LSD :: Volume #7

#630 Part 1: Flickers greatly leaves the mountain again

Four Seasons collects takes the Ritz-Carlton full-time restaurant, since the beginning, receives the high praise of renowned young women. 四季汇作为丽思卡尔顿的全日制餐厅,自打开业之日起,就备受名媛们的好评。 Why is the renowned young woman? 为什么是名媛? Because the environment is really in the buffet good of most top, might be considered as at 2016 present is alone grade of existence. 因为环境真的是自助餐里最顶级的好,在2016年的当前堪称是独一档的存在。 Moreover in service, continued the Ritz-Carlton consistent attitude, to sympathize thoroughly, careful in every way possible is famous, can satisfy the argument in white-collars mind specially. 而且在服务方面,延续了丽思卡尔顿的一贯作风,以体贴周到、细致入微著称,特别能够满足白领们心目中的调调。 Wang Yan places here the dining together place, it may be said that takes great pains. 汪言把聚餐地点放在这里,可谓是煞费苦心。 Pitifully Zhu Jike cannot only understand the Brother Dog pains, when he arrives 10 minutes ahead of schedule, discovered startled, Zhu Jike has not wrapped unexpectedly the entire restaurant 只可惜朱季轲并未能理解狗哥的苦心,当他提前10分钟到场时,愕然发现,朱季轲居然没有把整个餐厅包下来 aiya, if we had known made Youcai (Rich) handle this matter...... 哎呀,早知道让有财办这事儿了…… Eldest Young Wang looks at the crowded restaurant, the corners of the mouth pulled out pulling out, but has no way to criticize Little Zhu. 汪大少看着人来人往的餐厅,嘴角抽了抽,但是也没法批评小朱 After all he is not familiar with oneself style, oneself do not have the explicit instruction to reserve all seats for a performance, therefore has the current condition to understand. 毕竟他不熟悉自己的风格,自己也没有明确指示要包场,所以出现目前的状况可以理解。 But is not truly convenient. 但确实不方便。 Arrives at the western-style food area, the 20 many staff adds on six level and 13 position level again signs anchor the whole staff to arrive in full. 来到西餐区,二十多号员工再加上六位级和十三位级签约主播已经全员到齐。 Is seeing the Wang Yan's flash, shouted lā lā all stood. 在看到汪言的一瞬间,呼啦啦的全都站了起来。 Chief Wang is good!” 汪总好!” Wang Yan feels the surrounding gaze vision, quickly beckons with the hand: Sits sits, today does not have Chief Wang, only then colleague and friend. Everyone, eats to the full to eat comfortably.” 汪言感受到周围的注视目光,急忙摆手:“都坐都坐,今天没有汪总,只有同事和朋友。大家自在点,吃饱吃好。” Wang Yan and Youcai (Rich) told one, low-key mixing to crowds. 汪言有财吩咐一声,低调的混到了人群中间。 But Youcai (Rich) looks for manager, asks that can trade the private point space to everyone. 有财去找经理,去问问能不能给大家换个私密点的空间。 not too long, the Chinese meal area by the independent room partition, manager was invited the past Wang Yan one group. 不大一会儿,中餐区被单独隔断,经理汪言一行人请了过去。 Present Four Seasons collects is actually half self-service least bit single pattern, is divided into the Chinese meal area, the western-style food area and dessert area. 现在的四季汇其实是半自助半点单的模式,分为中餐区、西餐区、甜点区。 Chinese meal area just in the overall construction that horizontal, although has not reserved a room, but separates after the middle, the privacy also assembles. 中餐区刚好在型整体结构的那一横里,虽然没有包房,但是从中间隔开之后,私密性也还凑合。 Then the self-service class food brings on oneself, the dish simple point on menu. 然后自助类食品自取,菜单上的菜品单点。 Brother Dog treats, naturally cannot the controlled price. 狗哥请客,自然不会控制价格。 Four people of one table, likes what anything, takes responsibility respectively, without upper limit. 四人一桌,喜欢什么点什么,各自做主,没有上限。 Saw that some staff cannot let loose, Wang Yan also went to the shop to each table on own initiative the most expensive red wine and champagne. 眼看着有些员工放不开,汪言还主动给每桌都上了店里最贵的红酒和香槟。 Probably 28888 Margaux 2002? 好像是28888的玛歌2002? Wang Yan had not carefully looked, felt should not arrive at six figures, let loose the hand to select 12. 汪言没仔细看,感觉应该没到六位数,就放开手点了12支。 Several 100,000, must breathe some little time. 十万,得喘好一会儿呢。 Then chats while eating, accepts proposing a toast of various group of divine immortal. 然后就是边吃边聊,接受各路神仙的敬酒。 Royal Court Imperial Capital branch company only has six levels to sign anchor, but each one is divine immortal. 王庭帝都分公司只有六位级签约主播,但是个个都是神仙 Four become famous big anchor, three male lead females, separately make the entertainment live broadcast in askew, quick worker, DouYu, canine tooth, is changes job Royal Court Entertainment, the company interior delivers their nickname is worthless people. 四个已经成名的大主播,三男一女,分别在歪歪、快手、逗鱼、虎牙做娱乐直播,都是跳槽到王庭娱乐的,公司内部送他们的外号是歪瓜裂枣。 Is ugly very elegantly. 丑得十分清奇。 They are that to gain ability to be very strong, but lacks a more further quality, stays in current location already long-term mature anchor. 他们属于那种自身盈利能力很强,但是缺乏更进一步的素质,停留在当前位置已经很长时间的成熟主播 Moreover two signs anchor is the rookie, the Royal Court Entertainment key cultivating target, is that characteristics is bigger than the profit ability potential stock. 另外两个主播则是新人,王庭娱乐的重点培养目标,是那种特色大于盈利能力的潜力股。 And named stone Yue, net ID women, Imperial Capital university graduate student, ignoring a proper occupation runs to do the main engine games live broadcast, has not gained has been to what money, it can be imagined, will also be very difficult to make the good money in the future. 其中一个叫做石悦,网名女流,帝都大学的研究生,不务正业的跑去搞主机游戏直播,至今没有赚到过什么钱,可想而知,未来也很难赚到大钱。 Royal Court Entertainment is willing to give her to make, because of characteristics. 王庭娱乐之所以愿意给她约,是因为特色。 She can never gain hits the monetary reward, Wang Yan has no demand in profit to her, so long as she completes and comes to a stop, becomes a main engine games flag, coordinates company to achieve many strategic targets sufficiently. 她可以永远不赚打赏钱,汪言对她没有任何盈利方面的需求,只要她做好、站稳,成为主机游戏的一面旗帜,就足以配合公司完成许多战略目标。 Another woman called Li Siya, net ID iya, was marvel that discontinued studies to make from Central Music. 另外一个姑娘叫李思雅,网名iya,是个从央音辍学想去做的奇葩 Her musical instrument music theory knowledge is solid, but looks like in Wang Yan, the creation talent is ordinary. 她的乐器乐理知识非常扎实,但在汪言看来,创作天赋只是一般。 When the mixed several songs, are inferior to the bu16 year level. 混的几首曲子,都不如bu16岁时的水平。 However is unimportant, her chest big waist thin leg long cheek beautiful, this is also the rare talent. 不过不要紧,她胸大腰细腿长脸蛋美,这也是难得的天赋。 First when anchor is practicing slowly, rubs the level almost, will have the real mounting the stage opportunity sooner or later. 先当主播慢慢练着,把水平磨得个差不离,早晚会有真正的登台机会。 Royal Court Entertainment can sign her, 王庭娱乐能签下她, Was lucky electricity syllable that Wang Yan does, otherwise she will not sit in the room obediently does what webcast. Her future outlet, jumps to the Royal Court movie industry is a true artist. 还是多亏了汪言搞的电音节,否则她才不会乖乖坐在房间里搞什么网络直播。她未来的出路,是跳到王庭影业去做一个真正的艺人。 Attends the electricity sound to perform and meet the business to develop, racket the play, to do two varieties again, A-list is basically hopeless, but mixes C-list is not a problem. 参加电音表演、接接商演、拍拍剧、再搞两部综艺,一线基本没戏,但是混到三线不成问题。 Normally a C-list artist cannot make too much money, one year of 10 million, was inferior to the end top anchor earns many. 按说一个三线艺人也赚不到太多钱,一年一千万到头了,都不如一个顶级主播赚得多。 However, iya actually compares top anchor to be much bigger regarding the Royal Court Entertainment significance. 但是,iya对于王庭娱乐的意义却比一个顶级主播大得多。 That significance is called example. 那个意义叫做“榜样”。 You look, so long as sufficient effort, even if you today are only small anchor, in the future might also become a well-known artist. 你们看,只要足够努力,哪怕你今天只是一个小小的主播,未来也有可能成为一个知名艺人。 The Royal Court Entertainment upward docking Royal Court movie industry, the opportunity has forever, only looked that you can grasp! 王庭娱乐向上对接王庭影业,机会永远都有,只看你们能不能把握! The small chicken soup scatters, to brother to bowl in...... 小鸡汤一撒,都给到碗里来…… Doesn't this do to elect the imperial concubine to make the star with the banana entertainment Wang Siming to be much stronger than forcefully? 这不比王思明用香蕉娱乐搞选妃硬生生造星强得多? Strict, the Wang Siming's mentality is good, on the panda meets the banana entertainment, makes a connection with the upstream and downstream, the thick foundation, has the high idea very much. 严格来讲,王思明的思路是好的,熊猫上接香蕉娱乐,打通上下游,厚实根基,是很有高度的想法。 Only pitifully, the concrete operations suffocate. 只可惜,具体操作太窒息。 Must train the artist, did not say that you were OK with oneself current capacity belt/bring area, really must be so easy to fill, repatriating can four child be so valuable?! 要培养艺人,不是说你用自身流量带一带就可以了,真要这么容易灌出来,归国四子能那么值钱?! How Kun ice draws the Son of Heaven to fry again, she is also only a 18 line slightly sticks. 昆凌再怎么拉着天王炒,她也只是一个十八线小糊咖。 In the final analysis, the artist must have the work. 归根结底,艺人还是要有作品。 Repatriated four child initially the song in group, stage and variety, was others with the work that the blood and sweat put together, the maturity was extremely high, very led strength, can therefore attract the powder massively. 归国四子当初在团里的歌曲、舞台、综艺,都是人家用血汗拼出来的作品,成熟度极高,酷帅有力量,所以才能大量吸粉。 No matter adult whether likes, others truly among young people really has been popular, the worth is high. 不管成年人是否喜欢,人家确实在年轻人中间实打实的流行过,身价高理所应当。 Pushes the vegetarian person like Wang Siming hardly, typical has grand plans but little skill, does not meet the rusticity. 王思明那样硬推素人,就是典型的眼高手低,不接地气。 The breakthrough point is not right, how to waste again diligently. 切入点不对,再怎么努力都白费。 Wang Yan does not have anxiously a unenlightened person to the Royal Court movie industry, when pats Witch, anchor has not held, the dragon embroidered costume is the specialized special utility who uses. 汪言就没有急着向王庭影业里塞人,拍魔女时,一个自家主播都没捧,龙套都是用的专业特约小演员。 Meanwhile, entire Royal Court Entertainment is selecting the person everywhere, only to pick up several can enter the good seedling of entertainment world. 与此同时,整个王庭娱乐都在到处挑人,只为挑出几个能进娱乐圈的好苗子。 music class, dance lesson, physique class, host class and performance class...... 音乐课、舞蹈课、形体课、主持课、表演课…… The flowered big strength carried out so many professional trainings, why? 花大力气搞了那么多专业培训,为什么? On the one hand strengthen anchor quality, on the one hand picks up can walk a step good seedling truly upwardly, after remaining, sets the example. 一方面强化主播素质,一方面挑出真正能够向上走一步的好苗子,留着以后树立榜样。 At present, same is at special anchor of observation training period altogether to have 7~8 with iya. 目前,和iya一样处在观察培养期的特殊主播总共有七八个。 And five have the talent in the singing aspect extremely, actually because of family factor not professionally-trained vegetarian person. 其中五个是在唱歌方面极有天赋,却又因为家庭因素没有受过专业训练的素人。 Beyond the normal live broadcast, they have vocal music classes and massive work every day. 正常直播之外,她们每天都有一节声乐课和大量的作业。 Actually compulsory, likes insisting, in any case only then can endure lonely, insisted final that or that several, have the qualifications of upward challenge. 倒不是强制性的,爱坚持不坚持,反正只有能够耐得住寂寞,坚持到最后的那个或者那几个,才有向上挑战的资格。 One is to study young woman of drama family background, is in the extra training popular singing technique. 还有一个是学戏曲出身的小姑娘,正在加练流行唱法。 Screening of performance direction is strictest, only when picked up was good at playing the role of the ugly former dance duet actor extremely funny, the live broadcast forces on the skill to study the true performance. 表演方向的筛选最严格,只挑出一个极其擅长搞笑扮丑的前二人转演员,直播之余被塞进了上艺去学习真正的表演。 Royal Court Entertainment practical place regular script now here. 王庭娱乐的务实之处正体现在这里。 Plans to achieve very far, but we are not anxious. 计划做到很远,但我们一点不急。 white support these special bamboo slips anchor 2~3 year, at all is not a matter. 白养着那些特殊的签签主播两三年时间,根本不算个事儿。 2~3 year later, some people practiced truly, practiced to lose face/show off the best level, pushed them to enter the sound or handles arrival and departure the special edition, was the small gift. 两三年之后,有人真正练出来了,练到了出彩拔尖的水平,推她们进好声音或者直接发专辑,都是小意思。 No one practices, then again training next batch. 没人练出来,接着再培养下一批。 Wang Yan has not thought that pushes some scumbag to show the strength hardly. 汪言从来没有想过,硬推一些渣渣去彰显实力。 The matter of defeat favorable impression and bad reputation, our does not do. 败好感、坏口碑的事儿,咱一件都不做。 ...... …… Chatted many company future general orientations and grand strategies with Wang Yunxi and Zhu Jike, Little Zhu sighed with emotion suddenly got up that several bamboo slip anchor that changed job to Royal Court. 汪云喜朱季轲聊了很多公司未来的大方向、大战略,小朱突然感慨起了跳槽到王庭的那几个签主播 It is fortunate that company has your town/subdues, otherwise these external bamboo slip big anchor were too difficult to manage......” “得亏公司有您镇着,否则那些外来的签大主播太难管了……” „? Do some people refuse to accept to manage?” “哦?有人不服管理么?” Wang Yan selected the eyebrow. 汪言挑了挑眉。 Temporarily has not been in that degree actually, but they possibly were habit had the association help to hit various activities, after our here, always some cynical remark......” “暂时倒是没到那种程度,不过他们可能是习惯了有公会帮忙打各种活动,到咱们这儿之后,总有些怪话……” Zhu Jike's complained, making Wang Yan enhance vigilance. 朱季轲的诉苦,让汪言提高了警惕。 „Should this situation, be Imperial Capital branch company has incessantly?” “这种情况,应该不止是帝都分公司有吧?” Wang Yunxi nods: I listen following to respond, basic each branch company has similar issue.” 汪云喜点点头:“我听下面反应过,基本每个分公司都有类似的问题。” This wind cannot be long.” Wang Yan knits the brows. “此风不可长。”汪言皱起眉。 The Wang Yunxi forced smile said: We truly the unspoken rule in the challenge industry, the need time mutual understanding, forgave mutually, the communication work of Little Zhu was done fruitfully, everyone whole obeyed disciplinary measures very much.” 汪云喜苦笑道:“咱们确实是在挑战业内潜规则,需要时间互相理解、互相体谅,小朱的沟通工作做得卓有成效,大家整体而言还是很服管的。” Wang Yan beckons decisively: Youcai (Rich), called the server, put together a big table.” 汪言果断招手:“有财,叫服务生来,拼一张大桌子。” Then told Zhu Jike: Please come their several, I and they chat.” 然后回头吩咐朱季轲:“你把他们几个都请过来,我和他们聊聊。” Zhu Jike felt oneself handle matters enough deftly , Wang Yan starting proper business, compared with him vigorous and resolute. 朱季轲感觉自己办事就够麻利的了,没想到,汪言做起正事来,比他更加的雷厉风行。 When that four changes job anchor to be called, on the full forehead writes strangely. 那四个跳槽主播被叫过来时,满脑门上都写着奇怪。 Wang Yan has a frank and sincere talk directly, came up to chat that most acute issue. 汪言直接开诚布公,一上来就聊到了那个最尖锐的问题。 Does not help you hit the activity regarding company the matter, what idea do you have?” “对于公司不帮你们打活动的事儿,你们有什么想法?” Four people sink, start to look at each other in blank dismay. 四个人心里一沉,开始面面相觑。 Wang Yan beckons with the hand: „ Do not cover-up, has anything to say anything, person who I do not treat harshly the subordinate, we consider the matter and of itself, today only discusses that this matter is reasonable. 汪言摆摆手:“别藏着掖着,有什么说什么,我不是苛待下属的人,咱们就事论事,今天只讨论这事儿合不合理。 Is unreasonable, I change the custom immediately. Reasonable, you give me a commitment on the line. Come! ” 不合理,我马上改规矩。合理,你们给我一个承诺就行。来吧!” Chief Wang's domineering, making them press strength mountain to be big. 汪总的霸气,令他们压力山大。 However Wang Yan consistent good reputation and at this moment honest attitude, makes them feel that can chat. 但是汪言一贯的好名声和此刻坦诚的态度,又让他们感觉可以聊。 flatter wise first opens the mouth that the hesitant moment, changes job earliest. 犹豫片刻,最早跳槽过来的阿哲第一个开口。 Chief Wang, I told the facts, after coming to your here, truly made money compared with before, but I discovered after this month, the association did not help hit to move this matter, the influence truly compared with the estimate in big......” 汪总,我实话实说,来您这儿之后确实比以前赚钱了,但是经过这一个多月我发现,公会不帮忙打活动这事,影响确实比预想中的大……” Divergent root of both sides, here. 双方的分歧根源,就在这里。 It is well known, top head male anchor does not make money. 众所周知,顶级的头部男主播并不赚钱。 It is not their attracting gold/metal ability is not strong, but must keep the position, the corresponding investment is also too big. 并不是他们的吸金能力不强,而是要维持地位,相应的投资也太大。 The activity that on platform emerges one after another incessantly, which must hit, one dozen must spend, the association in drawing bonus that on them pulls out, frequently insufficiently hits the expense of activity, but must build but actually. 平台上层出不穷的活动,哪个都得打,一打就要花钱,公会在他们身上抽到的分红,经常不够打活动的花销,还得倒搭。 Then doesn't hit to be good? 那么不打行不行? Naturally is not good. 当然不行。 The association does not act, fan explodes absolutely, anchor will have the complaint, divides minute to change job. 公会不出面,粉丝绝对炸,主播也会有怨言,分分钟跳槽。 Therefore the common association cannot raise two above head male anchor, the reason here. 所以一般的公会根本养不起两个以上的头部男主播,原因就在这里。 But Royal Court Entertainment dares to sign such multistage male anchor, is not because the Eldest Young Wang money is much willful, because...... Royal Court Entertainment is not used to that wrap/sets. 王庭娱乐之所以敢签这么多级的男主播,不是因为汪大少钱多任性,而是因为……王庭娱乐根本不惯着那套。 Moves you to like hitting. 活动你们爱打不打。 To hit, that depends on your fan hard strength to arch, or take out money, company does not manage in any case. 想打,那就靠你们粉丝的硬实力拱上去,或者自己掏钱,反正公司不管。 Signing is industry in the top contract of most conscience, the gift is divided to you 40, a tax is paid by company, requests this that again, you do not have that qualifications. 签已经是业内最良心的顶级合同了,礼物分成给你们40,个税由公司代缴,再要求这个那个的,你们没那资格。 Then, Royal Court Entertainment gets rid of a biggest burden, therefore gives many of anchor although, was still over 10 profit spaces. 如此一来,王庭娱乐甩掉一个最大的包袱,所以尽管给主播的很多,可是仍然有十以上的盈利空间。 Royal Court Entertainment displays extremely strongly in this aspect, but changed job anchor to accept mostly, why? 王庭娱乐在这方面表现得极其强势,可是大部分跳槽主播都接受了,为什么? Because gives in their contract, there are about the establishment work room to betting provision. 因为给他们的合同里,有关于成立工作室的对赌条款。 The general meaning is, what performance one year or within two years complete, then can support by Royal Court Entertainment, establish their individual work rooms. 大概意思是,一年或者两年之内完成什么样的业绩,便可以由王庭娱乐支持,成立他们的个人工作室。 The work room biggest significance is, has the independent signing anchor qualifications. 工作室最大的意义是,具备独立的签约主播资格。 Royal Court Entertainment does not only control stock to the work room share-holding. 王庭娱乐对工作室只参股不控股。 Then, they immediately become the Royal Court Entertainment partner, can taking advantage of the Royal Court Entertainment reputation, sign anchor to oneself under. 如此一来,他们立即成为王庭娱乐的合作方,可以借着王庭娱乐的名声,签约主播到自己旗下。 When flatter chatted here wise, frank said: „ Actually this and we establish company, receives apprentice and belt/bring rookie to have no difference. 阿哲聊到这里时,坦言道:“其实这和我们自己成立公司,收徒弟、带新人没有任何区别。 Why are we willing to sign with you? 那我们为什么愿意跟您签约? Because we believe that the Royal Court Entertainment reputation, felt the work room that like this does is safe. 因为我们相信王庭娱乐的名声,觉得这样搞出来的工作室稳当。 On the one hand there are you to keep out wind and rain, on the one hand signs the rookie is also easier. 一方面有您遮风挡雨,一方面签新人也更容易。 However, the present issue is, the association did not help us hit to move, in the short-term, our income enhanced, probably good deed. 但是,现在的问题是,公会不帮我们打活动了,短期来看,我们的收入提高了,好像是好事。 However in the long run, how do our position maintain? 然而长期来看,我们的地位怎么维持下去? Does not hit the activity, does not struggle brother, is very difficult to maintain fame ah! 不打活动,不争一,很难保持住名气 We have to take out money to hit the activity, an annual competition could pull out 10~20 million...... 那我们就不得不自己掏钱出来打活动,一个年度比赛可能要掏出一两千万之多…… Calculates the general ledger, didn't this instead owe in a big way? ” 算总账,这不是反而亏大了吗?” Wang Yan patient listens, suddenly asked one: Why do you want to keep the position?” 汪言耐心的听完,突然反问一句:“你们为什么要维持地位?” Everyone was asked that including Zhu Jike and Wang Yunxi. 所有人都被问愣了,包括朱季轲汪云喜在内。 This is not obvious? 这不是明摆着的么? Two donkeys asked startled: Does not keep the position, does not make platform brother sister, how to have continuous new fan? Can't eat the old powder? ah that can drain......” 二驴愕然问:“不维持住地位,不做平台,怎么会有源源不断的新粉丝?总不能一直吃老粉吧?会流失的……” Therefore your first goal is the drainage.” “所以你的第一个目的是引流。” Wang Yan makes the summary for him, then also asked: „, Does not make platform brother, makes platform ten brother, so long as is treating in the same list, is hanging in the platform home page, the difference of drainage effect big?” 汪言替他做出总结,接着又问:“那么,不做平台,做平台,只要在同一张榜单上待着,在平台首页挂着,引流效果的差别会有多大?” „......” “呃……” Everyone continues to be in a daze, some little time indefinite returning said: Should very big? We have not studied this......” 所有人继续发愣,好一会儿才不确定的回道:“应该挺大的吧?我们没研究过这个……” Made a mistake made a mistake, the difference was actually minimal.” “错了错了,差别其实微乎其微。” Wang Yan beckons with the hand, cannot help laughing. 汪言摆摆手,哑然失笑。 „ The platform home page most above big banner is the drainage effect is best, but that special situation can on. 平台首页最上方的大横幅是引流效果最好的,但那个只有特殊情况才能上。 Usual conventional recommendation position, best is big banner below title page recommendation, according to the popularity, gift and other summarized information ranking, making concrete is different to each platform. 平时的常规推荐位,最好的就是大横幅下方的封面推荐,按照人气、礼物等综合数据排名,具体到每个平台都不一样。 According to our estimation, so long as there is a title page to hang on that location, arranges first or ranks tenth, the current capacity disparity is minimum. 但是据我们测算,只要有一个封面挂在那个位置上,排第一或者排第十,流量差距极小。 You are clear, the behavior pattern and old player of rookie are different, their room point will go in one by one, seeks for the content that is interested. 你们要明白,新人的行为模式和老玩家并不一样,他们会挨个房间点进去,寻找感兴趣的内容。 amp ; the phenomenon of n / cut-off will only happen between the home pages and secondary pages, will not happen in the same row of title pages of home page. amp;n/截流的现象只会发生在首页与次级页之间,不会发生在首页的同一排封面之间。 Assuming that altogether four to seal/confer push, then the fourth current capacity, only lowers 5 compared with first is less. 假设总共有四个封推,那么第四的流量,比第一只低五不到。 Therefore can retain them, does not depend on your title page to be listed at several, but is your style and content. ” 所以能否留住他们,并不是取决于你的封面排在第几位,而是你的风格和内容。” Everyone nods ignorant, feels like that a matter. 大家懵懵懂懂的点头,感觉好像是那么回事。 flatter wise hurried found an excuse: „ Possibly the drainage difference is not big, when opens individual work room time, the rookie does not recognize your platform ten brother ah! 阿哲急忙又找了个理由:“可能引流差别不大,但是,等到开个人工作室的时候,新人根本不认你平台 By that time, the difference may big! 到那时,差别可就大了去了! Is just like receives apprentice, these is good-looking, to have the talent, frame of mind high rookie, which doesn't rush to brother sister to go? 就好比收徒弟,那些长得漂亮的、有才的、心气高的新人,哪个不奔着一去? Inferiorly most inferior, is Brother Three three sister? 最次最次,也得是三哥吧? Sign surface that ten brother ten sister, where come?! ” ,哪来的牌面?!” This truly in the principle, often mixes the platform people to have the profound recognition. 这个确实在理,常混平台的人都对此有深刻认识。 brother sister sign surface, forever is strongest. 的牌面,永远是最强的。 However Wang Yan light question: You still had not made clear the small workshop that a matter...... you do, has the comparability with Royal Court Entertainment?” 然而汪言轻飘飘的反问:“你们仍然没有搞清楚一件事……你们自己搞的小作坊,和王庭娱乐有可比性吗?” Several big anchor again and again and again were asked was shocked. 几位大主播又双叒叕被问愣住了。 Wang Yan is leisure, broke off to break up by rubbing the essence of this matter was placed in front of them: „ Before big anchor received apprentice high, the position more was hounded. 汪言慢条斯理的,把这件事的本质掰开了揉碎了摆在他们面前:“以前大主播徒弟,地位越高的越是受人追捧。 But your so-called position, are the association and pulls out really gold silver to buy. 可是你们所谓的地位,都是公会和自己掏出真金白银买回来的。 platform requests you to buy, but you have to buy. 平台要求你们买,而你们不得不买。 Because you are too weak, without the qualifications resistance, can only play according to the platform rule. 因为你们太弱,没有资格反抗,只能按照平台的规则去玩。 Later is different! 以后却不一样! You open individual work room, the hung name is Royal Court Entertainment such and such work rooms. 你们开个人工作室,挂的名字是王庭娱乐某某工作室。 Signing rookie, what depended is the Royal Court Entertainment fame and reputation. 签约新人,靠的是王庭娱乐的名气和口碑。 How many have to relate with your individual position? 和你们的个人地位有多少关系? You do not struggle not to snatch, quiet and contentedly makes platform ten brother, the rookie of signing many, is in the same old way better than brother brother. 你不争不抢,安安分分的做一个平台,签约的新人照样比一多、比一好。 Because of the Royal Court Entertainment gold-lettered signboard on vertical stroke there! 因为王庭娱乐的金字招牌就竖在那里! But money that you make holds in own captures, money that the signing rookie makes also has the larger part to hold in own captures, is uncomfortable? 而你赚到的钱都揣在自己兜里,签约新人赚到的钱还有一大半揣在自己兜里,不舒服么? Your personality stronger, tries to outdo others, you can little spend, hit second brother and Brother Three location, satisfies the fan vanity. 你性格要强,好胜,那你可以少花点钱,打个二哥三哥位置,去满足粉丝的虚荣心。 The actual benefit are equally many, the cost actually lowered so many, doesn't compare to support by hard and stubborn effort the face to play the champion to be much stronger? 实惠一样不少,成本却低了那么多,不比硬撑着面子打冠军强得多? Thinks that does not look a credible accountant clearly, calculates well cost income ratio, the result is clear. ” 想不明白的,去找个靠谱的会计,好好算算成本收益比,结果一目了然。” Everyone nods subconsciously. 所有人都下意识的点头。 Truly ah! 确实 Really must be able like this, the day to pass is more comfortable than before are too many! 真要能这样,日子过得可是比以前舒坦太多了! Wang Yan chuckle, does not have any big movement, link looks in all directions, actually reveals one share unequalled domineering. 汪言轻笑一声,没有任何大的动作,环目四顾间,却流露出一股子无与伦比的霸气 Therefore you if certainly wants to be clear where such comfortable day comes “所以你们一定要想清楚,这么舒坦的日子是哪来的 Is Royal Court Entertainment this sign takes to you! 王庭娱乐这块牌子带给你们的! Without Royal Court Entertainment, you can only do the small workshop, oneself spend to hit various activities, by squeezing apprentice this makes money back and forth. 没有王庭娱乐,你们只能去搞小作坊,自己花钱打各种活动,靠压榨徒弟来回本赚钱。 Backs on Royal Court Entertainment, you can become the regular army, comfortable makes the clean money. 背靠王庭娱乐,你们才能成为正规军,舒舒服服的赚干净钱。 But the Royal Court Entertainment reputation and reputation are not the space fall, is I puts up the cash to carry out the propaganda, to cook up the heat degree, to make the charity, bit by bit operates. 王庭娱乐的名声和口碑并不是天上掉下来的,是我砸钱搞宣传、炒热度、做慈善,一点一点经营出来的。 Before then, you have not contributed to Royal Court Entertainment, but company still gave you industry in the most liberal contract, even is willing to make you share the company reputation and reputation. 在此之前,你们对王庭娱乐没有丝毫贡献,但是公司依然给了你们业内最优渥的合同,甚至愿意让你们分享公司的口碑和名声。 Therefore you have no reason to request company to help you compete for the honor. 所以你们没有任何理由要求公司帮你们争夺荣誉。 Who wants to make brother, oneself spell. 谁想做一,自己去拼。 Thinks to reply me carefully again: Is reasonable? ” 仔细想想再回答我:合不合理?” Truly reasonable......” “确实合理……” Several people nod silently, are convinced not to refuse to accept clearly, at least on the mouth was the clothing/taking. 几人默默点头,心服不服不清楚,最起码嘴上是服了。 Chief Wang you could rest assured that since signed Royal Court Entertainment, we definitely do well, was not the rookie, how should how, all speak according to the contract, without problem!” 汪总您放心,既然签了王庭娱乐,我们肯定好好干,都不是新人了,该怎么着就怎么着,一切按合同说话,没毛病!” This saying listens to be very interesting. 这话听着挺有意思的。 Actually also has the anxiety? 其实就是还有疑虑呗? Wang Yan can understand regarding this actually, after all hit so many years activities, has formed the thought format, does not hit suddenly, will definitely be swayed by personal gains and losses. 汪言对此倒是可以理解,毕竟打了那么多年的活动,早已经形成思维定式,突然间不打了,肯定会患得患失。 Facing this situation, he can not pay attention, making the time determine that who is that correct person. 面对这种情况,他可以不予理会,让时间来确定谁才是那个正确的人。 However, flatter is wise their four, did not only represent itself, but also is representative dozens level anchor that changes job to Royal Court Entertainment. 但是,阿哲他们四个,不是只代表了自己,还代表着几十个跳槽到王庭娱乐的级主播 Since Royal Court Entertainment in March 31 that day becoming famous overnight world knowledge, promoted bamboo slip contract that may be called industry in most conscience, then attracted innumerable head anchor. 自打王庭娱乐在3月31号那天一举成名天下知,紧接着又推出了堪称业内最良心的签合同,便吸引到了无数的外界头部主播 A month ago, Royal Court Entertainment only then 20 bamboo slip anchor, start doing business taking advantage of Extreme Speed Alliance with east wind of birthday party, trains more than ten, the total is less than 40. 一个多月之前,王庭娱乐只有二十余位签主播,借着极速联盟开业和生日宴的东风,又培养起来十余位,总数不到四十 A month later today, Royal Court Entertainment has 100 bamboo slip anchor, had seven big platform half of the country. 一个多月之后的今天,王庭娱乐已经拥有一百余位签主播,占据了七大平台的半壁江山。 Changes job by each small association most probably. 大半都是由各个小公会跳槽而来。 Even if selected selected, to changing job anchor individual conduct and historical black material made very strict screening, the bamboo slip scale still inflated until now degree. 哪怕挑了又挑,对跳槽主播的个人品行和历史黑料做了非常严格的筛选,签规模仍旧膨胀到如今的程度。 So many external big anchor, making Royal Court Entertainment profit ability greatly enhance, but at the same time, created the tremendous management pressure. 那么多的外来大主播,让王庭娱乐的盈利能力大幅提高,但是于此同时,也带来了巨大的管理压力。 Does not comfort them, does not propose their enthusiasm, the interior is very chaotically easy. 不安抚好他们,不把他们的积极性提起来,内部就很容易乱。 Puts is usually not mattering, slowly comforting also and that's the end. 搁在平时无所谓,慢慢安抚也就是了。 But the present is the unusual time, Royal Court Entertainment is fermenting to declare war to the entire industry. 可是现在是非常时刻,王庭娱乐正酝酿着对整个行业宣战。 As the saying goes, domestic strength keeps away foreign aggression. 俗话说,攘外必先安内。 On this occasion the special period, internal stability of company, is worth attaching great importance to of any degree. 值此特殊时期,公司的内部稳定,值得任何程度的重视。 Thinks of here, Wang Yan coughs gently, when put out had not become famous in the past the flickering strength. 想到此处,汪言轻轻咳嗽一声,拿出了当年尚未成名时的忽悠劲头。 Contract that actually you sign, was still not the Royal Court Entertainment most top contract.” “其实你们签的合同,仍然不是王庭娱乐顶级的合约。” Everyone on table stood in amazement. 桌子上的所有人都楞住了。 Especially is really ignorant by Wang Yunxi. 尤其以汪云喜懵得最为真实。 What thing?! 啥玩意?! On the bamboo slip also has the special contract?! 签上面还有特殊合约?! I do not know that...... I am also your general manager?! 我都不知道……我到底还是不是你的总经理?! woof big tricks appears specially confident, expression that called a sincerity, is shining simply probably. 汪大忽悠显得特别的坦然,表情那叫一个诚恳,简直好像在发着光。 Most top contract was named as by me, is actually not big with the present bamboo slip difference, is are only many a Section special advanced partner provision. “最顶级的合约被我命名为,其实和现在的签区别并不大,只是多出一个特殊高级合伙人条款。
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