LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#631: Prediction and space and time coordinates laboratory

main world Vyse Rankka arrowhead 主世界・威斯兰卡鏑 If pill time 8 : 00 am, early morning sunlight shines in the mountain ranges of standing tall and erect. 若丹时间早上 8 点,清晨的阳光照耀在高耸的山峦之间。 The helicopter of howling carries the strong winds volume excessively deep green forest, the fallen leaf of dispersing is crossing the boundary of trees and loess, falls gently in the sand and crushed stone of tumbling. 呼啸的直升机携带着狂风卷过碧绿的森林,飞散的落叶越过树木与黄土的界限,飘落在滚落的砂石之间。 In this mountain range staggered primitive deep forests, a piece clean, does not have any vegetation gradient slightly slow small hillside towering standing and waiting for a long time here. 在这一片山峦交错的原始深林之间,一片干净的,没有任何植被坡度稍缓的小山坡突兀的伫立在这里。 But in hillside most peak, wear simple T-shirt jeans, leads the youth of eyeglasses, is sitting before a launching table, is stirring the coffee in cup. 而在山坡的最顶端,一个穿着简单T恤牛仔裤,带着眼镜的青年,正坐在一个展开的桌子前,自顾自的搅拌着杯子里的咖啡。 Smoothest ground of huge helicopter falling slowly in sand and crushed stone. 巨大的直升机缓缓的落在砂石之间最平整的的一片地面上。 A man of seemingly modest scholarly jumps down from the helicopter, 一个看上去温和儒雅的男人从直升机上跳了下来, He is embracing long wooden box, before arriving at the table quickly, „, although before , has seen many here appearances in the picture, but really arrives here, is somewhat surprised.” Arrowhead 他怀抱着一个长长的木盒子,快步走到了桌子之前,“虽然之前在照片中看到过很多次这里的模样,但是真的抵达这里,还是有些惊讶。”鏑 He places on the wooden box in hand the desktop conveniently, proficiently takes up the drinking glass that on the table backed off, as well as by the drinking glass instant coffee, sat before the youth. 他将手中的木盒随手放在桌面上,熟练的拿起了桌子上倒扣的水杯,以及水杯旁的速溶咖啡,坐在了青年面前。 „The strength of different unusualness is different, more will walk in the future, the difference of strength is also bigger, I can achieve these exactly.” “不同的超凡者的力量不同,越往后走,力量的差异也就越大,我只是恰好能做到这些而已。” He Ao takes up the heat preservation canteen on desktop, gives opposite chestnut/trembling to become. 何奥把桌面上的保温水壶拿起,递给对面的栗成。 Was modest,” chestnut/trembling to become laughs, he looked at around one, this nearby mountain peak, almost your was struck to shake collapses.” “谦虚了,”栗成哈哈一笑,他看了一眼周围,“这附近的山峰,都几乎被你那一击震崩了。” Here is the place of He Ao first use landslide tsunami. 这里是何奥第一次使用山崩海啸的地方。 That time, surrounding mountain peak collapsing, the crushed stone and soil that these fall, pile up one on top of another one to level a point small hillside in the center slightly. 那一次,周围的山峰都被震塌,那些滑落的碎石与泥土,在中心堆叠起来一个稍微平整一点的小山坡。 Naturally, so-called smooth, compares the surroundings steep mountain peak. Arrowhead 当然,所谓的平整,也是相比较于周围陡峭的山峰来说的。鏑 Unusual strength is no doubt strong,” “超凡的力量固然强大,” The He Ao vision has shot a look at the surroundings, although is only the short two weeks passes, in the rocks of these avalanches, has the deep green leave of grass to give birth from the slit of crushed stone. 何奥的目光瞥过周围,虽然只是短短的两周过去,在这些崩塌的山石之中,已经有碧绿的草叶从碎石的缝隙中生出。 He turns head, looks at chestnut/trembling to become, modest smiling, „, but life tenacious is not small and weak.” 他回过头来,看着栗成,温和的笑了笑,“但是生命的顽强也并不弱小。” chestnut/trembling to become looks at the grass that a that grew difficultly with his line of sight, slight nod, truly.” 栗成随着他的视线看了一眼那艰难生长出来的小草,微微点头,“确实。” Your these is looking for me time anxiously, perhaps, not only wants to fulfill with me the agreement.” “你这一次这么急着来找我,恐怕并不只是想要履行和我之间的约定吧。” He Ao carries the coffee in hand, sipped one slightly. 何奥端起手中的咖啡,微微抿了一口。 How do you see to this matter?” Arrowhead “你对这件事怎么看?”鏑 In chestnut/trembling to become adjusts cup coffee, is gazing at He Ao. 栗成将杯中的咖啡调好,注视着何奥 He knows that Hao resolute is very clear he to ask anything, otherwise he will not agree one from the Sino-Turkey such near meeting place, and quickest time that can catch up with especially in him the time card. 他知道‘郝毅’很清楚他想要问什么,不然他不会约定一个距离中土这么近的见面地点,并且特地把时间卡在了他能赶来的最快时间。 In some sense, this is in pardon he at present the anxious mood, offers the good intentions to him. 某种意义上,这是在‘体谅’他目前急切的心情,对他释放善意。 But in fact, he also truly wants to know, this came from vestige doubtful mysterious unusualness, how regards the mutation in this vestige. 而事实上,他也确实很想知道,这位疑似来自于‘遗迹’的神秘超凡者,怎么看待这一次遗迹的异变。 „Is the information that you obtain now what?” “你们现在获得的信息是什么?” He Ao not direct reaction, but puts down the cup, tranquil asking. 何奥并没有直接回答,而是放下杯子,平静的问道。 Hears his issue, chestnut/trembling Chengdun, then said slowly, „the news that currently we obtain is, ‚, if pill time 12 : 00 pm, enters the person in vestige normally, will return normally.” Arrowhead 听到他的问题,栗成顿了顿,然后缓缓说道,“目前我们得到的消息是,‘若丹时间中午12点,正常进入遗迹的人,会正常返回’。”鏑 The words have spoken of this step, chestnut/trembling to become has not concealed anything again, we have one prediction class the unusual goods, can roughly make the prediction to the future event, position that before Vilora presented that was depends on this goods to predict.” 话已经说到这一步,栗成也没有再隐瞒什么,“我们有一件‘预言类’的超凡物品,可以大致对未来的事件做出预言,之前维洛拉号出现的位置,就是靠着这件物品预言的。” This prediction sounds like a good news.” “这预言听起来是一个好消息。” He Ao carries the coffee, drank one. 何奥端起咖啡,喝了一口。 In fact, He Ao does not believe this prediction, although he does not know this prediction class unusual goods the concrete effect, but he knows, this type of powerful unusual goods, not really honest causes the normal result. 事实上,何奥并不十分相信这个预言,他虽然不知道这件预言类超凡物品的具体效果,但是他知道,这种强大的超凡物品,并不会真的老老实实的弄出正常的结果。 If this prediction is absolutely correct, chestnut/trembling Chengjiu will not be looking for him anxiously. 如果这个预言是完全正确的,栗成就不会这么急着来找他了。 All predictions that this unusual goods give, not totally is accurate,” “这件超凡物品所给出的所有预言,都并不是完全准确的,” chestnut/trembling to become the hand grips the coffee cup, „the prediction that it gives often has a deviation and gaps and omissions, related to powerful unusual life, is so, entirely believes that its prediction, will be very likely to move toward the direction of misfortune.” Arrowhead 栗成手握住咖啡杯,“它给出的预言往往有所偏差和缺漏,越是涉及强大的超凡生命,也就越是如此,完全相信它的预言,极有可能会走向厄运的方向。”鏑 Naturally happy result that seemingly therefore this prediction points out, is not the true happy ending,” “所以这个预言所指出的看起来自然美好的结局,并不是真正的大团圆,” He Ao sipped coffee, even possibly is the worst result?” 何奥抿了一口咖啡,“甚至可能是最坏的结局?” Goes in normally, comes back normally, but had not said that must die many people. 正常进去,正常回来,但是没说要死多少人。 In some sense, it can be said that but most of the time, predicted that will in some sense point out a path for us, lets we have change in the future opportunity.” “某种意义上,可以这么说,不过大多数时候,预言都会在某种意义上为我们指出一条道路,让我们有改变‘未来’的机会。” chestnut/trembling to become is gazing at He Ao, „, but the current issue is, we do not know that in the vestige exactly had anything, is unable to intervene the matter in vestige, our anything could not do.” 栗成注视着何奥,“但目前的问题是,我们并不知道遗迹中到底发生了什么,也无法干预遗迹中的事情,我们什么都做不了。” He Ao is gazing at this moderate chief, he can understand chestnut/trembling to become mood at this moment. 何奥注视着这位温和的院长,他能理解栗成此刻的心情。 Knows bad may happen in the future, but is helpless to such future, can only look at its oncoming helplessly, this situation, instead is most desperate. Arrowhead 知道了有可能发生的糟糕未来,但是对这样的未来却无能为力,只能看着它眼睁睁的来临,这种情况,反而是最绝望的。鏑 Therefore chestnut/trembling to become at this moment anxious looks for Hao resolute. 所以栗成此刻才会急切的来找‘郝毅’。 Even if he knows, Hao resolute came from vestige matter, in fact also is just they one of the guesses numerously without evidence. 哪怕他知道,‘郝毅’来自于遗迹这件事,实际上也只不过是他们众多没有证据的猜测之一罢了。 However Hao resolute is he can think at present, only may be able to intervene arrives at the vestige the person. 但是‘郝毅’是目前他所能想到的,唯一的有可能能干预到遗迹的人。 He Ao holds the hot coffee, cool breeze slightly blows him to send the wisp. 何奥手捧着热咖啡,微微的凉风吹过他的发缕。 He is chewing prediction that’ listens from chestnut/trembling Chengkou, 他嘴嚼着从栗成口中听来的‘预言’, Enters the person in vestige normally, will return normally.’ ‘正常进入遗迹的人,会正常返回。’ That not normal? Not entry vestige? Arrowhead 那不正常的呢?没有‘进入’遗迹的呢?鏑 This flash, in the He Ao mind the scattered in disorder clue, presented a clue indistinctly. 这一瞬间,何奥脑海中原本散乱的线索,隐隐约约出现了一点头绪。 Therefore “所以・・・・・・” chestnut/trembling to become looks He Ao that for a very long time has not replied, slightly opens the mouth. 栗成看着久久没有回复的何奥,微微张口。 You know that” “你知道的,” He Ao before he spoke, said slowly, I also in the information of collection vestige, I also knew about the vestige were not many.” 何奥在他说话之前,就缓缓说道,“我也在收集遗迹的情报,我也对遗迹了解的不多。” The chestnut cost on the heart that raised high, sank layer on layer/heavily. 栗成本就高高提起的心,重重的沉了下去。 Regardless of Hao resolute is in the vestige the person, said, actually turned down. Arrowhead 无论‘郝毅’是不是遗迹中出来的人,这么说,其实就是婉拒了。鏑 He opens mouth, finally has not made the sound, he reached nearby wooden box the hand. 他张了张嘴,最终没有发出声音,他把手伸向了旁边的木盒。 Although he loses now very much, but as a leader, he knows that oneself should make anything. 虽然他现在很失落,但是作为一个领袖,他知道自己应该做什么。 He has not forced Hao resolute the ability of help, Hao resolute does not have to help his duty. 他并没有强迫‘郝毅’帮忙的能力,郝毅也没有一定要帮他的义务。 He can do, before is completes, with Hao Yi's agreement, strives for this mysterious B level for the research institute. 他所能做的,就是完成之前和郝毅的约定,为研究院争取这一位神秘的B级。 I felt,” “不过我觉得,” But also at this time, he heard He Ao to say again, this time event, perhaps was related with the vestige destroyed reason.” 而也在这时,他听到何奥再次说道,“这一次的事件,恐怕和遗迹被毁灭的原因有关。” Un?” Arrowhead “嗯?”鏑 chestnut/trembling to become raised the head fiercely, looks to He Ao. 栗成猛地抬起头,看向何奥 The information content of this short a few words, contains were too many. 这短短的一句话,所蕴含的信息量太多了。 This is to event's appraisal and speculation, 这是对事件本身的评价和推测, In what situation, can conduct the appraisal and speculation to the event? 什么情况下,才能对事件进行评价和推测? Has in foundation a situation of understanding of the event! 对事件有一个基础的了解的情况下! chestnut/trembling to become cannot make such appraisal and speculation at this moment, because he had anything to know nothing to the vestige, making him make the speculation unable to start directly. 栗成此刻就做不出这样的评价和推测,因为他对遗迹中发生了什么一无所知,让他直接做推测都无从做起。 Must express own view, at least has a cognition to the event, deeply shallow. Arrowhead 要发表自己的看法,至少是对事件有一个认知,无论是深还是浅。鏑 Like fierce study tyrant, is impossible without knowing topic problem solving. 就像再厉害的学霸,也不可能在不知道题目的情况下解题。 Quick, chestnut/trembling Chengjiu responded, Hao resolute this is changes to him is informing the information. 很快,栗成就反应了过来,‘郝毅’这是在变向的向他告知信息。 The opposite party is not really must reject him. 对方并不是真的要拒绝他。 Therefore, you feel this time event “所以,你觉得这次的事件・・・・・・” chestnut/trembling to become opens mouth, exploratory makes the inquiry. 栗成张开嘴,试探性的做出询问。 Dean chestnut/trembling to become,” “栗成院长,” But at this time, He Ao actually shook the head gently, stood. Arrowhead 而这个时候,何奥却轻轻摇头,站了起来。鏑 He is worse the essential clue, now the time has not arrived. 他还差一些关键的线索,现在时机还没有到。 He puts out a hand, Vilora appears from void, natural opening vehicle door. 他伸出手去,维洛拉号从虚空中出现,自然的开启车门。 A jet black thin sword departs from Vilora, falls into the He Ao palm. 一柄漆黑的细剑从维洛拉号中飞出,落入何奥手心。 This flash, the shadow of surging spews out, terrifying pressure spread on this desolated lands. 这一瞬间,涌动的阴影喷涌而出,恐怖的威压蔓延在这一片荒芜的土地上。 The sky is gradually gloomy, continually blazing sunlight no longer warm. 天空渐渐暗淡的,连炽热的日光的都不再温暖。 The heavy/thick shadow like the dark cloud and curtain of night, toward all around grow like a weed, camouflaged all brilliance. 厚重的阴影如同乌云与夜幕,向着四周迅速蔓延,遮蔽了一切光辉。 We first forge the sword this.” Arrowhead “我们先将这把剑锻造好吧。”鏑 Stands in shadow center He Ao the sword horizontally in the chest front, looks to chestnut/trembling to become. 站在阴影最中心的何奥将剑横在胸前,看向栗成。 Good.” “好。” chestnut/trembling to become sets out directly, grips the cover of wooden box, turns fiercely. 栗成直接起身,握住木盒的盖子,猛地一翻。 The wooden box opens. 木盒打开。 Suddenly the entire sky is cloudy, originally the gloomy sky even more dim, the whole world depressing arrives just like the end. 一时间整个天空乌云密布,原本就已经暗淡的天空愈发的昏暗,整个世界压抑的宛如末日降临。 The thunder of sparkle patrols in the cloud layers like roaming dragon generally, the dense and numerous brilliance replaced the radiant sunlight, is shining each corner between wooded mountains. 闪耀的雷霆如同游龙一般在云层之间游弋,密密麻麻的光辉代替了璀璨的日光,照耀着山林之间的每一个角落。 The electric lights of innumerable escape fall from the sky, arrive between the mountains and trees, like the connection the silk thread of land and sky, leaves behind piece by piece burned black land. Arrowhead 无数逸散的电光从天空中落下,降临在山川与树木之间,如同连接大地与天空的丝线,留下一片片焦黑的土地。鏑 A whole body by the thunder package, seems the lance of thunder casting emerges from the wooden box, hangs in in the air, was grasped by chestnut/trembling to become in the hand. 一柄周身被雷霆包裹,仿佛就是雷霆铸造的长矛从木盒中浮出,悬在空中,被栗成一把握在手里。 Hovers on this main world strongest B level powerhouse like the brilliance of thin snake common electricity innumerably, his clothing calm from, proliferated the double pupil of thunder to sparkle like the silver day, like standing gods above mountain. 无数如同细蛇一般电的光辉在这位主世界最强的B级强者身上游动,他身上的衣衫无风自起,遍布雷霆的双眸如同银日闪耀,如同站在高山之上的神明。 The terrifying, the pressure function from angel rank the shadow that dissipates in the surroundings, like brandishing the shepherd of long whip is driving away the flock of sheep, hurries back to the residence them. 恐怖的,来自天使级别的威压作用在周围逸散的阴影之中,如同挥舞着长鞭的牧羊人驱赶着羊群,将它们赶回居所。 He Ao looked up a that thunder lance, the lance body used Deneys writing to write several to glitter the brilliance typeface, ‚the lance of Anda Will. 何奥抬头看了一眼那柄雷霆长矛,矛身上用德尼斯文字书写着几个闪烁着光辉的字体,‘安达维尔之矛’。 Anda Will, 安达维尔, He Ao is gazing at this name. 何奥注视着这个名字。 In the scripture of life goddess church, Anda Will once was the life goddess retinue angel, afterward rebelled, finally was struck to kill by the life goddess, the corpse fell into the lake. Arrowhead 在生命女神教会的圣典中,安达维尔曾是生命女神的仆从天使,后来反叛了出去,最终被生命女神击杀,尸体落入了湖泊之中。鏑 But that soaks his body the lake, finally by his corpse and blood pollution, evolved the fountain of youth. 而那浸泡他尸体的湖泊,最后被他的尸体和鲜血污染,演变成了不老泉。 He Ao has not thought that he in main world, but can also meet with the Anda Will's related thing, moreover in the research institute, from is so near. 何奥并没有想到,他在主世界,还能遇见与安达维尔有关的东西,而且还就在研究院,距离这么近。 However seems like, chestnut/trembling to become can control this lance. 不过看起来,栗成是能够掌控这柄长矛的。 This moment He Ao does not have so many time to think, he loosens the hand, retrocedes half step, whatever the thin sword in hand floats at the in the air, innumerable tiny thunder is urging the shadow, hammers into the strength of this distortion the sword. 此刻何奥也没有那么多时间多想,他松开手,后退半步,任由手中的细剑浮在空中,无数细小的雷霆驱使着阴影,将这扭曲的力量锻入剑中。 It seems like this type of thunder unusual goods, truly can forge this strength on sword. 看来这种雷霆超凡物品,确实能锻造这把剑上的力量。 Whenever the thunder glitters one time, that wild shadow tames a point. 每当雷霆闪烁一次,那狂暴的阴影就驯服一分。 But at this point, He Ao also cuts the finger, uses the blood as the words, in this thunder and shadow, reinforces unceasingly is carving control method on sword blade. Arrowhead 而在此时,何奥也划破手指,以鲜血为笔墨,在这雷霆与阴影之中,不断加固着刻在剑身上的控制法阵。鏑 …… …… Navigator number 领航者号 The He Ao main body will present the distortion before own cuts off just like a monster of giant brain, picks up the gray energy block, loads in the pocket. 何奥本体将出现在自己身前的扭曲的宛如一个巨型大脑的怪物斩断,挑出灰色能量块,装入口袋中。 A02,” “A02,” His vision has swept periphery the gloomy space, we now where?” 他的目光扫过周围暗淡的空间,“我们现在在哪里了?” This nearby corridor has no longer covered entirely the bloodstain completely the corridor, covers just like the boston ivy same flesh in the both sides of corridor, dense and numerous, appears the gloomy terrifying. 这附近的走廊已经不再是完全布满血渍的走廊了,一些宛如爬山虎一样的血肉覆盖在走廊的两侧,密密麻麻,显得阴森恐怖。 This is one camouflage monster, they will like camouflaging the dry flesh or the bloodstain, will cover on the wall, will attract touching of other life unconsciousness. Arrowhead 这是一种伪装怪物,它们喜欢将自身伪装成干涸的血肉或者血渍,覆盖在墙壁上,吸引其他生命无意识的触碰。鏑 When prey, once approaches, they open to hide the fang under flesh, unfortunate tears into shreds these astray the trap. 等到猎物一旦靠近,它们就张开藏在血肉下的獠牙,将那些误入陷阱的‘不幸者’撕碎。 However these boston ivy flesh monster drop rate are extremely low, energy block few pity, but also the waste time, He Ao hit had not managed them twice. 不过这些爬山虎血肉怪物爆率极低,能量块少的可怜,还浪费时间,何奥打了两次就没有管它们了。 So long as does not touch these flesh, these monsters will not launch the attack. 只要不触碰到这些血肉,这些怪物是不会发起攻击的。 This moment He Ao flashlight does not have how much electricity quickly, therefore he in this light quite strong situation, has not operated the flashlight. 此刻何奥的手电筒已经快没有多少电了,所以他在这种灯光比较强的情况下,都没有开手电筒。 Proceeded a distance, has not heard the A02 sound. 往前走了一段距离,迟迟没有听到A02的声音。 He Ao lifts the hand, looks to the micro computer on arm. 何奥抬起手,看向手臂上的微型电脑。 Under this moment A02 image, is reappearing one line of characters, the arrowhead 此刻A02的形象下面,正浮现一行字,鏑 [ Mister, I cannot hear the surrounding sound, is unable to make sound, please inspect your microphone and sound whether has connected.] [先生,我听不到周围的声音,也无法发出声音,请检查你的麦克风和音响是否已连接。] Saw this line of characters, He Ao proficiently opened the screen, the somewhat loose microphone and sound box line fastened a point. 看到这行字,何奥熟练的翻开了屏幕,将有些松动的麦克风和音箱线固紧了一点。 The microphone and sound of micro computer the research institute distributes are to separate the wiring, but He Ao in the navigator number finding motherboard special end, He Ao cannot only tie up the ties of these two equipment on the wiring mouth, in the fierce fight movement, the line that like this ties up is very easy to fall off. 研究院配发的微型电脑的麦克风和音响是分开接线的,而何奥在领航者号找到的主板并没有专门的线头,何奥只能将这两个设备的连接线绑在接线口上,在剧烈的战斗运动中,这样绑的线很容易脱落。 Before then, these two lines actually have fallen off several times. 在此之前,这两条线其实已经脱落好几次了。 He Ao raised the head, shoved open a front door, the broad hall that proliferated the shatter machine appeared in his front. 何奥抬起头,推开了前面的一扇门,一个遍布破碎机器的广阔大厅出现在了他的面前。 Mister, the position that we are at now, should near the space and time coordinates research institute.” “先生,我们现在所在的位置,应该在时空坐标研究所附近。” After the line reconnects, A02 methodical saying. Arrowhead 线路重新连接之后,A02有条不紊的说道。鏑 Space and time coordinates?” “时空坐标?” Asking of some He Ao doubts. 何奥有些疑惑的问道。 Navigator number besides the void glide of short distance, main long-distance range navigation way is the space and time jumps,” “领航者号除了短距离的虚空滑行以外,最主要的远距离航行方式是时空跳跃,” A02 answered, „, but the space and time coordinates, was the coordinates position that the space and time jump needed, solution that this coordinates in fact was one conducted higher-dimensional operation results after the space and time ‚’, theoretically, so long as had the space and time coordinates of correspondence, the navigator number can jump to the universe in any space-time point.” A02解释道,“而时空坐标,就是时空跳跃需要的坐标位置,这个坐标实际上是一个对于时空进行高维运算之后得出来的‘解’,理论上来说,只要拥有对应的时空坐标,领航者号可以跳跃到宇宙中任何一个时空点。” Sounds very fierce appearance.” “听起来很厉害的样子。” He Ao the machine that collapses from a stage crosses, the vision has swept this giant laboratory hall. 何奥从一台台倒塌的机器上方越过,目光扫过这个巨大的实验室大厅。 Since here is mechanical divine creative force most laboratories that He Ao has seen, everywhere is the experiment machinery of collapse. Arrowhead 这里是何奥一路以来见到的机械造物最多的实验室,到处都是倒塌的实验机械。鏑 Therefore this laboratory is studies the space and time coordinates the place?” “所以这个实验室就是研究时空坐标的地方?” He Ao discrete is sizing up the surroundings, while spoke thoughtlessly to ask. 何奥一边谨慎的打量着周围,一边随口问道。 Space and time coordinates and spaceship laboratory of power mechanics, the primary mission is to record the navigator number has explored the coordinates of space and time, and analyzes the spaceship power curve in space and time jump process, optimizes the spaceship power.” “时空坐标与飞船动力研究所,主要任务是记录领航者号探索过的时空的坐标,并分析时空跳跃过程中的飞船动力曲线,对飞船动力进行优化。” A02 replied, here was also stores up the navigator number all place that space and time coordinates, but I am unable to connect here network now, does not know whether here space and time coordinates remains.” A02答道,“这里也是储存领航者号所有拥有的时空坐标的地方,但是现在我无法连接这里的网络,不知道这里的时空坐标是否还存在。” At this moment, the foot of He Ao has stepped on some small metal goods. 就在这时,何奥的脚踩过一些小小的金属物品。 His squatting down body, turns on the flashlight, looks to own thing. 他蹲下身子,打开手电筒,看向自己脚下的东西。 That is dense and numerous piles up one on top of another carelessly in the shuttle shape installment of same place. Arrowhead 那是一个个密密麻麻胡乱堆叠在一起的梭状装置。鏑 He Ao recognizes these things, because he also has one. 何奥认得这些东西,因为他也有一个。 Space and time beacon. 时空信标。 But here space and time beacon, with his hand in that although went bad, but can also lighten the space and time beacon of screen to be different, here space and time beacon screen extinguishes the condition. 只不过这里的时空信标,与他手里的那个虽然坏了,但是还能点亮屏幕的时空信标不同,这里的时空信标屏幕都是熄灭状态。 He Ao picked two to get up, pressed one, is unable to trigger, seemed like shatters thoroughly. 何奥捡了两个起来,按了一通,也无法触发,似乎是彻底坏掉了。 Here picked some shuttle shapes little things probably, everywhere was, were these things useful?” “我这里好像捡到了一些梭状的小东西,到处都是,这些东西有用吗?” He Ao throws to return to the ground the space and time beacon that in the hand picks. 何奥将手里捡起来的时空信标扔回地面。 That is the space and time beacon, with store up the installment of spatial coordinates,” arrowhead “那是时空信标,用以储存空坐标的装置,”鏑 A02 answered, higher-dimensional space and time that space and time coordinates contained solution exceptionally complex, and has unusual information that some are unable to understand, therefore unusualness and average people are unable to remember, is unable to use the artificial intelligence storage of pure machinery, can only through this named space and time beacon special machine unusual divine creative force storage.” A02解释道,“时空坐标所蕴含的高维时空的‘解’异常的复杂,而且还带有一些无法理解的超凡信息,所以超凡者和普通人都无法记忆,也无法使用纯机械的人工智能储存,只能通过这种名为‘时空信标’的特殊机械超凡造物储存。” These things shattered probably, can cultivate/repair?” “这些东西好像坏掉了,能修吗?” He Ao spoke thoughtlessly to ask. 何奥随口问道。 Under normal conditions, if the small damage, can rectify through the special correction instrument, in laboratory that the mister you are at now, three use to rectify the equipment of space and time beacon,” “通常情况下,如果是小损伤的话,可以通过特殊的矫正仪器进行矫正,先生你现在所在的实验室内,就有三台用以矫正时空信标的设备,” A02 said that „, but if the space and time beacon screen is not thoroughly bright, means the thorough damage, this degree of damage is unable to restore, can only make,” A02说道,“但是如果时空信标屏幕彻底不亮了,就意味着彻底损坏,这种程度的损坏是无法修复的,只能重新制造,” () () …… ……
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