LSD :: Volume #7

#635: In order to love the Colored Glaze 30000 area unit, has the dream to think of Monarch recently

Lin Weiwei and Fu Yushi they smile sway back and forth, specially Biaobiao (prostitute) despises is casting a sidelong glance slantingly Wang Yan: On this few tricks ah?” 林薇薇傅雨诗她们笑得直打滚,婊婊特别鄙视的斜睨着汪言:“就这两下子?” Can this endure? 这能忍? Can! 能! Brother Dog pretends that anything has not heard, put on Liu Li oneself thigh. 狗哥假装什么都没听到,把刘璃放到了自个儿大腿上。 The tactic keeps off the spear/gun. 战术挡枪。 Is facing their creating a disturbance, Brother Dog is only the ignorant kā bā eye. 面对着她们的起哄,狗哥只是懵懂的咔吧眼睛。 ah?! ?! You in suo what? 你们在嗦什么? I cannot understand ah...... 我听不懂…… What a pity, playing the fool to deal with others to be easy-to-use, Nawu actually does not eat that wrap/sets. 可惜,装傻对付别人好使,娜吾却不吃那套。 Sits to Wang Yan front tea table on, both hands fork waist, complacent, pursues keeps asking. 一屁股坐到汪言面前的茶几上,双手叉腰,得意洋洋,追问个不停。 What kind of? What kind of? Am I fierce? Wang Wang, were you a moment ago...... xī xī xī!” “怎么样?怎么样?我厉不厉害?汪汪,你刚才是不是……嘻嘻嘻!” Brother Dog has almost not collapsed. 狗哥差点没崩溃。 What ah are you in self-satisfied?! 你到底是在得意什么?! Provokes consumed by passion to appear your special energy a man, is?! 把一个男人撩拨得欲火焚身会显得你特别能,是不是?! You are not others!” “你又不是别人!” A Nawu plausible rebuttal, thorough entire failed to explode Wang Yan. 娜吾振振有词的一句反驳,把汪言彻底整哑火了。 Truly ah, other Wang Yan not anything person, or is the man who where is casual to brave. 确实,汪言并不是别的什么人,或者是一个随便哪里冒出来的男人。 Although his official capacity was still the Liu Li's boyfriend, was since the acquaintance, everyone's relations cannot the so simple definition be clear. 尽管他的官方身份仍然是刘璃的男朋友,可是相识至今,大家的关系早已不能如此简单的定义清楚了。 brother-in-law, friend, boss, honored person and idol...... 姐夫、朋友、老板、贵人、偶像…… Possibly Wang Yan had not realized, present he important. 可能就连汪言自己都没有意识到,如今的他有多重要。 But this importance, is not because he has how much money, to have the big influence, summarizes them the sentiment to be really pale among the wealth potential superficial. 而这种重要,并不是因为他有多少钱、有多大的势力,用财势来总结他们之间的感情实在过于苍白肤浅。 More , because Wang Yan's is sincere. 更多的,是因为汪言的真诚。 The outstanding person has, wealth potential astonishing big shot is many, but, which never having to be able with their equality intersection. 优秀的人有很多,财势惊人的大佬更是不少,但是,从来没有哪个会与她们平等相交。 From Guo Zihao to Huang Xu again to Lü Yichen, rich second generation so many in their small group coming and going, which isn't the condescending full belly superiority feeling? 郭子豪黄旭再到吕亦晨,她们小圈子里来来去去的富二代那么多,哪个不是居高临下满肚子优越感的? Let alone helped what be busy, even delivered the a bottle 1500 dollars the perfumes, special is calculating to fish anything to return. 别说帮什么大忙了,就算是送一瓶1500块钱的香水,都特么在盘算着可以捞到什么回报。 In the reason can understand, emotionally is hard to accept. 理智上可以理解,感情上难以接受。 The sense of purpose is too strong, that does not become friends. 目的性太强,那就不是交朋友。 Has Wang Yan, steadfast, sincerity did not seek the return associated with them, gradually became everyone's pillar, imperceptibly delivered the sentiment. 惟有汪言,踏踏实实、真心不求回报的与她们交往,一步一步的成为大家的主心骨,在不知不觉中将感情交付。 Is obstructing Liu Li, no one and he does what ambiguous, but that closeness, does not have a second man to compare again. 碍着刘璃,没人和他搞什么暧昧,但是那种亲近感,再没有第二个男人可以相比。 Old Han and they are missing one. 老韩和她们都差着一层。 Although the Old Han character is temperate, the moral behavior is more credible than Wang Yan, but did not make person depend like Wang Yan, did not have idea. 尽管老韩性格温和宽厚,人品比汪言更靠谱,但就是不像汪言那样令人依赖,没辙。 Therefore today's dance, from another angle, seems the kitty to reveal the belly to the shovel excrement officer. 所以今天的舞,从另外一个角度来说,就好像猫咪冲着铲屎官露出肚皮。 aloof shows to the bystander, the joke and provokes leaves you. 高冷是展现给外人的,玩笑和撩拨都留给你。 ...... …… Realized that they are using an alternative way to express are intimate with, Wang Yan even more did not have idea. 意识到她们只是在用一种另类的方式表达亲近,汪言愈发没辙了。 Fierce fierce, I took, ok? Lays down arms also kills ah?!” “厉害厉害,我服了,行吗?缴枪还杀?!” Brother Dog raises hand to surrender, expression that called a helplessness. 狗哥举手投降,表情那叫一个无奈。 This danced I really to look down upon. 这舞我是真的看不起了。 The doctor has said that the brain the ischemia is easy to cause to faint for a long time, but the minister time excessive hyperemia will cause the local necrosis...... 医生说过,大脑长时间缺血容易导致晕厥,而头部长时间过量充血又会导致局部坏死…… Look, the human body is such precise...... 看,人体就是这么精密…… Drinks, singing, do we play peacefully select to be good? Your one crowd of little fairy maiden, do not follow Nawu to go crazy.” “喝喝酒,唱唱歌,咱们玩得安静点好不好?你们一群小仙女,别跟着娜吾发疯。” xī xī!” 嘻嘻!” Nawu he he laughs foolishly, from the start has not been serious, it seems like still immerses in the sense of achievement. 娜吾嘿嘿傻乐,压根没当回事,看来依然沉浸在成就感中。 The Biaobiao (prostitute) crazy prostitute develops, clamors: He soft he was soft! elder and younger sisters , to continue to do him!” 婊婊则疯狂婊演,叫嚣道:“他软了他软了!姐妹们,继续搞他!” Brother Dog is very nervous. 狗哥就很慌。 Luckily, the critical moment, Lin Weiwei is protecting him. 幸好,关键时刻,林薇薇还是护着他的。 Ok, noisy almost resulted , didn't Sister Li speak you to make ah? Small book at heart to you!” “行啦,闹个差不多就得了,璃姐不吭声你们就往死里作?心里的小本本都给你们记着呢!” Liu Li shot a look at Lin Weiwei one, smiles the nod. 刘璃瞥了林薇薇一眼,笑眯眯点头。 Right! sister to you tip, will criticize with you quietly sooner or later!” “对喽!悄悄给你们记小账呢,早晚跟你们清算!” Lu Yuanyuan according to the Liu Li's chest, came up to pull out: Little guy, you?!” 卢媛媛照着刘璃的胸口,上去就掏了一把:“小样的,就你?!” Sister Li fluttered 璃姐飘了” Tidies up her!” “收拾她!” Everyone xī xī hā hā made one, 大家嘻嘻哈哈闹了一阵, Fu Yushi takes up the microphone to sing on own initiative, Wang Yan extricated finally. According to thinks so, scene throughout in three giants' controls. 傅雨诗主动拿起麦克风要唱歌,汪言终于解脱了。照这么看,场面始终在三巨头的掌控中。 Liu Li, Fu Yushi and Lin Weiwei, the tacit understanding of long-term training cannot be underestimated. 刘璃傅雨诗林薇薇,长期培养的默契不容小觑。 Actually Nawu and their sentiments are also very deep, but she is a gruffness. 其实娜吾和她们的感情也很深,但她是个憨憨。 Wang Xue also has the reputation very much, but she is disinclined to mix, the thoughts placed with Han Luzhou on chatty. 王雪也很有威信,但她懒得掺和,心思都放在和韩陆洲腻歪上了。 Lu Yuanyuan...... does not add to the chaos is the victory. 卢媛媛……不添乱就是胜利。 Therefore the cores of their circle are Liu Li, Fu Yushi and Lin Weiwei, others, all follows somebody's lead. 所以她们这个圈子的核心就是刘璃傅雨诗林薇薇,其余人等,皆是附骥。 Brother Dog mew mew handled three giants quietly, can actually again boldly horizontally...... 狗哥悄咪咪的搞定了三巨头,其实可以再豪横一点的…… Ok, the body cannot withstand. 算了,身体承受不住。 Quiet is narrowing the eyes...... 还是消停的眯着吧…… Then, meeting recovery slightly the normal meaning is, they were still all right provoke Wang Yan, with him, when toy, but a word like Nawu did not open again at earliest convenience in a big way. 接下来,聚会稍微的恢复了正常意思是,她们仍然没事儿就撩拨汪言一下,拿他当玩具似的,但是再没像娜吾那样一言不合就开大。 Plays normally, who feared whose ah? 正常玩,谁怕谁 By Brother Dog knocking down one after another, punishing the full forehead is the package. 狗哥一个接一个的撂倒,罚得满脑门是包。 Everyone has played to around 12 : 00, can be the small video of black history patted a big pile, the Wang Yan also success in the Wang Xue cursing angrily sound Old Han took down, overall, happy. 大家一直玩到12点多,可以作为黑历史的小视频拍了一大堆,汪言也成功的在王雪的怒骂声中把老韩放倒了,整体而言,愉快至极。 After paying up, everyone returned to Shang Record together. 结账之后,大家一起回了香记 Room some are, naturally places the next more than ten people with ease, Wang Yan must draw Little Colored Glaze to return to presidential suite two people of the world. 房间有的是,轻松安置得下十几个人,汪言自然要拉着小琉璃总统套房过二人世界。 Closes the door, two people hugged in the same place to gnawing for at least 10 minutes. 才关上房门,两人就搂在一起对啃了至少十分钟。 Brother Dog pressed one in the evening, could not suppress finally. 狗哥压了一晚上,终于压不住了。 Will first open wild comes to one set of barbaric charge heroic hitting energy fountain, Little Colored Glaze sudden to shove open him again, is blushing the whisper: 正要先开狂暴再来一套野蛮冲锋英勇打击能量喷泉,小琉璃突然一把推开他,红着脸嘀咕: A while, I change clothes......” “等会儿,我去换套衣服……” ah?!” ?!” Brother Dog one ignorant, at first felt is not very right, subsequently is wild with joy. 狗哥一懵,起初感觉十分不对劲,继而狂喜。 Which sp ;Which type of clothes? Is...... uh-huh? Before made you wear that type of clothes you not to agree, today finally takes easy?” “哪sp;“哪种衣服?是不是……嗯哼?以前让你穿那种衣服你可从来都没同意过,今天终于想开了?” Bah! Uh-huh your sis ah?” “呸!嗯哼你?” Liu Li is blushing to clap a Doggy palm of the hand, said ill-humoredly: Is the birthday present!” 刘璃红着脸拍了狗子一巴掌,没好气道:“是生日礼物啦!” To Wang Yan anything's opportunity, she has not towed the small-sized suitcase to go to the cloak room again hurriedly. 没给汪言再哔哔什么的机会,她急匆匆的拖着小号行李箱去了衣帽间。 Birthday present? 生日礼物? Brother Dog is stroking gently the chin, roughly floats off at heart the guess. 狗哥摩挲着下巴,心里大致浮起一些猜测。 The birthday present basically possibly is not outside sells the commodity, the thing that as long as can spend money to buy, she will certainly not bring to work as the gift. 刘璃的礼物基本不可能是外售商品,但凡能用钱买到的东西,她一定不会拿来当礼物。 Wang Yan was too rich, no matter delivers anything unable to demonstrate the intention. 汪言太有钱了,不管送什么显示不出心意。 But she does not excel at hand-made, and does not have the time to prepare the hand-made product. 而她又不擅长手工,并且也没有时间准备手工制品。 Therefore, is the big probability a special dance? 所以,大概率是一支特殊的舞? Wang Yan can only guess, because this is her specialty, is she proudest thing. 汪言只能这么猜,因为这就是她的专业,是她最骄傲的东西。 In the past for a long time, when Liu Li traded finally the clothes came out, Brother Dog immediately realized, oneself guessed right. 过去很长时间,当刘璃终于换好衣服出来时,狗哥马上意识到,自己猜对了。 Liu Li at this moment, is very shocking. 此刻的刘璃,十分惊艳。 She changed one clothes incessantly, but also puts on make-up, ancient Zhuang. 她不止是换了一套衣服,还化了妆,古妆。 The head wears the gold hairpin, the space between eyebrows selected a flower, the body is throwing over a red color fine gauze, probably the man (Han) clothing/taking of simplified version, can reveal revealed outside. 头上戴着金钗,眉间点了一朵花,身上披着一件大红色的轻纱,像是简化版的汉服,能露的都露在了外面。 Under the fine gauze should not have the underwear, the small Dutch sharp apex in the chest, during taking a walk the jade leg is partly visible, the opening vent of that clothes as high as leg root, is playing the hooligan simply. 轻纱下应该没有内衣,小荷尖尖顶在胸口,走动间玉腿若隐若现,那衣服的开衩高到腿根,简直是在耍流氓。 However, although so puts on sexy, Liu Li to the feeling that Wang Yan brings, actually has nothing to do with the passion. 但是,尽管穿得如此性感,刘璃汪言带来的感觉,却与情欲无关。 More, is an indescribable character and style. 更多的,是一种难以言喻的风情。 Because her stance was too graceful and is too lithe, has the fairyism. 因为她的姿态实在太优雅、太轻盈、太有仙气了。 The tip of the toe selects the place gently, whole person probably on the lotus leaf is rolling the dewdrop, light round trip, such as water generally soft smooth. 脚尖轻轻点地,整个人好像一颗在荷叶上滚动着的露珠,轻飘飘的来去,如水一般柔软流畅。 When she is swaying from side to side the waist, her entire shoulder, the both arms, the elbow joint and small arm, have succeeded in obtaining the fingertip, each skeleton and muscle of upper part are waving. 当她扭动着腰肢时,她的整个肩膀、双臂、肘关节、小臂,一直到手指尖,上半身的每一块骨骼和肌肉都在舞动。 No, blooms. 不,是绽放。 Her surfaces the flower probably suddenly, being in full bloom of no indication, unexpected eyes cannot take it all. 她好像一朵突然钻出水面的花,毫无征兆的盛开,令人猝不及防目不暇接。 Wang Yan does not even know how should describe this. 汪言甚至都不知道该怎么形容这一幕。 Shocked. 太震撼了。 His first time knows, a top classical dancer, can control such much muscles unexpectedly simultaneously, lets different part coordinated and smooth reverse movement/sports of body. 第一次知道,一个顶级的古典舞者,居然可以同时控制如此之多的肌肉,让身体的不同部位协调而又流畅的反向运动 Words that insists on describing, how Wang Yan simply has not seen clearly her to move. 硬要描述的话,汪言根本没有看清楚她是怎么动的。 Only felt, had little fairy maiden to flutter suddenly front, then suddenly bloomed, later two -and-a-half weeks of revolving, twisted the waist to frame before him again. 只感觉,有个小仙女突然就飘到了面前,然后突然绽放开,再之后一个两周半的旋转,拧着腰在他面前定格。 Until at this moment, her music that uses cellphone to broadcast resounds officially. 直到此刻,她用手机播放的音乐才正式响起。 Liu Li is maintaining the movement of framing, gently thin sand who pulls up the sleeve cuff, slowly covers second half stretch/open face, only reveals an eye. 刘璃保持着定格的动作,轻轻拉起袖口的薄沙,慢慢的遮住下半张脸,只露出一双眼睛。 That vision is such affection, glanced in the circulation also to bring shyly, vividly to annotate anything that one share cannot be saying to be called to look about. 那目光是如此的深情,眼波流转中又带着一股子说不出的羞涩,生动的诠释了什么叫做顾盼。 Looks at one, takes back, dodges, looks at one quietly again, puts aside, hides again...... 看一眼,收回,闪躲,悄悄再看一眼,移开,再躲…… Has a look to hide, desiring something greatly, but is difficult to cover shyly, anticipated that responded dreads the response, this to look about. 看看躲躲,心向往之而难掩羞涩,期待回应又畏惧回应,此即为顾盼。 The daughter family/home is the moving manner, then in this time. 女儿家最是动人的神态,便在此时。 The red gauze will soon block from the view time, Liu Li opens the mouth in a soft voice: Dawn looked that the weather evening looks saying that the line also thinks of Monarch, sits also thinks of Mr . Thinks of Monarch, asking husband to appraise.” 红纱即将遮住眼帘的时候,刘璃轻声开口:“晓看天色暮看云,行也思君,坐也思君。一曲思君,请夫君品鉴。” The spoken part of clear pronunciation and mellow voice, brings the extremely persuasive end tone, began this dance. 字正腔圆的念白,带着极其婉转的尾音,拉开了这一舞的序幕。 Wang Yan does not recognize this is what dance. 汪言认不出这是什么舞。 man (Han) dance? Tang dance? 汉舞?唐舞? Has the possibility, but not like. 都有可能,但又都不像。 Liu Li's shrugs to suspend the arm when not only has the man (Han) palace dance plain refined, when turns around to fling the sleeve and had the atmosphere of Tang Dynasty palace dance to be warm. 刘璃的耸肩摆臂既有汉时宫廷舞的古朴雅致,转身甩袖时又有唐代宫廷舞的大气热烈。 Her movement is gentle from time to time, from time to time is intense, no matter the movement how, her affectionate eye never leaves the Wang Yan face last moment. 她的动作时而柔媚,时而激烈,但是不管动作如何,她那双饱含深情的眼睛从未离开汪言脸上片刻。 Thinks of Monarch, I think you. 思君,我想你。 Loves Monarch, I love you. 恋君,我爱你。 Wang Yan cannot understand the dancer's posture the image, but can understand her look. 汪言不太能看懂舞姿的意象,但是看得懂她的眼神。 That is the Little Colored Glaze implicit and warm love. 那是小琉璃含蓄而又热烈的爱。 master said often, the art has the vitality. 大师们经常说,艺术是有生命力的。 ordinary person to this kind of view common question, but is very obvious, this is real. The Little Colored Glaze dance, is flooding the vigorous and pure artistic tensity, although Wang Yan is only a layman, actually also obstacle-free feeling that beautiful. 普通人对这类说法常有质疑,但是很显然,这是真的。小琉璃的舞,充斥着蓬勃而又纯粹的艺术张力,汪言虽然只是一个外行,却也毫无障碍的感受到了那种美。 beautiful in warm, beautiful in purely, beautiful in firm, beautiful is renouncing. 美在热烈,美在纯粹,美在坚定,美在决绝。 In order to love Colored Glaze 30,000 Hectares, has the dream to think of Monarch recently. 为爱琉璃三万顷,迩来有梦必思君。 Liu Li did not say a word, but poured love is waving, called Wang Yan to see clearly her heart, and gentle ironed to kiss the mark above. 刘璃一言不发,只是倾情的舞动着,却叫汪言看清了她的心,并且温柔的在上面烙下吻痕。 When she used a young swallow to throw the movement conclusion of forest entire only to dance, when swooped to the Wang Yan bosom, Wang Yan closely held in the arms her, rubbed the bosom her. 当她用一个乳燕投林的动作结束整只舞,飞扑向汪言怀中时,汪言紧紧的搂住她,把她揉进了怀里。 Then, their two threw off the sofa with joint forces. 接下来,他们两个合力把沙发掀翻了。 Fervor, wild and aggressive, explosion...... 激情、狂野、凶悍、爆炸…… Otherwise, is then not enough to release the flame in their heart. 不如此,便不足以释放他们心中的火焰。 When Liu Li including a finger cannot move, the brain gets online, she sends out a scream suddenly. 直到刘璃连一根手指头都动不了时,脑子重新上线,她突然发出一声尖叫。 aiya! My clothes! Your son of a bitch!” 哎呀!我衣服!你个王八蛋!” he he he he......” 嘿嘿嘿嘿……” Brother Dog quack smiles strangely, complacent rubs her to provoke her to bully her. 狗哥嘎嘎怪笑,得意洋洋的蹭着她撩拨她欺负她。 This is a battle dress, how breaking to pieces to fall dirty is its historical mission......, hasn't the husband disappointed your careful preparation?” “这是战袍,碎掉脏掉就是它的历史使命……怎么样,老公没有辜负你的精心准备吧?” Spat!” “啐!” The Liu Li ear blushed, sent out probably a moment ago heartily fights the roar is not she is at all same. 刘璃耳根子都羞红了,就好像刚才尽情发出战吼的根本不是她一样。 Hoodlum, crawls quickly!” “臭流氓,快爬开!” Good.” “好。” Doggy complied with one, turns over/stands up, hugs her to move toward the bathroom. 狗子应了一声,翻身而起,抱着她走向浴室。 not too long, in the bathroom spread the Liu Li panic-stricken cry. 不大一会儿,浴室里传出了刘璃惊恐的叫声。 Rolls ah! To my distant point!” “滚!离我远点!” „Are you draft animal?!” “你是牲口吗?!” Bumps me to cry to give you again to look at ah......” “再碰我哭给你看……” don't, don't, don't, brother, I was wrong!” 别别别,,我错了!” Husband? Papa?” “老公?爸爸?” wū wū wū...... I hate you, woof eight eggs!” 呜呜呜……我恨你,汪八蛋!” The night deeply, some people were dying gradually. 夜渐渐深了,有的人正在死去。 Mid-Autumn Festival is joyful!!! 中秋快乐!!!
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