LSD :: Volume #7

#634: 1 group of female hooligans

In reserves a room the head lamp headlamp to switch off, the colored lantern twinkle spotlight sways. 包房里的大灯已经关掉,彩灯闪烁射灯飘摇。 A erotic full dance music came out by the selection and broadcast, the beginning is two thrilling moans. 一首色气十足的舞曲被点播出来,一开头就是两声动人心魄的呻吟。 Un “嗯喔” In this hormone explosion atmosphere feeling, Nawu is wriggling the waist to arrive at the room center, raised pitying conveniently. 在这种荷尔蒙爆炸的氛围感中,娜吾扭着腰走到房间中央,随手掀起了恤。 fuck! 卧槽 The eyeball of Brother Dog stares immediately perfectly round, the whole person was ignorant. 狗哥的眼珠子顿时瞪溜圆,整个人都懵了。 don't, don't, don't! 别别别 big sister, you control! 大姐,你控制一下! Does overdone ironclad by the crab pincers child clip! 搞得太过火铁定会被蟹钳子夹的! Wang Yan just about to makes noise to stop, the Nawu movement changes. 汪言刚要出声叫停,娜吾的动作一变。 She pitying to draw to the chest, then the backhand entrains tightly, is tying a knot behind. 她把恤拉到胸部下方,然后反手拽紧,在身后打了个结。 Revealed had a sex appeal small waist of fat slightly. 露出了稍微有一层脂肪的肉感小腰。 Brother Dog inhaled a large gasp, reaches behind the back to pat the forehead immediately, frightened white hair perspiration. 狗哥顿时松下一口大气,回手摸摸脑门,吓出了一层白毛汗。 Looked that the sensuous dance is certainly delicious, but, Nawu, if cannot look on the bright side of thing to from exploding, that may be big on the trouble. 看艳舞当然美滋滋,但是,娜吾若是想不开要自爆,那可就麻烦大了。 She should not such two, not consider thoroughly...... 唔,她应该不会那么二的,多虑了…… Brother Dog puts down the heart, finally can Anan watch the performance heart to heart. 狗哥放下心,终于可以安安心心看表演了。 Today what Nawu puts on is the one tight-fitting jeans, upper part one simple white Xu, performs to reveal the youth. 娜吾今天穿的是一条紧身的牛仔裤,上半身一条简单的白恤,尽显青春气息。 However waits for her pitying to draw to grip tightly, the feeling was immediately different. 但是等她把恤拉起来扎紧,感觉马上就不一样了。 Must with the words that a word described, that is: sexy. 非要用一个词来形容的话,那就是:性感 Her waist compared with Liu Li Lin Weiwei thick, but was still the small waist category. 她的腰比刘璃林薇薇粗一圈,但是仍然属于小蛮腰范畴。 That two are not the normal person, in the dance lives is the rare slenderness, buys measurement that the pants always cannot buy just can put on, must attain in the tailer shop to change the waist. 那两位根本不属于正常人,在舞蹈生里都是少有的纤细,买裤子从来买不到刚好能穿的尺码,必须得拿到裁缝店里改腰。 But Nawu is the small waist in normal person, slightly the fat, is actually not of flab, but covered the muscle exactly, there is a very gently beautiful line feeling. 娜吾就是正常人里的小蛮腰,微微有一层脂肪,却又不是赘肉的那种,只是恰好盖住了肌肉,有一种十分柔美的线条感。 Without the horse A-wire, was not equal to that is not the good waist. 没有马甲线,不等于不是好腰。 The after sex appeal slightly waist of Nawu just right continued her former to be raised, curled upwards. 娜吾的肉感小蛮腰就恰到好处的承接了她的前凸后翘。 In the vision is still very thin, moreover is white and tender, making one look wants to begin traces. 视觉上依然很细,而且又白又嫩,让人一看就想上手摸一摸。 After the small waist reveals completely, her fearful on encircles with perfectly round below encircles, becomes exceptionally conspicuous. 小腰全部露出来以后,她那可怕的上围和浑圆的下围,也变得异常显眼。 The normal woman puts on will reveal stature very much, let alone is she? 正常女人这么穿都会很显身材,又何况是她? Cannot bind...... 根本裹不住…… In the room many girl held breath a liangpi, the whisper of being foul-mouthed: „Does Mudd, what show off?” 房间里好多妹子都是倒吸了一口凉皮,骂骂咧咧的嘀咕:“玛德,显摆什么?” hē hē, was attacked obviously unbearably. 呵呵,显然是被打击得够呛。 However Nawu no one has paid attention, wholly absorbed opening touches...... ah pēi pēi, opens jumps. 但是娜吾谁也没理会,专心致志的开摸……呸呸,开跳。 A first movement is both hands starts from the thigh, has traced the neck upwardly, then raises the hair, with entrains the cool look that one type no one loves to observe the situation for a week, following raising the posture of hair stretches out the arms slowly. 第一个动作是双手从大腿开始,向上一直摸到脖子,然后把头发一扬,用一种谁都不爱的拽酷眼神环视一周,顺着扬头发的姿势缓缓张开双臂。 Wang Yan does not understand the dance, after she makes that stretches oneself the movement, can only follow everyone to shout loudly fuck. 汪言不懂舞蹈,所以在她做出那个伸懒腰似的动作之后,只能跟着大家高喊一声卧槽 The volume, pure Brother Dog remembered own high school time. 额,纯洁的狗哥想起了自己的高中时代。 Every morning after second festival class, on the drill ground will resound time andto expand chest movement/sports in summon, the preparation......! ” 每天上午第二节课之后,操场上就会响起“时代在召唤”、“扩胸运动,预备……起!” The male students would shifty-eyed secretly the small rabbit that looks at the female student, can guess someone with great interest break open the knot. 男生们总会贼眉鼠眼的偷瞄女生的小兔子,津津有味的猜测谁谁谁会不会把扣子撑破。 However, experimental high school which female student has not held the volleyball to go on stage, more than 200 jin (0.5 kg) fat sis cannot support present this scale. 但是,实验高中从来没有哪个女生是揣着排球上场的,200多斤的胖都撑不出眼下这规模。 That unequalled constriction...... considers as finished, you do not understand. 那种无与伦比的压迫感……算了,你们不懂。 Brother Dog backward supine body, that is a subconscious behavior, feels like does not do this, before the face, stuffy as. 狗哥向后仰了仰身体,那是一种下意识的行为,感觉好像不这样做,脸前就会一闷似的。 Then, under Nawu very fierce squats, turns hip three, suddenly the knees kneel, before the both hands supported, drags the waist to crawl forward two steps. 然后,娜吾很凶猛的一个下蹲,扭胯三下,突然双膝跪地,双手前撑,摇曳着腰肢向前爬行了两步。 „” “嗷呜” The Lu Yuanyuan fervor rushes sends out a wolf to be howling, the entire work puts in order this suddenly. 卢媛媛激情澎湃的发出一声狼嚎,整活儿整得这个突然。 However the effect is excellent, Brother Dog also thought that here should have the wolf to be howling. 不过效果极好,狗哥也觉得此处应该有狼嚎。 Otherwise is unfair to the neckband that her hangs. 不然都对不起她那垂下来的领口。 Brother Dog wants to follow to roar two throats, but, thinks bosom Little Colored Glaze, he was silently grip one leg on the other. 狗哥很想跟着吼两嗓子,但是,一想到怀里的小琉璃,他还是默默夹紧了二郎腿。 Then is one set of very enchanting standing movement. 接下来是一套非常妖娆的站立动作。 Wriggles the waist and suspends the hip, to turn around and shake the buttocks, to bend down and hold the chest, to lick the lip...... 扭腰、摆胯、转身、抖臀、俯身、抱胸、舔嘴唇…… The Nawu movement has no very difficult thing, 娜吾的动作没有任何高难度的东西, Is that very pure Korean seduction hot dance, is in the dance circle despises the chain lowest level. However this thing really must look that who jumps. 就是那种非常纯粹的韩式诱惑热舞,在舞蹈圈子里处于鄙视链最底层。但是这东西真得看谁来跳。 The Nawu expression and look are not actually proper, Royal Court Entertainment has many dance anchor to exceed her in this aspect. 娜吾的表情和眼神其实并不是非常到位,王庭娱乐就有不少舞蹈主播在这方面胜过她。 However that moe chastely stupid and fills the cheek of foreign land character and style, in addition explosion to stature that does not dare to describe...... 然而那张纯洁萌蠢而又充满异域风情的脸蛋,再加上爆炸到不敢描写的身材…… What is the pure desire ceiling?! 什么叫纯欲天花板?! The ceiling may be unable to install Nawu. 天花板可装不下娜吾 A fist ceiling, all pounds the tiny bits to you! 一拳一层天花板,全给你砸稀碎! When Nawu jumps to the music high tide paragraph, the women squeal almost can throw off the ceiling, the Biaobiao (prostitute) person comes insane attribute to be activated, suddenly rushed to extend the leg to flutter Nawu. 娜吾跳到音乐的高潮段落时,姑娘们的尖叫声差不多能把棚顶掀翻了,婊婊的人来疯属性被激活,突然冲上去伸腿勾住了娜吾 The Nawu associative compound, coordinated with Biaobiao (prostitute). 娜吾会意,与婊婊配合了起来。 Brother Dog entire was scared, a feeling this criterion character cannot write. 狗哥整个都傻眼了,就感觉这个尺度一个字都不能写。 Can the volume, how make everyone understand? 额,怎么才能让大家理解呢? From angle of art, what Biaobiao (prostitute) is expert is the suspenders dance and suspension loop dance, excels at the steel pipe dance additionally, therefore she will entangle, hang specially, grasp and revolve...... 从艺术的角度来讲,婊婊专精的是吊带舞和吊环舞,额外擅长钢管舞,所以她特别会缠、会挂、会抓、会旋转…… But Nawu, she cannot come to a stop, hangs up Biaobiao (prostitute) again, how possibly to support? 娜吾呢,她自己一个人都站不稳,再多挂上一个婊婊,怎么可能撑得住? Therefore has the single foot to step in the tea table, coordinates roving and drill of Biaobiao (prostitute) diligently. 所以只好单脚踩在茶几上,努力配合婊婊的转来转去、钻来钻去。 After the single foot cannot come to a stop, she both hands are supporting the tea table, lay. 单脚也站不稳之后,她又双手撑着茶几,趴了上去。 Is facing Wang Yan, from , is less than 80 centimeters. 面对着汪言,距离只有不到80厘米。 Brother Dog suddenly starts to get angry and hate oneself this pair of strengthen alloy dog eye. 狗哥突然开始恼恨自己这双强化过的合金狗眼了。 Does the vision do well does do? 视力搞得那么好干什么? They extrude in the together each tiny curve to see clearly, when they are tangled up each expression to change come clearly into view, very stimulate. 她俩挤压在一起的每一个细小弧度都看得清清楚楚,她俩缠绵时的每一个表情变化都历历在目,就很刺激 No, the accurate point described, punctures the chicken. 不,确切点形容,是刺鸡。 The needle grips the stabbing pain, can you understand? 针扎似的刺痛,你们可懂? If bosom is not Little Colored Glaze, but is joining in the fun such and some, Brother Dog affirms that now has practiced fraud. 如果怀里的不是小琉璃,而是逢场作戏的某某某,狗哥现在肯定已经上下其手了。 However now is not good. 但是现在就不行。 Regarding the name brand girlfriend, should have the respect that to have, therefore can only endure James bang honestly. 对于正牌女友,该有的尊重必须要有,所以只能老老实实的忍着詹姆斯梆得。 As everyone's scream cheers is getting more and more warm, that two person comes also to let loose insanely more and more, then finally in some moment, rubbing of being neither friendly nor aloof to Wang Yan on. 随着大家的尖叫欢呼越来越热烈,那两个人来疯也越来越放得开,然后终于在某一刻,若即若离的蹭到了汪言身上。 ! The Brother Dog mood and expression are clearly opposite. 狗哥的心情和表情是截然相反的。 At heart was oh one, feeling too stimulate. 心里是哇哦的一声,感觉太刺激了。 On the face is actually that very ignorant bi expression, small and weak, pitiful and unexpected, is using the rope life to deduct simply innocently. 脸上却是那种十分懵哔的表情,弱小、可怜、猝不及防,简直是在用绳命在演绎无辜。 Is they sneak attacks, really does not blame me! 是她们偷袭,真不怪我! Luckily luckily, the Liu Li's attitude and has no change, still smiles mindless. 幸好幸好,刘璃的态度并没有任何变化,依然笑得没心没肺。 She is can play specially woman, since has foreseen at present this when the row dance, will then not be angry because of the Wang Yan's response. 她是一个特别玩得起的姑娘,既然在排舞时就已经预见到眼前这一幕了,那么就不会因为汪言的反应而生气。 Therefore, Brother Dog enjoyed several seconds of benefits safely, then oneself shoved open Nawu on own initiative. 于是,狗哥安心享受了几秒钟的福利,然后自个儿主动把娜吾推开了。 Were many for one second he unable to endure, the reason cannot say, inside water was too deep, I can only say, understood understood. 再多一秒他都忍不了了,原因不能讲,介里面的水太深,我只能说,懂的都懂。 Shoved open Nawu jumped to wield shaking the fist, voiced exciting cheering: Wu Lake! I win!” 被推开的娜吾蹦起来挥了挥拳,发出兴奋的欢呼:“芜湖!我赢啦!” In small elder and younger sisters is thin crash-bang applause, screamed that almost throws off the ceiling. 姐妹们稀里哗啦的鼓掌,尖叫差点把棚顶掀翻。 The Brother Dog whole person is not good. 狗哥整个人都不好了。 Did one group of female hooligans, what gambling you also take me to hit?! 一群女流氓,你们又拿我打了什么赌?! Writes repeatedly changes repeatedly, writing me was shallowly unsatisfied, writing deeply the crab was unsatisfied, today is a difficult midwife's kit. 反复写反复改,写浅了我不满意,写深了蟹不满意,今天是个难产包。
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