KW :: Volume #7

#6: News

Three days later, he has comprehended to have the first unique skill. 三天后,他已经参悟出了第一个绝招。 Hydro energy carries the boat, can the capsized boat, although is soft, when its surges, has the dreadful strength.” “水能载舟,亦能覆舟,尽管柔软,但其翻腾之时,却也有滔天之力。” Rides on the horseback, the Qin Yi right hand turns over, the sword put out by him, then forward detachment. 骑在马背上,秦逸右手翻转,战刀被他拿出,然后向前劈去。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦!” Seems to be the underwater/splashing sound to vibrate, flowing mighty waves racing wells up, overlaps forward, forms more and more boundless strength, finally gathering for tsunami might. 似有水声在震动,一浪浪波涛向前奔涌,重叠起来,形成越来越磅礴的力道,最后汇聚为海啸般的威力。 This move, is then called, thousand overlapped waves!” “这一招,便叫做,千重叠浪!” The whole body physical strength, changes into like the water strength, soft, is powerful. 将周身气力,化为如水般的力量,柔软,却又强大。 The bracing cold blowout, in an instant, then opens the airborne crush of its front, the ground blasts out loudly, has the faint trace moist aura to fill the air. 气劲喷出,转眼间,便是将其前方的空中碾压开,地面轰然炸开,有丝丝湿润的气息弥漫。 „The element of comprehension water was too shallow.” “水之元素领悟还是太浅了。” Qin Yi saw that this shakes the head to say. 秦逸看到这一幕摇摇头道。 In the attack contained the aura of little element, actually makes the inadequate de facto element injury radically, what had is only the strength. 攻击中只是蕴含了一点点元素的气息,却根本造不成实际意义上的元素伤害,拥有的只是力道。 However this, Qin Yi was also very satisfied. 不过这样,秦逸也很满足了。 By him the strength of fifth-level soldier, in the trim magnolia mainland, can comprehend now mysteriously almost does not have. 以他如今五级战士的实力,整片玉兰大陆中,能够参悟玄奥的几乎没有。 He closes the eye, whatever the horse of crotch continues, in the mind comprehends the profound mystery of element of water again. 他闭上眼睛,任由胯下的马继续前行,脑海中再度参悟起水之元素的玄奥。 Under the short time, the element of mysterious comprehending progress water, had arrived at 0.03%, according to him estimated, achieves 1%, then can have the mysterious part of prestige to be able. 短短时间下,水之元素玄奥的参悟进度,已经到达了百分之零点零三,据他估测,达到百分之一,便能够拥有玄奥的一部分威能了。 But such prestige energy, has been enough with the Saint territory, many people to war. 而这样的威能,已经足以与圣域之下,很多人对战。 During mountain range fluctuating, the habitation are not many. Magnolia mainland mountainous region quite a lot, has the demon beast to wreak havoc, in the mountain range is very dangerous, person who does not have the strength, will not easily come to here. Even if really steps into, still forms groups. 山脉起伏之间,人烟并不多。玉兰大陆山地颇多,其中又有魔兽肆虐,山脉中很是危险,不具备实力的人,是不会轻易来这里的。即便真的踏入,也是成群结队。 The Qin Yi single person enters this danger zone, is actually very rare. 秦逸独身一人进入这危险地带,却是很少见。 Cry!” “唳!” After one day, early morning, the Qin Yi ear bank, hears together the sharp bird songs and calls suddenly. 一日后清晨时分,秦逸的耳畔,忽然传来一道锐利的鸟儿鸣叫声。 This makes him open the eyes, raised the head slowly, looks to the sky. 这让他睁开双眼,缓缓抬起头,看向天空。 Finally found an appropriate demon beast.” “终于找到一只合适的魔兽了。” The corners of the mouth bend to wipe the curve, Qin Yi muttered. 嘴角弯出一抹弧度,秦逸喃喃的道 In the eyes, spreading the wings has about ten meters huge birds to appear fully, this is a strength achieves the seventh-level iron hawk, the both wings, the claw, the mouth endures compared with the fine iron weapon, the striking power is powerful, the speed is also very rapid. 双眼中,一只展翅足有近十米庞大的飞禽出现,这是一只实力达到七级的铁鹰,双翅,爪子,嘴巴堪比精铁武器,攻击力强悍,速度也十分迅疾。 Even if the ordinary seventh-level soldier faces, will feel the headache, will also lose the life carelessly. 哪怕是普通的七级战士面对,也会感觉头痛不已,甚至一个不慎还会丢掉性命。 But to Qin Yi, is actually easily then can surrender. 但对秦逸来说,却是轻易便能够降服的。 Iron hawk flight in airborne, obviously also noticed them, fluttered, had reduced the body. 铁鹰飞行在空中,明显也注意到了他们,振翅之间,已是降低了身躯。 „Was this treats as the prey us? Interesting!” “这是将我们当做猎物了吗?有趣!” Qin Yi smiled. 秦逸笑了。 He treated as generation of harnessing tools the opposite party, the opposite party also treated as oneself prey him impressively. 他将对方当做代驾的工具,对方赫然也是将他当做了自己的猎物。 The body shakes, is moved, is dragon change/transform, the whole body is covered by the azure dragon scale, the forehead new actor, becomes the dragon blood soldier. 其身躯一震,动念之间,已是龙化,全身被青色龙鳞覆盖,额头生角,成为了龙血战士。 The arbitrary overbearing aura surges, the boundless strength feeling sweeps across instantaneously, Qin Yi exudes one to drink lightly. 蛮横霸道的气息涌动而出,磅礴的力量感瞬间席卷,秦逸发出一声轻喝。 The warhorse of crotch, because this passes the body, but dragon prestige, the wail is unceasing, stops in same place, trembles. 胯下的战马,因为这股透体而出的龙威,哀鸣不断,停在原地,瑟瑟发抖。 Compared with the seventh-level iron hawk of space, this horse is not really good.” “比起天上的七级铁鹰,这马果然不行。” Shaking the head, his eyes are sharp. 摇摇头,其双眸锐利起来。 For harnessing the words of tool, the iron hawk naturally is most suitable! 代驾工具的话,铁鹰自然是最为适合的! A figure show, Qin Yi battle Qi to thrive, the foot steps on the horseback fiercely, the boundless strength starts, with the aid of this strong reacting force, his body broadminded pull empty/sky, direct impact space. But the horse of his crotch, sends out to neigh, the mouth spits the blood, by the strength of this counter- shaking, was killed by shock unexpectedly livingly. 身形一展,秦逸的斗气勃发,脚猛地一踩马背,磅礴的力量发动,借助这股强大的反作用力,他的身躯豁然拔空,直冲天上。而其胯下的马,发出嘶鸣,口吐鲜血,竟是被这股反震之力,活生生震死了。 Cry!” “唳!” The iron hawk, sees this swiftly, in the eye reveals user-friendly, disdained expression. 铁鹰倏然即至,看到这一幕,眼中露出人性化,不屑的表情。 But quick, its look changed. 但很快,它的眼神就变了。 That in his eyes is only human of food, the twinkling then arrived unexpectedly with his parallel airborne, and had drawn out the sword of oneself waist. 那在他眼中只是食物的人类,竟然瞬息便来到了与他平行的空中,并且已是拔出了自己腰间的战刀。 But fills the air to the present boundless aura, is to make his soul feel to shiver, the movement had wiped unbendingly. 而弥漫至眼前的磅礴气息,更是令他灵魂都感到颤抖,动作都有了一抹僵直。 dragon prestige!” “龙威!” The body of opposite party, really has dragon prestige! 对方的身上,竟然有龙威! Thousand overlapped waves “千重叠浪” Qin Yi is in airborne, sword optional wielding forward. 秦逸身在空中,战刀随意的向前挥动。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦!” Indistinct within, near the ear of iron hawk, resounded the ocean waves surges sound unexpectedly, making him be startled. 隐约间,在铁鹰的耳边,竟是响起了海浪翻腾的声音,让他一怔。 The iron hawk has not even responded, its body had then been swept by an invisible strength, the entire body just likes is surrounded, feels to suffocate, immediately is dizzy, crashes to go to the tread. 紧接着,铁鹰甚至没有反应过来,其身躯便已经被一股无形的劲力扫中,整个躯体恍若被包围,感觉到窒息,顿时天旋地转,向着地面坠落而去。 The time when the iron hawk wakes, Qin Yi stands in his one side. 当铁鹰醒过来的时刻,秦逸站在他的一旁。 Cry!” “唳!” Meaning that the wail, this iron hawk is expressing in a low voice, is actually flatters and begs for mercy. 低声哀鸣着,这一次铁鹰表达出的意思,却已是讨好与求饶。 I have no interest in you, carries my regulation, later naturally can let off you.” “我对你没有兴趣,载我一程,之后自然会放过你。” Qin Yi said lightly. 秦逸淡淡说道。 Cry!” “唳!” The iron hawk sounds. 铁鹰鸣叫。 „Can you conclude the contract with me? Does not need.” “你要跟我缔结契约?不需要。” Your strength is too weak, does not have the strength of slight bloodlines, to me the use is not big.” “你的实力太弱,也没有丝毫血脉之力,对我而言用处不大。” Now needs you, because I have not been able to fly, after arriving at the Saint territory boundary, I will naturally look for stronger demon beast.” “如今需要你,只是因为我还不能飞行,等到达圣域境界后,我自然会去找更强的魔兽。” Qin Yi indifferently said. 秦逸淡淡道 His as cross conducts the back as the iron hawk, indifferent issuing order. 他一步跨到铁鹰背上,冷漠的下达命令。 Walks, told me, these days, you noticed that one team is sending under escort the female, the body is filling the bright strength, the person of Holy See.” “走吧,告诉我,这段时间,你有没有看到一队押解着女子,身上弥漫着光明力量,教廷的人。” The opposite party is the growth demon beast here, the person who if communicated, will definitely have the impression. 对方是生长在这里的魔兽,若是来往的人,必然会有印象。 Cry!” “唳!” The iron hawk flutters, after flying airborne, sounds in a low voice. 铁鹰振翅,飞上空中之后,低声鸣叫。 Right? Before seven days, toward the West!” “是吗?七日前,向着西方而去了!” Qin Yi looking pensive. 秦逸若有所思。 Path of Wushan to outside world are not many, closest to here, is Laicheng, in the meantime, this Laicheng is also Kingdom capital, the Holy See strength takes root in this. But must go to here, then needs to pass mountain range. 乌山镇通往外界的道路并不多,距离这里最近的,便是芬莱城,同时,这芬莱城也是芬莱王国的首都,教廷力量在此扎根。而要前往这里,便需要通过其中的山脉。 The demon beast in ordinary mountain range are not many, even if there are, still mostly is sixth-level below, seventh-level above then belonged rarely. 普通山脉中的魔兽并不多,就算有,也大多是六级以下,七级以上便属于少见了。 Qin Yi can discover a seventh-level iron hawk here, calculated on lucky. 秦逸能够在此处发现一只七级铁鹰,算的上幸运。 The seventh-level demon beast has the wisdom of human, he with its communication, soon then obtained Lenah's news. 七级魔兽已经具备人类的智慧,他与其沟通,很快便得到了琳娜的消息。 Catches up with them, flies in the Laicheng direction.” “追上他们,向着芬莱城方向飞。” After ordering, Qin Yi then closes the eye. 下了命令后,秦逸便闭上眼睛。 Seven days, by the approaching speed of human in mountain range, are unable to compare with the birds. Only if there is Saint territory Expert to exist, but in view of Lenah, he does not believe actually, Holy See will send out the Saint territory level Expert. 七天的时间,以人类在山脉中的行进速度,与飞禽根本无法相比。除非有圣域强者存在,但是针对琳娜,他倒是不相信,教廷会派出圣域级的强者 The iron hawk complies with the order, flies in the Laicheng direction. 铁鹰遵从命令,一路向着芬莱城方向飞去。 After one day night, the Qin Yi body battle Qi is more vigorous, the element of water mysterious was also comprehends 0.05%. 一日一夜后,秦逸身上斗气更加蓬勃,水之元素的玄奥也是领悟到了百分之零点零五。 The 2nd day early morning, the iron hawk sounded suddenly, is overlooking the front small town. 第二日清晨,铁鹰忽然鸣叫,俯视着前方的小镇。 Saw?” “看到了吗?” Qin Yi opens the eyes, looks following the line of sight of iron hawk. 秦逸睁开双眼,顺着铁鹰的视线看去。 Below small town, one team of troops, are really leading the way slowly, the middle, is two horse-drawn vehicles. 下方的小镇中,果然有一队人马,正在缓缓前行,中间处,则是两架马车。 Iron hawk, flies to block them.” “铁鹰,飞下去拦住他们。” The latter raises head to sound, double holds the vibration, instantly dives under. 后者仰头鸣叫一声,双持震动,霎时俯冲而下。
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