KI :: Volume #26

#2533: Condition

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Govern gate time has not thought clearly will really have such accident, this period of time she by the body join, is to change in the history some important nodes, tried to change on the 10 th the shot destiny. 御门倍晴万万没想到竟然会有这样的变故,这段时间她以身入局,就是想要改变历史上一些重要的节点,试图改变十日被射的命运。 Finally she discovered how regardless of diligently, matter of that several key node to happen. 结果她发现无论自己如何努力,那几个关键节点的事情还是发生了。 She somewhat dejectedly despaired, finally bumped into Legendary Yi, what is more skillful was the opposite party dies here unexpectedly. 原本她都有些沮丧绝望了,结果又碰到了传说中的羿,更巧的是对方竟然死在了这里。 She immediately feeling of the joy after sorrow, even if Zu An pledged before must for Yi revenges, although in her heart some are faintly anxious, but overall is optimistic. 她顿时有一种柳暗花明之感,哪怕之前祖安发誓要为羿报仇的时候,她心中虽然有些隐隐不安,但整体上还是乐观的。 But this what Chang Patriarch proposition makes Zu An work as that Yi, her whole body fine hair set upright in a flash. 可偏偏这个什么常氏族长提议让祖安去当那个羿,她一瞬间浑身汗毛都竖了起来。 Before she actually had doubts very much, why Zu An obviously is not Yi, Yi but who historically saw will be the same with him. 之前她其实很疑惑,为什么祖安明明并非羿,可自己在历史上看到的羿会和他一样。 Now she understands the reason finally. 现在她终于明白了原因。 Originally anything has not changed. 原来自己还是什么都没有改变。 Thinks all that walks, her whole person has a deep powerless feeling. 想到一路走来的一切,她整个人有一种深深的无力感。 At this time Zu An same stupefied: This matter absolutely cannot......” 此时祖安同样懵逼:“此事万万不可……” Old Patriarch waves, hints the clansman to wait for itself to the distant place, after bringing they leave, he suddenly plop, directly kneels in front of Zu An. 族长挥了挥手,示意族人到远处等着自己,带他们离开后,他忽然扑通一下,直接跪在了祖安面前。 Why Patriarch this is please get up in a big hurry!” These gave Zu An entire cannot. 族长这是干什么快快请起!”这一下把祖安给整不会了。 The merpeople queen also frightens quickly passes to hold, must know before , in the Chang clan and tribe, old Patriarch is actually good to her. 人鱼女王也吓得急忙过去相扶,要知道之前在常氏部族,老族长对她其实挺好的。 Your Excellency , if not comply, I kneel do not get up here.” Old Patriarch is raising head, on face is completely the stubborn color. 阁下若是不答应,我就跪在这里不起来。”老族长仰着头,老脸上尽是倔强之色。 Zu An: „......” 祖安:“……” Although somewhat does not do right by, but he does not like the approach of opposite party morals kidnapping. 虽然有些对不住,但他并不喜欢对方这种道德绑架的做法。 Wields conveniently, a supple strength held old Patriarch. 随手一挥,一股柔力将老族长扶了起来。 Old Patriarch somewhat is surprised his strength so to be unexpectedly immeasurably deep, must know him long as clan, if not think where others can also hold 族长有些惊讶他的实力竟然如此深不可测,要知道他身为一族之长,若是不想起来,其他人又哪里扶得动 Your Excellency thought I did this somewhat laughably as if saw the Zu An thoughts, the old Patriarch deep sigh one breath, actually I do not want like this, but at this moment, I also can only tell you honestly.” 阁下是不是觉得我这样做有些可笑”仿佛是看出了祖安的心思,老族长长叹一口气,“其实我也不想这样,但事到如今,我也只能坦白告诉你们了。” „It is not our antique acts willfully, must make Chang E marry the person who does not love, Zhi Yin this is relating an ancient prediction, in our Chang clan history the greatest priest had made a prediction, our clan will have one day to come across the extermination of the clan catastrophe, only then Saintess named Chang E and will have poor a hero named Yi to marry, just now can remedy this greatest disaster.” “并非我们老古董一意孤行,非要让嫦娥嫁给一个不爱的人,只因这关系着一个古老预言,我们常氏一族历史上最伟大的祭司曾经做出过一个预言,我们族有一日会遇到灭族大祸,只有一个叫嫦娥的圣女和有穷氏一个叫羿的英雄联姻,方才能化解这莫大的灾祸。” Zu An hears to knit the brows again and again: This is the feudal superstition, rise and fall of clan and tribe, will be how related with a female, but also so mentions names.” 祖安听得连连皱眉:“这是封建迷信吧,一个部族的兴衰,怎么会跟一个女子有关,还这般指名道姓的。” Does not dare to speak irresponsibly,” old Patriarch hurries to beckon with the hand saying that that is we often the clan greatest priest, predicts with great accuracy his entire life, predicted that all fulfills.” “可不敢乱说,”老族长慌忙摆手道,“那是我们常族最伟大的祭司,一生料事如神,预言全都应验。” Actually this matter we also a little suspected from the beginning, before then after all is remote the person, how knows that the later generation will have named Chang E a, others also poor also where has named Yi skillfully a.” On his face revealed color of the fear, is more than ten years ago, our clan female severe wound returns, at the point of death under first birth female- infant, her mother does not know that in the past that prediction, named to be called E to her.” “其实这件事我们一开始也有点怀疑,毕竟那么久远前的人,如何知道后世会有一个叫嫦娥的,人家又穷氏又哪里那么巧有一个叫羿的。”他脸上露出了一丝恐惧之色,“可是十几年前,我们族一个女子重伤而回,临死前诞下个女-婴,她母亲并不知道当年那个预言,给她取名叫娥。” Old Patriarch deeply inspires: You do not know at that time after our elder assembly several heard this name, is shock how.” 族长深吸一口气:“你们不知道当时我们长老会几个听到这个名字后是多么的震惊。” Originally we also think that is only a coincidence, sends people to have the poor that side to investigate specially, who knows that that side really has a youngster named Yi, his body also has with the Chang E body same faith token, according to having the poor elder said that is his father kisses/intimate to a baby who he sets, other half of faith token in future wife there.” “本来我们还以为只是个巧合,特意还派人到有穷氏那边去调查过,谁知道那边真的有个叫羿的少年,他身上还有跟嫦娥身上一样的信物,按照有穷氏长辈说是他父亲给他定下的一个娃娃亲,另外一半的信物在未来妻子那里。” Noticed the vision of opposite party, the merpeople queen took up waist pendant of zither | Jean of appearance deep sea subconsciously, her complexion changed: This is......” 注意到对方的目光,人鱼女王下意识拿起了腰间的深海之琴模样的吊坠,她脸色一变:“这是……” At this time old Patriarch pushed aside that lamellar crystal land that Yi died, fished out another pendant in a corner. 这时老族长扒开羿死亡的那个片晶化的土地,在一个角落里摸出了另一块吊坠 That pendant pendant of appearance in merpeople queen hand is similar, becomes the symmetric figure, the merpeople queen receives subconsciously, both hands two pendant close to the same place, fit together perfectly unexpectedly! 吊坠的模样跟人鱼女王手中的吊坠相似,成对称形状,人鱼女王下意识接过来,双手将两个吊坠靠近一起,竟然严丝合缝! When the flash her absent-minded feelings, she was born has a legend, at that time her mouth contained- this pendant, afterward the discovery was special magical artifact, can turn into the zither | Jean of deep sea directly, in the past because of this, she was considered as the indisputable merpeople queen successor. 一瞬间她有一种恍惚感,她出生之时有个传说,当时她嘴里含-着这个吊坠,后来发现是一件特别的法器,能直接变成深海之琴,当年就因为这样,她被认为是无可争议的人鱼女王接班人。 From the beginning she was regarded Saintess by a Chang clan, she only worked as the opposite party admitting mistakes person. 一开始她被常氏一族当成圣女,她只当对方认错人了。 But as it now seems, oneself probably really and that Chang E has the complicated relations. 现在看来,自己好像真的和那个嫦娥有千丝万缕的关系。 Zu An brings that two pendant, alone is the appearance of zither | Jean of deep sea, about turned into a round of full moon jade in the same place, he associates to some legends of Chang E and moon, the complexion also somewhat changed. 祖安将那两块吊坠拿了过来,单独是深海之琴的模样,合在一起则变成了一轮圆月般的玉璧,他联想到嫦娥和月亮的一些传说,脸色也有些变了。 Old Patriarch then said: After just I know Yi died, my whole person is collapses, before having poor, has declined to wither away, but I cannot look that like this Chang clan perishes, therefore offers this bad plan.” 族长这才说道:“当刚刚我知道羿死了后,我整个人都是崩溃的,有穷氏之前已经没落消亡了,但我不能就这样看着常氏一族就此灭亡,所以才出此下策。” Seeing Zu An is silent, he looked to nearby merpeople queen: Chang E, in these year of clans may be good to you 祖安沉默不语,他望向了一旁的人鱼女王:“嫦娥,这些年族中对你可好” Very good.” Merpeople queen pursing the lips lip, she, although does not have too many memory to the beforehand matter, but after arriving at this world, the surroundings environment, all details, can look at beforehand Chang E certainly to be regarded Princess the same as favor. “很好。”人鱼女王抿了抿嘴唇,她虽然对以前的事没太多记忆,但来到这个世界后,周围居住环境,一切的细节,都看得出来之前的嫦娥一定是被当成个公主一样宠着的。 Such being the case, but also please look in the past friendship, rescues our clan.” Old Patriarch was saying must kneel down to salute to her, quickly frightens the merpeople queen to hold him. “既然如此,还请你看在往日情分上,救我们一族。”老族长说着又要给她下跪行礼,吓得人鱼女王急忙将他扶了起来。 She has to arrive at side Zu An, said on the quiet: Big Brother Zu, now what to do 她只好来到祖安身边,悄悄说道:“祖大哥,现在怎么办” Zu An hesitation moment: I ask his situation again.” 祖安沉吟片刻:“我再问问他情况。” At once looks to old Patriarch: Must disguise as a person is also easier said than done, let alone your Chang clan many people have seen Yi brother, is his family, will not admit mistakes.” 旋即看向老族长:“要假扮一个人又谈何容易,别说你们常氏一族不少人见过羿兄,就是他的家族,也绝不会认错的。” He naturally can with ten thousand live the technique of change to turn into Yi's appearance, but he does not want to marry the merpeople queen by the appearance of other man. 他自然可以用万生变化之术变成羿的模样,但他不想以别的男人的模样娶人鱼女王。 Listens to his tone to become less crowded, old Patriarch great happiness: Relax, a Chang clan knows his status actually few, I have the means to handle them ; As for having that side poor, has declined, in a fight that these members of the same family who he only remains also in this time come to discuss marriage died all, now they have poor only then he alone, no one can reveal your.” 听他语气松动,老族长不由大喜:“放心吧,常氏一族知道他身份的其实没几个,我有办法搞定他们;至于有穷氏似那边,早已衰亡,他仅剩的那些亲族也在这次前来提亲的一场战斗中尽数身亡,如今他们有穷氏就只有他一个人,没人会来揭穿你的。” But I listened to him to say his these years to get married the fiancee, the fight rushed to the big reputation everywhere, in the world knew that his person was many.” Zu An was deliberately considering Yi can defeat the deity drum, these year of overcoming reputations are obviously big. “可是我听他说他这些年为了迎娶未婚妻,四处战斗闯下了偌大的名头,世上认识他的人还是不少的。”祖安寻思着羿连天神鼓都能战胜,这些年打下的名头显然不小。 Old Patriarch said solemnly: Yi these years experiences I also paid attention, his these are the small scale, the influence of amounting to something do not know him. Let alone you and Yi's figure makings are somewhat similar, decorates again slightly, sufficiently practise deception.” 族长沉声道:“羿这些年的经历我也有所关注,他那些都是小打小闹,上了台面的势力并不认识他。更何况你和羿的身形气质有几分相似,再稍稍装饰一下,足以瞒天过海了。” Said again good a ritual: Also looks at Your Excellency to look, in Chang E also has with Yi's junction friendship, rescues my clan danger in the water and fire.” 说完再次行了一礼:“还望阁下看在嫦娥还有与羿的交情份上,救我族危难于水火之中。” Zu An thought how to listen is so strange, the fiancee who marries Yi also called to help him 祖安心想怎么听着这么怪呢,娶羿的未婚妻还叫帮他 He expels the mind this thought immediately, this is the merpeople queen, not that fiancee Chang E. 他马上将这个念头驱逐出脑海,这是人鱼女王,并非那个未婚妻嫦娥。 Seeing him somewhat is scruple, old Patriarch then increases price saying: Moreover you do not think the murderer who investigates Haiyi, I should know 12.” 见他还有些迟疑,老族长接着加码道:“而且你不是想查害羿的凶手么,我应该知晓一二。” „” Zu An quickly inquired, finally the opposite party smiled not to speak, obviously only then accepted his condition to be good. “哦”祖安急忙相询,结果对方笑而不语,显然只有答应他的条件才行。 Zu An considered that the moment nod said: Good, I promise you!” 祖安思虑片刻点头道:“好,我答应你!” The old Patriarch seeing that great happiness, quickly summoned the clansman to come: Delivers Saintess and son-in-law quickly goes back.” 族长见状大喜,急忙呼唤族人过来:“快来送圣女姑爷回去。” One group of people dance with joy to cheer, offered the sincerest blessing. 一群人纷纷手舞足蹈欢呼起来,送上了最诚挚的祝福。 Naturally, in many young clansman eyes many envy, in the clan which young people do not like beautiful Chang E after all. 当然,不少年轻族人眼中还是有不少嫉妒,毕竟族中哪个年轻人不喜欢美丽的嫦娥呢。 Zu An seizes the chance to inquire that the old Patriarch murderer related issue, old Patriarch blinks cunningly: „After you got married, I naturally can tell you.” 祖安趁机询问老族长凶手相关的问题,老族长狡黠地眨了眨眼:“等你们成亲过后,我自然会告诉你。” Zu An: „......” 祖安:“……”
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