KI :: Volume #9

#892: I suspected that you are intentionally

Although here not others, but discussed that such important matter, Bi Linglong subconscious does not dare to make others hear. 尽管这里没别人,但商议这么重要的事情,碧玲珑还是下意识不敢让别人听见。 The ear feels her to aspirate such as orchid, in the Zu An heart is even more soft, thought that the aura of young girl is so always gentle. 耳朵感受到她的吐气如兰,祖安心中越发柔软,心想少女的气息总是这么轻柔。 He could not bear turn the head on the opposite party lip to peck one, the Bi Linglong as if frightened rabbit general hurried will shrink in the future, is covering the lip with the back of the hand, while is staring him ill-humoredly. 他忍不住转过头在对方嘴唇上啄了一口,碧玲珑仿佛受惊的兔子一般急忙往后缩了回去,一边用手背捂着嘴唇,一边没好气地瞪着他。 Zu An said with a smile: Linglong(exquisite) you were really quick-witted, just idea really approved.” 祖安笑着说道:“玲珑你真的是太机智了,刚刚的主意实在是太赞了。” Similar that the means of opposite party and he thinks, moreover must be more detailed, many details noticed, really according to the words that such came, there is a very big assurance to conceal the truth. 对方的办法和他想的差不多,而且还要更加详细,很多细节都注意到了,真按那样来的话,还是有很大的把握瞒过去的。 Heard opposite party's praise, Bi Linglong also just forgot the accusation opposite party was frivolous, in the eye is completely the happy expression. 听到对方的夸奖,碧玲珑也忘了指责对方刚刚的轻薄了,眼中尽是笑意。 Must know her usually in Organization Eastern Palace and King Qi fights, without method how line. 要知道她平日里组织东宫齐王相斗,没点手段又怎么行。 „An essential issue,” Zu An, was looking at opposite party that charming appearance for no reason, you have broken the body now, once were discovered by Zhao Hao, that is the dead end, after all he will regard the future wife you.” “不过还有一个关键的问题,”祖安顿了顿,望着对方那娇媚无端的容颜,“你如今已经破身,一旦被赵昊发现,那就是死路一条啊,毕竟他可是把你当成未来的媳妇的。” Whether this world person with aspirations wants to distinguish a female virgin's body, is many means. 这个世界有心人想要分辨一个女子是否处子之身,还是有很多办法的。 A Bi Linglong face bright red, bites the lip saying: This you do not need to worry, my own means conceal.” 碧玲珑一张脸嫣红无比,咬着嘴唇说道:“这个你不必担心,我自有办法掩饰。” Zu An face stupefied, how can this thing also conceal? 祖安一脸懵逼,这玩意还能怎么掩饰? After an opposite party explanation, he just understands finally, originally her body has special magical artifact, can fabricate the related condition. 经过对方一番解释,他方才终于明白,原来她身上有一件特殊法器,可以伪造出相关的状态。 Before she Crown Princess was so long is discovered has not consummated a marriage, by this magical artifact. Now she can this magical artifact counter- using, conceal has broken the fact of body. 以前她当太子妃那么久都没被人发现还没圆房,就是靠这个法器。如今她又能将这法器反着用,来掩饰已经破身的事实。 Then two people also discussed some details, then after preparing Zhao Ruizhi awakened, to bring, telling his various things of these days. 接下来两人又商量了一些细节,便准备将赵睿智唤醒后重新带了进来,“告诉”他这段时间发生的各种事情。 After all he is also the witness, afterward some people will definitely inquire he what happened. 毕竟他也是个现场证人,事后肯定会有人询问他发生了什么事情。 However after Zu An arrives at half, drew back, stares at Bi Linglong to size up up and down. 不过祖安走到一半后又退了回来,盯着碧玲珑上下打量。 What's wrong?” Bi Linglong is somewhat shy, is not familiar with his brilliant vision. “怎么了?”碧玲珑有些羞涩,不太习惯他这灼灼的目光。 Zu An puts out a hand to caress her mild-mannered smooth hair gently: Your this hair looks now was good, before Zhao Ruizhi witnessed your hair whitening, moreover you displayed banned not to incur a sequela, Zhao Hao will not definitely believe.” 祖安伸手轻轻抚过她那柔顺光滑的头发:“你这头发现在看着太好了,之前赵睿智可是目睹了你头发变白的,而且你施展了禁招没点后遗症,赵昊肯定也不会信的。” But has come now black, wants to whiten again is not easy, we also do not have the dye now.” Bi Linglong is somewhat anxious, moreover there is dye words, is very difficult to hide the truth from the eye of Zhao Hao. “可是如今已经黑过来了,再想弄白就不容易了,我们现在又没有染料。”碧玲珑有些忧虑,而且有染料的话,也很难瞒过赵昊的眼睛。 Zu An is looking at her: „Do you believe me?” 祖安望着她:“你相不相信我?” Bi Linglong said ill-humoredly: Others...... gave you all, but also asked my question.” 碧玲珑没好气地说道:“人家把……把一切都交给你了,还问我这种问题。” You relax the body, should not be anxious, believes me.” Zu An is saying while gripped her hand. “那你放松身体,不要紧张,相信我。”祖安一边说着一边握住了她的手。 Bi Linglong elegant face one red, although two people had had the closest relations, but span was too big, making her also some not be familiar with now. 碧玲珑俏脸一红,尽管两人已经发生了最亲密的关系,但是跨越度实在太大了,让她现在都还有些不太习惯。 Just when wants to pull out, suddenly thought that the palm of opposite party transmits a suction, her whole person immediately weak incomparable, she can obviously feel own cultivation base and even the life essence is passing rapidly. 正想抽出来之时,忽然觉得对方的手掌传来一股吸力,她整个人顿时虚弱无比,她能明显感觉到自己的修为乃至生命精华正在飞速流逝着。 She stares the eye to look at the opposite party greatly, for a while in the diencephalon flashes through the innumerable thoughts and guesses, but is only left over that to believe me finally. 她瞪大着眼睛望着对方,一时间脑中闪过无数念头和猜测,不过最后只剩下那句“相信我”。 Without separating how long, Zu An quickly loosens the hand: Now how do you feel?” 没隔多久,祖安急忙松开手:“你现在感觉怎么样?” Not.” The Bi Linglong sound somewhat was hoarse, she only thought that the whole person is weak, as if must throw down momentarily general. “不怎样。”碧玲珑声音都有些沙哑了,她只觉得整个人虚弱无比,仿佛随时要摔倒一般。 Zu An said: I just attracted some of your life essence qi, you felt that weak is very normal.” 祖安说道:“我刚刚吸了一些你的生命精气,你感觉到虚弱是很正常的。” Bi Linglong stares, suddenly remembers anything, quickly feels the own hair examination, sure enough, before pitch-black bright and beautiful beautiful hair present already somewhat gray. 碧玲珑一愣,忽然想起什么,急忙摸着自己的发丝查看,果不其然,之前乌黑亮丽的秀发如今已经有些花白。 Her small mouth one shrivelled, the tears rustle fall. 她小嘴一瘪,眼泪簌簌地掉了下来。 Which woman does not like to look good, the key is this type the feeling, but duplicate/restores losing was really uncomfortable. 哪个女人不爱美啊,关键是这种得而复失的感觉实在是太难受了。 The Zu An hurried comfort said: Linglong(exquisite) you do not need to worry, this is only temporary, to deal with Sovereign, behind I will give back to you these life essence slowly, you recuperate after various types of nutritious goods in Eastern Palace, even if will restore not to cause the suspicion of person again.” 祖安急忙安慰道:“玲珑你不必担心,这只是暂时的,为了应付皇帝而已,后面我会慢慢地把这些生命精华还给你,你在东宫经过各种滋补物品调养,就算恢复也不会再引起人的怀疑了。” Bi Linglong blinks, on the eyelash is also hanging the teardrops as before: This how also?” 碧玲珑眨了眨眼睛,睫毛上依旧还挂着泪珠:“这个怎么还?” Zu An said with a smile: How don't tell me you forgot the beforehand white hair to transfer azure.” 祖安笑着说道:“难道你忘了之前白发是怎么转青的么。” Bi Linglong is first startled, greatly is subsequently bashful: „Are you intentionally!” 碧玲珑先是一怔,继而大羞:“你是不是故意的!” Zu An loudly shouted is unjust: Really is not, but to hide the truth from Sovereign.” 祖安大呼冤枉:“真不是,只是为了瞒过皇帝而已。” Bi Linglong clenches teeth, the reason told her indeed only then this can deceive Sovereign, but thought of opposite party that way, she of young girl mentality then somewhat could not bear. 碧玲珑咬了咬牙,理智告诉她的确只有这样才能骗过皇帝,可是一想到对方那种还的方式,还是少女心态的她便有些受不了。 Ok, does not need you, I to return to the palace to recuperate is.” Bi Linglong complies with such ashamed matter eventually embarrassed. “算了,不必你还,我回到宫中自己多休养便是。”碧玲珑终究还是不好意思答应这么羞耻的事情。 Zu An smiles, does not need to make the entanglement in this topic: „Do I call Zhao Ruizhi now?” 祖安笑了笑,也不必在这个话题上多做纠缠:“那我现在去叫赵睿智了?” Un.” Bi Linglong notices him speech while can make tattered the clothes, then also looks for some blood to wipe in body, appearing the whole person is more pitiful. “嗯。”碧玲珑注意到他一边说话一边可以将衣服弄得破破烂烂,然后还找来一些鲜血抹在身上,显得整个人更加凄惨。 Actually his body everywhere is the wound, but after was so long his body injury to heal, therefore needs to camouflage. 其实他原本身上到处都是伤,不过经过这么久他身上的伤势早已愈合,所以才需要这么伪装一下。 Intelligent she naturally knows the goal that the opposite party does this, in the heart sighed secretly, usually in looks at him to be careless, the thoughts are never so expected that meticulous. 聪明的她自然知道对方这样做的目的,心中暗暗感叹,平日里看他大大咧咧的,没想到心思如此缜密。 Zhao Ruizhi that quick Zu An will regain consciousness brought, Bi Linglong saw him again, facial expression always some unnatural, therefore the matter of came to rephrase in own words by Zu An these days, she supplemented occasionally. 很快祖安将苏醒的赵睿智带了进来,碧玲珑再看到他,神情总有些不自然,所以这段时间发生的事就由祖安来“转述”,她只是偶尔补充一下。 When almost instills into , the group decide to look for the outlet. 待灌输得差不多过后,一行人决定寻找出路。 Zu An is also thinking wool that weeds out this Secret Realm, after all here is all previous Ruler of Qin founder's temple, inside definitely has many treasures. 祖安原本还想着薅一下这个秘境的羊毛,毕竟这里是历代秦王的祖庭,里面肯定有很多宝物。 Who knows that he has not started to take action, suddenly a world tremor, starts to disintegrate everywhere. 谁知道他还没开始行动,忽然天地一阵颤动,到处开始分崩离析。 Obviously after is Xu Fu and Ying Zheng die, this place was short of the things of certain cores, finally cannot maintain to start to crash. 显然是徐福嬴政死后,这个地方少了某些核心的东西,终于维持不住开始崩塌。 Actually not after Xu Fu Ying Zheng dies first crashed is this place cultivates solid. 其实没有在徐福嬴政死后第一时间崩塌已经是这个地方修得结实了。 But, Zu An has to hold Bi Linglong, is raising Zhao Ruizhi single-handedly, organizes on various types of small-scale floating islands back and forth, avoids the disaster that the world is reversing again. 无奈之下,祖安只好一手抱着碧玲珑,一手提着赵睿智,在各种小型浮岛上来回腾挪,躲避着再次天地反转的灾祸。 Had the previous experience luckily, this time does is not difficult. 幸好有了上次的经验,这次做起来并不难。 Moreover this world reverses the time of maintaining is not long, almost after several double-hour, West dog Hill Secret Realm vanishes does not see, actually however what generation of it before is, that familiar Secret Realm. 而且这次天地倒转维持的时间也不长,几乎几个时辰过后,西犬丘秘境就消失不见,却而代之的是之前那个熟悉的秘境 Looks at the surrounding beautiful scenery, Bi Linglong cannot bear be filled with emotion: Really was too mysterious, I also think that here will become the judgment day.” 看着周围的青山绿水,碧玲珑忍不住感慨万千:“实在是太神奇了,我还以为这边会变得世界末日呢。” Zu An is not really able to understand principle, this Secret Realm does not say the destruction properly speaking now, but at least is sores all over the eye, how may look like crosses nothing happened. 祖安也实在无法理解其中的原理,按理说现在这个秘境不说毁灭,但至少是满目疮痍才是啊,可怎么像什么都没发生过呢。 I must go home, I must return to Imperial Palace!” Zhao Ruizhi kicks up a fuss in the one side, this time does not come out fun, in Imperial Palace also has delicious can sleep various types to play anytime and anywhere interesting. “我要回家,我要回皇宫!”赵睿智在一旁大吵大闹,这次出来一点都不好玩,还是皇宫里又有好吃的又能随时随地地睡觉各种玩有趣。 Zu An and Bi Linglong do not want to delay, then leads him in the entrance toward memory to hurry. 祖安碧玲珑也不想耽搁,便带着他一路往记忆中的入口处赶去。 In a while, suddenly saw from afar one group of troops caught up toward here. 没过多久,忽然远远地看到一群人马往这边赶了过来。 That side person also saw them obviously, immediately makes noise incomparably. 那边的人显然也看到了他们,顿时喧闹无比。 The red light flashes, one of them has appeared in the face of three people: Crown Prince, Crown Princess!” 红光一闪,其中一人已经出现在了三人面前:“太子,太子妃!” This person naturally was Embroidered Garment Envoy Great Commander Zhuxie Chixin, this Secret Realm restoration, he then led the person first to come to examine. 这人自然便是绣衣使者大统领朱邪赤心了,这秘境一恢复,他便带着人第一时间进来查看。 Because of being important, he has not made the King Qi's Palace person come, even the Academy people blocked outside. 因为事关重大,他没有让齐王府的人进来,甚至连学院的人都拦在了外面。 Because everyone guessed that Crown Prince and the others were more unfortunate than fortunate, therefore no one dared at this time have a stroke of bad luck. 因为大家猜测太子等人凶多吉少,所以没人敢这个时候触霉头 Therefore sees Crown Prince and Crown Princess, Zhuxie Chixin is so delighted. 所以看到太子太子妃,朱邪赤心才这般喜出望外。 Zu An said hoarse the sound at this time: Great Commander, the good fortune does not fail in one's mission, finally the Crown Prince Crown Princess safe back.” 祖安这时开口嘶哑着声音说道:“大统领,幸不辱命,终于将太子太子妃平安送回。” Said, he then weak fainted directly, causes surrounding one group of people to call out in alarm immediately quickly examines. 说完过后,他便“体力不支”直接晕倒了,立马引得周围一群人惊呼急忙去查看。 Nearby Bi Linglong secret sigh, this fellow is really the inborn performing skill faction, snort/hum, before do not know that was deceived many times by him. 一旁的碧玲珑暗暗感叹,这家伙真是个天生的演技派啊,哼,以前自己不知道被他骗了多少次。 Complained turns over to complain, she was clear should do, clears throat, at the right moment said: Sir Zu to protect Crown Prince and I, kill the enemy to be seriously injured courageously, you hurry to treat and cure him.” 吐槽归吐槽,她还是清楚该干什么,清了清嗓子,适时地说道:“祖大人为了保护太子和我,一路奋勇杀敌身受重伤,你们赶紧救治他。” Under is in the glare of the public eye first determines the nature to his behavior, behind a lot were much easier. 众目睽睽之下先给他的行为定了性,后面很多事情就容易得多了。 Zhuxie Chixin quickly makes the subordinate comply, then suddenly realizes anything, is looking at Bi Linglong shocking: Crown Princess, your hair how......” 朱邪赤心急忙让部下照做,然后忽然意识到什么,震惊地望着碧玲珑:“太子妃,你的头发怎么……” This matter is a long story, I must see right in front of one Sovereign.” Bi Linglong said, she first proposed must be seen Sovereign and summoned the interrogation by Sovereign, is entirely different to the feeling view of person, this will make everyone think subconsciously her pillar or Sovereign, with Sovereign is the firm same battleline. “此事说来话长,我要面见皇上。”碧玲珑说道,她第一时间主动提出要见皇上和被皇上召见审问,给人的感观截然不同,这样会让所有人下意识认为她的主心骨还是皇上,和皇上是坚定的同一阵线。 Zhuxie Chixin nods: Sovereign already in palace middle-grade, wears makes us have any discovery, immediately the belt/bring enters the palace answering.” 朱邪赤心点了点头:“皇上已经在宫中等着了,着令我们有任何发现,马上带进宫回话。” Bi Linglong deeply inspires, whether successfully to cross this tribulation, depended on this. 碧玲珑深吸一口气,能否成功渡过这一劫,就在此一举了。 Stupor Zu An similarly is also dignified incomparable, although two people have deduced many situations, but the actual operation, who knows that can have what accident/surprise. “昏迷”中的祖安同样也是凝重无比,虽然两人已经推演过很多种情形,但实际操作起来,谁知道会不会发生什么意外。
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