The hot sunflies high, is pokingwoodeneighty years oldthattenSunto rushlike the mountainbiggiant, heonestepoftencanbridge overseveralmountain peaks, wasthisspeedslowthattenSunwere throughout many.
烈日凌空,一个如同山岳般高大的巨人正杵着木杖朝那十个太阳奔去,他一步往往能跨过好几座山峰,可是这个速度始终还是慢了那十个太阳不少。Hedoes not rememberhow longoneselfpursued, roasting of hot sunroasts, heonlyfeels the whole bodyto be red, the mouthskinhas donewhitedead skin.
他也不记得自己追了多久了,烈日的炙烤,他只觉得浑身通红,嘴皮早已干出了一层白色的死皮。Heseesfinallyfronthas a gallopingriver, heremembers that thisseems like the Yellow River that in the Human Racetribebecomes famous.
他终于看到前面有一条奔腾的大河,他记得这好像是人族部落里出了名的黄河。Ashas flown on the 10 th, the river waterhas seethed with excitement, hecannot attend, liesdirectly the riverside, rumbledrinks water.
随着十日飞过,河水早已沸腾不已,他也顾不得许多,直接趴到河边,咕噜咕噜喝起水来。Even ifthesewaterhave seethed with excitement, butonhisfacestillrevealsto drink the timely raincommonenjoymentexpression.
The speed that hedrinksis quick, in a while, the entireYellow Riverwas drunk upbyhim.
他喝的速度很快,没过多久,整条黄河都被他喝干了。Thenhiswhole personperked up, the bigstridecontinuedto pursuetowardthattenSun.
然后他整个人重新恢复了精神,大跨步继续朝那十个太阳追了过去。TheseSunseem likeplay tricks onhimto be commonintentionally, whenhedrinks water, has not seized the chanceto escapefar, insteadsimilarlystopsvariousprovocation.
那些太阳似乎是故意戏弄他一般,在他喝水的时候,并没有趁机逃远,反而同样停下来各种挑衅。Whenhedrank up the entireriver water, theseSunpicked up the speedinstantaneously.
当他喝完了整条河水,那些太阳瞬间加快了速度。Hepursues, heescapes......
他追,他逃……Withstand/Toproasting of tenSunto roast, Kua Fuphysical exertionis quick, pantsquickly, met a Wei Riverluckily.
顶着十个太阳的炙烤,夸父体力消耗非常快,很快气喘吁吁,幸好又遇上了一条渭河。Just likebefore, drank up the water of Wei Riverinstantaneously, then pursuestenSun.
The chase of thisdistancemakeshimalsoclear, oneselfare not the opponents of tenSun, even ifpursuedto have no wayto revenge.
这一段路程的追逐让他也清楚,自己不是十个太阳的对手,就算追到了也没法报仇。Butinhishearthasmeaning of being unwilling, is not willingto submitto10 th like this.
The witchclancanbe defeated, butcannotbe overthrown!
巫族可以被打败,但不能被打倒!Alsopursuedsome time, heonlyfeelsmore and morethirsty, even ifdranktworiverssome time ago, front heremembersshortly afteralsopiece of Daisawa, so long asdrankthatpiece of Daisawa should alsoto have the strengthto pursue.
又追了一段时间,他只觉得越来越渴,哪怕不久前才喝了两条大河,他记得前面没多久还有一片大泽,只要喝了那片大泽应该又有力气追了。What a pityhehas not supportedbeforethatpiece of Daisawaeventually, heonlythought that the both feetis getting more and more heavy, the eyelidcannot opengradually.
可惜他终究没有支撑到那片大泽前,他只觉得双脚越来越沉重,眼皮也渐渐睁不开。Hewas clear that the oillampis completely dry, heis not clear, althoughoneselfare nottendaysopponent, but why sowill be quick the badmatter.
他清楚自己已经油尽灯枯,他不明白,自己虽然不是十日的对手,但为何会这么快不济事。Helooks atspacetheseto look at itself, Sun that as ifshows the strangesmile, in the heart some clear(ly)became awaresuddenly.
他望着天上那些望着自己,似乎露出诡异笑容的太阳,心中忽然有一些明悟。„So that's how it is......”
To understandall, heno longerpursued, butexhausts the finalvitality, in the woodenstick the handthrew, thatwoodenstickair plants, soonstarts a looseleaf, even if tendaysflies high, is unable the full of vitality that preventsitto send out.
The quickpeach blossomsbloom, thenhadpeach, the peachfall the ground, takes rootto germinatequickly, turned into a newpeach tree.
很快一朵朵桃花绽放开来,然后结出了一颗颗桃子,桃子落到地上,很快生根发芽,又变成了一棵新的桃树。Suddenly, thatcanechanged to a peachforest.
眨眼间,那根手杖化作了一片桃林。Inthisnearbyworldsends outstopping suddenlypitiful yellssuddenly, sad and shrillalsobringsseveralto decomposetakes off/escapes.
这附近的天地间忽然发出一声声戛然而止的惨叫,凄厉中又带着几分解脱。„Daresto go badmyimportant matter!” The indistinctsoundresoundstogether, at once the spacelowersonegroup of fireballs, fellonKua Fubodydirectly.
“竟敢坏我的大事!”隐约一道声音响起,旋即天上降下一团火球,直接落在了夸父身上。Kua Fubodyis extremely intrepid, thisjust like the meteoritecommonbombardment, has not been blown to piecesunexpectedlyhisbody, butfires a section of hard coke the body.
夸父身体太过强悍,这一记犹如陨石一般的轰击,竟然没有将他身体炸成碎片,只是将身体烧成一截焦炭。SpacetheseSunstilldo not dispel anger, bunch of fireballs of descendagain, trying to defeat the boneto raise the ashhimthoroughly.
天上那些太阳犹自不解恨,一团团的火球再次降落下来,试要将他彻底挫骨扬灰。At this momentradiantsword qi came from the distant placelasingtogether, dispersedeverywhereprostitutethesefireballbang.
The tengolden crows of spaceturn the headto look, sees only a rainbowto delimit, Zu Anhad presentedsideKua Fu.
天上的十个金乌转头望去,只见一道彩虹划过,祖安已经出现了夸父身边。Looks athisburned blackbody, the Zu Anlookonegloomy: „Icamelate.”
看着他焦黑的身体,祖安神色一黯:“我来晚了。”Kua Fuis pointing at the space: „Carefulevil......”
夸父指着天上:“小心邪……”What a pityhas not said,hehas breathedthoroughly, the eyesopen the eldest child, the facial expressionis quite unwilling, because did not seem to said that regretted.
The spacetengolden crowscircleto dance in the air: „The brat where comes, daresto manageourtenCrown Princematters!”
天上十只金乌盘旋飞舞:“哪来的臭小子,敢管我们十太子的事!”Zu Ansimplyhas not respondedthem, butis the lookis solemn and respectful, the visionhas sweptnot far awaythatpeach treeforest.祖安根本没有搭理他们,而是神色肃穆,目光扫过不远处那片桃树林。In the heartsomeclear(ly)became aware, closedKua Fu'seyesgently: „Relax, Iunderstand that youmustsayanything.”
心中有些明悟,轻轻将夸父的双眼合上:“放心吧,我明白你要说什么。”Perhapsoutsidein the personeyes, thisis onlyGolden CrowtenCrown Prince, becausefemalebainsultfather, thereforecomes outto retaliate, simultaneouslystemming from the psychology of wanting to play all the time, theystrollseverywhere.
也许在外人眼中,这只是金乌十太子因为女魃侮辱父亲,所以出来报复,同时出于贪玩的心理,他们四处闲逛。Althoughcreatedscarletten thousandli (0.5 km), plunging the people into disaster, butconsideringtheirhonoredstatus, althoughfinallyhas the punishment, butwill punishwill not be heavy.
虽然造成了赤地万里,生灵涂炭,但考虑到他们尊贵的身份,最后虽然有责罚,但责罚也不会太重。But the Zu Anclearmatteris not certainly simple, unifiesinformation that thischecks, thistendaysfly high are not obviously accidental, butdeliberately plans.
只不过祖安清楚事情绝没有那么简单,结合这一路查下来的信息,这次十日凌空显然并非意外,而是处心积虑。ten thousandHunfan, extinguishes the soulcauldron......
万魂幡、灭魂鼎……Nowtendaysflew high, cause the innumerablelifedeaths, the souls of thesedeathsactuallyvanishedwithout a trace, obviouslywas the emperorusesthesetengolden crowsto helphimcomplete a sacrificehandsometo refine the whole worldlifegrand formationlastpoint.
如今十日凌空,导致无数生灵死亡,那些死亡的魂魄却消失得无影无踪,显然是帝俊利用这十个金乌来帮他完成一个祭炼天下生灵大阵的最后一环。JustKua Fualsowantsto understandall thesemostly, before thatpeachforestisheat the point of death, withcane, but the peachwoodrestrainedghostonekindexactly.
刚刚夸父多半也是想明白了这一切,那片桃林乃是他临死前用手杖所化,而桃木恰恰克制鬼魂一类。Justthispeachforestaffected the collection of thissurrounding areaten thousandli (0.5 km)soulall of a sudden, no wonderistengolden crowsis so breathless.
刚刚这片桃林一下子影响了这方圆万里生魂的收集,难怪是十个金乌那么气急败坏。„Brat, asked that yourwords, the mute”Golden CrowsixCrown Princeshouted.
“臭小子,问你话呢,哑巴了么”金乌六太子喝道。Zu Anraised the headfinally, lookstotenSun of sky, byhiseyesight, naturallycan see clearlyistengolden crows, at this timeon the each and everyoneface is the laughter, as ifall theseare not serious: „Youdo the matter of thisgrade of seething discontent among the people, reallythinks that no onecan controlyou”祖安终于抬起头,望向天空的十个太阳,以他的目力,自然看得清是十只金乌,此时一个个脸上全是嬉笑,仿佛这一切都不当回事:“你们干出这等天怒人怨之事,真以为没人管得了你们”Thattengolden crowshearthissayingto be first startled, subsequently before smiles , after bending down, supine.
那十只金乌听到这话先是一怔,继而纷纷笑得前俯后仰。„Youspokethissaying, don't tell me want to say that youronlyhuman can also manageus”
“你说这话,难道想说你区区一个人类也能管我们”„The world of mortalsants, overreach oneself!”
“凡间蝼蚁,不自量力!”„Weare the children of God, theseyearsdo not knowconscientiouslybenefittingworldmanylives, thistimecome outto playonealsowhatto have unable to undergowrongas fortheselives, showed that theyhitthistribulation, haswhatrelationswithus.”
“我们乃是天帝之子,这些年兢兢业业不知造福世间多少生灵,这次出来游玩一番又何错之有至于那些生灵经受不住,证明他们命中有此一劫,和我们又有什么关系。”„Withthisantsrubbishants, youshearedthisrepugnanttongueon own initiative, againfrombreaking the both arms, thisCrown Princecanforgive your crime of offendingreluctantly, gives your way out.”
……SeestenGolden Crowrecklesslyhigh-profilesmile, the Zu Ancomplexionis tranquil.
看到十只金乌肆意张扬的笑容,祖安面色平静。Sinceemperorhandsome the choicestartstendaysto fly high, obviouslyisallprepared, Xiaoxiwas perhaps more unfortunate than fortunate.
The visionfallsto the one sideKua Fu'sburned blackbodyon, in the mindnon-stop the innumerableendscenes that appearsthisto see.
目光落到一旁夸父焦黑的尸体上,脑海中不停浮现这一路见到的无数末日般的场景。Villages, in the wall, floorthatbunch of dense and numerousburned blackperson's shadowsappearbeforehim, seems complaininganythingtohim.
一个又一个村落,墙上、地板上那一团团密密麻麻的焦黑人影出现在他面前,似乎在向他控诉着什么。Heonlythought that the whole bodyblood seems to be burning, at this moment the earresounded the Mi Lianxioussound:
他只觉得浑身的血似乎都在燃烧,就在这时耳边响起了芈骊焦急的声音:„Calm, the emperorplanned such bigbureauhandsome, is notyoucancope!”
“冷静,帝俊谋划了这么大的局,绝非你所能对付的!”„Nowcandoisgoes backto contactvariousclanbigwitches, makesWureturn to the contactforeheadagain, naturallyhas the correspondinggreat personto processall these.”
“现在能做的就是回去联络各族大巫,再让吴回联络天庭,自然有相应的大人物来处理这一切。”„Do not be involved in thisbigcauses and effects.”
“你千万不要卷进这段大因果之中。”„Do not impulse! Thisisin the timeriver one of the most famousbigevents, youare not the person of thisspace and time, participates in the consequencebeing difficult to predictforcefully.”
“别冲动!这是时间长河上最着名的大事件之一,你本来就不是这个时空的人,强行参与进去后果难料。”„Ifwrote offby the emperorinthisworldhandsome, the opportunity that youare reincarnateddoes not have.”
……ObviouslyMi Lihas also been paying attention to the mattersilently, nowdetected that Zu Anintention, shecan ignore the deep sleep, quicklyspoke the reminder.
显然芈骊也一直默默关注着整件事,如今察觉到祖安的意图,她也顾不得沉睡,急忙出言提醒。Usuallyinshealsocalculatesto be reticent, nowsaysso many, obviouslyinherhearthasworries.
平日里她也算惜字如金,如今一口气说了这么多,可见她的心中有多么着急。In the Zu Anhandpresented a redbigbow, the look is very tranquil: „Big Sis Empress, Iknow the method that yousaidis more reasonable, but ifpersoncultivation baseis getting higher and higher, meetsdoes not put down the matteractuallynot to daretake action, thatthiscultivationalsohaswhatsignificancefor a lifetime”祖安手中出现了一把红色大弓,神色却十分平静:“皇后姐姐,我知道你说的法子更合理,但如果一个人修为越来越高,遇到不平事却不敢出手,那这修行一辈子又有什么意义”„Youwill really dielike this!”
“可是这样你真的会死的!”„Person must always die.”
“人总是要死的。”Finishes speaking, hiswhole personafterfalls, in the hand the red bowlike the full moon, essence qi between worldcrazywells uptowardhiswithin the body.
话音刚落,他整个人朝后倾倒,手中彤弓如满月,天地间的元气疯狂朝他体内涌来。Thatflashheas if felt not a personin the drawingstring, butistrillionlivesstandsinhimtogetherbehind.
A white lightlasing, arrowbrokenGolden CrowbloodlikeSichuan!
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