A Zu Anas ifpuppetwas then manipulatedby the surroundingpersonequally, hehas not thought that gets marriedsocomplex.祖安接下来仿佛一个木偶一样被周围的人摆弄,他从来没想到成亲如此复杂。Especiallybridegroom'sclothes, seriouslyarecomplicatedincomparable.
特别是那新郎的一身衣服,当真是繁复无比。Hisbodywas hung all kinds ofgold jewelries, if nothisphysiqueis at variance with the average man, perhapshad been crashedbythatseriousweight.
他身上被挂了各种各样的黄金饰品,若非他体质异于常人,恐怕早已被那沉重的重量压垮。Listened totheseChangclansmen saying that the accessorywere more , indicating the heart that found a wifewas more sincere, moreoverthisalsorepresented a intention of Changclan, does not want neglectsslightly.
听那些常氏族人说饰品越多,就表示娶妻的心越真诚,而且这也代表了常氏一族的心意,不想有丝毫怠慢。Zu Ancannot understand, can only coordinatethemnumbly, the choicerespectstheircustoms.祖安听不懂,只能麻木地配合着他们,选择尊重他们的习俗。
The timearrived at the eveningunknowingly, hewas broughtto go outto hold the bowing to Heaven and Earthceremony.
时间不知不觉来到了傍晚,他被带出去举行拜堂仪式。Whatmakehisaccidental/surprisedis, the ceremonyis not heldin the room, butin the central squarein the clan, entireChangclanboth olds and youngsallcame out, each and everyonewears the clothes of jubilation, on the femalefaceis brimming with the smile of jubilation, simultaneouslyeach and everyoneis sizing upZu Ancurious.
让他意外的是,仪式并非在屋子内举行,而是在族中中心广场里,整个常氏一族老老少少全都出来了,一个个穿着喜庆的衣裳,女人脸上都洋溢着喜庆的笑容,同时一个个充满好奇地打量着祖安。On the contrarythesemaneach and everyoneput on a long face, looks in the Zu Anlookto be full of the envy and anger.
相反那些男人一个个都哭丧着脸,望着祖安的眼神中充满了嫉妒与愤怒。Looks that the backstagerestsRage Points that not to stoptransmits, Zu Anhas tosighmerpeoplequeenorChang Ein a Changclanterrifyingpopularity.
看着后台一刻不停歇传来的愤怒值,祖安不得不感叹人鱼女王又或者说嫦娥在常氏一族恐怖的人气。Butthesefellowsas, usmustget married, but alsocannot put down
只不过这些家伙至于么,我们都要成亲了,还放不下啊Justput on make-upto dress uptime, manyyoungstertripped somebody uptohima lot, butnowhismentality, wherewill lower oneself to the same levelwith the opposite party.
刚刚化妆打扮的时候,不少少年没少对他使绊子,只不过如今他的心态,又哪里会跟对方一般见识。At this moment, on the fieldhears a calling out in alarmsoundsuddenly, sees only the youngster in distant placeto move restlesslyin abundance, as ifturned the headto lookto the the samedirection.
The crowdseparatestoward the two sidesautomatically, a beautifulformwalkedunderoftensupporting by the arm of clanyoung girlslowly.
人群自动朝两边分开,一个美丽的身影在常族少女的搀扶下缓缓走了出来。Seriouslyis the shoulder, ifhews, ifwaistYossuk, even if the grandmagnificentbridal clothes, stillcoverdifficultlygracefullyits.
当真是肩若削成,腰若约素,哪怕盛大华丽的嫁衣,依然难掩其婀娜多姿。Walks the waistjogging, no matterin the field the youngsteror the old man, as iffelt that the heartstrokeswisp of spring breeze, in the heartcompletelyhas acclaimedwith the shockingcolor.
A wedding of Changclan, the bridedoes not needto cover the redveil, buton the phoenix coronethasoneskewer of string of beadscurtainsto hangin the front.
常氏一族的婚礼,新娘并不需要盖红盖头,只是凤冠上有一串串珠帘垂在面前。Suchpartly visible, appearshispair of cheekon the contrarycolorfullylike the peach blossom, matches the flesh of snowunder the scarletbridal clothesserve as contraststillto resembleto want the water seepage.
这样若隐若现,反倒更显得其双颊艳如桃花,赛雪的肌肤在大红的嫁衣衬托下犹似要渗出水来。Sheis looking atZu An of distant placeat this timecharmingly, the sentimentaleyepupilglancesfull, is the meaning of happiness.
她此时正娇羞地看着远处的祖安,多情的眼眸眼波盈盈,全是幸福之意。Happen toandherlook to, Zu Anthenthoughtat that timeas if the firstnumerousflowersare in full bloom, the beautiful woman, shames the moon and flowers, lovely enough to cause the fall of a city...... does not know that manyglossariesbravein the mind.
正好和她的眼神对上,祖安当时便觉得仿佛一世繁花盛开,沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花,倾国倾城……也不知道多少词汇在脑海中冒出来。He can only sighoneselfare notendowed with unusual literary talentsCao Zijian, suddenlyunexpectedlysomewhatstumpedfeeling.
他只能感叹自己并非才高八斗的曹子建,一时间竟有些词穷之感。Unknowinglytwo peoplehave arrived atone, thinks that finallycanpractice successfully the fruits of virtuewith the loved one, the merpeoplequeenin the heartby the feeling of happinessis filledat this time, sheeventhought that does not needto return to the beforehandworldagain, hereis good.
不知不觉两人已经走到了一起,想到终于能和意中人修成正果,人鱼女王此时心中被幸福之感充满,她甚至觉得没必要再回到之前的世界了,在这里挺好的。Zu Anlooks downher, inhercollarrevealswhite- onclearclearfleshseeps outrosies, seemed in the semi-transparent jadewipedrouge, seriouslywasbeautifulfaceincomparable.祖安低头看着她,她衣领中露出的白-皙晶莹的肌肤上渗出一片娇红,仿佛是羊脂玉上抹了一层胭脂,当真是美颜不可方物。OldPatriarchpresided over the wedding, thisage'sweddingrelativelyis much simpler.
老族长主持了婚礼,这个年代的婚礼相对简单得多。Has not bowed to heaven and earth a saying, whatdone obeisanceis the witchclanMother Earthempress.
并没有拜天地一说,拜的乃是巫族后土娘娘。Does not know that is the misconception, the merpeoplequeendoes obeisance, as ifdiscovered that the statuecorners of the mouth of Mother Earthempressas ifroseseveralpoints, seems flushingherto smileto be the same.
不知道是不是自己错觉,人鱼女王拜的时候,似乎发现后土娘娘的雕像嘴角似乎上扬了几分,仿佛在冲她微笑一样。Zu Andeliberately considered the Mother Earthempress'spositioninwitchclanis not really ordinary, as if is also higher thanotherancestorwitches.祖安则寻思后土娘娘在巫族中的地位果然不一般啊,似乎还要高于其他祖巫。Thendoes obeisanceis the totem of respectiveclan and tribe, a totem of Changclanis a full moon, Zu Anthinksno wonder the clan and tribeeverywhereis the moonrelateddesign.
接下来拜的则是各自部族的图腾,常氏一族的图腾是一轮圆月,祖安心想难怪部族内部到处都是月亮相关的图案。Hethought in memory the legend of Chang Eandmoon, browslightlypressed, does not know that thisworldcanhave the matter of Chang Etrans-lunarto happen.
他想到了记忆中嫦娥与月亮的传说,不禁眉头微蹙,也不知道这个世界会不会有嫦娥奔月的事情发生。As forhaving the totem of poor, is a bigbow.
至于有穷氏的图腾,则是一把大弓。Haspoor to shootto be well-knowngood, the nature worshipbow and arrow, the totemisthis is actually not unusual.
有穷氏以善射闻名,自然崇拜弓箭,图腾是这个倒是不稀奇。Does obeisanceafter the respectivetotem, Zu Anthinks that is the coupletodoing obeisance, whoknows that does not havethisstep, butmakes the happy pairhandpullin the same place, topeoplelead dancer.
拜完各自的图腾过后,祖安以为是夫妻对拜,谁知道并没有这个步骤,而是让新郎新娘手挽在一起,给众人领舞。Originally under is in the glare of the public eyedancesveryawkwardly, whatis luckyis the merpeoplequeenis good atdancing.
本来众目睽睽之下跳舞很尴尬,万幸的是人鱼女王非常擅长跳舞。Verynaturalguidedhimto jumpby the squarecentergiantbonfire, the surroundingsresounded the warmcheersimmediately.
很自然地引导着他在广场中心的巨大篝火旁跳了起来,周围顿时响起了热烈的欢呼声。Is feeling the look of merpeoplequeentender feelingshoneyintent, periphery the cordial atmosphere, Zu Analsoinvestsgradually, gets upwithitscoordinatewithout a gap.
The atmosphere of entiresquarewas litthoroughly, the quickeach and everyoneyoung manarrives in front of the belovedwomanto invite the opposite partyto dance, everyonesings and dancesin the square, an entireChangclanis permeated with the happyatmosphere.
After the lead dancerscomplete, the merpeoplequeensent in the nuptial chamber, Zu Analsowantswith the past, hehadtoomanywordsto want the opposite partyto tell.
领舞完成后,人鱼女王被送入了洞房,祖安原本也想跟过去,他有太多的话想跟对方说。Whoknows that youngmen and women of Changclanhave not let offhim, each and everyonerunsto askhimto propose a toast.
谁知道常氏一族的年轻男女们并没有放过他,一个个跑来找他敬酒。Zu An is also very depressed, thesemaleheartsare uncomfortable, wantsto winhimevennot to makehimenter the nuptial chamberon the liquortable, thesefemalealsojoins in the fun.祖安也很郁闷,这些男的心头不爽,想在酒桌上赢他甚至不让他进洞房也就罢了,这些女的也来凑什么热闹啊。Moreoversomewhat the missevengathershisbodyto cometaking advantage of the opportunity of urging to drinkboldly, herestressesonethereto touch.
而且有些大胆地姑娘甚至借着劝酒之机凑到他身上来,这里抓一把那里摸一把。If notknows that a Changclanis the good intention, perhapshemusterupt.
若非知道常氏一族都是好意,他恐怕都要爆发了。One after another, does not know that drankhow muchliquor, liquor of Changclanallliquorwas fiercer than hehas seen, hispresentphysiqueis luckily extraordinary, refine the tipsy feelingwithessence qiin secret.
一碗接着一碗,不知道喝了多少酒,常氏一族的酒比他见过的所有酒都要烈,幸好他如今体质非凡,暗中用元气将酒意炼化。However the bonusisso, hehadgot a little drunkintent.
不过饶是如此,他还是有了三分醉意。Obviouslythesestrong liquoraim atcultivatorsimilarly, if nothejustcrossed a day of tribulationnow, must keel over drunkhere.
显然这些烈酒同样针对修行者,若非他如今刚刚渡过天劫,恐怕都要醉倒在这里。Changclantheseyouth are drunkunstailyunconscious.
常氏一族那些青年更是醉得东倒西歪不省人事。Zu Anis set freefinally, foundsimilarfeeling of being drunkdimoldPatriarchwith great difficulty, inquired the beforehandmattertohim.祖安终于得以脱身,好不容易找到了同样醉意朦胧的老族长,向他询问之前的事。OldPatriarchhehesmiles: „Todayis the great happinessday, discussedtheseominous, youfirstwent to the nuptial chamber, tomorrowIwill tellallwithyou.”
老族长嘿嘿笑了笑:“今天是大喜的日子,谈那些不吉利,你先去洞房,明日我跟你讲述一切。”Said, hadwith a laughandseveralglamorousauntschatted, teased„flowering branchto shiver all over”theseaunts.
说完后有又笑呵呵地和几个浓妆艳抹的大妈聊了起来,将那些大妈逗得“花枝乱颤”。Zu Anlooks at a heavy line, thisfellowoldalsoburnt......祖安看得一头黑线,这个家伙老了还这么烧……It seems likehewas worried after oneselfobtain the secret, gets angrydoes not recognize people, after wantingyou can't unscramble an egg, said.
看来他还是担心自己得到秘密后翻脸不认人,想要生米煮成熟饭后才说。Thinks of the merpeoplequeenin the nuptial chambermiddle-gradeoneself, his heartheat, no longerinsisted,thenfirstarrived at the nuptial chamber.
想到人鱼女王在洞房中等着自己,他心头一热,也不再坚持,便先来到了洞房。Whenheopens the door, the merpeoplequeenis sitting wellbefore the bed, saw that hecomes instaggering, shequicklysets outto hold: „Howto drinkso manyliquor.”
当他推开门时,人鱼女王正端坐在床前,看到他踉踉跄跄地进来,她急忙起身过来相扶:“怎么喝这么多酒啊。”„It is not thesemaleeach and everyonehas not thought that Iin the sweetheartnuptial chamberwiththeirdreams, imagineto get drunkmeespecially, buttheyreallyunderestimatedmystrength.”Zu Ansomewhathappily said that but by merpeoplequeenthatsoftbody, hefeltsuddenlyoneselfsomewhat seemed to be drunk.
“还不是那些男的一个个不想我跟他们的梦中情人洞房,特意想灌醉我呗,不过他们实在是低估了我的实力。”祖安有些得意地说道,只不过靠在人鱼女王那软软的身子上,他忽然又觉得自己似乎有些醉了。„Vegetariansound, youare really beautiful.”Zu Anstrokesherpresentbeadcurtaingently, can not helpto praisesigh.
The merpeoplequeensomewhatputs aside the visioncharmingly: „Nowalsocallsothersusually the sound......”
人鱼女王有些娇羞地移开目光:“现在还叫人家素音么……”In the Zu Anheartmoves: „Wife!”祖安心中一动:“娘子!”„Husband”merpeoplequeenis tenderandgreasy, wasmakes the personbonecrispseriously.
“夫君”人鱼女王这一声又娇又腻,当真是让人骨头都酥了。Zu Ancannot bearagain, lowered the headto kissdirectly.祖安再也忍不住,直接低头吻了上去。Merpeoplequeenyingwarnedonetenderly, the whole body- soft, inhecherished.
人鱼女王嘤咛一声,浑身娇-软在他怀中。At this time any differentspace and times, are not a person in the world, will be doomednot to have...... wait/etcvariousthoughtsto be cast behindbytwo peoplein the future, two peopleonlywantto fuse togetherwith the opposite party the sentiment of innermost feelingsburning hotthoroughly.
此时什么不同时空,不是一个世界的人,注定没有未来……等等各种念头都被两人抛诸脑后,两人只想将内心炙热的感情彻底与对方融为一体。How longtwo peoplekisseddid not know, the hand of Zu Andoes not know when climbed up the snowy mountain, is understandingscenery that onworldinnumerableexpertas well asoften the claninnumerableyoungsterlooked forward.
两人吻了也不知道多久,祖安的手也不知道什么时候攀上了雪山,领略着上个世界无数强者以及常族无数少年憧憬的风景。When the handslidesbumps into the waistband, Zu Andoes not knowto think ofanything, suddenlystops the plan that as ifhadto receive.
当手下滑碰到腰带之时,祖安也不知道想到什么,忽然停住了似乎有收回去的打算。At this time the merpeoplequeenheld downhishand, is blushingdoes not speak.
这时人鱼女王按住了他的手,红着脸也不说话。However the eyepupil of her affectionhad recountedall, Zu Androps outin the heartlastto hesitate, one side, the scarletformal clothesjust like the rose leafto dispersegentlygenerally, exposed in worldmost beautifulscenery.
不过她那深情的眼眸早已述说了一切,祖安抛下心中最后一丝犹疑,轻轻一侧,大红的礼服犹如玫瑰花瓣一般散开,展露了世间最美的风景。Zu Anbreathrapid, two peopleverynaturalsupportedinone......祖安呼吸都急促了起来,两人很自然地拥在了一起……Suddenlydepressinglightsnort/humsound, Zu Ansets outinstantaneously, looksvigilantlytoout of the window.
忽然间一阵压抑的轻哼声响了起来,祖安瞬间起身,警惕地望向窗外。„How”merpeoplequeenpulledhisarmcharmingly, does not understand why hewill stopinthismoment.
“怎么了”人鱼女王娇羞地扯了扯他的胳膊,不明白他为何会在这关头停止。Hasflashthatsheevensomewhatto suspect that the owncharm, bit the momentto stopinthistypeunexpectedlytightly, don't tell meshedid not have the attraction
有那么一瞬间她甚至有些怀疑起自己的魅力了,竟然在这种紧咬关头停下,难道她就这么没吸引力Wantsherto be on own initiative goodeach time
But how thismattershefeels all rightactively
可这件事她怎么好意思主动She can only comfort itselfsecretly, the body that the opposite partythatsoonexplodesnowandsheis closeinfinitely, shecanfeel that the enthusiasm of opposite party, shouldnot bemybodydoes not have the charm.
她只能暗暗安慰自己,对方那快要爆炸的身体如今和她无限接近,她能感觉到对方的热情,应该不是我身体没有魅力。Thatdon't tell meisheis having scruplesotherthings
那难道是他在顾忌其他事情么Was, fromjuststartednot to seeMonster RaceSaintessprobably, don't tell mebecause ofherreason......
When sheis swayed by personal gains and losses, Zu Andeeplyhas inspired: „As ifhad an accident!”
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