KI :: Volume #26

#2546: face-off

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Clearly looks like in governing gate time, when female ba can kill, after all the opposite party goal is very big, finding her was very easy. 在御门倍晴看来,女魃什么时候都可以去杀,毕竟对方目标很大,找到她很容易。 Who therefore first with has a look at this woman back master is. 所以还是先跟上去看看这女人背后的主人到底是谁。 Has not thought that this matter as if also has the evil behind-the-scenes manipulator to stir to make the wind and cloud, she thought suddenly whole thing neglected what essential thing probably. 没想到这件事似乎还另外有黑手在搅弄风云,她忽然觉得整件事情自己好像忽略了什么关键的东西。 Now only needs to find this essential thing, perhaps really has the opportunity to change the result. 如今只需要将这个关键东西找到,说不定真有机会改变结局。 Thinks that here she is even more excited, follows even more to be after death cautious in Latin America, was for fear that discovered by the opposite party. 想到这里她越发兴奋起来,跟在萨拉美身后越发小心翼翼,生怕被对方发现。 Latin America is truly vigilant, all the way walks is the especially remote trails, will also talk circuitously specially, all around the cautious examination has the person to track. 萨拉美确实很警惕,一路上走的都是格外偏僻的小径,甚至还会特意绕圈子,小心翼翼查看四周有没有人跟踪。 But by her strength, how can also discover desirably the solar goddess of hidden 只不过以她的实力,又如何能发现刻意隐藏的太阳神女 She arrives by a cliff finally, knocked knocking toward nearby cliff, then a wisp of ray illuminated from the cliff. 她终于来到一处悬崖旁,朝旁边的峭壁敲了敲,然后一缕光芒从峭壁上照了下来。 She takes out a jade to put in the ray, the jade shines all over the body, reflects the ray to the cliff on, saw only on anything no cliff to present a cave entrance suddenly. 她取出一个玉璧放到光芒中,玉璧通体发光,将光线反射到峭壁上,只见原本什么都没有的峭壁上忽然出现了一个洞口。 She sweet smiled, walks to enter, sat cross-legged good a person that toward inside a ritual: Master, the good fortune does not fail in one's mission.” 她甜甜一笑,走了进了进去,朝里面盘坐的一人行了一礼:“主人,幸不辱命。” That black robe person said lightly: Spoke the entire process in detail to me listens.” 那个黑袍人淡淡地说道:“把整个过程详细讲给我听。” Latin America will just see the matter after female ba to say from beginning to end, the black robe person nods satisfied: Very good, you have not independently decided to add something superfluous and ruin the effect.” 萨拉美将刚刚见到女魃后的事情原原本本说了一遍,黑袍人满意地点了点头:“很好,你没有自作主张画蛇添足。” Seeing him is happy, Latin America quickly seizes the chance to ask: „The name that master, why did not tell the opposite party directly that person, must so circle.” 见他心情很好,萨拉美急忙趁机问道:“主人,为什么不直接告诉对方那个人的名字,非要这般绕一圈。” The black robe person smiles: No matter the witch or the monster, are the person or the god, will have a strange psychology, the person Patriarch moves tells your information to suspect the protection subconsciously, the thing that instead oneself will check can believe in firmly, will therefore make her own check, she after all was Yellow Emperor's daughter, the ancestor witch's wife, has does not know that many methods and personal connections, had our prompt, she must check is not difficult.” 黑袍人笑了笑:“不管是巫还是妖,是人还是神,都有一种奇怪的心理,人家主动告诉你的情报会下意识怀疑防备,反而自己查出来的东西会深信不疑,所以让她自己去查,她毕竟是黄帝之女,祖巫之妻,有着不知道多少手段和人脉,有了我们的提示,她要查出来并不难。” Latin America praised: Master seriously was the wise supernatural might, the foolproof plan, the subordinate is really dull-witted.” 萨拉美不禁赞道:“主人当真是英明神武,算无遗策,属下真的是太愚钝了。” The nearby lord of slaughtering gives the thumbs-up secretly, oneself live in top is too long, often was patted flattery that side, was used to it unable to change suddenly, wants to flatter this black robe person unable to start, was the daughter is fierce, so long as she asked for the master favor, we can obtain more information, perhaps the master will also bestow us to stimulate the law of remote antiquity bloodlines strength...... 一旁的杀戮之主暗暗竖起了大拇指,自己身居高位太久,往往是被人拍马屁的那一方,习惯了一时间根本改不过来,想讨好这个黑袍人也无从下手,还是女儿厉害,只要她多讨主人欢心,我们就能得到更多情报,说不定主人还会赐给我们激发远古血脉力量之法…… Suddenly his expression stiffens, how in oneself were intimate friends moves also shouts the master subconsciously 忽然他的表情僵住,自己怎么连心里活动也下意识喊主人了 Moral integrity where, dignity where 节操在哪里,尊严在哪里 When he is suspecting the life, black robe person suddenly voice cold: Waste, you actually also led the enemy.” 他正在怀疑人生之时,黑袍人忽然声音冷了下来:“废物,你竟然还把敌人带了回来。” Just also pleased with oneself Latin America saw that dumbfounded: Master, I do not have......” 刚刚还自鸣得意的萨拉美见状傻眼了:“主人,我没有……” The pressure that flash opposite party vitality/angry erupts, making her feel that the soul is shivering. 那一瞬间对方生气爆发出的威压,让她感觉到灵魂都在颤抖。 The black robe person has not responded him, but looks up to cave entrance: Since, why not to come in a to chat 黑袍人并没有搭理他,而是抬头望向洞口:“既然到了,何不进来一叙” Govern gate time clear enters the cave mansion slowly, the cold vision is carefully examining that black robe person. 御门倍晴缓缓走进洞府,冷冽的目光审视着那黑袍人。 Monster Race Saintess the evil spirit world invades the biggest hindrance that cultivation world so many years encounter, how the lord of slaughtering cannot recognize. 妖族圣女”妖魔世界入侵修行世界这么多年遇到的最大阻碍,杀戮之主又如何认不出来。 He grins fiendishly: In the past you hid deep me unable to find, never expected that you dare to appear before me unexpectedly!” 他狞笑一声:“以往你藏得太深我根本找不到,没想到你竟然敢出现在我面前!” Said that he on the one hand grasps directly to the opposite party, he will want first under seizing to make the master appease anger, so as to avoid will blame Latin America a while. 说完他直接一手抓向对方,他要第一时间将之擒下让主人息怒,免得等会儿怪罪萨拉美。 Noticed his behavior, the black robe person coldly spat two characters: Idiot!” 注意到他的行为,黑袍人冷冷吐了两个字:“白痴!” The lord of slaughtering does not understand why the master appraises, thought that a Monster Race Saintess where need master in small and weak world so regards as important. 杀戮之主不明白主人为何这么评价,心想一个弱小世界的妖族圣女哪里需要主人这般看重。 However his next second understood, at present exudes a dazzling ray, he as if saw a raising Sun. 不过他下一秒就懂了,眼前泛起一道耀眼的光芒,他仿佛看到了一轮升起的太阳。 Terrifying hot intent and flame transmit, the lord of tenacious skin of slaughtering was burnt instantaneously. 恐怖的热意与火焰传来,杀戮之主坚韧的皮肤瞬间被烤焦了。 That flash he felt the aura of death, he quickly used various maintaining life methods, now he cannot attend to having the least bit to hide contraband. 那一瞬间他感受到了死亡的气息,他急忙将各种保命手段都使用了出来,如今他顾不得有半点藏私。 He control as evil spirit world, some body many good things. 他身为妖魔世界的主宰,身上还是有不少好东西的。 The body radiance sparkles intermittently, helping him resist the surrounding terrifying flame. 身上的光华阵阵闪耀,帮他抵御着周围恐怖的火焰。 But he is also clear, oneself these protect the movement technique treasure almost to damage a speed to consume by one second, how long him will unable to be fired the hard coke thoroughly. 但他也清楚,自己那些护身法宝几乎以一秒损坏一个的速度在消耗着,要不了多久他就会彻底被烧成焦炭了。 Nearby Latin America sees that in great surprise, but her cultivation base is unable to meddle the confrontation of this degree, can only entreat nearby black robe person: Master......” 旁边的萨拉美见状大惊,可是她的修为根本无法插手这个程度的交锋,只能哀求一旁的黑袍人:“主人……” The black robe person saw these magical treasure that the lord of slaughtering displays, thought this slave actually some methods, died like this were a pity. 黑袍人看到杀戮之主施展的那些法宝,心想这个奴隶倒是有些手段,这样死了就可惜了。 At once brandishes a cape, the giant cape as if turns into a black cloth that obstructs the day, wrapped that dazzling Sun, the entire cave mansion was dark immediately. 旋即挥舞了一下斗篷,巨大的斗篷仿佛变成一张遮天的黑布,将那耀眼的太阳包了起来,整个洞府顿时暗了下来。 At this time Latin America saw clearly the real appearance of black robe person finally, the expression is very surprised. 此时萨拉美终于看清了黑袍人的真实样貌,表情十分吃惊。 Because the opposite party does not imagine that bad old man, anomaly that also or what twists gloomily, on the contrary looks is big, although without that graceful surnamed Zu, but the whole person makings can also be called is a handsome youth. 因为对方并不是想象中的那种糟老头子,又或者什么阴暗扭曲的怪胎,相反长得高大挺拔,虽然没有那个姓祖的帅,但整个人气质也称得上是个英俊的青年。 The lord of slaughtering was involved together by the qi energy rear area, finally was out of danger, he quickly salutes: many thanks Lord...... person......” 杀戮之主则被一道气劲牵扯到了后方,终于脱离了险境,他急忙行礼:“多谢主……人……” At this time he also saw clearly the opposite party is a young man, suddenly was somewhat in a daze. 此时他也看清了对方是个年轻男子,一时间有些发愣。 Govern gate time clear is staring at the black robe person stubbornly, the facial expression somewhat is stunned some suddenly: Originally is you!” 御门倍晴死死地盯着黑袍人,神情有些错愕又有些恍然:“原来是你!” The black robe person shows a faint smile: Never expected that you can find here unexpectedly, really worthily is the solar goddess.” 黑袍人微微一笑:“没想到你竟然能找到这里,果然不愧是太阳神女。” Govern gate time of clear look one cold: No matter no wonder I make anything diligently, finally the matter develops in the bad direction, originally all these are you are being up to mischief, good, finally found the issue, now solves not late.” 御门倍晴神色一冷:“难怪不管我做什么努力,最终事情还是往坏的方向发展,原来这一切是你在搞鬼,也好,终于找到了问题,现在解决掉为时不晚。” You are so self-confident to solve my my mother black robe person to smile, the facial expression is quite actually relaxed. “你就这么自信能解决掉我我的母亲”黑袍人笑了笑,神情倒是颇为轻松。 Latin America was helping the lord of slaughtering apply ointment therapy, hears this saying two people simultaneously to turn head, the vision roves in two people body, the chin fell quickly on the ground. 萨拉美原本正在帮杀戮之主敷药疗伤,听到这话两人齐齐回头,目光在两人身上转来转去,下巴都快跌在地上了。 They are mother and child 他们俩是母子 The key is the opposite party is not Monster Race Saintess of small and weak world, how to turn into mother of master suddenly 关键是对方不是一个弱小世界的妖族圣女么,怎么突然变成了主人的母亲 Moreover the opposite party looks such young pretty, the age as if did not have master- big, what's the matter 而且对方看着这么年轻貌美,年纪似乎还没主人-大呢,到底是怎么回事 Be quiet, you do not have the qualifications such to shout me.” Govern gate time of clear look one cold, in eye some thin angry. “住嘴,你没资格那样喊我。”御门倍晴神色一冷,眼中有些薄怒。 The Latin America and slaughtering lord of taste gradually, they as if are not the true mother and child, why master will also shout her mother 萨拉美和杀戮之主渐渐回过味来,他们似乎并非真正的母子,那为何主人又会喊她母亲 On the black robe face also flashes through a gloomy color: You really always look down upon me, right, you are the noble solar goddess, has the bloodlines of natural noble, naturally has the qualifications to look down upon others, what a pity your fellows for the own arrogant arrogant regret.” 黑袍人脸上也闪过一丝阴郁之色:“你们果然始终看不起我,对,你是高贵的太阳神女,有着天然高贵的血脉,自然有资格瞧不起别人,可惜你们这些家伙都会为自己的傲慢自大后悔的。” I seize to give your father you, you said this theory to him when the time comes.” Govern gate time said clearly, attacked toward the black robe person directly. “我将你擒下交给你父亲,你到时候跟他去说这段理论吧。”御门倍晴说完后直接朝黑袍人攻了过去。 Haha, you were too rather self-confident, makes you have a look at the true strength.” The black robe person clothes robe blows up, the whole person changed to a nihility, welcomed governing gate time of clear attack. “哈哈,你未免太自信了,就让你看看真正的力量吧。”黑袍人衣袍鼓起,整个人化作了一片虚无,迎上了御门倍晴的攻击。 ...... …… This time Zu An is looking for governing gate time of clear whereabouts everywhere, the Wushan goddess sees his anxious appearance, start to speak but hesitate several times, finally cannot bear say: You do not need too to be worried about her, she will be all right.” 此时的祖安正在到处寻找御门倍晴的下落,巫山神女看到他焦急的模样,好几次欲言又止,最后还是忍不住说道:“你不必太担心她,她会没事的。” Why goddess thinks that like this the Zu An vision brilliant is looking at her, „the don't tell me goddess knows what secret facts “神女为何这样认为”祖安目光灼灼地望着她,“难道神女知道什么隐情”
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