KI :: Volume #26

#2529: Breakthrough

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That blue star just like the previous life Earth to be common, deep blue bright, very attractive. 那颗蓝色星球就犹如前世的地球一般,蔚蓝剔透,十分的漂亮。 If Zu An sees it in other cases, is definitely full of praise to it, but is crossing in the tribulation process now, saw that such big star pounds directly, that coming oppression and sense of fear, are not really able to describe in the spoken language. 如果祖安在其他情况下看到它,肯定对其赞不绝口,但如今正在渡劫过程中,看到这么大一颗星球直接砸来,那种迎面而来的压迫与恐惧感,实在无法用言语来描述。 In the previous life network is popular what monster phobophobia, he too in a big way had usually not felt actually, after all when the ordinary day urinates to lower the head has been used. 前世网络上流行什么巨物恐惧症,他平时倒是没太大感觉,毕竟平日里撒尿低头时已经习惯了。 But now he really feels oneself suffered from the monster phobophobia. 但现在他是真觉得自己患上了巨物恐惧症了。 Personally in front of the universe is what kind of tiny and base and low, must know that such a giant star just like in the sea the sand to be generally many in the entire universe. 个人在宇宙面前是何等的渺小与卑微,要知道这样一颗巨大的星球在整个宇宙中犹如海中沙子一般多。 He even pondered that without enough time such big star hits, the star that this world is at why does not have the least bit difference, but how thinks to deal at present this tribulation rapidly. 他甚至来不及思考这么大的星球撞过来,这个世界所在的星球为何没半点异样,而是急速思索该如何应对眼前这一劫。 The merpeople queen who the distant place watches sees that giant blue star, the elegant face is pallid, although she does not pound the dead center that falls in the star, but the so giant star pounds, the dead center also had no difference. 远处观看的人鱼女王看到那巨大的蓝色星球,不禁俏脸煞白,她虽然不在星球砸落的正中心,但如此巨大的星球砸下来,是不是正中心也没啥区别了。 „Others cross the tribulation are also such she looks at the look delay, had no time to care about own security. “其他人渡劫也是这样的么”她看得眼神呆滞,都无暇顾及自身的安全了。 The star that governing gate time of clear same dumbstruck looks at space that terrifying, the subconsciousness replied: Probably had not heard others cross a day of tribulation like this, really will feel strange.” 御门倍晴同样目瞪口呆看着天上那恐怖的星球,下意识答道:“好像从没听说过其他人渡天劫会这样,真是奇了怪了。” But she responded quickly: „It is not right, that is not the star of entity, an illusory image that but the day tribulation transforms, should pure in view of crossing the person of tribulation, has no influence on us.” 但她很快反应过来:“不对,那并非实体的星球,只是天劫幻化出的一个幻影而已,应该只是单纯针对渡劫之人,对我们没什么影响。” She is the solar goddess, naturally obtains clear this is the real star. 她乃是太阳神女,自然分得清这到底是不是真实星球。 What to do that Big Brother Zu should merpeople queen currently have too many questions, why Big Brother Zu crosses the tribulation compared with other person of difficult so many, he facing more dangerous day tribulation, how can live one by one. “那祖大哥该怎么办”人鱼女王现在有太多的疑问,为何祖大哥渡劫要比其他人难那么多,他面对一个比一个更危险的天劫,到底如何才能活下来。 Govern gate time clear silent, does not know that is pondering anything. 御门倍晴沉默不语,不知道是在思考什么。 take action had just helped in secret one time, this time must help again 刚刚已经暗中出手帮了一次,这次还要再帮么 Do I am do, he dies here is not best, why I have not imagined is so happy 我到底是来干嘛的,他死在这里不是最好的么,为什么我没有想象中的那么开心 This time Zu An looks at that more and more near giant star/celestial body, the whole person facial expression with deep veneration, conveniently a move, the red shooting day bow appeared in the hand. 此时的祖安看着那越来越近的巨大星体,整个人神情肃然,随手一招,红色的射日弓出现在手中。 The drawing a bow nocking almost completes instantaneously, the whole person as if changed to a big bow, the whole body muscle blew up high, was full of the strength and aesthetic sense. 张弓搭箭几乎是瞬间完成,整个人仿佛化作了一张大弓,浑身肌肉高高鼓起,充满了力量与美感。 The merpeople queen noticed that this immediately becomes excited: Big Brother Zu this bow really fierce, I can feel that a destruction the aura condenses in his arrow.” 人鱼女王看到这一幕顿时变得兴奋起来:“祖大哥这弓真的厉害,我能感觉到一股毁灭的气息在他的箭头凝聚。” Without governing gate time of clear response, she turn head looked, actually discovered startled the opposite party complexion is pale, the whole body is shivering gently, the hand in sleeves as if pinched tightly the fist. 没有御门倍晴的回应,她回头一看,却愕然发现对方脸色铁青,浑身在轻轻颤抖,衣袖中的手似乎捏紧了拳头。 Her heart jumps, quickly asked: don't tell me Big Brother Zu has danger 她不禁心头一跳,急忙问道:“难道祖大哥有危险” Should better the danger!” Govern gate time clenches jaws clearly, must know that she will plan all these, was to change Houyi to shoot day the result. “最好有危险!”御门倍晴咬牙切齿,要知道她之所以会谋划这一切,就是要改变后羿射日的结局。 In the history was this shot dead her nine sons the bow, how she can not hate 历史上就是这把弓射死了她九个儿子,她又如何能不恨 Because originally this period of time and Zu An are constantly together, although is insufficient to fall in love over time, but more or less has certain new face. 原本因为这段时间和祖安朝夕相处,虽不至于日久生情,但或多或少有一定改观。 But this comes out the bow, in her mind recalled previous time to see the opposite party to shoot immediately day the scene. 但这把弓一出来,她脑海中顿时回忆起上次看到对方射日的场景。 At that time pledged certainly will kill him, now wants to come almost to forget the past pledge unexpectedly. 当时发誓一定会杀了他,现在想来竟然差点忘了昔日的誓言。 Merpeople queen: „” 人鱼女王:“” Her puzzled governing gate time of clear this is anything responded why feels and Big Brother Zu has what bitter hatred. 她不解御门倍晴这是什么反应,为何感觉和祖大哥有什么深仇大恨似的。 But they are not the lovers 可他们不是情侣么 When she only misunderstood, had not pondered that side this moment Zu An shone a huge white light to shift her attention. 她只当自己误会了,并没有细想,此刻祖安那边亮起一道巨大的白光转移了她的注意力。 A white arrow projects, as if the meteor has delimited the horizon together, almost then hit that blue star suddenly. 一支白色的箭射出,仿佛一道流星划过天际,几乎眨眼间便击中了那颗蓝色的星球。 Bang! 轰! The entire blue star disintegrates instantaneously, being split up powder makes everywhere the star light. 整个蓝色星球瞬间解体,四分五裂散作漫天的星光。 So was unexpectedly easy to cross merpeople queen to rub the eyes, cannot believe that the beforehand each round of day tribulation was so unendurable, this time so vast momentum day tribulation like this was unexpectedly relaxed solves. “竟然这么容易就渡过了”人鱼女王揉了揉自己眼睛,不敢相信之前每轮天劫都那么难熬,这次如此声势浩大的天劫竟然这样轻松就解决了。 Govern gate time sneers to say clearly: Has not closed right up against have one to bend in the final analysis, not how, but his strength crossed this tribulation 御门倍晴冷笑道:“说到底还不是靠着有一把好弓,不然以他的实力又如何过得了这一劫” Saintess, you do not seem like very happily merpeople queen to ask cautiously. 圣女,你似乎不是很高兴啊”人鱼女王小心翼翼地问道。 Govern gate time did not answer clearly, but coldly looks that the tribulation of distant place clouds. 御门倍晴不答,只是冷冷地看着远处的劫云。 Just that giant blue star disrupted thoroughly, changed to a star light, plundered cloud rolled to ferment, started to turn into the purple gradually. 刚刚那巨大的蓝色星球彻底碎裂开来,化作了点点星光,劫云翻滚酝酿,渐渐地开始变成了紫色。 Well, why his day tribulation can so many phenomenon governing gate time be lost in thought clearly, she has listened to seven color god tribulations, but Legendary that have not bumped into such odd day tribulation phenomenon several times. “咦,他的天劫为何会这么多异象”御门倍晴陷入了沉思,她是听过七彩神劫的,但传说中的那几次也没碰到这么离谱的天劫异象啊。 Must know each round of day tribulation that now Zu An bumps into, can become the day tribulation most bad risk final test that others meet, but Zu An each round of day tribulation is so. 要知道如今祖安碰到的每一轮天劫,都能成为其他人遇到的天劫最凶险最后的考验,可偏偏祖安每一轮天劫都是如此。 Suddenly she stares, sneers secretly, I manage his die or not! 忽然间她一愣,暗暗冷笑起来,我管他死不死 Died well! 死了最好! These purple tribulation cloud to disperse gradually, what appears in the sky is a radiant galaxy. 那些紫色劫云渐渐散开,出现在天空中的是一条璀璨的星河。 Before the merpeople queen and governing gate time are clear, has to see the galaxy, but never has such short distance contact such beautiful galaxy. 人鱼女王和御门倍晴以前不是没见过星河,但从来没这么近距离接触这么美的星河。 But at this time the day as if inclined suddenly generally, that galaxy fell in torrents directly. 而此时天似乎忽然倾斜了一般,那条星河直接倾泻了下来。 The river water of each drop of bright illumination is actually a star, it can be imagined this falls in torrents the galaxy what kind of terrifying of coming. 每一滴熠熠发光的河水其实就是一颗星球,可想而知这倾泻而来的星河何等恐怖。 Saw that this merpeople queens dumbfounded, even has not asked governing gate time of clearness like before again. 看到这一幕人鱼女王都呆住了,甚至都没有再像之前那样开口询问御门倍晴。 Because this scene she thought that asked who was useless. 因为这场景她觉得问谁都没用了。 Just was only a star is so terrifying, now falls in torrents galaxy that but the innumerable stars composed. 刚刚只是一颗星球就那么恐怖,如今倾泄下来的可是无数的星球组成的星河。 Although Big Brother Zu shot day to bend, how could but he shot so many stars simultaneously 祖大哥虽然有一只射日弓,但他又岂能同时射下这么多星球 don't said is cultivator, is the true immortal in front of such galaxy, especially tiny. 莫说是修行者,就是真正的仙人在这样的星河面前,也是格外地渺小吧。 Govern gate time of clear similar look is dignified, such day tribulation hears something never heard of before, don't said is she, is the emperor crossed the tribulation initially handsome the time meets this degree the day tribulation, absolute certain death. 御门倍晴同样神色凝重,这样的天劫闻所未闻,莫说是她,就是当初帝俊渡劫的时候遇到这个程度的天劫,也绝对十死无生 Zu An at this time in heart actually especially tranquil, came from just six rounds of day tribulations, no matter he body or the will, had arrived at the peak. 祖安此时心中却格外的平静,从刚刚六轮天劫过来,他不管是身体还是意志,都已经到达了巅峰。 Looks is hanging upside down, but below galaxy, he blows off the mind thoroughly, the whole person form gradually becomes illusory indistinct, then as if changed to black hole. 望着倒悬而下的星河,他彻底放空心灵,整个人身影渐渐变得虚幻缥缈,然后仿佛化作了一个黑洞。 He does not certainly want to absorb these galaxy by the black hole, must know, even if the genuine black hole, the absorption swallows the entire galaxy, perhaps must be supported to explode. 他当然不是想以黑洞吸收那些星河,要知道哪怕是真正的黑洞,吸收吞噬整条星河,恐怕也要被撑爆。 Reason that the incarnation is the black hole, because the black hole is also galaxy part, he integrated in the galaxy thoroughly! 之所以化身为黑洞,因为黑洞也是星河的一部分,他彻底融入了星河之中! The bonus is governing gate time clear, because saw to shoot the matter of day bow, looked forward to him dead in the day tribulation directly, at this time also has to admire him, actually thought of such law of dealing. 饶是御门倍晴因为看到射日弓的事情,巴不得他直接死在天劫之中,此时也不得不佩服他,竟然想到了这样的应对之法。 If not this man personal enemy this good...... 这个男人若非仇人该多好…… This time Zu An had blown off the mind thoroughly, he as if changed to a member in universe, witnessed the birth of universe, the formations and destructions of innumerable star, the inexhaustible say/way rhyme principle floods in his heart. 此时的祖安已经彻底放空了心灵,他仿佛化作了宇宙中的一份子,见证了宇宙的诞生,无数星球的形成与毁灭,无穷无尽的道韵法则充斥在他心中。 If he has become aware, finally broke through shackles until now! 他若有所悟,终于突破了一直以来的桎梏!
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