KOMI :: Volume #3

#245: Hand spider and route

Li Luo three people of unexpected smooth, let present many students is looks with astonishment with the surprise, obviously some have not thought when these three people for the first time through being puzzled heart closes, unexpectedly such silk will slide... 李洛三人出乎意料的顺利,让得在场许多学员都是面露惊愕与诧异,显然有些没想到这三人首次通过惑心关时,竟然会如此的丝滑... Among when them has many people the first experience being puzzled heart closed/pass initially, is stopped several days. 他们当中可是有着不少人当初第一次经历惑心关时,被生生的阻拦了好几天的。 Thinks then being unable to withstand, has a look at present these three rookies again, the students who these planned to watch the good play, felt immediately oneself received suddenly/violently to strike and shame. 一想到当时的不堪,再看看眼前这三个新人,这些本来打算来看好戏的学员们,顿时感觉自己受到了暴击与羞辱。 Present rookie, mental such firm? 现在的新人,心智都这么坚定的了吗? Compared with the astonishments of others, Jiang Qing'e slightly is a little actually pleasantly surprised, Qiu Bai and Tian Tian are stares the big eye look at the Li Luo three people, as if this rookie squad, imagines compared with them must credibly. 与其他人的惊愕相比,姜青娥倒是稍微有点惊喜,裘白田恬则是瞪大眼睛的看着李洛三人,似乎这个新人小队,比他们想象的要更靠谱一点啊。 They prepared for are first delayed a day of psychology by this being puzzled heart pass/test. 原本他们都做好先被这个惑心关拖延一天的心理准备了。 On the Jiang Qing'e fine bright and clean cheeks appears to wipe the happy expression, the beautiful smile causes Dark Cave this dim depressing atmosphere, for it one bright. 姜青娥精致光洁的脸颊上浮现出一抹笑意,绝美的笑颜引得暗窟这昏暗压抑的气氛,都是为之一亮。 Projection that the surrounding some male student vision cannot bear. 周围一些男学员目光忍不住的投射而来。 However regarding these vision, Jiang Qing'e has not paid attention, she was also takes a step to go out of the light cover, the gone out instance, her figure stopped continually has not stopped, then disregarded that to come from the evil thoughts disturbance in black fog. 不过对于那些目光,姜青娥则是并未理会,她也是迈步走出了光罩,走出的瞬间,她的身影连停都未曾停顿一下,便是无视了那来自黑雾中的恶念干扰。 Qiu Bai, Tian Tian also follows, two people stopped actually for several seconds, at once relaxing of gently. 裘白,田恬也是跟上,两人倒是停顿了数秒,旋即轻轻的松了一口气。 Walks, started to take action.” “走吧,开始行动了。” Jiang Qing'e said that is the starting to walk long leg, in the black fog when to periphery is first surging walks. 姜青娥说了一声,便是迈开长腿,当先对着周围涌动的黑雾之中走去。 Li Luo, Bai Mengmeng, Xin Fu three people of hurries to follow Jiang Qing'e beautiful figure that slender selects high, but Qiu Bai, Tian Tian two people situated in team formation rear area, protects three rookies. 李洛,白萌萌,辛符三人赶紧跟上姜青娥的纤细高挑的倩影,而裘白,田恬两人则是处于队伍阵型的后方,也算是保护三个新人。 Two squads, gradually go far away, figure was covered by the light black fog. 两支小队,逐渐远去,身影被淡淡的黑雾所覆盖。 Duze Honglian looks at figure that they are vanishing, curls the lip, but also thinks that can watch a good play, finally is disappoints people somewhat. 都泽红莲望着他们消失的身影,撇了撇嘴,还以为能看个好戏呢,结果却是令人有些失望。 Walks, we also need to start to advance according to the scheduled route, our purification mission goals, are first Jiang Qing'e their one step, activates 3rd rank purification tower, when the time comes if possible, but can also attempt whether to rob second 3rd rank purification tower.” “走吧,我们也需要按照预定的路线开始推进了,我们此次净化任务的目标,就是要先姜青娥他们一步,将一座三级净化塔激活,到时候若是有机会的话,还可以尝试能否抢夺第二座三级净化塔。” If both 3rd rank purification tower are falls into our hands, then this Dark Cave purification mission, our final points can surpass Jiang Qing'e inevitably they.” Duze Honglian said. “如果两座三级净化塔都是落入我们手中的话,那么这一次暗窟净化任务,我们最终的积分必然能够超过姜青娥他们。”都泽红莲说道。 Others all nod, the look is eager to try, after all these indeed is time to exceed the Jiang Qing'e good opportunity. 其他人皆是点头,神色跃跃欲试,毕竟这一次的确是超越姜青娥的好机会。 Although black swan squad strength is stronger, but Li Luo they after all are the rookie squads, no matter they are outstanding, but some defective durations and degrees of cooking on strength, to protect them, many choices of Jiang Qing'e will be more discrete, but this will definitely implicate them to carry out the purification mission efficiency. 虽说“黑天鹅小队”实力更强,但李洛他们毕竟是新人小队,不管他们再出色,但在实力上面还是有些欠缺火候,所以为了保护他们,姜青娥的很多选择会更谨慎一些,而这必然会拖累他们执行净化任务的效率。 The people all do not have the objection, Duze Honglian also no longer to hesitate, takes up the cover directly, getting one group of full speed to go to other direction. 众人皆是没有异议,都泽红莲也就不再迟疑,直接迈出光罩,领着一行人对着另外的方向全速而去。 After them, one after another has more teams to start to gush out the foothold, in strange silent Dark Cave, starts again becomes lively. 在他们之后,也陆陆续续的有着更多的队伍开始涌出据点,诡异寂静的暗窟中,再度开始变得热闹起来。 ... ... The light black mist fills all around, unceasing has does not know comes the inexplicable low sound of talking that to spread from where, paces back and forth in Erbian, making one confused. 淡淡的黑色雾气弥漫四周,不断的有着不知从何处而来的莫名低语声传出,徘徊于耳边,令得人心烦意乱。 Li Luo one group of along the path vanguard, a distance, on the pile of roadside are hanging a stone lamp every other, in the lamp is an energy stone, can absorb world's energy to send out the glimmer, is a guide that shows the way. 李洛一行人沿着道路前行,每隔一段距离,路边的桩子上面悬挂着一盏石灯,灯内是一颗能量石,能够吸取天地能量散发出微光,算是一种指路的路引。 Bai Mengmeng, around Xin Fu vision unceasing sizing up, the body ties tight, obviously is highly nervous. 白萌萌,辛符目光不断的打量四周,身体紧绷,显然精神高度紧张。 But Li Luo wants to be calmer, because front that beautiful figure really can give people the security sense. 李洛则是要从容许多,因为前面那道倩影实在太能够给人安全感。 Hurrying along somewhat to be slightly arid, the people also no one starts talking, therefore the atmosphere continues to be sad. 赶路略微有些枯燥,众人也没人开口说话,所以气氛持续沉闷着。 Rustling sound. 悉悉索索。 Sadly how long so continued to continue, suddenly had the different sound to transmit from four sides, the front Jiang Qing'e footsteps stopped immediately. 这般沉闷持续了不止多久,突然有异声自四面传来,前方的姜青娥脚步立即停了下来。 She lifted a hand. 她抬起了一只手。 Does not need to talk too much, the rear Li Luo three people, Qiu Bai, on the Tian Tian body has resonance power to ascend immediately, each one also drew out the weapon. 不需要多言,后方的李洛三人,裘白,田恬身体上立即有着相力升腾起来,各自也是拔出了武器。 In Li Luo and the others under the gazes, sees only the black fog of front to fluctuate, rustling sound sound even more intense , they are saw that the strange thing drilled from the black fog. 李洛等人的注视下,只见得前方的黑雾波动着,悉悉索索声音愈发的强烈,紧接着,他们便是见到许多诡异的东西从黑雾中钻了出来。 That seems like the things of some spider, when just Li Luo they examine carefully, is actually felt that the heart is exuding the chill in the air, because of many claw of that spider, unexpectedly is comprised of an only pale palm. 那似乎是一些蜘蛛形的东西,只不过当李洛他们细看去时,却是感觉心头泛着寒意,因为那蜘蛛形的诸多爪子,竟然是由一只只惨白的手掌所组成。 In the spider body, is growing the iron grey person mouth, inside is dense white tooth. 在蜘蛛身躯上,长着灰白色的人嘴,里面是森森白牙。 Hee hee! 嘻嘻! These manpower spiders make the sound, is laughing and playing just like the baby unexpectedly, immature sound, in this spacious environment, appalling. 这些人手蜘蛛发出声音,竟是宛如婴儿在嬉笑,稚嫩的声音,在这空旷的环境中,让人毛骨悚然。 This is some most preliminary Other, the hand spider.” “这是一些最低级的异类,手蛛。” Their laughter, can trigger the illusion, so long as camouflages by resonance power both ears, can its shield.” “它们的笑声,能够引发幻觉,不过只要以相力遮蔽双耳,就能够将其屏蔽。” The Jiang Qing'e look is light, in the hand heavy sword holding up slowly, then stamps suddenly. 姜青娥神色淡淡,手中重剑缓缓的举起,然后猛然跺下。 Bang! 轰! Radiant light resonance's power sweeps away, just like together halo. 璀璨的光明相力横扫,宛如一道光环。 The place of light resonance's power passing over gently and swiftly, these quantity astonishing hand spiders are reduced to ashes in the sad and shrill pitiful yell sound directly. 光明相力掠过之处,那些数量惊人的手蛛直接是在凄厉的惨叫声中化为了灰烬。 These Other, seriously are the strange distortions.” Li Luo said after a sigh, so infiltrates the modeling of person, really let person scalp tingles. “这些异类,当真是诡异扭曲。”李洛感叹道,如此渗人的造型,实在让人头皮发麻。 „The Other itself/Ben is by evil thoughts, but Dark World evil thoughts, came from our world, even... came from in our each individual heart.” 异类本就是由恶念所化,而暗世界恶念,来自于我们的世界,甚至于...来自于我们每个人心中。” Therefore these Other, you can want to become the combination of human body each organ it.” “所以这些异类,你可以将其想成人体各个器官的组合。” These hand spiders are simplest, their white eclipse rank is not even, when later you see disaster rank Other, understands that actually they can have the multi- distortions and strangeness.” “这些手蛛还只是最简单的,它们甚至连白蚀级都算不上,等之后你们看见灾级异类时,才会明白它们究竟能有多扭曲与诡异。” Jiang Qing'e spoke thoughtlessly, then pulled out the map from the bosom, beckoned, Li Luo, Qiu Bai and the others encircled rapidly. 姜青娥随口说着,然后从怀中掏出地图,招招手,李洛,裘白等人迅速围了上来。 Our today's goals, are this 1st rank purification tower, then over the following several days, the gradual advancement, these 1st rank purification tower along the road will clean up to activate completely, first completes the security escape route.” The Jiang Qing'e slender jade referred to selected several 1st rank purification tower one after another. “我们今天的目标,是这座一级净化塔,然后接下来的几天时间,逐渐的推进,将沿路的这几座一级净化塔全部清理激活,先做好安全退路。”姜青娥纤细玉指接连点了几座一级净化塔 The people nod, their main goals, are from some foothold farther 2nd rank purification tower as well as final 3rd rank purification tower, but in Dark Cave dangers numerous, in begins before these 2nd rank purification tower, they indeed need first to clean up cleanly the rear guards, if when the time comes meets anything to arise suddenly the accidents, even if retreats can still be smoother and safe. 众人都是点头,他们主要的目标,还是距离据点更远的一些二级净化塔以及最后的三级净化塔,但暗窟内危险重重,在对那些二级净化塔动手前,他们的确需要先将后路清理干净,到时候如果遇见什么突发变故,就算撤退也能够更加的顺利与安全。 First seeks the escape route, this is the safe action. 先谋后路,这是稳妥之举。 Tian Tian stared at the route of Jiang Qing'e setting to look for several seconds, suddenly blinks, said: captain, your route, as if a little detours away recent 2nd rank purification tower.” 田恬盯着姜青娥设定的路线看了几秒,突然眨了眨眼,道:“队长,你这个路线,似乎距最近的二级净化塔有点绕路呢。” The Jiang Qing'e look is invariable, the finger aimed at one: Because I plan to go here.” 姜青娥神色不变,手指指向了一处:“因为我打算去这里一趟。” The Li Luo vision looks, then is the pupil shrinks slightly, Jiang Qing'e slender finger the place of referring, has a small blood skeleton symbol unexpectedly. 李洛目光看去,然后便是瞳孔微微一缩,姜青娥纤细手指所指之处,竟是有着一个小小的血骷髅标志。 That sign is entirely different from other buttress tower signs, but that bright red skeleton symbolized, does not need to know, that inevitably is in Dark Cave the extremely dangerous place. 那个标志与其他的小塔标志截然不同,但那鲜红的骷髅标志,不用想都知道,那必然是暗窟中极为危险之地。 Qiu Bai complexion also in this time fierce changes, hoarsely said: „Do you want to go to the forbidden area?” 裘白的面色也是在此时猛的一变,失声道:“你要去禁区?” But Tian Tian is more sane, her pupil light swept Li Luo one, said in a soft voice: captain do not go to the forbidden area, but wants to go to outside forbidden area that dark spirit pond?” 田恬则是更为理智一些,她眸光扫了李洛一眼,轻声道:“队长不是要去禁区,而是想要去禁区外面的那座暗灵潭吧?”
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