KI :: Volume #26

#2542: The day passes certainly

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Other exist 还有其他存在 Slaughters advocating peace Latin America to look at each other one, listens to the meaning in Lord logical expression, the opposite party seems like with his same holds chess . Moreover the master quite dreaded. 杀戮之主和萨拉美对视一眼,听主人话中的意思,对方似乎是跟他一样的执棋者,而且主人对其颇为忌惮。 Fearful existence like the master really also has one! 像主人这样可怕的存在竟然还有一个! This world was really fearful. 这个世界实在是太可怕了。 The Latin America eyeball turning round revolution, by arriving at that black robe person side, the sweet and delicate voice asked: Master master, does not know that who hides in secret 萨拉美眼珠子滴溜溜一转,靠到那黑袍人身侧,娇声问道:“主人主人,不知道到底谁藏在暗中啊” She said, one cold, so has not whined tenderly. 她说完后自己都一寒,从来没有这般娇嗲过。 Never expected that some day, even she must display honey trap. 没想到有朝一日,连她都要施展美人计。 That black robe person cold snort/hum, vigorously its separating: This is not the question that you should ask , later do not want to color to tempt me, you will have that aspect interest in your pet 那黑袍人冷哼一声,一股大力将其弹开:“这不是你该问的问题,还有,以后别想着色诱我,你会对自己家的宠物产生那方面兴趣么” He with a draft animal word, has not been considers two people faces. 他没有用牲口一词,已经是考虑到两人的面子了。 Latin America complexion red white, she felt one type never humiliation. 萨拉美脸色一阵红一阵白,她感受到了一种从来没有过的屈辱。 However she responded also quickly, has not displayed the disaffection in heart, instead whole face smile: Master teaches is, Latin America knew wrong.” 不过她反应也快,并没有将心中的不满表现出来,反而满脸微笑:“主人教训得是,萨拉美知错了。” That black robe person no longer looks at him, but continues to observe the trend of Zhongshan. 那黑袍人不再看他,而是继续观察钟山的动向。 At this time the Zhongshan direction, each witch Zuda can resign from the godhood are getting more and more, the situation starts becomes out of control. 此时钟山方向,各个巫族大能辞去神职的越来越多,局势开始变得一发不可收拾。 The bonus is the God golden body also brow slightly wrinkle: Why everyone is swayed by personal feelings, various witch monster two clan manages sides, the itself/Ben was the past agreement, now you resign from the godhood, can the whole world chaos 饶是天帝的金身也不禁眉头微皱:“各位何必意气用事,巫妖两族各管一方,本就是当年的约定,如今你们辞去神职,岂不是会天下大乱” The labor sneers saying: Initially reached an agreement the Monster Race manages day, witch clan manages the place, so many year of witch monster both sides the conflict is still unceasing, now you are directly to the son who our ancestor witch domain massacres the opposite party, since the past agreement only had a mere scrap of paper, why everyone must continue to put on this shackles 共工冷笑道:“当初说好了妖族管天,巫族管地,这么多年巫妖双方依然冲突不断,如今你更是直接到我们祖巫地盘残杀对方的儿子,既然当年的约定只剩下了一纸空文,那大家干嘛还要继续戴上这个枷锁” Other witch Zuda can echo, witch clan was unruly, again in addition two clans originally gratitude and grudges numerous, therefore the public sentiment is roused to action at this time in abundance, does not limit to the drum is killed the incident. 其他巫族大能纷纷附和,巫族本就桀骜不驯,再加上两族本就恩怨重重,所以此时纷纷群情激奋,早已不局限于鼓被杀一事。 Has witch Zuda to shout: World that certainly a few years ago proposed passed, how not to have as follows we not to see momentarily your foreheads abused power!” 有巫族大能喊道:“前些年提出的绝天地通,怎么没下文了我们可不想随时看到你们天庭下来作威作福!” Right, only then this can completely solve the ever-increasing conflict.” “对,只有这样才能彻底解决日益增多的冲突。” ...... …… Had one to take the lead, everyone created a clamor in abundance, as if did not isolate the world, both sides will fight quickly thoroughly. 有了一个带头,大家纷纷鼓噪了起来,仿佛不隔绝天地,双方很快就会彻底大战起来。 Zu An of distant place looks secretly is flabbergasted, these witch Zuda can in have several rhythm Grandmasters, the matter must subside each time shortly, several will come out to be muddy the atmospheric conditions just before a rain, finally made this aspect, does not know that some people add fuel to the flames in the back. 远处的祖安看得暗暗咂舌,那些巫族大能里有好几个节奏大师啊,每次事情眼看要平息了,就会有几个出来把水搅浑,最终造成了这个局面,也不知道是不是有人在背后推波助澜。 But also has the ancestor witch related to the God, the words of some really people, the courage was too rather big. 只不过涉及天帝还有祖巫,真有人的话,未免胆子太大了些。 At this time the God golden body is confronting in Zhongshan and witches, the true body neutralizes crowd of immortals to discuss official business in the heavenly palace. 此时天帝金身正在钟山和众巫对峙,真身则在天宫中和群仙议事。 At this time in the heavenly palace also hypes one group, the main hall above has large-scale screen, is magecraft that the God displays, watches to the numerous immortals the picture live broadcast of Zhongshan. 此时天宫中也是炒作一团,大殿上方有一块大型“屏幕”,乃是天帝施展的术法,将钟山的画面直播给众仙看。 The Monster Race numerous immortals looked, similarly is filled with righteous indignation, thought that witch clan is extremely rather unappreciative. 妖族众仙看完后同样义愤填膺,觉得巫族未免太过不识抬举。 This matter is the drum has the mistake obviously in first, the God punishes him to be fair, how instead to become the forehead now not 此事明明是鼓有错在先,天帝处罚他合情合理,怎么现在反而成了天庭的不是了 The forehead grants the witch the clan godhood, is shows good will to win over obviously, finally each and everyone clamors now is being the shackles cage, is the Monster Race forehead is suppressing badly, in the main hall many usually the strong immortal cursed angrily the witch clan that these do not know good from bad. 天庭赐予巫族神职,明明是示好拉拢,结果一个个现在却叫嚣着是枷锁牢笼,是妖族天庭这边憋着坏,大殿上不少素来强硬的仙人纷纷怒骂那些不知好歹的巫族。 In the quick main hall the opinion of main action got the winning side, the witch monster two clans had the conflict much, now they are occupying the principle, if by the witch clan truncating the face, who entire whole world will also take the forehead in the future 很快大殿上主战的言论占据了上风,巫妖两族本就多有冲突,如今他们占着理若是被巫族给削了面子,日后全天下谁还服天庭 In the group immortal has not advocated peace actually not, but their sounds just sent out, will submerge in saliva of war party side. 群仙之中倒不是没有主和的,但他们的声音刚发出,就会淹没在主战派一方的口水中。 After all innumerable years later, which Monster Race not with witch clan a little intense and deep-seated hatred 毕竟无数年下来,哪个妖族没和巫族有点血海深仇 Under this situation, even if the immortal also is very difficult the rational idea. 这种情形下,哪怕是仙人也很难理性思考。 Before Zhuanxu publicized to Zhongshan sentences to the drum, besides drum dry/does matter truly person god altogether indignant, similarly also wants to teach witch clan taking this opportunity, divulged in Monster Race to constrain for a long time main action mood, so as to avoid could not suppress finally, the aspect was out of control. 之前颛顼之所以公开到钟山给鼓处刑,除了鼓干的事情确实人神共愤之外,同样也想借这个机会教训一下巫族,宣泄一下妖族中压抑已久的主战情绪,免得最后压制不住,局面一发不可收拾。 Although he as the God, but does not mean that he can have one's wish, disregards under the hand the interests of many immortal. 他虽身为天帝,但也并不意味着他能随心所欲,无视手底下众多仙人的利益。 Zhuanxu looked at emperor handsome one of the heads of crowd of immortal, now many people tacitly approve him are the next generation God, therefore the side gathered too many immortals. 颛顼看了看群仙之首的帝俊一眼,现在很多人默认他是下一代天帝,所以身边聚集了太多的仙人。 The emperor Jun's attitude toward the witch clan is especially strong, receives everyone to welcome, although now he has not taken a stand, but these trusted aides have worked as his mouth hand/subordinate, all says the words that he wants to speak. 帝俊对巫族的态度格外强硬,就更受大家欢迎,如今他虽然没表态,但手下那些心腹早已当了他的嘴替,把他想说的话全都说完了。 If really makes this war open, the whole world does not know that what kind of result will move toward. 若是真的让这场大战开启,整个世界不知道会走向怎样的结局。 At this time the fire( the officer of stoker) heavy Li left ranks to say suddenly: Must solve this problem, actually not just a war way, another method.” 这时火正(司火之官)重黎忽然出列道:“要解决这个问题,其实并不是只有战争一途,还有另一个法子。” In Zhuanxu heart sinks, heavy Li is his grandson, he knows certainly the method in opposite party mouth is anything, such price is extremely just brutal. 颛顼不禁心中一沉,重黎乃是他的孙子,他当然知道对方口中的法子是什么,只不过那样的代价太过残酷。 Does not know the method that the fire is saying to be anything an immortal officer asks. “不知道火正说的法子是什么”一个仙官问道。 „The day passes certainly!” The heavy Lebanese look is tranquil, the look is quite firm and resolute. “绝地天通!”重黎神色平静,眼神颇为坚毅。 Hears this means that the noisy main hall was peaceful immediately. 听到这个办法,原本吵吵闹闹的大殿顿时安静下来。 The silent emperor has finally spoken handsome: Fire is positive, what kind of price you may know the direct access to the highest authorities to pay certainly, for some trivial witch clan, who it is necessary to sacrifice my Monster Race big god to be willing to sacrifice 一直沉默的帝俊终于发话了:“火正,你可知绝地通天要付出怎样的代价,为了区区一些巫族,有必要牺牲我妖族的大神么谁又愿意牺牲” His vision place visited, these immortals dodge the look in abundance, the day logically coherent argument gets up also simply, to lift the day certainly upward, presses the place downward, completely breaks off the relation between world. 他的目光所过之处,那些仙人纷纷闪避眼神,绝地天通说起来也简单,就是将天往上抬,把地往下按,彻底断绝天地之间的联系。 Such day and place can perform its own functions, the witch monster two clans did not have the contact, before that intense conflict will naturally reduce and solve. 这样天与地就能各司其职,巫妖两族没了接触,之前那种激烈的冲突自然就会化解。 But this matter office is difficult, must know that in the past powerful like Pangu, after is epoch-making, to let day and the place no longer closes up, a pin steps on the land to support the sky, after the innumerable years, powerful such as Pangu also falls from the sky, somzatization Tsukuriyamagawa rivers as well as land forest wait/etc. 只不过此事办起来却非常难,要知道当年强大如盘古,开天辟地过后,为了让天与地不再合拢,一直脚踩大地撑着天空,经过无数岁月,强大如盘古也就此陨落,躯体化作山川河流以及大地森林等等。 Has the rumor now standing tall and erect clouds Kunlun Mountains is a section of skeleton that the past Pangu left behind. 有传言如今高耸云霄的昆仑就是当年盘古留下的一截骸骨。 Passed the innumerable years, the world operation has stabilized, before having Pangu , the foundation that builds, separates the difficulty the world again thoroughly, although was much smaller than initially the Pangu period, but also needs in Monster Race the most powerful god to pay with the life the price, can accomplish. 过了无数岁月,天地运行早已稳定起来,有了盘古之前打下的基础,再次将天地彻底分开难度虽然比当初盘古时期小得多,但同样也需要妖族中最强大的神付出生命的代价,才能办到。 Can cultivation to existence of that realm, entire Monster Race be extremely rare, who is willing to sacrifice itself, to save witch clan these barbarians 修炼到那种境界的存在,整个妖族都是凤毛麟角,谁又愿意牺牲自己,就为了救巫族那些野蛮人 Since no one hopes toward, me toward!” Heavy Li is loud and clear. “既然无人愿往,我往!”重黎掷地有声。 Zhuanxu in great surprise, quickly prevents: Heavy Li, cannot impulse......” 颛顼大惊,急忙阻止:“重黎,不可冲动……” He also wants to urge again, had been broken by heavy Li: „When grandfather, you taught me in the past cultivation, said that each cultivator must find own saying that where for a long time I do not know own, but I have wanted to understand now, my say/way then must avoid this world plunging the people into disaster.” 他还想再劝,已经被重黎打断:“祖父,当年你教我修行时,说每个修行者都要找到自己的道,很长时间我都不知道自己的道在哪里,但如今我已经想明白了,我的道便是要避免这世间生灵涂炭。” He finishes speaking, a whole person around the body intermittent say/way rhyme passes, obviously Heavenly Dao approved him. 他话音刚落,整个人周身一阵阵道韵流转,显然天道认可了他。 The emperor saw that toward heavy Li handsome respectful good a ritual: Heavy Lebanese this is willing to be really great, making one admire.” 帝俊见状朝重黎恭恭敬敬行了一礼:“重黎此愿实在宏大,让人敬佩。” In main hall others also in abundance toward heavy Li line/traverse a ritual, no matter in everyone ordinary day camp how, but admires to his selfless spirit especially. 大殿中其他人也纷纷朝重黎行了一礼,不管大家平日里阵营如何,但都对他这种无私的精神格外佩服。 Zhuanxu long time, sighs silent finally, has not prevented. 颛顼沉默半晌,最终叹了一口气,并没有阻止。 To cultivator, is more important than the life. 修行者而言,道比性命更重要。 Not to mention now situation so, even if considering the heavy Lebanese own pursue, he cannot prevent, otherwise opposite party dao heart was shattered, finally hopeless Grand Dao, with disabled person still not different. 且不说如今形势如此,就算考虑到重黎自己的追求,他都不能阻止,否则对方道心破碎,最终无望大道,与废人也无异了。 If can completely solve the struggle of witch monster, heavy Li Ciju also accumulated unsurpassed karmic virtue.” Nevertheless comforts itself, but the Zhuanxu difficult word to lose. “若是能彻底解决巫妖之争,重黎此举倒也攒下了无上功德。”尽管这样安慰自己,但颛顼还是难言失落。 Although his descendant are many, but few mature, the grandchildren are also many, but only heavy Lebanese shocking and stunning talent, wants to train him for one after next generation even is the next generation God, as it now seems is not possible. 他的后代虽多,但没有几个成才的,孙子辈同样不少,但只有重黎惊才绝艳,原本想培养他为下下代甚至是下一代天帝,现在看来是不可能了。 At this time above Zhongshan, the golden form appears together slowly: To avoid the witch monster two clans continues to conflict, fire heavy Li, the life of Mandate of Heaven emperor, the day passes certainly!” 此时钟山之上,一道金色身影缓缓显现:“为了避免巫妖两族继续冲突,火正重黎,奉天帝之命,绝地天通!” Finishes speaking, that golden form changed to one with the day simultaneous/uniform tall giant, sees only him to bellow, foot treads the land, both hands supports the day, in the world essence qi immediately became chaotic. 话音刚落,那道金色身影化作了一个与天齐高的巨人,只见他大吼一声,脚踏大地,双手撑天,天地间元气顿时变得混乱了起来。 A everything may become vulnerable of intermittent terrifying, entire ground as if liquid melted, keeps fluctuating to sway, but also along with innumerable landslide cracks in the earth. 一阵阵恐怖的地动山摇,整个地面仿佛液态化了,不停地起伏摇晃,还伴随着无数的山崩地裂。 Under everyone does not stand steadily, Zu An quickly holds the merpeople queen and governing gate time of clearness, the stunned discovery trim land is sinking, but the sky more rises to be higher! 下方所有人都站立不稳,祖安急忙抓住人鱼女王和御门倍晴,愕然发现整片大地都在下沉,而天空则越升越高! The bonus is powerful such as the punishment day and Kua Fu unexpected under stumbles. 饶是强大如刑天和夸父猝不及防之下都跌了一跤。 Is the Wushan goddess as if under foot has common on the contrary, regardless of the ground how mighty waves fluctuate, she always stands one's ground steadfastly. 反倒是巫山神女仿佛脚下有根一般,无论地面如何波涛起伏,她都始终岿然不动。 Feeling in the world the space element becomes wild and terrifying, Zu An looks to distant place that golden form, suddenly shocks incomparably, Pangu epoch-makingly is only the legend, does not have to think oneself experienced similar one unexpectedly with own eyes. 感受到天地间空间元素变得狂暴而恐怖,祖安望向远处那道金色的身影,一时间震撼无比,盘古开天辟地只是传说,没想到自己竟然亲眼见识了类似一幕。 Can pick up the trim world thoroughly, this is what kind of terrifying cultivation base! 能将整片天地都彻底托起,这是何等恐怖的修为 The governing gate time of clear lowering the head hands and feet is icy cold, arrived this step, arrived this step! 御门倍晴低着头手脚冰凉无比,还是走到了这一步,还是走到了这一步!
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