LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#629: The navigator number and dawn plan

What this is? Artificial intelligence? What did she in say?” Wild dog “这个是什么?人工智能?她在叽里呱啦的说什么啊?”貤 In the cable car of navigator number core region, nearby leaf Yunjiang searched. 领航者号核心区域的电车内,一旁的叶云将头探了过来。 Could attempt to make her learn/study our languages.” “或许可以尝试让她学习我们的语言。” He Ao raised the head, looks fixed a miniature camera to the vehicle roof, this moment that camera is shining brilliance slightly, is aiming at them. 何奥抬起头,看向车顶上固定的一个微型摄像头,此刻那个摄像头正亮着微微的光辉,对准着他们。 „Is that camera the start?” “那个摄像头是启动的?” leaf cloud also line of sight with the past. 叶云也将视线跟了过去。 Un,” “嗯,” He Ao turns on the micro computer on arm, selects the input method, the foundation word stock of input method will derive. Wild dog 何奥打开手臂上的微型电脑,点开输入法,将输入法的基础词库导出了出来。貤 In order to avoid the unusual information divulges because of the cloud synchronization of input method, therefore the input method of research institute is also develops, the word stock document can also read directly in the text version. 为了避免超凡信息因为输入法的云同步而泄露,所以研究院的输入法也是自己开发的,词库文件也可以直接以文本形式读取出来。 In this word stock document has the commonly used writing of more than 3000 central lands, massive everyday expressions and phrases that as well as more than 3000 writing compose. 这个词库文件里有三千多个中土的常用文字,以及这三千多个文字组成的大量的常用词语和短语。 He Ao aims at that camera the screen of micro computer, has delimited the screen fast, that more than 3000 Chinese characters, as well as some simple glossaries and sentences, shows before that camera. 何奥将微型电脑的屏幕对准那个摄像头,快速划过屏幕,将那三千多个汉字,以及一些简单的词汇和句子,展现在那个摄像头前。 The writing of original federation's first area is like the writing of central lands, is evolves to come by the glyph, its intrinsic logic has many similarities, the grammatical structure highly is also similar. 原联邦第一区的文字和中土的文字一样,都是由象形文字演变而来,其内在逻辑有很多相似的地方,语法结构也高度相似。 Although the cultural constitution of main world is not necessarily same as the first area of transcription world, but there is a similar writing evolution logic. 虽然主世界的文化构成和副本世界的第一区不一定一样,但是有相似的文字演变逻辑。 If the degree of development of vestige civilization is really high enough, the artificial intelligence that they develop, should be able through these writing reverse analysis languages, to obtain the foundation, uses the Sino-Turkey language the ability. 如果遗迹文明的发展程度真的够高的话,他们开发的人工智能,应该能通过这些文字反向解析语言,获得基础的,使用中土语言的能力。 „Our,” leaf cloud looked at that camera confusedly, looked at the screen, „can she really understand?” Wild dog “咱们这样,”叶云迷茫的看了看那个摄像头,又看了看屏幕,“她真的看得懂吗?”貤 But in the instance that his voice drops, the silver-haired female on that screen winked a eye, then one line of writing appeared on the screen. 而就在他话音落下的瞬间,那屏幕上的银发女子眨了一下眼睛,然后一行文字出现在了屏幕上。 [ You good] [你・・・好] leaf cloud:?! Lying trough 叶云:?!卧槽 Hello.” “你好。” He Ao also demonstrated at this time the writing in word stock, then he turns head to look to the screen, „can you be able to hear me to speak?” 何奥这时候也将词库里的文字展示完了,然后他扭头看向屏幕,“你能听得到我说话吗?” The writing on screen glittered, then presented one line of new writing, 屏幕上的文字闪烁了一下,然后出现了一行新的文字, [ For A02 with your normal exchange, please choose correct phonetic notation in the following design, and read out this/should phonetic notation.] Wild dog [为了方便A02与您的正常交流,请在以下图案中选择出正确的音标,并读出该音标。]貤 In word stock document that just He Ao demonstrated that each character had the Pinyin phonetic notation. 刚刚何奥展示的词库文件里,每一个字都是带有拼音音标的。 As He Ao looks at this line of writing, was classified alone, but the phonetic notation appears in the He Ao field of vision. 随着何奥将这行文字看完,一个个被单独分类而出的音标出现在何奥的视野中。 These phonetic notation most divisions are correct, but there is the written way and a Sino-Turkey correct phonetic notation of small part is different, should be the wrong structure that A02 distinguish. 这些音标大部分划分正确,但是有小部分的书写方式与中土正确的音标不同,应该是A02自己识别出的错误结构。 Person who however any had the compulsory education, which should be able to recognize is the correct phonetic notation. 不过任何一个接受了义务教育的人,应该都能认得出哪些是正确的音标。 He Ao looked at leaf cloud who stands a face to compel ignorant, is about to help me recognize the phonetic notation, two people quickly.” 何奥看了一眼站在旁边一脸懵逼的叶云,“快过来帮我认一下音标,两个人快一点。” Good!” “好!” leaf cloud walks immediately. Wild dog 叶云立刻走了过来。貤 The phonetic notation of Sino-Turkey writing is not complex, two people screen the correct phonetic notation, then ‚, the wave, ,’ vowel consonant recognized, the writing on screen gradually dim. 中土文字的音标并不复杂,两人筛选出正确的音标,然后‘啊,波,呲,得’元音辅音的认了一遍,屏幕上的文字渐渐的黯淡了下去。 Visitor registers, hello/you good, I am navigator number Lord artificial intelligence A02, very much happily at your service.” “访客登录,你好,我是领航者号主人工智能A02,很高兴为您服务。” The image of silver-haired female appeared on the screen again. 银发女子的形象再一次出现在了屏幕上。 Unexpectedly really success!” “居然真的成功了!” leaf cloud looked at He Ao, compared with the thumb, flamboyant.” 叶云看了一眼何奥,比了个大拇指,“牛逼。” Although He Ao many time has made him feel surprisedly, even shock already some be used to it, but this operation, somewhat surpassed his understanding. 虽然何奥已经很多次让他感到惊讶了,甚至震惊的已经有些习惯了,但是这一次的操作,还是有些超出了他的理解。 They successfully made the artificial intelligence in vestige learn/study their language unexpectedly, then succeeded achieved the exchange with this artificial intelligence. Wild dog 他们居然成功让遗迹里的人工智能学习了他们的语言,然后成功的与这个人工智能达成了交流。貤 This is for these years, federation and vestige residual wisdom, the first contact. 这是这么多年来,联邦与遗迹残留的‘智慧’,第一次接触。 A02, can this car(riage) also start?” “A02,这辆车还能启动吗?” He Ao looks at the screen, the slow sound asked. 何奥看着屏幕,缓声问道。 Is conducting the entire car(riage) quality testing for you, the passenger compartment 1 damage, the passenger compartment 2 damages, the passenger compartment 3 damages, the vice- front damage, the Lord front is complete.” “正在为您进行全车质检,乘客车厢一损坏,乘客车厢二损坏,乘客车厢三损坏,副车头损坏,主车头完好。” A02 raised the head, looks at He Ao, her pupil edge is glittering the ring-like colored brilliance, A02抬起头来,看着何奥,她的瞳孔边缘闪烁着环形的彩色光辉, If you want to start the L2 cable car, can Lord the front separates with other chasses, the connection hook in the vehicle door corridor underfloor, presses down the buckle of floor then to turn on the floor, moves the red spanner under floor, then unties the connection, please note, after untying the connection, the L2 cable car can only toward the key control room bound carriageway.” “如果您想要启动L2号电车,可以将主车头与其他车体分离,连接钩在车门过道地板下面,按下地板的卡扣即可开启地板,扳动地板下的红色扳手,即可解开连接,请注意,解开连接后,L2号电车只能往核心控制室方向行驶。” Good.” Wild dog “好。”貤 He Ao looked up A02. 何奥抬头看了一眼A02。 This fellow intelligent degree went far beyond He Ao in these artificial intelligence that the transcription world sees, even before going far beyond Eve and He Ao, 8753 that contacts. 这家伙智慧程度远远超过了何奥在副本世界看到的那些人工智能,甚至远远超过了夏娃和何奥之前接触的8753。 She is not answering the He Ao issue purely, but in analyzing in -depth idea in He Ao issue, and gives the solution. 她并不是单纯在回答何奥的问题,而是在解析何奥问题中的深层想法,并给出解决方案。 According to the prompt of A02, He Ao turned on the floor of attachment point quickly, moved the red spanner under floor. 按照A02的提示,何奥很快打开了连接处的地板,扳动了地板下的红色扳手。 With one clear ka sound. 伴随着一声清脆的‘咔’的声音。 The entire compartment and front shivered, relieved the relation of front and following chassis. 整个车厢和车头颤动了一下,解除了车头与后面车体的联系。 He raised the head. Wild dog 他抬起头。貤 This flash, the scene in his field of vision glittered, appeared again bright red these, perhaps already dead person's shadow on this vehicle. 这一瞬间,他视野中的景象闪烁了一下,再次出现了那些鲜红的,或许早已在这辆车上死去人影。 However at this moment, they again have not been similar to were just common, pushes to resist considers the strategic place to have this cable car, but raised the head, stands there, the vision of all person's shadows collect on He Ao, is gazing at He Ao. 不过这一刻,他们并没有再如同刚刚一般,推攘着想要冲出这辆电车,而是抬起头,站在那里,所有人影的目光都汇集在何奥身上,注视着何奥 The field of vision twinkle of He Ao, these person's shadows vanish again do not see. 紧接着,何奥的视野闪烁,这些人影再次消失不见。 He Ao turning head of calmly, continued to arrive at the A02 front, „the present can start the vehicles?” 何奥若无其事的回过头来,继续走到了A02前方,“现在可以启动车辆了吗?” He notices, just he saw these illusory person's shadows, crowds in the following chassis, in this front a person's shadow does not have. 他注意到,刚刚他看到那些虚幻的人影,都拥挤在后面的车体内,这个车头里一个人影都没有。 Please wait a bit,” “请稍等,” With a light sound, He Ao behind before by leaf was said the front gate that opens closes again, A02 is gazing at He Ao, please say you station that wants to arrive.” Wild dog 伴随着一声轻响,何奥身后的之前被叶云拉开的车头门再次关上,A02注视着何奥,“请说出您想要抵达的车站。”貤 Key control room.” “核心控制室。” He Ao said fast. 何奥快速说道。 Good.” “好的。” The front of cable car shivered, then movement slowly, the speed speeds up later. 电车的车头颤动了一下,然后缓缓的移动起来,随后速度加快。 To maintain navigator number operational inertia, the cable car running rate has possibly adjusted in some regions, please forgive.” “为了保持领航者号的运行惯性,电车运行速度在部分区域可能有所调整,请您谅解。” A02 answered. A02解释道。 „Will all cable car speeds adjust?” Wild dog “所有电车速度都会这么调整吗?”貤 He Ao asked. 何奥问道。 Yes,” A02 nods, through the scene of external camera, A02 discovered that nearby track has the abrasion mark, you cable car before tracing?” “是的,”A02点点头,“通过外置摄像头的景象,A02发现旁边轨道有摩擦痕迹,您是在追踪之前的电车吗?” Yes, can you control the front cable car?” “是的,你能控制前面的电车吗?” He Ao straightforward saying. 何奥直截了当的说道。 Is attempting to connect, connection failure, very sorry, Mister, because of the network reason, I am not able to connect the controlling system of that car(riage), that car(riage) should be pure manual machinery driving now.” “正在尝试连接,连接失败,很抱歉,先生,因为网络原因,我无法连接那辆车的主控系统,那辆车现在应该是纯手工机械驾驶。” The A02 form glittered. A02的身影闪烁了一下。 „Did you call A02?” Wild dog “你叫A02?”貤 At this time, leaf cloud also looks at A02 curiously, the normal operation of cable car, making he is hanging the heart put down slightly some, „can you control the camera outside car(riage)? You see the scene outside car(riage) now, doesn't feel surprisedly?” 这个时候,叶云也好奇的看着A02,电车的正常运转,让他悬着的心稍微放下了些许,“你能控制车外的摄像头?你现在看到车外的景象,不感觉到惊讶吗?” What is surprised? Mister,” A02 turns head to look to leaf cloud, „the A02 artificial intelligence, is unable to understand this complex mood.” “什么是惊讶?先生,”A02扭头看向叶云,“A02只是人工智能,无法理解这种复杂的情绪。” What is your responsibility?” “你的职责是什么?” He Ao asked. 何奥问道。 Maintains the navigator number normal operation, Mister.” “维持领航者号的正常运转,先生。” A02 moves back on the line of sight He Ao. A02将视线移回何奥身上。 What is the navigator number?” Wild dog “什么是领航者号?”貤 He Ao then asked. 何奥接着问道。 Navigator number is the product that federal Shuguang plans, in the dawn plan, the navigator number as the bombardier-navigator of federal as well as entire human race, will seek for the road ahead in the deep space.” “领航者号是联邦‘曙光’计划的产物,在曙光计划中,领航者号将作为联邦以及全人类的领航员,在深空中寻找前路。” A02 moves back He Ao the line of sight. A02将视线移回何奥 What is the dawn plan?” “什么是曙光计划?” He Ao asked. 何奥问道。 Dawn plan is the one time of human in darkness long making a long journey, you now are the visitor jurisdiction, if must understand the detail, please conduct the lifeform to confirm your crew status.” “曙光计划是人类在黑暗中的一次漫长的‘长途旅行’,您现在是访客权限,如需了解详细内容,请进行生物验证您的船员身份。” A02 is gazing at He Ao, replied in a soft voice. Wild dog A02注视着何奥,轻声回答道。貤 Also met the jurisdiction barrier. 又遇见权限障碍了。 What has our visitor jurisdictions to ask?” “有什么我们这种访客权限能问的吗?” leaf Yunkao comes, asks, „did you just say federation? What is the federation?” 叶云靠过来,问道,“你刚刚说‘联邦’?什么是联邦?” „After federation is the big cataclysm, the first modernization that human establishes, the coalition government that jointly comprised of various area governments, establishment of federation means the end of big cataclysm time.” “联邦是大灾变之后,人类所建立的第一个现代化的,由各区政府联合组成的联合政府,联邦的建立意味着大灾变时代的结束。” A02 slowly introduced. A02缓缓介绍道。 What is this? UN? What? Star coalition government?” “这是什么意思?联合国?还是什么?星球联合政府?” leaf cloud thinks deeply about the moment , to continue to ask, „is the big cataclysm that you just said what meaning?” Wild dog 叶云思索片刻,继续问道,“你刚刚说的大灾变是什么意思?”貤 Big cataclysm is one a disaster that swept across the whole world, this disaster destroyed the prehistoric civilization, and led into the dark, chaos and crazy big cataclysm time the whole world,” “大灾变是一场席卷了整个世界的灾难,这场灾难毁灭了史前文明,并将整个世界带入了黑暗、混沌、疯狂的大灾变时代,” A02 said that you now are the visitor jurisdiction, if must understand the detail, please conduct the lifeform to confirm your crew status.” A02说完顿了顿,“您现在是访客权限,如需了解详细内容,请进行生物验证您的船员身份。” On this ship where also has living crew,” “这船上哪里还有活着的船员,” leaf cloud looks at A02, „your manpower is mental handicap.” 叶云看着A02,“你这个人工智障。” You now are the visitor jurisdiction, if must understand the detail, please conduct the lifeform to confirm your crew status.” “您现在是访客权限,如需了解详细内容,请进行生物验证您的船员身份。” A02 just words will repeat. A02将刚刚的话重复了一遍。 Good good,” wild dog “好吧好吧,”貤 leaf Yunshen inspires, you said that you are the navigator number Lord intelligence, now this spaceship condition how?” 叶云深吸一口气,“你说你是领航者号的主智能,现在这艘飞船状况怎么样?” You now are visitor jurisdiction “您现在是访客权限・・・・・・” This A02 said half, leaf cloud drew out the broadsword. 这一次A02说道一半,叶云就拔出了大刀。 A02 stopped the narration, blinks the eye to visit him, but has not answered leaf cloud the issue. A02停下了叙述,眨巴眨巴眼睛看着他,但是也没有回答叶云的问题。 The colored ring-like brilliance glitters in her pupil edge. 彩色的环状光辉在她的瞳孔边缘闪烁。 Artificial intelligence is this,” He Ao put out a hand to block leaf cloud, looked to A02, you feel now own condition how?” “人工智能是这样的,”何奥伸手拦了一下叶云,看向A02,“你现在感觉自己状态怎么样?” leaf cloud receives the blade bitterly, „, if you have the entity, I cut certainly you.” Wild dog 叶云恨恨的收起刀,“如果你有实体,我一定砍了你。”貤 But at this time, the A02 shift line of sight, looked to He Ao, I feel that now the condition was very bad, I was interrupted with the relation of entire spaceship, I am unable to connect almost all wired or wireless network, can only the indirect connection to 1-2 smart devices on, and on the spaceship most equipment have damaged,” 而这个时候,A02转移视线,看向了何奥,“我现在感觉状况很糟,我与整个飞船的联系都被中断,我无法连接几乎所有的有线或者无线网络,只能间接性的连接到1-2智能设备上,并且飞船上绝大多数设备都已经损坏,” „Do you connect this cable car are only accidental? Isn't this your main body?” He Ao is thinking deeply about asking, your main body, or core arithmetical unit where?” “你连接到这个电车只是偶然?这不是你的本体?”何奥思索着问道,“你的‘本体’,或者说核心运算单元在哪里?” „After this cable car opens, I induced the cable car signal, and completed the connection, my core arithmetical unit in key control room.” “这辆电车开启后,我感应到了电车信号,并完成了连接,我的核心运算单元在核心控制室。” A02 replied fast. A02快速答道。 He Ao raised the head with leaf cloud looks at each other. 何奥抬头和叶云相视一眼。 Now Iville goes should also be the direction of key control room. 伊维尔现在去的应该也是核心控制室的方向。 If the person, entered the spaceship key control room,” He Ao is considering the sentence, what can he achieve?” Wild dog “如果有一个人,进入了飞船核心控制室,”何奥斟酌着语句,“他能做到什么?”貤 „The mechanical jurisdiction confirmation key of navigator number first mate indoor the key control, according to the analysis, this/should key is having 98 possibilities to be eliminated the biometric authentication information at this moment.” “领航者号大副的机械权限验证钥匙此刻正在核心控制室内,根据分析,该钥匙有98的可能性已经被清除了生物认证信息。” A02 replied slowly. A02缓缓答道。 In other words, this key is one thing of without owner ’,” the He Ao vision stays on the cheeks of A02 now ‚, what jurisdiction does first mate have?” “也就是说,这个钥匙现在是一个‘无主之物’,”何奥目光停留在A02的脸颊上,“大副拥有什么权限?” Yes, according to the jurisdiction confirms the operating instructions of key, human that first contacts this/should key, uses the correct method, then conducts binding with this/should key, obtains jurisdiction that the key corresponds,” “是的,根据权限验证钥匙的使用说明,第一个接触到该钥匙的人类,使用正确的方法,即可与该钥匙进行绑定,获得钥匙对应的权限,” A02 further answered, first mate was the navigator number has one of the maximum jurisdiction crew, can control in the navigator number willfully all equipment, the jurisdiction was next to the captain.” A02进一步解释道,“大副是领航者号拥有最高权限的船员之一,可以任意操控领航者号上所有设备,权限仅次于船长。” „It seems like,” leaf cloud looks to He Ao, Iville to this first mate key?” “看起来,”叶云看向何奥,“伊维尔就是冲着这个大副钥匙去的?” Un,” He Ao lowered the head to think, then raised the head to continue to look at A02, „, in this type of entire ship broke in the situation of net, can the jurisdiction of first mate control the entire spaceship as before?” Wild dog “嗯,”何奥低头思索了一下,然后抬头继续看着A02,“在这种全船断网的情况下,大副的权限依旧可以操控整个飞船?”貤 Navigator number key facility at present as before keeps complete,” the A02 form glittered, indoor key control is prepared with the network line, can restart these key facilities after the restore, then gradually restores the network of entire ship.” “领航者号关键设施目前依旧保持完好,”A02的身影闪烁了一下,“核心控制室内有备用网络线路,可以在修复之后重启这些关键设施,然后逐步恢复全船的网络。” „After winning the spaceship control, the increase in what strength can obtain?” “获得飞船控制权之后,能获得什么实力上的增幅吗?” Nearby leaf cloud asked. 一旁的叶云问道。 According to the speculation, in the spaceship also has approximately 5 most top layer arming equipment as before keeps complete, this kind of armed equipment to deal with the B level unusual life makes, and most depositing in the unusual goods of spaceship, will open the jurisdiction to the first mate.” “根据推测,飞船内还有约五的最顶层武装设备依旧保持完好,此类武装设备为应对B级超凡生命而制造,并且大部分存放于飞船的超凡物品,也会向大副开启权限。” A02 replied. A02回答道。 In other words, who is advanced the key control room, receives that first mate key, who had the decisive strength in this ship,” “也就是说,谁先进核心控制室,拿到那个大副钥匙,谁在这艘船就拥有了决定性的实力,” leaf cloud looks to He Ao, Iville that fellow walks is so quick, will be definitely more advanced than us goes, He Ao, we died probably.” Wild dog 叶云看向何奥,“伊维尔那家伙走那么快,肯定会比我们先进去,何奥,我们好像死定了啊。”貤 Then brought to give me to eat your self-heating package, died not to use in any case.” “那把你的自热包拿来给我吃了吧,反正都死定了也没有用了。” He Ao puts out a hand, said with a smile. 何奥伸出手去,笑道。 That considers as finished,” “那算了,” leaf Yunhu lives in the grain package, retroceded half step, „the dry/does grain sack of research institute, can a little flavor wrap on this self-heating, other is unpalatable must die, you feared that does not want to deceive my self-heating package.” 叶云护住粮食包,后退了半步,“研究院的干粮包,能有点味道就这个自热包了,其他的都难吃的要死,你怕不是想骗我的自热包。” It seems like we are not easy dead,” “看来我们还没那么容易死,” He Ao shrugs with a smile, looks to A02, „did key control room isolate with the outside world completely?” 何奥笑着耸耸肩,看向A02,“核心控制室是不是与外界完全隔绝了?” If the key control room is also opening, had is greatly possibly occupied by outside monster very much, inside operation panel big probability will be destroyed. Wild dog 如果核心控制室还开启着,有很大可能就已经被外面的怪物盘踞了,里面的操作面板大概率会被毁坏掉。貤 Since A02 said that can also confirm the status, explained that the key control room basically is complete, that was only possibly protected. A02既然说还能验证身份,说明核心控制室还是基本完好的,那就只可能被保护起来了。 A02: Yes.” A02:“是的。” He Ao: „Does a C level top strength, how long defeat this defense to need?” 何奥:“一个C级顶尖战力,击破这个防御需要多久?” A02: About 45 minutes.” A02:“大约45分钟。” These 45 minutes, are the opportunities that He Ao and leaf clouds. 这四十五分钟,就是何奥和叶云的机会。 This moment leaf cloud also adjusted the mood, he stood side He Ao, is gazing at the front profound jet black channel. 此刻叶云也调整好了情绪,他站在何奥身旁,注视着前方幽深漆黑的通道。 The headlight of this cable car front has damaged, two people can only feel that the cable car leads the way in the jet black channel, wild dog 这个电车车头的车灯已经损坏了,两人只能感觉到电车在漆黑的通道里前行,貤 However two people can see orbital both sides monster as before the corpse, to this situation, even if Iville, can only face directly these monsters, preventing them to harm the operation of cable car. 不过两人依旧可以看到轨道两旁的怪物的尸体,到了这一个地步,哪怕是伊维尔,都只能直面这些怪物,防止它们危害到电车的运行了。 But this facilitated He Ao two people, two people took the good section of road, the front has not met what live monster. 但这就方便了何奥两人,两人走了好一段路,前方都没有遇见什么活的怪物。 What a pity the tranquil time is not long, after the cable car passes through two platforms, in front tunnel darkness surged. 可惜平静的时间并不长,就在电车又经过两个站台之后,前方隧道中的黑暗的涌动了一下。 A giant lizard flushed from the darkness, pats in the cable car following gate. 紧接着,一个巨大的蜥蜴从黑暗中冲了出来,拍在电车后面的门上。 In a flash, the entire cable car shivered. 一瞬间,整个电车颤抖了一下。 A02, can the gate open?” “A02,门能打开吗?” Before He Ao arrives at the gate, drew, strictness that very this vehicle door closes, cannot pull open easily. Wild dog 何奥走到门前,拉了拉,这个车门关闭的很严,轻而易举拉不开。貤 Ka- 咔- With a light sound, the vehicle door opens. 伴随着一声轻响,车门开启。 The lizard monster outside that vehicle door turns toward He Ao to clash again. 那车门外的蜥蜴怪物再次向着何奥冲来。 The snow white sword light flashes past, divides into two entire monster. 雪白的剑光一闪而过,将整个怪物一分为二。 The He Ao handle lives in the doorframe, in the lizard monster will soon fall before the ground, digs some gray energy blocks with the bone sword, flings into the car(riage). 何奥的手把住门框,在蜥蜴怪物即将落在地上之前,用骨剑挖出来一些灰色的能源块,甩入车中。 However, this lizard monster starts, quick, more and more monsters pursue from the darkness. 然而,这个蜥蜴怪物只是开始,很快,越来越多的怪物从黑暗中追逐而来。 The front monster was solved by front helpful Iville mostly, however rear monster, needs them to solve. Wild dog 前方的怪物大部分被前面乐于助人的伊维尔解决了,但是后方的怪物,还是需要他们自己解决。貤 Even if however needs to eliminate the monster, speed that the cable car operates, wants in a big way walks in two people quickly. 不过哪怕是需要清除怪物,电车运行的速度,也是要大大的快于两人走路的。 In this process, He Ao and leaf clouds that starts to resist the rear monster alternately, in turn rest. 在这个过程中,何奥和叶云开始交替抵挡后方的怪物,轮流休息。 He Ao when the second rest, by sitting in A02 side, opens the mouth to ask suddenly, A02, you are unable to connect other equipment, you software terminal copy in this trolley to other equipment, take the network module of this trolley again, can you also connect?” 何奥在第二次休息的时候,靠坐在A02的旁边,突然开口问道,“A02,你无法连接其他的设备,那你在这台车里的软件终端拷贝到其他的设备,再带上这台车的网络模块,你还能连接吗?” The A02 form stopped, seemed pondering, finally she nods gently, can try, but I need a federation to produce, can the carrying/sustaining information terminal.” A02的身影停顿了一下,似乎在思考,最终她轻轻点头,“可以试试,但是我需要一个联邦生产的,能承载信息的终端。” Then He Ao in the A02 somewhat surprised expression, pulls out the motherboard CPU coverall that oneself assembled from the pocket. 然后何奥在A02有些惊讶的表情中,从口袋里掏出了自己组装的主板中央处理器套装。 This.” “这个可以。” A02 looks at that crude coverall, nods. Wild dog A02看着那个简陋的套装,点了点头。貤 He Ao smiles, later he according to the instruction of A02, connected on the motherboard the motherboard of cable car, then pulled on an unimportant storage chip of cable car terminal on the motherboard. 何奥笑了笑,随后他按照A02的指示,将主板连接到了电车的主板上,然后扯了一个电车终端的不重要的储存芯片上到了主板上。 The process of entire copy is very smooth, in a short time, the copy ended. 整个拷贝的过程很顺利,在很短的时间里,拷贝就结束了。 But at this time, He Ao had pulled the network card of cable car, divides a line, connected on the motherboard, then he succeeds in obtaining on the motherboard connection on the screen of micro computer, met the power source of micro computer on the motherboard. 而这个时候,何奥已经将电车的网卡扯了出来,分出来一条线,连接到了主板上,然后他把主板连接到了手上的微型电脑的屏幕上,又将微型电脑的电源接在了主板上。 This a series of operates him to have a familiar task and handle it with ease, quick completed the connection. 这一系列操作他已经驾轻就熟,很快就完成了连接。 He starting, in a short time, the A02 image appeared on the monitor. 紧接着,他开机,在极短的时间内,A02的形象就出现在了显示器上。 Hello.” “你好。” A02 looks up outside the screen, sent regards with the Sino-Turkey language. Wild dog A02抬头看着屏幕外面,用中土语言问候道。貤 Success. 成功了。 He Ao receives the micro computer, went to kill strange leaf Yunhuan behind. 何奥收起微型电脑,去把后面杀怪的叶云换了下来。 At this time, monster that behind pursued, is getting stronger and stronger, even presented the monster of C level in groups. 这个时候,后面追来的怪物,已经越来越强了,甚至成群结队的出现了C级的怪物。 leaf Yunkao on the gauge board, gasps for breath, he looks at He Ao to deal with the terrifying monster, inside even appeared with the human form monster that the person resembles extremely, his saying looking pensive, He Ao, we need thing that the status of confirming the opposite party.” 叶云靠在仪表盘上,喘了口气,他看着何奥应付恐怖的怪物,里面甚至出现了与人极其相像的人形怪物,他若有所思的说道,“何奥,我们或许需要一个验证对方的身份的东西。” Un?” “嗯?” Making noise of He Ao doubts. 何奥疑惑的出声。 If by some chance like this we dispersed, can avoid the monster being able to camouflage us.” Wild dog “这样万一我们走散了,也能避免有怪物能伪装成我们。”貤 leaf cloud answered. 叶云解释道。 He Ao:? 何奥:? () () …… ……
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