KW :: Volume #7

#14: Thorn back iron ankylosaurus

Obviously is only the ninth-level soldier, has Ability that changes the body, and after changing body, then had the strength of Saint territory level. 明明只是九级战士,却拥有着变身的能力,并且在变身之后,便具备了圣域级的力量。 What is more fearful, the opposite party is only the Saint territory primary, had actually comprehended the rule, this is strength that only then the Saint territory peak can have. 更可怕的是,对方只是圣域初级,却已经领悟了规则,这可是只有圣域巅峰才能拥有的力量。 Strange! Too strange! 诡异!太诡异了! Even it, still because of the bloodlines variation, just now can have the strength of far ultra same level demon beast. 即便是它自己,也是因为血脉变异,方才能够具备远超同级魔兽的力量。 Believes me, the boundary of Spiritual God, starts.” “相信我,神灵的境界,也只是开始而已。” This world, may be much more tiny that like that you imagine.” “这片世界,可远远不止你所想象的那般渺小。” Qin Yi said with a smile lightly. 秦逸淡淡笑道。 This world and nether world corner bear crawls in place huge body hears word, shakes slightly, later above its top of the head glitters the black and white ray, interweaves a radiant smoothness, gathers for the complex trace rapidly. This trace is a mysterious symbol, Qin Yi can detect probably that is the strength of contract. 幽明角熊匍匐在地的庞大身躯闻言,微微一震,随后其头顶之上闪烁出黑白光芒,交织成一片璀璨的光滑,迅速汇聚为复杂的纹路。这纹路似是一个玄奥的符号,秦逸能够大概察觉到,那是属于契约的力量。 My this world and nether world corner bear, Ploss, is willing to revere you for the Lord.” “吾幽明角熊,普洛斯,愿尊您为主。” Offers own soul specially.” “特此献上自己的灵魂。” rune/symbol writing float on, before arriving at the Qin Yi body, quickly. 符文悬浮而上,很快来到秦逸身前。 Stared at present rune/symbol writing slightly, Qin Yi is searching the hand in the past. 微微凝视着眼前的符文,秦逸探手过去。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Ripples exude, this trace rapid fuses with him together. In the wink of an eye, Qin Yi then can feel at present existence of this world and nether world corner bear, they had the relation in soul. An inexplicable strength, tows their souls together. 一丝涟漪泛起,这纹路迅速与他融合在一起。瞬息之间,秦逸便能够感受到眼前幽明角熊的存在,他们具备了灵魂上的联系。一股莫名的力量,将他们的灵魂牵引在一起。 Qin Yi feels, he only needs the intention to move, at present the soul of this world and nether world corner bear then meets instantaneously collapse leisurely/scatter. 秦逸感觉到,他只需要心念一动,眼前幽明角熊的灵魂便会瞬间崩散。 Gets up, you will feel my strength quickly.” “起来吧,你很快就会感受到我的力量。” Qin Yi said in a soft voice. 秦逸轻声说道。 This world and nether world corner bear body shakes, when its standing up body, in the look brings the faint trace to dread and shock. 幽明角熊身躯一震,当其站起身躯时,眼神中带着丝丝畏惧以及震撼。 When two people soul connects together, he then felt opposite party that terrifying to be boundless instantaneously, the light of vast dignified soul. That is his not unimaginable astonishing existence, even, he was suspecting whether that is the so-called Spiritual God. However, he thinks quickly. 两人灵魂连接到一起时,他瞬间便感受到了对方那恐怖无边,浩瀚威严的灵魂之光。那是他无法想象的惊人存在,甚至,他都在怀疑,那是否就是所谓的神灵。但是,他很快想到。 Perhaps, the Spiritual God not necessarily has that and other fearful souls. 恐怕,神灵都不一定具备那等可怕的灵魂。 But in fact, what he touches is Qin Yi the light of real spirit, although the light of real spirit has worn down completely, but above that the main body strength actually also exists. 而实际上,他所碰触到的是秦逸的真灵之光,尽管真灵之光已经消磨殆尽了,但那之上本尊的力量却也存在。 Contrasts this side world, that seriously was supreme existence. 对比此方世界,那当真就是至高无上的存在了。 The Qin Yi moving quickly, becomes the ordinary condition, stands on the shoulder of this world and nether world corner bear. 秦逸飞身而起,变为普通状态,站在幽明角熊的肩膀上。 This great bear bloodlines are special, simultaneously has the bright and dark characteristics, its body is also very huge, is 30 meters high, like ten tall buildings. Qin Yi stands above, seems very tiny. 这只巨熊血脉特殊,同时拥有光明与黑暗的特性,其身躯也十分庞大,达到三十米高,如同一座十层高楼。秦逸站在上面,都显得十分渺小。 But the latter , is very obviously intelligent, after Qin Yi steps his shoulder, its figure swiftly reduces to about ten meters. 但后者,显然也十分聪明,在秦逸踏上他肩头后,其身形迅速缩小到十米左右。 Master, then, do you have what plan?” “主人,接下来,您有何打算?” The Qin Yi thought moves: Ploss, you may know, this mountain range deep place, does have dragon clan the bloodlines?” 秦逸念头一动:“普洛斯,你可知道,这片山脉深处,是否有龙族的血脉?” Dragon clan?” “龙族?” Ploss is startled, then nods to say. 普洛斯一怔,然后点头道。 I know dragon Zumo a beast, it is the thorn back iron ankylosaurus, is a Saint territory intermediate demon beast, the strength is very intrepid.” “我知道一只龙族魔兽,它是棘背铁甲龙,是一只圣域中级的魔兽,实力十分强悍。” Qin Yi, a Saint territory intermediate dragon clan, actually somewhat is looking pensive formidabe. 秦逸若有所思,一只圣域中级的龙族,倒是有些难对付。 However, he does not fear. 不过,他也不惧。 Unites your my two people strength, can take him?” “联合你我两人的实力,能否拿下他?” „Can master make it submit to?” “主人是要让它臣服吗?” Ploss stares, then nods to say. 普洛斯一愣,然后点头道。 I and it will not fear one-on-one, our levels actually could not miss many, if I can enter the Saint territory middle rank, should not lose to him.” “我与它单对单都不会惧怕,我们的水平其实差不了多少,如果我能够进入圣域中阶,应该不会输给他。” Has the master in words, taking him is not the major problem.” “有主人在的话,拿下他不是什么大问题。” Qin Yi smiled: Very good.” 秦逸笑了:“很好。” „, Leading me to see him.” “那么,带我去见他吧。” Ploss naturally cannot reject, he steps the footsteps, immediately walks toward the place that the thorn back iron ankylosaurus is. 普洛斯自然不会拒绝,他迈动脚步,当即向着棘背铁甲龙所在的地方走去。 After two hours, a person of beast enters in the middle of a mountain valley that covers entirely the dense fog. 两个小时后,一人一兽进入一片布满迷雾的山谷当中。 Roar!” “吼!” Deafening dragon recited the sound to spread instantly, the entire mountain valley of vibration is shivering. 震耳欲聋的龙吟声霎时传出,震动的整个山谷都在颤抖。 Ploss, you dares to lead human to enter my domain, wants to court death?” “普洛斯,你敢带领人类进入我的领域,想找死吗?” The thorn back iron ankylosaurus huge appears like the hill body before them. 棘背铁甲龙庞大如小山般的身躯出现在他们面前。 The jet black scales, are covered with the hangnail the body, reveals everywhere fiercely, this is savage, fills the demon beast of dragon prestige. 漆黑的鳞甲,长满倒刺的身躯,到处显露狰狞,这是一只凶残,充满龙威的魔兽。 Snort!” “哼!” Ploss has not spoken, but coldly smiles. 普洛斯没有吭声,只是冷冷一笑。 His body increases rapidly, as long as 30 meters, by the build words, must be huger than it back iron ankylosaurus merely. 他身躯迅速变大,长到三十米大小,仅仅论体型的话,比之脊背铁甲龙还要更加庞大。 „To fight with me? Ploss, you are courting death!” “想要跟我战斗吗?普洛斯,你在找死!” Back iron armor Ronson however said, is huge the tail to fling, chops into pieces a hill. 脊背铁甲龙森然道,巨大得尾巴一甩,劈碎一座小山。 Afterward, its huge body, the crush comes loudly, the big piece thick patch of grass in disarray, the passed by rock became the powder dust by the crush. 随后,其庞大的身躯,轰然碾压而来,大片草丛七倒八歪,路过的山石更是被碾压成碎末。 War!” “战!” Ploss bellows, brandishes the bear's paws, with the black and white two color rays, charges into the iron ankylosaurus instantly. 普洛斯一声大吼,挥舞起熊掌,带着黑白两色光芒,霎时冲向铁甲龙。 Meanwhile, Qin Yi on his shoulder, is rapid dragon change/transform, the whole body is enormous and powerful the powerful imposing manner, in a twinkling combines with the world situation. 同时,其肩膀上的秦逸,也是迅速龙化,周身浩荡着强大的气势,霎时间与天地大势合二为一。 In his hand the sword grasps, the moving quickly, chops ruthlessly toward the front. 其手中战刀一握,飞身而起,狠狠朝着前方劈下。 Thousand overlapped waves!” “千重叠浪!” The underwater/splashing sound is enormous and powerful, the air spills over the ripples, the billowing advancement, gathers in together, forms the boundless strength, goes toward the iron ankylosaurus crush. 水声浩荡,空气泛出涟漪,滚滚推进,汇聚在一起,形成磅礴的力量,向着铁甲龙碾压而去。 Bang!” “轰!” The giant impact noise will spread shortly, in the iron ankylosaurus pupil glitters the panic-stricken expression. 巨大的撞击声顷刻间传出,铁甲龙瞳孔中闪烁出惊骇的表情。 Saint territory peak!” “圣域巅峰!” He feels incomparable clear, that is the strength of rule, and is not weak! Even in the level of Saint territory peak, this present human boy were still Expert! 他感觉的无比清楚,那是属于规则的力量,并且还不弱!即便在圣域巅峰的层次中,这眼前的人类小子也是强者了! Meanwhile, Ploss's bear's paws are also strike, it is unable to dodge, instantly then by racket in back. 同时,普洛斯的熊掌也是拍击而下,它根本无法闪避,霎时便被拍中了背部。 Ka scratches!” “咔擦擦!” The terrifying strength shakes, that defensive power extremely strong iron armor, disrupts immediately. 恐怖的力量震荡,那防御力极强的铁甲,顿时碎裂开来。 Roar!” “吼!” The thorn back iron ankylosaurus exudes one to roar, in its brings the blood threads. 棘背铁甲龙发出一声咆哮,其口中却已是带了血丝。 You two!” “你们两个!” During the words, is brings to fear. 话语之间,已是带着惧怕。 It is the demon beast of Saint territory middle rank, is dragon clan, one-on-one, he must not fear these two, but the enemy attacks together, is only the first round, he is injured. 它是圣域中阶的魔兽,还是龙族,单对单,他应当不惧怕这两人,但是对方合在一起攻击,仅是第一个回合,他就受了伤。 Instantaneously, the thorn back iron ankylosaurus has judged, oneself is not the opponent of these two. 瞬间,棘背铁甲龙已经判断出,自己不是这两人的对手。 Submits to me, otherwise, you must die today!” “臣服于我,否则,今日你必死!” Qin Yi faint say/way. 秦逸淡漠道。 In the hand the sword restores, the boundless water current surges, the howl spreads loudly. 手中战刀恢复,磅礴的水流激荡,啸声轰然传出。 Ploss throws again strikes, between two palms the strength is huge, the movement is rapid. 普洛斯再次扑击,两掌之间力量庞大,动作更是迅速。 Vertical leaps, then had arrived at the top of the head of thorn back iron ankylosaurus. 一个纵跃,便是已经到了棘背铁甲龙的头顶。 Water howls!” “水啸!” Roar!” “嗷吼!” A person of beast acts in harmony, instantly then again the moving quickly that the thorn back iron ankylosaurus hits, cracked-up three hills, spits blood again and again. 一人一兽配合默契,霎时便再次将棘背铁甲龙打的飞身而起,撞碎了三座小山,连连吐血。 Was too hateful, you bully the dragon very!” “太可恶了,你们欺龙太甚!” The thorn back iron ankylosaurus is angry exceptionally, but has no alternative. 棘背铁甲龙愤怒异常,但却无可奈何。 This a person of beast coordinates at present in together, it at all is not an opponent. Even to run, cannot run away. The attack that human sends out, making the air like the water current, viscous very much, is limiting his each action. 这眼前一人一兽配合在一起,它根本不是对手。而且就算想跑,也跑不掉。那个人类发出的攻击,让空气变得如同水流般,粘稠的很,限制着他的每一次行动。 Otherwise, he is impossible easily to be attacked by Ploss. 否则,他也不可能那么轻易就被普洛斯攻击到。 After a half hour, the thorn back iron ankylosaurus begs for mercy again and again, scales are damaged. 半个小时后,棘背铁甲龙连连求饶,一身鳞甲早已破碎不堪。 He submitted, otherwise, hits again, really must die! 他臣服了,否则,再打下去,就真的要死! https:// https:// Please remember this book first round domain name:. Cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:。手机版阅读网址:
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