提到了农贤赵敬慈,何文顺势夸了一番赵敬慈的功劳,许昭南道:“听说时老板那边昨天与农贤的人起了些龃龉……” When Baofeng then beckons with the hand: Under some misunderstanding, where can say that was I and Nong Xian has the discord...... this matter is my good-for-nothing disobedient son behavior, with the Mr. Hé report.” 时宝丰便摆摆手:“下头些许误会,哪里能说是我与农贤起了龃龉……此事是我那不成器的逆子所为,正要与何先生报备呢。” Last night was to hear anything.” What article pondered, „not obsolete Duke said is the misunderstanding, matter already investigates thoroughly, this matter I looked on junction by Duke decides, when the misunderstanding is very easy to untie —— I to believe Duke.” “昨夜是听说出了些什么事。”何文想了想,“不过时公都说了是误会,想必事情已经查清楚,此事我看就交由时公定夺,想必误会都很容易解开——我信时公。” Haha, misunderstanding very simple, act that's all of some clumsy mischief-doers.” When Baofeng said with a smile, soon after faint austere accommodated, „, but this matter, but also relates to Mr. Hé clear reputation......” 哈哈,误会都很简单,些许跳梁小丑的行径罢了。”时宝丰笑道,随后微微肃容,“但这件事情,还关系到何先生的清誉……” „When with Mr. Hé clear reputation what does/works, is old, do not wreck others event, comes mystifyingly.” permits Zhaonan put out a hand to knock knocking on the table, this was insincere.” “与何先生清誉何干,老时,你不要砸了人家场子,又来阴阳怪气。”许昭南伸手在桌上敲了敲,“这不厚道。” Xu misunderstood me.” When Baofeng both hands hold the fist in the other hand, is smaller, takes the thing.” “许公误会我了。”时宝丰双手抱拳,“小于,把东西拿上来。” In the main hall, has so completed the design. Is called the staff who is smaller than is 30 -year-old high and low Confucian scholar, he will have prepared the good record cloth sack to hand over, soon after draws back tranquilly, looks five people are also hee hee Haha takes inside thing, in the heart surges up. 厅堂之中,如此就已然做好了设计。被称作小于的幕僚是一名三十岁上下的儒生,他将早已准备好的案卷布袋递了上去,随后平静地退下,看着五人也是嘻嘻哈哈的将里头的东西拿出来,心中一阵波澜起伏。 The presented records, naturally then stress these confessions that confesses under torture from five lake inn, in addition, also has several dyed the blood book club booklet takes evidence mixed. When Baofeng then roughly introduced matter that this book club involves blindly, in the confession of record the bad men said that the fair king is their backers, Nong Xian Zhao Jingci is Great General of book club, this kind of affair, several kings naturally do not believe that is only this grade of act exceptionally evil and cruel. 呈上的案卷,自然便是从五湖客栈抓来、屈打成招的那些供词,此外,还有几本染了鲜血的“读书会”小册子作为证据混杂其中。时宝丰便大致介绍了这“读书会”瞎攀扯的事情,案卷的供词中歹人们称公平王便是他们的靠山,农贤赵敬慈便是读书会的大将,这样的事情,几位大王自然是不信的,只是这等行径异常歹毒。 For sometime, actually passed on book club is...... Zhou business such that my Zhou pulled strings said one. “有段时间,倒也传过‘读书会’是我周某人指使的……”周商这样的说了一句。 permits Zhaonan hee hee Haha: Said that my also has......” 许昭南嘻嘻哈哈:“说我的也有……” That actually is who?” “那到底是谁的?” First took a stand, are not related with me.” “先表个态,跟我没关系。” Book club these people, attentive evil and cruel, what thought digs our roots, cannot appease......” “读书会这些人,用心歹毒,想的是挖我们的根,不能姑息了……” Several people talked, sometimes Baofeng said: How does Mr. Hé see?” 几人你一言我一语,时宝丰道:“何先生怎么看?” That side the round table, what article simple turned the confession, soon after took a booklet in the hand, at this time is still glancing through slowly. 圆桌那边,何文简单地翻完了供词,随后拿了一本小册子在手上,此时还在慢慢翻阅。 „...... Mr. Hé naturally framed by planting stolen goods on.” In the room only faint peaceful the moment, permits Zhaonan said with a smile, goal that bad man does this, is very obvious.” “……何先生自然是被栽赃的。”房间里只微微安静了片刻,许昭南笑道,“歹人这样做的目的,也很明显嘛。” Our fair party in the two years, the hero pours forth , the mixing of good and bad people, always has unable to endure lonely, wants to borrow the southwest that name, becomes an important matter, my piece, may continuing book club do this matter.” “咱们公平党这两年,英雄辈出,也龙蛇混杂,总有耐不住寂寞的,想要借西南那位的名义,成一番大事,就我那片,可不止读书会一家干过这种事。” Other also has people? old Zhou said.” 还有其他人?老周说说。” already swallows the thing in belly, don't even go there.” 已经吃进肚子里的东西,没什么好说的。” We today the fair party five sides, an lineage/vein mutual promotion of the five elements, brothers, in brothers that «Fair Standard» under assembles for revolt, according to the view of Mr. Hé, actually really must say, the sixth side and seventh side, so long as is competent, can assemble for revolt together, for example big dragon's head that side, belongs the brother who can eat meal together...... may this book club, it with other families/home, different......” “咱们今天公平党五方,一脉相生,同气连枝,都是在《公平典》下聚义的兄弟,按照何先生的说法,其实真要说起来,第六方、第七方,只要有实力,也可以一道聚义,譬如‘大龙头’那边,就属于可以一起吃饭的弟兄……可这读书会,它跟其他家,不一样……” Book club wild ambition, they do not recognize «Fair Standard» actually , has the person of disloyalty, if this matter is unsolvable, no end of trouble for the future......” “读书会狼子野心,他们其实不认《公平典》,,是有异心之人,此事若不能解决,后患无穷……” Mr. Hé, how do you feel?” 何先生,你觉得如何?” ...... …… „...... Mr. Hé?” “……何先生?” ...... …… When Baofeng the hand, extended. In must bump into what writing the hand the previous quarter of books, he saw that pair of look to lift, toward him, looked, his hand then stopped in in the air. 时宝丰将手,伸了上去。就在要碰到何文手中书册的前一刻,他看见那双眼神抬起来了,朝他这边,望了过来,他的手便停在了空中。 ...... …… Mr. Hé, do you feel...... what kind of?” 何先生,您觉得……怎么样?” ...... …… You feel...... the thing on this small book, reasonable?” “你们觉得……这小本子上的东西,有没有道理?” In the main hall, what writing the voice, passed on. 厅堂之中,何文的声音,传出来了。 3 to 5 p.m two quarters already passed some, outside the hall the late autumn skylight moves toward late in life, outside people are still arranging the double ninth festival chrysanthemum and colored lantern. In main hall peaceful, five people of vision interlock, sometimes Baofeng hand extends in in the air, in his rear area not far away, two staff is standing as before unemotionally, named being smaller than the staff heard the own heartbeat, he naturally knows how these confessions and small books come, person who five lake inn perhaps do not have the book club, when all are two Young Master the arrangement of Weiyang, sometimes Baofeng must in the fair party internal unified to book club the consensus, some were pressed in sign secretly becomes clearer, book club is the dark sign that has no alternative but to see clearly. 申时二刻已经过了些许,厅外深秋的天光走向迟暮,外头的众人还在布置着重阳节的菊花与彩灯。厅堂内安静了一阵,五人的目光交错,时宝丰的手伸在空中,在他后方不远处,两名幕僚依旧面无表情地站着,名叫小于的幕僚听到了自己的心跳声,他自然知道这些供词和小本子是怎么来的,五湖客栈或许并没有读书会的人,一切都是二公子时维扬的布置,时宝丰则是要在公平党内部统一对“读书会”的共识,让一些压在暗地里的牌面变得更加清晰,“读书会”便是一张不能不看清楚的暗牌。 This should not be a complex matter. 原本这不该是一件复杂的事情。 But what writing as if wants this matter, becomes complex. 但何文似乎想要将这件事,变得复杂起来。 Several people of vision are taking a look at what writing, what writing the vision, indifferently and looks at each other with the people tranquilly. Passes the moment, grasps teacup cup in tall Changjiang the hand to put down, permits clear southing what article lifts the right hand. 几人的目光打量着何文,何文的目光,也冷漠而平静地与众人对视。过得片刻,手持茶杯的高畅将手中的杯子放下,许昭南向何文举了举右手。 Today old what, discusses is not this matter.” “老何,今天谈的不是这个事情。” Yes Mr. Hé.” When on the face of Baofeng also splits the smile, do not sell this climax.” “是啊何先生。”时宝丰的脸上也绽出笑容,“你别卖这种关子。” What do we discuss today?” “那我们今天谈什么?” Discussed this book club's back actually is who.” “就谈这读书会背后的到底是谁。” I first took a stand, when with old I have not related.” “我先表个态,跟老时我没有关系。” „The relations with me is not big.” “跟我这边关系也不大。” Mr. Hé, the book club harms really in a big way to the fair party, can not, you take a stand ambiguously, we are also good in the heart has own calculations.” 何先生,读书会对公平党危害甚大,含糊不得,您表个态,我们也好心中有数。” „Did I take a stand?” “那我表什么态呢?” This book club said that their backstages are you, you said that is no way.” “这‘读书会’说他们的后台是您,您说是不是吧。” The dialogue is held, when permits Zhaonan is most rapid with the statement of Baofeng, the attitude is also most positive, tall Changzhi inserts a mouth occasionally, but Zhou Shangcu the brow, is looking at what writing, what Wenxiao is getting up. 对话你一言我一语地进行着,许昭南与时宝丰的表态最为迅速,态度也最为积极,高畅只偶尔插上一句嘴,而周商蹙着眉头,望着何文,何文笑起来。 Is when seemingly old old permits you must want me to open this mouth, but how do I open?” “看起来老时老许你们非得要我开这个口,可我怎么开呢?” Wants your open sentence mouth, did not have the relations with the book club not on the line.” “只要您开句口,跟读书会没关系不就行了。” How can not relate?” what writing visits them, this book club is anyone, in the final analysis, they are also the people of fair party, they have the own idea, however even so, I am the fair king.” “怎么会没有关系呢?”何文看着他们,“这读书会是些什么人,归根结底,他们也是公平党的人,他们有自己的想法,可是即便如此,我是公平王。” His vision has swept the people: today assembles for revolt Jiangning, is to discuss the matter of each household, even if this book club faces retribution for a life of crime, what misdemeanor they did, can still discuss? When on for example five lake inn matters, five lake inn Zhao Jingci place, then they do have the relations with Zhao Jingci, is we must check, they harm really in a big way to the fair party, where should the harm, discuss is good? You looked, others ideas are more radical, but doesn't write very clearly?” 他的目光扫过众人:“今日聚义江宁,就是要谈各家各户的事情,这个读书会就算恶贯满盈,那他们做了什么坏事,是不是也得谈一谈?就譬如五湖客栈这件事,五湖客栈时赵敬慈的地方,那么他们跟赵敬慈有没有关系,是不是咱们也得查一查,他们对公平党危害甚大,危害在哪里,是不是也该论一论才好呢?你们看,人家的想法激进一些,但不是都写得很清楚吗?” Booklet in what Wenjiang the hand threw the round table center. 何文将手中的小册子扔到了圆桌中央。 tall Chang takes the teacup, the vision peaceful does not know that is thinking anything ; permits Zhaonan seemed startled dumbfoundedly by the opinion of what article, faint is opening mouth, happened to obtain somebody's favor the chair the back ; When the tongue of Baofeng mixes in the mouth, is looking at what writing, erratically blinks surprisedly. 高畅将茶杯拿起来,目光安静中不知道在想些什么;许昭南似乎被何文的这番言论惊得目瞪口呆,微微张着嘴,将背后靠上了椅子;时宝丰的舌头在口中搅动,望着何文,惊疑不定地眨了眨眼睛。 That side the round table, silent Zhou business does not know when smiled. 圆桌那边,一直沉默的周商不知道什么时候笑了起来。 Hahahaha Hahahaha...... what article your lunatic!” 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈……何文你这个疯子!” Who is more insane, the person in the world will have the public opinion.” what writing the words are tranquil, soon after stretched out finger to knock the desktop, this thing, above wrote, one didn't truth have? Their views, has already looked probably?” “谁更疯,世上的人还是会有公论的。”何文的话语平静,随后又伸出手指敲了敲桌面,“这个东西,上面写的,就一点道理都没有吗?他们的说法,大概都已经看过了吧?” „The person who makes this thing, referred to the west Huaxia army a lot, contrasted through the ages, many things in common of rebellion like us.” what Wendao, this above said, every can become important matter through the ages, the core actually does not lie in what slogan and excuse, but lies in one group of people listens to the order, to speak the degree of custom, the southwest Huaxia army can accomplish, most core is not that set that Ning Yi said Huaxia excuse, is not four people pictures of cakes, what is most essential lies in all sorts of methods, enabling the military law in army to strict enforcement of orders and bans, letting the government order can obtain to carry out strictly.” “做这个东西的人,参考了西面华夏军的的很多事情,也对比了古往今来,像我们这样起事者的许多共通之处。”何文道,“这上面说,凡古往今来能成大事者,核心其实不在于什么口号和说辞,而在于一群人内部听命令、讲规矩的程度,西南华夏军能够成事,最核心的不是宁毅说的那一套‘华夏’的说辞,也不是什么‘四民’的画饼,最关键的在于他以种种手段,使军中的军法能够令行禁止,让政令能严格地得到执行。” Naturally, wants to be this degree, needs, to have the assistance of pictures of cakes ambitious, but in the final analysis, is the custom. old tall, you are command troops, which your order can under, your soldier have can hit, no?? old permits, your Manichaeism family background, the subordinate teaching numerous are obedient, you are puissant, however also divides the degree obedient, to subordinate your custom thin? The government order sends to half, can walk crookedly? Others discussed wasn't right?” “当然,想要达到这种程度,需要有理想、有画饼的辅助,可归根结底,是规矩。老高,你是领兵的,你的命令能下到哪一层,你的兵就有多能打,对不对?老许,你摩尼教出身,手下的教众听话,你就有权力,可是听话也分程度,对手下你的规矩有多细?是不是政令发到一半,就要走歪了?人家谈的不对吗?” „When the master, your business does a lot, the custom of in the shop one after another, did some people violate what's to be done? Can process him? Why can process him? Even if your relative violated, I heard that you still rarely leave a loophole, why? Your not clear Ah? “时爷,你生意做得多,铺子里的规矩一条一条,有人违反了怎么办?要不要处理他?为什么要处理他?就算是你的亲戚犯了,我听说你也很少网开一面,为什么?你心里不清楚啊? „...... The also has week lunatic you, your hand/subordinate, has the destruction not to construct! What besides catching up with them has been proceeding to hit you also to do? Without us gives financial aid, your actually had resulted in this winter! Discussed that has the relations?” “……还有周疯子你,你的手下,有破坏没建设!除了赶着他们一直往前打你还能干什么?没有我们接济,你到底过不过得了这个冬!谈一谈有关系吗?” What article Confucianist family background, civil and military complete in both, is loudly debates the hand that the refined language front sweeps away in the southwest, at this time when Baofeng and permits Zhaonan and the others acted crazy, pours unable to think that he also 1510 spoke with confidence, in an instant gave to crush several people of momenta unexpectedly. However, when speaking of week business, opposite short person sneers wear a look, actually does not give way to traffic, puts out a hand to wield the teacup on table to sweep to fly. 何文儒者出身,文武双全,在西南之时就是辞锋横扫的大辩手,此时时宝丰与许昭南等人发飙,倒想不到他也一五一十侃侃而谈起来,转眼间竟将几人的声势都给压倒。不过,待说到周商之时,对面的矮个子面带冷笑,却也毫不避让,伸手一挥将桌上的茶杯扫飞出去。 Can't winter? What gives financial aid? In the past my did the person attack a city to seize territory, which that thing your snatched confiscates? Did I eat anyone of you eating for free? Said what custom, discussed southwest anything, old what, that side the southwest thing I have also looked, a little said very clearly, the attitude of being timid to act could not handle the matter. Where does the fair excuse come from? Spirit that side Ning Yi from all people being equal discussed that because everyone was all equal, therefore was fair! Your today these top dog of past will not kill cleanly, then must discuss the custom, then must attempt it slowly, whose this fair two characters can long to goes at heart!” “过不了冬?什么接济?以往我的人攻城略地,抢来的东西你们哪一家没收吗?我吃你们谁的白食了?说什么规矩,谈什么西南,老何,西南那边的东西我也看过,有一点说得很明白,缩手缩脚的作风做不得事情。公平的说辞来自哪里?来自宁毅那边谈的人人平等的精神,因为人人皆平等,所以才要公平!你今日不将过去的那些人上人杀得一干二净,便要谈规矩,便要徐徐图之,这公平二字能长到谁的心里去!” Custom stricts enforcement of orders and bans, is not you decides a direction to shout that a slogan on the noisy crowd ground, is not your type has the destruction not to construct.” “规矩是令行禁止,不是你定个方向喊个口号就一窝蜂地上,不是你这种有破坏没建设。” I have the destruction not to construct naturally has not arrived at the construction the time! what writing, what you construct is the fair party, that most important is fair! However in the past had enjoyed these top dog you have not killed off, your people follow you to hit under the heavens, to work as that top dog! Your fair king, entering a city the people in time roadside kneel down to you kowtow, you can discuss what fair!” Week business hand toward side one finger/refers, opened the group, you are entirely same!” “我有破坏没建设那是还没到建设的时候!何文,你建的是公平党,那最重要的就是公平两个字!但是以往享受过的那些人上人你们没有杀光,你们的人跟着你们打天下,也是为了当那种人上人!你公平王,进城的时候路边的人都跪下给你磕头,你能谈什么公平!”周商的手往旁边一指,开了团,“你们统统一样!” Do not quarrel.” permits Zhaonan beckons with the hand, today is not discussing this.” “别吵了。”许昭南摆手,“今天不是在谈这个。” When Baofeng said: old permits said reasonable.” 时宝丰道:“老许说的有道理。” what Wending Zhou business: But fair to do? In order to let nearby person can on a better day, be able to live looks like the person, the however fair this matter, can get it done in one action? You point at one time in all rich men the world are killing off, making the complete people equality start to construct again, do you know that you kill incessantly is a rich man, your subordinate poor person will have the larger part also to kill off by you, they will starve to death, die stupid! The equality can depend on the enlightenment, can depend on the regulation, can depend 100 years and 200 years, it should not depend on a jade entirely burn slaughter!” 何文盯着周商:“但公平是为了干什么?为的是让旁边的人能够过上更好的日子,能活得更加像人,可是公平这回事,能一蹴而就吗?你指着把世上所有有钱人都杀光,让全部人都平等一次再开始建设,你知不知道你杀得不止是有钱人,你手下的穷人有一大半也会被你杀光,他们会被饿死、被蠢死!平等可以靠教化,可以靠律法,可以靠一百年、两百年的时间,它不该靠一场玉石俱焚的屠杀!” Haha, by the enlightenment and by the regulation, uttered fine words, I feared that you enlighten have not started usefully, your subordinate Old Master already opened a loose leaf and four generations in one household!” 哈哈,靠教化、靠律法,说得好听,我怕你们教化还没开始有用,你手下老爷们都已经开枝散叶、四世同堂了!” One generation of can only take one generation of road, what did you kill off can do?” “一代人只能走一代人的路,你把人杀光了能干什么?” They at least really know that anything is called the equality, when they saw that Old Master do not kneel, I naturally can not kill!” “他们至少真正的知道什么叫做平等,等到他们见到老爷们不跪了,那我自然就可以不杀了!” I feared when the time comes you cannot stop.” “我怕到时候你们根本停不下来。” Can stop, did knows! Wants line of millenniums not to have the important matter, how could overcautious fraught with uncertainty, but also discussed the southwest, why Ning Yi killed Emperor, didn't you make clear?” “能不能停下来,做了才知道!欲行千年未有之大事,岂能瞻前顾后畏首畏尾,还谈西南,宁毅为什么杀皇帝,你们都搞不清楚吗?” Two people start the debate, the expression is intense, when that side Baofeng bang a palm of the hand clapped on the table: Ok, old what, do not hold here are installing clearly muddled. today said the book club evil and cruel, did not lie in he said anything, but what lay in he throws over was southwest legitimate tiger skin! If these person of momenta swell gradually, waits again, does your fair king also want to work as? Also or, is really this thing also Mr. Hé you pulls strings?” 两人展开辩论,言辞激烈,那边时宝丰嘭的一巴掌拍在了桌子上:“行了,老何,你别在这边揣着明白装糊涂。今日说读书会歹毒,不在于他说了什么,而在于他披的是西南正统的虎皮!如果这些人声势渐隆,再等下去,你这公平王还要不要当了?又或者,这东西还真是何先生你指使的?” On what writing table dossier pushes: Is and is not, sometimes don't Duke you know in heart?” 何文将桌上的卷宗一把推回去:“是与不是,时公你心里没数?” I discussed that is also not the matters of five lake inn.” “我谈的,也不是五湖客栈的事。” I also think that we are discussing the matters of five lake inn.” “我还以为我们正在谈五湖客栈的事。” Hehehe, lunatic. The fair king you are the biggest lunatic.” Zhou business is smiling, I look am you, book club is you manages, do you want to separate our four oneself to do?” 呵呵呵,疯子。公平王你就是最大的疯子。”周商笑着,“我看就是你,‘读书会’就是你办的,你想隔开我们四个自己干?” I did not have to say like this.” “我没有这样说。” That took a stand.” “那就表个态。” I am the fair king, who has the idea to the fair party, so long as it is, I think that can discuss and listens. Now meets, to not discuss future path?” “我是公平王,谁对公平党有想法,只要它是内部的,我认为都可以谈一谈、听一听。如今开会,不就是为了讨论将来的路子?” I looked that Mr. Hé approves the above view very much, otherwise our being renamed well-mannered party considers as finished.” “我看何先生很赞成上面的说法,要不然我们改叫规矩党算了。” Why did not approve, can say, approval can also say, I thought that on this many anxieties, is very reasonable, in meeting first day I have raised, why many peasant uprising through the ages will not have the result, can we make same mistakes over again, this above has the lots, we must discuss......” “为什么不赞成,可以说出来,赞成的也可以说出来,我觉得这上头的许多忧虑,很有道理,在开会的第一天我就提过,古往今来的很多农民起义为什么会没有结果,我们会不会重蹈覆辙,这上头有很多东西,我们要谈……” Matter that this didn't discuss......” “这不是谈不谈的事……” „The matter that this did discuss, these things did not discuss clearly, day child long/grows of fair party.” “这就是谈不谈的事情,这些事情谈不清楚,公平党的日子长不了。” Do not install not to understand......” “你不要装得不明白……” Discussed clearly. I am the fair king, you wanted me saying that the fair party member are not related with me, that invalid......” “明明白白谈也可以。我是公平王,你们要我说公平党人跟我没关系,那行不通……” My Zhou is the true fair king, old what you are a well-mannered king.” “我周某人才是真正的公平王,老何你就是个规矩王。” old what, is really the book club also you make? You in view of our four?” “老何,读书会还真是你弄的?你针对我们四个?” I did not have such saying that but others wrote some truth, can't consider to offer amnesty? Can the vision the broad point......” “我没这么说,但人家写得有些道理,不能考虑招安吗?眼界能不能广一点……” „It is not your lane.” “不是你的弄的。” I cannot speak this words......” “我也不能说这个话……” I hold you......” “我操你……” Humming sound humming sound humming sound buzz...... 嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡…… In the main hall, several people of sounds are intense and are dignified from time to time from time to time, by some time, gradually is peaceful, some people set out to take a walk, some people pounded on the table, time already was the evening, after the rain stopped after white skylight reclamation cloud layer gradually, some lanterns hung up, point gradually, guard soldier(s) looked under the land of the immortals and eaves surprisedly. The people with the own method, are judging the gravity of situation. 厅堂之中,几人的声音时而激烈、时而凝重,到得某个时刻,渐渐的安静下来,有人起身走动,有人拍了桌子,时间已经是傍晚了,雨停之后的白色天光渐渐的收回云层之后,一些灯笼挂上了,渐渐的点起来,卫士们在阆苑和屋檐下惊疑地对望。众人用自己的方法,判断着事态的严重性。 Is smaller than a staff also to stand including that anxiously there, looks this argument conducts. In the past the five sides of fair party did what is right, regarding what text person, by no means that other four contacted are many, after these entered the city time, his organization met and listen to the suggestions, most times displayed were also help others do well, atmosphere to be gentle, until this moment, were locked in a stalemate side that the people finally first experience to him and person and was as deep as a well...... 包括那小于在内的一众幕僚也紧张地站在那儿,看着这场争论的进行。过去公平党的五方各行其是,对于何文本人,其余四家接触的并不算多,这一次入城后,他组织开会、听取意见,多数时候表现出来的也都是与人为善、大气平和,直到这一刻,众人终于第一次见识到他与人相持、高深莫测的一面…… ...... …… The time is close to the evening, in the city Wen-Shui Wineshop middle, just had an unrest, Doctor that at this time was called in a hurry goes in toward the wineshop hall. 时间接近傍晚,城内“文水酒肆”当中,刚刚发生了一场骚乱,此时被叫过来的大夫正匆匆的往酒肆大厅里进去。 In the afternoon, the originally that in the middle of the wineshop conducted was heroic small meeting that” various group of Brigands people gathered, this is as of late common the matter when Jiangning City, naturally, many of because also gathering were runs the cutting edge of rivers and lakes / Jianghu to lick the generation of blood, the people helped others do well no doubt and harmonious, once for a while actually can also leave slightly some accidental/surprised. 这日下午,酒肆当中进行的原本是一场各路绿林人聚集的“英雄小会”,这是最近这段时间在江宁城里常有的事情,当然,也由于聚集起来的多是跑江湖的刀口舔血之辈,众人与人为善时固然和乐融融,时不时的却也会出些小意外。 Comes from the western Yanjiabao, has hero Yan Second Master on rivers and lakes / Jianghu expelling wind sword strict Tiehe, in this meeting because then the strange reason had the quarrel/corners of the mouth with a swordsman. both sides are out to slaughter, the swordsman puts forth the Yin move, first offends somebody by hidden weapon during this grade of martial arts contest, soon after cut down strict Tiehe in the pool of blood. 从西边严家堡过来,在江湖上颇有侠名的严家二爷“追风剑”严铁和,在这场聚会里便因为奇奇怪怪的原因与一名剑客有了口角。双方下场厮杀,那剑客使出阴招,在这等比武之中先以暗器伤人,随后将严铁和砍倒在了血泊之中。 At this time the martial arts contest between Brigands compares notes, if not the life and death wrestles, the general default is not allowed to causes hidden weapon, particularly in this and other dignified hero gets together , the people feel the share. Saw with own eyes that person wins in the dirty trick, several chivalrous people then go forward to prevent the opposite party from leaving, but that person of ruthless move happened frequently, after cutting and injuring several people, flees one after another from the Alehouse window, but to at this time, some well-informed source already inquired the status of opposite party. 此时绿林间的比武切磋,若非生死相搏,一般默认是不许使暗器的,尤其是在这等庄严的“英雄聚会”之中,众人都觉得掉份。眼见那人以卑鄙手段获胜,几名侠士便上前阻止对方离开,但那人狠招迭出,陆续砍伤几人后自酒楼窗口逃离,而到得此时,部分消息灵通人士已经打探到了对方的身份。 This person is transfers buddha under permits Zhaonan, „not dead health/guard a team leader, rivers and lakes / Jianghu is called sword to be crazy Yang Hanzhou, does not know that took mistakenly what medicine, must put forth the Yin move to win in this grade of situation, later also offended somebody to fall runs. 此人乃是“转轮王”许昭南麾下,“不死卫”的一名队长,江湖人称“剑狂”杨翰舟的,也不知吃错了什么药,非得在这等场合使出阴招致胜,之后还伤人落跑。 In present Jiangning City, offends somebody to bleed is common, in August over a thousand people of internecine strife have erupted several times, many people died quite baffling, nobody investigated. But such commonly seen chaotic by no means representative many things between Brigands can be quite baffling, is similar to at present this, strict Second Master comes on behalf of Yanjiabao, when is in the place of Baofeng the honored guest, behind this Yang Hanzhou brings to transfer buddha a background, therefore in the Doctor arrival cleans up the aftermath, the Brigands people in wineshop mostly or excitedly or talked in whispers disturbedly. 如今的江宁城里,伤人流血都属常见,八月里上千人的火拼都爆发过数次,很多人没头没尾地死了,也无人追究。但这样司空见惯的混乱并不代表绿林间的许多事情可以没头没尾,就如同眼前这件,严二爷代表严家堡过来,乃是时宝丰的座上贵客,这杨翰舟背后则带了“转轮王”的背景,于是在大夫到来收拾残局之时,酒肆中的绿林人们大都或兴奋或忐忑地窃窃私语。 This, does not know that equal king and transfers buddha, what kind of conflict must start, this matter was hard to be friendly, then, had the good play to look...... 这一下,不知道“平等王”与“转轮王”之间,要掀起怎样的冲突来,此事难以善了,那么接下来,就有好戏看了…… ...... …… Since determined the origin of perpetrator, had „not dead health/guard this ownership place, Wen-Shui Wineshop participants then do not have to send a punitive expedition impatiently, when after all strict Tiehe has Baofeng this backstage, but „not dead health/guard was not the average person moves. 既然确定了行凶者的来历,有了“不死卫”这个归属地,“文水酒肆”中的参与者们便没有心急火燎地兴师问罪,毕竟严铁和有着时宝丰这个后台,而“不死卫”也并非一般人动得了的。 This moment that the wineshop unrest rests gradually, grasped the long sword, perpetrator Yang Hanzhou already of scar of knife wound to change the from head to toe common clothes wear a look , conducted the back to gather including of gold and silver property, rushed to the Jiangning City east gate. At the maximum speed after goes out of town, he near grove outside city, saw rides the carriage to come, confirmed him to the gold/metal brave bamboo flute of city. 酒肆骚乱渐歇的这一刻,手持长剑、面带刀疤的行凶者杨翰舟已经换了一身不起眼的衣服,背上蓄有金银财物的包括,赶往了江宁城的东门。以最快的速度出城后,他在城外的小树林边,见到了乘马车过来,确认他离城的金勇笙。 Complies with the good money...... my Baofeng paper money. In this.” gold/metal Yongsheng gives him small bundle. “答应好的银子……我宝丰号的银票。都在这了。”金勇笙将一个小包袱交给他。 Yang Hanzhou tears the bundle points, the complexion is gloomy: This is for anything, mixed a delicious seat in not the dead health/guard with great difficulty, high and low arranged to spend much.” 杨翰舟扯开包袱点数,面色阴沉:“这是为了什么啊,好不容易才在不死卫里混了个有油水的位子,上下打点可花了不少。” What's wrong, has not fished enough, has the view?” “怎么,没捞够,有看法?” Does not dare...... to find it strange, this strict Second Master is not the important personage, why being probable makes me put in order this...... this to think look can you achieve a great accomplishment with gold/metal.” Brings on the face of scar of knife wound to squeeze a gloomy and cold smile. “不敢……就是觉得奇怪,这严二爷也不是什么重要人物,何必非得让我整这出……这不,本以为能跟金老您做一番大事的。”带着刀疤的脸上挤出一丝阴冷的笑容。 gold/metal Yongsheng does not visit him, looks to the truth of not far away, said slowly: Without fishing enough, said that has not fished enough, has money first free and unfettered some time, have been waiting two months to Yangzhou, considered that give you to arrange other things. You can hit to kill, relax, could not owe you.” 金勇笙不看他,望向不远处的道理,缓缓道:“没捞够,就说没捞够,带着银子先逍遥一段时间,过两个月到扬州等着,考虑给你安排其他事情。你能打能杀,放心,亏不了你。” That......” “那……” Should not the curious matter, not ask. Knew, is unsafe to you.” “不该好奇的事情,就别问了。知道了,对你不安全。” Yes.” “是。” On this subject, although Yang Hanzhou the heart has the curiosity, but naturally does not dare to do to closely examine again. Also in this time, he saw that front gold/metal brave bamboo flute faint frowns, low nan: Second approved......” 话说到这个份上,杨翰舟虽然心有好奇,但自然不敢再做追问。也在此时,他见到前方的金勇笙微微蹙眉,低喃了一句:“第二批了……” Yang Hanzhou then looks, not far away then the main road that comes out from Jiangning, at this time the curtain of night is near gradually, passes in and out the pedestrian of city is not many, three fast horses, are actually conducting the back conducting the back rider eastern North Korea to go at the extremely high speed. 杨翰舟回头望去,不远处便是从江宁出来的大道,此时夜幕渐临,进出城池的行人不多,却有三匹快马,正以极高的速度驮着背上的骑手朝东而去。 This is......” Yang Hanzhou knits the brows, Yuan Zhan?” “这是……”杨翰舟皱眉,“袁瞻?” Understanding?” gold/metal Yongsheng said. “认识?”金勇笙道。 Transfers buddha under trusted subordinate, he is responsible for...... the pass on message of some important matters generally, the person to mobilizes soldiers to the letter/believes, this is......” “‘转轮王’下头的亲信,他一般负责……一些大事的传讯,人到信到好调兵,这是……” Second approved, comes out, met several week business hand/subordinate...... hurriedly, why also does not know to......” “第二批了,出来的时候,遇上了几个周商的手下……急匆匆的,也不知道要干什么……” Yang Hanzhou looks at the vision to the gold/metal brave bamboo flute, sees only in the forest in the dim ray, the opposite party the tranquil vision will also be looking. 杨翰舟将目光望向金勇笙,只见林中昏暗的光线里,对方也正将平静的目光望过来。 What matter my did actually participate in? 到底参与了什么事情? This is could it be related with me? 难道跟我有关? in his heart is disturbed, surged some curious, shortly will disperse. When next cups one hand in the other across the chest: That, small first went, gold/metal takes care.” 他心中忐忑起来,原本涌起的些许好奇,顷刻间散了。当下一拱手:“那,小的先去了,金老保重。” Takes care, Yangzhou see you again(goodbye).” “保重,扬州再见。” Yangzhou meets again.” 扬州再会。” At the back of two bundle, Yang Hanzhou turned around leaves, finally when then looks, sees only the distant place dusky Jiangning City pond, will fall into that piece of black skylight, the evening aura as if becomes withers, he does not know that then must what happened, is not willing to investigate this matter, at this moment, he only wants at the maximum speed, far away from the place that this piece could have an accident. 背着两个包袱,杨翰舟转身离开,最后回头看时,只见远处灰蒙蒙的江宁城池,正要陷入那一片黑色的天光里去,傍晚的气息似乎变得肃杀起来,他不知道接下来要发生什么事情,也不愿意追究此事,这一刻,他只想以最快的速度,远离这片可能要出事的地方。 After Yang Hanzhou leaves, gold/metal Yongsheng is of pressed the brow starting car(riage), intuition that many years of rivers and lakes / Jianghu professions raise gently to his alarm/report to the police, two groups of troops from just now see, he smelled slightly, unclear aura. 杨翰舟离开后,金勇笙才蹙着眉头上了马车,多年的江湖生涯养出的直觉正在轻轻的向他报警,从方才见到的两批人马身上,他都嗅到了轻微的、不详的气息。 These unclear aura, not from just now Yang Hanzhou, will not come from arranging two Young Master —— here of Wen-Shui Wineshop event to be only minor matter —— he could not have thought temporarily had/left what accident/surprise. 这些不详的气息,不会是来自方才的杨翰舟,也不会来自于安排了文水酒肆事件的二公子——这里只是一件小事——他暂时还想不到出了什么意外。 Returning at once numerous secure Fang.” “速回众安坊。” He told. 他如此吩咐道。 Soon, old Storekeeper returns to the city, the indeed curtain of night lowers, the time of colorful lights start to their splendor, under city tranquil surface, a wave since the Jiangning congress has opened biggest undercurrent surges, silent and tumbles fiercely...... 不久之后,老掌柜回到城内,正是夜幕降下,华灯初上的时间,城市平静的表面下,一波自江宁大会开幕以来最大的暗涌,正无声而剧烈地翻滚起来……
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