LHP :: Volume #10

#925: Zhang Xuan came back 【5th Update, makes up owes three】

Four big academy Principal succeeding to the throne flows basically same. 四大学院院长的继位流程基本都相同。 It is not extremely arrogant, is not self-praise, regardless of they impart knowledge and educate people or manage the entire institute, in undergoing Acting-Principal, can be the cream of the crop character. 不是狂妄,也不是自我标榜,他们二人无论教书育人还是统管全院,在历代院长之中,都算得上最顶尖的人物。 This ability also only obtained percent forty five and 37% approvals, ancestor big of evaluation difficulty, it can be imagined. 这种能力也只获得了百分之四十五和百分之三十七的认可,先祖的评定难度之大,可想而知。 20-year-old youth, what can even if/considered as learn from mother 's womb study? 一个20岁的青年,就算从娘胎学习又能学到什么? Is could it be that higher than their approval? 难道比他们二人的认可度都要高? Far more than was inferior, does not have the comparability simply!” “何止是不如,简直就是没有可比性!” Sees their expressions, how not to know that two old friends think anything, smiles bitterly, shaking the head of Wu Ran unable to restrain emotions. 看到他们的表情,如何不知道两位老友心里想些什么,苦笑一声,伍然情不自禁的摇头。 Does not have the comparability, your meaning could it be that...... has he surpassed the approval of 50%?” “没可比性,你的意思难道……他已经超过了百分之五十的认可了?” Shen Pingchao frowning. 沈平潮眉毛一皱 His now/current can think, maximum proportion also so many. 现在能想到,最大的比例也就这么多了。 Because can obtain this approval, basically is the cream of the crop among talents, has the illustrious merit in academy, even makes the great contribution, lets student who enters a school this year, when Principal, is inconceivable, can the Is it possible that ancestor also over half of approvals? 因为能得到这种认可的,基本都是天才中的天才,在学院有赫赫之功,甚至做出巨大贡献,让一个今年才入学的学员当院长,就已经让人不可思议了,难不成先祖还能超过一半的认可? Really must like this, so many ancestors...... not have the vision! 真要这样,这么多先祖……是不是也太没眼光了! 50%?” Wu Ran continues to shake the head. 百分之五十?”伍然继续摇头。 Sees his expression, Wū Tianqiong then relaxes: I said 60% approvals, where has such easily......” 见他这副表情,乌天穹这才松了一口气:“我就说百分之十五十的认可,哪有这么容易……” Finishes barely the words, hears opposite sound/voice to continue to resound: If selects, I did not say that is...... 100%!” 话音未落,就听到对面的声音继续响起:“要是这么点,我就不说了,是……百分之百!” 100%?” “百分之百?” Two big Principal almost do not have the blood to spout. 两大院长差点没鲜血喷出。 You are crack a joke? 你这是开玩笑的吧? The idea of everyone is different, wants to achieve everyone to satisfy, absolutely is impossible! 每个人的想法都不一样,想做到人人都满意,绝对是不可能的! Therefore, since four big academy have had the history, so many startled certainly colorful Principal, has not heard 100% approvals. 因此,四大学院有历史以来,这么多惊才绝艳的院长,都从来没听说过百分之百认可。 Just arrived at 20-year-old new life/student, making the Hongyuan academy more than 100 ancestors...... approve completely? 一个刚到20岁的新生,让鸿远学院一百多位先祖……全部认可? Knows that you do not believe that but the fact is the fact!” “就知道你们不相信,可事实就是事实!” Wu Ran sighed, initially he first time time of hearing this news, with the opposite party similar expression, the chin could almost not have frightened the ground. 伍然叹息,当初他第一次听到这个消息的时候,也和对方同样的表情,下巴差点没吓得掉到地上。 At that time at least 100,000 people watched, everyone can confirm, he cannot believe. 要不是当时最少10万人观看,人人都可以确认,他也是不敢相信的。 Since you dare to confirm that definitely was......” “既然你敢如此确认,那肯定是了……” Knows the old friend never lie, does not need with their tell a lie, Wū Tianqiong cannot help to look: Ancestor approves, only then three words time, what his exactly/actually said that can so many, acknowledged?” 知道老友从不说谎,也没必要和他们撒谎,乌天穹忍不住看过来:“先祖认可只有三句话的时间,他到底说了什么,能让这么多人,同时承认?” His anything had not said......, but Mind Power of many ancestors, punched!” “他什么都没说……而是将诸多先祖的意念,揍了一顿!” corner of mouth twitching, Wu Ran said. 嘴角一抽,伍然道。 Punches?” “揍一顿?” Shen Pingchao, Wū Tianqiong stagger simultaneously. 沈平潮、乌天穹同时一个趔趄。 Various heard of types flatter, various types take undeserved credit, punching one...... this is also good, when ancestor Mind Power does not have the strength of spirit, submitted to the military force? 听过各种讨好,各种邀功的,揍一顿……这样也行,啥时候先祖意念都这么没有骨气,向武力而屈服了? Not only that this new Principal, but also obtained the academy teachers and students 100% approvals, condenses the Perfect Principal command smoothly! Simultaneously teaches time, grand occasion that appear the donkey howling dog called, innumerable animal breakthrough become savage beast......” “不仅如此,这位新任的院长,还得到了学院师生百分之百的认可,顺利凝聚出来完美院长令!同时授课的时候,出现了驴啸狗鸣的盛况,无数动物突破成为蛮兽……” Fears two Principal by being able to withstand of attack/mental blow, to the time that they digest, Wu Ran does not open the mouth continuously. 怕两位院长打击的承受不住,不给他们消化的时间,伍然连续开口。 Perfect Principal made......” 完美院长令……” Donkey howling dog called......” “驴啸狗鸣……” Two big Principal, really by heavy of attack/mental blow, crossed does not know how long restores: This Principal Zhang, can you see?” 两大院长,果然被打击的不轻,过了不知多久才恢复过来:“这位张院长,你可见到了?” No!” Wu Ran shakes the head: I come time, went out the promotion empire in Assessment 6-Star Famed Master, to now/current already two months......” “没有!”伍然摇头:“我来的时候,出去考核六星名师中的晋升帝国了,到现在已然两个多月了……” Two months? It seems like this time can see unbearably!” “两个多月?看来这次够呛能见到了!” Yes, the promotion empire is extremely difficult, without several years time, is very difficult to complete......” “是啊,晋升帝国极难,没有数年时光,很难完成……” Hears this new Principal, just Assessment 6-Star Famed Master, but also chose the most difficult promotion empire, Shen Pingchao, Wū Tianqiong also shake the head. 听到这位新院长,才刚刚考核六星名师,还选择了最难的晋升帝国,沈平潮、乌天穹同时摇头。 For several years? no need/not using! According to news that I know...... he already pass through!” Wu Ran said. “数年?不用!据我知道的消息……他已经通过了!”伍然道。 „Didn't you say...... the Assessment two months?” Wū Tianqiong corner of mouth twitching. “你不是说……才考核两个来月吗?”乌天穹嘴角一抽 Yes, two months were completed, Titled Kingdom is promoted the empire......” Wu Ran to nod. “是啊,两个多月就完成了,封号王国晋级帝国……”伍然点头。 „......” Two big Principal. “……”两大院长 Just came time, said that the student did not have the greet/have seen world, let its know, outside the mountain had the mountain, outside the person some people...... hears now/current, finally understand, what has not seen the world was they. 刚来的时候,说学生没见过世面,让其知道,山外有山,人外有人……听到现在,终于明白,没见世面的是他们。 Sits the Principal position, more than 500 years, all kinds of talents, greet/have seen does not know many, but like this Principal Zhang...... has also never heard. 坐上院长的位置,不下500年,各种各样的天才,见过不知多少,而像这位张院长这样的……还从未听说过。 This Battle Master selects, what Assessment is the student, the Principal talent is also again useless! As far as I know, overall battle strength of Hongyuan academy student not good...... at the appointed time, sees the true facts on competition examination field on!” “这次战师选拔,考核的是学生,院长再天才也无用!据我所知,鸿远学院学生的整体战斗力不行……届时,就比试场上见真章吧!” Yes, as Principal, the personal ability is unimportant, more importantly, whether to have the academy stride...... unable to achieve this forward, obtains the multi- ancestors to approve again, obtains fierce Principal's Token, is in vain however!” “是啊,身为院长,个人能力并不重要,重要的是,能否带着学院大步向前……做不到这点,得到再多先祖认可,获得再厉害的院长令,也是枉然!” Famed Master academy Principal, does not make you demonstrate the personal ability, but is a responsibility, one type manages the ability, the student is not good, the proportion is not high, Principal is flamboyant, the reputation is big, is useless. 名师学院院长,并非让你展示个人能力的,而是一种责任,一种统管能力,学生不行,升学率不高,院长再牛逼,名头再大,也无用。 Enables everyone to develop his talents, making the best use of things, this is Principal should do. 人尽其才,物尽其用,这才是院长该做的。 Four big academy, are the competitive relations, this moment Hongyuan had/left so formidable Principal, must say that three people do not have the pressure, that is fake. 四大学院,一直都是竞争关系,此刻鸿远出了这么厉害院长,要说三人没压力,那是假的 At this moment, has planned, when Battle Master grand competition, makes certainly the ownself student shine the brilliance greatly, lets everyone understand, as Principal, ownself is strong, student, is simply. 此刻,都已经打算好了,待战师大比,一定让自己的学生大放光彩,让所有人明白,做为院长,自己强不够,学生强,才是根本 ...... …… The Hongyuan city is blustery, Zhang Xuan at this moment, is sitting in the Purple Sun Beast beast conducts the back, straight to returning to fly. 鸿远城风起云涌,此刻的张悬,正坐在紫阳兽的兽背上,笔直向回飞来。 Promotes the empire, big of difficulty, has no qualms the name of 6-Star most difficult Assessment, even his so many methods, thought that some/somewhat is badly battered. 晋升帝国,难度之大,无愧六星最难考核的称呼,即便是他这么多手段,都觉得有些焦头烂额。 Fulfills their mission luckily, finally completed. 幸好不辱使命,终于完成了。 Two months, with the aid of 500 high grade spirit stone that Shen Jia, Liu Jia gave, the strength achieved Half Saint peak smoothly. 两个月的时间,借助沈家、柳家给的500枚上品灵石,实力顺利达到了半圣巅峰 True Qi strength, from the previous 60 million cauldrons, rises dramatically 2000 four million cauldrons, achieved 84 million cauldrons. 真气力量,从之前的6000万鼎,暴增两千四百万鼎,达到了8400万鼎。 This strength, compared with the Nascent Saint peak 7 5 millions cauldrons, is powerful. 这种力量,比从圣巅峰的七500万鼎,都要强大。 True Qi strength rises dramatically, according to the normal condition, in addition the Soul Force 20 million cauldrons, the words of mortal body 32 million cauldrons, strength that his now/current can display, has achieved 136 million cauldrons. 真气力量暴增,按照正常情况,加上魂力2000万鼎,肉身3200万鼎的话,他现在能够施展的力量,已然达到13600万鼎。 Surpassed 100 million. 超过了一亿。 But...... the fact is actually not true. 但……事实却并非如此。 In any event the addition, strength does not have the means to walk out 100 million this, only paces back and forth in 99.99 million cauldrons. 无论如何加成,力量始终都没办法跨过一亿这个门槛,只在9999万鼎徘徊。 The seem like 100 million cauldrons, are Saint Domain and Transcendent Mortal gap are common, realm, without the means oversteps. 好像一亿鼎,是圣域化凡的鸿沟一般,境界不到,没办法逾越。 Difference of the cauldron, immortal every difference. 一鼎之别,仙凡之差。 However, although display strength of 100 million cauldrons, but follows accumulates vigorous, ordinary Saint Domain First Layer primary stage and intermediate stage, is not a match/opponent, can definitely the relaxed steamroll. 不过,虽然发挥不了一亿鼎的力量,但是伴随积累浑厚,普通圣域一重初期中期,已然不是对手,完全可以轻松碾压。 What is most essential, after two months of cultivation, within the body True Qi is even more vigorous, the greatness of reserves, is simply shocking. 最关键的是,经过两个月的修炼,体内真气越发浑厚,储量之巨,简直骇人听闻。 If the ordinary Half Saint True Qi reserves is pool, he is rivers and streams, are least over dozens times. 如果说普通半圣真气储量是水池,他就是江河,最少在几十倍以上。 in other words, his True Qi, the release, endures ratio dozens Half Saint peak...... to think to feel fearful! 也就是说,他一人的真气,释放出来,堪比几十位半圣巅峰……想想都觉得可怕! Two months, not only he promoted, Luo Qiqi and Yu Fei'er, achieved Chrysalis Realm peak smoothly. 两个月的时间,不光他晋升了,洛七七玉飞儿,也顺利达到了蚕封境巅峰 Dong Xin and Hu Yaoyao, just like him, similarly become Half Saint peak expert. 董欣胡夭夭,则和他一样,同样成为半圣巅峰强者 This cultivation made known to others, absolute evildoer/monstrous talent does not make sense, but follows behind Zhang Xuan, all seem like, naturally, even also thought that some/somewhat is too slow. 这种修炼传出去,绝对妖孽的不像话了,但跟在张悬后面,一切看起来,理所当然,甚至还觉得有些太慢。 Perhaps to lash down the foundation, these two people, have possibility attack Nascent Saint, even Saint Domain to succeed! 要不是为了扎牢根基,恐怕这二人,都有可能冲击从圣、甚至圣域成功! Zhao Feiwu and Mo Yu, under his give directions/guidance, achieved Transcendent Mortal Fifth Layer, the strength is astonishing. 赵飞舞莫雨,在他的指点下,也都达到了化凡五重,战力惊人。 Has followed in people behind Purple Sun Beast, with the aid of Cloudy Mist Ridge innumerable inner core, there are very in a big way progressive, achieved Saint Domain Second Layer advanced stage. 一直跟在众人身后的紫阳兽,借助云雾岭无数内丹,也有了很大进步,达到了圣域二重后期 Cloudy Mist Ridge nine king, all breakthrough, achieved Divine Sense Realm. 云雾岭的九大王者,也全都突破,达到了神识境 It can be said that the short two months, look like in cultivator, snap fingers, but side Zhang Xuan, regardless of the person is beastly, had qualitative transformation, progress big make the blood boil. 可以说,短短两个月,在修炼者看来,弹指即过,但张悬身边,无论人还是兽,都有了质的变化,进步大的让人发指。 Especially Thousand Ant Beehive, after close to three months of development, has reached size meters in diameter . Moreover the space is stabler, a feeling of small world. 尤其是千蚁蜂巢,经过接近三个月的拓展,已然达到了大小,而且空间更加稳固,给人一种小世界的感觉。 Various buildings, covered much, stays several hundred people, even over a thousand people, are not a problem. 各种建筑,也盖了不少,住下数百人,甚至上千人,都不成问题。 Cloudy Mist Ridge nine king and Purple Sun Beast, usually live in inside, is very spacious, any was not affected. 云雾岭九大王者和紫阳兽,平时居住在里面,十分宽敞,相互之间不受任何影响。 Doppelgänger Soul Shaman cultivation under Bodhi Tree, has also had breakthrough at this moment, went to the Chrysalis Realm situation. 分身巫魂一直在菩提树修炼,此刻也有了突破,达到了蚕封境的地步。 Saw that the Doppelgänger strength is weak, main body once more had a lesson/teach a lesson opposite party thought that but fights...... as before, once more made into pig head. 看到分身的实力弱,本尊再次动了教训对方一顿的念头,不过一交手……和以前一样,再次被打成了猪头 Although Doppelgänger Soul Shaman has not strengthened, but why does not know, he progresses in a big way, is bigger to the Fang Jin step. 分身巫魂虽然没怎么增强,但不知为何,他进步大,对方进步更大。 Depressed for a long time, Zhang Xuan then understand. 郁闷了许久,张悬这才明白 Nine Heavens Lotus Embryo was too strong, Doppelgänger Soul Shaman, is longer with the time that it contacts, agreeing with are more, battle strength that can display, is stronger! 九天莲胎太强了,分身巫魂,与之接触的时间越长,契合的越多,能发挥的战斗力,就越强! in other words, Doppelgänger even if/considered as not cultivation, is lying down daily sleeping, so long as waits for the lotus embryo and Soul Perfect Integration, has battle strength that surpasses the imagination. 也就是说,分身就算修炼,天天躺着睡觉,只要等待莲胎与灵魂完美融合,就拥有超过想象的战斗力 This, is the main body is unable to compare. 这点,是本尊无法比拟的。 Without means that main body innate difference , can only with collect diligently, who makes his talent not good? 没办法,本尊先天差,也只能用努力来凑了,谁让他天赋不好呢? Teacher, the Hongyuan city arrived, we go to academy directly, is......” “老师,鸿远城到了,咱们是直接去学院,还是……” On this day, nearby cultivation, Luo Qiqi is arriving. 这天,正在修炼,洛七七来到跟前。 Arrived?” “到了?” Zhang Xuan stands up: First goes to mansion!” 张悬站起身来:“先去府邸吧!” Has Elder Mi and Zhao Bingxu and the rest , the academy appear too major problem, will not first have a look at Wang Ying and the rest, which situation cultivation. 糜长老赵丙戌等人在,学院不会出现太大问题,先去看看王颖等人,修炼到了哪种地步。 This promotion empire, without leading them, first, felt this/should teaching taught, did not need. 这次晋升帝国,没带她们,一来,是觉得该教的教完了,没必要。 Secondly, wants to make their association/learn independent, has a look in situation that ownself is not, what level can cultivation, considered as to their test. 二来,也想让他们学会独立,看看自己不在的情况下,能修炼到什么样的水平,算是对他们的一个考验。 The road must ownself walk, holds now/current from Heavenly Profound Kingdom, was the time lets their ownself move forward. 路总要自己走的,从天玄王国扶到现在,也是时候让他们自己前行了。 Good!” “好!” Luo Qiqi nods, said one with Purple Sun Beast. 洛七七点头,和紫阳兽说了一句。 Huge Saint Beast, straight flew to the mansion direction. 巨大的圣兽,笔直府邸的方向飞了过去。 ( During child falls ill, altogether owed three, now/current has made up! Asked the monthly ticket while convenient, behind had single section, everyone remembers that looked.) (孩子生病期间,一共欠了三更,现在已经补完!顺便求一下月票,后面有个单章,大家记得看。)
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