LSD :: Volume #7

#630 Part 2: Flickers greatly leaves the mountain again

As the name suggests, signs the contract anchor, after satisfying controlled condition, can become the Royal Court Entertainment advanced partner, at then estimate value purchase certain amount Royal Court Entertainment stocks. 顾名思义,签署合约的主播,在满足一定条件后,就可以成为王庭娱乐高级合伙人,以当时的估值购买一定量的王庭娱乐股份。 They is like Mizi Ling Girl, becomes the Royal Court Entertainment shareholder, shares the company development dividend. 就和密子铃丫她们一样,成为王庭娱乐的股东,分享公司的发展红利。 It and differences of stockholder's rights incentive are, the stockholder's rights incentive is to face the company staff and management, stock from option pond. 它和股权激励计划的不同之处在于,股权激励计划是面对公司员工和管理层的,股份从期权池里出。 But the signing contract facing anchor, I will put out my share-holding personally, sells by as far as possible reasonable price to everyone. 而签约合同是面对主播们的,我会拿出我的个人持股,以尽量合理的价格出售给大家。 Although it needs you to take out money to subscribe, but, it has not rewarded all sorts of limits of stockholder's rights. 尽管它需要你们掏钱认购,但同时,它也没有奖励股权的种种限制。 At least, you can sell some stocks freely. 最起码的,你们可以自由卖出这部分股份。 Naturally, I did not suggest that you do, Royal Court Entertainment this high-speed train on not good, Tencent, Ali, Sequoia want to get on a vehicle, actually cannot have the opportunity...... ” 当然,我并不建议你们那么做,王庭娱乐这趟高速列车并不好上,疼讯、阿里、红杉都想登车,却始终没能得到机会……” Flickers half, was all lame in everyone of sitting. 才忽悠到一半,在坐的各位全瘸了。 Is four changes job anchor to be excited the breathing rapidly incessantly, the women and iya who have no immediate concern to oneself are red in the face. 不止是四个跳槽主播激动得呼吸急促,就连事不关己的女流和iya都面红耳赤。 Royal Court Entertainment stock now marketable, looked that two financial news can know. 王庭娱乐的股份现在到底有多抢手,多看两眼财经新闻就能知道。 Eldest Young Wang stops round of financing the news, initially hung in the financial headline for several days, in Weibo has various discussions. 汪大少中止轮融资的消息,当初在财经头条上挂了好几天,就连微博里都有各种讨论。 As the practitioner, they are the clear Royal Court Entertainment prospects. 作为从业者,他们更是清楚王庭娱乐的前景。 If not favor specially, why can change job to come to here? 如果不是特别看好,为什么要跳槽来这里? Since favors, then who doesn't want to attain the company stock? 既然看好,那么谁不想拿到公司股份? Several people were anxious immediately: 几个人马上急了: „Can Chief Wang, how attain signing?!” 汪总,怎么才能拿到签约?!” Chief Wang, some did company people attain the contract?” 汪总,公司有人拿到合约了吗?” Chief Wang, you reported a regulation to come out, we absolutely diligently!” 汪总,您报个章程出来,我们绝对努力!” Wang Yan spoke thoughtlessly to start to pull, where pulls to calculates. 汪言随口开始扯,扯到哪儿算哪儿。 first batch of contracts have almost arranged the goal, Wei, Gao Ya, Zhang Dayi, Ling Girl their several are steady. 第一批合约差不多已经定好目标了,薇娅、高雅张大奕铃丫她们几个是稳的。 Fat dá dá and eldest miss was discussing, if they are willing to come Royal Court, should also countersign. 胖哒哒和大小姐正在谈,他们如果愿意来王庭,应该也会签。 The second batch must wait again, everyone is the fair competition on the same starting line, must make the result, or is individual brand management well, either is the work room does quite in a big way...... 第二批就要再等等了,大家是在同一起跑线上公平竞争,得做出成绩来,要么是个人品牌经营得好,要么是工作室做得比较大…… In brief, all signs anchor to have the opportunity of upgrade contract, but is not easy. 总之,所有签主播都有升级合同的机会,但并不容易。 In the difficulty, I cannot flicker you, offers the irresponsible commitment...... ” 在难度上,我不能忽悠你们,给出不负责任的承诺……” The silly children are more excited much the nod: yes, yes, yes, that is definitely difficult. However, so long as there is an opportunity to be good, we believe you!” 傻孩子们激动得直点头:“是是是,那肯定难。但是,只要有机会就好,我们相信您!” Flickered to say greatly oneself did not flicker, then everyone believed that very magic. 大忽悠说自己不忽悠,然后所有人都信了,就很魔幻。 Naturally, Wang Yan is not deceiving people, contract matter real. 当然,汪言也不是在骗人,合约这事儿是真的。 He really has this plan. 他确实有这个打算。 Has not formed one to supply the plan of implementation comprehensively, at present merely is a strategic idea. 只是,尚未形成一个全面可供实施的方案,目前仅仅是一个战略构想。 The goal was still that constructed the Great Wall. 目标仍然是那个构建长城。 The stimulation of movement reason is the e-commerce live broadcast of progressing day by day. 催动原因则是蒸蒸日上的电商直播。 Saw that the Taobao live broadcast began broadcasting already soon for the one and half months, the sales volume is growing every day, the scope was not big, but was extremely steady, obviously market potential. 眼看着淘宝直播开播已经快要一个半月了,销售额每天都在增长,幅度不大,但极其稳健,可见市场潜力。 Then, the initial individual work room a little insufficiently looked. 如此一来,当初的个人工作室就有点不够看了。 Compares the value that several e-commerce anchor create, Wang Yan gives their signing fee to appear the weak more and more, but above the stockholder's rights assignment in individual work room, without many rooms for manoeuvre. 相比较那几位电商主播创造出来的价值,汪言给她们的签约费越来越显得鸡肋,而在个人工作室的股权分配上面,又没有多少回旋余地。 Let the stockholder's rights of some of their buy-back individual work rooms, the Royal Court Entertainment leading positions will become extremely awkward. 让她们回购一部分个人工作室的股权,王庭娱乐的领导地位就会变得极其尴尬。 Does not make their buy-back, Royal Court Entertainment take away are also too many. 不让她们回购,王庭娱乐拿走的又太多。 Difficult. 两难。 If the cooperation of this imbalance, has definitely gone separate ways finally. 如果一直这样不平衡的合作下去,最终肯定是分道扬镳。 Wang Yan is very fierce, but in this world the outstanding talent were too many, they in the ray that on appropriate location glows, is not worse than Wang Yan on the slightest. 汪言是很厉害,但是这个世界上出色的人才太多了,她们在合适的位置上焕发出来的光芒,并不比汪言差上分毫。 If Wang Yan does not make them shine, or after they shine does not give the proper return, then they will certainly walk. 如果汪言不让她们发光,或者在她们发光之后不给予应有的回报,那么她们一定会走。 Leaving of some people possibly are the ambition make it so, a large area of leaving certainly is the Wang Yan's dereliction of duty. 个别人的出走可能是野心使然,大面积的出走就一定是汪言的失职。 That what to do? 那怎么办? Wang Yan thinks thinks, allows them to purchase the Royal Court Entertainment stockholder's rights simply. 汪言想了又想,干脆允许她们购买王庭娱乐的股权。 On these most splendid talent please same chariot, common creation, altogether same score enjoys, not on knot? 把那些最出色的人才请上同一辆战车,共同创造,也共同分享,不就结了? Trades short-sighted, may not give up. 换个眼皮子浅一点的,可能会舍不得。 Wang Yan gives up. 汪言舍得。 The advanced partner system, is a very full of wisdom conception. 高级合伙人制度,是一种很有智慧的构想。 Removes the restriction on status, becomes the true partner, not only altogether same score enjoys the operation dividend, share capital appreciation. 取消掉身份上的限制,成为真正的合作伙伴,不仅共同分享经营红利,也分享资本增值。 With the future money, receiving in exchange present whole-heartedly, then because of unity is strength whole-heartedly, therefore gains in the future to more money. 用未来的钱,换取现在的全力以赴,然后又因为众志成城全力以赴,因而在未来赚到更多的钱。 This is the wisdom that gives up. 这是舍得的智慧。 Therefore, Wang Yan had the idea of new contract. 于是,汪言就有了新合约的构思。 Now is still not mature, therefore is purely tricks, peaceful everyone's heart. 现在尚不成熟,所以纯属忽悠,安大家的心。 However soon, it will become the reality. 但是在不久之后,它就会变成现实。 That one part share contract, each one part is representing big internet celebrity that has the extremely strong talent, looks like beacon towers, stands erect above the Great Wall, is Royal Court Entertainment in the border defense boundary. 一份份合约,每一份都代表着一个具备着极强天赋的大网红,就像是一座座烽火台,屹立在长城之上,为王庭娱乐驻边守疆。 Occupies a commanding position, looks out the hostile camp. 居高临下,遥望敌营。 By that time, what strength but also there is able to break open the defense of Royal Court Entertainment? 到那时,还有什么力量能够破开王庭娱乐的防御? Was Wang Yan realized this point incessantly, Wang Yunxi and Zhu Jike also wants to understand, therefore became the fervor to rush, surface flood red light. 不止是汪言意识到了这一点,汪云喜朱季轲也想明白了,因此变得激情澎湃,面泛红光。 Ray spread four directions that Wang Yan modest smiling, tricks greatly. 汪言温和的笑了笑,大忽悠的光芒播撒四方。 Brother Xizi, then you send an article, to signing above anchor is public this matter, although they are away from the contract to be a little far, but also is a drive.” 喜子哥,回头你发个文,把这件事向签以上主播公开,虽然她们距离合同有点远,但也算是一种激励吧。” Monarch do not have the joke. 君无戏言。 This saying comes out, flatter is wise they to know immediately, this matter has been a foregone conclusion absolutely. 这话一出来,阿哲他们立即知道,此事绝对已成定局。 fuck! 卧槽 When Royal Court Entertainment shareholder? 王庭娱乐的股东? Wants unable to think ah...... 想都没敢想…… Expression that several change job anchor, immediately becomes the unprecedented humbleness and respectable, obviously has been sincerely convinced. 几位跳槽主播的表情,立即变得前所未有的谦卑与尊敬,显然已经心服口服。 Regarding such boss, really had no way to select again. 对于这样的老板,真的没法再挑了。 Wang Yunxi nods, confident hitting warranty: You could rest assured that before the public statement, I certainly concentrates the monolithic bloc company in! This war, we must win!” 汪云喜点点头,信心十足的打保票:“你放心,在公开声明之前,我一定把公司内部凝成铁板一块!此战,我们必胜!” anchor hear to have a head wet from the fog, what did haareyu chat? 主播们听得满头雾水,haareyu聊啥呢? Can company make war with whom? 公司要和谁开战? However, does not understand does not hinder them to show the determination. 不过,不懂并不妨碍他们表决心。 Chief Wang you could rest assured that company finger/refers of which I where, guarantee not two words!” 汪总您放心,公司指哪儿我打哪儿,保证没二话!” company in me, company not in me also in! Chief Wang, I with deciding you!” 公司在我就在,公司不在我还在!汪总,我跟定您了!” Respects your one glass of liquor, you wait to look at my performance!” “敬您一杯酒,您等着看我的表现!” No matter is appropriate, was anything comes up in any case. 不管得体不得体,反正是啥都上来了。 Listens to have unable to ignite the accent, but this is also morale of troops available one performance. 听着是有点不着调,但这也是军心可用的一种表现。 From this, Wang Yan then knows, this sudden accident/surprise, should be has no need for itself holding is too oversensitive...... 由此,汪言便知道,这件突发的意外,应该是用不着自己操太多心了…… Un, solves as soon as possible, then plays with water with little elder sisters happily! 嗯,尽快解决,然后和小姐姐们开开心心去玩水! Was fantasizing sunlight sand beach bikini, side sudden fragrant wind surges. 正幻想着阳光沙滩比基尼,身旁突然一阵香风涌动。 Takes the lead noisily, leaps up three woman, grips Brother Dog stubbornly. 闹闹带头,蹿过来仨姑娘,把狗哥死死夹住。 Idol, should boss, round also be one's turn us?” “偶像,老板,轮也应该轮到我们了吧?” What turns? 轮什么? Who turns whom? 谁轮谁? Brother Dog has a scare, just about to raises hand purely, bamboo slip anchor that was welled up submerged. 狗哥吓一跳,刚要举起手来以示清白,就被涌过来的签主播们淹没了。 Ok, do not move, we come!” “算了,您别动,我们自己来!” This refresh time...... pleasantly surprised not? 这个更新时间……惊喜不?
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