KW :: Volume #7

#8: Closes up submarines repair

The hawk conducts the back, Lenah starts to speak but hesitates, looks at the present back, her look twinkle. 鹰背上,琳娜欲言又止,看着眼前的背影,她眼神闪烁。 Among the opposite party facial features resembles with Hogue, changes individual, cannot see any difference, but she is very clear, the opposite party is not own husband Hogue. 对方眉眼之间与霍格十分相像,换个人来看,根本就看不出任何区别,但她却十分清楚,对方不是自己的丈夫霍格。 That overbearing, the indifferent aura, Hogue does not have. 那种霸道,冷漠的气息,霍格不具备。 Imposing manner that Hogue has, is more like grows for a long time in the abundant environment, aristocrat aura that gradually influences. 霍格所拥有的气势,更像是长久以来生长在富足环境下,所熏陶出来的贵族气息。 But if not Hogue, who the opposite party is? 但如果不是霍格,对方又是谁? Suddenly, the Lenah brow moves, name that mental association just now hears, she thought of a person. 忽然间,琳娜眉头一动,联想方才听到的名字,她想到了一个人。 „?!” “难道?!” In this time, Qin Yi opens the mouth. 正在这时,秦逸开口了。 Lenah, I am Hogue's Elder Brother, Horne Baruch!” “琳娜,我是霍格的哥哥,霍恩・巴鲁克!” Really so!” “果然如此!” In the Lenah heart wants saying that then she relaxes thoroughly. 琳娜心中想道,然后她就彻底松了口气。 Some time ago I sobered, heard you to have this thing, then saved you hastily.” “不久前我才清醒过来,就听闻你发生了这种事情,便连忙来救你。” Is good because of your nothing, Hogue can also feel relieved.” “好在你没有什么事情,霍格也能放心了。” Qin Yi is saying with a smile. 秦逸笑着道。 Thanks the big brother, never expected that you woke finally.” “谢谢大哥,没想到您终于醒过来了。” Lenah also relaxed. 琳娜也是放松了。 Horne this person, she listens to Hogue to raise many times, in tone each time brings the thick regret. Baruch family during millenniums, an only person, if rises, will certainly lead the family to move toward thrivingly. 霍恩此人,她听霍格提起过很多次,每次的语气中都带着浓浓的遗憾。巴鲁克家族千年之中,唯一的一人,若是崛起,必将带领家族走向繁荣昌盛。 Now, this person woke finally, then, where will Baruch family move toward? 如今,这人终于醒过来了,那么,巴鲁克家族将走向何方? First goes home, Hogue should be worried to be very long.” “先回家吧,霍格应该担心很久了。” Qin Yi said with a smile lightly. 秦逸轻笑道。 The iron hawk is very obedient, under the Qin Yi strong pressure, does not dare hurriedly, without concluding the contract, the iron hawk still submitted thoroughly. 铁鹰很听话,在秦逸强大的压力下,不敢造次,即便没有缔结契约,铁鹰也彻底屈服了。 It has seen in human, has never had Qin Yi so powerful existence. 它所见过的人类中,从未有过秦逸如此强大的存在。 And is together in the so short time, it has to shoot a look at the opposite party occasionally, look that keeps aloof, although the reserved spirit, still has to display, to meaning that he does not care about. 并且相处如此短的时间中,它偶有瞥到对方,那高高在上的眼神,尽管内敛精神,却依然有表现出,对他根本不在意的含义。 That is, bearing that top Expert just now has. 那是,顶尖强者方才具备的气度。 Under the iron hawk flight, two days time, had then arrived in Wushan fully. 铁鹰全力飞行下,两日时间,便已经到了乌山镇。 You then move in the surroundings, do not leave too.” “你便在周围活动,不要离得太远。” Qin Yi said. 秦逸道。 The iron hawk does not dare to revolt, nods, later flutters to leave. 铁鹰不敢反抗,点点头,随后振翅离开。 At this time, the residents in Wushan just now went out, when saw Qin Yi, in the eye was full of the shock. 这时,乌山镇的居民们方才走出,当看到秦逸时,眼中充满震惊。 Sir Horne!” “霍恩大人!” They have distinguished Qin Yi at this time are Horne, because Hogue just returned to the mansion from the street. 他们此时已经分辨出秦逸就是霍恩,因为霍格刚刚才从街道上回到府邸。 Madame Lenah!” “琳娜夫人!” The Shearman surprised say/way, he clearly remembers, the opposite party was seized by the gang some time ago, at this time appeared in the town unexpectedly. 希尔曼惊讶道,他分明记得,对方不久前才被一伙人抓走,此时竟然出现在了镇上。 Moreover, a moment ago that iron hawk, clearly was the seventh-level demon beast. 而且,刚才那只铁鹰,分明就是七级魔兽。 Shearman, Hogue?” “希尔曼,霍格呢?” Lenah Asking (the Dao). 琳娜问道 Sir Hogue just went back.” “霍格大人刚回去。” Shearman replied, then looked with the curious look to Qin Yi. 希尔曼答道,然后用好奇的眼神望向秦逸 Qin Yi nods to its smile, he knows, in Wushan, Shearman helped Hogue be many. 秦逸对其微笑点头,他知道,乌山镇上,希尔曼帮了霍格很多忙。 Sir Horne.” “霍恩大人。” Shearman's respectful say/way. 希尔曼恭敬的道。 Just entered the mansion, is hugging forest thunder Hogue, suddenly heard a mansion entrance anxious shout. 刚刚进入府邸,正抱着林雷的霍格,忽然就听到府邸门口一阵焦急的喊声。 Sir Hogue, Sir Hogue!” “霍格大人,霍格大人!” What happened?” “发生了什么事?” Hogue raised the head, looks to the mansion. 霍格抬头,向府外望去。 Sir Hogue, Lenah, Madame Lenah came back!” “霍格大人,琳娜,琳娜夫人回来了!” A person runs, out of breath said loudly. 一人跑进来,上气不接下气的大声说道。 What?” “什么?” Hogue stands up fiercely, puts in the forest thunder Shiri hand, nearby steward Shiri hears this saying, stares the big eye. 霍格猛地站起身,将林雷放入希里手中,一旁的管家希里听到这话,也是瞪大眼睛。 „Did Lenah come back? Horne?” “琳娜回来了?霍恩呢?” Hogue quickly walks toward the town. 霍格急忙向着镇子走去。 Is Sir Horne, he is riding a seventh-level iron hawk, comes back with Madame Lenah together.” “是霍恩大人,他骑着一只七级铁鹰,与琳娜夫人一起回来的。” You do not know that iron hawk launches, is ten meters fully, is very grand, was too simply fierce.” “您不知道,那只铁鹰展开来,足有十米长,十分雄伟,简直太厉害了。” I have also never seen that powerful demon beast!” “我还从未见过那么强大的魔兽呢!” In that person of tone quite a lot acclaimed. 那人语气中颇多赞叹。 Hogue is listening, in the heart was itchy. 霍格听着,心中更加痒痒了。 He knows that Horne is the fifth-level soldier, the dragon later strength will be more powerful, but, the opposite party actually noise-maker hawk birds class demon beast can surrender now. 他知道霍恩已经是五级战士,龙化之后的实力会更强大,但是没想到,对方如今竟然连铁鹰这种飞禽类魔兽都能够降服了。 Quick, he then saw Horne and Lenah who toward the Baruch mansion walk. 很快,他便见到了正往巴鲁克府邸走的霍恩与琳娜。 Hogue.” “霍格。” Qin Yi greeted by far. 秦逸远远招呼道。 Big brother!” “大哥!” Hogue all smiles, after seeing nearby Lenah, was the eye turned into the flower. 霍格满面笑容,当看到旁边的琳娜后,更是眼睛都变成了花。 Steps out, two people closely hug. 加快脚步,两人紧紧拥抱。 Good, you did not have the thing.” “太好了,你没有事情。” Qin Yi visits two people, did not mind: Returned home to say.” 秦逸看着两人,也不介意:“回府里说。” After the group return to the Baruch mansion, Hogue conducts the perception to him immediately, Lenah is also over the face gratitude. 一行人回到巴鲁克府邸后,霍格当即对他进行感性,琳娜也是满面感激。 Does not need to care, before my unhealthy time, is Hogue you looks.” “不必在意,以前我身体不好的时候,也是霍格你一路照顾过来的。” Our two brothers, are not no need to say these.” “我们两兄弟,不必说这些。” Qin Yi beckons with the hand to say. 秦逸摆摆手道。 Afterward, his vision concentrates, the sound sank. 随后,他目光一凝,声音沉了下来。 I now am the fifth-level soldier, after dragon , the strength can achieve eighth-level, grasped the unique skill.” “我如今是五级战士,龙化后实力可以达到八级,掌握了绝招。” Erupts under fully, will not fear the ordinary ninth-level soldier!” “全力爆发下,不会惧怕普通的九级战士!” Heard him to say clearly own strength, Hogue immediately eye one bright. 听到他如此清晰的说自己实力,霍格顿时眼睛一亮。 Does not fear the ninth-level soldier! He has not thought, own elder brother, the strength, went to so the situation unexpectedly. Nearby Lenah and Shiri, is shocking cannot get back one's composure. 不惧怕九级战士!他没想到,自己的兄长,实力竟然不知不觉间,已经达到了如此地步。一旁的琳娜与希里,也是震惊的回不过神来。 Ninth-level soldier! What concept is that? 九级战士啊!那是什么概念? Even in front of Kingdom King, still can not bow, even has the considerable high status! That is almost and King, same status. 即便在芬莱王国国王面前,也是可以不鞠躬,甚至具备相当高的地位的!那几乎是与国王,同等的地位。 Hogue thinks, excited, he has not thought that the opposite party one comes clearly, actually then can have the so terrifying strength. 霍格想着想着,都激动了起来,他没想到对方一清晰过来,竟然便能够具备如此恐怖的实力。 However, quick, Qin Yi opened the mouth again. 然而,很快,秦逸又再次开口了。 But, this strength is too weak, is good facing the average person, if encounters Expert.” “但是,这实力还是太弱,面对普通人还行,若是遭遇强者。” I will be suppressed.” “我会被压制。” Therefore, I these days, must cultivation, cannot be disturbed.” “所以,我这段时间,要修炼,不能受到打扰。” Qin Yi sinking sound said. 秦逸沉声道。 When has the Saint territory level strength, in this mainland, can has the strength of self-preservation reluctantly.” “等到拥有圣域级实力,在这片大陆上,才能够勉强算是具备自保的力量。” A few words, let Hogue delay, several other people were shocked. 一句话,让霍格呆滞了,其他几人都愣住了。 Can the Saint territory, protect oneself? 圣域,才能自保? Moreover, during the Qin Yi words, to the strength of Saint territory, really has the extremely easy to obtain feeling. 而且,秦逸话语之间,对圣域的实力,竟然有唾手可得的感觉。 Big brother, you.” “大哥,你。” Hogue wants to say anything, long time could not say. 霍格想说什么,却半晌都说不出来。 I will cultivate in the mountain forest near Wushan, there is quite secluded.” “我会在乌山镇附近的山林中修炼,那里比较僻静。” Qin Yi also said. 秦逸又是说道。 Once there is any thing, you make the iron hawk look for me.” “一旦有什么事情,你就让铁鹰来找我。” Hogue gawked staring, then nods. 霍格愣了愣,然后点点头。 He, detects oneself this Elder Brother suddenly, has the fearful strength, but oneself, actually implicates likely, somewhat is depressed. 他恍然间,察觉到自己这位哥哥,也已经具备了可怕的实力,而自己,却像个拖累,不禁有些沮丧。 Dragon blood soldier, awakens besides the self- bloodlines, other means can awaken.” “龙血战士,除了自我血脉觉醒之外,还有其他办法能够觉醒。” Qin Yi said suddenly. 秦逸忽然道。 My strengths arrive, will try to find the solution, making Hogue you also the dragon blood soldier.” “等我实力到达,会想办法,让霍格你也成为龙血战士的。” Therefore, before then, you must cultivation well.” “所以,在这之前,你要好好修炼。” Hogue stares, then excited shivers. 霍格一愣,然后激动的颤抖起来。 Big brother, I, can I also become the dragon blood soldier?” “大哥,我,我也可以成为龙血战士吗?” Qin Yi affirmative nod: Ok, you should read family's dragon blood secret Dian!” 秦逸肯定的点头:“可以,你应该读过家族的龙血秘典!” Is only, actually how through that means opening bloodlines, I also needs to inquire about well.” “只是,究竟如何通过那种办法开启血脉,我还需要好好探寻一番。” Later soon, Qin Yi leaves Baruch family mansion, periphery across the street, enters in the crowded mountain forest on foot. 稍后不久,秦逸离开巴鲁克家族府邸,穿过街道,徒步进入周围密集的山林中。 This nearby demon beast strength is insufficient, has made him discipline insufficiently. 这附近的魔兽实力都不够,已经不足以让他磨练。 If needed, he may go to the farther demon beast mountain range! 若是需要,他可能会前往更远的魔兽山脉! There, eighth-level, ninth-level, even the demon beast of Saint territory level, has! 那里,八级,九级,甚至圣域级的魔兽,都是有的!
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