KI :: Volume #8

#750: Suspicion numerous

Woman?” Zu An stares, although the opposite party wears a mask, but that beautiful infinite figure curve display she absolutely is beauty. “女人?”祖安一愣,尽管对方蒙着面,但那姣好无限的身材曲线显示她绝对是个美人儿 Which that can't he really find out these miss oneself know to hide the trail to save him like this? 他实在想不出自己认识的那些姑娘哪个会这样隐藏形迹来救他? Yun Jianyue? 云间月 It is not right, was really Demonic Cult Cult Master came, a hand can explode hammer these people. 不对啊,真是魔教教主来了,一只手就能爆锤这些人。 At this moment, he thought suddenly at present a flower, the familiar broad construction and clean street vanish do not see, what replaces it is a ruined courtyard. 就在这时,他忽然觉得眼前一花,原本熟悉的恢弘建筑、干净的街道消失不见,取而代之的是一个破败的院落。 Erected the inn of attacking a city crossbow also to become in the courtyard a ruined garret, he himself was sewn by the attacking a city crossbow on a short dirt wall, the above stone collapsed most probably. 架设攻城弩的客栈也成了院落中一个破败的阁楼,他自己则是被攻城弩钉在一座矮矮的土墙上面,上面的土石都塌了大半。 How can I here? I not on the Imperial Palace road? Properly speaking now should quickly to the Imperial City under foot!” “我怎么会在这里?我不是在去皇宫的路上么?按理说现在应该快到皇城脚下了啊!” Zu An has an absolutely terrified feeling instantaneously, reason that he recalled just that flash hits a target by the attacking a city crossbow, was when wants to move aside in the mind was similar to the acupuncture to be the same suddenly, this caused the movement slowly the frontline. 祖安瞬间有一种毛骨悚然的感觉,他回想起刚刚那一瞬间自己之所以被攻城弩射中,就是因为想躲闪时脑海中忽然如同针刺一般,这才导致动作慢了一线。 Now recalled that should have to cultivate/repair Spirit Type expert to make the illusion to him, guiding him to come here. 现在回想起来应该是有修精神系高人给他制造了幻觉,引导他来到了这里。 Well, wait/etc, why does this courtyard seem like looks familiar? 咦,等等,为什么这院落看起来这么眼熟? How many type of somewhat familiar vegetable plots he looks at that spinning wheels wait/etc things, suddenly in the heart moves, before this is not, have investigated Xin Rui her mother and younger brother's family/home? 他看着那几样有些熟悉的菜地、纺车等等东西,忽然心中一动,这不是之前来调查过的芯蕊她娘和弟弟的家么? Why can the opposite party deliberately guide him to come to here? 对方为何要刻意引导他来这里来? However at this time he could not have attended to pondering these, because some surroundings black-clothed person jumped from various shadows, encircles that mysterious female. 不过此时他已经顾不得思考这些了,因为周围一些黑衣人从各处阴影中跳了出来,将那神秘的女子团团围住。 Third, seven and five...... 三、七、五…… Altogether 15 black-clothed person, two have lain down on the ground did not have the sound, wants to come just by the mysterious female take action result the life. 总共有15个黑衣人,其中两个已经躺在地上没了声息,想来刚刚被神秘女子出手结果了性命。 Forefront three people of takes a gourd hammer, stature short thick sturdy, looked takes the brute force route ; 最前面的三人一个拿着一个金瓜锤,身材矮粗壮实,一看就是走蛮力路线的; Another person figure tall thin, grasps a red-tasselled spear, looked that his whole person stands there is similar to a javelin, obviously the attainments on spear technique is extremely deep ; 另外一个人身形高瘦,手持一杆红缨枪,看他整个人站在那里就如同一杆标枪,显然在枪术上造诣极深; The third person left and right hands holds a gold/metal and a silver coins bracelet respectively, looks is the art of making oneself invisible weapon. 第三个人左右手各执一金、一银两个镯子,一看就是奇门兵器。 He cares about them, when appeared from just that flash these people aura fluctuation that exposes, they three should be Seventh Rank expert. 他之所以这么在意他们三个人,因为从刚刚那一瞬间这些人出现时暴露的气息波动来看,他们三应该是七品高手 However these person of weapons are so remarkable, must check their status is not difficult by the Embroidered Garment Envoy intelligence capability. 不过这些人兵器这么显著,想必以绣衣使者的情报能力要查他们的身份并不难。 Naturally, all these premises want to live are returning to Embroidered Building. 当然,这一切的前提是要自己能活着回到绣楼 The remaining seven black-clothed person grasp shining plain blade, the each and everyone look is faint, obviously the tool bit licks deathsworn of blood to have this look frequently. 剩下的七个黑衣人手持明晃晃的朴刀,一个个眼神淡漠,显然是经常刀头舔血的死士才有这种眼神。 These people look at the aura to be Sixth Rank, moreover acts in harmony year to year, definitely has formation and so on. 这些人看气息应该都是六品,而且是常年配合默契,肯定有阵法之类的。 Sets out such grand formation weaponry, but also took the attacking a city crossbow to plot against me, I also really had the face 出动这么大阵仗,还拿了攻城弩来暗算我,我还真是有面子 . 啊。 Zu An complained secretly, before was , the matter that defeated the King Qi heir apparent spread, making them not dare to belittle. 祖安暗暗吐槽,想必是自己之前打败齐王世子的事情传扬出去了,让他们不敢小觑。 However obviously these people also by oneself, therefore the arrange/cloth deceptive battle array misleading, thinks that at that time had what mysterious expert to assist again in secret, does not depend on the King Qi heir apparent who the real strength defeats, the talent that therefore this time sends does not have cultivator of higher rank. 不过显然这些人也被自己故布疑阵给误导了,以为当时有什么神秘高手再暗中相助,并非靠真实实力打败的齐王世子,所以这次派来的才没有更高级别的修行者 Well, wait/etc, to me where that did make Spirit Type expert of illusion? 咦,等等,那个给我制造了幻境的精神系高手在哪里? He quickly assembles the eye of surrounding small creature to observe, what a pity here such big sound, many small creature had just frightened ran, he controlled several birds with great difficulty, can only look to clear reluctantly the situation. 他急忙调集周围小动物的眼睛观察起来,可惜刚刚这边这么大动静,不少小动物早就吓得跑了,他好不容易才控制住了几只小鸟,只能勉强看清场中情形。 Many line of sight dead angles, are unable to discover the traces of others. 还有很多视线死角,根本无法发现其他人的踪影。 Who are you?” These black-clothed person stare at the mysterious female vigilantly, the hand hold the person sinking voice of gold and silver double ring to say. “你是谁?”那些黑衣人警惕地盯着神秘女子,手执金银双环的人沉声说道。 Mysterious female does not settle down, but is observing the surrounding people rapidly, is looking for the possible take action opportunity. 神秘女子默不住声,只是迅速观察着周围众人,寻找着可能的出手机会。 The people in that gold and silver double ring knit the brows, wielded wielding conveniently: Killed her, afterward the corpse kindly gives you!” 那金银双环的人皱了皱眉,随手挥了挥:“杀了她,事后尸体赏给你们!” He behind that seven Sixth Rank deathsworn that grasps plain blade, in the eye eventually no longer is faint, but is the ruthless offense as well as...... the desire. 他身后那七个手持朴刀的六品死士,眼中终究不再是淡漠,而是狠戾以及……欲望。 Zu An speechless, looks at these deathsworn that exciting vigor, obviously each and everyone the first time was not did this matter. 祖安一阵无语,看这些死士那兴奋劲,显然一个个都不是第一次干这种事了。 The mother, the good heavy taste, unexpectedly is some dry corpse people. 妈的,好重的口味,竟然全是些干尸人。 These deathsworn brandished in the hand shining plain blade, the coordination very close was attacking toward that mysterious female from each direction. 那些死士挥舞着手中明晃晃的朴刀,配合非常密切地从各个方向往那神秘女子攻了过去。 But that three Seventh Rank expert stand by, stands, in the one side is staring at the situation in field indifferently. 而那三个七品高手则袖手旁观,站在一旁冷漠地盯着场中的局势。 Zu An before and television time, most does not understand why is the villain lets the soldier on each time first, enhances the strength to protagonist defeat in detail and adversity suddenly the opportunity, if take action patted the dead opposite party from the beginning not on is well with everything. 祖安以前和电视的时候,最不理解的就是反派为何每次都让小兵先上,给主角各个击破以及逆境突然提升实力的机会,如果一开始出手拍死对方不就万事大吉了么。 Until he himself arrives at this cultivation world, clear regarding cultivator, only if the real power gap is huge, otherwise has the possibility very much, because was not clear that the card in a hand and skill of opposite party cause to turn over. 直到他自己来到这个修行的世界,才清楚对于修行者来说,除非真的实力差距巨大,否则很有可能因为不清楚对方的底牌和技能导致翻车的。 Let under the hand soldier first try the skill of clear opposite party, then had the protection, then deals is calmer. 让手底下的兵先去试清楚对方的技能,然后有了防备,接下来应对就更加从容。 As for life, who lets them is a subordinate. 至于手下的命,谁让他们是手下呢。 Saw these deathsworn to attack, that mysterious female figure turned, avoided the forefront with an extremely attractive stance two people attack, was sideways to wield the palm to pat the middle that person of blade, took advantage of opportunity to bully into his body previous foot, in the gate strategic point toward him attacked. 见那些死士攻了过来,那神秘女子身形一扭,以一个极为好看的姿态躲开了最前面两人的攻击,然后侧身挥掌拍开中间那人的刀,顺势欺入他身前一尺,往他中门要害攻了过去。 The Zu An secret nod, this female regardless of cultivation base or the actual combat experience, is great. 祖安暗暗点头,这女子无论修为还是实战经验,都是一等一的。 In woman who oneself know, is capable of this needing to hide the trail simultaneously? 自己认识的女人中,到底是有这个能力同时又需要隐藏形迹呢? Saw that she will kill one person, that person of two armpits stretch out two plain blade suddenly, holds toward her belly, one pares toward her legs, the angle is cunning. 眼看着她又将击毙一人,那人两腋下忽然伸出两把朴刀,一个往她肚子捅去,一把往她双腿削去,角度刁钻无比。 Obviously 显然 This group of people have coordinate adept formation, can probably rescue to shield the companion through merit it. 这群人有一个配合娴熟的阵法,能够通过功其必救来掩护同伴。 The mysterious female seems to be expected, does not see flurriedly, the foot sharp whole person leaps to the people sky over, this should be their formation weakest place. 神秘女子似乎早有所料,丝毫不见慌乱,足尖一点整个人跃到众人上空,这应该就是他们阵法最薄弱的地方。 Saw that her finger will soon pat the broken several people of heads, at this time behind two people held up two shields to keep off in the top of the head suddenly. 眼看着她的手指即将拍碎几人的头颅,这时后面两人忽然举起两块盾牌挡在头顶。 Mysterious women's delicate eyebrows slightly pressed, still a palm pressed. 神秘女子秀眉微蹙,依然一掌按了下去。 On that two shields rune flashes before, obviously is the high-grade in come from army, but only glistened for one second, immediately then zero is then stave. 那两块盾牌上符文闪现,显然是来自军中的上品,只不过只闪亮了一秒,然后马上便支零破碎。 Although the mysterious female looks slenderly gentle and charming, but might terrifying as this of palm. 神秘女子虽然看着纤细娇柔,但一掌的威力恐怖如斯 Following several deathsworn exude one stuffily, the ear nose all infiltrates to bleed. 下面几个死士发出一声闷哼,耳鼻皆渗出血来。 Three people that side surrounds look at each other one, saw the dignity in respective, this mysterious female skill unexpectedly such high. 旁边围观的三人对视一眼,都看出了各自眼中的凝重,这神秘女子功力竟然如此之高。 Who the key is she is, why must stop their plans. 关键是她到底是谁,为何要来阻拦他们的计划。 At this time that mysterious female shot up to the sky suddenly, flash that originally just the shield broke to pieces, inside deathsworn pulled out two hands suddenly- crossbow shot. 这时那神秘女子忽然冲天而起,原来刚刚盾牌碎掉的一瞬间,里面的死士忽然掏出两把手-弩射了出来。 In these army on the crossbow bolt inscribes special rune formation, might no small matter that such near distance sends, the bonus is she does not dare to meet hardly. 这些军中弩箭上面都刻有专门的符文法阵,这么近的距离发出来的威力非同小可,饶是她也不敢硬接。 The females knit the brows, wants to kill these person of one to be caught off guard, but they are never so expected that thorny, therefore gave up continue attack, but arrived at side Zu An, sealed up the wound of his chest, while pulled out that great crossbow: Ah Zu, you how?” 女子皱了皱眉,本想杀这些人一个措手不及,但没想到他们这么棘手,于是放弃了继续攻击,而是来到祖安身边,一边封住他胸膛的创口,一边将那巨弩拔了出来:“阿祖,你怎么样?” Is she?” In the Zu An heart moves, smells that familiar body fragrance, that heavenly music tender and delicate sound, he knew the status of opposite party finally. “是她?”祖安心中一动,闻到那熟悉的体香,还有那仙乐般娇嫩的声音,他终于知道了对方的身份。 Once had had Princess Wu Yun Yuqing of evening love with him! 曾和他有过一夕情缘的吴王妃云雨晴 Who can these kill my person are? Why will she appear in Capital? Moreover can save itself skillfully?” In the Zu An heart has the innumerable doubts, in addition he has scruples that not to know that Daoist canon where mysterious Spirit Type expert, plans to give to hide in a person pleasant surprise in secret a while, therefore pretends that the stupor has not responded to her. “那些要杀我的人到底是谁?她为什么会出现在京城?而且还这么巧能救下自己?”祖安心中有无数疑惑,再加上他顾忌那不知道藏在哪里的神秘精神系强者,打算等会儿给藏在暗中的人一个惊喜,所以假装昏迷并没有回应她。 Ah Zu, you must frighten me not ~ Yun Yuqing sees him not to respond, in the sound had a vibrato, the white and tender hand caresses gently in his wound, then purple light slightly exudes, treats that terrifying for him the wound. 阿祖,你莫要吓我~”云雨晴见他没有反应,声音中都带了一丝颤音,白嫩的手轻轻抚在他的伤口上,然后微微的紫光泛起,替他治疗那恐怖的伤口。 Prevents her quickly!” “快阻止她!” Another side that grasped greatly gold/metal hammer the dwarf to be just aware had seen clearly the cultivation base method of this woman, could not repress again, the sturdy calf in the future a tread, ground stepped on splitting, then brandished the gourd hammer in hand to pound toward two people. 另一边那手持大金锤的矮子自觉得刚刚已经看清了这女人的修为手段,再也按捺不住,粗壮的小腿往后一蹬,地面都被踩的裂开,然后挥舞着手中的金瓜锤往两人砸了过来。 The people have not arrived, has a terrifying wind pressure on clash, that spinning wheel flash that the surroundings scatter was pressed is split up, perhaps if it can be imagined by this hammer, two people will be turned into the muddy flesh at the scene. 人还未到,已经有股恐怖的风压冲了过来,周围散落的那辆纺车一瞬间就被压得四分五裂,可想而知要是被这一锤击中,两人恐怕当场就会变成肉泥。 --- --- ancient assists- crossbow is the manages product, never expected that now this is also the sensitive word...... 古代手-弩是管制品,没想到现在这也是敏感词…… Second more general 11 points about 第二更大概11点左右
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