LHP :: Volume #10

#924: Four big Principal 【4th Update, makes up owes two】

Has tested?” “已经考完了?” Two are short months, Titled Kingdom, promoted for the empire?” “短短两个月,就将一个封号王国,晋级为帝国?” I remember, Principal Mo Liuzhen of our academy highest record, did use the entire three years?” “我记得,咱们学院最高记录的莫流真院长,用了整整三年吧?” This was also too quick......” “这也太快了……” All Elder are all shocked. 所有长老全都愣住。 They had guessed correctly, Principal Assessment promotes the empire, can inevitably pass through, but never dreamed or expected, such quickly! 他们早就猜到,院长考核晋升帝国,必然能够通过,可做梦都没想到,这么快! Two months succeed, perhaps had broken the Famed Master Hall's record. 两个月就成功,恐怕已经打破了名师堂的记录了。 Yes, was too quick, not surprisingly/if nothing unexpected, Principal should leave......” “是啊,太快了,不出意外,院长应该已经动身回来了……” Elder Mi nods. 糜长老点头。 This best, just can catch up with the Battle Master selection......” Zhao Bingxu to say. “这样最好,刚好能赶上战师选拔……”赵丙戌道。 Yeah! 是啊! Mentioned the Battle Master selection, people all complexion solemn. 说起战师选拔,众人全都脸色凝重 Four Great Famed Master academy hundred years conduct one time, although in the surface no, in fact is actually secretly contest, at this time, Principal can come back personally, manages the general situation, is become 6-Star Famed Master, best. 大名师学院百年进行一次,虽然表面上没有什么,实际上却是暗自较量,这时候,院长能亲自回来,主持大局,更是成为六星名师,最好不过。 Selects Battle Master, each grade has the opportunity, various grade first 20, after these two months of competition, almost have elected.” “选拔战师,每个年级都有机会,各年级前二十名,经过这两个月的比试,已经差不多选出来了。” Xu Changqing said. 须长青道。 The Battle Master selection, takes the military force as first, these two months, various grades have been conducting grand competition, finally selected respective first 20, these people on behalf of academy, will contend with other three big academy, strive for the final quota. 战师选拔,以武力为先,这两个月来,各年级一直在进行大比,终于选出了各自的前二十名,这些人将代表学院,与其他三大学院进行角逐,争夺最后的名额。 Our student strengths how?” Hears to select, Zhao Bingxu stopped for a while asked. “咱们的学生实力如何?”听到选出,赵丙戌停顿了一下问道。 According to the past situation, was slightly weak, can pass through, perhaps...... few!” Xu Changqing face turning red. “根据以往的情况,还是稍弱,能够通过的,恐怕……没几个!”须长青脸色一红 Hongyuan Famed Master academy, is always four big academy sets the base, establishes for ten thousand years, altogether has three hundred twenty seven people of become Battle Master, disperses to hundred years one time, on average each time three and four people. 鸿远名师学院,一向都是四大学院垫底的,成立万年来,一共才有三百二十七人成为战师,分散到百年一次,也就平均每次三、四个人而已。 From the selection also several days of time, concentrates these students, cultivation, striving makes them go a step further well again!” Hearing the situation is not optimistic, Zhao Bingxu, said. “距离选拔还有几天时间,将这些学生集中起来,好好修炼,争取让他们再进一步!”听到情况并不乐观,赵丙戌,道。 Also can only like this!” People nod. “也只能这样了!”众人点头。 sharpen the spear just before going to the battle, although the result is minimal, but has not held the Buddhist ceremony. 临阵磨枪,虽然成效微乎其微,但也是没办法事了。 Other Famed Master academy, have 7-Star Famed Master to oversee, the resources are also richer than Hongyuan academy, many top talents, choose these three to study, but they can incur, is remaining...... compared with the opposite party, does not have the means. 其他名师学院,拥有七星名师坐镇,资源也比鸿远学院丰厚,很多顶尖天才,都选择这三所学习,而他们能招到的,都是剩下的……比不过对方,也没有办法。 One learns by teaching, the teacher light/only teaches very good, the students are not good, the student does not have the talent, similarly does not have the proportion. 教学相长,老师光教的好不行,生源不好,学生没有天赋,同样没有升学率。 This is the vicious circle, for successive several years could not attain the good achievements, the reward of Famed Master Hall headquarters are getting fewer and fewer, the reputation reduces, after the good student naturally unable to come again......, was worse. 这就是恶性循环,连续多年都拿不到好成绩,名师堂总部的奖励越来越少,名声降低,好学生自然不会再来……以后就更差了。 ...... …… Famed Master academy, many Elder discussed official business, outside the Hongyuan city, a giant flying boat stopped dismantling. 名师学院,诸多长老议事,鸿远城外,一个巨大的飞舟停了下下来。 Fully 70-80 meters, ten multi-layered building tall, above pavilion pavilion has it all, looks from afar, is exceptionally luxurious. 足有70-80米长,十多层楼高,上面楼阁亭台一应俱全,远远看去,异常奢华。 In front of the flying boat, behind, the Saint Beast controls of eight contain Dragon Race bloodlines, the giant hull will lift respectively in in the air, the landing, no jolts slowly. 飞舟前面、后面,各有八头蕴含龙族血脉的圣兽驾驭,将巨大的船体托举在空中,缓缓降落,没有一丝颠簸。 In the deck, two old men stand in the above, looks at present the palatial vast city wall, all shows a faint smile. 甲板上,两个老者站在上方,看着眼前巍峨辽阔的城墙,全都微微一笑。 Principal Wū, was lucky you Scaling Cliff Flying Boat, Otherwise, wants to rush to here quickly, is not quite really easy!” 乌院长,多亏了你的【云崖飞舟】,不然,这么快想赶到这里,真不太容易!” Near a left hand azure clothes old man strokes the beard to say. 左手边的一个青衣老者捋着胡须道。 Four big academy, brothers, help each other should! Also, this time selected in Hongyuan academy, came from our Scaling Void Academy, just passed by your Youth Patrol academy, joined you...... can also let many scholars, sooner exchange, knew big of the world ahead of time, expert like the forest! Otherwise closed-door seclusion has proclaimed, thought that the world hero is conceited, to their growth, is no good.” “四大学院,同气连枝,相互帮助应该的!再说,这次在鸿远学院进行选拔,从我们云虚学院过来,刚好路过你们逻青学院,将你们接上……也能让诸多学子,早些交流,提前知道世界之大,强者如林!不然一直闭关自封,觉得天下英雄唯我独尊,对他们的成长,也没有任何好处。” The right grey clothes old man, said with a smile. 右边的灰衣老者,笑道。 These two people, each has the Saint Domain above strength, the aura curls to person a feeling of deep and unmeasurable. 这二人,每一个都有圣域以上的实力,气息袅袅给人一种深不可测的感觉。 Especially the badge of Famed Master robe chest front, seven stars shine illumination, understood at a glance, went to the 7-Star situation. 尤其是名师袍胸前的徽章,七颗星星闪耀发光,一看就知道,已然达到了七星的地步。 7-Star Famed Master, this is Hongyuan Empire Famed Master Hall, even Famed Master academy, no one achieves. 七星名师,这可是鸿远帝国名师堂,甚至名师学院,都无人达到的。 Yes, the principle did not debate clear, did not speak...... these scholars unclearly, can from study inside courtyard rise above others, participate in the selection of Battle Master, basic was startled certainly the colorful generation, arrogant, was hard to avoid, making them know ahead of time, outside the mountain had the mountain, on the person had the person, was not the mistake, instead had very big advantage!” “是啊,理不辩不清,道不讲不明……这些学子,能够从学院中脱颖而出,参加战师的选拔,基本的都是惊才绝艳之辈,恃才傲物,是难以避免的,让他们提前知道,山外有山,人上有人,也不是什么过错,反而有很大好处!” The azure clothes old man nods. 青衣老者点了点头。 We came, Principal Wu? How to have seen?” “咱们都来了,伍院长呢?怎么一直没见?” Asking of Principal Wū doubts. 乌院长疑惑的问道。 Wu Ran this fellow, you also knows, is infatuated in the attainment of Saint Canonization Platform Master Kong leave/stay behind, but also made the Saint Ascension meeting, several months ago went out ahead of time, it is estimated that now/current has entered the city!” 伍然这家伙,你也知道,痴迷于封圣台孔师留下的心得,还弄了个封圣会,几个月前就提前出门了,估计现在早就入城!” The azure clothes old man said. 青衣老者道。 Wu Ran that in their mouth said that initially Zhang Xuan in that Azure Bamboo Famed Master academy's Principal that Saint Canonization Platform met, Saint Ascension met Guildmaster. 他们口中说的伍然,正是当初张悬封圣台遇到的那位青竹名师学院的院长,封圣会长 This azure clothes old man is Youth Patrol Famed Master academy Principal Shen Pingchao, Principal Wū is Scaling Void Academy Principal, Wū Tianqiong. 这位青衣老者则是逻青名师学院院长沈平潮,乌院长则是云虚学院院长,乌天穹 Scaling Void, Youth Patrol, Azure Bamboo and Hongyuan...... are Azure Origin Titled Empire subordinate four Great Famed Master academy. 云虚逻青青竹鸿远……为青源封号帝国下属四大名师学院 Scaling Void first, Hongyuan final. 云虚第一,鸿远最后。 Master Wū and Master Shen, my teacher Wu Ran is invited!” 乌师沈师,家师伍然有请!” Two people are talking, middle-aged person on flew over, nearby landed/dropped, respectful hands clasped together politely. 二人正在交谈,一个中年人飞了过来,落在跟前,恭敬的抱拳 What kind of, I said that this fellow has arrived at......” Shen Pingchao to smile, were not many said, immediately replied: „Our in the past!” “怎么样,我说这家伙早就到了……”沈平潮笑了笑,也不多说,当即回答:“我们这就过去!” Mediates Wū Tianqiong handover instruction/explain behind teachers and students several, follows in youth behind, straight flies to the city. 说完和乌天穹交代了身后的师生几句,跟在青年身后,笔直向城内飞去。 The time is not long, arrives at a spacious courtyard. 时间不长,来到一个宽敞的院落。 Enters the hall, really saw that Wu Ran is sitting in inside, pours into the teapot the hot water slowly, the movement is graceful and comfortable, understood at a glance that is Tea Ceremony Grandmaster. 进入大厅,果然看到伍然正坐在里面,将热水缓缓倒入茶壶,动作优雅而舒适,一看就知道是一位茶道大师 Your old thing, come is very quick! What's wrong, shouted that we do drink tea? Ahead of time said one, is not the good tea, both of us do not drink!” “你个老东西,来的挺快!怎么,喊我们过来喝茶?提前说一声,不是好茶,我俩不喝!” Wū Tianqiong said with a smile. 乌天穹笑道。 Relax, certainly is the good tea!” Smiles, Wu Ran catches the eye looked towards this side: This was my asking somebody spends the high price, the special purchase, waited for both of you to come!” “放心吧,一定是好茶!”轻轻一笑,伍然抬眼看了过来:“这可是我托人花了大价钱,专门购买的,等着你们俩过来!” During the speeches, the tea in teapot, poured into the drinking glass. 说话间,将茶壶中的茶水,倒进了水杯。 Two people received, but also without tasting, sees together the rich fog, ascends, as if Ruyan rosy cloud, intensely bright. 二人接过,还没品尝,就看到一道浓郁的云雾,从中升腾而起,宛如烟霞,耀眼夺目。 so beautiful tea......” 好漂亮的茶……” eyes sparkle. 眼睛一亮 First did not say that tea exactly/actually is good, only this physical appearance, made the innumerable tea, see only the other rider's dust and have no hope of catching up. 先不说茶到底好不好,单是这种品相,就令无数茶,望尘莫及 cloud Piaowu sinks, a smog covers the feeling of rivers and streams, the tea has not imported, is completely relaxed. 云飘雾沉,给人一种烟雾笼罩江河之感,茶未进口,已然心旷神怡。 of course, this is Hongyuan Empire, the Cloudy Mist Ridge unique fog tea, this small pot, wanted my ten high grade spirit stone! Moreover there is no market price, basically cannot buy, I asked many people, only buys 1-2. Without being willing to drink, comes on wait for you......” 那是自然,这是鸿远帝国,云雾岭特有的云雾茶,就这一小壶,就要了我十枚上品灵石!而且还有价无市,基本上买不到,我托了好多人,也只买到一两。一直没舍得喝,就等你们俩过来……” Wu Ran smiles. 伍然笑了笑。 Only this physical appearance on value!” Wū Tianqiong smiles: Come, I try, flavor how!” “光这品相就值了!”乌天穹笑了笑:“来,我试试,味道如何!” Smiles , eyes sparkle, is full of praise immediately: Good tea!” 笑罢,品了一口,立刻眼睛一亮,赞不绝口:“好茶!” One side Shen Pingchao is not scruple, drinks up also the same eyes to shine. 一侧的沈平潮也不迟疑,喝完也同样双眼放光。 „Does this tea buy from where? Gives me also to take......” “这茶从何处买来?给我也捎点……” Takes? If can bring along, I definitely first bought ten jin (0.5 kg) to save......” Wu Ran to shake the head. “捎?如果能捎来,我肯定先买十斤存着了……”伍然摇头。 Then sold to me your 1-2, at the worst I pay the double prices!” Shen Pingchao hurriedly said. “那将你这一两卖给我,大不了我出双倍价格!”沈平潮忙道 He also loves the person of tea, so beautiful tea, although only drank one time, has actually been hard to give up. 他也是爱茶之人,如此美茶,虽只喝了一次,却已然难以割舍。 Double prices did not have...... to be good, not with your talk rubbish!” Wu Ran shakes the head: You may hear, news that Hongyuan academy old Principal has an accident?” “双倍价格也没有……好了,不跟你们废话了!”伍然摇了摇头:“你们可听说,鸿远学院院长出事的消息?” Heard, two years ago is missing, the life and death does not know, now/current Hongyuan academy, should not have new Principal!” “听说了,两年前失踪,生死不知,现在鸿远学院,应该都还没有新院长吧!” Wū Tianqiong shakes the head. 乌天穹摇了摇头。 Four Great Famed Master academy Principal, position is the same, this old Principal trial by fire is missing, did not return back comes again, even the life and death does not know, they had heard, but also secretly downcast for a long time. 大名师学院院长,地位相同,这位老院长一次试炼失踪,再没回来,甚至生死不知,他们早就听说了,还暗自神伤了许久。 Old Principal is two years ago is missing this news to be correct, but, Hongyuan academy, has selected new Principal!” Wu Ran said. “老院长是两年前失踪这个消息正确,不过,鸿远学院,已经选出了新院长了!”伍然道。 Selected new Principal? Is what person, inquired?” Shen Pingchao asked. “选出新院长了?是个什么样的人,打听了吗?”沈平潮问道。 even if/considered as did not inquire that also knew much...... this Hongyuan academy's new Principal, if I said that you will definitely have a scare!” 就算不打听也知道不少了……这个鸿远学院的院长,如果我说出来,你们肯定会吓一跳!” He several days ahead of schedule, to the Hongyuan city, everywhere is the new Principal news, thinks that does not know difficultly. 他提前几天,到了鸿远城,到处都是新院长的消息,想不知道都难。 Has a scare?” Wū Tianqiong and Shen Pingchao looked one: could it be that this is Principal very famous? Is the headquarters sends?” “吓一跳?”乌天穹和沈平潮对望了一眼:“难道这个院长很有名?是总部派下来的?” Of course not, is the student who Famed Master academy just enters a school this year, is only 20 years old, called Zhang Xuan!” Wu Ran said. “当然不是,是名师学院今年刚入学的学员,只有二十岁,叫张悬!”伍然道。 Student who just entered a school?” “刚入学的学员?” 20 years old? Is You are certain this news correct?” “二十岁?你确定这个消息是正确的?” Two Principal dumbfounded, thought simultaneously ownself listens to was wrong/misconduct. 两位院长同时一呆,觉得自己是不是听错了 Hongyuan academy this is insane, abandons something as beyond redemption? 鸿远学院这是要疯,还是破罐子破摔? A 20-year-old fellow, the wool has not gripped neat, when academy Principal? Can it be true? 一个20岁的家伙,毛都没扎齐,当学院院长真的假的 Naturally is correct, does not believe you to the Hongyuan city to inquire casually!” Wu Ran smiles bitterly: Do not look down on this 20 years old Principal, my heard of his many news, to now/current, thought that has inconceivable......” “当然是正确的,不信你可以到鸿远城随便打听!”伍然苦笑一声:“你俩不要小瞧这位只有二十岁院长,我听过他的诸多消息,到现在,都觉得有不可思议……” Inconceivable? Mentioned listens!” “不可思议?说来听听!” Wū Tianqiong cannot help said. 乌天穹忍不住道。 Principal Wū, succeeded to the throne in the past, has invited the ancestor? The approvals of how many ancestors didn't know?” Wu Ran looks. 乌院长,当年继位的时候,也请过先祖吧?不知得到了多少先祖的认可?”伍然看过来。 My no talent, only obtained percent forty five ancestor approvals, is ranked seventh in more than 100 Principal of Scaling Void Academy all previous generations!” “我不才,只得到了百分之四十五的先祖认可,在云虚学院历代的一百多位院长中排行第七!” On the mouth said the no talent, in fact has the whole body arrogance. 嘴上说不才,实际上带着满身傲气。 More than 100 ancestors, achieved percent forty five approvals, the explanation have surpassed the forty many people to acknowledge that his status, during all previous generations could be powerful. 一百多位先祖,达到百分之四十五的认可,说明已经超过了四十多人承认他的身份,历代之中都算得上强大了。 After all, so long as there is a 20% approval, even if/considered as pass through, his almost already double. 毕竟,只要有百分之二十认可,就算通过,他差不多已经翻倍了。 Shen Principal?” Wu Ran looks to another. “沈院长呢?”伍然看向另外一个。 I only obtained 37% approvals, in Youth Patrol academy undergoes in Acting-Principal, has not entered top 10 ashamed......!” Shen Pingchao said. “我只得到了百分之三十七的认可,在逻青学院代院长中,还没进入前十……惭愧!”沈平潮道。 Percent forty five and 37%...... to all previous ancestor, are not weakly, may to Hongyuan academy this new Principal, indeed be able saying that was ashamed!” “百分之四十五、百分之三十七……对历代先祖来说,都算不上弱,可对鸿远学院这位新任的院长来说,的确可以说一声惭愧了!” Wu Ran shakes the head, in the eye revealed cannot believe the color, the news that as if knew, extremely shocked, is unable to digest to now/current. 伍然摇了摇头,眼中露出了不敢相信之色,似乎知道的消息,太过震撼,到现在都无法消化。 Your meaning...... are we inferior to him?” “你的意思……我们不如他?” Two big Principal frown. 两大院长皱眉
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