KI :: Volume #26

#2526: In history four big beautiful women

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Actually at this moment, her beforehand plan had shown that failed most, continuing is also unwilling. 其实事到如今,她之前的谋划已经证明失败了大部分了,继续下去也就是不甘心而已。 She is very clear, now law of the best dealing kills this fellow either, even if not kill, still this enters the space and time again, regards as important comes newly again one time, can have what difference. 她很清楚,如今自己最佳的应对之法要么是杀了这家伙,就算不杀,也该再次进入时空,看重新再来一次,会不会有什么不一样。 But she somewhat was really vacant, this time she clearly planned all, originally had very big assurance, but she discovers all now late one step. 但她真的有些茫然了,这次她分明谋划好了一切,本来有很大的把握,可偏偏如今她发现一切都晚了一步。 She cannot distinguish clearly does not do well enough, this is the arrangement of fate, how regardless of she plans, finally the world line will still correct to the original result. 她都分不清到底是自己做得不够好,还是这就是宿命的安排,无论她如何谋划,最终世界线依然会纠正到原本的结局去。 She looks to distant place tribulation that man, on the face Yin fluctuates in the clouds clearly, oneself this sacrifice was so big, don't tell me only walked 她望向远处劫云中那个男人,脸上阴晴变幻,自己这次牺牲这么大,难道就这样走了么 Must walk hate of insult must kill her just now to release these days received. 要走也要杀了她方才能一泄这些日子受到的侮辱之恨。 She lifted the hand slowly, when is planning take action, suddenly also hesitated. 她缓缓抬起了手,正打算出手之际,忽然又犹豫了起来。 No matter how said, this time with him in the same place, most is close successful one time, must try again 不管怎么说,这次跟他在一起,是最接近成功的一次,要不要再试试呢 But the good fortune jade small dish only had the last time use opportunity, but must use in his body...... 可造化玉碟只剩下最后一次使用机会了,还要用在他身上么…… In she hesitates, suddenly the ear resounded the voice of merpeople queen: Well, how Big Brother Zu changed green 就在她犹豫之际,忽然耳边响起了人鱼女王的声音:“咦,祖大哥怎么变绿了” Govern gate time of clear hears word stares, recovers to look again to Zu An, sure enough, his whole person as if turned into the green. 御门倍晴闻言一愣,回过神来再向祖安望去,果不其然,他整个人都似乎变成了绿色。 From the beginning seems only the thigh sends green, the green quick spread on, the entire body was also then green. 一开始似乎只是腿部发绿,然后绿色很快蔓延而上,整个身体也绿了。 It is not right, that is not the pure green, his body surface ray seems like some distortions, seems the temperature causes. 不对,那不是单纯的绿色,他身体表面光线似乎有些扭曲,仿佛是温度导致的。 Big Brother Zu caught fire!” The merpeople queen also saw clearly, quickly is pinching the law secret art, summoned water spray to irrigate toward Zu An body directly in the past. 祖大哥着火了!”人鱼女王也看清了,急忙捏着法诀,召唤一股水浪直接朝祖安身上浇了过去。 But these water drench in Zu An body, his body flame has not been put out the half a point, even more was on the contrary exuberant generally. 只不过那些水淋在祖安身上,他身上的火焰并没有熄灭半分,反倒越发旺盛了一般。 How can like this!” The merpeople queen sees that in great surprise, was anxious the strategic place to help in the past. “怎么会这样!”人鱼女王见状大惊,急得便要冲过去帮忙。 Govern gate time clear holds on her: Do not pass, his body this is not every fire.” 御门倍晴一把将她拉住:“不要过去,他身上这不是凡火。” What meaning merpeople queen quickly holds her arm. “什么意思”人鱼女王急忙抓住她的胳膊。 The strength in the opposite party hand transmitting makes governing gate time clear think that some rounds hurt, she pours has not blamed, instead explained: This should be his round day tribulation, this is not a day of fire, is not every fire, calls makes the Yin fire. Under the fever from the itself under foot spring hole, passes the mud wall palace, if not for cannot pass, five internal organs to become dust, the four limbs will all decay, the millennium ascetic practices, entirely for is illusory.” 对方手上传来的力道让御门倍晴都觉得有些发疼,她倒也没有怪罪,反而解释道:“这应该就是他这一轮的天劫,这并非是天火,亦不是凡火,唤做阴火。自本身脚下涌泉穴下烧起,直透泥垣宫,若不是过不去,就会五脏成灰,四肢皆朽,千年苦行,俱为虚幻。” Said, her in the eye also is completely the astonished color, must know that this is one of three disasters the immortal 500 years can meet, has not become an immortal to side obviously, why will meet this 说完后她眼中也尽是惊异之色,要知道这是仙人五百年才会遇到的三灾之一啊,对方明明还没成仙,为何会遇到这个 Must know that true immortal, many had no way to cross this tribulation, finally fell from the sky directly, his is still crossing the average person of tribulation to meet this is not certain death 要知道真正的仙人,多少都没法渡过此劫,最后直接陨落,他一个还在渡劫的普通人遇到这个不是十死无生 The merpeople queen hears beautiful face changing colors, quickly inquired: How that this type of Yin fire should cope 人鱼女王听得花容失色,急忙询问道:“那这种阴火该如何对付” Govern gate time is staring at that whole body green light form clearly, replied lightly: This fire is because of own desire, if can engage in introspection the seeing nature, strictly adheres to the conscience, can cross actually safely, otherwise, only then scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, the bystander root local guild does not arrive slightly.” 御门倍晴盯着那道浑身绿光的身影,淡淡答道:“这火乃是因自身欲望而起,若是能明心见性,谨守本心,倒是能平安渡过,否则的话,只有灰飞烟灭,外人根本帮不到丝毫。” Heard her to say like this, the merpeople queen relaxes finally: That is good, the Big Brother Zu will is firm, certainly can pass this tribulation.” 听到她这样说,人鱼女王终于松了一口气:“那就好,祖大哥心志坚定,一定能度过此劫。” Govern gate time hears to sneer clearly secretly, this woman does not know from the start this Yin fire is fearful, cannot shoulder the immortals, fellow who idle talk that addicted to drink every kind comes 御门倍晴听得暗暗冷笑,这个女人压根不知道这个阴火多么可怕,连仙人都扛不住,更遑论那个酒色财气样样都来的家伙 These days is together, she is the desire of very clear opposite party is astonishing. 这段时间相处,她可是很清楚对方的欲望多么惊人。 Also does not know to think of anything, her cheeks are crimson, subsequently in the eye flashes through thin angry. 也不知道想到什么,她脸颊绯红起来,继而眼中闪过一丝薄怒。 Snort, so happen, if dies at this tribulation is the divine intervention, did not need me to begin. 哼,如此正好,若是死在此劫就是天意,也不需要我动手了。 This time Zu An complete sensation does not arrive at outside situation, he feels the head somewhat ignorantly. 此时的祖安完全感知不到外面的情形,他感觉脑袋有些浑浑噩噩地。 Just am I doing 刚刚我在干啥呢 He notices periphery as if everywhere is the fine gauze curtain, seems like on a very fragrant very soft bed. 他注意到周围似乎到处都是轻纱帐幔,似乎是在一张很香很软的大床上。 In the air is filling vague fragrant and sweet, refreshing, soul seizing. 空气中弥漫着一丝若有若无的甜香,沁人心脾,又勾魂夺魄 He is having doubts, suddenly a touching pipa sound transmits, being full of the hidden bitterness also especially is interesting to listen. 他正疑惑间,忽然一阵凄婉的琵琶声传来,充满幽怨却又格外动听。 Then looks, sees only not far away to sit a beautiful female, wears the scarlet cloak, as if a appearance of prairie female, not only there is martial-looking of prairie, simultaneously is having both the charm of Central Plain children. 回头望去,只见不远处坐着一个绝美女子,身披大红氅,似乎一身草原女子的打扮,不仅有草原的英武,同时兼具着中原儿女的娇媚。 Element has stroked in the string gently, heavenly music linger in the air, where is the string that moves, is clearly moving the heartstrings of man. 素手在琴弦上轻轻拂过,一声声仙乐绕梁三日,那哪里是拨动的琴弦啊,分明是拨动着男人的心弦。 At this time out of the window bright moonlight raises, her body covered a shining white moonlight. 此时窗外一轮明月升起,她身上笼罩了一层莹白的月华。 In the Zu An mind emitted a poem naturally: man (Han) family/home Qin cislunar, flows the shadow illumination imperial concubine.” 祖安脑海中自然而然冒出了一句诗:“汉家秦地月,流影照明妃。” The bonus is he is experienced, at this time must sigh one so outstandingly beautiful, world unexpectedly 饶是他见多识广,此时也不禁要感叹一声,世间竟然有如此绝色 When will inquire, suddenly a euphonious chuckle sound transmits. 正要过去询问之时,忽然一阵银铃般的轻笑声传来。 Originally in the room two females are in dancing lightly and gracefully. 原来房中两个女子正在翩翩起舞 And a female wore the Qin and Han dynasties the women's clothing, elegant solemn, another female wore the beautiful clothing red skirt, just like flower petal that was in full bloom common tender- tender bright ; 其中一个女子身着秦汉时期的衣裙,典雅端庄,另外一个女子身着霓裳红裙,犹如盛开的花瓣一般娇-嫩鲜艳; Two females are holding hands, lotus foot handsome, the physique is gentle, as if each other competes to be the most unusual, may gather in the same place composed a grand beautiful dance together. 两女牵着手,莲足翩翩,身姿轻柔,仿佛在彼此争奇斗艳,可偏偏合在一起又共同组成了一场盛大美丽的舞蹈。 Two females shame intent wear a look, dances is looking at Zu An from time to time lovingly, as if all these to try to please present him, want to obtain his affirmation and liking. 两女面带羞意,跳舞时而含情脉脉地望着祖安,似乎这一切都是为了取悦眼前的他,希望得到他的肯定与喜欢。 Zu An acknowledged oneself were careless, looks that scarlet cloak female who by played music, just also in sigh world how so outstandingly beautiful, these two females who the result next second present, are actually not under her. 祖安承认自己还是草率了,看了一眼旁边奏乐的那位大红披风女子,刚刚还在感叹世间怎么有如此绝色,结果下一秒出现的这两个女子,竟然丝毫不在她之下。 This is what situation Zu An only thought that in head some unclear Huhu, as if in the ordinary day the miraculous thought is somewhat chaos at this time, is unable to ponder normally, can only the instinct appreciate at present the beauty of female. “这是什么情况”祖安只觉得脑袋中有些迷迷糊糊,似乎平日里灵光的思维此时有些混沌,根本无法正常思考,只能本能地欣赏着眼前女子的美色。 My dear behind broadcasts the sound that is tender and flatters, meanwhile follows the sound of wave rippling. “郎君”身后传来一声又娇又媚的声音,同时还伴随着水波荡漾之音。 Zu An then discovered that in the room the spacious hot springs, a rare beauty is also bathing in unexpectedly, the both arms by the shore, are looking at him smilingly. 祖安这才发现房间中竟然还有一处宽大的温泉,一个绝色佳人正在里面沐浴,双臂靠在岸边,正笑盈盈地看着他。 The waterdrop has delimited the cream flesh, even more appears bosom to be much whiter. 水滴划过凝脂般的肌肤,越发显得胸前白得耀眼。 Zu An cannot bear somewhat has a parched mouth, is charmings eyes beaming with smiles seriously hundred flatters to live, six palace cosmetics do not have the color. 祖安忍不住有些口干舌燥,当真是回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜色。 Such most beautiful woman really also has four! 这样的绝代佳人竟然同时有四个! „Is my dear also stares doing, is about to wash together. beauty, Diaochan, Zhaojun, you also jumped the ball to be tired tired, come.” beauty in bathing pool to/clashes several people of beckoned, mighty waves are turbulent. “郎君还愣着干什么呀,快下来一起洗呀。西施、貂蝉、昭君,你们也跳累了弹累了吧,都来呀。”浴池中的美人儿冲几人招了招手,一阵波涛汹涌。 Zu An is suppressing the impulsion of class/flow nosebleed, several female names make him very shocking. 祖安强忍着流鼻血的冲动,几女的名字让他十分震惊。 This is not historical four big beauty 这不是历史上的四大美人儿 The most in that hot spring was Yang Precious Concubine. 那温泉中的这个多半就是杨贵妃了。 Who I am, I where, I must do 我是谁,我在哪儿,我要干嘛 He thought that the brain blood supply somewhat seems to be insufficient, does not know that ran up to another head. 他觉得大脑供血似乎有些不足,不知道是不是跑到另一个脑袋去了。 At this time beauty qing said with a smile: This is not good, he has not made the choice.” 这时西施轻笑道:“这可不行,他还没做出选择呢。” At once the beautiful unlimited pupil is looking at Zu An affectionately: My dear wants to elect which to take care tonight 旋即美丽无限的眸子深情地望着祖安:“郎君今晚想选哪位服侍啊” Zu An always thought that some are not right, but seems having a dream at this time the common, many logical thinking is unable to judge normally, can only the instinct haha smile: Child presents the choice question, I naturally all want!” 祖安总觉得有些不对劲,可此时仿佛是在做梦一般,很多逻辑思维根本无法正常判断,只能本能地哈哈笑了起来:“小孩子才做选择题,我当然是全都要!”
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