KOMI :: Volume #3

#244: Being puzzled heart pass/test

Outside 13th purification stronghold front door. 十三号净化据点的大门外。 The light light cover stands erect in Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e and the others the front, in the light cover, auspicious, but outside light cover, is the black fog surges, the vision looks, the visibility is extremely bad. 淡淡的光罩竖立在李洛,姜青娥等人的面前,光罩内,一片祥和,而光罩外,则是黑雾涌动,目光看去,可见度极差。 The viscous heavy/thick black fog turns is welling up, as if hidden what fearful thing to be the same, lets in the person heart inexplicable flood chill in the air. 粘稠厚重的黑雾翻涌着,其中仿佛是隐藏着什么可怕之物一般,让人心中莫名的泛着寒意。 Unknown, is fearful. 未知的,才是可怕的。 The Jiang Qing'e three people of looks are very actually indifferent, after all has experienced so many time purification mission, they regarding Dark Cave were also quite familiar. 姜青娥三人神色倒是很淡然,毕竟经历过这么多次的净化任务,他们对于暗窟也算是颇为熟悉了。 But Li Luo, Bai Mengmeng, Xin Fu three people, is the face is dignified. 李洛,白萌萌,辛符三人,则是面庞凝重。 Treads this light screen, they will lose all asylums, starts to face directly Dark Cave. 踏出这光幕,他们就将会失去所有的庇护,开始直面暗窟 The surroundings have other teams to catch up, but Li Luo felt their vision as if bring some pondering is looking like. 周围也有其他的队伍在赶来,不过李洛感觉他们的目光似乎都带着一些玩味的在看来。 Jiang Qing'e, in Dark Cave, but first time squad that has 1-star courtyard comes, you said, thisbeing puzzled heart pass/test they do want to rush to several times? ” At this time, has the laughter to transmit from behind, the Li Luo vision looks, was sees Duze Honglian, Ye Qiuding that two squads also arrived here. 姜青娥,暗窟中,可还是第一次有一星院的小队进来呢,你说,这“惑心关”他们要闯几次?”此时,有笑声从后面传来,李洛目光看去,便是见到都泽红莲,叶秋鼎那两支小队也是来到了这里。 Being puzzled heart pass/test?” Li Luo looks to Jiang Qing'e. “惑心关?”李洛看向姜青娥 Just planned that told you.” “刚打算跟你们说的。” Jiang Qing'e has not paid attention to Duze Honglian as before, but was saying to Li Luo: Enters the Dark Cave person to tread purification stronghold, when walks into the black fog, will suffer the corrosion of evil thoughts strength, these evil thoughts strengths spread in the black fog, generally speaking, this strength is not too strong, the will influence not be big.” 姜青娥依旧没理会都泽红莲,只是对着李洛说道:“进入暗窟的人在踏出净化据点,走入黑雾时,都会遭受到恶念力量的侵蚀,这些恶念力量散布于黑雾中,一般来说,这种力量不算太强,影响力不会太大。” But there is a feature is, anyone who enters Dark Cave for the first time, encountered evil thoughts will corrode will be more serious, before this should be, has not contacted this strength, therefore evil thoughts power will go to enter.” “但有个特殊点是,凡是第一次进入暗窟的人,遭遇的恶念侵蚀会更为严重一些,这应该是自身以前未曾接触过这种力量,所以恶念之力趁虚而入。” In the evil thoughts power intrusive mass, will affect your mental, has many negativities, this is so-calledrookie being puzzled heart pass/test. ” 恶念之力侵入体内,将会影响你的心智,产生诸多负面情绪,这就是所谓的“新人惑心关”。” „When later your three people go out of the foothold should also encounter.” “待会你们三人走出据点时应该也会遭遇。” Does not need to be worried,being puzzled heart pass/test even the first failure will not have anything to lose, but will delay some time, waits to be defeated several times, had the resistance, naturally. ” “不过不必过于担心,“惑心关”就算第一次失败也不会有什么损失,只是会拖延一些时间而已,等多失败几次,有了抗性,自然也就过了。” Optional that although Jiang Qing'e said that but Li Luo understood, if their three people were blocked by this being puzzled heart pass/test, will then implicate Jiang Qing'e they to carry out the purification mission efficiency without doubt, after all when the time comes they cannot have the foothold, the Jiang Qing'e three people also can only wait here. 姜青娥虽然说的随意,但李洛还是明白了,如果他们三人被这惑心关拦住,那么无疑会拖累姜青娥他们执行净化任务的效率,毕竟到时候他们出不了据点,姜青娥三人也只能在这里等着。 But this Duze Honglian and the others ran, obviously wants to watch the fun. 而这都泽红莲等人跑来,显然就是想看个热闹。 This Dark Cave, but also is really step by step the crisis.” Li Luo sighs, this just went out of the foothold, unexpectedly so many troubles. “这暗窟,还真是步步危机啊。”李洛叹了一口气,这才刚走出据点而已,竟然就有这么多的麻烦。 No wonder before academy was not open to the 1-star courtyard student Dark Cave, this is because they were extremely indeed immature. 难怪以前学府并不将暗窟一星院学员开放,这是因为他们的确太过的稚嫩了。 First tries.” “先试试吧。” Li Luo turns the head to look to somewhat anxious Bai Mengmeng, Xin Fu, inspires saying: keep it up, strives to pass directly.” 李洛转头看向有些紧张的白萌萌,辛符,鼓舞道:“加油,争取直接通过。” Two people deeply inspire, earnest nod. 两人深吸一口气,认真的点点头。 At once three people have not spoken what idle talk much, under the gaze of that numerous vision, one step took front purification light halo directly. 旋即三人也就没有多说什么废话,直接是在那众多目光的注视下,一步迈出了面前的净化光圈。 When goes out of the purification light cover range of foothold that flickers, Li Luo felt instantaneously all around temperature reduces suddenly, becomes the extreme chill/yin cold. 当走出据点的净化光罩范围的那一瞬,李洛瞬间感觉到四周的温度骤然降低,变得极为的阴寒。 The present black fog seems radical turning wells up, has the inexplicable low sound of talking of rustling sound, such as the demon sound fills the ear to be common, from wells up in all directions, enters the heart's core. 眼前的黑雾仿佛是剧烈的翻涌起来,有悉悉索索的莫名低语声,如魔音灌耳一般,自四面八方涌来,直入心灵深处。 In the black fog, seems the one after another strange line of sight, the gaze. 黑雾中,似有一道道诡异视线,注视而来。 The viscous icy cold black fog flows from the body surface, seems the palm of devil strokes, contains the deep murderous intention. 粘稠冰凉的黑雾自身体表面流淌而过,仿佛是恶魔的手掌抚摸而过,其中蕴含着深深的杀机。 The meaning of fear, arises spontaneously. 恐惧之意,油然而生。 The face of Li Luo appeared in this time wiped palely, the breath aggravated slightly. 李洛的面庞都是在此时浮现了一抹苍白,呼吸微微加重。 But in the following position, the Jiang Qing'e pupil is only focusing on the Li Luo three people, once three people of mood start to have the radical change, she will intend to pull directly them, but in that case, is representing the three people of first contact being puzzled heart pass/test failure. 而在后面的位置,姜青娥眸光紧盯着李洛三人,一旦三人情绪开始出现剧烈的变化,她就会出手将他们直接拉扯进来,只不过那样一来,也就代表着三人第一次接触“惑心关”失败了。 Actually this is the quite normal result, after all Li Luo three people of 1-star courtyard students , the first time is entered Dark Cave, therefore evil thoughts power in this Dark Cave will go the effort to them entering becomes stronger. 其实这算是比较正常的结果,毕竟李洛三人还是一星院的学员,又是第一次进入暗窟,所以这暗窟中的恶念之力对他们趁虚而入的力度将会变得更强。 After perhaps in the estimate of Jiang Qing'e, the Li Luo three people, need to experience 2-3 failure, will just now adapt gradually. 姜青娥的预估中,李洛三人,或许需要经历2-3次的失败后,方才会渐渐的适应。 In that case, their purification efficiencies, must change slow some, these 1st rank purification tower when the time comes several days later, perhaps in encircle must be swept most probably by other teams. 只是那样一来,他们的净化效率,就得变缓一些了,到时候几天下来,说不定内围的那些一级净化塔大半都要被其他队伍扫掉。 In the Jiang Qing'e heart is calculating, that Duze Honglian also sees the change of Li Luo look, immediately the lip angle appears to wipe the happy expression. 而在姜青娥心中盘算着的时候,那都泽红莲同样是见到李洛神色的变化,当即唇角浮现出一抹笑意。 Jiang Qing'e Jiang Qing'e, this is you are determined to look for the price of burden. 姜青娥姜青娥,这就是你执意要找累赘的代价啊。 Nearby Ye Qiuding, the look is tranquil, but in that was actually passed over gently and swiftly slight pleased. 一旁的叶秋鼎,神色平静,但那眼中却是掠过一丝细微的快意。 Vision gaze that many watch the fun under periphery, Li Luo is built on same place, that spreads to his mind the low sound of talking in gradual intensifying, the meaning of fear even more rich. 在周围那诸多看热闹的目光注视下,李洛立于原地,那传入他心灵的低语声在逐渐的加剧,恐惧之意越发的浓郁。 Although Li Luo new student/life, but his temperament, others have not actually thought like that frail. 只是,李洛虽说是新生,但他的心性,却并没有其他人所想的那般脆弱。 The fear wells up, has not actually submerged his reason. 恐惧涌来,却并未淹没他的理智。 His at present, seemed covered by dark, everyone's figure is vanishes to go, in the darkness, there is a sound of rustling sound to transmit, as if has what strange thing approaches. 他的眼前,仿佛是被黑暗所笼罩,所有人的身影都是消失而去,黑暗中,有悉悉索索的声音传来,仿佛有什么诡异之物在接近。 But Li Luo look, actually in gradually becomes must be gentle. 李洛的神色,却是在渐渐的变得平缓下来。 These Other are indeed fearful, strange, but, what does he come Dark Cave to make? 这些异类的确可怕,诡异,但是,他来暗窟是做什么的? He is gains 100,000 points. 他是来赚十万积分的。 What to do can't gain? 赚不到怎么办? Cannot gain not to have enough imperial serum, without enough imperial serum, he will halt before Respected General Realm, halts in this, in other words he only has more than four years of life span to live. 赚不到就没有足够的帝流浆,没有足够的帝流浆,他就会止步于拜将境之前,止步于此,那就是说他只有四年多的寿命可活。 Wants five years of Duke, became the joke directly. 想要五年封侯,直接就成了笑话。 Therefore, cannot do enough points to exchange imperial serum, he is a short-lived ghost. 所以,搞不到足够的积分兑换帝流浆,他就是一个短命鬼。 In this world, what thing having soon died me was more fearful than? 这世界上,有什么东西比我快要死了更可怕? Did I assign/life must not have? Do I also want to fear your dog Other?! 我命都要没了?我还要怕你这些狗异类吗?! An annoyed mood spews out from the heart of Li Luo, washes out to go to the meanings of these fears instantaneously, his present darkness dissipates suddenly. 一股恼火的情绪从李洛的心中喷涌而出,瞬间就将那些恐惧之意冲散而去,他眼前的黑暗陡然消散。 All restored. 一切都恢复了过来。 The surroundings have the talking in whispers sound biography to hear, when these sounds are seeing the look pure brightness, when face tranquil Li Luo, is calming down of quietly. 周围有窃窃私语声传入耳中,而当这些声音在见到眼神清明,面庞平静的李洛时,都是悄然的静了下来。 The Duze Honglian brow is also wrinkle slowly. 都泽红莲眉头也是缓缓的皱起。 But under their surprised vision gazes, the opening hand of Li Luo look doubts, said: „Was my ?” 而在他们那些惊疑的目光注视下,李洛神色疑惑的张开手,道:“我这,算不算是过了?” Looks at periphery these astonished vision, Li Luo laughs in one's heart, this wave of tune installs. 瞧得周围那些惊异的目光,李洛暗笑,这一波腔调装得可以。 Probably is very simple.” “好像很简单呢。” However in the meantime, the one side has the Bai Mengmeng surprised sound to resound, he has turned the head, saw that Bai Mengmeng is sizing up all around, in the juicy big eye full is pure brightness. 不过就在此时,一旁有着白萌萌惊讶的声音响起,他转过头,就见到白萌萌正打量着四周,水灵灵的大眼睛中满是清明。 You, hadn't you been affected?” Li Luo is a little also astonished, Bai Mengmeng as if through the speed that this being puzzled heart closes, is quicker than him. “你,你没受到影响?”李洛也有点惊愕,白萌萌似乎通过这惑心关的速度,比他还快。 Bai Mengmeng winked the big eye, said: Just started to feel that some influences, then I directly entered the hypnotic state, these negativities disappeared.” 白萌萌眨了眨大眼睛,道:“刚开始感觉到了一些影响,然后我就直接进入催眠状态了,那些负面情绪就消失掉了。” Li Luo stagnates, does the hypnotic state, refer to her studying spirit water wonder-light that condition? 李洛一滞,催眠状态,是指她研究灵水奇光的那种状态吗? That time Bai Mengmeng, seemed like absolute sane, calm, not by the disturbance of any negativity, but can this also be used to resist the corrosion of evil thoughts? 那时候的白萌萌,似乎是一种绝对的理智,冷静,不受任何负面情绪的干扰,可这还能用来对抗恶念的侵蚀? You are cheat. 你这是作弊啊。 Li Luo looks at what matter did not seem having a moment ago Bai Mengmeng, suddenly can only sigh secretly, the general idea/careless, this was the expert who installed the tune. 李洛望着似乎刚才什么事情都没发生过的白萌萌,一时间只能一声暗叹,大意了,原来这才是装腔调的高手。 In Li Luo was sighing when Bai Mengmeng this cheats the anomaly, he is felt suddenly an ice-cold piercing killing intent sends out. 而在李洛感叹着白萌萌这一手作弊过于变态时,他突然又是感觉到一股冰冷刺骨的杀意散发而起。 The vision looks, is saw the look under nearby Xin Fu hood becomes somewhat is suddenly red, as if contains extremely Ling very cold, pure killing intent. 目光看去,便是见到一旁的辛符兜帽下的眼神陡然变得有些赤红起来,其中仿佛是蕴含着极为凌冽,纯粹的杀意。 That kills the ice of intent to be cold, even Jiang Qing'e is some looking askance looks like. 那股杀意之冰寒,连姜青娥都是有些侧目的看来。 Extreme short that however this killing intent presents, in Xin Fu eye scarlet is the dissipation goes, he raised the head, is welcoming the Li Luo astonished vision, said: Finished?” 不过这种杀意出现的极为短暂,辛符眼中的赤红便是消散而去,他抬起头,迎着李洛惊愕的目光,道:“结束了吗?” Li Luo silent several seconds, the surface sank such as nod of water. 李洛沉默了几秒,面沉如水的点点头。 Looked, these two teammates, have a unique skill the expert. 看出来了,这两个队友,都是身怀绝技的高手。 Cannot install. 装不过。 7017 k 7017k
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