KMD :: Volume #9

#879: Clears away the barrier

Dark Soul Bead hangs the Nie Tian top of the head. 冥魂珠高悬聂天头顶。 Besieges Skeleton Race and Human Race ominous soul, when Dark Soul Bead flies, disperses instantly. 围击骸骨族人族的凶魂,在冥魂珠飞来之时,一哄而散。 The Blood Burial Mountain Range ominous soul are innumerable, Nie Tian in order to strikes to kill Xing Bai with single-hearted devotion, no longer takes oneself as the bait, misleads the ominous soul to approach, swallows to buy by Dark Soul Bead. 血葬山脉凶魂无数,聂天为了能专心击杀邢柏,不再以自身为诱饵,蛊惑凶魂临近,以冥魂珠吞食吸纳。 The ominous soul withdraws, Skeleton Race and Human Race, work loose from the mire immediately. 凶魂退避,骸骨族人族,立即从泥沼内挣脱。 But Skeleton Race that head, not only did not rejoice that instead is more scared. 骸骨族那位首脑,不但不庆幸,反而更加恐慌。 Because he knew the Huang Jinnan status. 因为他已经知晓了皇津南的身份。 Five Elements Sect Gold Sect Branch God Child! 五行宗金宗一系神子 Rising of Human Race, making the star river myriad races feel alarmed and afraid restless, four Big Sect strong trends, made many races tremble. 人族的崛起,令星河万千种族都感到惊惧不安,其中四大宗门的强势,更令诸多种族颤栗。 Broken Star Ancient Temple, Five Elements Sect, Void Spirit Religion and Through Heaven Pavilion, Human Race these four big ancient Sect, in the star river deep place, strength to fight numerous strong clans, do not reveal the defeat. 碎星古殿五行宗虚灵教通天阁,人族这四大古老宗门,在星河的深处,力抗众多强族,不露败绩。 Disciple who goes out from these four Big Sect, strong battle strength, was already known. 从这四大宗门走出的弟子,超强的战力,早就为人所知。 Let alone, Huang Jinnan or Five Elements Sect God Child! 更何况,皇津南还是五行宗的一位神子 God Child, is regarded as Sect continues the prosperous hope to cultivate, was inclined the innumerable precious commodities by Sect, each twists alone, can speak the last words with other races newborn generation leaders. 神子,是被视为宗门继续兴盛的希望来栽培的,被宗门倾斜了无数宝贵物资,每一个单独拧出来,都能和其它种族的新生代领袖叫板。 Skeleton Race that leader, the status in clan, cannot compare to carry Broken Bone Blade Pagson by far. 骸骨族的那位领袖,在族内的地位,远远比不上携带碎骨刀帕格森 Pagson, Frost, Gutus, three Alien Race newborn generation leaders, cannot cut to kill Huang Jinnan with joint forces unexpectedly, if he has not lied, should strong? 帕格森,弗罗斯特,古塔斯,三位异族新生代的领袖,合力竟然都不能斩杀皇津南,他要是没有说谎,该有多强? Skeleton Race that leader is silent, in the eye the green light sparkle, has been pondering, how should get rid at present the predicament. 骸骨族那位首领沉默着,眼中绿光闪耀,已经在思考着,该如何摆脱眼前困局。 Similarly silent, Xing Bai. 同样沉默的,还有邢柏 The Xing Bai deep eye, is staring Nie Tian stubbornly, on the face full is angrily. 邢柏深沉的眼睛,死死瞪着聂天,脸上满是愤然。 When he with a Skeleton Race tryst, was staring by Sect, Xing Family is Skeleton Race transports the Human Race skeleton incident, therefore exposes. 他在和骸骨族的一次私会时,被宗门盯上,邢家骸骨族输送人族尸骨一事,因此败露。 Their Xing Family majority of clansmen, were extinguished by Thousand Swords Mountain, only then some extremely few people, with the help of Skeleton Race, escape from Heavenly Wild Star Territory. 他们邢家的大部分族人,都被千剑山所灭,只有极少一些人,在骸骨族的帮助下,逃出天莽星域 When Thousand Swords Mountain starts, once said explicitly, Sect will stare at Xing Bai secretly , because some people inform. 千剑山下手时,曾明确说出,宗门会暗自盯上邢柏,是因为有人告密。 The informants, come from Place of Meteor. 告密者,从陨星之地而来。 Xing Bai also thus knows that some Place of Meteor people note him, unites Divine Symbol Sect and Gold Ocean Sect, exerts pressure to their Thousand Swords Mountain, had found him and Skeleton Race relation from the clues, his Xing Family extermination of the clan that compels, the remaining clansman is forced to leave native place. 邢柏也从而知道,陨星之地有人注意到他,联合神符宗金瀚宗,向他们千剑山施压,从蛛丝马迹中找到了他和骸骨族的联系,逼的他邢家灭族,残余族人背井离乡。 They went to the Skeleton Race territory, because loses Thousand Swords Mountain this taking advantage, was spurned by Heavenly Wild Star Territory, he does not have the ability again, is Skeleton Race continues to transport the Human Race skeleton. 他们去了骸骨族的领地,但因为失去千剑山这个依仗,又被天莽星域唾弃,他再也没有能力,为骸骨族继续输送人族尸骨。 Their Xing Family in the Skeleton Race eye, maximum value, did not have. 他们邢家骸骨族的眼中,最大的价值,也就没了。 Later, Skeleton Race treats their manner, had the momentous change, starts no longer equality of treatment they, but also urges them to step into Fragmentary Destroyed Battlefield. 之后,骸骨族对待他们的态度,发生了巨大变化,开始不再平等对待他们,还驱使着他们踏入碎灭战场 Some of he and clansmen, came Blood Burial Mountain Range, the elder in his clan, by the Skeleton Race high-grade Bloodlines clansman, got into the Fragmentary Destroyed Battlefield deep place. 他和一部分族人,来了血葬山脉,他族内的长辈,被骸骨族高等级血脉的族人,领入碎灭战场深处。 In Blood Burial Mountain Range, they by these Skeleton Race clansmen, are regarded as the cannon fodder at present. 血葬山脉,他们被眼前这些骸骨族的族人,视作炮灰。 Many clansmen, therefore died. 很多族人,因此而死亡。 Was spurned by same race, shut out by Alien Race, Xing Bai and Xing Family treatment suffers a disastrous decline, the Xing Bai innermost feelings have hated, hate the person who they and Skeleton Race collude with the news revelation. 同族唾弃,又被异族嫌弃,邢柏邢家的待遇一落千丈,邢柏内心一直怨恨,怨恨将他们和骸骨族勾结消息泄露的人。 But you, me, inform Divine Symbol Sect and Gold Ocean Sect our Xing Family and Skeleton Race incident, is circular my Thousand Swords Mountain Sect?” Xing Bai cold sound track. “可是你,将我,将我们邢家骸骨族一事告知神符宗金瀚宗,然后通传我千剑山宗门?”邢柏冷声道。 Nie Tian cracks into a smile, the manner is free: You guess right, you will end up to turn out today so the region, is the self- hand. Did not fear that the truth told you, Divine Symbol Sect Duan Shihu, was I in Place of Meteor Senior Brother. I with the help of Senior Brother, conceal in Vortex Domain, achieve the tacit understanding with Gold Ocean Sect.” 聂天咧嘴一笑,神态自若:“你猜得没错,你会落得今日这般境地,全都是出自我的手。不怕实话告诉你,神符宗段石虎,是我在陨星之地师兄。我就是在师兄的帮助下,潜隐涡流域,和金瀚宗达成默契。” Duan Shihu! So that's how it is!” Xing Bai all understood. 段石虎!原来如此!”邢柏一切都明白了。 In several other Xing Family clansmen, listening to Nie Tian to say the details, surface obviously angrily, whole face ominous light. 其余几位邢家族人,听聂天说出内中详情,也都面显愤然,满脸凶光。 Colludes with Skeleton Race, is Alien Race transports the massive same race skeletons, is Skeleton Race builds Land of Burial Bone, did you have a face?” Huang Jinnan such as golden gods, by Nie Tian static float, your such fellows, in vain are Human Race!” “和骸骨族勾结,为异族输送大量同族尸骨,为骸骨族搭建埋骨之地,你们还有脸了?”皇津南如一尊金色神明,就在聂天旁边静静悬浮,“你们这样的家伙,枉为人族!” Radiant golden god splendor, shines through from that golden eye pupil. 璀璨金色神辉,从那只金色眼瞳内透射出来。 „!” “咔嚓!” Bloodlines is mean, the body of skeleton quenchings the insufficient Skeleton Race clansman, joints, transmit the break the strange sound. 一名血脉低微,骸骨之身淬炼不足的骸骨族族人,一根根骨节,传来断裂的诡异声。 Other Skeleton Race clansmen, skeleton, appear(ance) are more close fissure, the fissure is getting bigger and bigger, the bone as if in the next quarter, will thoroughly explode. 其余骸骨族族人,身上的骸骨,也出现更多细密的裂痕,裂痕越来越大,骨头仿佛会在下一刻,就彻底爆裂。 Not is only Skeleton Race, Xing Bai peripheral, several Xing Family clansmen , a face pain. 不仅是骸骨族,邢柏周边,几位邢家的族人,也一脸痛苦。 They by the flesh and blood that golden light sprinkles, such as by the daggers of numerous not being able to see, was paddled slowly, there are dense and numerous wounds to appear. 他们被金光洒落的血肉之躯,如被众多看不见的匕首,慢慢划动,有密密麻麻的伤口显现。 The blood, cannot stop the subcrust current to overflow. 鲜血,止不住地流溢出来。 The light cover that they offer a sacrifice, already silent vanished, when flesh and blood tearing, the thick contamination energy, takes advantage of opportunity the invasion. 他们祭出的光罩,早就无声消失,当血肉撕裂时,浓稠的污秽能量,顺势入侵。 That several Xing Family clansmen, look at the wound place, the bright red blood, turns into the dirt blood, on the face full is Desperate. 那几位邢家族人,看着伤口处,鲜红的鲜血,变成污血,脸上满是绝望 Only has Xing Bai, had not been shone by golden light, has not suffered this calamity. 只有邢柏,未被金光照耀,没有遭受这场厄难。 Runs away!” “逃!” The Skeleton Race leader, does not see wonderfully, by Alien Race language low roar. 骸骨族的首领,看出不妙,以异族语言低吼。 The Skeleton Race clansman on Stone Building, nobody pays attention to the Xing Family clansman, from the different directions, must be separated from this place. 石楼上的骸骨族族人,无人理会邢家的族人,从不同的方向,要脱离此地。 Runs away? Where toward runs away?” Huang Jinnan shook the head, the eye pupil deep place, many golden divine symbol, bloom the holy dignity. “逃?往哪里逃?”皇津南摇了摇头,眼瞳深处,诸多金色神文,绽放出圣洁的威严。 Golden god splendor that golden eye pupil, releases, concise. 那只金色眼瞳,释放出来的金色神辉,更加的精炼 The god splendor changes into substantive golden light, a wisp of then wisp, rushes to the Skeleton Race clansman of departure to go. 神辉化为实质性的金光,一缕接着一缕,奔着飞出的骸骨族族人而去。 Stone Building peripheral, has the brilliant smoke fireworks and firecrackers to open. 石楼周边,有绚烂的烟花爆开。 That bunch of fireworks, were pursued by golden light, Skeleton Race clansman of body blasting open. 那一团团烟花,都是被金光追逐到,躯体炸裂的骸骨族族人。 Including that leader. 包括那位首领。 The short ten breaths, just got rid of biting of ominous soul to nip, thinks the Skeleton Race clansman who can retreat calmly, then does not remain, all death. 短短十息,刚刚摆脱凶魂的噬咬,以为能从容退去的骸骨族族人,便一个不剩,尽数死亡。 Their skeleton blasting open, has the greyish-green soul, floats. 他们尸骨炸裂,有灰绿色的灵魂,漂浮出来。 Their souls, because of the this side world special condition, have not dissipated rapidly. 他们的灵魂,因这方天地的特殊环境,并没有迅速地消散开来。 In the past, the life that just died, the soul of escape, either was divided the food by the ominous soul, either passed through evolving of long time, after contaminating the rich contamination energy, was assimilated, became the new ominous soul. 以往,刚刚死去的生灵,飞逸的灵魂,要么被凶魂分食,要么经过漫长时间的衍变,沾染浓郁污秽能量后,被同化,成为新的凶魂。 This time is different. 这次并不一样。 Dark Soul Bead floats from the Nie Tian top of the head, the bead is flying nimble and resourceful, the Skeleton Race clansman, these remnant soul that just formed, gathers one by one. 冥魂珠聂天头顶漂浮出来,珠子灵动地飞逝着,将骸骨族族人,刚刚形成的那些残魂,逐个收取。 When Dark Soul Bead returns to the Nie Tian top of the head, side Xing Bai, his these clansmen, under the ominous severe deterrent of golden eye pupil, complete death. 冥魂珠重返聂天头顶,邢柏身旁,他的那些族人,也在金色眼瞳的凶厉威慑下,全部死亡。 Dark Soul Bead patrolled once more, Human Race had just been separated from the flesh and blood remnant soul, became the Dark Soul Bead supplies. 冥魂珠再次游弋了一下,人族刚脱离血肉的残魂,也成为了冥魂珠的补给。 Suddenly, this Stone Building, originally also with Skeleton Race and Human Race that clansman the ominous soul slaughters, only remaining Xing Bai. 突然间,这栋石楼,本来还在和凶魂厮杀的骸骨族人族族人,就只剩下一个邢柏 Huang Jinnan also specially took care of him, treats its difference, the swift and fierce offensive of golden eye pupil, has not added throughout various on Xing Bai. 皇津南还特别照应了他,将其区别对待,金色眼瞳的凌厉攻势,始终没有加诸在邢柏身上。 Xing Bai is then safe and sound. 邢柏这才安然无恙。 Nie Tian, you determined that can by own strength, strike to kill him?” Huang Jinnan asked one finally. 聂天,你确定要以自己的力量,击杀他?”皇津南最后问了一句。 Nie Tian nods: Determination.” 聂天点头:“确定。” Huang Jinnan no longer said anything, is tactful very much, will draw back step by step in the future, falls back on about dozens meters, stopped. 皇津南不再说什么,很识趣地,一步步往后退,退到几十米开外,才停了下来。 He turns around, looks back, to these Qi Refinement Warrior that accompanies him to come, Xie Wanting and the others said: You scatter, that fellow who called Xing Bai, to clash, blocked to me is. However must remember that do not kill him, since Nie Tian wants to play, makes him play happy.” 他转身,回首,对那些陪同他来的炼气士,还有谢婉婷等人说道:“你们散落开来,那个叫邢柏的家伙,若是想冲出去,给我拦下就是。不过要记得,别把他弄死了,聂天既然想玩玩,就让他玩的痛快一点。” „.” “哦。” These people led by him, are centered on Stone Building, respective dispersing. 以他为首的那些人,都以石楼为中心,各自散开。 Xie Wanting, Yin Yanan and Mu Biqiong three females, ride on Nie Tian's Star Boat, motionless, but is looking at Stone Building from afar. 谢婉婷殷娅楠穆碧琼三女,乘坐在聂天的星舟上,一动不动,只是远远望着石楼 Star Boat belongs to Nie Tian, Nie Tian has not stimulated to movement, they are unable to urge. 星舟属于聂天,聂天没有催动,她们也无法驱使。 You think that you can strike to kill me alone? Depending on you, the waste that Place of Meteor does come?” Died in clansman all, by the Skeleton Race clansman who he takes advantage , was also extinguished after by Huang Jinnan, Xing Bai instead calms down, he quiet such as the pupil of water, has the crazy meaning of avoiding mentioning, the fermentation, I was not gradually clear how you climb up Five Elements Sect God Child, but your, is Place of Meteor that poor township desolate and remote open country low slut!” “你以为你能单独击杀我?就凭你,陨星之地而来的废物?”在身旁族人尽数死亡,被他依仗的骸骨族族人,也被皇津南所灭后,邢柏反而冷静下来,他沉静如水的眸子,有隐讳的疯狂之意,渐渐酝酿,“我不清楚你是如何攀上五行宗神子的,但你本人,就是陨星之地那种穷乡僻野的低贱人!” Handle handle Spirit Sword, departs from Xing Bai within the body, letting fall, is floating in him peripheral. 一柄柄灵剑,从邢柏体内飞出,垂落着,浮在他周边。 Altogether 12 handle Spirit Sword, a handle was being grasped the palm by him, in the sword has the severe howl to transmit, clearly is the thing of Spirit Wisdom. 一共12柄灵剑,其中一柄被他握着掌心,剑内有厉啸声传来,分明为通灵之物。 Before the fact has not exposed, Xing Bai is Thousand Swords Mountain rank row of Supreme Talent, he under the resources irrigation of Thousand Swords Mountain, can have Spirit Wisdom Supreme Treasure, is natural. 事迹没暴露前,邢柏千剑山排名首列的天骄,他在千剑山的资源浇灌下,能持有一件通灵至宝,也是理所当然。 12 handle Spirit Sword, one by one departs, sword formation has. 12柄灵剑,一一飞出,剑阵顿生。 ...... …… ps: Yesterday hot to become dog, son non- made is going out to play, after hi skin, the son has suffered heat-stroke, in the afternoon took care of the son, did not have the symbol, owed the next chapter, old counter today will make up owes, yeah, this ghost weather, quite bothersome ~ ps:昨天热成狗了,儿子非闹着出去玩,嗨皮后,儿子中暑了,下午照顾儿子,没有码字,欠下一章,老逆今天会补欠,哎,这鬼天气,好烦~
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