KI :: Volume #9

#890: The child of destiny

Zu An in half stupor thought that the whole body must split, as if in the boundless desert, the head is under the hot hot sun, the whole person does looks awful, must fall dead momentarily thirstily. 半昏迷中的祖安觉得浑身都要裂开了,仿佛在茫茫沙漠之中,头上顶着炎炎烈日,整个人干得不成样子,随时要口渴倒毙。 Finally in front of him as if presented woof Ganquan suddenly, his instinct ran, wishes one could to arrive at inside the whole person stopper, is deriving greedily. 结果他面前似乎忽然出现了一汪甘泉,他本能地跑了过去,恨不得将整个人都塞到里面,贪婪地汲取着。 His body Grandmist Primordial Beginning Scripture is revolving automatically, felt that the body received mild nourishing, before that type painful and uncomfortable is dissipating gradually. 身上鸿蒙元始经自动地运转着,感觉到身体受到了温润的滋养,之前那种痛苦与难受在渐渐地消散着。 The Bi Linglong eye socket is red, the tears rustle fall from the white and tender face, but she is hugging the body man strongly, contains him with own gently. 碧玲珑眼圈红红的,眼泪簌簌地从白嫩的脸庞滑落下来,不过她还是坚强地搂着身上的男人,用自己的温柔包容着他。 Mi Li of distant place shakes the head secretly, Zu An this fellow really does not know to show tender affection, after he wakes up, wants properly to apologize to the little misses is. 远处的芈骊暗暗摇头,祖安这家伙真是不知道怜香惜玉,等他醒来后要好好向人家小姑娘赔礼道歉才是。 At this moment, the distant place transmits one suddenly twittering, Bi Linglong turns head subconsciously. 就在这时,远处忽然传来一阵呢喃,碧玲珑下意识回过头去。 Before seeing only, lies to pour in the Zhao Ruizhi body of ground moves, then struggled to sit, raised the head at a loss looks around everywhere: Which this is......” 只见之前趴倒在地上的赵睿智身体动了动,然后挣扎着坐了起来,茫然地抬起头来四处张望:“这是哪儿……” Is saying while looked toward here. 一边说着一边往这边望了过来。 Bi Linglong frightens the ghost greatly to brave, although among two people does not have the sentiment, does not have the reality of couple, but she after all is opposite party nominal Crown Princess, if this is seen by him at present, even if he is silly, will definitely have anything clearly. 碧玲珑吓得亡魂大冒,虽然两人之间没有感情,也没有夫妻之实,但她毕竟是对方名义上的太子妃,要是眼前这一幕被他看到,哪怕他再傻,肯定也会明白发生了什么吧。 At this moment, the form flashes through together, selected his lethargic sleep hole directly, then Zhao Ruizhi fell down softly. 就在这时,一道身影闪过,直接点了他的昏睡穴,然后赵睿智又软软地倒在了地上。 Bi Linglong nosed his body, the sinking sound said: Before Xu Fu swallowed in his body a Zhao Hao minute/share of soul, his remnant soul is possibly useless to Xu Fu, instead had not been harmed by anything, therefore separated for a long time to sober gradually.” 碧玲珑查探了一下他的身体,沉声说道:“之前徐福吞噬了他身体里赵昊的分魂,他自身的残魂可能对徐福没用,反而没受什么损害,所以隔了这么久渐渐清醒过来。” The Bi Linglong body is shivering fiercely, just that her heart jumped out of the throat quickly, although feels embarrassed, asked low voice, only what rejoiced was the opposite party has not then looked at itself: „After that can he return to normal?” 碧玲珑身体剧烈颤抖着,刚刚那一下她的心都快跳出嗓子眼了,尽管觉得难为情,还是小声问道,唯一庆幸的是对方并没有回头看自己:“那以后他是不是又能恢复正常?” Hears her voice not to send voluntarily greasily, the Mi Li facial expression is a little not comfortable, but replied: Returned to not to think normal, because by the body possession reason, his one's wits had the defect naturally, therefore restored the beforehand that silly appearance at most, perhaps must stupidly. Moreover he is injured very heavily , without Zhao Hao in addition of minute/share of soul to hold, he was not necessarily able to live is going out of Secret Realm.” 听到她声音不自觉地发腻,芈骊神情都有点不自在,不过还是答道:“恢复正常就别想了,因为被夺舍的缘故,他的三魂六魄天然有缺失,所以顶多恢复成以前那种傻傻的样子,说不定还要更傻一点。另外他受伤挺重的,没了赵昊的分魂的加持,他未必能活着走出秘境。” Bi Linglong bites the lip, pulled out one package of bottles of cans to throw diligently: Master, can under you help give him to take these medicine?” 碧玲珑咬了咬嘴唇,努力掏出一包瓶瓶罐罐扔了过去:“师父,你能不能帮忙将这些伤药给他服下?” Although usually in has not looked straight at to look at Crown Prince, but feels inexplicable now afraid, always felt oneself did was unfair to his matter very much. 尽管平日里都没正眼瞧过太子,但现在却觉得莫名心虚,总觉得自己做了很对不起他的事情。 Saves severely wounded him, is matter that she can handle only. 将重伤的他救回来,是她唯一能做的事情了。 Mi Li also guessed correctly that indistinctly her thoughts, the nod said: Good!” 芈骊也隐约猜到她的心思,点头道:“好!” Said that a chin of Zhao Ruizhi, a series of medicines all will then pour into his mouth. 说完一点赵睿智的下巴,然后将一系列的药全倒入了他嘴里。 With her temper, naturally cannot achieve anything to give the medicine gently, can look like this in Zu An in the treated and cured face. 以她的性子,自然做不到什么温柔喂药,能这样还是看在祖安正在被救治的面子上。 She gives the medicine while inquired Bi Linglong: How feels?” 她一边喂药一边询问碧玲珑:“感觉怎么样?” The Bi Linglong complexion was all of a sudden red, thought how she asked such question, but she was the instinct tearful eyes replies tearfully: Sore ~ 碧玲珑脸色一下子红了,心想她怎么问这样的问题,不过她还是本能地泪眼汪汪答道:“疼~” Mi Li: „???” 芈骊:“???” Her deep breath one breath, then continues saying: I am held responsible you to feel that body of Zu An now how, to change for the better.” 她深呼吸一口气,然后才继续说道:“我是问你感觉到祖安的身体现在怎么样,有没有好转。” Bi Linglong: „......” 碧玲珑:“……” She wishes one could to dig to worm one's way into on the ground immediately. 她恨不得马上在地上打个洞钻进去。 Long time latter just now replied spookily: His present body did not seem to continue to crack.” 良久后方才幽幽地答道:“他现在身体似乎没有继续崩裂了。” That is good, you continue.” Mi Li breathes a sigh of relief, it seems like Grandmist Primordial Beginning Scripture really had the effect. “那就好,你们继续吧。”芈骊舒了一口气,看来鸿蒙元始经果然起效果了。 She raised Zhao Ruizhi to fly, threw the opposite party outside the room conveniently, oneself have not gone in again, but sat in the entrance controls one's breathing to sit in meditation. 她提起赵睿智飞了出去,将对方随手扔在了屋外,自己也没有再进去,只是坐在门口调息打坐起来。 May think these old friends who today the matter, sees, her heart always has no way to be tranquil. 可想到今天发生的事情,一路见到的那些故人,她的心总是没法平静下来。 Bi Linglong sees her to carry off Zhao Ruizhi, knows that she to avoid oneself embarrassedly, in the heart was full of the gratitude. 碧玲珑见她将赵睿智带走,知道她是为了避免自己难堪,心中充满了感激。 However her train of thought was given to break by battering of body man quickly, she could not bear beat the chest of opposite party gently: Really is a bastard.” 不过她的思绪很快被身上男人的横冲直撞给打断,她忍不住轻轻捶了捶对方的胸口:“真是个坏蛋啊。” ...... …… Also has not known how long, Bi Linglong suddenly one startled, she feels in the body as if to have a black hole, continuously suction her life essence. 也不知道过了多久,碧玲珑忽然一惊,她感觉到身体里仿佛有个黑洞,将她的生命精华源源不断地吸走。 Her instinct wants to shove open the body man, but thought of anything immediately, she loosened the hand eventually, instead grasps him gently, the mouth muttered: I did not have many years to live in any case, so long as can save you to be good.” 她本能地想要推开身上的男人,不过马上想到了什么,她终究还是松开了手,反而温柔地将他抱住,嘴里喃喃自语:“反正我也没多少年可以活了,只要能救你就好。” She thinks that was Mi Li deceived her, this therapy was very possible to by a life essence of person help another person, but she looks at the own snow white hair, before thinking in any case , after displaying banned to incur , the life to be damaged largely, lived for several years little to live for several years not to relate, after all this man to save her, but does not want the life. 她以为是芈骊骗了她,这种疗伤很可能要以一个人的生命精华成全另一个人,不过她看着自己雪白的头发,想到反正自己之前施展禁招后寿元大幅受损,多活几年少活几年也没关系,毕竟这个男人为了救她,可是连命都不要了啊。 With absorbing of opposite party, she feels more and more weak, the flesh becomes does not have the light low-spirited, even somewhat starts witheredly, her consciousness also gradually starts fuzzily. 随着对方的汲取,她觉得越来越虚弱,肌肤也变得黯然无光,甚至有些开始干瘪,她的意识也逐渐开始模糊。 She thinks that she died, the matter not as she expected, she felt in a while a boundless life essence entered her within the body, the meridians that then she withered started to nourish the restoration, the body became rich and smooth, on the flesh also covered a clear ray, the hair that before turned white continually withered also restored the beforehand appearance, was not right, even also wanted compared with before pitch-black bright and beautiful mild-mannered. 她以为自己死定了,不过出乎她意料的事,没过多久她感觉到一股磅礴的生命精华进入了她的体内,然后她枯萎的经脉开始滋养恢复,身体重新变得丰润,肌肤上也蒙上了一层晶莹的光芒,之前连干枯发白的头发也重新恢复成了以前的样子,不对,甚至比以前还要乌黑亮丽柔顺。 This is......” Bi Linglong is somewhat out of sorts suddenly. “这是……”碧玲珑一时间有些失神。 His cultivation cultivation technique is very special, in addition his special bloodlines, can or the dead flesh white bones, clear/pain...... cough cough, your lives lost in the past naturally do not have the issue.” Bi Linglong does not know when arrived at side her, obviously she is some did not feel relieved that runs to take a look at the situation. “他修炼功法很特殊,再加上他特殊的血脉,可以或死人肉白骨,当年楚……,你那些寿元损耗自然也没问题。”碧玲珑不知道什么时候来到了她身边,显然她还是有些不放心跑来看看情况。 Bi Linglong is blushing to pull the clothes to keep off before own, Mi Li also pretended not to see, to run to inspect aura of Zu An within the body, saw him truly to stabilize just now to relax. 碧玲珑红着脸扯过衣裳挡在自己身前,芈骊也假装没看见,跑过去检查了一下祖安体内的气息,见他确实已经稳定下来方才松了一口气。 Bi Linglong observes in the one side, saw that Mi Li gets the Zu An smooth physical exam as if not to have the least bit to avoid suspicion, the complexion somewhat is suddenly strange, this really does not look like the masters and disciples to the masters and disciples. 碧玲珑在一旁观察,看到芈骊检查祖安光溜溜的身体似乎没有半点避嫌,一时间脸色有些古怪,这对师徒实在不怎么像师徒啊。 Zu An felt oneself had the quite long dream, dream to too many too many things, when he opens the eye, discovered that Mi Li visits him in not far away faint smile, but Bi Linglong puts aside the vision afraid, but cannot bear looks at him secretly, the look were many several points of gentle meaning compared with the ordinary day. 祖安觉得自己做了好长一个梦,梦到了太多太多的事情,等他睁开眼睛,发现芈骊在不远处似笑非笑地看着他,而碧玲珑则心虚地移开目光,但又忍不住偷偷看他,眼神比起平日里多了几分温柔之意。 Zu An touched the body fast, then essence qi revolves for a week to inspect, he could not bear jump excited: Ha, my Zu person luck has good luck ever after greatly, unexpectedly this can also live, it seems like is really the child of destiny.” 祖安快速摸了摸身体,然后元气运转一周检查一下,他忍不住一脸兴奋地跳了起来:“哈哈哈,我祖某人福大命大,竟然这样都还能活下来,看来果然是天命之子啊。” Before displayed several times Come, Key, backlash each time let him such painfully extremely, this time blew such big awesome, he has been ready that the flying ash smoke extinguished, after all at that time was also compelled not to have the means. 之前施展了几次“键来”,每次的反噬都让他这么痛苦万分,这次吹了这么大一个牛逼,他都已经做好了飞灰烟灭的准备了,毕竟当时也是被逼得没办法了。 Has not thought that lived. 没想到活下来了。 Not only lived, but when also condition compared with peak was also better! 不仅活下来了,而且状态比巅峰时还要好! This is not the child of destiny, what is the child of destiny? 这不是天命之子,什么才是天命之子? At this time side broadcast the Mi Li spooky sound: Was little self-satisfied, your life thanks to others Linglong(exquisite) rescuing.” 这时旁边传来芈骊幽幽的声音:“少得意了,你这条命多亏人家玲珑给救回来了。” Before her also girl young girl and so on is calling, this time called the name directly, after all opposite party such payout, in her opinion was also the own apprentice wife...... one, was the elder, this bearing must have. 之前她还一口一个丫头小妞之类的叫着,这次却直接喊名字了,毕竟对方那样的付出,在她看来也算是自己的徒弟媳妇……之一了,身为长辈,这点气度还是要有的。 Linglong(exquisite)?” Zu An is startled, thought the skill where Linglong(exquisite) comes does save me? At this time he noticed Bi Linglong that black hair suddenly, said pleasantly surprised, your hair did restore?” 玲珑?”祖安一怔,心想玲珑哪来的本事救我?这时他忽然注意到了碧玲珑那一头青丝,惊喜地说道,“你的头发恢复了?” Un.” A Bi Linglong elegant face rises red, does not know how suddenly should explain. “嗯。”碧玲珑一张俏脸涨得通红,一时间不知道该怎么解释。 Mi Li was unable to continue watching: Brat, you are really silly or play the fool, others Linglong(exquisite) made such sacrifice you also saying that here this did say that?” 还是芈骊看不下去了:“臭小子,你是真傻还是装傻,人家玲珑做出来那样的牺牲你还在这里说这说那?”
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