KW :: Volume #7

#13: Subduing

A vigorous aura winding on, imitates like Tenglong encirclement Qin Yi body week, the azure dragon scale grows, Dragon's Tail stretches out from his back, an corner/horn from forehead. 一股雄浑的气息缠绕而上,彷如腾龙般环绕秦逸身周,青色的龙鳞生长而出,龙尾从其背部伸出,一根角自额头冲起。 In an instant, he has completed dragon change/transform. 转眼之间,他已经完成了龙化。 Buzz!” “嗡!” The boundless strength feeling surges, the surroundings space shakes, the powerful incomparable aura passes to send instantly. 磅礴的力量感涌动,周围空间都是一震,强悍无匹的气息霎时透发而出。 Meanwhile, heavy/thick dignified swings slowly along with one, a person of beast facial color on the scene changes. 同时,伴随着一股厚重威严缓缓荡开,在场的一人一兽面色都是微变。 Saint territory!!” “圣域!!” He unexpectedly is the Saint territory level soldier!” “他竟然是圣域级战士!” Anna shocking covered the mouth, looks that in the field that the dragon scale by the body that covers, is feeling that boundless dignity, her innermost feelings received the fierce hit. 安娜震惊的捂住了嘴,看着场中那被龙鳞覆盖的身躯,感受着那磅礴的威严,她的内心受到了剧烈的撞击。 It is not able to imagine, is only the ninth-level soldier, actually then becomes the Saint territory level in an instant! 无法想象,原本只是九级的战士,竟然一转眼便成为了圣域级! The disparity of Saint territory and ordinary soldier, is incomparably huge, among this is almost away from the gap that is unable to overstep together. But at this moment, what did she see? 要知道,圣域与普通战士的差距,可是无比巨大的,这中间几乎隔着一道无法逾越的鸿沟。可是这一刻,她看到了什么? This time Qin Yi, is actually the extension body, gets hold of the fist. 此时的秦逸,却是伸展身躯,握紧拳头。 Ka ka ka!” “咔咔咔!” A series of sounds burst out, the vibration is void, fills the strength the abundant feeling. 一连串的声响迸发而出,震动虚空,弥漫出力量的雄厚之感。 „Is this Saint territory?” “这就是圣域吗?” After becoming the ninth-level soldier, Qin Yi feels this strength for the first time. 成为九级战士之后,秦逸还是第一次感受这股力量。 His corners of the mouth show the smiling face, bends to wipe the curve. 他的嘴角露出笑容,弯出一抹弧度。 The strength of Saint territory, he felt, very good, was very perfect, was very powerful. 圣域的力量,他感受到了,很好,很完美,也很强大。 The bloodlines of dragon blood soldier are how powerful, the mortal and unusual between distance, one step then bridges over, really makes one shock, actually also pleasantly surprised. 龙血战士的血脉何其强大,将凡人与超凡之间的距离,一步便跨过,真的让人震撼,却也惊喜。 The surroundings void place, the continuous energy sweeps across to come, fuses in him together, he can feel, so long as move at will, then can tow the world situation, launches the strength powerful attack. 周围虚空处,源源不断的能量席卷而来,与他融合在一起,恍惚间,他能够感觉到,只要自己随意一动,便能够牵引天地大势,发动力道强大的攻击。 This is a very subtle experience, when is different the blindness in ninth-level soldier, at present has the numerous hindrance, in the Saint territory boundary, the world to him, becomes clear. 这是一种非常微妙的体验,不同于九级战士时的盲目,眼前有重重阻碍,圣域境界中,世界对他而言,都变得清晰起来。 He can feel the wind has put sound that the path, the water current flows, even sees void some close rules. 他能够感觉到风划过的轨迹,水流流淌的动静,甚至看到虚空中的一些细密的规则。 Yes, Qin Yi can see the rule, compared with when ninth-level soldier, senses must be clearer. 是的,秦逸能够看到规则,比起在九级战士时,所感悟到的要更加清楚。 So that's how it is, no wonder after arriving at the Saint territory, can contact the rule to be at!” “原来如此,难怪到达圣域后,才能够接触到规则所在!” „When really because of existence of Saint territory level, to the feelings of rule, compared with the soldier, clear are too many.” “实在是因为圣域级的存在,对规则的感触,要比战士时,清晰的太多。” Is moved, Qin Yi has realized from experience the wonder that the Saint territory level had, has been familiar with this strength boundary all suddenly. 动念之间,秦逸已经体悟到了圣域级存在的美妙,更是瞬息间已经熟悉这个力量境界的一切。 Grasps the waist long blade, draws out the sheath it slowly. 一把握住腰间长刀,缓缓将其拔出鞘。 This world and nether world corner bear, your bloodlines are very special, submit to me, I can help you develop my bloodlines.” “幽明角熊,你的血脉很特殊,臣服于我,我能够帮助你开发自己的血脉。” In the future, you could become the god!” “未来,你或许能够成神!” In the Qin Yi sound, is divulging faintly, and keeps aloof. 秦逸的声音中,透漏着淡漠,以及高高在上。 Suddenly, his as if incarnation for Spiritual God. 恍然间,他仿佛化身为了神灵。 The week, vague fluent sound gets up a continuously, as if innumerable bells are colliding, makes the clear sound. 其身周,一缕缕若有若无的水流声响起,仿佛无数铃铛在碰撞着,发出清脆的声音。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦!” This sound is very clear, is enormous and powerful the infinite boundless strength, the surrounding area all world situations within hundred meters, was towed by Qin Yi. 这声音很清晰,却也浩荡着无穷的磅礴力量,方圆百米内的一切天地大势,都被秦逸牵引了起来。 This is, the strength of rule?!” “这是,规则之力?!” This world and nether world corner bear surprised say/way. 幽明角熊惊讶道。 He shocks looks at the present human, is unable to imagine, the opposite party is only one enters existence of Saint territory initially, actually grasped rule such strength unexpectedly. 他震撼的看着眼前的人类,无法想象,对方只是一个初入圣域的存在,却居然掌握了规则这样的力量。 This world and nether world corner bear, I am existence that you cannot imagine.” “幽明角熊,我是你想象不到的存在。” Submits to me, was you best to choose!” “臣服于我,是你最好的选择了!” The Qin Yi sound is indistinct, manner like gods, although its body is small, but in front of this world and nether world corner bear, overlooking that actually as if occupies a commanding position. 秦逸声音缥缈,神态如同神明,尽管其身躯小,但在幽明角熊面前,却仿佛居高临下的俯视。 How many words want to make me submit to? How is that possible?” “几句话就想让我臣服?那怎么可能?” This world and nether world corner bear sneers, he lifted oneself palm, the darkness and bright two light is glittering the dense color. 幽明角熊冷笑,他抬起了自己的手掌,黑暗与光明两种光明闪烁着森然色彩。 The boundless aura is enormous and powerful, spreads from the jungle, Anna of distant place had felt that suffocation, is unable to breathe, she covers the chest panic-stricken, in the heart regretted why oneself must come to here. 磅礴的气息浩浩荡荡,从丛林中扩散,远处的安娜已经感觉到了窒息,无法呼吸,她惊恐的捂住自己胸口,心中后悔自己为什么要来这里。 At present this person of beast, simply powerful went too far! 眼前这一人一兽,简直强大的太过分了! Clashes merely the imposing manner, keeps her from moving unexpectedly. 仅仅只是对撞得气势,竟然都让她无法动弹。 Speed rapidness that extremely fortunately, these two fight, lifts in the hands, the air shakes, the boundless strength surges. 还好,这两人战斗的速度都极其之快,一抬手之间,空气震荡,磅礴的力道涌动而出。 whistling!” “呼呼呼!” Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦!” The strange neighing sound spreads, the Anna mind shakes, a front person of beast has hit together. 诡异的嘶鸣声传出,安娜心神震荡,前方一人一兽已经撞击在一起。 „The light of this world and nether world!” “幽明之光!” Thousand overlapped waves!” “千重叠浪!” A palm collides in a blade together, loudly, an air wave spreads, the terrifying strength changes into the sharp bracing cold, hornbeam completely all starts to collapse within hundred meters the surrounding area, ka scratched between but actually place. 一掌与一刀碰撞在一起,轰然之间,一圈气浪扩散而出,恐怖的力道化为锐利气劲,将方圆百米内的铁树尽皆崩开,咔擦擦之间倒了一地。 Buzz humming sound!” “嗡嗡嗡!” The air play trembles, a person of beast each other is staring at the opposite party, the atmosphere is very dense. 空气剧颤,一人一兽彼此凝视着对方,气氛十分森然。 After two breaths, Qin Yi turns the hand, the sword trembles suddenly. 两息后,秦逸翻手,战刀忽然一颤。 Your comprehension to the rule was too superficial.” “你对规则的领悟太浅薄了。” Our disparity is too big!” “我们差距太大!” The faint sound puts out from the mouth, following close on, the sword is emitting the ray, shakes along with the rule, the boundless strength, the fluent sound surges again enormously and powerful, delightful is also dangerous. 淡漠的声音从嘴中吐出,紧跟着,战刀喷吐出光芒,伴随着规则震荡,磅礴之力再次浩荡而出,水流声更加激荡,悦耳却又危险。 This world and nether world corner bear pupil contraction, in the eye reveals to shock, frightened ray. 幽明角熊瞳孔收缩,眼中露出震撼,恐惧的光芒。 Is unapproachable, to be irresistible, he was then collapsed to fly suddenly vigorously. 无可匹敌,无可抵挡,他瞬息间便被大力崩飞了出去。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” Does not know all the way cracked-up many hornbeams, the ground is blown traces to come, the dust flew upwards. 一路上不知撞碎了多少铁树,地面都是被刮出一道道痕迹来,尘土飞扬。 Roar!” “吼!” But his skin coarse meat is thick, this strikes is only makes him be injured, has not actually caused heavy losses to him. 但他皮糙肉厚,这一击只是让他受了伤,却还未重创他。 After sending out roared, this world and nether world corner bear turns over/stands up, ran with stride to Qin Yi. 发出一声咆哮后,幽明角熊翻身而起,大步奔跑向秦逸 In his double palms the ray is unceasing, bombardments under. 他双掌之间光芒不断,一次次轰击而下。 The latter figure is clever, looks like the fluctuating sea, easily the avoidance in the past, can actually times brandish a sword. 后者身形灵巧,就像是起伏的大海般,轻易躲避过去,却又能够一次次挥刀。 Really is the demon beast, the defensive power is worthily astonishing.” “果然不愧是魔兽,防御力惊人。” My strength at this moment is insufficient, but ordinary Saint territory primary human, even could not meet me, as soon as struck.” “我此刻的力量还不够,但是普通圣域初级的人类,甚至接不了我一击。” In the Qin Yi heart sighed, in his eye, the ray is brighter. 秦逸心中叹道,他的眼中,光芒更亮。 This demon beast, really different unusual, has very big potential. 这只魔兽,果然不同反常,有很大的潜力。 Sword times wield strike, the fluent sound howls, finally changed into the startled day rough seas, the void air wave surges, the endless dignity fills the air, making one feel to suffocate. 战刀一次次挥击,水流声呼啸,最后都化为了惊天大浪,虚空中气浪涌动,无尽的威严弥漫,令人感到窒息。 Qin Yi has used the full force, his eyes are sharp. 秦逸已经使用了全力,他的双眸锐利。 Water howls!” “水啸!” Rough sea waves!” “巨浪!” Uzumaki (vortex)!” 漩涡!” Moves, were displayed by him, mysterious comprehends from the element of water, has the powerful striking power and controlling force. 一个个招数,被他施展而出,都是自水之元素玄奥中领悟出来的,具备强悍的攻击力以及控制力。 This world and nether world corner bear shouts unceasingly, the body scar are getting more and more, the physical exertion is getting quicker and quicker. 幽明角熊嘶吼不断,身上伤痕越来越多,体力消耗愈来愈快。 Roar! Hateful!” “吼!可恶!” Angry this world and nether world corner bear roared again and again, has no alternative, in this in the hand of human, he seems being played to be the same at present. 愤怒的幽明角熊咆哮连连,却无可奈何,在这眼前人类的手中,他仿佛在被玩耍一样。 After the five-hour fight ended, Qin Yi stands in this world and nether world corner bear at present. 长达五个小时的战斗结束后,秦逸站在幽明角熊眼前。 You defeated!” “你败了!” Submits to me, your bloodlines, but can also further develop.” “臣服于我,你的血脉,还可以进一步开发。” Moreover, I can pledge you, helping you enter the boundary of god!” “而且,我可以承诺你,帮助你进入神的境界!” The faint sound, making this world and nether world corner bear body tremble. 淡漠的声音,让幽明角熊身子一颤。 He is struggling standing up, later crawls in front of Qin Yi. 他挣扎着站起身,随后匍匐在秦逸面前。 Hopes that you can keep the commitment!” “希望你能够遵守承诺!” The boundary of Spiritual God, to him, the attraction was too big! Moreover the strangeness of present person, lets in his heart is also shocking. 神灵的境界,对他来说,吸引力太大了!而且眼前之人的诡异,让他心中也是震惊。
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